Reaction On The The Philippine Health Agenda 2016
Reaction On The The Philippine Health Agenda 2016
Reaction On The The Philippine Health Agenda 2016
Reaction paper
Iquin, Jesselle R.
a fundamental right and take into consideration to eradicate restrictive and impoverishing
healthcare costs which negatively delays or prohibits Filipinos from seeking healthcare
treatment. The agenda under this administration values investment on people to attain universal
The agenda, which emphasizes All for health towards health for all, aims for the goals
of financial protection, better health outcomes and responsiveness (Department of Health, 2016).
This highlights the security of Filipino people, most especially, the poor, marginalized and the
vulnerable from the high cost of health care incorporating the values of equity, quality,
these values, there is respect and empowerment of all as well as there is prevention of instability
in the health system. A focus on providing high quality services and efficient use of resources is
complications, mortalities, and incidences that may affect the development of children, which
happens mostly from the poorest families because they lack access in healthcare.
The Department of Health (2016) considers three guarantees on this agenda. First
guarantee comprises all life stages (from newborn to elderly) and triple burden of disease
industrialization). This exemplifies services for both the well and the sick and signifies that
health can be achieved by all regardless of individual status and condition. Second guarantee
includes service delivery network that are fully functional, compliant with clinical practice
guidelines, with health facilities available even during disasters and with location close to the
Philippine Health Agenda 2016-2022 3
people, with inclusion of gate keeping practices and enhancement of services through
telemedicine. Third guarantee embraces universal health insurance (Philhealth) which allows for
financial freedom when accessing services and provides a gateway towards free and affordable
The Department of Health (2016) formulated the A.C.H.I.E.V.E. strategies of the health
agenda. The first strategy includes advance quality, health promotion and primary care. Through
conduction of annual health visits for all poor families and special populations, health status can
(DOH) hospitals into mega- hospitals, multi specialty training can be achieved thus improving
services among facilities. By establishing expert bodies for health promotion and surveillance,
there will be leaders that will support the local government units in advancing pro-health
entitlements will serve as a basis for licensing and contracting arrangements. The second strategy
updating of costing, the raising of revenues for health, enables sustainability of coverage of all
Filipinos against health-related financial risk. The third strategy facilitates the power of strategic
Human Resource for Health (HRH) development. The revision of health profession curriculum
leads to a more primary care-oriented and be responsive to local and global needs. The
Disadvantaged Areas (GIDA) as well as the availability of fully funded scholarships for HRH
hailing from GIDA areas, the return of service schemes for all health graduates, and the update of
frontline staffing allows enrichment of professionalism and competency among service workers.
The fourth strategy which entails investment in eHealth for decision-making allows easy access
Philippine Health Agenda 2016-2022 4
to available data through the uses of electronic medical records in all health facilities and may
automate and business intelligence tools. The technological advancement may improve service
through efficient systems however I believe that these may bring about confidentiality issues.
The fifth strategy aspires to enforce standards, accountability and transparency through
publishing health information and setting up of dedicated performance monitoring unit to track
progress of reforms. The sixth strategy plans to value all types of clients, with prioritization of
the poor, marginalized and vulnerable through decent accommodation and transparency of
processes along DOH health facilities. The last strategy intends to elicit multi-sectoral and multi-
stakeholder support for health in order to address social determinants. This strategy develops
collaboration among private sectors and national government agencies and it permits thorough
assessment of public health management plan before initiating high-risk infrastructure projects.
increase life expectancy and caters productivity and wellness. An agenda which is geared
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), gives opportunities to all Filipinos to exercise their
privilege in getting necessary quality healthcare services from preventive, curative, rehabilitative
and palliative care without the risk of financial needs. This can benefit all people, most especially
the poor, deprived and marginalized who have higher risks of illness and disability. Since the
focus of the agenda is risk management and development considering the needs of majority, I
believe that we can reach the objectives of Healthy Philippines by the year 2022.
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Department of Health. (2016). Philippine health agenda 2016-2022: Healthy Philippines 2022.