How Did We Build The Garden Pool? Why Aquaponics? How Does The Garden Pool Work? Garden Pool Concepts

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The self-sufficient aquaponic greenhouse created

from an old backyard swimming pool.

How did we build the Garden Pool?
Why aquaponics?

How does the Garden Pool work?

Garden Pool concepts.

How did we build the GP?
Took 2 days to build the structure
We spent around $1500 for materials

We used common items from HD

We shopped at the local hydro shop

We ordered a couple of things online

Materials used to construct the Garden Pool
10' X 3/4 SCH 40 PVC
Treated and non-treated 2x6 & 2x4

Recycled household materials

PV solar panels, battery, & controller

5 gallon buckets, pools, & rain gutters

Lava Rock & Hydroton

Why aquaponics?
It uses 80% less water than farming
Water is constantly recycled
It is 100% ORGANIC
Very environmentally friendly
Saves us time: No weeds, No watering,
faster yields, more productive, etc
How does the GP work?
Tilapia Pond




Tilapia Pond
Deep end of pool

5-6,00 gallons of water

Retains solar energy

Grows algae for tilapia

Monitored Daily
Why Tilapia?
From egg to filet in 9-12 months

Begins reproducing at 3 months

Has 500-1200 eggs at a time

Reproduces 4-6 weeks later

Perfect for aquaculture in AZ

350 gph fountain pump

Only uses 35 watts

Runs on solar with grid backup

Powers everything

Gravity helps save energy

1/2 black irrigation & 3/4 PVC

Pump > hose > 3 way valve

1. Duckweed > rain gutter

2. Evap Cooler > rain gutter

3. 5 Gallon DWC > rain gutter

Duckweed miracle plant

Nitrosomonas > NH3 > NO2

Nitrobacter > NO2 > NO3

Ammonia > Nitrite > Nitrate

Zeolite & Activated Carbon

Purifies Water

Feeds Fish and Chickens

5 X More Protein than Soy

5 X More Starch than Corn

Garden Pool Concepts
solar power harnessing and

storing the suns energy

aquaponics the symbiotic

cultivation of produce and fish

in a recirculating hydroponic
Garden Pool Concepts
thermal mass - thousands of

gallons of water is warmed by

the sun and being surrounded
by earth and concrete provides
inertia against temperature
Garden Pool Concepts
organic horticulture using

natural methods to control

garden pests
water conservation using 80%

less water and recycling waste

Garden Pool Concepts
poultry farming raising

chickens for eggs.

permaculture - GP systems

mimic relationships found in

natural ecologies. It is a mini
self-sufficient ecosystem.
Garden Pool's Future
Continue developing easy to

implement affordable solutions

Provide the information to the

public and how they can do it

8% of empty pools in Maricopa

County can feed the homeless

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