Business Model Innovation:: Innovating Your Business in A Changing World
Business Model Innovation:: Innovating Your Business in A Changing World
Business Model Innovation:: Innovating Your Business in A Changing World
Financial Model
(Revenue and cost)
Explore strategic landscape Solution detailed design and Implement pilots in the
Frame current business early development iterative marketplace
model and quantify gap/ customer co-development Scale pilots to full
opportunity Craft go-to-market strategy commercialisation
Generate business model and implementation plan Ongoing leadership, culture
seedlings, prioritise and re- Scope pilots and change focus to
fine into solution concepts Integrate into the overall transform the business
Compile conceptual design strategy and lay the
and financial models for the foundation for enterprise
solutions transformation
Develop blueprint for next
The second phase, Design and Develop, steers the solu- Business Model Canvas
tions through detailed design and early development (iterative Initially proposed by Alexander Osterwalder, the Business Model
customer co-development and rapid prototyping). The critical Canvas is a tool that helps characterise a business model along
deliverables for this phase are the go-to-market strategy, imple- nine building blocks: Key Activities, Key Resources, Partner
mentation plan, and pilot scoping for each solution. Additionally, Network, Value Proposition, Customer Segments, Channels,
these solutions need to be integrated into the organisations Customer Relationship, Cost Structure and Revenue Streams.
overall strategy and the foundation for enterprise transformation (Note: These building blocks are consistent with the next-level
(e.g., organisational design, leadership and change manage- decomposition of the four components of a business model
ment) will be articulated as needed. we defined earlier.) Since its introduction in 2008, the Business
Model Canvas has garnered popular usage, as the easy-to-
Last, the Scale and Transform phase strives to deliver the understand template can proficiently capture and compare
commercialised solutions to customers. One or more pilots will existing and alternative business models. However, it is primarily
be taken into the market during this phase the resulting learn- a descriptive (used during the Ideate phase) rather than pre-
ings, refinement and validation will drive the eventual scaling of scriptive tool, meaning that by itself the Business Model Canvas
the solution into full commercialisation. is less effective for the purpose of formulating new models for
Target 1. Pursue new markets/customers: Explore non-customers or those who are currently poorly served by the organisa-
Customers tion (and possibly the whole industry)
2. Harness disruptive technology: Leverage technology to fundamentally alter the value proposition
3. Re-define the solution: Devise options such as bundling or unbundling products and services, free solutions (by
finding alternative payers) and exploiting the brand
4. Transform the customer experience: Employ frameworks such as Experience Co-Creation to deliver a holistic and
compelling customer experience rather than just products and services
5. Re-configure the value network: consider upstream/downstream integration, deconstructing the network and part-
nering; leverage technology to enlarge the span of the value network
6. Re-align network resources: Closely related to Lever 5, modify the mix or control of resources within the value
7. Foster new capabilities: Acquire or develop new capabilities to enable a step change in the value network
8. Monetise information and networks: Capture the inherent value embedded in the network of member customers,
stakeholders and/or the information generated by related business transactions
9. Reset payer or balance sheet equation: Explore alternatives to the revenue and cost model, e.g., ad-supported
rather than user pays, service or pay-per-use rather than capital purchase
10. Recast assumptions and remove boundary conditions: Identify and relax/challenge the set of embedded assump-
tions and boundary conditions underlying the current industry norms or business model
65 million years later, the quest for organisational survival and How robust is your BMI capability? How well can you iden-
success does not seem to have changed much. The stability tify and evaluate potential disruptive trends? How well can
of every industry and sector will be punctuated by disruptive you foster a platform for assigned staff to ideate, experi-
forces. Those most ready in planning and executing their busi- ment, learn and iterate business models with customers
ness model innovations will not only survive but flourish. and stakeholders? Are you managing a portfolio of business
models with a lifecycle approach?
We offer the following questions for executives to reflect upon in
consideration for next steps: How readily can you transition the existing business model
and implement a new one? What might the key internal and
How does your organisation currently allocate its budget external barriers be?
across innovating in new products/services, process im-
provements, and business model(s)? Who in your organisa- Palladium has helped clients across a diverse range of indus-
tion, if anyone, champions BMI? tries, geographies and corporate lifecycles rigorously think
through and successfully tackle these issues. Let us help you
What disruptive trends are pertinent to your industry? Have employ Business Model Innovation for your ultimate and endur-
you evaluated their likelihood and impact? Has the evalua- ing competitive advantage.
tion informed your current strategy?
Our clients success in the impact economy is supported by one or more of the follow-
ing four pillars:
With our collective expertise and abiding commitment to exceeding clients objectives,
Palladium transforms lives, businesses, governments and societies around the world.