Soil Mechanics Exercises

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SITUATION 1: Laboratory test results give the properties of a certain saturated soil: PL=21.5%, LL=36.7%, e=0.68,
1. When the water content is 30%, the soil is plastic, what is the range of plasticity of the soil?
A. 8.5% B. 15.2% C. 6.7% D. NOA
2. What is the liquidity index?
A. 0.27 B. -0.27 C. 1.08 D. -0.92
3. What is the state of the soil?
A. Plastic B. Semi-solid C. Liquid D. Colloid

SITUATION 2: A circular footing with 3-m diameter is 0.8 m below ground surface. The cohesionless soil has the following
properties: =31, =16 kN/m3 and sat=19 kN/m3.
4. Determine the allowable load in kN that can be carried by the footing considering general failure using factor of
safety of 1.5. Assume ground water to be very deep.
A. 425.59 B. 638.39 C. 3008.34 D. 4512.52
5. Determine the angle of shearing resistance for shear failure in degrees.
A. 47.97 B. 68.17 C. 21.83 D. 42.03
6. Determine the ultimate bearing capacity for local shear failure. Assume the ground water to be at the ground
A. 366.68 kPa B. 114.09 kPa C. 223.12 kPa D. 287.58 kPa

SITUATION 3: The results of liquid limit and plastic limit test are as follows
Liquid Limit Test
Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 4 Trial 5
Wt. of Wet Soil
+ 22.48 25.31 27.2 29.5 33.5
Container (g)
Wt. of Dry Soil
+ 17.37 18.96 19.95 21.26 23.30
Container (g)
Wt. of Container 6 6 6 6 6
Penetration 15.8 17.7 19 22.5 25.2

Plastic Limit Test

Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 4 Trial 5
Wt. of Moist Soil (g) 128.6 142.4 133.5 134.9 135.8
Wt. of Dry Soil (g) 105.1 117.2 108.9 112.1 113.5

7. Compute the approximate value of liquid limit.

A. 51% B. 47% C. 53% D. 56%
8. Compute the approximate value of plastic limit.
A.21.3% B. 23.5% C. 19.7% D. 20.5%
9. When the penetration is 14.5 mm, what is the state of the soil?
A. Liquid B. Semi-Solid C. Plastic D. NOA
SITUATION 4: A 0.0129 m^3 sample of clayey soil, initially weighs 21.04 kg, is brought to the laboratory. It is weighed after
oven drying and recorded 18.9 kg. Use Gs=2.70.
10. What is the in situ degree of saturation of the soil?
A. 48.6 % B. 36.27 % C. 42.35 % D. 33.1 %
11. What is the saturated unit weight of the soil in kN/m ?

A 18.86 B. 19.45 C. 18.82 D. 19.09

12. Calculate the amount of water in m to be added to the sample to saturate it.

A. 0.46 B. 0.29 C. 0.32 D. 0.55

SITUATION 5: A silt is 9 m thick below the ground surface. It has a void ratio of 0.65 and the specific gravity of soil solids is
2.65. The ground water table is 3 m below the ground surface. Use unit weight of water 9.79 kN/m^3.

13. What is the total stress at the bottom of the silt?

A. 165 kPa B. 164.65 kPa C. 167 kPa D. 168.9 kPa
14. What is the effective stress at the bottom of the silt?
A. 106.13 kPa B. 106.25 kPa C. 105.91 kPa D. 103.33 kPa
15. What is the hydraulic gradient at quick sand condition?
A. 0.98 B. 1.0 C. 1.4 D. 1.33
SITUATION 6: The ground water level in a thick, very fine sand deposit is located 2.0 m below the ground surface. Above the
free ground water table, the sand is saturated by capillary action. The unit weight of the saturated sand is 20.3 kN/m^3.
16. What is the total stress in kPa on a horizontal plane A located 4.5 m below the ground surface?
A. 75.64 B. 63.73 C. 82.36 D. 91.35
17. What is the pore water pressure at A?
A. 33.13 B. 24.53 C. 15.48 D. 41.82
18. What is the effective vertical stress in kPa?
A. 72.12 B. 54.63 C. 66.83 D. 87.96
SITUATION 7: A 50-cm diameter well penetrates 23.5 m below the ground surface to pump water from a 20-m thick
unconfined aquifer. The observation points are located 30 m and 45 m from the well. At these points, the drawdowns are
observed to be 0.75 m and 1.20 m respectively. The well extracts 828 cubic meter of water after 1 hour of pumping.
19. What is the hydraulic conductivity of the permeable layer in m/s?
A. 0.00173 B. 0.03298 C. 0.11873 D. 0.00245
20. What is the radius of influence of the well?
A. 100.32 m B. 96.6 m C. 90.36 m D. 102.95 m
21. What is the drawdown at the walls of the well?
A. 2.56 m B. 16.29 m C. 3.67 m D. 3.71 m

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