Cestui Que Vie Trust
Cestui Que Vie Trust
Cestui Que Vie Trust
Existence of Life
London 1666, during the black plague and great fires of London, Parliament
enacted an act behind closed doors, called Cestui Que Vie Act 1666.
The act being debated was to subrogate the rights of men and women, meaning
all men and women were declared dead, lost at sea/beyond the sea. (back then
operating in Admiralty law, the law of the sea, so lost at sea).
The state (London) took custody of everybody and their property into a trust. The
state became the trustee/husband holding all titles to the people and property,
until a living man comes back to reclaim those titles, he can also claim damages.
When CAPITAL letters are used anywhere in a name this always refers to a legal
entity/fiction, Company or Corporation no exceptions. e.g. John DOE or Doe:
These are the legal entity/fiction created and owned by the Government whom
created it. It is like owning a share in the Stock Market, you may own a share
but it is still a share of the Stock.
PO Box 9144
Harris Park NSW Australia
Our only way out is to reclaim your dead entity (strawman) that the Crown
created, become the executor and then collapse the called Cestui Que Vie trust
and forgive yourself of your debts and then remove yourself from the admiralty
law that holds you in custody.
When London burned, the subrogation of mens and womens rights occurred.
The responsible act passed CQV act 1666 meant all men and women of UK
were declared dead and lost beyond the seas. The state took everybody and
everybodys property into trust. The state takes control until a living man or
woman comes back and claims their titles by proving they are alive and claims for
damages can be made.
This is why you always need representation when involved in legal matters,
because youre dead.
The legal fiction is a construct on paper, an estate in trust. When you get a bill or
summons from court it is always in capital letters, similar to tomb stones in grave
yards. Capital letters signify death. They are writing to the dead legal fiction. A
legal fiction was created when someone informed the government that there was
a new vessel in town, based upon your birth.
Birth Certificates are issued to us by the Doc. just as ships are given berth
Certificates at the Dock. Its about commerce. We come from our mothers waters.
Your mother has a birth canal just like a ship. The ship moves by the sea current
just as we are able to move by the currency.
All this information relates to how the general public are still legally tied through
Maritime Admiralty Law. Through this ancient legal construct we can be easily
controlled and duped. Learning about your legal fiction helps you to unlock
yourself. Otherwise you are just an empty vessel floating on the sea of
commerce. Parents are tricked into registering the birth of their babies.
In about 1837 the Births, Deaths and Marriages act was formed in UK and the
post of registrar general was established. His job was to collect all the data from
the churches which held the records of birth.
Regis from Queen or Crown. All people are seen to be in custody of, The
Crown. This allows people to function in commerce and to accept the benefits
provided by state. We have to understand who we are as men and women and
how we can relate in the system. The City of London is a centre for markets,
PO Box 9144
Harris Park NSW Australia
where merchants work. Then there is Mercantile Law. It comes from Admiralty
Law. Look at the symbols in your City Courts that relate to Admiralty.
So where you have commerce and money, you also have justice and injury.
You need to understand the bankruptcy before you can understand the judiciary.
We have accepted the claim to accept the summons, yet ONLY the dead can be
summoned. There is an obligation to accept any liability which has been created.
We are operating in Admiralty. A not guilty plea, or ANY plea admits jurisdiction.
The strawman, aka legal fiction is always guilty. Barristers and solicitors make a
living out of creating controversy. By creating a controversy you become liable for
the case.
Honour and dishonour. To remain in honour you have to accept a claim and
settle (discharge) it. Then you add conditions, ie. I accept on proof of claim and
proof of loss. This gives the liability back to them. The legal fiction is always
guilty. Only in the High Court, can the real man or woman appear. Games are
played on courts, hence the name court. It is a game with actors (acting on
acts). It has to be treated as a game and just business. Court room dramas are
In the public, we are operating in bankruptcy and you receive benefits. It takes a
lot of time, effort and study to understand and use these tools. You have to be
prepared to go fully through the process, get the right tool out of your toolbox at
the right time.
People need to learn how to act as a creation of God rather than a creation of
PO Box 9144
Harris Park NSW Australia
reign of Henry VIII of England through the Cestui Que Vie Act of 1540 and
updated by Charles II through the Cestui Que Vie Act of 1666 wherein
an Estate may be effected for the Benefit of one or more Persons presumed lost
or abandoned at sea and therefore assumed/presumed dead after seven (7)
years. Additional presumptions by which such a Trust may be formed were added
in later statutes to include bankrupts, minors, incompetents, mortgages and
private companies.
PO Box 9144
Harris Park NSW Australia
(i) In 1651 the Act for the Settlement of Ireland 1651-52 which introduced
the concept of settlements, enemies of the state and restrictions of
movement in states of emeregency; and
(ii) In 1861 the Emergency Powers Act 1861; and
(iii) In 1931 the Emergency Relief and Construction Act 1931-32; and
(iv) in 2001 the Patriot Act 2001.
PO Box 9144
Harris Park NSW Australia
Since 1933, when a child is borne in a State(Estate) under inferior Roman law,
three (3) Cestui Que (Vie) Trusts are created upon certain presumptions,
specifically designed to deny the child forever any rights of Real Property, any
Rights as a Free Person and any Rights to be known as man and woman rather
than a creature or animal, by claiming and possessing their Soul or Spirit.
PO Box 9144
Harris Park NSW Australia
As the Cestui Que Vie Trusts are created as private secret trusts on multiple
presumptions including the ongoingbankruptcy of certain national estates, they
remain the claimed private property of the Roman Cult banks and therefore
cannot be directly claimed or used.
PO Box 9144
Harris Park NSW Australia