Cable Sizing and Effects of Cable Length On
Cable Sizing and Effects of Cable Length On
Cable Sizing and Effects of Cable Length On
Abstract This paper presents cable sizing procedure and effect the extent of a voltage drop problem [2, 16-18]. The study is
of the cable length on induction motor dynamic performance. performed with the help of ETAP software.
Motor and cable selection, to accommodate competing motor
starting requirements, are the classical challenges facing EPC Factors affecting motor starting include impedance of
contractors and motor designers during the planning and power distribution systems, the motor terminal voltage, inertia
designing stages of new Industrial facilities. The cable size & of the motor and the load [1]. System impedance has impact on
length has impact on both starting current and motor terminal both starting current and motor terminal voltage. Its impact on
voltage. Its impact on the voltage is much greater than that on the voltage is much greater than on the current. The starting
the current. Various length of feeder cable is selected for case current using across-line starting is only slightly different when
study. The induction motor performance during DOL starting the impedance of the circuit is changed, but the voltage drop on
with various length of cable is investigated with the help of ETAP the cable changes significantly [3].
Keywords- cable sizing; induction motor starting; cable
The size of the cable depends on various factors such as
ampacity; Electrical Transient Analyzer Program (ETAP);
load current, allowable voltage drop, length of the cable
I. INTRODUCTION required, cable laying and installation, environmental condition
etc. Following steps are to be followed to calculate proper
The most widely recognized and studied effect of motor techno-economical cable size for a consumer.
starting is the voltage dip that is experienced throughout an
industrial power system as the direct online result of starting Step-1: Cross Sectional Area Calculation Based on Short
large motors. In order for the load to be accelerated, the motor Circuit Withstand Capacity
must generate greater torque than the load requirement [2]. The cross sectional area of a cable should not be less than
Motor operating performance is depends on cable size in terms the value determined by the following formula.
of voltage drop on cable [3]. Selection of the size and type of
the cable depends on type of load and environment operating
condition. The size of the cable is selected based on the
following considerations. Where,
Short circuits withstand capacity (SC Ampacity). S= Nominal cross sectional area of the conductor in
Effective current carrying capacity (Thermal mm
Voltage drop during steady state o1perating conditions I = Value of fault current in Amperes.
and motor start-up. t =Fault clearing time in seconds (This is generally
Short circuit withstand capacity is to be checked for HT cables taken as 0.2 seconds for motor & transformer
and for LT incomer feeders only. For LT breaker controlled feeders,0.6 seconds for plant feeders, 1.0 seconds
motor feeders, the cable impedance reduces short circuit for incoming feeder.)
current considerably, hence, short circuit withstand capacity is K=Factor taking account of the resistivity,
not required to be checked for the rated fault level of the LT temperature co-efficient, heat capacity of the
motors. conductor material, initial and final temperature.
DOL motor starting analysis is performed to investigate Value of `K (as per BS 7671) shall be taken as
induction motor performance with various length of feeder 94 for XLPE insulated Aluminium Cables , 143
cable [19, 9]. The motor starting study can expose and identify for XLPE insulated copper cables and 76 for PVC
insulated Aluminium cables.
If the value of S is a non-standard size than conductor of
978-1-4673-0766-6/12/$31.00 2012 IEEE the next higher standard cross section area may be selected.
Short circuit duration for cables must be commensurate with I = Load current of the electrical consumer (in Amp)
the tripping time of the protective devices associated with the
feeder. kW = Output kW (name plate) rating of the load
Step-2: Effective Current Carrying Capacity (Thermal V = Line to line voltage in case of 3- AC/ Line to
Ampacity) phase in case of 1- AC
= Rating factor for variation in Ground
temperature. Where,
= Rating factor for Grouping of cables. Vd = Voltage drop in percentage
= Rating factor for Depth of laying. = Power factor angle as considered to calculate I.
Fig. 6 Motor starting current and slip variation with 100 M cable
Fig.2 Motor and Load torques during motor starting with 150M cable
Fig. 3 Motor starting current and slip variation with 150 M cable
Fig.9 Motor and Load torques during motor starting with 50M cable
Fig.5 Motor and Load torques during motor starting with 100M cable
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[9] Cheng-Ting Hsu, "Transient stability study of the large synchronous
motors starting and operating for the isolated integrated steel-making
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The cable sizing and motor-starting study must be
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Col 4: Ampacities have been taken from Table 61& 61A OMAN Cable Catalogue.
Col 5, Col 6, Col 7 Col 8: Derating factors have been taken from Table 68,69,70,71 OMAN Cable Catalogue.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Cable No of Voltage Ampacity Derating Derating Derating Derating Total Corrected
Size conductors Grade in Ground Factor for Factor for Factor for Factor for Derating Ampacity
(mm2) (kV) for 35oC variation Thermal 1M depth grouping of Factor (Col 4 x
Ambient in resistivity cable upto 8 (Col 5 x Col 9 )
Temp. Ground of soil 1.2 Cables laid Col 6 x (A)
(A) temp. for mC/W 150mm apart Col 7 x
30 C Col 8 )
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Cable No of Voltage Ampacity Derating Derating Derating Derating Total Corrected
Size conductors Grade in Ground Factor for Factor for Factor for Factor for Derating Ampacity
(mm2) (kV) for 35oC variation Thermal 1M depth grouping of Factor (Col 4 x
Ambient in resistivity cable upto 8 (Col 5 x Col 9 )
Temp. Ground of soil 1.2 Cables laid Col 6 x (A)
(A) temperat mC/W 150mm apart Col 7 x
ure for 30 Col 8 )