PD 6531 (1997)
PD 6531 (1997)
PD 6531 (1997)
, CNL Technical Information Services, 13 January 2004, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
British Standard
Queries and interpretations on |
BS 5839 : Parts 1 and 4 |
(as amended) |
ICS 13.220.20; 13.320 |
PD 6531 : 1997
AEA Technology
British Cable Makers Confederation
British Fire Protection Systems' Association
British Telecommunications plc
Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers
Chief and Assistant Chief Fire Officers' Association
Consumer Policy Committee of BSI
Department of Health
Department of the Environment (Building Research Establishment)
Department of the Environment (Construction Sponsorship Directorate)
Electrical Contractors' Association
Home Office
Institute of Fire Safety
Institution of Electrical Engineers
Institution of Fire Engineers
London Fire and Civil Defence Authority
Loss Prevention Council
Ministry of Defence
National Association of Fire Officers
National Caravan Council Limited
National Inspection Council for Electrical Installation Contracting
National Quality Assurance
Professional Lighting and Sound Association
Trades Union Congress
The following bodies were also represented in the drafting of the standard, through
subcommittees and panels:
BSI 1997
Amendments issued since publication
Amd. No. Date Text affected
Licensed Copy: Technical Information Services Dept ., CNL Technical Information Services, 13 January 2004, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
Foreword iii
1 Scope 1
2 Interpretations of BS 5839 : Part 1 : 1988 1
2.1 Manual and automatic systems 1
2.2 Short circuit monitoring 1
2.3 Monitoring of alarm sounder circuits 1
2.4 The use of isolators between zones 2
2.5 Addressable detector/sounder units 2
2.6 Isolation of staircase zones 3
2.7 Sounder and detector cabling 3
2.8 Cabling of multiple sounder circuits 3
2.9 Disk memories 4
2.10 `Search distance' in addressable systems 4
2.11 Zoning of multi-storey buildings 4
2.12 Starting or restarting fire alarm sounders 4
2.13 Loudness of alarms in residential care homes 5
2.14 Loudness measurement for voice alarm signals 5
2.15 Travel distance to manual call points 5
2.16 Positioning of detectors in a roof apex 6
2.17 Detectors in ventilated ceiling voids 6
2.18 Optical beam detectors in congested roof spaces 6
2.19 Siting of detectors near ceiling obstructions 7
2.20 Detectors in lift shafts 7
2.21 Detectors in ventilation ducts 7
2.22 Use of L2 and L3 systems 8
2.23 Smoke detector standards for type L systems 8
2.24 Smoke detectors used to operate door-holding devices 9
2.25 Door smoke seals 9
2.26 Sprinkler protection 9
2.27 Time delays 9
2.28 Reduced sensitivity 10
2.29 Remote isolation facilities 10
2.30 Diagrammatic representation of the building 11
2.31 Connection to mains supplies 11
2.3 Fire protection of mains wiring to fire alarm systems 11
2.33 Use of standby generators 11
2.34 Conditions to be satisfied for absence of mechanical protection to cables 12
2.35 Rodent attack on cables 12
2.36 `Low smoke' cables 12
2.37 Fire resistant armoured cables 12
2.38 Cabling of ring-connected data-transmission systems 13
2.39 Radio-linked sounders 13
2.40 Ancillary services 13
2.41 Testing of manual call points 13
2.42 Zone testing 14
2.43 Testing voltages 14
2.44 Insulation testing at the 5-year test 14
2.45 Cable fixings 14
BSI 1997 i
PD 6531 : 1997
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ii BSI 1997
PD 6531 : 1997
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This Published Document has been prepared under the direction of the Fire Standards
Policy Committee. It supersedes PD 6531 : 1992, which is withdrawn. It is intended that
this Published Document will be updated every two to three years.
This Published Document contains queries dealt with in the previous edition, some of
which have been amended, together with the inclusion of further queries. A
background to this, and the previous edition, is as follows.
Since the publication of the various Parts of BS 5839, a number of queries on
interpretation have been submitted to BSI. In some cases these queries have shown the
standards to be in need of amendment, and amendments have now been published. In
other cases, however, the queries have shown that although the standards are correct,
they are so expressed that misunderstandings have arisen over both their
interpretation and the philosophies behind their recommendations.
The subcommittees responsible for the standards have, of course, answered the
queries individually, but believe that many of them (and their answers) deserve a wider
audience. This document, therefore, gives not merely the queries and answers, but
seeks to give the intentions of the standards in the hope that these may help in future
Queries that have subsequently been clarified by the issue of amendments have not
been included in this Published Document (see Amendment Nos. 1 and 2 to BS 5839 :
Part 1 (AMD 6317 and AMD 6874, respectively) and Amendment Nos. 1 and 2 to
BS 5839: Part 4 (AMD 6654 and AMD 6875, respectively). It is essential that readers
refer to the amended text when reading this Published Document.
Points already covered in the amendments include the following.
a) In BS 5839 : Part 1.
1) In 6.6.2, an ambiguity concerning the removal of detectors from the circuit has
been resolved by Amendment No. 1.
2) In 6.6.3, confusion over whether `sounder' refers to the whole of the sounder or
just to the sound generating part has been resolved by Amendment Nos. 1 and 2.
b) In BS 5839 : Part 4.
1) There was no requirement forbidding the use of a single cable entry point for
the mains power lead into the equipment and for cables to detectors and
sounders, although there was such a recommendation in BS 5839 : Part 1.
Amendment No. 1 to BS 5839 : Part 4 brings the two standards into line.
2) The case of signal cables, such as those to door release units, using voltages
other than extra low voltage has been inserted.
Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i to iv, pages 1
to 18, an inside back cover and a back cover.
PD 6531 : 1997
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BSI 1997 1
PD 6531 : 1997
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2.4 The use of isolators between zones Of course, the ability to use isolators in this way
Query depends on the use of loops or similar circuits, so
Clause 6.6.2 sets limitations as to the effect of a fault that in the event of failure at one point of the loop
or faults in the wiring. What is the philosophy behind the signal from unaffected parts can still be returned
these limitations? to the control equipment. But if both sides of the
loop return through the same fire compartment, then
Answer a large fire within that compartment could break
Clause 6.6.2, as amended by AMD 6874 (May 1992), both sides of the loop, leaving the intermediate
contains the following four recommendations detectors isolated and leaving unprotected any area
relating to wiring faults: covered by the isolated part. To prevent this,
a) `if separate circuits are used for each zone, then 6.6.2(3) and 17.15 recommend the use of wiring able
a fault or faults on one circuit cannot affect any to withstand prolonged exposure to fire in such
other circuit; cases.
b) if any circuit is used for more than one zone, The recommendation of 6.6.2(4) is concerned with
then a single fault on that circuit cannot remove the limitation of damage to the system due to two
protection from an area greater than that allowed unrelated faults. In theory (given the necessary zone
under 7.2(a) to (d) for a single zone; isolation) it would be possible to have an
c) if a circuit is used for more than one zone and addressable system in which many thousands of
multiple faults within one fire compartment could detectors were connected to one loop circuit. Two
remove protection from an area greater than that unrelated faults could then remove protection from a
allowed under 7.2(a) to (d) for a single zone, then very large area. Although such a circumstance was
the circuit within that compartment is suitably considered unlikely, the committee felt that the
protected (see 17.15); extent of the resultant loss of protection should be
d) two simultaneous faults should not remove limited. 6.6.2(4) limits the area of the building that
protection from an area greater than 10 000 m2'. might be affected to 10 000 m2. In most cases this
These recommendations were put into the standard will limit the maximum area that can be served by a
because of the introduction of addressable systems, single loop circuit.
in which signals from individual detectors could be 2.5 Addressable detector/sounder units
separately identified even though sharing common Query
cables with other detectors. Clause 6.6.3 recommends that `If alarm sounders use
The objective of the committee was that the new the same wiring as detectors, then no alarm sounder
systems should be allowed to introduce advantages, should be affected by the removal of any detector'.
but that any disadvantages should be excluded or at Does this imply that combined detector/sounder
least limited. units cannot be used in BS 5839 : Part 1 systems?
In non-addressable systems each zone has a separate Answer
circuit (remember that a zone is defined as an area In 1988, when the standard was written, this type of
of the building, not as part of the fire alarm system). unit did not exist, and hence was not catered for in
Damage to that circuit (whether at one place or at the standard. Its use, therefore, should be considered
several) can affect only one zone. 6.6.2(1) maintains against the background philosophy of the
this property irrespective of system. recommendations of 6.6.3.
In addressable systems one circuit can feed many In non-addressable systems, detectors (particularly
zones. The committee could have maintained smoke-sensitive detectors) are frequently mounted in
comparability with non-addressable systems by a plug-in sockets for ease of maintenance. In many
recommendation that a single fault should affect only such systems removal of a detector will break the
one zone. Such a recommendation could have been circuit, isolating any detectors beyond the break.
conformed to by the use of fault isolators between Alarm sounders are generally considered to be more
zones, together with an alternative return path such robust, and are therefore usually wired directly into
as might be supplied by a loop circuit. the circuit, with a much reduced risk of the circuit
However, one of the advantages of the addressable being broken by removal of a sounder. However, if
system is its ability to give a more accurate location detectors and sounders are mounted on a common
of the fire by allowing the use of smaller zones, circuit a risk arises that the easy removal of a
specified only in software and without expensive detector by unplugging will isolate both detectors
wiring or additional zone modules in the control and alarm sounders beyond the break.
equipment. The committee decided that a Under 6.6.2a the removal of a detector should raise
recommendation for isolation between all zones a fault warning. In general, it would be expected that
would penalize this advantage, and therefore the fire routine for the building would include
expressed its recommendation as in 6.6.2(2), needing arrangements to deal with the loss of detection
isolation only at the same zone limits as for ability in the now unprotected area, usually by a
conventional systems. Isolation of the smaller zones wakeful watch system. However, although this may
is, of course, allowable but is optional. be adequate for the detection of the fire, it is less
2 BSI 1997
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likely to be of use in giving a general alarm. Removal 6.6.2(3) is more difficult. Multiple faults on the
of a single detector should not prevent the correct storey circuit could result in isolation of the detector
operation of alarm sounders throughout the building, at that level on the stairwell, although it would leave
even though the alarm may have to be initiated the detectors at other levels of the stairwell
manually. This is the reason for the first sentence unaffected. It could therefore be said that the area of
of 6.6.3. The same reasoning applies to the removal the landing at the fault level was left unprotected.
of alarm sounders in the recommendations of the Since there is no recommendation that a zone can
second and third sentences. only be fed from a single circuit, or that individual
The committee considers that the combined detectors on several different circuits cannot be
detector/sounder unit should be considered as a new combined into a single zone by software in the
type of device. Such a device would conform to the control and indicating equipment, both of these
general recommendations of 6.6.2 and 6.6.3 provided conditions are acceptable.
a) removal of a detector/sounder unit requires the 2.7 Sounder and detector cabling
use of a special tool; Query
b) removal of one detector/sounder unit does not Is it permissible to include wires to both detectors
affect the operation of other detectors, sounders and sounders in the same cable?
or detector/sounder units on the circuit; Answer
c) removal of any detector/sounder unit causes a
fault signal to be given at the control and There is no recommendation in the standard which
indicating equipment. would prevent this practice. In some ways, such a
system may be advantageous, since alarm wires
The effects of the removal would then be localized
usually need better fire protection than do detector
to the immediate area of the removal, and thus be
cables, and in this case both would need the
more restricted than the separate removal of a
detector and an alarm sounder. protection recommended for alarm wires. As against
this, the designer should be aware of possible
Changes to incorporate such devices into the interference between the two sets of wires.
standard are likely to be considered at the next
revision. 2.8 Cabling of multiple sounder circuits
2.6 Isolation of staircase zones Query
Query Clause 6.6.3 recommends that two sounder circuits
We are installing a new addressable fire alarm are used. Is it permissible to run the two circuits in a
system in a building with eight stairwells, each 4-core cable?
forming a fire compartment. Under 7.2d(2), each of Answer
these stairwells is a separate zone.
Running a separate circuit to each stairwell will be The objective behind the recommendations of the
expensive. Extending one of the storey circuits (via second and third paragraphs of 6.6.3 is that damage
isolators) to cover the stairwell causes problems by caused by a fire at one point should not silence all
exceeding the maximum number of points the the alarm sounders. 6.6.3 does not recommend that
system allows for a single loop. However, it is two circuits are used. Instead, it says that if a short
technically feasible to arrange that at each level the circuit develops in any part of the sounder wiring
detector in the stairwell is joined via an isolator and during a fire, at least one sounder should continue to
a tee to the main detection loop for that storey. This sound. The use of two circuits may be one way of
would mean that the various detectors within one achieving the recommendations, but others (such as
stairwell are all connected to different circuits, but the use of a loop circuit with short-circuit isolators)
are then zoned via software in the control and are possible.
indicating equipment to give a common zone If 4-core cable is used, then clearly damage to the
indication. Is this permissible? cable at one point could affect both circuits, and the
Answer committee believes that this would not be
6.6 has been carefully written to give the conditions acceptable. Clause 6.6.5 points out that, even with
that should be satisfied while putting as few isolators, the occurrence of two faults on a loop can
limitations as possible on the methods by which put devices out of action between the two faults. If
satisfaction is achieved. Conditions covering the the out and return parts of the loop were carried in a
system you describe are given in 6.6.2(2) to 6.6.2(4). 4-core cable which were to be cut between the
6.6.2(2) covers the effects of a single fault. In your control equipment and the first sounder, then this
system the isolator is fed from both sides of the would prevent all sounder operation. The committee
storey circuit, and hence a single fault on that circuit believes that little improvement in safety is achieved
will have no effect. A fault on the tee itself will by the use of multiple signal paths within a common
isolate the detector, but will have no effect on the section of cable, and that this sort of cabling should
main storey circuit. This recommendation is be avoided.
therefore satisfied.
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4 BSI 1997
PD 6531 : 1997
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2.13 Loudness of alarms in residential care Clause 9.4.6 recommends that where the level of
homes sound of a speech message falls below the level
Query recommended in 9.4.1 then `the message should be
preceded for at least 6 s by an attention-drawing
In a residential care home, we note that most, if not
signal, having at least the loudness recommended
all, of the patients will be under the influence of
by 9.4.1'. We suggest that you adopt this procedure,
sleeping pills at night. It is unlikely that these
giving the attention-drawing signal over your
patients will be rousable by sound, and they will
loudspeaker system, and measure the level of this
certainly require the assistance of staff if they are to
leave the building. The presence of a loud (75 dB(A))
fire alarm sound will make the evacuation of the BS 7443 : 1991 Specification for sound systems for
building even more difficult. Is such a loud noise emergency purposes, gives details about the
really necessary? measurement of speech intelligibilities.
Answer 2.15 Travel distance to manual call points
Clause 9.4.1 recommends that a sound level of Query
`75 dB(A) at the bedhead' is achieved if `the fire In large open-plan areas such as offices or shops,
routine for the premises requires the audible alarm BS 5588 : Parts 2 and 3 recommend that the travel
to arouse sleeping persons'. If the fire routine distance from any point to the nearest storey exit
requires the residents to be woken by staff, (normally the doorway to a protected stairway)
then 75 dB(A) may not be necessary in the residents' should not exceed 45 m. In places of assembly (to be
quarters (although it may be necessary in the staff covered in BS 5588 : Part 6) some open areas (such
quarters). as arenas) may have travel distances exceeding 45 m.
Furthermore, 9.10 allows the use in the first instance However, 10.2 of BS 5839 : Part 1 : 1988 recommends
of alarms restricted to staff. These could take the that the travel distance to a manual call point should
form of personal bleepers, quieter audible alarms or not exceed 30 m. In some cases it may be possible to
visual signals. A facility for giving a general alarm (at mount call points on supporting pillars or columns,
the 65 dB(A) level) should be retained. but frequently there will be no such support. Is there
It is important to remember that if the fire routine any way by which the two recommendations can be
requires residents to be woken (or helped to escape) brought into line?
by staff, then the general routine for the building Answer
should ensure that sufficient staff will be available in The 30 m recommendation is based on the travel
the event of fire. time of a normally active occupant, as against the
2.14 Loudness measurement for voice alarm escape time needed by other normally active
signals occupants. The standard makes the point that should
the occupants be slow in movement then it may be
necessary to reduce the maximum travel distance. It
In our building the fire alarm is given by voice should be recognized that a normal person, at
messages over a loudspeaker system. The note walking speed, will take about 30 s to cover an
to 9.4.1 suggests that loudness measurement should unobstructed distance of 45 m.
be by an instrument conforming to BS 5969 and set
However, deviations from the recommendations of
to slow response. Slow response averages the signal
the code are permissible. The committee believes
over one second, and thus gives low readings on
that this is a case where such a deviation might be
discontinuous voice signals. Is there an approved
considered. The consideration should include:
method for measuring the loudness of voice signals?
NOTE. BS 5969 has been withdrawn and is replaced by
a) the abilities of the probable occupants;
BS EN 60651 : 1994. Sound level meters conforming to b) the probable rate of spread of fire and the
BS EN 60651, type 2 are suitable for measuring sound levels from effect of that rate on the escape time allowable;
fire alarm sounders.
c) the degree of obstruction to movement that
might be found in the area, and that might
The measurement of sound levels in relation to voice effectively increase the actual travel distance.
signals is more difficult than that in relation to more
Any deviation should be recorded on the completion
common sounders. Frequently the problem is not
simply one of sound level, but also of the
intelligibility of the message.
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6 BSI 1997
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2.19 Siting of detectors near ceiling obstructions Since the laws of convective flow apply equally to
Query hot gas and to the smoke contained in it, the rules
The first paragraph of 12.2.10 talks about of 12.2.10 apply equally to heat-sensitive and
obstructions to the `.... passage of smoke or hot gas smoke-sensitive detectors. Both types of detector
from a point to a detector ....'. The second paragraph should be spaced away from isolated ceiling
says that `isolated attachments to the ceiling such as attachments by at least twice the depth of the
lighting fittings and luminaires do not normally act attachment.
as obstructions to the general flow of smoke. They 2.20 Detectors in lift shafts
may, however, cause a local disturbance, and Query
detectors should not be mounted closer to such 12.2.12 recommends that a detector be mounted at
attachments than twice the depth of the attachment'. the top of any lift shaft. Has any thought been given
Since the first paragraph refers to both smoke and to how this detector is to be maintained? BS 5655,
hot gas, while the second refers only to smoke, Lifts and service lifts, recommends that other
should we assume that the isolated attachments act services are not run in lift shafts. How are the two
as obstructions to hot gas but not to smoke, and that standards reconciled?
therefore the decrease in distances given in the first Answer
paragraph should be applied to both heat and smoke
detectors, while the restriction on mounting in the It is not unknown for fires to start in lift shafts,
second paragraph applies only to smoke detectors? either accidentally or by arson. The committee
therefore thought it necessary to provide a means by
Answer which such fires can be detected more quickly than
Both heat-sensitive and smoke-sensitive detectors by waiting for the smoke to penetrate lift doors to
rely on the effects of convection for the transfer of operate external detectors.
fire products from the fire to the detector. In the However, if the siting of a detector in the lift shaft is
first case the product detected is hot gas, in the inconvenient, then a possible alternative is the use of
second it is smoke particulates, but in both cases the an aspirating detector. In this case the detector and
transfer processes are those of gas convection, with its aspirator can be outside the shaft, with just a
the gas acting as a carrier for the particulates. tube leading into the shaft. 11.3 states that the entry
Most of the recommendations in 12.2 assume that hole into the system can be considered as a point
this transfer takes place under a flat, open ceiling, smoke detector, even though the actual detector is
but 12.2.8 to 12.2.10 deal with the effects of walls mounted outside the shaft. Movement of the lift
(including corridor walls), beams and other within the shaft can cause pressure surges, and this
obstructions. should be taken into account in the design of the
12.2.10 deals with the effects of obstructions other system.
than walls. The most significant of these obstructions
2.21 Detectors in ventilation ducts
will be ceiling downstands such as beams.
When the expanding layer of hot gas under the
ceiling hits a shallow downstand it will build Our building is continuously air-conditioned. This
downwards until it passes under the downstand to causes air movement which will draw any smoke
continue its flow on the far side. This can slow the away from room-mounted detectors. Can we mount
movement of the smoke (and may also introduce the detectors inside the extract duct?
some additional dilution). To allow for this slowing, Answer
the effective radius of the detector is reduced by The effectiveness of smoke detectors in ducts is
twice the depth of the obstruction. questionable. Smoke drawn into a duct will often
If, however, the depth of the downstand is too great form a stream, without mixing with air from other
then the smoke may not pass under it until the extract points. For this smoke stream to be detected,
whole of the area bounded by the downstand is the detector would have to be placed very precisely
filled with smoke, with the downstand acting as a within the duct. More usually, precautions are taken
containing wall. As a rule of thumb, the change in to ensure that air in the duct is mixed, so that a
behaviour starts to occur when the downstand is detector will see a mixture of air from several
about as deep as the undisturbed thickness of the extract points, making positioning less critical.
layer, i.e. about 10 % of the distance from fire to However, this dilutes the smoke, so that the detector
ceiling. Thus the standard recommends that sees much lower density smoke than might be found
obstructions deeper than 10 % of the ceiling height in the fire room. While adequate to prevent
should be treated as walls. recirculation of unacceptably dense smoke, this is
Isolated attachments such as lighting fittings may act unlikely to give early warning of fire. Additionally,
as local obstructions, but the general flow is able to air conditioning will sometimes be turned off (if only
pass round the obstructions as well as under them. for maintenance).
The standard thus recommends that detectors avoid It is for these reasons that 12.4.2 says that duct
the local disturbance by not being mounted closer to mounted smoke detectors `should not normally be
the attachment than twice the depth of the considered as constituting on their own a
attachment. satisfactory fire detection system'.
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2.22 Use of L2 and L3 systems A lower level of risk may be obtained by installing a
Query type L2 system. This will normally start with a
type L3 system, with additional detectors installed
In protecting residential premises such as hotels and
either where they are likely to cause special damage
boarding houses, how does BS 5839 : Part 1
to life or where fires are likely to start. These are
recommend that choices be made between L2 and L3
defined in 13.6.2 as:
systems, and between the use of smoke and heat
detectors in bedrooms? a) `those areas in which the normal occupants are
especially vulnerable to fire starting in their
Answer vicinity;
The function of BS 5839 : Part 1 is to define the b) those areas having a particularly high
various types of system and to give some guidance probability of ignition and from which fire or fire
on their choice. The standard is not intended to products could spread to affect the building
usurp the function of regulatory authorities in occupants'.
specifying the degree of protection required for Notice that in 13.6.2a `normal occupants' was
particular risks. If the standard gave more specific intended to mean `those occupants who are normally
recommendations then it would run the risk of in the areas', not `those occupants of the areas who
conflicting with legal requirements. are normal in their abilities'.
However, the background to the definition of types The code is not specific in saying which rooms
for life safety may be helpful. should be included under (a) and (b) above. In
The original impetus to the provision of particular, there is no specific recommendation in
recommendations for detectors for life safety came the code for detectors to be installed in bedrooms in
with the passing of the Fire Precautions Act (1971). an L2 system (other than those which might be
This required the installation of suitable alarm needed in achieving the L3 standard). The areas to
systems in certificated premises. During research be protected in an L2 system should be part of the
leading up to the Act it had been found that by specification for each individual installation. As
spending a night in a hotel a person had about ten recommended in 3.6, `the specification of a type P2,
times as much risk of losing his or her life from fire L2 or L3 system should always include details of
compared with spending the same night at home. those areas of the building which are to be
Since the risk of loss of life in the home was protected'.
generally at an acceptable level, the first intention of If the additional detectors are installed in areas
the standard was to bring the two levels of risk to where there is an immediate risk to life, such as
comparable levels. those defined in 13.6.2a, then they would be
In the normal British home you may be at risk of expected to be smoke-sensitive. If they are installed
loss of life from fires started by yourself or your in areas where fire might start with risk to life only
immediate family, but generally there is little risk if the fire or its products spread, then they could be
from fires started by your neighbours. In hotels, of either heat-sensitive or smoke- sensitive types.
however, a fire started by a neighbour may spread to Decisions on types of system or types of detector
kill you if no warning is given. The lowest level of will often depend on a knowledge of the particular
protection (L3) was therefore intended to give the building being protected and of the occupants and
risk level of normal homes, by providing warning risks it might contain. Without such knowledge only
while there was still time to use the escape routes. general guidance can be given.
In 1980, when this concept was first introduced to 2.23 Smoke detector standards for type L
BS 5839 : Part 1, it was expected that a suitable systems
warning would be obtained from detectors mounted Query
on escape routes, but research then showed that in
certain circumstances smoke logging could occur BS 5839 : Part 1 : 1988 covers the choice of fire
before these detectors operated (see also 2.25 of this detectors for life safety under 13.3. It says that point
Published Document). Where these circumstances smoke detectors `should comply with .... BS 5445 :
might occur the standard recommended that fire Part 7 or, for residential premises only, BS 5446 :
detectors be installed in rooms adjoining escape Part 1 (other than self contained smoke alarms)'.
routes. Since this type of smoke logging could only Does this mean that detectors conforming to
occur after the gas temperature in the rooms BS 5445 : Part 7 cannot be used in residential
exceeded 200 C, and then only proceeded slowly, premises?
the detectors could be either heat-sensitive or Answer
smoke-sensitive. No. 13.3.2 was intended to mean that detectors
conforming to BS 5445 : Part 7 can be used for life
safety in any premises. Detectors conforming to
BS 5446 : Part 1 (other than self-contained smoke
alarms) can be used in residential premises, but not
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The differentiation between the two standards is heat conducted through the door will carry the
based on the differing requirements for resistance to smoke up to the ceiling. The problem with
environmental conditions. intumescent seals is that they can easily be lost or
The differentiation in 13.3.2 is likely to be overtaken removed from doors. Sometimes this is because the
by events. The latest edition of BS 5446 : Part 1 will door has been adjusted in height to fit a frame by
have a changed scope. It will be restricted to self planing off the top of the door, together with the
contained smoke alarms, and will no longer be intumescent strip. The provision of intumescent seals
applicable to installations under BS 5839 : Part 1. on all doors would certainly give the necessary
However, detectors conforming to the earlier edition protection to escape routes, but would require
can still be used. detailed examination of the doors.
2.24 Smoke detectors used to operate In the end the committee came to the conclusion
door-holding devices that the most reliable method of protection was the
installation of detectors in rooms leading on to
Query escape routes. However, if the purpose is solely to
We have a type L3 fire detection system in our protect the escape route, then these detectors need
building, comprising a mixture of smoke detectors not be smoke detectors. Heat detectors will give
and heat detectors. Smoke control doors in the adequate warning and have a lower false alarm rate.
corridors have hold-open devices operated from the 2.26 Sprinkler protection
fire detection system. Do we have to have additional
smoke detectors close to each of the smoke control
doors? In an L3 system, 13.5.1 recommends detectors to be
installed in both escape routes and adjoining rooms,
although in adjoining rooms the detectors may be of
A type L3 fire detection system is designed to give a the heat-sensitive type. If the adjoining rooms are
warning before unacceptable amounts of smoke protected by sprinklers, is it still necessary to
spread on to the escape routes. In general, the provide detectors in them?
smoke control doors are intended to prevent Answer
unacceptable amounts of smoke spreading along the
The detectors in the adjoining rooms are intended to
escape routes. The warning from the system should
give warning of fire before the fire becomes so large
therefore always be given before the doors need to that excessive quantities of smoke move through (or
close. This subject will be given greater attention in are generated in) the doorcrack. Even relatively
the next revision. insensitive detectors can give a warning adequately
2.25 Door smoke seals early for this purpose, and the committee accepts
Query that a sprinkler element would give adequate
We are installing a type L3 system. 13.5.3 warning. It would, of course, be necessary for the
recommends that detectors be fitted in rooms sprinkler to be linked to the fire alarm system so
adjoining escape routes to give warning before that when the sprinkler operates an audible alarm is
smoke passes through the door crack to smoke-log given.
the escape route. All our room doors are fitted with 2.27 Time delays
brush-type seals to prevent this from happening. Do Query
we still need detectors in the rooms? I would like to install a type L3 system, using smoke
Answer detectors in rooms adjoining the escape routes.
One of the main reasons for this recommendation is Because of the possibility of false alarms from
a phenomenon seen in experimental fires. In passing smoke detectors, the detectors in adjoining rooms
through a door crack, the hot oxygen-reduced gases would operate initially only staff alarms, turning to a
from a flaming fire in a room can pyrolize the wood general alarm if no action were taken in 3 min
of the door and door-frame to produce a dense, to 4 min. In view of the higher sensitivity of the
tar-laden smoke. This smoke, cooled in its passage smoke detectors compared with heat detectors,
through the crack, can be so heavy that it fails to could such a system be accepted as meeting the
rise to the corridor ceiling, and spreads at lower L3 recommendations?
levels to smoke-log the corridor without operating Answer
the detector. At a later stage in the fire, heat The system as described appears to raise two
conducted through the door will cause an upcurrent problems:
to carry the smoke to the detector, but this may be a) No early warning is given to the occupant of the
after the corridor is already impassable. fire room. However, the L3 system (see 3.3) is not
Use of a brush-type seal will slow the initial intended to protect the occupant of the room of
movement through the door crack, but at the gas fire origin, but only the occupants of the
temperatures achieved in the fire (600 C or more) remainder of the building. The committee
brush seals will quickly melt and become ineffective. therefore accepts that from this point of view the
Intumescent seals, however, can be effective in system outlined would satisfy the general
preventing the effect, holding the smoke back until principles of a type L3 system.
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2.30 Diagrammatic representation of the 2.32 Fire protection of mains wiring to fire
building alarm systems
Query Query
15.4.3a states that the location of the fire may be My fire alarm system has control equipment which is
shown by `a display of letters and/or numbers, integrated with the power supply unit and battery.
together with a suitable key (which may be a plan of Under 17.2a of BS 5839 : Part 1 : 1988, cables
the building)'. required to operate after a fire include power
Our system has a liquid crystal display (LCD) which supplies. Does this mean that the mains wiring to my
names the room in which the fire starts. Is this system must be protected against fire?
sufficient for the `suitable key'. Answer
Answer The recommendations of 17.2a should be considered
as depending on the effects of any cable failure in a
The purpose of this recommendation is to provide a
fire. In a system such as you describe, failure of the
means by which firefighters, possibly unfamiliar with
mains wiring would not cause failure of the system
the building, can find their way to the fire. This
because the system would continue to operate on its
cannot be achieved by just identifying the name or
internal battery supply. The mains wiring in your
number of the room containing the fire, since this
system would therefore not need protection against
will not show the route to the fire. It is essential that
fire. However, in a system with a separate power
the location is shown together with a diagrammatic
unit (particularly where the power unit is remote
representation of the building (which could be that
from the control and indicating equipment), integrity
recommended by the final paragraph of 15.4.3).
of the entire system could depend on a single cable.
2.31 Connection to mains supplies Such a cable should be well protected from fire.
Query 2.33 Use of standby generators
In 16.2 of BS 5839 : Part 1 : 1988 it is recommended Query
that connection to the mains should be via an We are planning to use our public address system as
isolating protective device, e.g. a switch fuse. part of our fire alarm system, but cannot find
Normally connection from this protective device to sufficient accommodation for the necessary 24 h
the power supply unit is via a fused connection unit standby capacity. Is it permissible to use a standby
(fused spur unit). We would like to make this a generator instead?
switched unit, since this will make maintenance Answer
easier and safer. In accordance with the final
paragraph of 16.2, it will be coloured red and Under 16.3, standby generators are permissible at
marked `FIRE ALARM: DO NOT SWITCH OFF'. Will least as a partial replacement for standby batteries.
this satisfy the recommendations of the standard? However, it is recognized that when a fire occurs
standby generators may not be running, and may not
Answer start on demand. The standard therefore
The security recommended for the power supplies is recommends in that sufficient battery
expressed in the third paragraph of 16.1 `... to ensure capacity be provided to run the system until another
continuity of supply to the fire alarm system ...', and source of power can be obtained.
the fifth paragraph of 16.2 which states `it is The standard gives no details of this `other source of
important that the electricity supply to the fire alarm power', or of the time required to obtain it. If, for
system should be so arranged that continuity of instance, the premises have two generators, one of
supply is ensured'. The security recommended for which is automatically started on failure of the mains
the system controls is given in 15.5 where it says while the other needs manual starting, then the
that `the operation of all ... isolating devices should standby capacity recommended is that needed to
be limited to authorized personnel', reinforced by the cover the time taken to recognize failure of the first
second paragraph of 16.2 which says that `the generator and then to start the second. If the
isolating protective device should be secure from premises were continuously manned (or for type L
unauthorized operation'. The `unauthorized systems, were manned by competent staff at all
operation' is usually taken as switching off, reflecting times when people were present) then a 30 min
the need for continuity of supply, but where standby capacity might be deemed sufficient.
maintenance is in progress unauthorized switching It might be possible for the alternative supply to
on may also cause a risk to life. come from another source. To reduce the probability
A local switched fused connection unit will therefore of common failure, two separate main supplies
only be acceptable if it is provided with a method of coming by differing routes might be used, or two
securing it from unauthorized operation, such as by factories might have a mutual agreement to share
placing it in a lockable box. two generators. The basic recommendations are:
The committee believes that connection via a spur a) sufficient standby should be provided to allow
from a general-purpose circuit does not meet the for the probable time taken in detecting and
recommendations of the standard. repairing the faulty supply; and
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3 Interpretations of BS 5839 : Part 4 : 3.3 Fire alarm response to manual call point
1988 Query
3.1 Silencing facilities We have had a new fire alarm system installed on
Query our site. On operation of a manual call point the
indicator panel initially gives a fault indication.
In inspecting a recently installed system we found
After 3 s to 4 s this changes to a fire indication and
that operation of the `Alarm Silence' switch also
the alarm sounds. Does this conform to the
returned all the ancillary systems to their normal
condition, thus closing the smoke vents and turning standard?
off the smoke extraction system. Does this conform Answer
to BS 5839 : Part 4? Clause 3.1.1 requires that `the transition of the
Answer decision element from a non-fire state to the fire
The control of ancillary systems in the event of fire state shall result in the following.
is covered under 3.1.1e as follows. a) Outputs to external circuits for the energization
`The transition of the decision element from a of fire alarm devices......
non-fire state to the fire state shall result in the b) A visible indication of the fire alarm'.
(e) Operation of such other functions as specified Clause 3.1.2 (as amended by AMD No. 6875) requires
in the manufacturer's data, for example that `Any delay in the giving of the responses listed
transmission of signals to fire protection in 3.1.1 shall be limited as follows.
equipment'. b) Where the response is to the operation of a
The function of the silencing switch is covered manual call point, the delay shall not exceed 3 s'.
under 3.1.3. The final paragraph of 3.1.3 states that The standard does not define the state of the system
`operation of either or both of the silencing switches during the delay time, and thus your system will
shall not cancel the alarm condition responses conform to the requirements of the standard
specified in items (b), (d) and (e) of 3.1.1'. The two provided that the delay in giving the indications
silencing switches referred to here are those for the of 3.1.1 is not greater than 3 s. If, as you state, the
fire alarm devices and for the control sounder. delay is between 3 s and 4 s, then the system does
The standard is therefore quite specific in saying that not conform.
the operation of the silencing switch for the fire
3.4 Earth faults
alarm devices `shall not cancel' the transmission of
signals to fire protection equipment, and hence the Query
system described in the question cannot conform to Clause 3.2.2 requires a fault warning to be given in
the requirements of the standard. response to short-circuit or disconnection of various
3.2 Short circuit warnings cables, but makes no mention of earth faults. Does
Query this mean that there is no need to monitor for earth
My system senses a fire alarm by monitoring for an faults?
increase in the current taken by one or more Answer
detectors, and monitors the wiring by looking for the Firstly, it should be appreciated that the
current taken by an end-of-line resistor. The result is requirements of this clause are aimed at maintaining
that a fault warning is given if the line is broken, but the function of the system, and are not concerned
a fire warning if the line is short circuited. Since this with protection from electric shock.
method is fail-safe, is it acceptable?
Many fire alarm systems are operated earth-free. In
Answer (see also 2.2 of this Published such systems a single earth fault will not prevent
Document) correct operation. However, should a second earth
3.2.2 is specific in requiring that a fault warning is fault then occur from a point having a different
given in response to a short-circuit of the leads to potential, there will, in effect, be a short-circuit
one or more detectors. between the two fault points and a warning should
BS 5839 : Part 4 does not say that a fire alarm shall be given.
not be given in response to such a fault. However,
A single earth fault on a nominally unearthed system
6.6.1 of BS 5839 : Part 1 : 1988 says that `circuits
should be so arranged that an indication is given ... therefore jeopardises, but does not of itself prevent,
of any ...short circuit in a cable which would disable correct operation. No immediate warning is required,
one or more detectors ... , and this should be done but it would be expected that the fault would be
without giving a false alarm'. Thus control equipment discovered in the course of routine servicing. This
which responded to a short-circuit fault by giving a should be covered in the instructions provided
fire alarm could only be used in an installation under 6.2i.
conforming to BS 5839 : Part 1 if a deviation were
declared and agreed under 6.11 and 4.3 of that
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Where the system is intended to be earthed, one of 3.8 Memory check routines
the lines within the system will be at earth potential. Query
If this line is subjected to a further earth connection
via an earth fault, then the system may continue to Clause requires provision to be made for the
operate normally. If, however, one of the other lines regular checking of memory contents. I am using a
is subjected to an earth fault, then the effect will be fuse-blown, one time programmable micro-controller,
of a short circuit between the earthed line and the in which it is impossible to alter any program
fault point, and a warning should be given. memory once the device has been programmed.
Does this eliminate the need for checking program
3.5 Fault location displays memory?
Query Answer
Is it permissible to use a liquid crystal alpha-numeric Clause is specific in requiring provision for
display, rather than individual zone lights, to give the the regular checking of memory contents. Equipment
location of a fault? without this provision cannot be said to conform to
Answer the standard.
Separate indication for each zone is required only for Although the note to quotes a `check-sum'
fire alarms (see 3.1.1d). procedure as a checking routine, this is only as an
example. Any method capable of checking that the
Although indication of the fault zone is required
memory content has not changed is acceptable.
(see 3.2.1c), the standard only requires the first fault
to be indicated. However, if there are multiple faults 3.9 Total loss of power
then, after repair of the first fault, the warning shall Query
return for a further fault within 100 s of resetting in
accordance with 3.2.5. This process will recur until Test 3 of clause 16 requires the battery to be fully
all the faults have been repaired. Clearly it may be discharged, while the subsequent functional test,
desirable for indications of multiple faults to be given in appendix A(e), requires a test to be carried
given, but although this would be permissible under out with the normal power disconnected. Is the
the standard, it is not required. equipment expected to respond without normal or
standby power?
A liquid crystal display is therefore sufficient to
conform to the requirements for fault location. Answer
The requirement in response to test 3, given
3.6 Memory check sums in 16.3.1, is that `the specimen shall respond
Query correctly during each functional test'. The committee
3.8.1c requires a check-sum to be performed on the accepts that, since equipment without power cannot
program memory contents. We are proposing a respond, the `correct' response in this case may be
system which checks the functions carried out, no response at all. The equipment is thus not
rather than the memory itself. Is this acceptable, and expected to respond when it is unpowered.
how can we comply with 3.8.1c? 3.10 Battery monitoring current
Answer Query
The purpose behind 3.8.1 is that if the program is Clause 16.3.2 requires that `no discharge current
improperly executed then the processor is shall flow from the battery in tests 1, 3 and 4 of
reinitialized and the memory is checked. The table 3'. Our battery monitoring circuit draws 200 mA
standard does not require this to be done by check- during these tests. Is this acceptable?
sums, but if the checking method is by check-sum,
then as part of the reinitialization all (rather than Answer
some) memory check-sums should be checked. If, as In the past, systems have been produced in which
in your case, the checking is by some other method the maximum alarm load could be met only by the
then we would expect the reinitialization to perform combination of normal and standby power supplies.
an equivalent check, or to ensure by some other Clause 5.2.1 now requires that each supply on its
means that any stored data is uncorrupted. own shall be capable of supplying the maximum
alarm load and this test is intended to ensure that
3.7 Disk memories: see 2.9 of this Published the requirement is met. The committee believes that
Document this small discharge current should be allowed,
provided that complete failure of the battery will not
affect the alarm function under normal supply
16 BSI 1997
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Subject index
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Alarm sounders: see Sounders Delayed alarms: see False alarms Radio systems:
Ancillary services: Detectors: see also False alarms power supplies for sounders 2.39
alternative methods of operation 2.40 combined with sounders 2.5 Rodent attack on cables: see Cabling
interaction with silencing facility 3.1 in congested roof spaces 2.18 Search distance: see Zones
Armoured cables: see Cabling in lift shafts 2.20 Silencing facilities: see Control equipment
Batteries: see Power supply in ventilated ceiling voids 2.17 Sounders:
Cabling: in ventilation ducts 2.21 circuits to 2.3
armoured cables 2.37 near ceiling obstructions 2.19 combined with detectors 2.5
fire protection of mains wiring 2.32 positioning in a roof apex 2.16 loudness in residential care homes 2.13
`low smoke' cables 2.36 standards in type L systems 2.23 loudness measurement for voice alarms
mechanical protection 2.34 used to operate door-holding devices 2.24 2.14
multicore cables for sounder circuits 2.8 use with sprinklers in L3 systems 2.26 multicore cables to 2.8
multicore cables to detectors and Disk memory: see Control equipment radio-linked: see Radio systems
sounders 2.7 Doors: starting or restarting 2.12
ring-connected data-transmission detector operation of holding devices Short circuit: see Cabling
systems 2.38 2.24 Siting of detectors: see Detectors
rodent attack 2.35 smoke seals 2.25 Sprinklers: use in L3 systems 2.26
short circuit monitoring 2.2, 3.2 False alarms: Staff alarms 2.27
Combined detector/sounder units 2.5 use of delayed alarms 2.27 Standby generators: see Power supply
Control equipment: time related systems 2.28 Starting or restarting fire alarm sounders:
battery monitoring current 3.10 Fire alarm sounders: see Sounders see Sounders
diagrammatic representation of the Generators, standby: see Power supply Testing:
building 2.30 Isolators: see Zones manual call points 2.41
earth-fault monitoring 3.4 Isolation: see Control equipment voltages 2.43
fire indications 3.3 Loudness: see Sounders weekly and quarterly zone testing 2.42
disk memories 2.9 Manual call points: insulation testing at the 5-year test 2.44
display of fault location 3.5 travel distance 2.15 Time related systems: see False alarms
indication of multiple faults 3.5 testing 2.41 Travel distance: see Manual call points
interaction of silencing with ancillary time to respond 3.3 Types of system:
equipment 3.1 Memory: see Control equipment general 2.1
isolation facilities at remote centres 2.29 Multicore cables: see Cabling use of L2 and L3 systems 2.22
memory check routines 3.8 Power supply: Voice alarms: see Sounders
memory check-sums 3.6 battery monitoring current 3.10 Wiring: see Cabling
response times 3.3 connection to mains supplies 2.31 Zones:
short-circuit monitoring 3.2 fire protection: see Cabling isolators between 2.4
total loss of power 3.9 radio-linked sounders: see Radio systems multi-storey buildings 2.11
standby generators 2.33 search distance 2.10
total loss of power: see Control staircases 2.6
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List of references
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