11.08.08 - Tinh Size Tank

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7) Calculation for size of the pressure vessel

a Flowrate (Cut-in) : 1.60 L/s
b Flowrate (Cut-Out) : 0.80 L/s
c Head (Cut-in) : 16.00 meters , 2.0
d Head (Cut-Out) : 27.00 meters , 3.0
e No. of Start/Stop per hour : 20 s/s per hour
f No.of Pump : 2 pump(s)

Cut out (absolute pressure ) - Cut in((absolute pressure )

Acceptance Factor = --------------------------------------------------------
Cut out ( absolute presssure )
4.00 - 3.00
= --------------------------------------------- =

Cut-in flowrate + Cut-Out flow

ii) Mean flowrate = -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1.60 + 0.80
= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3600 sec
iii) System operating ----------------------------------------------------------------------
time per pump=
per cycle in an hour no. of s/s per hour x no. of pumps

Based on
iv) 85%
of the time water charging in the pressure vessel and
15% of the time water discharging out from the pressure vessel in a cyc

Therefore Pressure vessel storage time = 15%

= 13.5 Secs

Mean Flowrate x Storage Time (Effective Cap

v) Therefore the total capacity of = --------------------------------------------- =
Acceptance Factor

Therefore we select 1 nos. 100 litres of GT-tanks Model

has the overall capacity of 100 litres.
ssure vessel


n((absolute pressure )
re )


Cut-Out flowrate

------------------------- = 1.20 L/s
----------------------------------------------- = 90secs
20 x 2

pressure vessel in a cycle.

x 90 secs

1.20 x 14
--------------------------------------------------- = 65 litres

GT-tanks Model

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