Research Essay - Cybersecurity - Final Draft

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Wilson 1

Nicole Wilson

Professor Quitadamo

UWRT 1102

03 May 2017

Cyber Security in the Advancing World

Today our society and technology are so tightly intertwined that our online presence is

now sometimes, as important as our personal presence, and nowhere is that more present than in

Internet security and cyber security. Cybersecurity takes serious measures to protect computer

systems and our privacy. Those people in the security field do their best to protect the world and

internet from crimes, cyber-attacks, fraud and more, and the industry is advancing as technology

advances and it grows stronger, while developing ideas for better protection. As of 2007, two

hundred and thirty three nations have been connected to the internet, with two hundred of them

being developing countries; more countries are advancing and continuing to implement security

in their daily lives.

As technology has a bigger presence in today's society, we feel the need to save every

piece of information our eyes come across, every photo we take, and every password to

remember. We buy the newest technology so it can run faster and have an increased amount of

gigabyte storage, but, we never stop to think where that information is being stored or where that

information goes. Cybersecurity becomes a relevant and vital factor in keeping all of our

information that is stored on any electronic device safe and secure. If it has a camera, or a

microchip, cybersecurity measures will take control and protect it. Security is implemented into

every device; extra security comes at a cost. Apple phones now implement, cloud storage,

backups every couple weeks, fingerprint scans, password login and in private browsing. This is a

step in the right direction, but the question is it enough? Thats where security comes into play
and when the consumer needs to have some common sense as to what they save and share on

their devices. Cybersecurity helps to protect the web and government from terrorist attacks and

cyber crimes, as the world develops Cybersecurity grows stronger.

The U.S. isn't the only country concerned about the threats of cybersecurity, of course,

countries all over the world face this problem on a daily basis. These cyber attacks can result in a

cyber-war, terrorist plots, network outages, information lost and more. It may seem benign at

first glance, but it can affect the whole nation and cripple the best of networks. Terrorists have

begun to use cyberspace to recruit new members, spread propaganda, and send a message to the

governments they oppose. These terrorists and renegade hackers can gain information to plot

against the enemy, the government tries to use strategies to trace these communications and

prevent them from happening. Groups like Al Qaeda and ISIS are considered more than

organization according to a Director of the Combating Terrorism Center, and pose a bigger threat

to the country at large, and need to be monitored online and off-line.1

Security Analysts and Government Officials, of course, will side with each other and

agree that cyber security is at the top of its game. However, the public takes issue on when a

cyber attack occurs and can worry about if theyre safe or not. Most of society, eventually, does

realize cyber security and computer intelligence needs to improve. The United States government

is not the only country that is concerned with these issues, the whole world had to deal with

internal scandals, cyber attacks and security issues. Russia and China are involved with cyber

warfare and other countries are involved in NATO and unions to create cyber order.

Ultimately, what is at stake here is our private information becoming public information;

a prominent example of this was when hackers hacked in the iCloud on Apple devices and leaked

1 Platt, Victor. Still the Fire-Proof House? An Analysis of Canada's Cyber Security
graphic images of celebrities to the internet. Apple has, also, been involved with cases on

whether they give access to the FBI or security organizations to provide details and access to

locked devices. Hackers also can access your information through email, simply by unknowingly

clicking on a spam email that has a virus imbedded can lead to either your computer potential

crashing or the hacker gaining access to your computer files and then, your information. Phishing

emails can be sent out to mass amounts, or individuals, where the sender may look familiar but

the email contains a virus. Security and firewall prevention helps to block these emails out,

however, the best thing an individual can do is to not open an email. Opening a simple email can

upload a virus and can potentially wipe out your entire devices contents.

Regardless of the amount of information on any device, every second that information is

then stored in databases, cyber security has to be ahead of the curve, as well as ahead of those

trying to break into these devices. Typically, a consumer does not think nor care about protection

over personal information. Thus, cyber security needs to stay in tack, keep being a reinforcement

and not frighten the consumer to make it seem as if theyre being watched for their every move.

Cyberspace is this whole new realm of ideas that gain access to any apparatus involved

with a persons personal life. It's like a representation of a door leading into a new world, where

literally anyone with a few simple clicks and codes can access someone's address, bank

information and more.

Cybersecurity has not affected me, personally in a negative way. It has protected my

information, such as my hundreds of passwords, financial information, family photographs, text

messages, and more. Having all my personal information protected and hidden from others puts

myself more at ease. I don't have to stress out knowing that anyone can log on and by the click of

a button view whatever they want, it's more complicated than that. However, having an interest
in technology makes me more aware of the extra precautions I can take and also, makes more

known to me of what could possibly happen. I realize that I cant save any personal information

on my phone, I keep sensitive information and passwords all written down in physical text,

compared to electronically.

Internet security matters in this advancing world because everyone has at least one piece

of technology in their hands or pockets at all times of the day. Cybersecurity is a part of our daily

life and protects the information we don't want going public. Protects us from threats and

worldly disasters such as cyber warfare.

Cybersecurity protects computing systems and electronic device that can withhold

information. It provides the safety and stability and helps retain the information. Computer

security helps to enable people to further research, continue their careers, and protect sensitive

information and further processes. Businesses, industries and even government organizations

rely on having top notch security.

As students, we are taught to create passwords, and to change them every couple months,

to be careful what kind of photos we take and what we post on social media, not to give out

credit information, and so many more. As a society, the people are told so many things not to do,

that it can put a bit of panic and worriedness on the consumer on whether they can actually trust

internet security. Society is getting better at making awareness of what to do and security

measures one can take. Internet security helps to guide us not to click certain materials and to not

go on certain websites, however if you dont purchase anti-virus software or have your firewall

turned on, you arent getting protection.

The innovation and advancing processes provided by the United States as supported

industry competitiveness, research in science and math, and enhancing economic security. The
United States has many programs and initiatives to advance this technology, such as NIST,

university programs, homeland security, DHS and CSFI. DHS is the Department of Homeland

Security and the CSFI is the Cyber Security FOrum Initiative. The military, FBI and other

governmental organizations have internal groups to control not only their cyber security , but

contributing to the nations.

In todays hostile world environment, it is unusual for an individual to go for more than a

month without seeing some sort of terrorist act or cyber attack on the media. Our daily lives are

interconnected with software and social networks; interacting at increasing speeds and having a

reliable cyberspace is an important component of the modern workplace, as well as at home. If

one thing goes wrong, the world will see.

In 2011, the company Sony lost 17 million dollars in revenue and damages due to

company secrets being revealed to the public. 2 This resulted in the company not only losing

profits, but having to restructure its policies, the material they were working on and their security

protection. Industries can lose revenue and their reputation when material is released to the


Cybersecurity involves legal and political environments. As cybersecurity grows, the

amount of threats increases and is magnified. Cyber security is a universal threat; that disrupts

industry not just the government. Cyberspace is a complex environment. The government

implements national approaches and completes defense reviews to help improve and advance

security. Cyber security involves the use of legal frameworks and policies.

The government uses strategies to take down cyber communications of enemies to then

further attack them or kill them. A recent cyber attack that used the weapon called Stuxnet

2 Clemente, Dave. International Security: Cyber Security As A Wicked Problem.

worm which targeted nuclear facilities in Iran.3 After the aftermath of the 9/11 terrorist attack,

the government has tightened border security, increased surveillance, enhanced operations and

has involved more use of military combat. Security has become stronger and involved the use of

the military way more.

Being surrounded by technology by every minute of our lives, people are getting

involved at an even younger age. Parents are becoming more concerned; coming to realize and

question how safe the internet is for their kids. As the internet expands, does that mean it gets

safer? Unfortunately, thats not the case, more information is added, new apps are made, new

software is being downloaded; it expands on the means of memory and new technology.

However, parents need to realize that their children are the new targets of this new cyber world.

The I-Safe bill, which, was founded in 1998, was endorsed by Congress to educate youth on

internet safety. Many programs such as WiredSafety, Net SafeKids, ChildNet International and

other informative websites are created to educate parents, school staff and children as well. 4

A challenge for the government is to ensure private organizations to stay alert and be

ahead of the enemies. Be ahead of their game helps to better protect themselves; ensuring

economic and physical infrastructure is not affected. According to the National Security Strategy,

any cyber attack performed by a criminal or hostile state is listed as Tier One, which is top


Millions of dollars that are allocated from big companies and the government are spent on cyber

security protection. However, the money spent on fixing and addressing these problems put the

3 Hanes, Mark, and Matt Roll. Internet Safety.


5 Horne, Richard. Establishing the First Line of Defence.

government and banks at risk of threat. Social networks have increased retail sales and online

commerce. Being online does have its benefits, makes some parts of life easier and faster.

Companies need to stay one step ahead of the attackers. The government and private sector have

to cooperate together; they need to share information to better facilitate system defense.

A problem with cyber security is many users are labelled as anonymous or have

computing codes names to keep their identity hidden. Hackers exist anywhere, they can get paif

for their job, and no one will ever know who they are. However, when a threat arises, the police

and military are held accountable for taking further action and fixing the attack. The military has

sectors of security and they become more involved when there is cyber warfare and threats to the


Information sharing is a crucial element in the growth of a nation, as well as deterring a

cyber attack. In the Middle East, ISIS and Al-Qaeda have mastered the art of political outreach

and distribution of ideas in new media, like social media and the internet. These messages and

tweets can be archived and be used to detect future bomb plots and to report those vulnerable to

be recruited by these groups to the correct authorities. Some governments around the world have

failed to adapt with the changing times and invest in cyber-security, and have become susceptible

to attack. This goes to show that a global response to cybercrime and investment in cybersecurity

can lead to peace and order in the future. 6

Society and the government need to put into action, more awareness to the public.

Policies will always need to be changed or be more advanced. Technology is growing and is

going to continue to get more involved with our lives, security will have to advance at the same

process. Cyber warfare will always be a crisis and security is there to protect our nation and to

6 Westby, Jody R. Countering Terrorism with Cyber Security.

put in the best efforts to track down the enemy. As the next generation, and adolescents get more

involved in technology, society and parents need to put teachings in place on how these young

people can protect themselves. The internet can be a scary place, the best we can do is think and

realize when we post material and where that is being saved to. Security is the blanket in the

internet world and keeps us safe and comfortable.

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