Ebcs 2
Ebcs 2
Ebcs 2
'e~do!qlH 't:q'BQV s~PPV
lU~uJdOpAga uecp:n ~ll S){l0M..JO AllS~U!W @
-I 1
1.1 SCOPE 1
'1.3 UNITS :2
2.5.3 Poisson's Ratio 11
2.9.1 Strength 14
2.9.2 Ductility 14
2.9.5 Fatigue 14
2.10.2 Weldability 15
3.2.1 General 17
3.4 ACTIONS 18
3.7.3 Imperfections 24
3.7.6 Stiffness 26
3.8.1 Slabs 27 Definition 28
4.1 SCOPE 29
4.3.1 General 31 General 33 General 37 General 38
4.5 SHEAR 43
4.5.1 General 43 General 45
4.6 TORSION 47
4.6.1 Definitions 47
4.6.2 General 47
EBCS 2 1996 ix
4.7.1 General 50
5.1 SCOPE 55
5.2.1 General 55
5.3.1 General 57 General 59
6.1 SCOPE 63
6.2 WALLS 63
6.3.1 General 66
X EBCS 2 - 1995
6.4 CORBELS 67
6.4.2 Design 68
6.S.4 Bearing 69
1>.6.3 Shear 71
7.1.S Bond 77 Additional Rules for Deformed Bars,ofLarge Diameter (q, > 32 mm) 80 Sizes 84
7.2.4 Columns 85 Size/ 85 7hickness 87
7.2.7' Corbels 88 Wor~ilit.V 91 Te~erature 91 General 91
8.4.1 General 93
8.4.2 Handling and Storage of the Materials used for Making Concrete 93 Cement 93
8.4.6 Formwork 94
8.4.7 Curing 96
8.5.3 Welding 97
8.5.4 Joints. 97
8.6.1 General
8.6.2 Tolerances with regaro-to Structural Safety .
8.6.3 Tolerances for Concrete Cover
8.6.4 Tolerances for Construction Purposes
:i '. "
EBCS 2 - 1995 XV
B.5.5 Design of Members in Prestressed Concrete 138
B.6.3.2Post-tensioning 147
(1) This Code of Practice applies to the design of buildings and civil engineering works in plain,
reinforced and prestressed concrete made with normal weight aggregates.
(3) This Code is only concerned with the requirements for resistance, serviceability and durability of
concrete structures. Other requirements, such as those concerning thermal or sound insulation, are
not covered.
(4) Construction is covered to the extent that is necessary to indicate the quality of the construction
materials and products which should be used and the standard of workmanship on site needed to
comply with the assumptions of the design rules. Construction and workmanship are covered in
Chapters 8 and 9, and are to be considered as minimum requirements which may have to be further
developed for particular types of buildings or civil engineering works and methods of construction.
(5) This Code does not cover the special requirements of seismic design. Provisions related to such
requirements are given in EBCS 8 "Design of Structures for Earthquake Resistance" which
complements, and is consistent with, EBCS 2.
(6) Numerical values of the actions on buildings and civil engineering works to be taken into account
in the design are not given in this Code. They are provided in EBCS 1 "Basis of Design and Actions
on Structures" applicable to the various typesof construction.
(7) The design aids in Part 2 have been prepared in accordance with the assumptions laid down in
Part 1, with the intention that they may be used as standard design aids and so avoid duplication of
efforts by individual design offices.
(8) It has been assumed in the drafting of this Code that the design of concrete structures is entrusted
to registered structural or civil engineers, appropriately qualified, for whose guidance it has been
prepared and that the execution of the work is, carried out under the direction of appropriately
qualified supervisors.
(1) Concrete works are classified as either Class lor II depending on the quality of workmanship and
the competence of the supervisors directing the works.
(2) Works carried out under the direction of appropriately qualified supervisors ensuring the
attainment of level of quality control envisaged in Chapter 9 are classified as Class I works.
EBCS 2 - 199fl 1
(3) Works with a lower level of quality control are classified as Class II works.
(4) Class n works are permissible only for single story structures.
The units used in this Code are those of the International System of units known as SI~ and shall be
according to ISO 1000.
The symbols used in this Code are in accordance with ISO Standard 3898. The symbols used in this
Code are as follows:
A c Area of concrete
Ac.", The section of the zone of the concrete where the reinforcing bars caneffectively Influence the
crack widths
A cll Area of rectangular core of column measured out-to-out of hoop
Act Area of concrete within tensile zone. The tensile zone 'is that part of the section which is
calculated to be in tension just before formation of the first crack
Ad Design value (specified value) of the accidental action
A, The oross-sectional of the longitudinal rainforcement
A", Enclosed area within a mean polygonal perimeter
A, Area of prestressing tendon or tendons
A, Area of tension reinforcement
.1412 Area of oompression reinforoement
A"" . Cross-sectional area of shear reinforcement
A'.NI Theoretical area of reinforcement required by the design
A,.", Area of reinforcement actually provided
A" Area of transverse reinforcement per unit length perpendicular to the webflange interface
A," Area of transverse hoop. bar
A,,,, The I<:>ngitudinal steel inside the slab, within the projection of the slab
Ay The area of shear reinforcement within a distance s
Al Loaded area of the restricted zone under local contact pressure
Az Distribution area of the local contact pressure
b Width of wall measured center-to-center of bracing walls, or width measured from the center
of a bracing wall to the free edge, or actual flange width in a T or L beam
b, The effective width of aT-beam
bIll Width of the web or rib of a member
bl Side length of the rectangle of outline u parallel to the eccentricity
bz Side length of the rectangle of outline u perpendicular to the eccentricity
bIll Width of the web on T, I, or L beams
c Concrete cover
2 ESCS 2 - 7996
e Eccentricity
elJ Additional eccentricity according to Eq 4.1
e, Equivalent constant first-order eccentricity of the design axial load
e,q Equivalent uniaxial eccentricity
e, Initial eccentricity
eo Equivalent uniform first order eccentricity
eOI Smaller first order eccentricity
e02 Larger first order eccentricity
e2 Second-order eccentricity (Section
e/o, Total eccentricity in the direction of the larger relative eccentricity
Fd Design load
F8k Characteristic axial load of long duration causing creep
F8 + q,k Characteristic total axial load
Fk Characteristic load
FPM Ultimate tendon force
Fm Service value
Frequent values
F, Tensile force developed by anchorage
ESCS 2 1995 3
h Overall depth of section in the plane of bending. Cross-sectional dimension in the direction
of buckling
he! Thickness of equivalent hollow section
hi Thickness of flange
b, Height of supported beam
h2 Height of girder .
I., Is Moments of inertia of the concrete and reinforcement sections, respectively, of the substitute
column, with respect to the centroid of the concrete section
II Second moment area of the uncracked transformed concrete section
Radius of gyration
ip Dispertion length
I Nominal dimension
10 Anchorage length
Ib Basic anchorage length
4 EBCS 2 - 1995
II Length of span in direction that moments are being determined, measured center-tocenter of
Mu Ultimate moment
Ndt Maximum design axial load acting on a column or wall during an earthquake
Nub Axial load capacity of simultaneous assumed strain of concrete and yielding of tension steel
pk,.up' Pk,lII! are respectively the upper and lower characteristic values
Pm,l Mean value of the prestressing at time 1 and at a particular point along the member
Po Initial force at the active end of the tendon immediately after stressing
EBCS 2 - 1995 5
Sd Design situation for combination of action for ultimate limit states for persistent and transient
design situation
S Shear reinforcement spacing in the direction of the longitudinal reinforcement
Sit Spacing of horizontal stirrups
S_ Maximum Spacini between stirrups
S. Standard deviation of the set of sample results
S". Average distance between cracks
S, Spacing of vertical stirrups
t Time
til Time at initial loading of the concrete
v Punching shear
v." Longitudinal unit shear
Punching unit shear
v."._ Maximum punching unit shear
z Section Modulus
6 EBCS 2 - 1995
acl Ratio of the sum of the column stiffnesses to the sum of the beam stiffnesses at one end of the
ac2 Ratio of the sum of the column stiffnesses to the sum of the beam stiffnesses at the other end
of the column
a Cmlll The minimum of acl and ac2
a~c Ratio of flexural stiffness of equivalent column to combined flexural stiffness of the slabs and
beams at a joint taken in the direction of the span for which moments are being determined
at Coefficient given in Table A-I as function of aspect ratio 41L~ and support conditions
a mln Minimum o,
al a in the direction of II
a2 a in the direction of 12
'YG,lIIf Lower value of the partial safety factor for the permanent action
'YG,s,,!, Upper value of the partial safety factor for the permanent action
!i.up,e+s+r Variation of stress in the tendons due to creep, shrinkage and relaxation at location x, at time
U pgo Initial stress in the tendons due to prestress and permanent actions
!i.upr Variation of stress in the tendons at section x due to relaxation
Elt, taJ Estimated shrinkage strain, derived from the values in Table 2.7 for final shrinkage
cP(t, taJ Creep coefficient, as defined in Section 2.5.4
EBCS 2 - 7995 7
flepo Initial stress in the concrete adjacent to the tendons, due to prestress
fleg Stress in the concrete adjacent to the tendons, due to self-weight and any other permanent
fl.., Maximum tensile stress in the concrete appropriate to a serviceability limit state
flo,,,,,,,, Maximum stress applied to the tendon
flplflo Stress in the tendon immediately after tensioning or transfer
fl. Maximum stress permitted in the reinforcement immediately after formation of the crack
fl., Steel stress at rupture of concrete section
8 EBCS 2 - 1995
(l) The strength and other. data for the concrete are defmedon the b~is <!f s~dard tests.
(1) Concrete is graded in terms of its characteristic compressive cube strength. The grade of concrete
to be used in design depends on the classification of the concrete work and the intended use.
(2) Table 2.1 gives the permissible grades of concrete for the two classes of concrete works.
(3) The numbers in the grade designation denote the specified characteristic compressive strength in
(1) For the purpose of this Code, compressive strength of concrete is determined from tests on 150
.mm cubes at the age of 28 days in accordance with Ethiopian Standards.
(2) The characteristic compressive strength is defined as that strength below which 5% of all possible
strength measurements may be expected to fall. In practice, the concrete may be regarded as
complying with the grade specified for the design if the results of the tests comply with the acceptance
criteria laid down in Chapter 9.
(3) Cylindrical or cubical specimens of other sizes may also be used with conversion factors
determined from a comprehensive series of tests. In the absence of such tests, the conversion factors
given in Table 2.2 may be applied to obtain the equivalent characteristic strength on the basis of 150
mm cubes.'
(4) In Table 2.3 the characteristic cylinder compressive strengthjj, are given for the different grades
of concrete.
EBCS 2 . 1995 9
Table 2.3 Grades of Concrete and Characteristic Cylinder Compressive Strength h"
Grades of
Concrete C15 C20 C25 C30 C40 C50 C60
12 16 20 24 32 40 48
(1) In this Code, the characteristic tensile strength refers to the axial tensile strength as determined
by tests in accordance with standards issued or approved by Ethiopian Standards.
(2) In the absence of more accurate data, the characteristic tensile strength may also be determined
from the characteristic cylinder compressive strength according to Eq. 2. L
(3) The corresponding values of.!ctl and.le"" for the different grades of concrete are given in Table 2.4.
(1) The values of the material properties required for the calculation of iI\$tantaneous and time
dependent deformations of concrete depend not only upon the grades of concrete but also upon the
properties ,of the aggregates and other parameters related to the mix design and the environment. For
this reason, where an accurate calculation is considered necessary, the values shall be established from
known data appropriate to the particular materials and conditions of use. For many calculations an
approximate estimate will usually be sufficient.
10 EBCS 2 - 1995
(1) Any idealized stress-strain diagram which results in prediction of strength in substantial agreement
with the results of comprehensive tests may be used (see Section 4.4)
(1) The modulus of elasticity depends not only on the concrete grade but also on the actual properties
of the aggregates used (see Section 2.5(1) above).
(2) In the absence of more accurate data, or in cases where great accuracy is not required, an estimate
of the mean value of the secant modulus Eem can be obtained from Table 2.5 for a given concrete
(3) The values in Table 2.5 are based on the following equation:
Eem = 95(1'
+ 8)1/3 (2.3)
Where Eem is in GPa and.fck is in MPa. They relate to concrete cured under normal conditions' and
made with aggregates predominantly consisting of quartzite gravel. When deflections are of.great
importance, tests shall be carried out on concrete. made with the aggregate to be used in the
structure. In other cases experience with a particular aggregate, backed by general test data, will
often provide a reliable value for Eem , but with unknown aggregates, it would be advisable to
consider a range of values.
(4) As a rule, since the grade of concrete corresponds to a strength at an age of 28 days, the values
of E em in Table 2.5 also relate to that same age. Where great accuracy is not required, Eem can also
be determined from Eq.2.3 for a concrete age t other than 28 days. In this case,!ct is replaced by the
actual cylinder concrete strength at time t.
(1) Any value between 0 and 0.2 can be adopted for Poisson's ratio.
(1) Creep and shrinkage of the concrete depend mainly on the ambient humidity, the dimensions of
the element and the composition of the concrete. Creep is also influenced by the maturity of the
concrete when the load is first applied and on the duration and magnitude of the loading. Any
estimation of the creep coefficient tP(I,lDj' and of the basic shrinkage strain, f es' shall take these
parameters into account.
EBCS 2 - 1995 11
(2) In cases where great accuracy is not required, the values given in Tables 2.6 and 2.7 respectively
can be considered as the final creep coefficient 4J(".,IO) and the final shrinkage strain f el of a normal
weight concrete subjected to a compressive stress not exceeding 0.45fet at the time to at first loading.
(3) The data given in Tables 2.6 and 2.7 apply for a range of the mean temperature of the concrete
between 10 DC and 20 OC. Maximum seasonal temperature up to 40 DC can be accepted. In thesame
way, variations in relative humidity around the mean values given in Tables 2.6 and 2.7 between RH
=: 20% and RH =: 100% are acceptable. .
(4) Linear interpolation between the values in Tables 2.6 and 2.7 is permitted.
Table 2.7 Final Shrinkage Strains f e, . (in ,"00) of Normal Weight Concrete
Location of Relative humidity Notional size 2A/u (rom)
the number (%) S; 150 600
(5) The values of Tables 2.6 and 2.7 apply to concrete having plastic consistency when fresh. For
concrete of other consistency the values have to be multiplied by 0.70 (stiff consistency) or 1.20 (soft
(6) For concrete with superplasticizers, the consistency before adding the superplasticizers is used for
the evaluation of the creep and shrinkage coefficients as given in Tables 2.6 and 2.7.
(1) The coefficient of thermal expansion may be taken as 10' x 10'6 per DC.
12 HBCS 2 - 7995
.~-~.~. '~----.-~---;'--_._-.-
(1) The mechanical and technological properties of steel used for reinforced concrete shall be defined
by standard and/or agrement documents or by certificates of compliance.
(2) The characteristic strengthfyk is defined as the 5% fractile of the proof stress j, or 0.2% offset
strength, denoted as 10.2
(3) If the steel supplier guarantees a minimum value for f, or 10.2, that value may be taken as the
characteristic strength.
(a) Grade, denoting the value. of the specified characteristic yield stress (hI,) in MPa.
(b) Class, indicating the ductility characteristics
(c) Size
(d) Surface characteristics
(e) Weldability
(2) Each consignment shall be accompanied by a certificate containing all the information necessary
for its identification with regard to (a) to (e) above, and additional information where necessary.
(3) The actual cross sectional area of the products shall not differ from their nominal cross sectional
area by more than the limits specified in relevant Standards.
(4) In this Code, two classes of ductility are defined (see Section 2.9.2):
(a) high (Class A)
(b) normal (Class B)
(6) For other types of bar, with other surface characteristics (ribs or indentations), reference should
be made to relevant documents, based on test data.
(7) Welded fabric, used as reinforcing steel, shall comply with the dimensional requirements in
relevant Standards.
EBCS 2 1995 13
2.9.1 Strenath
(1) The yield stress!>t and the tensile strength!. are defined respectively 81 the charactei'latlc value
of the yield load, and the characteristic maximum load in direct axial tension, each divided by the
nominal cross sectional area.
(2) For products without a pronounced yield stress!>t , the0.2% proofstre.s.fo.2k may be substituted.
2i9.2 Ductility
(1) The products shall have adequate ductility in elongation, as specified in relevant Standards.
(2) Adequate ductility in elongation may be assumed, for design purposes, if the produetaaatlafy the
following ductility requirements:
(3) High bond bars with diameters Jess than 6 mm shall not be treated as having high ductility.
(4) The products sh~l have adequate bendability for the anticipated use.
(1) In the absence of more accurate information, an elasto-plastic diagram can be used for bot rolled
steel or steel cold worked by drawing or rolling.
(2) For other types Qf production, the actual stress-strain diagrams can be replaced by bilinear,
trilinear or other diagrams chosen so that the approximations are on the safe side..
(1) The mean value of modulus of elasticity , may be assumed as 200 OPa.
2.9.5 Fatigue
(1) Where required, the products shall have adequate fatigue strength.
(1) The surface characteristics of ribbed bars shall be such that adequate bond is obtained with the
concrete, permitting the full force that is assumed in design, to be developed in the reinforcement.
(2) Ribbed bars, having projected ribs not satisfying the requirements for high bond bars given in
relevant standards shall be treated as plain bars with respect to bond.
14 EBCS 2 1996
(3) The behavior in bond of.reinforclng steels with other surface shapes shall be defined in relevant
Standards or technical approved documents.
(4) The strength of the welded joints along the anchorage length of welded fabric shall be adequate.
(5) The strength of the welded joint can withstand a shearing force not less than 30% of a force
equivalent to the specified characteristic yield stress times the nominal cross sectional area of the
anchored wire.
2.10.2 Weldability
(1) The products shall have weldability properties adequate for the anticipated use
(2) Where required, and where the weldability is unknown, tests should be requested.
(3) Ductility characteristics; as specified in Section 2.9.2, shall be maintained, when necessary, at
sections near to weld.
ESCS 2 1995 15
16 EBCS 2 - 1995
(a) With acceptable probability, it will remain fit for the use for which it is required, having due
regard to its intended life, and
(b) with appropriate degrees of reliability, it will sustain all actions and influences likely to occur
during' normal execution and use and have adequate durability.
(2) A structure shall also be designed in such a way that it will not be damaged by events like
explosions, impact or consequences of human errors, to an extent disproportionate to the original
(3) The potential damage due to the events in (2) above shall be minimized or avoided by appropriate
choice of one or more of the following:
(a) Avoiding, eliminating or reducing the hazards which the structure is to sustain.
(b) Selecting a structural form which has low sensitivity to the hazards considered.
(c) Selecting a structural form and design that can survive adequately the accidental removal of
an individual element.
(d) Tying the structure together.
(4) The above requirements shall be met by the choice of suitable materials, by appropriate design
and detailing and by compliance with control procedures for production, construction and use
envisaged in this Code.
3.2.1 General
(1) A structure, or part of a structure, is considered unfit for use when it exceeds a particular state,
called a limit state, beyond which it infringes one of the criteria governing its performance or use.
(2) All relevant limit states shall be considered in the design so as to ensure an adequate degree of
safety and serviceabiJity. The usual approach will be to design on the basis of the most critical limit
state and then to check that the remaining limit states will not be reached.
(a) The Ultimote LimitStates are those associated with collapse, or with other forms of structural
failure which may endanger the safety of people. States prior to structural collapse which,
for simplicity, are considered in place of the collapse itself are also treated as ultimate limit
(b) The Serviceability limit States correspond to states beyond which specified service
requirements are no longer met.
EBCS 2 - 1995 17
-------- ---~--'----'--.
(1) The ultimate limit states which may require consideration include:
(a) Loss of equilibrium of a part or thewbole of the structure considered II a rigid body., -
(b) Failure by excessive deformation, rupture or loss of stability of the structure or'iny part of
it, including supports and foundations.
(a) Deformations or deflections which affect the appearance or effective use of the structure
(including the malfunction of machines or services) or cause damage to finishes of non-struc
tural elements. "
(b) Vibration which causes discomfort to people, damage to the building or its contents, or which
-limits its functional effectiveness.
(0) ;'~~a~king of the concrete which is likely to affect appearance, durability or water tightneas
(3) Prestressing (F) is a permanent action but, for practical reasons, it is treated separately.
18 EBCS 2 - 7995
(4flndirect actions are either permanent Ow (e.g. settlement ,of,upport) or variable ,a,. (e.g.
temperature) and are treated accordingly. .
. ~'. ,
(S) Suppletnentary classifications relating to the response of the stricture are given in the relevant
,sectionsof this Code.
(2) l\!aXimum values and minimum values, which maybe zero, are defined when appropr!ate.
(3) Depending on the variation with time of certain actions, their representative values are sometimes
subclassified as actions of long duration (or sustained actions) or pf short duration (or transient
actions). In special cases, certain actions have their representative values divided into sustained and
transient components.
3.4.3 Representative Values of Permanent Actions
(a) The characteristic values F, specified in EBCS1 - "Basis of Design and Actions on
Structures", o r '
(b) by the client, or the designer in consultation with the client, provided that minimum
provisions, specified in the relevant codes or by the competent authority, are observed.
(2) The other representative values are assumed to be equal to those in Section 3.4.2(1}.
(3) For permanent actions where the coefficient of variation is large or where the actions are likely
to vary during the life of the structure (e.g. for some superimposed permanent loads), two
characteristic values are distinguished, an upper (Gk,JNp) and a lower (G1. UtI). Elsewhere, a single
characteristic value (Gk) is sufficient. .
(4) The self-weight of the structure may, in most cases, be calculated on the basis of the nominal
dimensions and mean unit masses.
EBCS 2 - 1995 19
(2) "p",J- variable ac!ions, the claracteristic value '(QJ corresponds to either:
(a) The upper value wi~ an intended probability of not being exceeded or the lower-value with
an intended probability of not being reached. during some reference period, having regard
to the intended life Of the structure or the assumed duration of the design situation, or
(b) the specified value.
(3) Other representative values are expressed in terms of the characteristic value C2t by means of a
factor I/Ii' These values are-defined as:
(4) Supplementary representative values are used for fatigue verification and dynamic analysis.
(1) The representative value of accidental actions is the characteristic value AI; (when relevant) and
generally correspond to a specified unique nominal value beyond which there is. no longer an
assurance of a probability of survival of the structure.
(2) Their service, combination and frequent values are considered negligible or zero.
r, = 'YFFI. (3.1)
Specific examples are:
Gd = 'Yo GI.
Qd = 'Yo QI; or 'Yo I/Ii QI;
Ad = 'YII AI. (if Ad is not directly specified) (3.2)
r, = 'YP PI.
where 'YF' Yo. 'YQ' 'YII and 'YP are the partial safety factors for the action considered taking
account of, for example, the possibility of unfavorable deviations of the actions, the
possibility of inaccurate modelling of the actions, uncertainties in the assessment of effects
of actions, and uncertainties in the assessment of the limit state considered.
20 EBCS 2 - 7995
(2) The upper and lower design values of permanent actions are expressed as follows:
(b) Where upper and lower characteristic values of permanent actions are used, then
where G", It{ is the lower characteristic value of the permanent action
G", .., is the upper characteristic value of the permanent action
'YG, It{ is the lower value of the partial safety factor for the permanent action
'YG, .., is the upper value of the partial safety factor for the permanent action
(1) The effects of actions are responses (e.g. internal forces and moments, stresses, strains) of the
structure to the actions. Design values of the effects of actions are determined from the design values
of the actions, geometrical data and material properties when relevant.
(2) In some cases, in particular for nonlinear analysis, the effect of the randomness of the intensity
of the actions and the uncertainty associated with the analytical procedures, e.g. the models used in
the calculations, shall be considered separately. This may be achieved by the application of it
coefficient of model uncertainty, either applied to the actions or to the internal forces and moments.
(3) The characteristic strength of concrete and steel is defined in Sections 2.3 and 2.6, respectively.
(1) The design strength for a given material property and limit state is obtained, in principle, by
dividing the characteristic strength A by the appropriate partial safety factor for the material property
'Y., i.e.,
It!. It (3.3)
(2) However, in the case of concrete under compression, a further correction factor is introduced in
this Code for convenience (see Eq. 3.4).
EBCS 2 - 1995 21
(1) Partial.safety factor for materials appropriate to various design situations, ordinary and accidental,
are given in Tables 3.1 and 3.2 for the two classes of concrete works, Class I and Class II,
(1) The value of 1", in the serviceability limit states may be taken as 1.0 for both steel and concrete.
.(a) In compression
!"d = (3.4)
'Y e
(b) In tension
!"Id = hI! (3.5)
'Y e
(1) The design strength of steel in tension and compression is defined by:
f = ~k 0. 6 )
yd 'Y
22 EBCS 2 - 1995
(1) The combination ofactions for the ultimate limit states for persistent and transient design situation
shall be in accordance with Eq. 3.7: .
(5) For building structures, Eq. 3.9 may be used in lieu of Eqs, 3.7 and 3.8:
EBCS 2 - 1995 23
(1) For analysis in tile Ultimate Limit State, plastic, non-linear and linear elastic theory may be
applied. . .
(2) Elastic methods of analysis may be applied for analysis in the Serviceability Limit State and for
the Alternate Design method.
(2) A load case identifies compatible load arrangements, sets of deformations and imperfections
considered for a particular verification.
(3) Detailed rules on load arrangements and load cases are given in EBCSI - "Basis of Design and
Actions on Structures"
(4) The following simplifying assumptions may be made for computing load-effects in frames due to
gravity loading:
(a) The live load may be considered to be applied only to the floor or roof under consideration,
and the far ends of the columns may be assumed as fixed.
(b) Consideration may be limited to the following load cases:
(i) Design dead load on all spans with full design live load on two adjacent spans.
(ii) Design dead load on all spans with full design live load on alternate spans.
3.7.3 Imperfections
(1) In the Ultimate Limit State, consideration shall be given to the effects of possible imperfections
in the geometry of the unloaded structure. Where significant, any possible unfavorable effect of such
imperfections shall be taken into account.
(2) Individual sections shall be designed for the internal forces and moments arising from global
analysis, combining effects of actions and imperfections of the structure as a whole.
(3) In the absence of other provisions, the effects of imperfections may be assessed by assuming that
the structure is inclined to the vertical at an angle 4> defined by:
24 EBCS 2 - 1995
(a) For single storey frames or for structures loaded mainly at the top
tan e (3.11)
(4) Where the effects of imperfections are smaller than the effects of design horizontal actions, their
influence may be ignored. Imperfections need not be considered in accidental combinations of actions.
(1) Time dependent effects shall be taken into account where significant.
(2) Creep and shrinkage normally need only be considered for the Serviceability Limit State except
where their influence on second-order effects are likely to be significant.
(1) The elements of a structure are normally classified, by consideration of their nature and function,
as beams, columns, slabs, walls, plates, arches, shells, etc. Rules are provided for the analysis of the
commoner of these elements and of structures consisting of combinations of these elements.
(2) To be considered as a beam or a column, the span or length of the member shall not be less than
twice the overall section depth. A beam whose span is less than twice its depth is considered as a deep
(3) To be considered as a slab, the minimum span shall not be less than four times the overall slab
(4) A slab subjected to predominantly uniformly distributed loads may be considered to be one-way
spanning if either:
(5) Ribbed or waffle slabs may be treated as solid slabs for the purposes of analysis, provided that
the flange of structural topping and transverse ribs have sufficient torsional stiffness. This may be
assumed provided:
EBCS 2 - 7995 25
(6) A wall shall have a horizontal length of at least four times its thickness. Otherwise it shall be
treated as a column.
3.7.6 Stiffness
(1) Any reasonable assumptions may be adopted for computing the relative flexural, and torsional
stiffness of members. The assumptions made shall be consistent throughout the analysis.
(1) The effective span of a simply supported member shall be taken as the lower of the following two
(2) The effective span of a continuous element shall normally be taken as the distance between the
center lines of the supports.
(3) For a cantilever, the effective span is taken to be its length, measured from:
(1) In the absence of a more accurate determination, the effective width to be used to obtain the load
effects for a given span of a symmetrical T-beam shall not exceed the lesser of:
(a) The thickness of the web plus one-fifth of the effective span, or
(b) The actual width of the top slab (extending between the centers of the adjacent spans).
(2) The effective width shall be taken as constant over the entire span, including the parts near
intermediate supports for continuous beams.
(3) For edge beams (L-beams), the effective width shall not exceed the lesser of:
(a) The thickness of the web plus one-tenth of the effective span
(b) The thickness of the web plus half the clear distance to the adjacent beam.
3.7.9 Redistribution of Moments
(1) Moments obtained from a linear analysis may be reduced by multiplying by the following
reduction coefficient () provided that the moments are increased in other sections in order to maintain
26 EBCS 2 - 1995
(2) For continuous beams and for beams in rigid jointed braced frames with span/effective-depth ratio
not Ifeater than 20. . ,
o 0.44 + 1.25('d) (3.13)
Tho neutral axis height, x, is calculated at the ultimate limit state and the term x/d refers to
the section where the moment is reduced.
(3) ~or other continuous beams and rigid jointed braced frames
o ~ 0.75 (3.14)
(4) For sway frames with slenderness ratlo ), of columns less than 25
o ~ 0.90 (3.15)
(1) Second-order effects shall be taken into account where they may significantly affect the overall
stability of a structure or the attainment of the ultimate limit state at critical sections.
(2) For IlQrmai buildings. second-order effects may be neglected where they increase the moments,
calculated ignoring displacements, by not more than 10%.
3.8.1 S'labs
(1) Moments and internal shear forces may be determined on the basis of the following types Qf
(1) The linear analysis shall be based generally on the gross cross-sections by adopting for Poisson's
ratio a valuebetween 0 and 0.2.
(2) Linear analysis is valid for the Serviceability Limit States and for the Ultimate Limit States.
(3) If required, the support moments in continuous slabs. resulting from a linear analysis may be
reduced by not more than 25%, for an appropriate width, provided that the corresponding average
moments for the same width at midspan, are adjusted to satisfy equilibrium, provided further that the
provisions of Section 3.7.9 (1) and (2) are complied with.
(4) Appendix A, which is based on linear analysis with redistribution, may be used for the analysis
of two-way slabs. No further redistribution is, however, allowed.
EBCS2 - 1995 27
(1) In general, plastic analysis is only applicable to the ultimate limit states. Both static (e.g., the
strip method) and dynamic (e.g., yield line theory) methods may be used.
(a) When using plastic analysis, the area of tensile reinforcement shall not exceed, at any: point
or in any direction a value corresponding to x/d = 0.25. " ..
(b) If a static method is used, the moment distributionselected shall not differ substantially'from
the elastic moment d i s t r i b u t i o n . ,
(e) If a dynamic method is used, the ratio of the support moments to the mid-span momentsshall
normally be not less than 0.5, nor more than 2. Definition
(1) The term flat slabs or plate means a reinforced concreteslab withor without drops and supported,
generally without beams, by columns with or without flared column heads. ..
(1) The forces acting in the middle plane of a plate can be determined on the basis of any of the
following types of analysis:
(2) The empirical method or the equivalent frame method given in Appendix A may be used for the . .
analysis of flat slabl and two-way slab systems.
28 EBCS 2 - 1995
(1) Thischapter gives methods of analysis and design of linear elements that in general ensure.that
the objectives set out in Chapter 3 for the Ultimate Limit S~te are met.
(2) Other methods may be used provided they can be shown to be satisfactory for the type of structure
'or member considered.
(3) It-, is assumed that the ultimate limit state is the critical limit state.
(1) The calculation of the ultimate resistance of members for flexure and axial loads shall be based
on the following assumptions, in addition to those given in Sections 3.7 and 3.8.
(1) Referring to Fig. 4.1, the strain diagram shall be assumed to pass through one of the three points
A, B or C. .
(1) The parabolic-rectanglar stress distribution shown in Fig. 4.2 may be used for calculation of
section capacity.
(1) For sections which are partly in tension (beams or columns with large eccentricity), the simplified
rectangular stress block shown in Fig. 4.3 may be used.
(1) The elasto-plastic diagram shown in Fig. 4.4 may be used for ordinary steel.
EBCS 2 - 1995 29
T h
T d
r I E
o -0.002
Idealized pragram
----,-- --------,
,~' I I
~ J I
,,/ Deily" DIagram I
,/ I". I
/ \\
I fed
a.67f ck
= --
/ I y. I
I \,---- f e 1000 Ee C12!50 Ee -I) fed for lEe" 0.002
r I I Ee
-0.001 -0.002 -0.003!5
fed = O.85fek/ Yc
1 ~~
'yd 'yk/Ys
Design I
r ,
I Ell
Figure 4.4 Stress-Strain Diagram for Reinforcing Steel
I 4.3.1 General
(1) Compression reinforcement in conjunction with additional tension reinforcement may be used to
increase the strength of flexural members.
(2) In the analysis of a cross-section of a beam which has to resist a small axial load, the effect of the
ultimate axial load may be ignored if the axial load does not exceed O.llcl times the cross-sectional
(1) The spacing of lateral supports for a beam shall not exceed 50 times the least width of the
compression flange or face. Effects of lateral eccentricity of load shall be taken in determining the
spacing of lateral supports.
(l ) This section refers to slender structures or slender members mainly subjected to compression
whose load carrying capacity is significantly influenced by their deformations (second-order effects).
(2) The principles given in this section apply to linear reinforced concrete members subjected to axial
compression, with or without bending, for which the effects of torsion can be neglected.
(3) These principles may also be applied to other types of structural member, such as walls, shells,
slender beams in which lateral buckling of the compression zone may occur, deep beams or other
exceptional structures or members in which significant local deformations may arise.
(4) In compression members, the influence of second-order effects shall be considered if the increase
above the first-order bending moments due to deflections exceeds 10%.
(1) Theiotemal forces and moments may generally be determined by elastic global analysis using
(2) First-order theory may be used for the global analysis in the following cases:
(3) Second-order theory may be used for the global analysis in all cases.
(4) Design for structural stability taking account of second-order effects"shall ensure that, for the most
unfavorable combinations of actions at the ultimate limit state, loss of static equilibrium (locally or
for the structure as a whole) does not occur or the resistance of individual cross-sections subjected
to bending and longitudinal force is not exceeded. .
(5) The structural behavior shall be considered in any direction in which failure due to second-order
effects may occur.
(1) Allowance shall be made for the uncertainties associated with the prediction of second-order
effects and, in particular, dimensional inaccuracies and uncertainties in the position and line of action
of the axial loads.
(2) Suitable equivalent geometric imperfections may be used, with values which reflect the possible
effects of all types of imperfection.
(3) For frame structures the effects of imperfections may be allowed for in frame analysis by means
of an equivalent geometric imperfection in the form of an initial sway imperfection q, determined in
accordance with Section 3.7.3.
(4) For isolated elements, the equivalent geometric imperfections may be introduced by increasing
the eccentricity of the longitudinal force by an additional eccentricity ea , acting in the most
unfavorable direction:
~20mm (4.1)
where L. denotes the effective length of the isolated element (see Section 4.4.7). General
(1) For the purpose of design calculations, structures or structural members may be classified as
braced or unbraced depending on the provision or not of bracing elements and as sway or non-sway
depending on their sensitivity to second-order effects due to lateral displacements.
(1) A frame may be classified as non-sway if its response to in-plane horizontal forces is sufficiently
stiff for it to be acceptably accurate to neglect any additional internal forces or moments arising from
horizontal displacements of its nodes.
(2) Any other frame shall be classified as a sway frame and the effects ofthe horizontal displacements
of its nodes shall be taken into account in its design (see Section 4.4.2).
(3) A frame may be classified as non-sway for a given load case if the critical load ratio NSdlNcr for
that load case satisfies the criterion:
Ncr is its critical value for failure in a sway mode (see Section 4.4.12).
(4) Beam-and-column type plane frames in building structures with beams connecting each column
at each story level may be classified as non-sway for a given load case, when first-order theory is
used, the horizontal displacements in each story due to the design loads (both horizontal and vertical),
plus the initial sway imperfection (see Section 4.4.3) satisfy the criterion of Eq. 4.3.
HL S; 0.1 (4.3)
() is the horizontal displacement at the topofthe story, relative to the bottom of the story
(see (5) below)
L is the story height
(5) The displacement () in (4) above shall be determined-using stiffness values for beams and columns
corresponding to the ultimate limit state. As an approximation, displacements calculated using moment
of inertia of the gross section may be multiplied by the ratio of the-gross column stiffness to the
effective column stiffness in Section 4.4.12 to obtain o.
(6) For sway frames, the requirements for frame stability given in Section 4.4.8 shall also be
EBCS 2 1995 33
(1) A frame may be classified as braced if its swayresistance is supplied by a bracing system with
a response to in-plane horizontal loads which is sufficiently stiff for it,to be acceptably accurate to
assume that all horizontal loads are resisted by the bracing system. This may be assumed to be the
case .if the frame attracts not more than 10% of the horizontal loads.
(4) The initial sway imperfections (or the. equivalent horizontal forces), plus any horizontal loads
applied to a braced frame,.may be treated as affecting only the bracing system. '.
(b) Any horizontal or vertical loads applied directly to the bracing system.
(c) The effects of the initial sway Imperfections (or the equivalent horizontal forces) from the
bracing system itself and from all the frames which it braces.
,(6) Where the bracing system is a frame or sub-frame, it may itself be either sway' or non-sway (see
Section .
(7) When applying the criterion given in Section to a frame or sub-frame aetingas a
bracing system, the total vertical load acting an all the frames which it braces shall also be included.
. .
(8) .When applying the criterion given in Section 4:4.4.2(4) to a frame. or sub-frame acting as a
bracing system, the total horizQntal and vertical load acting on all the frames which it braces shallalso
.be included, plus the initial sway imperfection applied in the form of the equivalent horizontal forces
from the bracing system itself and from all the frames which it braces. '.
(2) For multistory sway frames comprising rectangular subframes, the following expression may be
.Used to calculate the slenderness ratio of the columns in the same story:
~. JUAo
~,L .
where A is the sum of-the cross-sectional areas of all the columns of the story
K, is the total lateral stiffness of the columns of the story (story rigidity)", with modulus
of elasticity taken as unity .
L. is the story height .
(1) The slenderness ratio ofbncrete columns shall not exceed 140.
(2) Second-order effects in compressive members need not be taken into account in the following
cases: .
(a) For sway frames, the greater of Eq. 4.6a or 4.6b
x :s 25 (4.6a)
where M 1 and M 2 are ,the first-order (calculated) moments at the ends, M 2 being always positive
and greater in magnitude than M1 ; and M 1 being positive if member is bent in
single curvature and negative if bent in double curvature
Vd = NM/fcti1c
4.4.7 Effective Buckling Length of Compression Memb.ers
(1) The effective buckling length L. ofa column in a given plane may be obtained from the following
approximate equations-provided the restriction in (3) below is complied with:
EBCS 2 1995 3S
or conservatively
(2) For the theoretical model shown in Fig. 4.5, the stiffness coefficients at and a2 are obtained from
K, K;
at - (4.11)
K u + K t2
[(,. + K,
a2 III
[(,.t + I4z
at + a 2
a"" 2
~ ...
Ibl Ib2
Lbl Lb2 ]
I Calculation of etA in A
Ic/LcJ + 1c1 IL c1
= ~::::-"'::""-;:-:iF;-ir
'1,,/L.1 + O.SI.l IL.,
(3) The above approximate equations for effective length calculation are applicable for values of at
or a2 not exceeding 10. For higher values more accurate methods must be used.
(4) When calculating a, only members properly framed into the end of the column in the appropriate
plane of bending shall be considered. The stlffness of each member shall be obtained by dividing the
second moment of area of its concrete section by its actual length.
(5) When the connection between a column and its base is not designed to resist other than nominal
moment a at such positions shall be taken as 10. If a base is designed to resist the column moment,
a may be taken as 1.0.
(6) For flats slab construction, an equivalent beam shall be taken as having the width and thickness
of the slab forming the column strip. l1enefdl
(1) All frames shall have adequate resistance to failure ina sway mode, (see Section 4.4.11).
However, where the frame is shown to be a non-sway frame (see Section, no further sway
mode verification is required.
(2) All frames including sway frames shall also be checked for adequate resistance to failure in non-
sway modes (see Section 4.4.9). .
(1) When global analysis is used, the second-order effects in the sway mode shall be included, either
directly by using second-order elastic analysis, or indirectly by using first-order analysis with
amplified sway moments (see Section 4.4.11).
(2) When second-order elastic globalanalysis is used, the resulting forces and moments may directly
be used for member design. .
(3) When first-order elastic analysis, with second-order moments is used for column design, the sway
moments in the beams and the beam-to-column connections shall be amplified by at least 1.2 unless
a smaller value is shown to be adequate by analysis.
(1) Individual non-sway compression members shall be considered to be isolated elements and be
designed accordingly.
(2) Bracing elements, or in non-sway frames without bracing elements, the individual compression
members shall be designed for the relevant horizontal forces and vertical loads taking account of the
equivalent geometric imperfectionsdefmed in Section 3.7.3 and 4.4.3, respectively.
(3) For individual compression members, the design rules for isolated columns (Section 4.4.10) apply.
The effective buckling length L, may generally be determined according to Section 4.4.7.
EBCS 2 1995 37
(1) For buildings, a design method may be used which assumes the compression members to be
isolated and adopts a simplitied shape for the deformed axis of the column. The additional
eccentricity induced in the column by its deflection is then calculated as afunction of sleDdemesi
(1) The total eccentricity to be used for the design of columns of constant cross-section at the critical
section is given by:
where e. is equivalent constant first-order eccentricity of the design axial load, see (2) and (3)
(3) For tirst-order moments varying linearly along the length, the equivalent eccentricity is the higher
of the following two values:
e. = 0.6e02 + 0.4e01 (4.16a)
e. = 0.4e02 (4.16b)
where eOl and e02 are the tirst-order eccentricities at the ends, e02 being positive and greater in
magnitude than eOl'
(4) For different eccentricities at the ends, (3) above, the critical end section shall be checked for
tirst-order moments:
(1) For non-sway frames, the second-order eccentricity e2 of an isolated column may be obtained as
(2) The curvature is generally a non-linear function of the axial load and bending moment in the
critical section, but the following approximate value may be used in the absence of more accurate
where d is the column dimension in the buckling plane less the cover to the center of the
longitudinal reinforcement
~ = MiMbDl
Mti. is the design moment at the critical section including second-order effects
M bDl is the balanced moment capacity of the column.
(3) The appropriate value of ~ may be found iteratively taking an initial value corresponding to first
order actions.
(1) In the amplified sway moments method, the sway moments found by a first-order analysis shall
be increased by multiplying them by the moment magnification factor:
o= 1 (4.20)
s 1 - NSti. INc,
(2) The amplified sway moments method shall not be used when the critical load ratio Ns/Nc, is more
than 0.25.
(3) Sway moments are those associated with the horizontal translation of the top of a story relative
to the bottom of that story. They arise from horizontal loading and may also arise from vertical
loading if either the structure or the loading is asymmetrical.
(4) As an alternative to determining NSti. INc, direct, the following approximation may be used in beam
and-column type frames as described in
(5) In the presence of torsional eccentricity in any floor of a structure, unless more accurate methods
are used, the sway moments due to torsion should be increased by multiplying them by the larger
moment magnification factor 0, obtained for the two orthogonal directions of the lateral loads acting
on the structure.
EBCS 2 1995 39
I \ \
(1) Unless more.. aocurate methods are used, the buckling load of a story may be assumed to be equal
to that~fthe substitute beam-column fram~ defined in Fig 4.6 and may be determined as:
er -- rEI.
where Bl, is the effective stiffness of the substitute column designed in accordance with (4)
L. .is the effective length
(2) In lieu of.amore accurate determination, the effective stiffness of a column El, in Eq 4.22 may
be taken as: .
El. = 0.2E)e + E), (4.23)
Ee = llOOfcd
E, is the modulus of elasticity of steel
t; I, are the moments of inertia of the concrete and reinforcement sections, respectively,
of the substitute column, with respect to the centroid of the concrete section (see
Fig 4.6(c.
or alternatively
et bal ~ OAEl c (4.24)
(3) In Eq 4.22 L. may be determined in accordance with Section 4.4.7 using the stiffness properties
of the gross concrete section for both beams and columns of the substitute frame (Fig. 4.6(b.
(4) The equivalent reinforcement areas, A,.IOI' in the substitute column (see Fig. 4.6(c to be used for
calculating 1, and Mbal in (2) above maybe obtained by designing the substitute column at each floor
level to carry the story design axial load and amplified sway moment at the critical section (see
Section 4.4.11). The equivalent column dimensions of the substitute column may be taken as shown
in Fig. 4.6(c), in the case of rectangular columns. Circular columns may be replaced by square
columns of the same cross-sectional area. In the above, concrete cover and bar arrangement in the
substitute columns shall be taken to be the same as those of the actual columns. .
(5) The amplified sway moment, to be used for the design of the substitute column (see (4) above),
may be found iteratively taking the first-order design moment in the substitute column as an initial
of] ~.~ I
(C) Crall aec:tlon or Subltltute
Column for Caleulatln9 El e
and IIbal.
Figure 4.6 Substitute Multi-Story Beam-Column Frame
(6) In lieu of more accurate determination, the first-order design moment, Mdl , at the critical section
of the substitute column may be determined using Eq. 4.26.
M. C2 + 3 HL (4.26)
dl c+c+6
I 2
where Cl and ~ are defined in Section 4.4.7 and shall not exceed 10.
EBCS 2 - 7995 41
(4) For sway frames, the effective column stiffness (Eq. 4.23 or 4.24) may be divided by (1 + tJ,J.
where Ptl is as in (3) above.
(1) A slender column bent about its major axis may be treated as biaxially loaded with initial
eccentricity e,. acting about the minor axis.
(1) Columns of rectangular cross-section which are subjected to biaxial bending may be checked
separately for uniaxial bending in each respective direction provided the relative eccentricities are such
that k ~ 0.2; where k denotes the ratio of the smaller relative eccentricity to the larger relative
eccentricity .
(2) The relative eccentricity, for a given direction, is defined as the ratio of the total eccentricity,
allowing for initial eccentricity and second-order effects in that direction, to the column width in the
same direction.
(1) Separate checks as in Section is equally applicable to biaxial bending in general, provided
the central one-third parts of the effective lengths of the buckled column in the principal directions
do not overlap (see Fig. 4.7).
/' \
, L'
L0 2
L01 ~T /
\, \
FIgure 4.7 Buckling Curves tor Bending in each ot the Two Principal Directions
(1) If neither of the conditions in Sections and is satisfied, then the approximate
method of calculation given in this section may be adopted, in the absence of more accurate methods.
(2) ~orthis approximate methodrone-fourth of the total reinforcement must either be distributed
aloDa eaCh (ace'of tile column or at each comer. The column shall be designed for uniaxial bending
",ith th. following equivalent uniaxial eccentrlcity of load, e.q, along th'e axis .parallel to the larger
relative ecCentricity:
where e lOl
denotes the total eccentricity in the direction of the larger relative eccentricity
k denotes
. the relative eccentricity ratio defined in Section (2)
a may be obtained from Table 4.1 as a function of the relative normal force II =N.I(fc4"1)
C, I 0.6
I 0.8 I 0.9 ] 0.7 1 0.6 I 0.5
4.5.1 General
(1) This Section applies to beams and slabs designed for flexure in accordance with Section 4.3. It
also applies to columns subjected to significant shear forces designed in accordance with Sections 4.3
and 4.4.
(3) The ultimate limit state in shear is characterised by either diagonal compression failure of the
concrete or failure of the web reinforcement due to diagonal tension.
(4) Resistance to diagonal tension is obtained as the sum of the resistances of the web reinforcement
and of the concrete section.
(5) Critical section for shear is at a distance d from the face of supports. Sections closer than d shall
be designed for the shear at d.
(1) In order to prevent diagonal compression failure in the concrete, the shear resistance VRd of a
section given by Eq. 4.28 shall not be less than the applied shear force Vsd '
EBCS 2 - 1995 43
(1) The shear force Vc carried by the concrete in members without significant axial forces shall be
taken as:
Vc = 0.25f..1d k 1k2bwd (4.29)
k1 = (1 + SOp) ~
kz = 1.6 - d ~ 1.0 (d in meters). For members where more than 50% of the bottom
reinforcement is curtailed, ~ - 1
p = Ajb,.tI
A, is the area of the tensile reinforcement anchored beyond the intersection of the steel
and the line of a possible 45 crack starting from the edge of the section (sec Fig.
d[1 45?1
It ~
45'~1 - 45 0 " ' II
A . . I~b.ne~l Vsd
.- I
(1) For members subjected to axial compression, Eq. 4.30 may be used to compute the additional
shear force Vc" carried by the concrete.
b d
= 0.10_Aw_NSJ (4.30)
(1) For members subjected to axial tension, shear reinforcement shall be designed to carry total shear.
(2) In the case of fatigue loading, the shear reinforcement shall carry the total shear.
(2) Where inclined shear reinforcement is used, the angle between the reinfurcement and the
longitu.dinal axis of the beam .shall not be less than 450
(3) Where the load is not acting at the top of the beam or when the support is not at the bottom of
the beam suspension reinforcement shall be provided to transfer the load to the top of the beam.
(4) When shear reinforcement perpendicular to the longitudinal axis is used, its shear resistance ~
may be calculated as:
Aydfyd (4.31)
(5) When inclined stirrups are used, the shear resistance of the stirrups may be calculated as:
v = _A_yd_'/,.;..yd_(s_i_na_+_co_s_a_) (4.32)
I s
(6) When shear reinforcement consists of a single bar or a single group of parallel bars, all bent up
at the same distance from the support, the shear resistance of the reinforcement may be calculated as:
VI == AJyd sino (4.33) General
(1) The shear strength of the flange may be calculated considering th~ flange as a system of
compressive struts combined with ties in the form of tensile reinforcement.
(2) The junction of the flanges with the web shall be checked for longitudinal shear.
(3) The ultimate limit state in longitudinal shear is governed either by the effect of inclined flange
compression (acting parallel to its middle plane) or by tension in the transverse reinforcement.
(4) The longitudinal shear per unit length vsd' which may be obtained as a function of the applied
transverse shear VSci from Eqs. 4.32 and 4.33, shall not exceed the limits of resistance given by
Eqs. 4.34 and 4.35. .
EBCS 2 - 1995 45
(1) The resistance to inclined compression per unit length vRdI shall be computed as
(1) The resistance to diagonal tension per unit length VRd2 shall be computed as
Asffyd (4.37)
O. 5fcId h, + -s
. where Asf is the area of transverse reinforcement per unit length, perpendicular to the web
flange interface (see Fig. 4.9)
(2) If, at the section with M = M max (see Fig 4.9), the flange is subjected to a tensile force, the
concrete contribution O.50.fcIdhf in Eq. 4.37 should be neglected.
(3) The cross sectional area of the transverse flexural reinforcement which crosses the interface
between web and flange can be taken into account in. calculating Aif' If this reinforcement is not
sufficient as determined from Eq. 4.37, then additional reinforcement shall be provided.
A., .
(within height h,)
(4) The reinforcement crossing the plane of the junction shall be:
(a) Placed in the part of the flange subjected to tension by transverse bending if the latter is
(b) Evenly distributed between the upper and lower parts if the transverse bending is slight.
4.6.1 Deftnitions
(1) Compatibility torsion. Torques which are due solely to the restraint of the angular rotatioc
induced by adjacent members.
4.6.1 General
(1) Torques due tq compatibility torsion are not necessary for equilibrium and may he neglected in
ultimate limit state calculations. However, the resulting secondary effects shall he considered in the
serviceability limit states and in detailing.
(2) The torsional resistance of any section may he calculated on the basis of an equivalent hollow
section with thin walls (see Fig 4.10).
(3) For T-sections and other sections which can be subdivided into rectangles, the torsional resistance
may be taken as the sum of the capacities of the individual rectangular sections. The subdivision of
the section may be chose" so as to maximize the calculated resistance (see Sections 4.6.3 and 4.6.4).
(4) For. hollow sections, the equivalent wall thickness shall not exceed the actual wall thickness.
Actual wall thickness for hollow sections that is less than twice the concrete cover to longitudinal bars
is not allowed.
(5) The equivalent hollow section has the same outer boundary as the actual section and an equivalent
thlckness. h~ obtained as htf s: Alu s: the actual wall thickness (where u is the outer perimeter and
.4 is the total area of the cross-section enclosed by the outer perimeter, including inner hollow areas).
(6) The critical section for torque is at the face of supports.
~ Cenfre Line
~ Perimeter u
. /
(1) In order to prevent diagonal compression failure in the concrete, the torsional resistance TRd of
a section given by Eq. 4.38 shall not be less than the applied torque TSil'
where A,! is the area enclosed within the centerline of the thin-wall cross-section including
inner hollow areas (see Section 4.6.2).
(1) Torsional reinforcement in the form of closed links and longitudinal reinforcement is required to
carry the excess torque whenever the applied torque exceeds the concrete resistance given by
(2) The volume of longitudinal torsional reinforcement shall be chosen to be equal to the volume of
the links (closed stirrups).
(3) Minimum torsional reinforcement in the fonD of stirrups shall be provided as required in
Chapter 7.
(4) The torsional resistance' of the reinforcement T., is given by Eqs. 4.40 and 4.41.
T 'lA"fyd A,
.". co (4.40)
or 2A.,fydAI
T" (4.41)
where A, is the cross-sectional area of the stirrups in the effective wall
Al is the cross-sectionalarea of the lonJitudinal reinforcement
"~J is the mean perimeter enclosing the area A" (see Fig.4.9).
(2) The longinidinal reinforcement may be distributedevenly around the inside perimeter of the links
or concentrated in the comers where there shall always be at least one bar. .
.(1) The longitudinal reinfurcement shall be determined separately for torsion according to Section
4.6.5 and for flexure and axial loads according to Chapter 4.
(2) The area of reinforcement furnished shall be the sum of the areas thus, determined.
(1) The limiting values of torsional and shear resistance shall be taken as the basic values from Eqs.
4.38 and 4.28~ respectively multiplied by the following reduction factors {i, and fJv'
(a) torsion
{i,. , rr:;::::==::=~-
VSdWR4 )2
1 + (T IT (4.42) .'
Rd Sd
{b) shear R =_
v; r-
TSdITR4 )2
1 + (V IV (4.43)
Sd R4
ESCS 2 -1995 49
(2) The torsional and shear resistance of the concrete shall be taken as the basic values from EqsA.~9
and 4.29, respe-ctively, multiplied by the reduction factors (3k and f3 vc
(a) torsion f3 ,c = irr=====:-::--;;;
1 I (~)2 (4.44)
(b) shear
s; = rr=====--=
1+( Sd c)2 (4.45)
4.7.1 General
(1) This section applies to the punching of slabs and footings that are provided with the necessary
flexural reinforcement.
(2) The following requirements supplement those of Section 4.5 which must be checked to ensure
adequate resistance for one-way action.
(3) The ultimate limit state in punching is characterised by the formation of a truncated punching cone
or pyramid around concentrated loads or reactions.
(1) The provisions of this section are applicable to the following types of loaded area:
(a) Shape (d denotes the average effective depth of the slab or footing):
- rectangular, with perimeter not exceeding lId and the ratio of length to breadth not
exceeding 2
(b) The loaded area is not so close to other concentrated forces that their critical perimeters
intersect, nor in a zone subjected to significant shear forces of a different origin.
(2) If the conditions in 1(a) above are not satisfied for wall or rectangular column supports, the
critical reduced perimeters according to Fig. 4.11 shall be taken into account, since the shear forces
in wall-shaped supports are concentrated in the corners.
(1) The critical section is perpendicular to the middle plane of the slab. It extends along the effective
depth d and its outline is defined below.
.-'--1 t--.-. 1 2 a
Ud-t\ ~~}llb
" '....I.....- s S
{ 5.6d-b
T 7!!.
_. --f
..,;-.- '.
_._.~ punching lhelr
(1) The outline of the critical section is the closed outline of the minimum perimeter surrounding the
loaded area. However, it need not approach closer to the loaded area than lines located at a distance
1.5d from that area and parallel to its boundaries (see Fig. 4.12).
1.5d 1.5d
.,.._. ....... ,
I 11.5d / -,
\, I . , "
, !,
\ . ~I
..... _--""" ,
. l.'
.... _-_.
\ ."-.------, )
(1) When openings in slabs and footings (see Fig. 4.13) are located at a distance less than 6d from
the edge of the concentrated load, then that part of .the perimeter which is enclosed by radial
projections from the centroid of the loaded area to the openings is considered ineffective.
(2) Where a single hole is adjacent to the column and its greatest width is less than one quarter of the
column side or one half of the slab depth, whichever is the lesSer, its presence may be ignored.
(1) In the vicinity ofa free edge certain parts of the outline defined for the case of remote opening
or free edge shall be replaced by perpendicular lines to those edges if the resulting lengthdeveloped
in this way, excluding the free edges, is smaller than the lengthof the closedoutline wholly enclosing
the loaded area (see Fig. 4.14).
EBCS'2 - 1995 51
r----J--"-L-... s ad I_ LIs L
section --...i
Critical ~. I - j
For L,;:. L z
Replace L 2 by VL l Lz '
, I:.:
1.Sd ---,
".... ...... _.-' ..-/
r- 1.Sd
e ..-~
l.-..- 1.5d
(1) In the case of a centric load or reaction, the punching shear force VSd shall not exceed the
punching shear resistance VRdI or VRd2 given by Eqs. 4.36 or 4.37 as appropriate.
(2) In the case of an eccentric load or reaction, the applied load effect of the punching shear force
VJd with eccentricity e shall be taken to be equal to that of an equivalent centric load V.q given by
where (J = 1 + l1eud/Z
e is the eccentricity of the load or reaction with respect to the centroid of the critical
section, always positive
Z is the section modulus of the critical section, corresponding to the direction of the
11 denotes fraction of moment which is considered transferred by eccentricity of the shear
about the centroid of the critical section
= 1/(1 + .J(b2/b l )
b, and b2 are sides of the rectangle of outline u, b, being parallel to the direction of the
eccentricity e.
(3) Conservatively, the following values of (3 in (2) above may be used for flat slabs with
approximately equal spans and for footings:
(l) A fraction 71 of the moment is assumed to be transferred by eccentricity of the shear about the
centroid of the critical section. The remaining moment shall be considered to be transferred by flexure
in accordance with Appendix A.
(l) The punching resistance with punching shear reinforcement VRd2 shall be given by Eq. 4.48.
(2) The shear resistance of the reinforcement may be calculated using Eq.4.33, where A v is the sum
of the areas of web reinforcement within the critical perimeter.
(I) Flat slabs containing shear reinforcement shall have a minimum thickness of 200 mm.
EBCS 2 - 1995 53
[)lNVr:tH JA3:'1 X'l'lVNOI.LN3:.L.Nl 3:~Vd SIH.L]
(1) This Chapter covers the common serviceability limit states. These are.deflection control and crack
Other limit states (such as stress or vibration) may be of importance in particular structures but these
are not covered in this Code.
5.2.1 General
(1) The deflection of a structure or any part of the structure shall not adversely affect the proper
functioning or appearance of the structure,
(2) This may be ensured either by keeping calculated deflections below the limiting values in Section
5.2.2 or by compliance with the requirements for minimum effective depth given in Section 5.2.3.
(1) The final deflection (including the effects of temperature, creep and shrinkage) of all horizontal
members shall not, in general, exceed the value.
o = 200 (5.1)
(2) For roof or t100r construction supporting or attached to nonstructural elements (e.g partitions and
finishes) likely to be damaged by large det1ections, that part of the deflection which occurs after the.
attachment of-the non-structural elements shall not exceed the value.
L ~ 20 mm
o = 350 (5.2)
(3) In any calculation of deflections, the design properties of the materials and the design loads shall
be those defined in Sections 3.4 and 3.5 as appropriate for a serviceability limit state.
(1) The minimum effective depth obtained from Eq. 5.3 shall be provided unless computation of
deflection indicates that smaller thickness may be used without exceeding the limits stipulated in
Section 5.2.2.
EBCS 2 - 1995 55
where F
Jyk is the characteristic strength of the reinforcement (MP A).
L. is the effective span; and, for two-way slabs, the shorter span.
~a is the appropriate constant from Table 5.1, and for slabs carrying partition walls
likely to crack, shall be taken as ~a ~ 150/Lo
L, is the distance in meter between points of zero moments; and for a cantilever, twice
the length to the face of the support.
(1) When calculating deflections, the effect of creep and shrinkage strains on the curvature, .and
thereby on the deflection, shall be considered.
(I) Unless values are obtained by a more comprehensive analysis, deflections which occur
immediately on application of load shall be computed by the usual elastic methods as the sum of the
two parts OJ and Ojj given by Eqs. 5.4 and 5.5, but not more than oma< given by Eq. 5.6.
OJ = ~L2 lS
0.. k er
" 0.75lSsAsz(d-x) (5.5)
0ma< ~U k
lSsAsz (d - x) (5.6)
(2) Unless the theoretical moment which causes cracking is obtained by a more comprehensive
method, it shall be computed by
S6 EBCS 2 - 1995
where OJ is the deflection due to the theoretical cracking moment Mer acting on the uncracked
transformed section.
Ojj is the deflection due to the balance of the applied moment over and above the cracking
value and acting on a section with an equivalent stiffness of 75 % of the cracked value.
0max is the deflection of fully cracked section
As is the area of the tension reinforcement
Eem is the short term elastic modulus (tangent modulus) of the concrete (Table 2.5).
E, is the modulus of elasticity of steel
I, is the moment of inertia of the uncracked transformed concrete section
M, is the maximum applied moment at mid-span due to sustained characteristic loads; for
cantilevers M k is the moment at the face of the support
Z is the section modulus
d is the effective depth of the section
x is the neutral axis depth at the section of maximum moment
z is the internal lever arm at the section of maximum moment
(3 is the- deflection coefficient depending on the loading and support conditions
(e.g. (3 == 5/48 for simply supported span subjected to uniformly distributed load).
Note: The value of x and z may be determined for the service load condition using a modular ratio
of 10, or for the ultimate load condition.
(1) Unless values are obtained by more comprehensive analysis, the additional long-term deflection
of flexural members shall be obtained by multiplying the immediate deflection caused by the sustained
load considered, computed in accordance with Section, by the factor
5.3.1 General
(1) For reinforced concrete, two limit states of cracking: the limit state of crack formation and the
limit state of crack widths are of interest.
(2) The particular limit state to be checked is chosen on the basis of the requirements for durability
and appearance. The requirements for durability depend on the conditions of exposure and the
sensitivity of the reinforcement to corrosion.
(1) .in assessing the minimum area of reinforcement required to ensure controlled cracking in a
member or part of a member wh ich may be subjected to tensile stress due to the restraint of imposed
deformations, it is necessary to distinguish hetween two possible mechanisms hy which such stress
may arise. The two mechanisms are:
EBCS 2 - 1995 57
(a) Restraint Of intrinsic imposed deformations - where stresses are generated in a member due
to dimensional changes of the member considered being restrained (for example stress
induced in a member due to restraint to shrinkage of the member).
(b) Restraint of extrinsic imposed deformations - where the stresses are generated in the member
considered by its resistance to externally applied deformations (for example where a member
is stressed due to settlement of a. support).
(2) It is also necessary to distinguish between two basic types of stress distribution within the member
at the onset of cracking. These are:
(a) Bending - where the tensile stress distribution within the section is triangular (i.e. some part _
of the section remains in compression).
(b) Tension - where the whole of the section is subject to tensile stress.
(3) Unless more rigorous calculation shows a lesser area to be adequate, the required minimum areas
of reinforcement may be calculated from the relation given be Eq. 5.9.
As = k; kfct.ejAc,las (5.9)
where As is the area of reinforcement
Act is the area of concrete within tensile zone. The tensile zone is that part of the section
which is calculated to be in tension just before formation of the first crack.
as is.the maximum stress permitted in the reinforcement immediately after formation of
the crack. This may be taken as 100% of the yield strength of the reinforcement, hA:'
A lower value may, however, be needed to satisfy the crack with limits
!ct.ej is the tensile strength of the concrete effective at the time when the cracks may first be
expected to occur. In many cases, such as where the dominant imposed deformation
arises from dissipation of the heat of hydration, this may be within 3-5 days from
casting depending on the environmental conditions, the shape of the member and the
nature of the formwork. When the time of cracking cannot be established with
confidence as being less than 28 days, it is suggested that a minimum tensile strength
of 3 MPa be adopted.
k; is a coefficient which takes account of the nature of the stress distribution within the
section immediately prior to cracking. The stress distribution is that resulting from the
combination of effects of loading and restrained imposed deformation.
= 1.0 for pure tension
= 0.4 for bending without normal compressive force
k is a coefficient which allows for the effect of non-uniform self-equilibrating stresses
h ~ 800 mm k = 0.5
Parts of sections distant from the main tension reinforcement, such as outstanding parts of a section
or the webs of deep sections, may be considered to be subjected to imposed deformations by the
tension chord of the member. For such cases, a value in the range 0.5 < k < 1.0 will be
58 EBCS 2 - 1995
(4) The minimum reinforcement may be reduced or even be dispensed with altogether if the imposed
deformation is sufficiently small that it is unlikely to cause cracking. In such cases minimum
reinforcement need only be provided to resist the tensions due to the restraint.
(1) The maximum tensile stresses in the concrete are calculated under the action of design loads
appropriate to a serviceability limit state and on the basis of the geometrical properties of the
transformed uncracked concrete cross section. .
(2) The calculated stresses shall not exceed the following values:
(a) Flexure
(JCI = 1.70.fc1k (5.10)
(b) Direct tension
(Jet = !elk (5.11)
(3) In addition to the above, minimum reinforcement in accordance with Chapter 7 shall be provided
for the control of cracking. General
(1) Adequate protection against corrosion may be assumed provided that the minimum concrete covers
in Section 7.1.3 are complied with and provided further that the characteristic crack widths Wt do not
exceed the limiting values given in Table 5.2 appropriate. to the different conditions of exposure.
crack width, Wk 0.4 0.2 0.1
(1) Checking of the limit state of flexural crack widths is generally not necessary for reinforced
concrete where
EBCS 2 - 1995 59
Table S-.3Mulmum Bar Diameter tor which Checking Flexural Crack Width may be
"'It = C,}.4 mm "" = 0.2 nun
fI.~) t;{mm) fl. (MPa) cP (nun)
1~ 40 160 25
200 32 200 16
240 2S 240 12
280 20 320 6
320 16 400 4
ry erpo s
In Table 5.2
fI~ .is.the ateel stress Under service condition
Wi is the permitted Characteristic crack width
(2) H crack widths have to 'be calculated, the following approximate equations may be used in the
Ibsence of more accurate methods
Wi = 1.7w. (5.12)
W. = S_f_ (5.13)
s_ = 50 + 0.25K1K2"! (5.14)
60 EBCS 2 - 1995
25 (h-dl
h d
,__ - - Level 01 steel
effective area
(bl Slab
""'7 Trr-/"7777rrrrrr,/77
( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( {{
rr Lesser of 2,5 (c+ehl
or (h -xJ/3
where (J, is the service stress in the steel and may be obtained by elastic theory using modular
ratio equal to 10
(J" is the steel stress at rupture of concrete section; i.e., stress for the cracked section
under the action of the theoretical moment Mer defined in Section
.61 is a coefficient which characterizes the bond properties of the bars and is equal to
.61 = 1.0 for high bond bars
.62 = 0.5 for plain bars
.62 is a coefficient representing the influence of the duration of the application or
repetition of the loads .
.62 = 1.0 at the first loading
.62 -= 0.5 for sustained loads or for a large number ofload cycles
EBCS 2 - 1995 61
(1) Checking of shear crack widths is not necessary in slabs and in the web of beams if the spacing
of the stirrups does not exceed the values given in Table 5.4.
Table 5.4 Maximum Spacing (mm) of Vertical Stirrups for which Checking of Shear Crack
Width is Omitted
Wk (mm) 0.4 0.2
fyd (MPa) 220 400 360 500 220 400 360 500
Bond Properties (1) (2) (I) (2) (I) (2) (I) (2)
Vsd :s; Vc 300 250 200 ISO
Vc < Vsd :s; 3 Vc 250 200 150 100
Vsd > 3Vc 200 ISO 100 75
(l) Plam hars (2) HIl1h honcl bars
In Table 5.4,
Wl is the permitted characteristic crack width
Vsd is the shear acting during the combination under consideration
Vc is the shear resistance of concrete; Eqs. 4.29 and 4.30.
(2) If more precise data are available, then the widths of the shear cracks in the webs of beams can
be calculated for sustained loads by means of Eq. 5.13 together with the following equations:
W. = 1.7K W (5.17)
w '"
s"" -- 50 +02
. 5K JK 2 -cf> S d-x
. ( 8
Pr sin 5.1 )
(J V 2 (J
e = [I - ( C)] ~ 04
.... E Vsd . E (5.19)
V - V 1
(J = sd c ~ 40 MP
s b,.dpw (slno + coso) a (5.2Q)
(3) When several adjacent bars in the same layer are bent in the same zone (for example, at the
corners of a frame), the diameter of mandrel shall be chosen with a view to avoiding crushing or
splitting of the concrete under the effect of the pressure that occurs inside the bend (see Eq. 7.7).
62 EBCS 2 - 1995
(1) This chapter gives methods of analysis and design of special structural elements that in general
ensure that the objectives set out in Chapter 3 are met.
(2) Other methods may be used provided they can be shown to be satisfactory for the types of
structure or member considered.
(3) It is assumed that the ultimate limit state is the critical limit state.
(1) A reinforced concrete wall is a vertical load-bearing member whose greatest lateral dimension is
more than four times its least lateral dimension, and in which the reinforcement is taken into account
when considering its strength. For walls subjected predominantly to out-of-plane bending, the rules
for slabs apply.
(2) The requirements on minimum areas of reinforcement given in Chapter 7 shall be complied with.
(3) A reinforced wall shall be considered as either short or slender and as either braced or unbraced
as follows:
Short or Slender Walls: A wall may be considered short when the ratio of its effective height
to its thickness does not exceed 7. It shall otherwise be considered slender.
Braced or Unbraced Walls: A wall may be considered as braced if, at right angles to the plane
of the wall, lateral stability to the structure as a whole is provided by walls or other suitable
bracing designed to resist all lateral forces in that direction. It shall otherwise be considered as
(4) The overall stability of a multi-story building shall not, in any direction, depend on unbraced walls
alone. Design of Reinforced Concrete Walls for Flexure and Axial Loads
(1) Walls subject to combined flexure and axial load shall be designed under the provisions of Chapter
4, unless designed in accordance with Section 6.2.2.
(2) The length of the wall to be considered. effective for each concentrated load shall not exceed the
center-to-center distance between loads, nor shall it exceed the width of the bearing nlus four times
the wall thickness.
EBCS 2 - 1995 63
(3) Effective Height: The effective height L. of reinforced concrete walls in the non-sway mode shall
be determined from Eq. 6.1.
L. = {3L (6.1)
where L is the story height of the wall
{3 is the coefficient defined in Eqs. 6.2 to 6.5
where b is the width of the wall measured center-to-center of the bracing walls, or width
measured from the center of a bracing wall to the free edge.
(1) Design for horizontal shear forces in the plane of the wall shall be in accordance with provisions
for beam in Section 4.5.3, with the following modifications:
(2) Design for shear forces perpendicular to the face of the wall shall be in accordance with
provisions for slabs in Section 4.5.3.
(1) A plain concrete wall is a vertical load bearing concrete member whose greatest lateral dimension
is more than four times its least lateral dimension and which is assumed to be without reinforcement
when considering its strength, irrespective of whether it is actually reinforced or not. The definitions
for a short or slender, or braced or unbraced wall given in Section 6.2.1 for a reinforced concrete
wall shall apply also to a plain concrete wall.
64 EBCS 2 - 1995
(1) The simplified design -procedure . given below may' be used for plain concrete walls with
eccentricities of load in theplane of the wall of up to one-third the length of the wall and at right
angles to the wall of up to half the thickness of the wall.
(3) Effective Height: The effective height of plain concrete walls shall be determined from Eq. 6.1
as for reinforced concrete walls.
(4) Axial Load Capacity: Design axial load strength of plain concrete wall shall be computed from:
(a) Braced Walls: for short braced walls, the axial load resistance NRJ is given by:
where e is the resultant eccentricity of load at right angles to the plane of the wall (minimum
value of O.05h)
h is the thickness of the wall
..4.. is the cross-sectional area of the wall.
For slender braced walls, the axial load resistance is given by Eq.6.6 with the eccentricity e
redefined and calculated as given below:
e = 0.000 + e2 (6.7)
where eo is the resultant eccentricity of load at right angles to the plane of the wall (minimum
value of O.05h). '
l e2 is the second order eccentricity is given by 0.4h(L)lOh)2
(b) Unbraced Walls: The axial load resistance NRd is calculated at the top and at the bottom of
the wall using Eq. 6.7 but with e redefined and calculated as given below:
at the top:
e = eOI (6.8)
at the bottom:
e = em + e2 (6.9)
.where eOI is the first order eccentricity at the top of the wall
em the first order eccentricity at the bottom of the wall
e2 is the second order eccentricity given by 0.4h(L)lOh)2
Design for shear resistance of plain walls shall be in accordance with the provisions for reinforced
walls given in Section
EBCS 2 - 1995 65
6.3.1 General
(1} Flexural members with span-to-depth ratios less than 2 for simple spans, or 2.5 for continuous
spans are defined as deep beams.
(2) Deep beams under a concentrated load may be designed using a simple strut and tie model.
(3) In some cases, e.g. lower depth/span ratios, distributed loads, more than one concentrated load,
etc., models combining strut and tie action with truss action may be used.
(4) Continuous deep beams are sensitive to differential settlement. A range of support' reactions,
corresponding to possible settlements, should therefore be considered.
(5) Design for shear effects shall be in accordance with Section 6.3.2.
(6) The detailing requirements of Chapter 7 generally, and Section 7.2.6 in particular, shall be met.
(a) Shear spans supporting a principal load as defined in Section located at a distance Q.
not greater than twice the effective depth d.
(b) Shear spans not supporting a principal load or portions of beams supporting uniform loads
in which the distance I, between the points of zero shear and the support is less than three
times the effective depth.
(2) In each case, the beams shall be loaded on the top face and supported on the bottom face. For
beams loaded by members framing into the sides, the load may he assumed to he applied at the top
of the supported member provided that reinforcement satisfying the requirements for indirect supports
given in Section 6.6.3 is provided.
{3) Beams supported on members framing into the sides may he assumed to he supported at the level
of the bottom of the supporting member.
(J) For a given .shear span, a principal load is a concentrated load which causes 50 percent or more
of the shear at the support of that shear span.
(2) The shear span Q. shall be taken equal to the distance from the center of the principal load to the
center of the support. This span shall not he more than 1.15 times the clear distance from the face
of the load to the face of the support. The distance I, shall he taken equal to the distance from the
point of zero shear to the center of the support hut not more than 1.15 times the clear distance from
the point of zero shear to the face of the support.
66 EBCS 2 1995
(1) The shear resistance of deep shear spans 8M shall be obtained as the sum of the resistances of the
concrete .Vcd and the vertical and horizontal stirrups ~. and VII' respectively. . .
(2) The applied shear V&I shall not exceed tbe'lirilii imposed by Eq.4.28.
(j = - ~ 1.0 (6.10)
a y
(c) The shear force v:. transferred by vertical stirrups shall be given by
- d
AJyd(a y - 2) A df
V = :S: -y- yd
s S S
y y
(d) The shear force VII transferred by horizontal stirrups shall be given by
A vllfyd(-2 - aJ A df,
V = :s: J
vII yd
II (6.12)
(2) A y and A YII shall satisfy the minimum requirement given in Section
(3) For deep shear spans not supporting a principal load, the above provisions apply with a, /2
replaced by Is 13.
(1) These provisions apply to corbels having a shear span to depth ratio a, /d of unity or less..
(2) The distance d shall be measured at a section adjacent to the face of the support, but shall not be
taken greater than twice the depth of the corbel at the outside edge of the bearing area.
EBCS 2 - 1995 67
6.4.2 Design
(1) Corbels with OAd ~ a, ~ d may be designed using a simple strut and tie model.
(2) For deeper corbels (ay > (/), other adequate strut and tie models may be considered.
(5) The effective depth d of the corbel shall be determined from considerations of shear (see
Section 4.5).
(6) The local effects due to the assumed strut and tie system should be considered on the overall
design of the supporting member.
(7) The detailing requirements of Chapter 7 generally, and Section 7.2.7 in particular, shall be met.
!Y.-l Fv
____ ......1
lie /
(1) The external moment on any section of a footing shall be determined by passing a vertical plane
through the footing, and computing the moment of the forces acting over the entire area of the footing
on one side of that vertical plane.
(a) At the face of column, pedestal, or wall, for footings supporting a concrete column pedestal
or wall
(b) Halfway between middle and edge of wall, for footings supporting a masonry wall.
(c) Halfway between face of column and edge of steel base for footings supporting a column with
steel base plates.
68 EBCS 2 1995
(I) Distribution: In one-way footings and two-way square footings, reinforcement shall be distributed
uniformly across the entire width of footing.
(2) In two-way rectangular footings, reinforcement shall be distributed as follows:
. (a) Reinforcement in long direction shall be distributed uniformly across the entire width of
(h) For reinforcement in the short direction, a portion of the total reinforcement given by Eq.
6.13 shall be distributed uniformly over a band width (centered on center line of column or
pedestal) equal to the length of the short side of footing. The remainder of the 'reinforce
ment required in the short direction shall be distributed uniformly outside the center band
width, of the footing.
Reinforcement in band width 2 (6.13)
Total reinforcement in short direction P+T
where P is the ratio of long side to short side of footing.
(3) Anchorage: If the projection of the footing from the critical section for moment defined in
Section 6.5.1 does not exceed the effective depth d at that section, the bottom reinforcement shall be
provided with full anchorage length measured from the end of the straight portion of the bars.
(4) If the projection exceeds d, the anchorage length may be measured from a section situated at a
distance d from the above defined critical section for moment.
(1) Design of footings for shear shall be in accordance with provisions for slabs in Section 4.5.
(2) The location of the critical section for shear in accordance with Section 4.5 shall be measured
from face of column, pedestal or wall for footings supporting a column, pedestal, or wall.
(3) For footings supporting a column or pedestal with steel base plates, the critical section shall be
measured from the location defined in Section 6.5.1.
6.5.4 Bearing
(1) All forces and moments applied at the base of a column or pedestal shall be transferred to the top
of the supporting pedestal or footing by bearing on concrete and by reinforcement.
(2) The design bearing strength on concrete shall not exceed the design compressive strength !cd'
except as follows:
(a) When the supporting surface is wider on all sides than the loaded area, the design bearing
strength on the load area may be multiplied byv'(Az/A 1) but not more than 2.
EBCS 2 - 1995 69
(b) When the supporting surface is sloped or stepped, A 2 may be taken as the area of the lower
base of the largest frustrum of a right pyramid or cone contained wholly within the support
and having for its upper base the loaded area, and having side slopes of 2 vertical to 1
In the above AI is the loaded area, and Az is the maximum area of the portion of the supporting
surface that is geometrically similar to and concentric with the loaded area.
(1) The depth of footing above bottom reinforcement shall not be less than 150 mm for footings on
soil, nor 300 rom for footings on piles.
(1) The maximum compressive stress in plain concrete pedestals shall not exceed the concrete bearing
strength given in Section 6.5.4. .
(2) Plain concrete footing may be used provided that the projection of the footing beyond the critical
section defined in Section 6.5.1 does not exceed half the thickness of the footing at that section .
. (3) Flexural design stresses in plain concrete shall not exceed 1.70.fc",.
(4) Shear and punching shall be checked in accordance with Sections 4.8 and 4.10.
(6) The depth of plain concrete footings shall not be less than 200 mm.
(1) Distribution: The bottom reinforcement may consist partly of bars placed in strips between the
(2) Anchorage: The reinforcement shall always be arranged I n such a way that adequate anchorage
is provided beyond the axial plane of the piles.
(3) This may be deemed to be satisfied if the tensile force in the reinforcement crossing a pile, within
a width of 3 pile diameters, is not less than the pile reaction, assuming the reinforcement is fully
70 EBCS 2 . 1995
6.6.3 Shear
(1) Computation of shear on any section through a pile cap shall be in accordance with the following:
(a) The total reaction from any pile whose ~en~r is located half pile diameter or IDOre out-side
the section shall be considered as producing shear on that section.
(b) Reaction from any pile whose center is located half pile diameter or more inside the section
shall be considered as producing no shear on that section.
(c) ForIntermediate positions of pile center, linear interpolation between (a) and (b) above may
be assumed.
(1) Secondary reinforcement distributed horizontally and vertically is required only for footings
resting on only two piles, in consideration of one-way deep beam action of such footings.
(2) The amount of the secondary reinforcement to be provided shall be as for deep beams (see
Section 6.6:2):
(1) The thickness' of pile above the bottom reinforcement shall not be less than 300 mm.
(1) When a local compressive stress is applied at the end of a structural member or the intersection
of two structural members, transverse reinforcement capable of resisting the resulting transverse
tensile stresses shall, in general, be provided. However, this requirement may be waived provided
the dispersion of the pressure is not steeper than 2 vertical to 1 horizontal as stipulated in
Section 6.7.4.
(2) When transverse reinforcement is provided, it shall be evenly distributed over a distance measured
perpendicular to area At between O.I~and ~; ~ being the side length of area A2 measured in the
direction of the dispersion of the local force (see Fig. 6.2).
(3) The transverse tensile force may be obtained for two-orthogonal directions as:
N td = O.3F i 1 - a) (6.14)
(1) Where one or more concentrated forces act at the end of a member or at the intersection of two
structural members, local supplementary reinforcement should be provided capable of resisting the
transverse tensile forces caused by these forces.
EBCS 2 - 1995 71
0.1 -I
(1) Where one or more concentrated forces act at the end of a member or at the intersection of two
structural members, local supplementary reinforcement should be provided capable of resisting the
transverse tensile forces caused by these forces.
(2) This supplementary reinforcement may consist of links or of layers of reinforcement bent in the
shape of hair pins.
(3) For a uniform distribution of load on area Aco ' (Fig. 6.3), the concentrated resistance force can
be determined as follows:
If Ac and Aco correspond geometrically and have the same center of gravity: Ad =A c
The value of FRdu obtained from Eq. B.20 should be reduced if the load is not uniformly
distributed on 'area Aco or if it is accompanied by large shear forces.
This method applies to post-tensioned members and does not apply to the anchorages of
prestressing tendons (Section B.4.2.1).
(1) Concentrated bursting forces which occur when there are major changes in the direction in which
internal forces' act as in frame joints, for example, shall be resisted by additional suitably anchored
reinforcement (see Fig. 6.4).
72 EBCS 2 - 1995
plan view
Figure 6.3 Definition of the Areas to be Intrcdueed in Eq.B.l
6.7.4 Indirect:Supports
(1) The Junction between a bearing beam or girder and supported beam is defined as an indirect
(2) The reinforcement needed for the transmission of the load from the beam to the girder may be
determined by truss analogy.
.(3) The hanging or transmission reinforcement shall normally be calculated for the total reaction
acting at the support but may be reduced in the ratio of h/~ if the height hi of the supported beam
is smaller than the height ~ of the girder provided that the top surfaces of the two beams are at the
same level (see Fig. 6.5). No reduction shall be made when loads are suspended at the lower part
of a member. Fe
Fe Fc
( b)
Figure 6.4 Examples of Bursting Forces
EBCS 2 - 1995 73
(4) Transmission reinforcement shall be composed preferably of stirrups surrounding the main
reinforcement of the girder. The stirrups shall be distributed in the girder within a distance a.51l 1 011
either side of the beams.
(5) The main reinforcement in the supported beam shall be placed above that of the girder.
( b)
74 EBCS 2 - 1995
7.1.1' General
(1) The mechanical and bonding properties of the reinforcement shall meet the requirements of the
specified standard.
(1) The minimum diameter to which a bar is bent shall be such as to avoid crushing or splitting of
the concrete inside the bend of the bar, and to avoid bending cracks in the bar.
(2) The minimum diameter of the mandrel used shall be at least equal to the minimum specified for
the bend-rebend test of the reinforcement.
(4) When several adjacent bars in the same layer are bent in the same zone (for example, at the
corners of a frame), the diameter of mandrel shall be chosen with a view to avoiding crushing or
splitting of the concrete under the effect of the pressure that occurs inside the bend (see Eq. 7.7)
(1) The concrete cover is the distance between the outer surface of the reinforcement (including links
and stirrups) and the nearest concrete surface.
EBCS 2 - 1995 75
(3) The protection of reinforcement against corrosion depends upon the continuing presence of a
surrounding alkaline environment provided by an adequate thickness of good quality, welJ~red
concrete. The thickness of cover required depends both upon the exposure conditions and. on the
concrete quality.
(4) The minimum concrete cover required for the criterion in (3) above shalt-first be determined: nlis
shall be increased by an allowable (MI) for tolerances, which is dependent 'on the type and size of
structural element, the type of construction, standards of workmanship and quality control, and
detalllng practice, The result is the required nominal cover which shall be specified on the drawings.
(5) To transmit bond forces safely, and to ensure adequate compaction, the concrete cover, to the bar,
or tendon being considered, should never be less than:
(6) The minimum concrete cover to all reinforcement including links and stirrups should not be less
than the appropriate values given in Table 7.2.
cover 15 25 50
(7) Where surface reinforcement is used, the cover should either comply with (6) above, or protective
measures should be taken (e.g. protective coatings); in any case, the'rninimum cover shall not be less
than 20 mm.
(8) The allowance (All) for tolerance will usually be in the range of 0 mm < All < 5 mm, for
precast elements, if production control can guarantee these values and if this is verified by quality
control. The allowance will be in the range of 5 mm < All < 10 mm for insitu reinforced concrete
(9) For concrete cast against uneven surfaces, the minimum covers given in Table 7.1 should
generally be increased by larger allowances for tolerances. For example, for concrete cast directly
against the earth, the minimum cover should be greater than 75 mm; for concrete cast against
prepared ground (including blinding) the minimum cover should be greater than 40 mm. Surfaces
having design features, such as ribbed finishes or exposed aggregate, also require increased cover.
76 EBCS 2 - 1995
(10) The nominal cover shall always be at least equal to the diameter of the bar 4> and in the case of
bundles to the size of a single bar of equivalent area given by Eq. 7.1.
(11) The required minimum covers given in Table 7.1, as modified to allow for tolerances, may be
insufficient forfire protection. Particular requirements for fire resistance are given in the National
Building Code.
(1) The spacing of bars shall be suitable for the proper compaetion of concrete and when an internal
vibrator is likely to be used, sufficient space shall be left between reinforcement to enable the vibrator
to be inserted.
(2) The maximum aggregate size d, should be chosen to permit adequate compaction of the concrete
round the bars.
(3) The clear horizontal and vertical distance between bars shall be at least equal to the largest of the
following values: "
(a) 20 mm
(b) The diameter of the largest bar or effective diameter of the bundle
(c) The maximum size of the aggregate d, plus 5 mm
(4) Where bars are positioned in separate horizontal layers, the bars in each layer should be located
vertically above each other and the space between the resulting columns of bars should permit the
passage of an internal vibrator.
(5) Lapped bars may touch one another within the lap length.
(6) Maximum distance between bars shall comply with the requirements of Section 7.2.
7.1.5 Bond
(1) The design bond strengthfw depends on the type of reinforcement, the concrete strength and the
position of the bar during concreting.
EBCS 2 - 1995 77
(3) For good bond conditions, the design bond strength of plain bars may be obtained from Eq. 7.2
(4) For deformed bars twice the value for plain bars may be used.
(5) For other bond conditions, the design bond strength may be taken as 0.7 times the value for good
bond conditions.
(1) All reinforcement shall be properly anchored at each end with due consideration for the effect of
arch action and shear cracks.
(2) To prevent bond failure, the tension or compression in any bar at any section due to ultimate loads
shall be developed on each side of the section by an appropriate embedment length or end anchorage
or a combination thereof. Hooks may be used in developing bars in tension.
(1) The basic anchorage length is the embedment length required to develop the full design strength
of a straight reinforcing bar.
(1) The required anchorage length Ib,M' depends on the type of anchorage and on the stress in the
reinforcement and can be calculated as:
= al A s, cal
lb,net bT ~ lb,min (7.4)
where As, cal is the theoretical area of reinforcement required by the design
A."j is the area of reinforcement actually provided
a = 1.0 for straight bar anchorage in tension or compression
= 0.7 for anchorage in tension with the standard hooks of Fig. 7.2
lb,,,,;,, is the minimum anchorage length
78 EBCS 2 1995
-~-----_.~ . . _._--~.~--_._~._--
, .c 'S"';
-< : i_F.,
I lb,net
1 /
a~9~t\ L
figure 7.1 Standard Hooks
(1) In order to prevent concrete failure in the plane of a loop anchorage, the diameter of the mandrel
used must satisfy Eq. 7.7.
. . 4J U
d . ~ (0.7 + 1.4_)_sd_4J (7.7)
s 1.5.fcd
where Usd is the stress in the bar at the start of the bend
s is the smaller of:
- the spacing between the loops
- the cover c increased by half the diameter 4J
(1) The type of anchorage used shall not induce splitting or spalling of the concrete cover.
(3) Anchorage by bends (90" to 135) is only allowed for deformed bars.
(4) The required anchorage h.~1 shall be measured from the mid-depth of the member.
EBCS 2 - 1995 79
, (2) The lap length 1 shall be at least equal to the basic anchorage length lb.
(3) The percentage of lapped bars in compression in anyone section may be 100% of the total steel
cross section.
(4) The separation of the bars at the joint shall be as small as possible and shall not exceed 4et> except
in slabs and walls. The distance between two adjacent laps shall be equal to: AdditiotUJl Rules for Deformed Bars of Large Diameter (q. > 32 mm)
(1) Bars of Diameter et> > 32 mm shall be used only in elements of thickness at least equal to 15 cP.
(2) When large bars are used at relatively wide spacings, skin reinforcement is required for adequate
crack control.
(3) The design bond strength ji, from Section 7.5.1 shall he reduced by the factor:
132 - <I> (7 9)
" 100 .
80 EBCS 2 - 1995
----------- ----~-------~'---- --------~--- -------------- -~---
(1) For design, bundles of bars containing n bars having the same diameter are replaced by a single
notional bar having the same center of gravity, and an equivalent diameter:
"',. q,{; ~ 55 nun (7.10)
(2) The equivalent diameter "'" is taken into account in evaluating the minimum cover. However, the
cover provided shall be measured from the actual outside contour of the bundle.
(3) The anchorages of the bars of a bundle can only be straight anchorages.
(4) The anchorage of a bundle is dependent upon the anchorage of the individual bars.
(5) The anchorages shall be staggered; for bundles of 2, 3, or 4 bars the staggering shall be
respectively, 1.2~ -1.3 or 1.4 times the anchorage length of the individual bars.
(6) Joints can be made on only one bar at a time but at any section there shall be no more than four
bars in a bundle. The laps of the individual bars shall be staggered in accordance with Section
(1) The tensile force diagram or Mlz diagram for a flexural member shall be obtained by dividing
the moment diagram by the appropriate lever arm z and displacing the resulting curves horizontally
by the amounts al as shown in Fig. 7.2.
(2) The displacement al depends on the spacing of potential shear cracks and may be taken as follows,
in the absence of more accurate determination:
(3) Near points of zero moment, al ~ d shall be taken for both positive and negative moments.
EBCS 2 - 1995 81
: I
.I ~11~EI"1 __ ~
r----; ,:
, I , diagram of the
:~' ==============~!=~:~~re".t1ng
i tensile I foree
(1) Reinforcement shall extend beyond the point at which it is no longer required to resist tension
for a length given by:
(2) The anchorage length of bars that are bent up as shear reinforceme.nt shall be at least equal to
1.3/.,,,,,, in zones subjected to tension and to O.7Ib,,,,,, in zones subjected to compression.
(3) At least one-quarter of the positive moment reinforcement in simple beams and one-half of the
positive moment reinforcement in slabs shall extend along the same face of the member into the
(4) The anchorage of this reinforcement shall be capable of developing the following tensile force F,.
F, VIII d ~ O.5VIII (7.11)
(6) The anchorage length of the bottom reinforcement at intermediate supports shall be at least 104>.
7.2.1 Beams
(1) The geometrical ratio of reinforcement p at any section of a beam where positive reinforcement
is required by analysis shall not be less than that giv.en by
PIfIbI = rr: (1.12)
(2) In T-beams and joists where the web is in tension, the ratio P shall be computed for this purpose
using width of web.
(3) The maximum reinforcement ratio PIfIQ% for either tensile or compressive reinforcement shall be
(1) All beams, except joists of ribbed slabs, shall be provided with at least the minimum web
reinforcement given by:
:: ~k
(2) The maximum spacing sma< between stirrups, in the longitudinal direction, shall be as given below:
: :: 0.5d :s; 300 mm if V..., :s; ~VRD (1.14)
(3) The transverse spacing of legs of stirrups shall not exceed d, or 800 mm, whichever is the
(1) The minimum web reinforcement given by Eq. 1.2 shall be provided in the form of closed stirrups
for the case of torsional reinforcement.
(2) The spacing of the stirrups shall not exceed u.f I8.
(3) The longitudinal bars required for torsion shalt be distributed uniformly around the perimeter of
the closed stirrups at a spacing not exceeding 350 mm.
(4) At least one longitudinal bar shall be placed in each corner of the closed stirrups.
EBCS 2 - 1995 83
7.2.2 Slabs Thickness
(a) 60 mm for slabs not exposed to concentrated loads (e.g inaccessible roofs)
(b) 80 mm for slabs exposed mainly to distributed loads.
(c) 100 mm for slabs exposed to light moving concentrated loads (e.g slabs accessible to light
motor vehicles)
(d) 120 mm for slabs exposed to heavy dynamic moving loads (eg. slabs accessible to heavy
(e) 150 mm for slabs on point supports (e.g flat slabs)
(1) The ratio of the secondary reinforcement to the main reinforcement shall be at least equal to 0.2.
(2) The geometrical ratio of main reinforcement in a slab shall not be less than:
p. ". (7.16)
1tWI ~l
(3) The spacing between main bars for slabs shall not exceed the smaller of 2h or 350 mm.
(4) The spacing between secondary bars shall not exceed 400 mm. Sizes
(1) Ribs shall not be less than 70 mm in width; and shall have a depth, excluding any topping, of not
more than 4 times the minimum width of the rib. The rib spacing shall not exceed 1.0 m.
(2) Thickness of topping shall not he less than 40 rnrn, nor less than 1/10 the clear distance between
(3) The topping shall be provided wit.h a reinforcement mesh providing in each direction a cross
sectional area not less than 0.001 of the sevtiun of t",;, slab.
(4) If the rib spacing exceeds 1.0 rn, the topping .11<1.11 he designed as a slab resting on ribs,
considering load concentrations, if any.
(5) The web-flange connections shall be che(~k",r1 i.,~ x.cordance with Section 4.5.5.
84 EBCS 2 - 1995
(1) Transverse ribs shall be provided if the span of the ribbed slab exceeds 6.0 m.
(2) When transverse ribs are provided, the center-to-center distance shall not exceed 20 times the
overall depth of the ribbed slab..
(3) The transverse ribs shall be designed for at least half the values of maximum moments and shear
forcein the longitudinal ribs.
7.2.4 Columns Size
(1) The minimum lateral dimension of a column shall be at least 150 mm.
(1) The area of longitudinal reinforcement shall not be less than 0.OO8A c nor more than 0.08Ac ' The
upper limit shall be observed even where bars overlap.
(2) For columns with a larger cross-section than required by considerations of loading, a reduced
effective area not less than one-half the total area may be used to determine minimum reinforcement
and design strength.
(3) The minimum number of longitudinal reinforcing bars shall be 6 for bars in a circular arrangement
and 4 for bars in a rectangular arrangement.
(4) The diameter of longitudinal bars shall not be less than 12 mm.
(1) The diameter of ties or spirals shall not be less than 6 mm or one quarter of the diameter of the
longitudinal bars.
(3) Ties shall be arranged such that every bar or group of bars placed in a corner and alternate
longitudinal bar shall have lateral support provided by the corner of a tie with an included angle of
not more than 135 and no bar shall be further than 150 mm clear on each side along the tie from
(4) Up to five longitudinal bars in each corner may be secured against lateral buckling by means of
the main ties. The center-to-center distance between the outermost of these bars and the corner bar
shall not exceed 15 times the diameter of the tie (s~e Fig. 7.4).
S"tQX = 350 mm
(5) Spirals or circular ties may be used for longitudinal bars located around the perimeter of a circle.
The pitch of spirals shall not exceed 100 mm.
EBCS 2 - 1995 85
- --" _._-~-----
A .. sao mm ~
7.2.5 WALLS SizJs
(1) The thickness of load bearing walls shall not be lessthan 1/25 of the unsupported heightor width,
whichever is shorter, nor less than 150 mm.
(2) The overall thickness of panel and partition walls shall not be less than 1/30 of the distance
between supporting or enclosing members, nor less than 100 mm.
(1) The area of vertical reinforcement shall not be less than O.OO4A c nor more than O.04A c ' The
upper limit shall be observed even where bars overlap.
(2) For walls with a larger cross-section than required by considerations of loading, a reduced
effective area not less than one-half the total area may be used to determine minimum reinforcement
IDd desip strength.
86 EBCS 2 1995
----_._-~ - - - - - - "."----- ----------------~--_._.--._---"--
(3) The diameter of vertical bars shall not be less than 8 mm.
(4) The Si*ing of vertical bars shall not exceed twice the wall thickness nor 300 mm,
(1) The uea of horizontal reinforcement shall not be less than one-half of that of the vertical
"(2) The' spacing of horizontal bars shall not exceed 300 mm. The diameter of horizontal bars shall
not be less'than one quarter of that of the vertical bars.
(3) Horizontal reinforcement shall: enclose the vertical reinforcement. The horizontal bars shall be
tied to the vertical bars so as to form a rigid mat.
(1) The mats at the two faces of a wall shall be connected to each other by at least 4 transverse S-ties
per m2 , when the diameter of the vertical reinforcement is 16 mm or greater.
(2) If the area of required reinforcement exceeds a.OUe , then ties as required for columns (see
Section shall be provided. 1'1Iidness
(1) The thickness of deep beams shall not be less than 100 mm.
(1) To supplement the main reinforcement, one layer of mesh reinforcement shall be provided near
each face of deep beams. .The minimum percentage of reinforcement of each mesh in each direction
shall be given by:
P". = /yt (1.11)
(1) The spacing between adjacent bars shall not exceed twice the thickness of the deep beam or
300 mm.
EBCS 2 - 1995 87
7.2.7 Corbels
(1) The reinforcement, corresponding to the ties considered in the design model (Section 6.4), should
be fully anchored beyond the node under the bearing plate by using If-hoops or anchorage devices
unless a length lb...., is available between the node and the front of the corbel, The length lb...., should
be measured from the point where the compression stresses change their direction. .
(2) In corbel with he ~ 300 mm, when the area of the primary horizontal tie As is such that
As ~ fyd (7.18)
(where A e is the sectional area of the concrete in the corbel at the column), then closed stirrups,
having a total area not less than O.4A" should be distributed over the effective depth d in order to
cater for splitting stresses in the concrete strut. They can be placed either horizontally (Fig. 7.5(a)
or inclined (Fig. 7.5(b.
J1~ .... Fv Fv
'" II
,100 ped looped
1..1 '!...
\ t\ (~
--.. '~
I He )( .I He
1 -'
1 ~ O.4A s
I' J
I stirrups
~ O.4A s
_1 II '"
_1- u,
Figure 7.5 Reinforcement of a Corbel
88 EBCS 2 - 1995
8.1 ,SCOPE
(1) This Chapter provides minimum specification requirements for materials and for the standard of
workmanship that must be achieved on site in order to ensure that the design assumptions in this Code
are valid and hence that the intended levels of safety and of durability will be attained.
(2) This Chapter is neither intended as, nor extensive enough fot, a contract document.
(a) Designed mixes: With this method the required compressive strength is specified, together
with any other limits that may be required, such as maximum aggregate size, minimum
cement content, and workability.
(b) Prescribed mixes: With this method, the designer assumes responsibility for designing the
mix and stipulates to the producer the mix proportions and the materials which shall be
(c) Standard (or Nominal) mixes: The mix proportions which are appropriate for grades C5 to
C30 may be taken from Table 8.1. These standard mixes which are rich in cement, and are
intended for use where the cost of trial mixes or of acceptance cure testing is not justified,
may be used without verification of compressive strength by testing.
(2) The limitation on constituent materials given in Section 8.2.2 shall be complied with. Cement
(1) The cement used shall be Portland or Portland-Pozzolana cement complying with the requirements
of the latest Ethiopian Standards-on such cements.
(2) Where cements other than those complying with these standards are used, account shall be taken
of their properties and any particular conditions of use. ~~ne~ates
(1) In general aggregates shall comply with the requirements of the latest Ethiopian Standards for
aggregates. Water
(1) Mixing water shall be clean and free from harmful matter.
EBCS 2 - 1995 89
Table 8.1 Standard Mixes for Ordinary Structural Concrete per SO kg Bag of Cement
G: )i
~ Nominal max. size ~
~ Concrete of Aggregate (mm) 20 14 10 ,...5:
... 40
.. t:l
~ Grade Workability Medium High Medium High Medium High Medium High 5E
Limits of slump that (")
may be expected (rom) 30 to 60 60 to 120 20 to 50 50 to 100 10 to 30 30 to 60 10 to 25 25 to 50
Total Aggregate (kg) 640 550 540 480
C5 Fine Aggregate (%) 30 - 45 30 - 45 35 - 50 35 - 50 ~
- - - -
Vol. of finished concrete (nr') 0.312 0.275 0.277 0.252 ~
Total Aggregate (kg) 370 330 320 280 ~
C 15 Fine Aggregate (%)
30 - 45 30 - 45 35 - 50 35 - 50 - - - -
Vol. of finished concrete (nr') 0.200 0.183 0.178 0.160
Total Aggregate (kg) 305 270 280 250 255 220 240 200 ~
C 20 Fine Aggregate (%) 30 - 35 30 - 40 30 - 40 35 - 45 35 - 45
Vol. of finished concrete (m') 0.165 0.155 0.156 0.143 0.146
40 - 50
40 - 50
45 - 55
Total Aggregate (kg) 265 240 240 215 220 195 210 175 ,...~
C25 Fine Aggregate (%) 30 - 35 30 - 40 30 - 40 35 - 45 35 - 45 40 - 50 40 - 50 45 - 55
Vol. of finished concrete (m') 0.147 0.137 0.137 0.127 0.130 0.118 0.124 0.110 ~
Total Aggregate (kg) 235 215 210 190 195 170 180 150 ~
C 30 Fine Aggregate (%) 30 - 35 30 - 40 30 - 40 35 - 45 35 - 45 40 - 50 40 - 50 45 - 55 ()
Vol. of finished concrete (nr') 0.134 0.127 0.124 0.115 0.115 0.106 0.109 0.097 ~
(1) Suitable admixtures may be u-sed in concrete mixes, in special cases, with the prior approval of
the engineer.
(2) Many admixtures are highly active chemicals and may impart undesirable as well as desirable
properties to the concrete; their suitability shall generally be verified by trial mixes. Chlorides, in
particular, may increase the risk of corrosion.
(1) The choice of the constituents and of their mix proportions shall be such as to satisfy requirements
(a) The properties of the fresh concrete (see Section 8.2.4 to 8.2.6)
(b) The specified properties of the hardened concrete (strength or other limit requirements, see
Section 8.2.1)
(c) The durability, taking account of the conditions of exposure. In particular, the total content
of deleterious substances shall be restricted. Workability
(1) The workability of the fresh concrete shall be such that the concrete is suitable for the conditions
of handling and placing so that after compaction it surrounds all reinforcement and completely fills
the formwork. Temperature
(1) Where the minimum dimension of concrete to be placed at a single time is greater than 600 mm
and especially where the cement content is likely to be 400 kg/m' or more, measures to reduce the
temperature, such as the selection of a cement type with a slower release of heat of hydration shall
be considered. In exceptional cases other measures to reduce the temperature or to remove evolved
heat may be necessary. General
(1) Hot weather is defined as any combination of high air temperature, low relative humidity, and
wind velocity tending to impair the quality of fresh or hardened concrete or otherwise resulting in
abnormal properties. The effects of hot weather are most critical during periods of rising
temperature, falling relative humidity, or both.
(2) Hot weather introduces problems in preparation, placing, and curing cement concrete that can
adversely affect the properties and serviceability of the hardened concrete.
(1) If concrete temperatures as placed are expected to be abnormally high, preparation shall be made
to place, consolidate and finish the concrete at the fastest possible rate.
EBCS 2 - 1995 91
(2) For best assurance of good results with concrete placing in hot weather, the initial concrete
placement should be limited between 25C and 40C. Every effort shall be made to keep the concrete
temperature uniform.
(3) Under extreme conditions of high ambient temperature, exposure to direct rays of the sun, low
relative humidity, and wind, it is suggested to restrict concrete placement to late afternoon or evening.
(1) In hot weather there is great need for continuous curing, preferably by water. The need is
greatest during the first few hours, and throughout the first day after the concrete is placed.
(2) In hot weather, forms shall be covered and kept moist. The forms shall be loosened, as soon as
this can be done without damage to concrete, and provisions made for the curing water to run down
inside them. During form removal, care shall be taken to provide wet cover to newly exposed
surfaces to avoid exposure to hot sun and wind. At the end of the prescribed curing period (l0 days
is recommended), the covering shall be left in place without wetting for at least four days, so that the
concrete surface will dry slowly and be less subject to surface shrinkage cracking.
(1) One of the main characteristics influencing the durability of any concrete is its permeability.
(2) With strong, dense aggregates, a suitably low permeability is achieved by having a sufficiently
low water/cement ratio, by ensuring complete compaction of the concrete, and by ensuring sufficient
hydration of the cement through proper curing methods.
(3) The cement content shall be sufficient to provide adequate workability with low water/cement ratio
so that the concrete can be completely compacted with the means available.
(4) Table 8.2 gives the minimum cement content required and maximum net water/cement ratio
recommended, when using a particular size of aggregate in Portland cement concrete, to provide
acceptable durability under the appropriate conditions of exposure.
(5) The cement contents in Table 8.2 may be reduced by 20 kg/m' when trial mixes have verified that
a concrete with a maximum net water/cement ratio not greater than that given for the particular
condition, can he consistently produced and that it is suitable for the conditions of placing and
(I) Cement contents in excess of 550 kg/nr' shall not be used unless special consideration has been
given in design to the increased risk of cracking due to drying shrinkage in thin sections or to thermal
stresses in thicker sections.
92 EBCS 2 - 7995
__... _._-----
- - - _...
Table 8.2 Minimum Cement Content per m3 of Concrete to Ensure Durability under
Specified Conditions of Exposure
\ Reinforced Coticrete Plain Concrete
(1) Reinforcing steel shall comply with the requirements of Sections 2.6 to 2.10 of this Code.
Reinforcing steel shall comply with the requirements of the latest Ethiopian Standards for
(2) Only steel specified in the design documents may be used as reinforcements.
8.4.1 General
(1) The supervision employed shall be such as to ensure the required standard of control over
materials and workmanship. The engineer shall be afforded all reasonable opportunity and facility
to inspect the materials and the manufacture of concrete and to take any samples or to make any
tests. All such inspection, sampling and testing shall be carried out with the process of manufacture
and delivery.
8.4.2 Handling and Storage of the Materials used for Making Concrete (7er.nent
(1) Cement shall be transported and stored in clean containers and protected from moisture both in
tr ansit
and during storage.
EBCS 2 - 1995 93
(1) Aggregates shall be handled and stored so as to minimize segregation and contamination with
undesirable constituents. Separate storage facilities with adequate provision for drainage shall be
provided for each different nominal size of aggregate used.
(1) The mixing shall be carried out in such a way that the constituent materials are uniformly
distributed and the mixture has uniform workability.
(2) The quantity of cement, the quantity of fine aggregate and the quantities of the various sizes of
coarse aggregates shall be measured by weight except that aggregates may be measured by volume
for Class II Concrete or for standard mixes.
(3) The batch weights of aggregates shall be adjusted to allow for a moisture content typical of the
aggregates being used.
(1) Concrete shall be transported from the mixer to the formwork as rapidly as practicable by methods
which will prevent the segregation or loss of any of the ingredients, and maintain the required
workability. It shall be deposited as nearly as practicable in its final position to avoid rehandling.
(2) All placing and compacting shall be carried out under the direct supervision of a competent
member of the contractor's (or manufacturer's) staff. Class I concrete of grades C20 and above shall
be compacted by using vibrators.
(3) Concrete shall be placed soon after mixing and thoroughly compacted during the operation of
placing. It shall be thoroughly worked around the reinforcement, tendons or duct formers, around
embedded fixtures and into corners of formwork to form a solid mass free from voids.
(4) Care shall be taken to avoid the displacement of reinforcement or movement of formwork and
damage to faces of formwork.
(5) The depth of lift to be concreted shall be determined by the contractor or the manufacturer in
consultation with the engineer.
(6) In order to avoid segregation, the free fall of concrete mass shall be restricted to a maximum of
three meters unless the system of placing concrete is approved by the designer.
(7) When vibrators are used to compact the concrete,vibration shall be applied continuously during
the placing of each batch of concrete until the expulsion of air has practically ceased and in a manner
which does not promote segregation of the ingredients.
(8) The mix shall be such that there will not be excess water on the top surface on completion of
(1) The number of construction joints shall be kept as few as possible consistent with reasonable
precautions against shrinkage. Concreting shall be carried out continuously up to construction joints.
94 EBCS 2 - 1995
---------- -- _- --_._-_
.. .. - - - - "
(2) Where it is necessary to introduce constructionjoints, careful consideration shall be given to their
exact location, which shall be indicated on the drawings. Alternatively .. the location and details of
joints shall be subject to the agreement between the engineer and the contractor before any work
commences. Construction joints shall be at right angles to the general direction. of the member and
shall take due account of shear and other stresses.
(3) Particular care shall be taken in the placing of the new concrete close to the joint. The surface
of concrete construction joints shall be thoroughly cleaned and laitance removed. Immediately before
new concrete is placed, all construction joints shall be wetted and standing water removed.
8.4.6 Formwork
(1) Formwork and falsework shall be designed and constructed so that they are capable of resisting
all actions which may occur during the construction process. They shall remain undisturbed until the
concrete has achieved sufficient strength to withstand the stresses to which it will be subjected on
stripping or release, with an acceptable margin of safety.
(2) The. formwork and falsework shall be sufficiently stiff and tight to ensure that the tolerances for
the structure are satisfied and that its loadbearing capacity is not affected and to prevent loss of grout
or mortar from the concrete at all stages and for the appropriate method of placing and compacting.
(3) The general lay-out of the formwork shall be such that the correct placing of reinforcement as well
as correct compaction of the concrete is possible.
(4) The formwork and the falsework shall be designed and erected by suitably trained persons.
Supervision and control shall be such as to ensure that the erection is completed in accordance with
the drawings and specifications.
(5) The formwork shall be capable of being removed from the concrete without causing shock or
(6) Where necessary, the camper built into the formwork should be that required by the designer of
the structure and falsework.
(7) Ground support for the falsework should also be constructed by suitably trained personnel in
accordance with the drawings and specifications. Deformations and displacements imposed by
prestressing should be taken into account in the design of the falsework.
(8) Joints between the panels of the formwork should be adequately tight.
(9) The internal surface of the formwork must be clean. Approved mould-release agents should be
applied in continuous and uniform layers on the internal surface and the concrete should then be
placed while these agents are still effective. Any possible detrimental influence of these agents on the
concrete surface has to be taken into consideration.
(10) Formwork spacers left in the concrete should not impair its durability or appearance.
EBCS 2 - 1995 95
(1) The formwork shall be designed and constructed so that there is no loss of fines, or blemish of
the concrete surface.
(2) Where a particular grade or type of finish is required for practical or aesthetic reasons, the
requirements shall be specified directly or by reference to appropriate national or international
documents or by sample surfaces.
(1) Temporary works inserts may be necessary to assist in maintaining formwork, or bar
reinforcement or ducts or other similar items, in place until the concrete has hardened.
(2) Such inserts shall not introduce unacceptable loading on the structure, shall not react harmfully
with the constituents of the concrete or reinforcement, and shall not produce unacceptable surface
(1) The formwork shall be removed slowly, as the sudden removal of wedges is equivalent to a shock
load on the partly hardened concrete.
(2) The time at which formwork and falsework is removed shall be determined by consideration of
the following criteria:
(a) The stresses that will be induced in the concrete when the formwork/falsework has been
(b) The concrete strength at the time of removal;
(c) The ambient climatic conditions and the measures available to protect the concrete once the
formwork is removed;
(d) The presence, or otherwise, of re-entrant angle formwork, which should be removed as soon
as possible, while complying with other removal criteria.
(3) The formwork shall not be removed before the structure has gained enough strength to safely
carryall the possible loads. The time at which formwork is struck will be influenced by the
following factors:
(4) Provided the concrete strength is confirmed by tests on cubes stored as far as possible under the
same conditions, formwork supporting cast-in-situ concrete may be removed when the cube strength
is 50% if the nominal strength or twice the stress to which it will then be subjected whichever is
greater, provided that such earlier removal will not result in unacceptable deflections such as due to
shrinkage and creep.
96 EBCS 2 - 1995
________0___ _ ._ - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ . --------------_.
(5) The time between casting and removal of the formwork depends mainly on the strength
development of the concrete and on the function of the formwork. In the absence of more accurate _
data, the following minimum periods are recommended:
(a) For non-load bearing parts of formwork
(e.g. vertical formwork of beams; formwork for columns and walls) 18 hours
(b) For soffit formwork to slabs 7 days
(c) For props to slabs 14 days
(d) For soffit formwork to beams 14 days
-(e) _For props to beams 21 days
(5) Where sliding or climbing formwork is used, shorter periods than those recommended above may
be permitted.
.8.4.7 Curing
(1) The methods of curing and their duration shall be such that the concrete will have satisfactory
durability and strength and the member will suffer a minimum of distortion, be free of excessive
-efflorescence and will not cause, by its shrinkage, undue cracking in the structure.
(1) Steel reinforcing bars, welded mesh reinforcement and prefabricated reinforcement cages shall be
transported, stored, bent and placed in position so that they do not suffer any damage.
(2) The surface condition of the reinforcement shall be examined prior to use, to ensure that it is free
from deleterious substances which may adversely affect the steel or concrete or the bond between
(3) Reinforcing steel shall be cut and bent in accordance with appropriate international or national
Reinforcement shall not be surrounded by concrete unless it is free from mud, oil, paint, retarders,
loose rust, loose mill scale, grease or any other substance which can be shown to affect adversely the
8.5.3 Welding
(1) Welding must only be carried out on reinforcing steel that is suitable for welding.
(2) Welding connections must be made and checked by persons suitably trained in welding of
EBCS 2 - 1995 97
- - - - - ' - - - - - - - ----------------_-.:._------ --_...._. __. _ - - - - - - -
(4)Where a risk offatigue exists, the welding of reinforcement mustconform to special requlremeots
, as given, in,relevant standards.
(5) The production and checking of the welded connections shall COIl}ply'with the relevant
requirements-f international or national standards. '
8.5.4 Joints
,(1) The length and position oflapped jointsshall be in accordance with the design and the drawings.
If the bar lengths delivered to the site do not conform withthe drawings, thenmodifications shall only
be introduced with the approval of the designer or of the supervisory authority.
"(2)In general, reinforcing bars shall not be welded at or near bends in a.bar,
rn The assembly of the reinforcement shall be robust enough to ensure that the bars do notshifttheir
prescribed position during transportation, placing and concreting. The specified cover to the
reinforcement shall be maintained by the use of approved chairs and spacers.
(2) The tolerances required for the fixing of reinforcement shall be as given in Section 8.2.
,Alternatively, they shall be stated in the contract documents. \'
(3) Bending should be carried out by mechanical methods, at constant speed without jerking, withthe
aid of mandrels so that the bent part has a constant curvature. If the ambient temperature is-lower thjJl
a specified value, additional precautions may be needed. '
(4) The reinforcement shall' be secured against anydisplacement and the position of the reinforcement
.shall be checked before concreting." . '
~) ,In areas of congested reinforcement, sufficient spacing of the bars shall be provided to allow
proper'compaction of the concrete. "
8~6.1 General
(1) In order to ensurethe required properties of the structure, the tolerances must be clearly defined
beforeconstruction work starts. .
(2) For durability reasons, independently from the defined' tolerances, the cover to reinforcements
shall not be less than the minimum values given in Section 7!1.
(3) Thedbnensions given on the working drawings shall be observed with the appropriate tolerance.
98 EBCS 2 1995
(1) The following permitted deviations t!J with respect to the nominal cross sectional dimension I'can
(except for concrete cover, see Section 8.6.3 below) be regarded as admissible on the basis of the
partial safety coefficients 'YF and 'Y1rI as given in Sections and 3.6.1, respectively.
(2) In relation to the dimensions of the concrete section (total depth of a beam or of a slab~ width of
a beam or web, lateral dimensions of a column) and in relation to the effective depth:
for 1 ~ 150 mm
t!J= 5mm (8.1) .
for 1 ~ 400 mm
t!J = 15 mm (8.2)
for 1 ~ 2500 mm
t!J = 30 mm (8.3)
(3) Tolerances other than those defined in (1) above can also be specified provided that it can be
demonstrated that they do not reduce the required level fo safety. .
(1) For the tolerances of concrete covet to reinforcement, e.g. the difference between the nominal and
the minimum cover, Section 7.1 (8) applies. No positive permitted deviation is specified.
(1) For other purposes, e.g. construction or dimenslonal tolerances in buildings as a whole, stricter
tolerances than defined is Section 8.6.2 may required. These values should be specified separately
from this Code. For the maximum sag of slabs, however Section 5.2.2 (1) and (2) apply.
EBCS 2 - 1995 99
S66l - t S:J93 001
[)lNV'la .L!I3:'1 X'l'lVNOI.LN3:.LNI 3:DVd SIRL]
31.31J:JNOJ:/03sn 7t1lJn1.JnlJ1.S IJO:/ OlJtlONtl1.S 300J 9NI07me NtllclOIH1.3
.(1) QuaDty Control: Comprises a combination of actions and decisions taken in compliance with
specifications and checks to ensure that these are satisfied. Quality control consists of two distinct,
but interconnected parts, namely production control and compliance control.
(2) Production Control: Comprises a combination of actions and decisions taken during production
to check the operation and to obtain a reasonable assurance that the specifications will be satisfied.
(3) Compliance Control: Comprises a combination of actions and decisions, in accordance with
compliance rules adopted in advance, to check the compliance of the product with thespecifications,
(1) Inspection of materials on site shall be made at delivery to check compliance with the
specifications and the requirements of this Code (Chapter 8).
(1) The accuracy of the mix proportions shall be checked regularly. The consistency of the fresh
concrete shall be checked periodically with the slump test.
(2) During concreting, checks shall be made on the deformations of the formwork and its supporting
structure and on any leakage of water.
(1) It must be checked that curing complies with approved method curing depending on the
environment and on any special requirements.
(1) A site book shall be kept and for large structures, it shall contain the following information:
(a) dates on which concreting and stripping of formwork has taken place
(b) acceptance of materials and components
(c) results of tests and measurements
(d) concrete mix used (type and origin of cement and aggregates)
(e) inspection and measurement reports of the positioning of reinforcement
(t) important instructions received
(g) description of any incidents.
(1) Compliance with specified properties of concrete shall be judged by tests made on proper
specimens at an age of 28 days unless there is evidence, satisfactory to the authority having
jurisdiction, that a particular testing regime is capable of predicting the strength at 28 days of concrete
tested at an earlier age, in which case compliance may be based on the results of such tests alone.
(2) The concrete for the specimen shall normally be taken when the concrete is actually being poured.
(3) Compliance of prescribed and standard mixes (Section 8.2) shall be based on checks made on the
mix properties (such as aggregate gradation, cement content, mix proportions, and workability); but,
because strength tests provide an implicit check on the quality of the mix, they may, alternatively,
be used for the acceptance of concretes made with prescribed and standard mixes.
(1) In general, it is sufficient to make only one test specimen from a single representative sample for
each mix Of concrete. If more than one specimen is taken, the mix shall be considered as being
represented by the mean value of the test results obtained from the various specimens.
(2) Each mix from which a sample is taken shall be chosen at random from among the possible mixes.
(3) The samples shall, where practicable, be taken at the point of discharge from the mixer or, in the
case of ready-mix concrete, at the point of discharge from the delivery vehicle.
(1) The lot is defined as the quantity of concrete produced in the same essential conditions and
subjected to individual assessment.
(2) The lots shall be defined before the commencement of construction, by taking into account the
number oftests required for a decision (see Section as well as the frequency of sampling and
testing to be adopted.
(3) The minimum rate of sampling shall be decided by the engineer taking into account the nature of
the work. Higher rates would be appropriate at the start of the work, to establish quickly the level
of quality, or during periods of production when quality is in doubt, or for highly-stressed structural
(4) In general, the following may be adopted as the minimum requirement on size of lot and
frequency of sampling, except for the special cases given hereunder:
(a) No individual sampling can.. represent, on the average, more than 100 mixes Ol 100 rJf,
whichever is the smaller volume OfConcrete. .
(b) For each grade of concrete, at least one sampleshall be taken every week
(c) For each grade of concrete, at least two lots shall be made.
(4} Exception: For small buildings (e.g., having a total volume ofless than.lOO m3 of concrete) usinj
concrete grade C30 or lower, Condition (3) need not be complied with.
(2) Criterion 1: This criterion may be applied in all cases but is less suited to large-scalesampling.
Each lot.is represented by three samples, the strength of which are Xl < ~ < ~.
(3) The lot is accepted automatically if the following conditions are satisfied simultaneously:
z, ~ let - k2 (9.2)
~l is the average strengthof the minimum strengths for the several lots.
(5) Each lot represented by not less than 15 test specimens (n ~ 15)
(6) The lot is accepted automatically if the following conditions are satisfied simultaneously:
~1 ~ let - k2 (9.4)
. (7) If the test results do not satisfy the requirements of the selected acceptance criterion, measures
specified in Section 9.4 shall be taken.
(1) The acceptance of a completed structure involves a decision on each portion of the work subject
to acceptance (corresponding to the concrete lots) and a decision on the behavior of the .structure as
a whole.
9.4.1 General
(1) If the quality of the structure is found to be in doubt after an inspection or from the test results,
then a special examination shall be made to verify the soundness of the information received and to
.assess the actual strength of the structure as constructed with possible recourse to more accurate
methods of calculation.
(1) The following sequential measures shall be taken where the results of compliance control tests or
inspection are unsatisfactory:
(a) The position of concrete which does not fulfil the compliance criterion shall be identified.
(b) The structural safety shall be checked 'by appropriate calculations on the basis of the actual
test results which did not comply. If safety is assured, the concrete can be accepted.
(c) If such structural safety or durability are not assured, then the strength of the concrete shall
be examined by taking drilled cores or by non-destructive methods (see Section 9.4.3). The
results of such tests shall be assessed on the basis of the prescribed acceptance criterion,
taking into account any differences in age.
(e) If this new information shows that structural safety is assured, the concrete may be accepted
after it has been decided whether repairs are necessary to ensure durability.
(t) If the results of check tests by non-destructive methods (3) show thatthe quality of concrete
is inadequate or show other defects, .the engineer may require a loading test to be made which
shall then be carried out in accordance with Section 9.4.4.
(g) If structural safety and durability are not assured, then the possibility of strengthening the
structure must be investigated. If strengthening is not feasible, then the concrete shall be
rejected, and the structure or member demolished or given a reduced structural grading by
limiting its service rating, as appropriate. General
(1) Check tests by non-destructive methods are applicable to hardened concrete in the finished parts
of a structure or in precast units. They may be used in routine inspection for quality control. They
are also of use when concrete is found defective from visual inspection and when low cube strengths
are obtained when assessing the strength of the concrete used.
(1) The following types of check tests may be used for different types of checks:
(a) Drilled Cores
(b) Gamma radiography
(c) Ultrasonic test
(d) Electromagnetic cover measuring devices
(e) Rebound hammer test.
(2) The tests must be conducted by appropriately trained personnel and the accuracy of each type of
tests must be considered in interpreting the results obtained. General
(2) The test should be carried out after the expiry of 28 days from the time of placing concrete.
When thetest is for a reason other than the quality of the concrete in the structure being in doubt,
the test may be carried out earlier, provided that the concrete has already reached its specified
(1) The test loads to be applied for the limit states of deflection and local damage are the appropriate
design loads, Le., the characteristic dead and imposed loads.
(2) When the ultimate limit state is being considered, the.test load shall be equal-to the sum of the
characteristic dead load plus 1.25 times the characteristic imposed load and shall be maintained for
a period of 24 hours.
(3) If any of the final dead load is not in position on the structure, compensating loads shall be added
as necessary.
(4) During the test, struts and bracing, strong enough to support the whole load, shall be placed in
position leaving a gap under the members to be tested, and adequate precautions shall be taken to
safeguard persons in the vicinity of structure.
(1) Measurements .of deflection and crack width shall be taken immediately after the application of
load and in the case of 24 hours sustained load test," at the end of the 24 hours loaded period, after
removal of the load and after the 24 hours recovery period. Sufficient measurements shall be taken
to enable side effects to be taken into account. Temperature and weather conditions shall be recorded
during the test.
(1) In assessing the serviceability of a structure or part of a structure following a loading test, the
possible effects of variation in temperature and humidity during the period of the test shall be
(d) If, within 24 hours of the removal of the test load for the ultimate limit state as calculated
in Section, a structure does not show a recovery of at least 75% of the maximum
deflection shown during the 24 hours under load, 'the loading shall be repeated. The structure
shall be considered to have failed to pass the test if the recovery after the second loading is
not at least 75% of the maximum deflection observed during the second loading.
(1) This appendix provides methods of analysis for one-way slabs, two-way slabs and flat slabs which
are based on the principles set out on Section 3.8.
A.2.1 General
(1) One-way slabs transmit their load mainly in one direction (i.e. the direction of span). There is
no need to analyze the action effects transverse to the direction of span arising as a result of restrained
lateral strain or the transverse distribution of concentrated or line loads, or caused by a support
parallel to the direction of span, which has not bean taken into account in the calculation. These
effects shall, however, be taken into account by making suitable detailing provisions.
(1) The width of slab which may be assumed to be effective in carrying a concentrated load may be
taken as follows:
(a) For solid slabs, the effective width may be taken as the sum of the load width and 2.4x(l-x/L)
where x is the distance from the nearer support to the section under consideration and L is
the span.
(b) For other slabs, except where specially provided for, the effective width will depend on the
ratio of the transverse and longitudinal flexural rigidities of the slab. When these are
approximately equal, the value for the effective width as given for solid slabs may be used,
but as the ratio decreases a smaller value shall be taken. The minimum value which need be
taken, however, is the load width plus 4x/L(1 - x/L) meters where x and L are as defined in
(a) above so that, for a section at mid-span, the effective width is equal to 1.0 meter plus the
load width.
(c) Where the concentrated load is near an unsupported edge of a slab the effective width shall
not exceed the value in (a) or (b) above as appropriate, nor half that value plus the distance
of the center of the load from the unsupported edge (see Fig. A-I)..
A.3.1 General
(1) The type of slab dealt with here is one composed of rectangular panels supported at all four edges
by walls or beams stiff enough to be treated as unyielding. This may be assumed to be the case if
the requirements for the ratio between the depth of a beam and its span are in accordance with
Fig. A-2.
(2) These methods are intended for slabs with uniformly distributed loads. If a slab is subjected to
concentrated or line loads, in addition to a uniform load, these can generally be treated by considering'
them as equivalent uniform loads using approximate rules, provided that the 'sum of the non-uniform
loads on a panel does not exceed 20 percent of the total load.
r WiA_ I i~ ~ ~
1.2X (1- L -:::)LI _
~ L
Figure A-I Effective Width of Solid Slab Carrying a Concentrated Load near an Unsupported
~ e. ( :. )
u(~.. )
T2 0a
I z~C;L.)
yzzJt WALL
) { BEAM
(1) Moments for individual panels with edges either simply supported or fully fixed are calculated as:
where m, is the design moment per unit width at the point of reference
a, is the coefficient given in Table A-I as function of aspect ratio L; IL", and
support conditions
Cd is the uniformly distributed design permanent load
qd is the uniformly distributed design live load
L", is the shorter span of the panel
Ly is the longer span of the panel
Subscripts for moments and moment coefficients (aJ have the following meanings:
s support
f field (sp.an)
(2) Notations for different critical moments and edge numbers are shown in Fig. A-3. Division of
. slab into middle and edge strips is illustrated in Fig. A-4. .
5 - xs
~ My, -L2
Ly ~
Figure A-3 Notations for Critical Moments
(3) The positive moment coefficients in Table A-l may be derived from 'the following equations. The
negative moment coefficients are taken as 4/3 times the positive moment coefficients for the same
(24 + 2nd + 1.5nl)
a xl = (A.2)
axf = -;::::=~--;::==
(b + '3 + b + '4)2 (A.3)
{3 = ~3 {l - Lx J2cxyf
(b +'1 + It + '2)} (A.4)
r Ly
1 r y
.1 L
--1-- -------------- E
L :
.,-. . . . .--.. __ .~.,--_.-
(4) Slabs are considered as divided in each direction into middle strips and edge strips as shown in
Fig. A-4, the middle strip being three quarters of the width and each edge strip one eighth of the
width. .
(5) The maximum design moments calculated as above apply only to the middle strips and no
redistribution shall be made. .
(6) Reinforcement in the middle strips shall be detailed in accordance with Section 7.1.7.
(7) Reinforcement in an edge strip, parallel to the edge, need not be less than the minimum given in
Section (minimum areas of tension reinforcement).
A.3.3.1 General
(1) The first stage of design is to determine support and span moments for all panels individually by
treating their edges as either simply supported or fully fixed (see Section A.3.2). External edges are
generally considered as simply supported and continuous edges are considered as fully fixed in this
(2) If the slab is connected with an external wall or if any of its edges is partly fixed and partly
simply supported, the following procedure may be adopted:
(a) The ratio of the actual support momentto the bending moment of fully fixed slab, or the ratio
of the width of fixed part to the width of the simply supported part of the edge is evaluated.
(b) The bending moments of the slab are then computed. by interpolating between different
support conditions.
(3) For each support over which the slab is continuous there will thus generally be two different
support moments. The difference may be distributed between the panels on either side of the support
to equalize their moments, as in the moment distribution method for frames..
(4) Two methods of differing accuracy, are given here for treating the effects of this redistribution
on moments away from the support.
A.3.3.2 Method 1
(a) When differences between initial support moments are less than 20 percent of the larger
moment, and
(b) only for int-ernal structures where the live load does not exceed 2.5 times the permanent load
.(qi :S 2.5gi ) or 0.8 times the dead load for external structures (qi :S 0.8gi ) .
In other cases either Method II or other more accurate methods shall be used.
Table A-I Bending Moment Coemclents tqr Rectangular PanelS Supported on Four Sides
with Provision tor Torsion at Cornen
, . Lon.1pUI
Values of LILs coeffic~.
'Support Condition Coeff. ~ and'a".
1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.7S 2.0 for all
value. ot
0 ~
(2] IX,.
G 01....
Q ~
CJ 01....
0.060 .0.062
0.045 0.047
0.053 0.034
- - - -
Q 01....
0.046 0.056
0.065 0.072
0.078 0.091 0.100
c:J 01....
0.084 ' 0.092
0.063 0.069
0.074 0.044
- - - - - . -
8 01....
0.044 0.054 0.063 0.071
0.078 0.084 0.096 0.105
Q 01.'1/
0.056 0.065 0.074 0.081 0.087 0.092 0.103 0.111 0.056
A.3.3.3 Method II
(1) In this method consideration of the effects of changes of support moments is limited to the adjacent
spans. Since no effects on neighboring support sections need be considered, only a simple balancing
operation is required at each edge and no iterative process is involved.
(a) Support and span moments are first calculated for individual panels by assuming each panel to be
fully loaded. This is done by using the coefficients given in Table A-I as described in Section
(b) The unbalanced moment is distributed using the moment distribution method. The relative stiffness
of each panel shall be taken proportional to its gross moment of inertia divided by the smaller span.
(c) If the support moment is decreased, the span moments m,g and"'xr are then increased to allow for
the changes of support moments. This increase is calculated as being equal to the change of the
support moment multiplied by the factors given in Table A-2. If a support moment is increased, no
adjustment shall be made to the span moments.
(1) The above methods give average values of support moments. In cases where maximum elastic moments
should be considered (e.g. in watertight structures), elastic theory must be used.
(1) The design loads on beams supporting solid slabs spanning in two directions at right angles supporting
uniformly distributed loads may be assessed from the following equations:
(2) Table A-3 gives values of load transfer coefficients. The assumed distribution of the load on a
supporting beam is shown in Fig. A-S.
(3) The design load on a beam determined in accordance with (1) and (2) above, may be taken as the
maximum shear in the slab at the center of support.
. OL
. . . ..
c, c, c, c,
Table A-3 Shear Force Coefficients for Uniformly Loaded Rectangular Panels Supported on Four Sides with Provision for
Torsion llt. Corners
'Continuous 0.33 0.36 0.39 0.41 0.43 0.45 0.48 0.50 0.33
Continuous 0.36 0.39 0.42 0.44 0.45 0.47 0.50 0.52 0.36
0 Discontinous -.
0.47 0.49
- -
0 Continuous 0.40 0.44 0.47 0.50 0.52 0.54 0.57 0.60 0.40
Discontinous 0.26 0.29 0.31 0.33 0.34 0.35 0.38 0.40 0.26
0 Continuous
EJ Continuous
0.36 0.38
- -
c:r Continuous
EJ Continuous
0.38 0.40
. -
GJ Discontinous 0.33 0.36 0.39 0.41 0.43 0.45 0.48 0.50 0.33
),"l r5 . -to
FilE ure A.5 Distribution or Load on a Beam Supporting a Two-Way Spunning Siub
A.4.1 Scope
(1) The provision given in this chapter are for the design of flat slabs supported by a generally rectangular
arrangement of columns and where the ratio of the longer to the shorter spans does not exceed 2.
. A.4.2 Definitions
(1) Column strip is a design strip with a width on each side of a column center-line equal to 0.254 or if
drops with dimension not less than L,j3 are used, a width equal to the drop dimension.
(3) The division of panels in flat slabs into column Ind middle strip is illustrated in Fig. A-6.
A.4.3..1 General
(1) A flat slab including supporting columns or walls may be analyzed using the equivalent frame method
(Section A.4.3.2) or, where applicable, the simplified method (Section .c\.4.3.3).
(2) For both methods of analysis, the negative moments greater than those at a distance hj2 from the
center-line of the column may be ignored provided the "moment Mo obtained as the sum of the maximum
positive design moment and the average of the negative design moments in: anyone span of the slab for the
whole panel width' is such that:
where L 1 is the panel length parallel to span, measured from centers of columns
Wh.en the above condition is not satisfied,the negative design moments shall be increased,
" .
(3) The effective diameter of a" column or column head h, is the diameter of Il circle whose area equals the
cross-sectional area of the column or, if column heads are used, the area of the column head based on the "
effective dimensions as defined -ln (4) below. In no "case shall h, be taken as greater than one-quarter of the"
shortest span framing into the column.
I L l I -c
-rl 7-------
1I X I
I I 'T'" A. I 10
i '~--iI--l-Lx- --t~
I :-4 1
_N I-
I I :a~ I It:
IColumn S'~IP A.
I .!0
1 -
"L.-; ----:---
II c
E 4
I ::I
I "0
---t----L:ifLonoer- spanT----l---f---t-
Ignore Drop If
~ I Dlmen..on<Lx/S
a,;t II
L _
I ::I0U
-... . . I I
-1"'-- I
1I _ ~--4-
. I
I Ly I
Ignore Drop If
Dlmenlfon '.1... than Lx/S
the lesser of the actual dimension Lito, or L,,_, where L,,_ is given by:
For a flared head, the actual dimension L"" is that measured to the center of the reinforcing steel (see
Fig. A-7).
(5) For the purposes this section a drop may only be considered to influence the distribution of moments
within the slab where the smaller dimension of the drop is at least one third of the smaller dimension of the
surrounding panels. Smaller drops may, however, still be taken into account when assessing the resistance
to punching shear.
{ ~
Lb, mal
4 ~ .. ,mal.: ~..
"-"-~ ~7
-, /
"-, Lbo /
40-"-~ //40 ci", / 40
(I) Lb = Lb,lIIax 1
(11) .... =Lbo
(0) (b)
.~ Lh,max
Lc Lc
(III) Lb. Lb,max
(Iv) L... Lbo
(e) (d)
Figure A' Types of Column Head
(1) The structure may be divided longitudinally and transversely into frames consisting of columns and
~~~~. .
(2) The width of slab used to define the effective stiffness of the slab will depend upon the aspect ratio of
the panels and the type of loading, but the following provisions may be applied in the absence of more
accurate methods:
(a) In the case of vertical loading, the full width of the panel, and
(b) for lateral loading, half the width of the panel, may be used to calculate the stiffness of the slab;
(3) The moment of inertia of any section of slab or column used in calculating the relative stiffness of
members may be assumed to be that of the cross section of the concrete alone.
(4) Moments and forces within a system of flat slab panels may be obtained from analysis of the structure
.under the single load case of maximum design load on all spans or panels simultaneously, provided:
(a) The ratio of the characteristic imposed load to the characteristic dead load does not exceed 1.25.
(b) The characteristic imposed load does not exceed 5.0 kN/m 2 excluding partitions.
(5) Where it is not appropriate to analyze for the single load case of maximum design load on all spans, it
(a) All spans loaded with the maximum design ultimate load, and
(b) Alternate spans with the maximum design ultimate load and all other spans loaded with the
(6) Each frame may be ~aly~ in its entirety by any elastic method. Alternatively, for vertical loads only,
. each strip of floor and roof may be analyzed as a separate frame with the columns above and below fixed in
position and direction at their extremities, In either case, the analysis shall be carried out for the "appropriate
design ultimate loads on each span calculated for a strip of slab of width equal to the distance between
center lines of the panels on each side of the columns.
(1) Moments and shear forces in non-sway flat slab structures maybe determined using Table A-4, subject
.to the conditions in (2) below.
(2) The following limitations shall be observed when using the simplified method:
.(a) Design is based on the single load case of all spans loaded with the maximum design ultiinate load.
(b) There,.ue at least three rows of panels of approximately equal span in the direction being consid
(c) Successive span length in each direction shall not differ by more than one-third of.the longer span.
(d) Maximum offsets of columns from either axis between center lines of successive columns shall not
exceed 10% of the span (in the direction of the offset):
Table A-4 Bending Moment and Shear Force Coe!ficlents for Flat Slabs of Three or More Equal
O.04On. - . -
O.022n. - O.022n.
NOTE 1. F is the total design ultimate load 00 the strip of slab between adjacent columns considered.
2. L is the effective span = L. - 2Jt)3.
3. The limitations of Section A.4.3.1(2)need not be checsed,
4. The moments shall not be redistributed.
(1) The design moments obtained from analysis of the continuous frames using the Equivalent Frame
Method (see Section A.4.3.2) or from Table A-4 shall be divided between the column and middle str~ps in
the proportions given in Table A-5.
. Negative 75 25 .
Positive 55 45
NOTE: For. the case where the width of the colui1lit~ strip is taken as equal to that of the drop, and the middle
strip is thereby increased in width, the design moments to be resisted by the middle strip shall be
increased in proportion to its increased width. The design moments to be resisted by the column
strip may be decreased by an amount such that the total positive and the total ne~ative design
moments resisted by the column strip and middle strip together are unchanged.
A.4.4.1 General
(b) Where adjacent spans are unequal, extension of negative reinforcement beyond the face of support
as prescribed in Fig. A-8 shall be based on requirements of longer span.
(c) Bent bars may be used only when depth-to-span ratio permits use of bends 45 or less.
(2) For flat slabs in frames not braced against sidesway and for flat slabs resisting lateral loads, lengths of
reinforcement shall be determined by analysis but shall not be less than those prescribed in Fig. A-8.
(1) The column and middle strips shall be designed to withstand the design moments obtained from Section
(2) Two-thirds of the amount of reinforcement required to resist the negative design moment in the column
strip shall be placed in a width equal to half that of the column strip and central with the column. This
concentration of reinforcement over the column will increase the capacity of the slab for transfer of moment
to the column by flexure (see Section A.4.4.4)
. 75 Max.---J .r MaxO.l251
I ;j. Max.0.125} 24 bor d'ro or 300
.....-'--~II--L............. all bars 150
*(1) ~b""'" ~I
f' I
I 1;:0.1251
, I
I . 14-""'''''''''''-24 bar dia. or 300
~ 1 Remainder
75 Max.-
=i 1.-.....
. Edae of drop.-.r-" ~
~I 100 H-t=c~ I- c-----.
Lf::e~ f--e~;
f ;,
~ I
75 Max. r~~ 75 Max. ~
I- . I I :;
.g Remainder
a.. ,L150 Max. 0.1~f- ~ Max O.l5j 150'
a.. 50
itc (all barsJ-.! ~c--i..
I ~
~o-l rr
1-0" I.l-~
~I*a: f
:E (I) I I /
I ~
I-- f----+ I
\ ~
.I-f------1'---~ ~
Remainder 75 Mox.=-+\..I.=75Max. 150-ft-+
i.e +--C'ao, spcn-.t n --------I.;+-- Clecr spcn -.t n :fe.
All measurements
~ Fac e of support~ I ~Face of support -- ./
Center to center span-i ~Centerto center span-l
In mm
Exterior support t
Interior support Exterior support t
(No slob continuity) (Continuity provided) (No slab continuity)
Ji'igure A-8 Minimum Bend Point Locations and Extensions (or Reinf'on:ement in Flat Slabs
\(1) The design moments shall be apportioned and designed exactly as for an internal panel, using the same
shall 'be considered transferred byflexure over an effective slab width between lines that are one and one
half slab or drop panel thickness (1.5h) outside opposite faces of the column or capital.
(3) Concentration ofreinforcement over the column by closer spacing as specified in Section A.4.2(2), or
additional reinforcement must be used to resist the unbalanced moment on the effective slab width defined
in (2) above.
(4) The design for transfer of load from slab to supporting columns or walls through shear and torsion shall
be in accordance with Chapter 4.
(5) As an alternative to (2) above, the slab may be designed for the minimum bending moments per unit
width, msax and mSdy in the x and y direction, respectively, given by Eq. A.IO (see Fig. A-9).
where VSd is the shear force developed along the critical section
(6) In checking the corresponding resisting moments, only those reinforcing bars shall be taken into
account, which are appropriately anchored beyond the critical area (Fig. A-IO)
(1) Where analysis of the structure indicates a design column moment larger than the moment M"max
which can be transferred by flexure and shear combined (in accordance with (2) and (4) above), the design
edge moment in the slab shall be reduced to a value not greater than M"max and the positive design moments
in the span adjusted accordingly. The normal limitations on redistributions and neutral axis depth may be
disregarded in this case.
(8) Moments in excess of M"max may only be transferred to a column if an edge beam or strip of slab along
the free edge is reinforced to carry the extra moment into the column by torsion.
~ ,
, ~>L~~ ..
e~-1I . .
x m.d,
O.I!5. 1
I --'- ~
a. III T
L, ~'--...
I. -- I
Figure A-9 Bending Moments mSdx ond m!i'd1 in Slab-Column Joints subjecten [u cccentrle Loading, and
Effective Width for resisting these Moments
(9) In the absence of an edge beam, an appropriate breadth of slab may be assessed by using the principles
illustrated in Fig. A-II, for transfer of moments between the slab and an edge or corner column.
(1) Where the slab is supported by a marginal beam with a depth greater than 1.5 times the thickness of the
slab, or by a wall then:
(a) the total design load to be carried byJhe beam or wall shall comprise those loads directly on the
wall or beam plus a uniformly distributed load equal to one-quarter of the total design load on the
panel; and
(b) the design moments of the half-column strip adjacent to the beam or wall shall be one-quarter of the
design moments obtained from Section A.4.3.
~ ~
~b. J.
I ex I
.. .cx+y
.. b.
lccx + Y
:, =cx+ Cy I
~} ~}
Figure A"ll Definition of Breadth of Effective Moment Transfer Strip b. for Typical Cases
(1) Reinforcement for negative design moments (other than in the column strip) is only needed where
moments arise from loading on any extension of the slab beyond the column center-lines. However, top
reinforcement at least equal to the minimum reinforcement defined in Section shall be provided,
extending at least O.1L or an anchorage length, whichever is the greater, into the span.
A.4.5.1 General
(1) Except for openings complying with Sections A.4.5.2, A.4.5.3 and A.4.5.4,.openings shall be complete
ly framed on all sides with beams to carry the loads to the columns.
(a) their greatest dimension in a direction parallel to a center-line of the panel does not exceed OAL;
(b) the total positive and negative design moments are redistributed between-the remaining structure to
meet the changed conditions.
(1) Holes in areas common to two column strips may be formed provided:
(a) in aggregate their length or width does not exceed one-tenth of the width of the column strip;
(b) the reduced sections are capable of resisting the appropriate moments; and
(c) the perimeter for calculating the design shear stress is reduced if appropriate.
(1) Holes in areas common to a column strip a middle may be formed provided:
(a) in aggregate their length or width does not exceed one quarter of the width of the column strip; and
(b) the reduced sections are capable of resisting the appropriate design moments.
(1) Provisionsin this chapter apply to structural members prestressed with high strength steel meeting
(2) All provisions of this Code-not specifically excluded, and not in conflict with the provisions of
(3) The following provisions shall not apply to prestressed concrete' unless specifically noted:
'B.2.1.1 GelUrol
(1) This section applies to wires, bars and strands used as prestressing tendons in concrete structures.
(2) The requirements apply to the product in the condition in which it is delivered.
(3) The methods of production, the specified characteristics, the methods of testing and the methods
(4) Each product shall be clearly identifiable with respect to the classlfication system in Section
(5) Tensile strength (I), 0.1 % proof stress (/pJ.1) and elongation at maximum load (ej shall be
(6) For steels complying with this Code, tensile strength, 0.1 % proof stress, and elongation at
maximum load are specified in terms of characteristic values; these values are designated respectively
1p#.,lpO.1k and e.
(1) The products (wires, strands and bars) shall be classified according to:
(a), Grade, denotingthe value of the 0.1 % proof stress (fpO.tJ and the value of the tensile strength
(jpt} in MPa.
(b) Class, indicating the relaxation behavior
(c) Size
(d) Surface characteristics.
'. . . .
(2) Each oondanmentshall be accompanied by a certificate containing all the Information necessary
for its identification with regard to (a) - (d) in (1) above and additional information where necessary.
(4) There shall be welds in wires and bars. Individual wires of strands may contain staggered
welds made only before cold drawing.
(5) For coiled products. after uncoiling a length of wire or strand lying free on a flat surface, the
maximum bow height. from a base line of specified length shall be less than the values specified in
the relevant Standards.
- -
(6) In this Code. three classes of relaxation are defined (see, Section B.2.l.S.2)
(7) Where required, surface characteristics-of prestressing steel shall comply with relevant Standards.
- B. -Strength
(11 The 0.1% proof stress U;.euJ arid the specified valueof the tensilestrength if,.) are defined as the
characteristic value of the 0.1" proof load and the characteristic maximum load in axial tension
respectively, divided by the nominal cross sectional area. _
(2) The (alio of the actual maximum load to the specified maximum load shall not exceed the values
sp!ecifiCd relevant Standards.
(1) Stress,.strain diagrlUWl for the products. based on production data. shall be prepared and made
available by -~ producer as ail annex to the certificate accompanying the consignment.
(2)'Theproducts shall be assumed to have adequate ductility in bending if the characteristic elongation
ofthe prestressing steel at maximum load E. is at least 3.5 %0.
(1) A mean value of 200 GPa may be assumed for wires and bars. The actual value can range from
195 to 205 GPa, depending on the manufacturing process.
(2) A value of 190 GPa may be assumed for strand. The actual value can range from 175 to 195 GPa,
depending on the manufacturing process. Certificates accompanying the consignment should give the
appropriate value.
B. Fatigue
(1) The behavior of the products under mUlti~axial stresses shall be adequate.
(2) ~deq~a.te b~avior. under multi-axial ~resses may be assumed if the products satisfy the
requirements specified 10 the relevant Standards.
(1) The products shall be free from defects which could impair their performance as prestressing
(2) Longitudinal cracks need not be considered as defects if their depth is less than the values
specified in relevant Standards.
B. Relaxation
(1) The products shall be classified for relaxation purposes, according to the maximum percentages
of loss of stress.
(1) The products shall have an acceptably low level of susceptibility to stress corrosion.
(2) The level of susceptibility to stress corrosion may be assumed to be acceptably low if the products
comply with the criteria specified in relevant Standards.
B. General
(1) This section applies to anchoring devices (anchorages) and coupling device;' (coupten) for
application in post-tensioned construction, where :
(a) Anchorages are used to transmit the forces in tendons to the concrete in the anchoraae zone;
. (b) Couplers are used to connect individual lengths of tendon to make continuous tendons.
- - G) The performance requirements, the methods of testing and the methods of attestation of conformity .
-shall be defined in relevant, Standards.
(a) The relative efficiency of the tendon anchorage/coupler assembly in comparing the actual
value of the failure load of the assembly with that of the tendon.
(b) The elongation of the anchored/coupled tendon at failure.
(c) The fatigue strength of the anchored/coupled tendon.
(d) The load which can be transferred by the anchorage to the concrete, taking account of the
location of the anchorage in the cross-section, the spacing between anchorages, the concrete
strength and the reinforcement in the anchorage zone.
(4) Requirements for the use of anchorages and couplers, shall be defined in technical approval
documents. Detailing of anchorage zones shall comply with Sections B.5 and B.6.
(5) When defining test methods, consideration shall be given to-two modes of testing;
(a) Mode a : when components of known geometry and material specification have been taken
at random out of production or form stock.
(b) Mode b : when components have been selected by the producer of the components or when
prototype anchorages or couplers are to be tested.
(1) Tendon-anchorage assemblies and tendon-coupler assemblies shall have strength, elongation and
fatigue characteristics sufficient to meet the basic requirements of Chapter 3.
(a) The geometry and material characteristics of the anchorage and coupler components are such
that their premature failure is precluded.
(b) The elongation at failure of the assemblies is not excessive.
(c) Tendon-anchorage assemblies are not located in otherwise highly-stressed zones.
For the fatigue requirements of anchorages and couplers, refer to relevant Standards.
(3) The strength of the anchorage devices and zones shall be adequate for the transfer of the tendon
force to the concrete and the formation of cracks in the anchorage zone does not impair the function
of the anchorage.
(a) The streqth of the anchorage.devices exceeds the characteristic breaking load of the tendon,
either under static loading conditions or a limited number of load cycles.
(b) The detailing provisions of this Code are met; GeMral
(1) This section applied to post-tensioned concrete construction where the tendons are tensioned in
internal 'duets.
(2) For bonded tendons, where the ducts are grouted after tensioning, the shape (profile) of the duct
shall permit the proper transfer of forces from the tendons to the concrete.
(3) The performance requirements, the methods of testing and the methods of attestation of conformity
shall be defined in relevant Standards.
(4) Requirements covering the use of ducts and sheaths shall be defined in technical approval
(1) Partial safety factors for material properties are given in Section 3.5.3.
(1) Partial safety factors for different effects of action are given in Table B.I in addition to the
requirements specified in Table 3.3.
(2) For the evaluation of local effects (anchorage zones, bursting pressure) an effort equivalent to the
ultimate characteristic strength shall be applied to the tendons (see Section BA.3).
(3) For the verification of the design of prestressed elements, the 'Yp values in Table B.I should
generally be used. However, for the evaluation of the combined effects of prestressing and of self
weight, reduced values of partial safety factors, which do not include allowances for analytical
uncertainty, may be used (e.g. 'Yp = 1.0 and 'Ya = 1.2).
' . ,
(1) The rules given in (2)-(4) below complement those given in.Section B.4.3.
- (2) Regardless of the type of tendons used (e.g. bonded or uDbonded), the contact forces dlie;tothe
curvature.and friction of the tendons and the forces acting on the anchorage devices may be treated
as external loads in the serviceability limit states. \
(3) For the ductility classification of prestressed tendonS see SectiOll B.
(4) Plastic analysis should not be applied to members where pretensioned tendons are used, unless
justified. .
(1) Such zones, which are subjected to concentrated forcea; shall-be analyzed and designed to take
accountof: / , .
(2) Such zoiles in post-tensioned members may be designed using the methods given in Section
B.4.2.30r by using adequate strut and tie models based on Section .
(3) Three-dimensional models should be considered, where the dimensions of the bearing area are
small compared with the cross-section of the anchorage zone.
(4) The detailing requirements of Chapter 7 generally, and Section ~.I\ S and B.6.7.1 in particular,.
shall be met.
B.4.3.1 General
. (1) This section relates to structures where prestress is provided by fully bonded internal tendons.
(a> Local effects around anchorages and where tendons change 6'ectlon.
(c). Direct and secondary indirect effects due to redundant restraints in indeterminate structures.
.(3) For members containing permanently unbonded tendons refer to relevant Standards.
(4) Members containing tendons which are temporarily ~nbonded during construction may be treated
I ~inI simplified
assumptions. In general, they may be treated as members with bonded tendons,
except that at the ultimate limit state. The stress in tendons is assumed not to have increased due to
(1) The mean value of the prestressing force-is given by (a) or (b) below, whichever 'is appropriate:
where p.., is the mean value of the prestressing at time t and at a particular point along
the member
Po is the initial force at the active end of the tendon immediately after stressing.
MJ,.(x) is the loss due to friction
APd is the loss due to anchorage slip
APt is the loss due to elastic deformation of the member at transfer
MJ,(t) is the loss due to creep, shrinkage and relaxation at time t.
(2) For limits on the initial prestress and methods of calculating losses, see Section B.5. For
transmission lengths and the dispersion of prestress, see Section B.5.5.
(3) For serviceability calculations, allowance shall be made for possible variations in prestress; Two
characteristic values of the prestressing force at the serviceability limit state are estimated from:
PI;~ = r..",P...,
PI;.iIt/ = ril{P....,
.where PI;,.. and PI;.iI{ are respectively the upper and lower characteristic values.
p.., is the mean prestressing force estimated using the .mean values for the deformation
properties and the losses calculated in accordance with Section B.5 ..
r.. and riii may be taken as 1.1 and 0.9 respectively in absence of a more rigorous
determination and provided that the sum of the losses due to friction and time dependent
effects is ~ 30% of the initial prestress.
(4) The values of P.. ., which will generally be used in design are :
(5) At the ultimate limit state the design value of prestress is given by:
Pd = 'Y~..., (B.4)
(7) For considering local effects at the ultimate limit state, the prestressing force shall be taken as
equal to the characteristic strength of the tendons.
(8) This applies when checking the influence of concentrated forces or bursting effects at anchorages
or where tendons ,
change direction Section B.5
(1) The statically determinate and indeterminate internal forces and moments caused by prestressing
shall be calculated by elastic theory.
(2) For normal buildings where the calculation of crack width is not considered necessary, the mean
values of prestress may be used.
(3) In other cases, where the structural response is highly sensitive to the influence of prestress, the
effects of prestress may be determined according to (a) or (b) below, as appropriate.
(a) For checking cracking or decompression see Section 5.3), the opening of joints between
precast elements and fatigue effects, the relevant estimated characteristic values of the
prestress are used.
(b) For checking compressive stresses the mean values of prestress are used.
(1) Statically determinate and indeterminate effects of prestress shall be calculated using the
appropriate ultimate design value of the prestressing force.
(3) Where linear analysis with redistribution is used the moments to which the redistribution is applied
shall be calculated including any statically indeterminate effects of prestress.
(1) When assessing the behavior of a section at the ultimate limit state, the prestressing force acting
on the section is taken as the design value, Pd' The prestrain corresponding to this force shall be
taken into account in the assessment of section strength.
(2) The prestrain may be taken into account by shifting the origin of the design stress-strain diagram
for the prestressing tendons by an amount corresponding to the design prestress.
(3) "Yp may be taken as 1.0 provided the following conditions are both met:
(a) Not more than 25 % of the total area of prestressed steel is located within the compression
zone at the ultimate limit state, and
(b) The stress at ultimate in the prestressing steel closest to the tension face exceeds f"o.ul"y",'
If the conditions are not met, the lower value of "Yp given in Table B.l should be applied to all
(S) Any indirect prestressing moments due to redundant restralnts should be taken at their
characteristic values.
B. General
(1) The accuracy of the procedures for the calculation of the effects of creep and shrinkage of
concrete shall be consistent with the reliability of the data available for the description of these
phenomena and the importance of their eff~'tS on the limit state considered.
(2)In general, the effects of creep andshrinkage shall be taken into account onlyfor the serviceability
limit states. An important exception concerns second order effects.
(3) Special investigations shall be considered when the concrete is subjected to extremes of
(4) The effects of steam curing may be taken into accountby means of simplified assumptions.
(5) The following assumptions may be adopted to give an acceptable estimate of the behavior of a
concrete section if the stresses are kept within the limits corresponding to the normal service
conditionS ;:
(6) For the evaluation of the time dependent losses of prestress, the effects of creep, shrinkage and
relaxation of the tendons shall be taken into account (see Section a.s.S).
q,,,,Ii is- the creep coefficient related' to the elastic deformation at 28 days
Values are given in Cnspter 2 for final creep coefficients q, for typical situations. It
should be noted, however, thatthe definitions of Er(lo) and E"", above, differ from that in
Section 2.5 where the secant modulus EM isdefined. Hence, where the creep coefficients .
of Table 2.6 are used in connection with E,ltoJ and EM' respectively, and where creep
deformations are significant, the values of Table 2.6 should be multiplied by 1.05.
(I) 011 tho basis of tho assumptions listed in (5) above, the total strain for concrete subjected -to initial
IoIdlDa at time t, with a stress (I.and subjected to subsequeDt stress variations ~(I(tJ at time t, may
be expressed as follows :
E.(t,t.) = E,it) + (I. J(t,t,) + E J(t.tJ~(I(tJ (B.6)
(9) For the purpose of structural an81ysis, Eq. -8.6 may be written as follows:
where the ageing coefficient x depends on the development of strain with time.
(10) In normal cases, x may be taken as 0.8. This simplification is good in the case of pure
relaxation of th~ effects of a constant imposed deformation but is also adequate in cases where only
long term effects are considered.
(11) If the stresses in the concrete only vary slightly, the deformations may be calculated using an
effective modulus of elasticity :
Eq g = Ec(t" )/(1 + ~(t.t,, (B.8)
(1) Data on material properties given in this section are either representative values, correspondin~
to the relevant steel grade specified in appropriate Standards, or are idealizations suitable for desigrt
(2) In general, the properties specified are those given in Section B.2.!.1 (5) or other appropriate
(3) Unless stated otherwise, design shall be based on a specified grade, represented by its
characteristic 0.1 % proof stress ((pO.IJ.
(4) All types of prestressing steel specified in Section B.2.!, which satisfy the mechanical, physical
and technological requirements or other relevant Standards may generally be used in design, in
accordance with the data given below, unless greater accuracy is required.
B.5.3.1 Strength
(1) For all types ofprestressing steel the values for flAw:, E. andfpl: shall be defined.
(2) Relevant properties for defined types and grades of steel may be taken from relevant Standards.
For other types of steel, the properties are to be confirmed by' technical approval documents.
(3) Design calculations may be based on the nominal size or the nominal cross-sectional area of the
prestressing steel.
(1) The general ductility requirements shall be in accordance with Section B.2.L4.3 and as specified
in relevant Standards. .
(2) An idealized bi-linear diagram is given in Fig. B-1. This diagram is valid for temperatures from
-20C to 200'C.
, Ok
" design
ull Eo
(3) Figure B-1 may generally be used for overall analysis, local verifications and the checking of
section capacity.
(4) Figure B-1 may be modified, e.g with a flatter or horizontal top branch, for local verificattous
or section design.
(5) Designvalues for the steel stress are derived from the idealized'characteristic diagram bydividlng
by 'r.. the partial factor for prestressing steel (see Section8.3.2)
(6) For section design, either of tile following assumptions may be made:
(a) horizontal top branch to the design curve in Fig. B-1, the stress in the prestressing steel is
limited to 0.9 !,.I"(; with no limit to the steel strain, although in some cases it may be
.convenient to ass~me a limit. .
(b) an inclined top branch, with the increasing steel strain limited to :fl.Ol.
B.5.~.4 Ductility
(2) For structural analysis, if not stated otherwise, post-tensioned tendons may be assumed as having
high ductility: pre-tensioned tendons are assumed as having normal ductility. Fatigue
(1) For fatigue requirements for prestressing steel, refer to relevant standards.
(2) The values in Table B.2 do not relate to the coefficients of friction in Section B.5.5.5(8).
(1) Tendon anchorage assemblies and tendon coupler assemblies satisfying the performance
requirements of Section B.2.,2.1.2 may be considered to withstand the full characteristic
strength of the tendon.
(assembled from wires or strands)
Flgure B-3 Example of n1/na value in Table B-2 (in this case n1/na = 713
B.5.4.1 Relaxation
(1) Certificates accompanying the consignments shall indicate the class and relevant relaxation data
of the prestressing steel (see Section B.2.1.5 and relevant standards).
(2) For design calculations. the values which may be taken into account for losses at 1000 h are either
those given in the certificate or those assumed in Fig. B-3 for the three classes of steel shown. The
long term values of the relaxation losses may be assumed to be three times the relaxation losses after
1000 h.
(3) An indication of how relaxation losses increase between 0-1000 hours is given in Table B.3.
Table B.3 Indication of Relationship Between Relaxation Losses and Time up to 1000 hours
(4) Relaxation at temperatures of the structure over 200c will be higher than given in Fig. B-4. This
may affect building structures inhotclimates. power plants. etc. If necessary the producer should
be asked to include relevant information in the certificate Section B.2.1.2(2).
(5) Short-term relaxation losses at a temperature of the structure exceeding 6O"C can be 2 to 3 times
those at 200C. However, in general. heat curing. over a shortperiod, may be considered to have
no effect on long term relaxation results (see Section B.5.5.5).
.! c,.... c..,.)
c' ..... 1
Cl I
; ..
10 TO 10
(1) For temperature dependent behaviour refer to relevant Standards on Fire Resistance. General
(1) This section relates to structures where prestress is provided by fully bonded internal tendons.
(3) The provisions Section B.4.3 should be applied in all calculations relating to the effects of
prestress both in global and local analysis and in section design for the ultimate and serviceability
limit states.
(1) The minimum class for post-tensioned members is C30, and for pre-tensioned members is C40.
(1) Isolated prestressed concrete members shall contain in the pre-compressed tensile zone a minimum
number of prestressing units in order to ensure that, with an adequate reliability, a failure of a certain
number of bars, wires or tendons does not lead to a failure of the member.
(2) Item (I) above applies to structural prestressed members in which no additional load-carrying
capacity due to redistribution of internal forces and moments, transverse redistribution of loads or due
to other measures (e.g normal steel reinforcement) exists.
(3) The requirement of (1) above may be considered to be met if the minimum number of bars, wires
or tendons given in Table B.4 is provided. Table B.4 assumes equal diameters of all bars, wires or
(4) The requirement may also be assumed to be satisfied if at least one strand with seven or more
wires (wire diameter je 4.0 mrn) is provided in the isolated member.
(5) If the actual number of bars, wires or tendons in the isolated member is less than the values given
in Table B.4, adequate reliability against failure should be demonstrated.
Table B.4: Minimum Number of Bars, Wires and Tendons in the Pre-Compressed Tensile Zone
of Isolated Members
Type of Units Minimum number
Individual bars and wires 3
Bars and wires, forming a strand or a tendon 7
Tendons except strands (see Item (4) above) 3
(1) The initial prestressing force shall be determined in accordance with Section B.4.3, which also
lists relevant factors affecting loss of prestress.
(2) The maximum force applied to a tendon Po (i.e, the force at the active end, immediately after
stressing, x = 0, see section B.4.3.2) shall not exceed Ap'(To,mar, where:
(3) The prestressing force applied to the concrete immediately after tensioning (post-tensioning) or
after transfer (pre-tensioning), i.e, PIfW = Ap(Tpmo, shall not exceed the lesser of the forces determined
Apop.,." = 0.751f#. Ap, or 0.85J;,o.J~p (B.IO)
where (Tpmo is the stress in the tendon immediately after tensioning or transfer.
(4) For pre-tensioned members, P""o' in (3) above, is calculated from Eq.(B.13) below:
(6) Methods for evaluating til'd' til"r,til'c and til'p.(x) are given in Section B.5.5.5.
(7) The minimum concrete strength required at the time of tensioning or stress transfer shall be
indicated in technical approval documents for the prestressing system concerned. Where such
documents do not exist, requirements concerning reliability and performance should.be considered.
(8) 11le limiting values of (2) and (3) above are generally valid; they may be modified, however,
depending on a number of factors, e.g.
(1) Loss of prestress shall be calculated in accordance with the principles in Section B.4.3.2.
(2) An estimate is required of the effective prestress at various stages considered in the design, and
hence an allowance has to be made for appropriate losses of prestress due to the different factors
given in Section B.4.3.2. Whenever possible, these calculations should be based on experience or
on experimental data relating to the materials and prestressing methods to be used. For a wide range
of structures, and in the absence of such data, the general recommendations given in (5)-(11) may be
used, in approximately estimating the total loss of prestress.
(3) It is recommended thatthe actual values of prestressing losses at tensioning should be checked by
measuring the prestressing force transferred from one end of the tendon to the other.
(4) Immediate losses should be calculated in accordance with (5)to (8)below. Time dependent losses
should be calculated in accordance with (9)-(10) below.
(5) Loss of prestress dueto anchorage slip (til',J should bedetermined from experience and technical
approval documents relating to the prestressing system to be used.
(6) Calculation of the immediate loss of force in thetendons dueto elastic deformation of the concrete
(til'c) may be based on thevalues of the modulus of elasticity of the concrete given in Table 2.5 and
on the values for the prestressing steel given in Section B.
For pre-tensioning, the losses of prestress should be calculated on a modular ratio basis, using the
stress in the adjacent concrete.
(7) The short-term relaxation loss (AP,,), which occurs in pre-tensioning' between stressing the tendons
and 'transferring the stress to the concrete, should be estimated using the data iIi section B.S.4.1.
(8) The loss of prestress in post-tensioned tendons due to friction [AP,,(x)] may be estimated from:
where "is the coefficient of friction between the tendons and their duets
6 is the sum of the angular displacements over a distance x (irrespective of direction or
k is an unintentional angular displacement (per unit length) related to the profile of the
tendons. .
p. depends on the surface characteristics of the tendons and the duet, on the presence of rust, on
the elongation of the tendon and on the tendon profile. In the absence of more exact data, for
tendons which fill about 50% of the duet, the following values for p. may be assumed, when using
cold drawn wire 0.17.
strand 0.19
. Values for k should be given in technical approval documents, and will generally be in the range
0.005 < k < 0.01 per meter .. The value depends on the quality of workmanship, on the distance
between tendon supports, on the type of duet or sheath employed, and on the degree of vibration
used in placing the concrete.
The above recommended values for p. and k are mean values. The actual values used in design
may be .increased or decreased,depending on standards of control, workmanship, special
precautions, etc., provided that the selected values can be justified.
where !:usp,e+l+' is the variation of stress in the tendons due to creep, shrinkage and relaxation
at location X, at time t.
Elt,t) is the estimated shrinkage strain, derived from the values in Table 2.7 for
fina1 shrinkage. .
n isE/E_
E, ts the modulus of elasticity for the prestressing steel, taken from. Section
E_ is the modulus of elasticity for the concrete Table 2.5
Aupr ..is the variation of stress in the tendons at section x due to relaxation. This
may be derived from Fig. B.4 for a ratio of Initial stress/characteristic tensile
stress, (u/f~ calculated from:
where a". is the initial stress in the tendons due to prestress and permanent actions.
For simplificatiQn and conservatively, the second term in Eq.(B.15) may be ipored. For
normal buildinp, a~ may be taken as O.BS a,.,.
In using Eq.(B.14), an assumed value of total loss will be required initially, to permit the term 1:Ms",
on the right hand side to be evaluated (this term depends on the level of final prestress). An iterative
process is therefore necessary to solve and balance the two sides of Eq.(B.14).
(10) The loss of prestress calculated in accordance with above should be added to that determined by
above to assess the final prestress (P....). It is important to remember that these procedures are
approximate, and may be adjusted to suit particular materials, stressing or design conditions.
(II) The design procedures to take account of the effects of prestress should be in accordance with
Section B.4.3..
(I) Where tensile forces can occur, they should be carried by additional reinforcement.
(a) Transmission length I"", over which the prestressing force (PJ from a pretensioned tendon
is fully transmitted to the concrete.
(b) Dispersion length ip .", over which the concrete. stresses gradually disperse to a linear
distribution across the concrete section.
(c) anchorage length I.., over which the ultimate tendon force (F~ in pretensioned meIIiber~ is
fully transmitted to the concrete.
(3) The transmission length I"" is influenced by the size and type of tendon, the surface condition of
the tendon, the concrete strength, the degree of compaction of the concrete. Values should be based
on experimental data or experience with the type of tendon to be used. For design purposes,
Fig. B-4(b) the transmission length is defined as a multiple of the nonUnal diameter (<<p) of the strand
or wire.
I"" = fJ.P (B. 16)
with diameter ~ 12 DIDI, values for fl. IbouId be baled OD tell data; .. a lUide, the val... in
Table B.5 may be adopted.
,.,....., ero.....
,'1. I ,\
d ~ I \
, I \ II
~, I \
'bo I
I. 'bO- ab It _I
.. x
Flgure B-4 Transfer of Prestreu in PreteoIioaed J1.IemenU
Table B.5 Facton fl. to be taken for TraDIIDiainn Lenpb of Presti I illl Strudt ....
Wires (Smooth or Indented) in Relation to Concrete Stren&tb at the Momeat of
Aetual concrete strength at transfer
(MPa) 25 30 35 40 45 SO
(4) The design value IIpl is to be taken at 0.8 I. or 1.2 I. whichever is less favorable for the effect
(S) Transmission length, anchorage length and dispersion length are to be taken from the start of
effective bond.
(6) For rectangular cross-sections and straight tendons, situated near the bottom of the sectio" the
dispersion length can be established as: .
(7) The anchorage of pretensioning tendons in flexural members at the ultimate limit state is
influenced by the condition, cracked or uncracked, of the anchorage zone. The part of the beam
where tendons are anchored (Fig. 8-4(a)] may be considered as uncracked if the concrete tensile
stress at the Ultimate Limit State (flexural and principal stresses) does not exceed.t/tl' taking account
of the relevant value of P~. (see Section B.4.4.S).
(8) If the tensn~, stress does not exceed fc/tl' the condition of anchorage may be assumed to be fulfilled
without further. checks.
(8) If the tensile stress does not exceed .t/tl' it should be shown that the envelope of the acting tensile
force does not exceed the resisting tensile force provided by the tendons and the reinforcing steel
with~ the anchorage zone. The ultimate resisting force FF' of the tendons according to Fig. B-8(b)
may be determined as:
x Ap jp O.1t (8-18)
FF' ... -P
I 0
bpi 'Ys
r CraCk
l i
I~ 88
Fp x I Pomax
(1) The design of anchorage zones shall be in accordance with the procedures in this section and those
Sections B.4.3, B.5 B.6.5, B.6.6 and B.7.1.
(2) When considering the effects of the prestress as a concentrated force on the anchorage zone, the
characteristic tensile strength of the tendon shall be used.
(3) The bearing stress behind anchorage plates should be calculated in accordance Section B.6.7 .1.
(4) Tensile forces due to concentrated forces should be assessed by a strut and the tie model, or other
appropriate representation (see Section B.4.2). The resulting reinforcement should be detailed in
accordance with Section B.6.5 assuming that it is acting at its design strength.
(5) The prestressing force may be assumed to disperse at an angle of spread 213 (see Fig. B-6) starting
at the end of the anchorage device, where 13 may be assumed to be arc tangent 2/3.
(1) Taking into account the effect of inclined prestressing tendons, the design shear force is given by:
where Vpd denotes the force component of the in~lined prestressed tendons, parallel to Voo'
Vpd is taken as positive in the same directlon as Voo'
(3) Concerning the value Vpd in Eq.B.19~ two cases should be distinguished :
Case 1: The stresses in the tendons do not exceed the characteristic strength!pO.u
The relevant prestressing force is the mean value PmI allowing for losses
(see Section B.4.3.2(1 multiplied by the relevant safety coefficient (generally "(p = 0.9).
Case 2: The steel stress in the tendons exceeds !pO.ik
(4) In shear analysis, the effective depth d is calculated ignoring the inclined tendons.
B. General
(1) The durability of prestressed members may, for humid and sea witer of aggressive chemical
environment types of exposure, be more critically affected by cracking. In the- absence of more
detailed requirements the design crack width w. under the frequent load combination may be taken
(a) 0.2 mm for both post-tensioned and pre-tensionedmembers for dry exposure.'
(b) 0.2 mm for post-tensioned and decompression for pre-tensioned members for humid
(c) Decompreesion or coating of tendons and 0.2 mm fOt post-tensioned members.
(d) The decompression limit requires that, under the frequent combination of loads, all
the tendons or duct lie a,t least 2S mm within concrete in. compression.
(1) In prestressed members subject to compressive normal force theminimum reinforcement area may
be reduced below that necessary for ordinary reinforced concrete due to the influence of:
(2) In prestressed members, the minimum reinforcement for crack control is not necessary in areas
where; under the rare combination of actions and the relevant estimated characteristic value of
prestress or normal force, the concrete remains in compression.
(3) If the conditions in (2) above are not fulfilled, the required minimum area should be calculated
according to Section 5.3.2(3) with the following values for Icc. '
(a) For box sections , .;
(b) For rectangular sections, the value of k, may be interpolated between 0.4 for pure bending
without normal force and zero when
(i) the condition just satisfy (2) above, or
(ii) where, under the action of the relevant estimated value of prestress, the depth of the'
tension zone, calculated on the basis of a cracked section under the loading conditions
leading to formation of the first crack, does not exceed the lesser of h/2 or 0.5 m,
(4) Prestressing tendons may be taken into account as minimum reinforcement within a 300 mm
square surrounding the tendon, provided that the difference bond behaviour of the tendons and
reinforcement are taken into account. In the absence of better information, this may be done by
assuming prestressing tendons to be 50% effective. '
(1) For prestressed slabs in buildings subjected to bending without significant axial tension, measures
specifically to control cracking are not necessary where the overall depth does not exceed 200 mm
and the provisions Section 7.2.2 have been applied.
(2) For prestressed concrete sections, Section and Table 5.2 may be applied with
w. = .2 mm. The stresses in the reinforcement should be calculated regarding the prestress as an
external force without allowing for stress increase in the tendons due to loading.
(2) In the cue of post-teD8ioned members, bundled duets are not normally permitted.
(3) A pair of ducta, 'placed vertically on above the other, may be used if adequate precautions are
taken for teDSioninl and IfOUtina. Particular care is necessary if the tendons are doubly eurved,
(1) The concrete cover between the inner surface of the formwork and either a pre-tensioned tendon
or a duct shall be fixed with due regard to the size of the tendons of the duet. Minimum covers shaH
be in accordance with Section 7. ~ .3, in addition to the following:
(a) For pre-tensioned members, the minimum cover shall not be less then 2;, where; is the
diameter of a tendon. Where ribbed wires are used,the minimum covershall not be less then
(b) For post-tensioned members, the minimum cover is to the duct. The cover shall not be less
than the diameter of the duct. For rectangular duets, the cover shall not be less than the lesser
dimension of the duct cross-section nor half the greater dimension of the duet.
(1) The spacing of duets or of pre-tensioned tendons shall be such u to ensure that placing and
compacting of the concrete can be carried out satisfactorily and that good bond can be attained
between the concrete and the tendons.
B.'.3.1 Pre-Unsionln,
(1) The minimum clear horizontal and vertical spacing of individual tendons is given in Fig. B-7.
B.'.3.2 Po,-ullSioning
(1) Except for paired duets (see Section B.S.1.1(3, the minimum clear spacing between individual
duets should be:
(1) The anchorage devices used for post-tensioned tendons and the andlorage lengths in the case of
pre-tensioned tendons shall be ,s,uch as to enable the full design strength of the tendons to be
developed, taking account of lI1y repeated, rapidly changing action effects.
(2) Wherecouplers are used, these shall be so placed by taking account of the interference caused by
theses devices, i.e. thattheydo not affect the bearing capacity of the member and that any temporary
anchorage which may be needed during construction can be introduced in satisfactory manner.
T -.
-:=r: j
: :1. 5
F1pre 8-7 Minimum Clear Sp'dna 'or Precmlloaed T. . . .
(3) Calculatiooa for local effects in the concreteand for the transverse reinforcemems sbouId be made
in accordance with Section B.4.2. .
(5) The placing of couplers on SO~ or more of the tendons at one cross-seceon should be avoided.
(2) Where groups of post-tensioned cables are located at a certain distance from each other, suitable
links should be arranged at the ends o"f the members, as a protection against splitting.
(3) At any part of the zone, the reinforcement ratio on either side of the block should be at least
O.lS~ in both directions.
(5) Where a strut and tie model has been used todetennine the transversetensile force, the following
detailing rules should be followed:
(a) The steel area actually required to provide the tie force, acting at its design strength, should
be distributed in accordance with the actual tensile stress distribution, i.e. over a length of
the block approximately equal to its greatest lateral dimension.
(b) Closed stirrups should be used for anchorage purposes.
(c) All the anchorage reinforcement should preferably be formed into a 3-dimensional orthogonal
(6) Special attention should be given to anchorage zones havingcross sectionsdifferent in shape from
that of the general cross-section of the beam.
(1) This Sectionprovides, in addition to those given in Chapter'8 of this Code, minimum specification
requirements for prestressingsteel and for the standardof workmanship that must be achieved on site
in order to ensurethat the design assumptions in this Code are valid and hence that the intended levels
of safety and of durability will be attained.
(1) Prestressing steel shall comply with the requirements of Section B.2.1 of this Code.
(2) The prestressing devices (anchorages. couplers. sheaths and ducts) shall comply with the
requirements of Section B.2.2 of this Code.
(3) The tendons (wire. bars. cables). anchorage devices. couplers and sheaths used shall be those in
tile project design documents. They shall be capable of being identified as such.
(1) Tendons. sheaths. anchorage devices and couplers shall be protected from harmful influences
during transport and storage and also when placed in the structure. until after concreting has taken
(2) During transport and storage of the tendons. the following should be avoided:
(a) any type of chemical. electro-chemical or biological attack liable to cause corrosion;
(b) any damage to the tendons;
(c) any contamination liable to affect the durability orbond properties of the tendons;
(d) any deformation of the tendons. not provided for the design;
(e) any unprotected storage. exposure to rain or contactwith the ground;
(t) the use of water transport without suitable packaging;
(g) welding in the vicinity of prestressing tendons without. the provision of special protection
(from splashes).
(1) The devices used in jointing the tendons. for their anchorage and coupling shall be as specified
in relevant Standards. The prestressing members shall be assembled and placed in position in
accordance with the relevant Standards. The sheaths and their connections shall be as specified in the
project design documents.
(1) Placing of the tendons shall be carried out in compliance with the criteria relating to:
(a) the concrete cover and the spacing of the tendons;
(b) the permissible toleranc-es in respect of the position of the tendons, couplers and anchorages;
(c) the ease with which the concrete can be cast.
(2) The tolerances required for the placing of the prestressing tendons shall be those given in Section
8.2; alternatively they shall be stated in the contract documents.
(3) The sheaths should be fixed carefully according to the designer's specification of dimensions,
spacers and supports.
(4) After placing the sheaths in position, vents should be provided at both ends and at their high
points, as well as at all points where air or water may accumulate; in the case of sheaths of
considerable length, vents are also needed at intermediate positions.
(5) The sheaths should be protected from penetration of extraneous materials until the completion of
(2) Written instructions shall be provided at the site or in the works on the prestressing procedure to
(3) Workmen and staff engaged in stressing shall be skilled and have had special training.
(4) During prestressing, suitable safety measures should be taken and be recorded by an engineer.
B.7.6.1 Pre-tensioning
(1) In the case of pre-tensioning the instructions for prestressing shall specify:
(2) the necessity for temporary protection of the tendons after tensioning and before casting should
be checked. Where necessary, the protective material should not affect bond and should have no
detrimental effect on the steel or the concrete.
B.7.6.2 Post-tensioning
- - - - _._--~- - -------~-----
(f}- where appropriate, the time of the removal of the falsework during tensioning;
(2) The following should be recorded by thesupervising engineer during the tensioning process:
(1) Tendons placed in sheaths or ducts in the concrete, couplers and anchorage devices shall be
protected against corrosion.
(2) should the delay between stressing and grouting exceed the time permitted, then protection of the
tendons shall continue until grouting takes place.
(3) Where temporary protection is provided, the material used shall have an approval document and
shall not have a deleterious effect on the prestressing steel or on the cement grout.
(4) Written instructions shall be provided for the site or the works for the preparation and execution
of the grouting.
(5) Corrosion protection of the tendons is ensured by filling all voids with a suitable grouting material
(usually cement mortar); as a rule, the anchorage should be enveloped in concrete or mortar. This
objective is met l>y:
(a) using approved grout materials (must remain alkaline, no harmful components) and by
covering..the tendons completely;
(b) filling the ducts completely (including voids between tendons) with a grout which after
hardening fulfills the structural requirements (strength, bond, modulus of elasticity,
(2) Approp.l.'iate materials (types . of cement, admixtures) "shall be used and the mixing process
(tJatching, water-cement ratio. procedure, time) shall ensure the required properties.
(c) Chlotldes (as %" by ~s cement) from all sources shall DOt exceed the values given in the
specified Standards. . .
(a)' equipment operational (including "stand by" grout pump to avoid interruptions in the event
.of malfunction) ""
(b) permanent supplies of water under pressure aDd of compressed air;
(c) mater~ batched (excess to allow for overflow) .
(d) ducts free of harmful material.(e.g.: water); .
(e) vents pr8lW'ed and identified; " .
(t) preparationof control tests tOr"grout;
(g) in CUe of doubt, grouting trail on'representative duetS;
(b) grourflow not affected.
(1) Before injeCting, it should be checked th_t the grout,iog program can be fulfilled.
(2) The injecting process should be carriedout at a continuous and steady rate. In somecircumstances "
(large diameter, vertical or inclined ducts) post-injection may be necessary to replace bleed water by
(3)After completion of grouting, loss of grout from the duct should be prevented. To allowexpansion
of grout during hardening and to displacebleed water, appropriate vents may be opened.
(4) After injecting, if large voids are suspected," the effectiveness of grouting should be checked with
appropriate .equipment. " . ." "
B.7.7.5 Sealing
- .
(1) Where necessary, all openings, grouting tubes and vents shall be sealed hermetically to prevent
penetration of water and harmful products.
(1) Tendons may be protected by materials based on bitumen. epoxy resins. rubber. etc. provided thll
there are no detrimental effects on bond. fare resistance. and other essential p~es.
B.8.1 Objectives
(1) This Section provides. in addition to those given in Chapter 9 of this Code. the minimum control
meaSures for design and construction of prestressed concrete members. They comprise essential
actions and decisions. as well as check to be made. in compliance with specifications. standards and
the general state-of-the-art, to ensure that all specified requirements are met.
(1) For prestressing steels and prestressing devices. Section B.7 shall apply.
(1) Before being placed in position. the tendons should for any damage that might have occurred since
arrival on site or at the factory.
(3) Before tensioning it is advisable to check that the prestressing operation can be carried out
correctly. Checks should be made that the requirements of Section B.7.6 are being met. at the time
of transfer of.the prestressing force.
(4) A prestressing record should be kept of the measurement made at each stage of stressing (pressure
in the jacks, elongations. slippage at the anchorages. etc.).
(5) The time elapsed between prestressing and the completion of the protective measures for the steel
(grouting) should be controlled and noted.
Before grouting. it should be ensured that the provisions of Sections B.7.7.3 and B.7.7.4 are applied
and checked.
(6) During grouting it is necessary to check the injection pressure. the free flow of the grout from
the vents, to look for grout leaks. to check the quantity of injected grout as well as to take samples
for checking viscosity and loss of water. Where necessary, the strength of the grout should be
Couplers 125, 134, 146, 1~7 Ductility 13, 14, 127, 132
Weldability 13, IS
Welded"fabric 13
Welding 97,98
Workability 91
Yield stress 14