Simultaneous Heat and Mass Transfer Applied To Non-Respiring Foods Packed in Modified Atmosphere
Simultaneous Heat and Mass Transfer Applied To Non-Respiring Foods Packed in Modified Atmosphere
Simultaneous Heat and Mass Transfer Applied To Non-Respiring Foods Packed in Modified Atmosphere
A mathematical model to predict heat and mass transport phenomena in non-respiring food packed in modied atmosphere
(MAP) was developed and validated. The model incorporates simultaneous gas convection, sorption, diusion, heat convection and
conduction. The model was applied to MAP systems containing CO2 , O2 , N2 and H2 O. Validation test was done with gelatin. The
average errors between experimental and simulated values were low: <0.6 (C) for the temperatures, 3% for relative humidity and
<1.43% for the headspace gas composition. Model predictions during heating and cooling phases indicate that temperature
modication of the packaged product can be quite slow, reecting the relevance of proper chilling in the packaging, transport and
storage processes of MAP products. The model applied to shelf-life studies, for specic products, can be utilized to identify facility
and product handling improvements to generate the greater positive impact on product quality. The development of this or similar
mathematical tools would allow for more technical and informed management decisions.
2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Modied atmospheres packaging; Heat and mass transfer; Non-respiring foods
Nomenclature Headspace. Eq. (1) was obtained by applying the The overall heat transfer coecient was mathematically
rst law of thermodynamics considering headspace as described as shown in Zuritz and Sastry (1986).
_ CO H O dM_ O H N dM _ N H H O dM _ H O 2.1.2. Mass transfer
2 2 2 2 2 2 2
The following equations describe mass transfer
H CO dM _ CO H O dM _ O H N dM _ N H H O dM _ H O mechanisms considered in the model.
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 OUT
dQ_ dW_ 1 Gas ow through package. The gas ow through
The ideal gas law was applied to each gas, energy terms the lm and tray was estimated as:
associated to gases, entrance and exit, were neglected in on PA
P yH ya 9
comparison with those associated to heat transfer. ot p e p
Considering headspace temperature as uniform, Eq.
(1) can be written as:
oTH Diusion and gas sorption by food. Gas transfer
in the food was obtained from the Flicks second law:
RT hCH Ap Tp TH hCH AFs TH TFs oc o2 c
D 2 10
P cpPmvCO2 cpPmvO2 cpPmvN2 cpPmvH2 O ot ox
2 Boundary conditions:
c Spa 0 6 x 6 eF t0 11 Food surface. Eq. (3) was obtained by applying c SpH x0 t>0 12
the rst law of thermodynamics in a volume element on
food surface. Neglecting the energy terms associated to 0 x eF tP0 13
gas ow and mechanical work in comparison with those ot
associated to the heat transfer and water evaporation The gas sorption by food as a function of time was ex-
becomes: pressed as:
h i
oTFs H H2 Osv H H2 Osl PmH2 O hMH2 O AFs pHH2 O pv aw hCH AFs TH TFs kF AFs oToxF
ot q cp V Fs Package. Again, the rst law of thermodynamics on oc
was applied to the lm and tray, energy terms associated MF 14
ot F ot
to gases entrance and exit were neglected in comparison
with those associated to heat transfer. Given the absence The mean gas concentration in the food was calculated
of work in the system the energy balance becomes: by
282 R.J. Simpson et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 61 (2004) 279286
R MF mixtures and low mass transfer rates, the rule for ex-
c R0 MF 15 ploiting the analogy is simple: The Sherwood number is
dM obtained by replacing the Prandtl number by the Sch-
midt number in the appropriate heat transfer correlation Water evaporation from food surface. Water (Mills, 1995).
evaporation from food surface toward headspace was Ambient heat transfer coecient (hCa ) for chilling
estimated as: (forced convection) was determined by means of a non-
linear regression using an aluminum block (Bonacina &
onH2 O Comini, 1973) and a value of 20.7 W/m2 K was calcu-
hMH2 O AFs pHH2 O pv aw 16
ot F lated. For the heating condition (natural convection)
hCa was determined by correlating Nu with Pr and Gr, Mass balance for headspace. In the development using the aluminum block test as it was used to deter-
of Eq. (17), gas consumption and production due to mine the headspace transfer coecient (hCH ). The fol-
microbial activity was neglected. Microbial growth was lowing relationship was obtained:
minimized due to the refrigeration conditions. A exible Nu 1:33 Pr Gr
package (constant pressure and variable volume) and
ideal gas law were considered to derive the following The pure water vapor pressure was estimated through
equation. the Antoines equation (Perry & Green, 1997). The wa-
2 h i3 ter vapor diusivity was estimated from Marrero and
o 1
on on P 6 1 oVH TH 7 Mason (1972).
4 VH 5 17 The gas properties were estimated with valid corre-
ot p ot F R TH ot ot
lations for gases at low pressure (Wassiljewa, 1904;
Headspace gas composition was obtained as: Herming & Zipperer, 1936; cit. by Perry & Green, 1992).
vi Table 1 show data utilized in those correlations.
yi 18 Physical properties of the gelatin were calculated using
the models developed by Murakami and Okos (1980).
Headspace volume change was obtained as: The water activity was measured with an ROTRONIC
VH vCO2 vO2 vN2 vH2 O 19 HYGROMER instrument model AwV C. Table 2 shows
parameters utilized.
The equations were solved using an explicit nite dif-
ference scheme (Crank, 1975).
Table 1
Specic heats, thermal conductivities and gases viscosities at 5 C and
2.2. Model parameters
1 atma
The heat and mass natural convection transfer coef- Property CO2 O2 N2 H2 O
cients on headspace were obtained by correlating Nu cp (J/kg K) 841 919 1040 1877
with Pr and Gr, and Sh with Sc and GrM (Bird, Steward, k (W/m K) 1.49 102 2.48 102 2.43 102 1.85 102
l (kg/m s) 1.39 105 1.95 105 1.69 105 8.17 106
& Lightfoot, 1964). a
Vargaftik (1975).
Nu aC Pr Gr 20
Sh aM Sc GrM 21
Table 2
The parameter aC was obtained through tests in isolated Physical properties of the gelatina
containers. Tests consisted of placing an aluminum Property k (W/m K) q (kg/m3 ) cp (J/kg K) aw
block inside the container and registering the surface Gelatin 0.56 1016 4040 0.990
temperature of the aluminum block, the headspace core a
Murakami and Okos (1980).
and upper internal surface of the container in transient
conditions. Then, considering that the heat transfer in
the aluminum block responds to a Biot number <0.1 Table 3
(Welty, Wicks, & Wilson, 1984), an energy balance was Solubility for CO2 , N2 and O2 in water (kg/kg Pa)a
carried out to obtain the relationship of the aluminum Temperature (C) CO2 O2 N2
block and headspace temperatures with the heat transfer 8 10
0 3.09 10 6.88 10 2.90 1010
coecient. Finally, by means of a non-linear regression, 10 2.32 108 5.37 1010 2.30 1010
experimental data was adjusted as described, so that, 20 1.70 108 4.38 1010 1.91 1010
parameter aC was obtained (Bonacina & Comini, 1973). 30 1.30 108 3.69 1010 1.66 1010
The parameter aM was estimated using the analogy 40 1.04 108 3.28 1010 1.48 1010
between convective heat and mass transfer. For dilute Geankoplis (1982).
R.J. Simpson et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 61 (2004) 279286 283
Table 4
Diusivity for CO2 , N2 and O2 in water (m2 /s)
D D0 exp 27
Tempera- CO2 O2 N2 Source
ture (C)
Tables 6 and 7 show parameters for Eqs. (26) and (27).
10 1.46 109 Treybal (1980)
18 1.98 109 Geankoplis
(1982) 2.3. Validation experiments
20 1.78 109 2.09 109 Brown (1955)
20 1.64 109 Bolz and Tuve The gas transfer validation was carried out using non-
avor gelatin 5 (% w/w) with an average weight of 289 g
25 2.00 109 2.41 109 Geankoplis
(1982) (1.25 cm thickness), packages PP/EVOH/PP and a lm
25 1.90 109 Perry and PET/(PP/EVOH/PP) of 82 lm provided by EMPACK
Green (1992) Co. Santiago, Chile. Forty samples of gelatin and
1030.05 cm3 of gas mixture (43.57 (% v/v) CO2 , 11.71 (%
Gas solubility and diusivity in the gelatin were es- v/v) O2 (rest N2 )) were packed at 25 C in an ILPRA
timated from values in aqueous solution (Brown, 1955; FOOD PACK model Basic V/G and stored at 6 C for 7
Bolz & Tuve, 1976; Treybal, 1980; Geankoplis, 1982; days and at 3 C for 2 days in a REVCO refrigerator
Perry & Green, 1992), Tables 3 and 4, and by means of model REL 5004V14. Sample extraction was done in
the following equations (Robertson, 1992); triplicate. In each sample, CO2 and O2 concentration
was measured on headspace by a PBI DANSENSOR
SP SS 1 XP 23 model CheckMate 9900 O2 /CO2 gas analyzer. Mea-
DP DS expa yP 24 surements were done using destructive assays.
Information related to package characteristics and per- The heat transfer and relative humidity validation
meabilities were provided by EMPACK Co., Santiago, was done exposing the system (food-package) to tem-
Chile (Table 5). peratures ranging from 0 to 25 C. The system was
Temperature dependence on permeability, solubility chilled (forced convection) at 0 C in a HECO modular
and diusivity was estimated from Arrhenius type refrigerator chamber, and heated at a room temperature
models (Robertson, 1992). of 21 C with no forced air circulation (natural con-
vection). The reasons for selecting these temperatures
EP were to cover the refrigeration storage temperatures
P P0 exp 25
RT used commercially and the common ambient tempera-
DHS ture abuses. The relative humidity of the headspace was
S S0 exp 26 measured with a DUCT/OSA humidity transmitter
model HD10K. Ambient, headspace and food (middle
and bottom) temperatures were measured by using
ELLAB T-type copperconstantan thermocouples
model G700TS-16. Temperatures and relative humidity
Table 5
Film permeability for CO2 , O2 , N2 and H2 O (kmol m2 /m3 s Pa)a
were monitored during heating and chilling and the data
were recorded using an OMEGA multi-channel data
Tempera- CO2 O2 N2 H2 O
logger model OM-220.
ture (C)
The deviations between experimental and simulated
5 1.04 1021 4.32 1022 4.32 1022 2.11 1017
values were calculated as:
23 5.23 1021 2.16 1021 2.16 1021 4.74 1017
Empack (1999). Pn 2
i1 Ei Si
r 28
Table 6 N
Heat of solution (DHS ) and constant S0 for CO2 , O2 and N2 in gelatin
Additionally, t-tests (t student, p < 0:05) were per-
Parameter CO2 O2 N2
formed to compare experimental and simulated values.
S0 5.01 1012 1.86 1012 1.40 1012
DHS (J/kmol) )1.97 107 )1.32 107 )1.19 107
Nu 1:46 Pr Gr 2:8 105 < Ra < 2:4 107
Sh 1:46 Sc GrM 2:8 105 < Ra < 2:4 107
For at-shaped non-respiring foods with a temperature
higher than headspace temperature (cooling):
Nu 1:77 Pr Gr 4:4 105 < Ra < 3:6 107
Sh 1:77 Sc GrM 4:4 10 < Ra < 3:6 107
Figs. 3 and 4 show the data obtained in headspace
correlations. Fig. 4. Nusselt versus Grashof in pack with 26 cm height on headspace.
In agreement with the literature values the aC coe-
cient for cooling (1.77) was higher than the heating value
characteristic of internal natural convection in enclo-
(1.46). When warm air encloses a cold body, the air just
sures (Mills, 1995). Thus, it would be unreasonable to
around the body will cool down and sink following a
seek a single simple correlation formula valid over a wide
path around the body to the oor. The cold air creates a
range of Rayleigh and Prandtl numbers. Correlations are
tiny insulation layer outside the package and may slow
usually valid for small ranges of Rayleigh number and
down the heating-rate a little. When a warm body is
for particular conguration of enclosures.
placed in cold surroundings, the air around the product
will become a little warmer but evaporates away from
the product (Torstveit, Aune, Nordtvedt, & Magnussen, 3.2. Model validation
For natural convection on a horizontal plate facing 3.2.1. Heat transfer and relative humidity
up Mills (1995) reported the following correlations: The heating and chilling curves (Fig. 5) show a big
For heating: dierence between headspace and food temperatures,
1=4 probably due to the insulation layer between food and
Nu 0:27 Pr Gr 105 < Ra < 1010 33
upper package. The two dierent product temperatures
For cooling: are however almost similar during the heating and
cooling process. For MAP products, the heat transfer
Nu 0:54 Pr Gr1=4 105 < Ra < 107 34
outside the product is low and the temperature die-
From Eqs. (29)(32) the aC values were higher than the rence between surface and product is small. This is,
literature values. This can be explained by the marked besides the small product thickness, also a contribution
changes in ow pattern with changes in Rayleigh number factor for a small Biot number (Torstveit et al., 1999).
4. Conclusions
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