Applied Electronics II: Chapter 1: Feedback Amplifiers
Applied Electronics II: Chapter 1: Feedback Amplifiers
Applied Electronics II: Chapter 1: Feedback Amplifiers
March 7,2016
1 Overview
2 Types of Feedback
3 The General Feedback Structure
Basic Feedback Amplifier
4 Feedback Topologies
5 Properties of Negative Feedback
Gain Desensitivity
Noise/Interference Reduction
Reduction of Nonlinear Distortion
Control of Impedance level & Bandwidth Extension
6 Analysis of Feedback Amplifiers
Voltage-Series (Voltage Amplifier) Feedback
Method of Analysiis of Feedback Amplifiers
Current-Series (Transconductance Amplifier) Feedback
Current-Shunt (Current Amplifier) Feedback
Voltage-Shunt (Transresistance Amplifier) Feedback
7 Exercise
Chapter 1: Feedback Amplifiers (AAIT) Chapter One March 7,2016 2 / 45
Types of Feedback
Type of Feeedback
Negeative Feedback
Introducing resistor at the emitter of BJT common-emitter circuits
stabilizes the Q-point against variation transistor parameters.
Solution Apply KCL at B-E loop
Chapter 1: Feedback Amplifiers (AAIT) Chapter One March 7,2016 4 / 45
The General Feedback Structure
Feedback Systems
Thus xo = A(xs xo )
The gain with feedback ,Af
xo A
Af = =
xs 1 + A
The open-loop gain, A represents the transfer gain of the basic amplifier
without feedback. Implicit in the description is that the source, the load,
and the feedback network do not load the basic amplifier. That is, the
gain A does not depend on any of these three networks.In practice this will
not be the case.
if |Af | < |A| the feed back is negative or degenerative
if |Af | > |A| the feed back is positive or regenerative
If, as is the case in many circuits, the loop gain A is large, A 1, then
it follows that
Af u
Chapter 1: Feedback Amplifiers (AAIT) Chapter One March 7,2016 6 / 45
The General Feedback Structure Basic Feedback Amplifier
Ii I Io = IL
Comparato + Basic + +
Signal Sampling
r or Mixer Vi Amplifier, V Vo RL
Source - -
Network -
Network gain A
Network b
Sampler Sampler
b b
Figure: (a) Voltage or node sampling Figure: (b) Current or loop sampling
Vf b b
Feedback Topologies
Feedback Topologies
Gain Desensitivity
Variation in the circuit gain as a result of change in transistor parameters
is reduced by negative feedback
From the previous slides the gain with feedback,Af is given as
xo A
Af = =
xs 1 + A
Assuming is constant and taking the derivative of Af with respect to A,
dAf 1 A 1 dA
= = or dAf =
dA 1 + A (1 + A)2 (1 + A)2 (1 + A)2
Gain Desensitivity
dAf 1 dA A dA Af dA 50
= = = = 25%
Af 1 + A A A(1 + A) A A A 5 104
= 0.025%
Noise/Interference Reduction
Under certain condition feedback amplifiers can be used to reduce
This can be achieved if a preamplifer which is (relatively)
noise/interference-free precessed the noise/interference-prone
Under such conditions the Signal-to-Noise ratio can be improved (
compare to noise/interference-prone amplifier without feedback) by
the factor of the preamplifier gain
Fundamental Assumtions
Some fundamental assumptions are taken in order to analyze the four
feedback configurations.
Input is transmitted through the amplifier only, not through the
The feedback signal transmitted feedback network only, not through
the amplifier.
is independent of the load and source impedance.
Ii Ro Io
+ +
Vs +
Vi Ri AvoVi Vo RL
- -
- Vf +
Rif Rof Rof
+ +
Vo Vo
Vs = Ii Ri + Av Vi = Ii Ri + Av Ii Ri
Rif = = Ri (1 + Av )
Chapter 1: Feedback Amplifiers (AAIT) Chapter One March 7,2016 19 / 45
Analysis of Feedback Amplifiers Voltage-Series (Voltage Amplifier) Feedback
Figure: Ideal structure of a Voltage-Series feedback amplifier
Output Impedance: To find Rof must remove the external signal (set
Vs = 0 or Is = 0), let RL = , impress a voltage Vx across the output
terminals and calculate the current Ix delivered by the test voltage Vx
Vx Avo Vi
Ix =
Since Vi = Vx
Vx Ro
Rof = =
Ix 1 + Avo
Chapter 1: Feedback Amplifiers (AAIT) Chapter One March 7,2016 20 / 45
Analysis of Feedback Amplifiers Voltage-Series (Voltage Amplifier) Feedback
0 Rof RL Rof + RL
Rof = =
Rof + RL RL
1 + Avo
Ro + RL
Taking Ro = Ro k RL
0 Ro
Rof =
1 + Av
Voltage gain with feedback: Avf taking the load into account.
Ro + RL
Vs = Vi + Vo = Vo + Vo
Avo RL
Example (Continued)
The A circuit is Calculating A1 and A2
Example (continued)
From A circuit we have
When evaluated
4 4 10[10 k (1 + 9)]
A= = 173.913 V /V
1 + 4(1 k 9)
Chapter 1: Feedback Amplifiers (AAIT) Chapter One March 7,2016 29 / 45
Analysis of Feedback Amplifiers Method of Analysiis of Feedback Amplifiers
Ro RD2 k (R1 + R2 ) 10 k (1 + 9)
Rout = Rf = = = = 271.87
1 + A 1 + A 1 + 173.913 0.1
Chapter 1: Feedback Amplifiers (AAIT) Chapter One March 7,2016 30 / 45
Analysis of Feedback Amplifiers Current-Series (Transconductance Amplifier) Feedback
Input Impedance:
Vs Ro
Rif = ; Vs = Ii Ri + Io ; Io = Gm Vi
Ii Ro + RL
Ii Ri + Gm Ii Ri RoR+R
Rif = = Ri (1 + Gm )
Ii Ro + RL
Chapter 1: Feedback Amplifiers (AAIT) Chapter One March 7,2016 31 / 45
Analysis of Feedback Amplifiers Current-Series (Transconductance Amplifier) Feedback
The circuit.
RC2 Vo +
Vf RE1 RE3 Io
RC1 Q3
Vf [(RF + RE 1 ) k RE 2 ]Io RFR+R
Q1 = =
+ Io Io
RE 1 RE 2
- RE1 RE3 = = 11.9
RF + RE 1 + R E 2
A1 = 14.92V /V
Chapter 1: Feedback Amplifiers (AAIT) Chapter One March 7,2016 35 / 45
Analysis of Feedback Amplifiers Current-Series (Transconductance Amplifier) Feedback
A2 = 131.2V /V
The gain of Q3
Io Ie3 1
A3 = = =
Vc2 Vb3 re3 + (RE 3 k (RF + RE 1 ))
when evaluated
A3 = 10.6mA/V
Example (continued)
The gain without feedback
Rin = Rif = Ri (1 + A)
Example (continued)
The output resistance
Rof = Ro = Ri (1 + A)
RC 2
Ro = [RE 3 k (RF + RE 1 )] + re3 +
hfe + 1
When evaluated Ro = 143.9
Ii Io
+ +
Is Vi Ri Ro Vo RL
- -
Rof Rof
Io Io
Rof Rof
0 Ro k RL
Rof = Rof k RL =
1 + RM
The following questions in the text book are exercises to be done for the
tutorial session.
April 4, 2016
The purpose of a differential amplifier is to amplify the difference
between two signals.
The differential-pair of differential-amplifier configuration is widely
used in IC circuit design.
One example is input stage of op-amp.
Another example is emitter-coupled logic (ECL).
Technology was invented in 1940s for use in vacuum tubes the basic
differential-amplifier configuration was later implemented with
discrete bipolar transistors.
However, the configuration became most useful with invention of
modern transistor / MOS technologies.
V1 Differntial
max(VCM ) = Vt + VDD RD
The lowest value of VCM is determined by the need to allow for a sufficient
voltage across the current source I for it to operate properly. If a voltage
VCS is needed across the current source, then
max(vid )= vGS1 + vS
max(vid )= Vt + 2VOV Vt = 2VOV
To steer the current completely
to one side of the pair, a difference input
voltage vid of at least 2VOV (4VT for bipolar) is needed.
Large-Signal Operation
Objective is to derive expressions for drain current iD1 and iD2 in terms of
differential signal vid = vG 1 vG 2 .
Assumption taken
Differential pair is perfectly matched
Channel-length Modulation is Neglected ( = 0)
The circuit maintains Q1 and Q2 in the saturation region of operation
at all times.
Load Independence
Step 1 Expression drain currents for Q1 and Q2 .
1 0W 1 0W
iD1 = kn (vGS1 Vt )2 and iD2 = kn (vGS2 Vt )2
2 L 2 L
Step 2 Take the square roots of both sides of both
r r
p 1 0W p 1 0W
iD1 = k (vGS1 Vt ) and iD2 = k (vGS2 Vt )
2 n L 2 n L
Chapter 2: Differential Amplifier (AAIT) Chapter Two April 4, 2016 11 / 29
The MOS Differential Pair Large-Signal Operation
Large-Signal Operation
Step 3 (vGS1 vGS2 = vG 1 vG 2 = vid ) Subtract and perform appropriate
substitution . r
p p 1 0W
iD1 iD2 = k vid
2 n L
Step 4 Squaring both sides and substituting for iD1 + iD2 = I
p 1 0W
2 iD1 iD2 = I kn vid2
2 L
Step 5 Replacing iD2 = I iD1 , squaring
q both sides and solving the
0 W
quadratic and substituting VOV = I / kn L
vid /2 2
I I vid
iD1 = + 1
vid /2 2
I I vid
iD2 = 1
Chapter 2: Differential Amplifier (AAIT) Chapter Two April 4, 2016 12 / 29
The MOS Differential Pair Large-Signal Operation
Large-Signal Operation
The Transfer characteristics are nonlinear due to the term involving vid2
Large-Signal Operation
The approximation is
I I vid I I vid
iD1 u + and iD2 u
2 VOV 2 2 VOV 2
Figure: The linear range of operation of the MOS differential pair can be
extended by operating the transistor at a higher value of VOV .
Chapter 2: Differential Amplifier (AAIT) Chapter Two April 4, 2016 14 / 29
Small-Signal Operation of the MOS Differential Pair
Differential Gain
From Figure (a) vG 1 = VCM + 12 vid and vG 2 = VCM 21 vid causes a
virtual signal ground to appear on the common-source (common-emitter)
where VCM denotes a common-mode dc voltage
where vid denotes a differential input applied complementarily (or balanced)
Also note that each of Q1 and Q2 is biased at a dc current of I /2 and is
operating at an overdrive voltage VOV .
Assuming vid /2 VOV , the drain current will be
I vid I vid
id1 = and id2 =
The transconductance of MOSFET is
2ID 2(I /2) I
gm = = =
Combining the equations
v v
id id
id1 = gm and id2 = gm
2 2
Chapter 2: Differential Amplifier (AAIT) Chapter Two April 4, 2016 16 / 29
Small-Signal Operation of the MOS Differential Pair Differential Gain
Differential Gain
The output can be taken between the drain and the ground,refereed as
single-ended outputs vo1 and vo2 .
v v
id id
vo1 = id1 RD = gm RD and vo2 = id2 RD = gm RD
2 2
The output can e taken between the two drain terminals, refereed as
differential output vod
Q1 is biased at I /2 and is
operating at VOV .
This circuit may be used to
determine the differential
voltage gain of the differential
Av = gm [RD k ro ]
|Ad |
|Acm |
Differential Output:
It decreases the common-mode gain and increases the common-mode
rejection ratio (CMRR) dramatically
It increases the differential gain by a factor of 2 (6 dB) because the
output is the difference between two voltages of equal magnitude and
opposite sign.
Single-Ended Output:
Needed to connect it to an off-chip load.
Advantage of Differential Amplifier:
The differential transmission of the signal on the chip also minimizes
its susceptibility to corruption with noise and interference.
Enables us to bias the amplifier and to couple amplifier stages
together without the need for bypass and coupling capacitors.
The following questions in the text book are exercises to be done for the
tutorial session.
Reading Assignment
BJT Differential Amplifier
The operational amplifier (Op amps) have been in use for a long
time, their initial applications being primarily in the areas of analog
computation and sophisticated instrumentation.
Early op amps were constructed from discrete components (vacuum
tubes and then transistors, and resistors).
The introduction of integrated circuit (IC) reduced the cost and
improved the performance.
One of the reasons for the popularity of the op amp is its versatility.
IC op amp has characteristics that closely approach the assumed ideal.
v3 = A(v2 v1 )
vId = v2 v1
Closed-Loop Gain
Assuming an ideal op amp. How to analyze closed-loop gain for inverting
configuration of an ideal op-amp?
Step 1 Begin at the output terminal
Step 2 If vo is finite , then the voltage between the op-amp input terminals
should be negligibly small and ideally zero.
v2 v1 = = 0 , because A is
Closed-Loop Gain
It cannot go into the op amp, since infinite input impedance draws zero
current. i1 will have to flow through R2 to the low-impedance terminal 3.
Step 5 Define vo in terms of current flowing across R2 .
vI R2 R2
vo = v1 i1 R2 = 0 R2 = vI G =
R1 R1 R1
Figure: Analysis of the inverting configuration taking into account the finite
open-loop gain of the op amp.
Ro = 0
For an ideal case the closed-loop gain by using the previous methods.
vo R2
vi R1
Figure: a) The unity-gain buffer or follower amplifier. (b) Its equivalent circuit
Chapter 3: Operational Amplifier Part 1- Op Amp Basics (AAIT)
Chapter Three April 14, 2016 19 / 45
Difference Amplifiers
Difference Amplifiers
A difference amplifier is one that responds to the difference between the
two signals applied at its input and ideally rejects signals that are common
to the two inputs.
Ideally, the amp will amplify only the differential signal (vId ) and
reject completely the common-mode input signal (vIcm ). However, a
practical circuit will behave as below
vo = Ad vId + Acm vIcm
The efficacy of a differential amplifier is measured by the degree of its
rejection of common-mode signals in preference to differential signals.
|Ad |
CMRR = 20 log
Question: The op amp is itself a difference amplifier; why not just use an
op amp?
Chapter 3: Operational Amplifier Part 1- Op Amp Basics (AAIT)
Chapter Three April 14, 2016 20 / 45
Difference Amplifiers
Difference Amplifiers
A difference amplifier is one that responds to the difference between the
two signals applied at its input and ideally rejects signals that are common
to the two inputs.
Ideally, the amp will amplify only the differential signal (vId ) and
reject completely the common-mode input signal (vIcm ). However, a
practical circuit will behave as below
vo = Ad vId + Acm vIcm
The efficacy of a differential amplifier is measured by the degree of its
rejection of common-mode signals in preference to differential signals.
|Ad |
CMRR = 20 log
Question: The op amp is itself a difference amplifier; why not just use an
op amp? very high (ideally infinite) gain of the op amp
Chapter 3: Operational Amplifier Part 1- Op Amp Basics (AAIT)
Chapter Three April 14, 2016 20 / 45
Difference Amplifiers A Single-Op-Amp Difference Amplifier
R2 R4 R2
vo1 = vI 1 vo2 = 1+ vI 2
R1 R3 + R4 R1
We have to make the two gain magnitudes equal in order to reject
common-mode signals.
Chapter 3: Operational Amplifier Part 1- Op Amp Basics (AAIT)
Chapter Three April 14, 2016 21 / 45
Difference Amplifiers A Single-Op-Amp Difference Amplifier
vId = R1 iI + 0 + R1 iI
RId = = 2R1
Note that if the amplifier is required to have a large differential gain (R2 /R1 ),
then R1 of necessity will be relatively small and the input resistance will be
correspondingly low, a drawback of this circuit.
Another drawback of the circuit is that it is not easy to vary the differential gain
of the amplifier.
Chapter 3: Operational Amplifier Part 1- Op Amp Basics (AAIT)
Chapter Three April 14, 2016 23 / 45
Difference Amplifiers The Instrumentation Amplifier
For a differential input applied the gain would remain the same. For a common
mode input voltage vIcm an equal voltage appears at the negative input terminals
of A1 and A2 , causing the current through 2R1 to be zero. Thus vo1 and vo2 will
be equal to the input. Thus the first stage no longer amplifies vIcm .
Chapter 3: Operational Amplifier Part 1- Op Amp Basics (AAIT)
Chapter Three April 14, 2016 26 / 45
Integrators and Differentiators The Inverting Integrator
Vo (s) 1
Vi (s) sCR
Thus the integrator transfer function has magnitude of 1/CR and phase
= +90
This configuration also known as a Miller integrator has a disadvantage.
At = 0, the magnitude of the integrator transfer function is infinite.
This indicates that at dc the op amp is operating with an open loop.
Solution: By placing a very large resistor in parallel with the capacitor,
negative feedback is employed to make dc gain finite.
Vo (s)
= sCR
Vi (s)
Offset Voltage
Now we consider some of the important nonideal properties of the op amp.
What happens If the two input terminals of the op amp are tied together and
connected to ground.
Ideally since vid = 0, we expect vO = 0
In practice a finite dc voltage exists at the output.
Offset Voltage
The causes of VOS is unavoidable mismatches in the differential stage of
the op amp. It is impossible to perfectly match all transistors.
General-purpose op amps exhibit VOS in the range of 1 mV to 5 mV. Also,
the value of VOS depends on temperature.
Offset Voltage
How to reduced Offset Voltage
offset nulling terminals A variable resistor (if properly set) may be used to reduce
the asymmetry present and, in turn, reduce offset.
capacitive coupling A series capacitor placed between the source and op amp may
be used to reduce offset, although it will also filter out dc signals.
IB1 + IB2
IB =
IOS = |IB1 IB2 |
input offset currents, IOS - the difference between bias current at both
The resulting output voltage
VO = IB1 R2 u IB R2
This is the case for op amps constructed using bipolar junction transistors
(BJTs). Those using MOSFETs in the first (input) stage do not draw an
appreciable input bias current; nevertheless, the input terminals should
have continuous dc paths to ground.
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Chapter Three April 14, 2016 37 / 45
Frequency Response Frequency Dependence of the Open-Loop Gain
The transfer function in Laplace domain: A(s) =
1 + s/b
The transfer function in Frequency domain: A() =
1 + /b
A0 b
The transfer function for high frequnecy: A()
A0 b t
Magnitude gain for high frequnecy: |A()| =
Unity gain occurs at t t = A0 b
By using the same methods the effect of limited op-amp gain and
bandwidth on the closed-loop transfer functions of the noninverting
Vo 1 + R2 /R1
Vi 1 + s(1+R
2 /R1 )
May 1, 2016
1 Introduction
4 OPA313
The Circuit
The circuit consists of two gain stages
1 First Stage
Formed by the differential pair Q1 -Q2 together with its current mirror
load Q3 -Q4 .
Differential-amplifier circuit provides a voltage gain in the range of 20
V/V to 60 V/V.
Also provides a reasonable common-mode rejection ratio (CMRR).
The differential pair is biased by current source Q5 , which is a current
mirror output.
The current mirror is fed by a reference current IREF .
2 Second Stage
Consists of the common-source transistor Q6 and its current-source
load Q7 .
Provides a gain of 50 V/V to 80 V/V.
It takes part in the process of frequency compensating the op amp.
This is implemented using a compensation capacitance CC .
The CMOS op-amp circuit can exhibit a systematic output dc offset
voltage. It can be eliminated by sizing the transistors.
(W /L)6 (W /L)7
(W /L)4 (W /L)5
The common-mode range
VSS + VOV 3 + Vtn |Vtp | VICM VDD |Vtp | |VOV 1 | |VOV 5 |
The extent of output swing.
VSS + VOV 6 O VDD |VOV 7 |
The overall dc voltage gain.
A = A1 A2 = gm1 (ro2 k ro4 )gm6 (ro6 k ro7 )
The output resistance.
Ro = ro6 k ro7
Chapter 3: Operational Amplifier Part 2- CMOS Op Amp (AAIT)
Chapter Three May 1, 2016 7 / 12
The Two Stage CMOS Op Amp Characteristics
Since Op amps are used with negative feedback , stability is paramount.
To achieve stability the phase of the gain should not be near 180 degrees
when the magnitude gain is unity.
This is the purpose of the dominant capacitance CC .
Battery-Powered Instruments:
Consumer, Industrial, Medical
Notebooks, Portable Media Players
Sensor Signal Conditioning:
Notebooks, Portable Media Players
Wireless Sensors:
Home Security
Remote Sensing
Wireless Metering
Chapter 4: Wave shaping and Waveform Generators (AAIT)Chapter Three May 25, 2016 1 / 34
1 Introduction
2 Basic Principles of Sinusoidal Oscillators
The Oscillator Feedback Loop
The Oscillation Criterion
Nonlinear Amplitude Control
3 Op AmpRC Oscillator Circuits
The Wien-Bridge Oscillator
The Phase-Shift Oscillator
4 Multivibrators
Bistable Multivibrators
Application of the Bistable Circuit as a Comparator
Astable Multivibrator
Generation of Square Waveforms
Generation of Triangular Waveforms
Monostable Multivibrator
Generation of a Standardized Pulse
Chapter 4: Wave shaping and Waveform Generators (AAIT)Chapter Three May 25, 2016 2 / 34
Chapter 4: Wave shaping and Waveform Generators (AAIT)Chapter Three May 25, 2016 3 / 34
Basic Principles of Sinusoidal Oscillators The Oscillator Feedback Loop
L(s) = A(s)(s)
1 L(s) = 0
That is, at this frequency the circuit will provide sinusoidal oscillations
for zero input signal.
At f0 the phase of the loop gain should be zero and the magnitude of
the loop gain should be unity. This is known as the Barkhausen
Chapter 4: Wave shaping and Waveform Generators (AAIT)Chapter Three May 25, 2016 5 / 34
Basic Principles of Sinusoidal Oscillators Nonlinear Amplitude Control
The gain control can be implemented using a Limiter Circuit. The figure
below is a popular limiter circuit frequently employed for the control of
op-amp oscillators.
Chapter 4: Wave shaping and Waveform Generators (AAIT)Chapter Three May 25, 2016 7 / 34
Basic Principles of Sinusoidal Oscillators Nonlinear Amplitude Control
As vI goes positive
vO goes negative
vB will become more negative, thus keeping D2 off.
vA becomes less positive.
If we continue to increase vI further.
A negative value of vO will be reached at which vA becomes -0.7 V or
so and diode D1 conducts.
Using the constant voltage-drop model for D1 and denote the voltage drop
VD . The value of vO at which D1 conducts is the negative limiting level
L .
R3 R3
L = V VD 1 +
R2 R2
vI can be found by dividing L by the limiter gain Rf /R1 .
If vI is increased beyond this value, more current is injected into D1 , and
vA remains at approximately VD .
Thus R3 appears in effect in parallel with Rf which is ((Rf k R3 )/R1 )
slope of the transfer function.
Chapter 4: Wave shaping and Waveform Generators (AAIT)Chapter Three May 25, 2016 9 / 34
Basic Principles of Sinusoidal Oscillators Nonlinear Amplitude Control
Chapter 4: Wave shaping and Waveform Generators (AAIT)Chapter Three May 25, 2016 10 / 34
Op AmpRC Oscillator Circuits The Wien-Bridge Oscillator
R 1 + sRC
Zp = Zs =
1 + sRC sC
1 + R2 /R1 1 + R2 /R1
L(s) = Zs
1 + Zp 3 + sCR + 1/sCR
1 + R2 /R1
L() =
3 + (CR 1/CR)
The phase of the loop gain will be zero at frequency
0 = 0 CR 1/0 CR
That is 0 = 1/CR
To obtain sustained oscillations at this frequency, one should set the
magnitude of the loop gain to unity. This can be achieved by selecting
R2 /R1 = 2
To ensure that oscillations will start, one chooses R2 /R1 slightly greater
than 2
Chapter 4: Wave shaping and Waveform Generators (AAIT)Chapter Three May 25, 2016 12 / 34
Op AmpRC Oscillator Circuits The Wien-Bridge Oscillator
The circuit will oscillate at the frequency for which the phase shift of the RC
network is .
For oscillations to be sustained, the value of K = mag [1/(RCnetwork)] at
the oscillation frequency.
Chapter 4: Wave shaping and Waveform Generators (AAIT)Chapter Three May 25, 2016 14 / 34
Op AmpRC Oscillator Circuits The Phase-Shift Oscillator
Bistable Multivibrators
Bistable Multivibrators are circuits that has two stable state and move between
states when appropriately triggered.
Assume that the electrical noise causes a small positive increment in the voltage
v+ .
The incremental signal will be amplified by A.
Much greater signal will appear at the output voltage vO .
Chapter 4: Wave shaping and Waveform Generators (AAIT)Chapter Three May 25, 2016 16 / 34
Multivibrators Bistable Multivibrators
The voltage divider will feed a fraction of the output signal back to
the positive-input terminal of the op amp.
If A > 1, as is usually the case, the fed-back signal will be greater
than the original increment in v+ .
This regenerative process continues until op amp saturates at the
positive-saturation output level, L+ .
When this happens, v+ becomes L+ R1 /(R1 + R2 ).
This is one of the two stable states of the circuit.
Had we assumed the equally probable situation of a negative increment.
The op amp would saturate in the negative direction.
vO = L and v+ = L R1 /(R1 + R2 )
This is the other stable state.
Also note that the circuit cannot exist in the state for which v+ = 0 and
vO = 0 for any length of time. This is a state of unstable equilibrium(also
known as a metastable state).
Chapter 4: Wave shaping and Waveform Generators (AAIT)Chapter Three May 25, 2016 17 / 34
Multivibrators Bistable Multivibrators
Chapter 4: Wave shaping and Waveform Generators (AAIT)Chapter Three May 25, 2016 18 / 34
Multivibrators Bistable Multivibrators
Chapter 4: Wave shaping and Waveform Generators (AAIT)Chapter Three May 25, 2016 19 / 34
Multivibrators Bistable Multivibrators
Chapter 4: Wave shaping and Waveform Generators (AAIT)Chapter Three May 25, 2016 21 / 34
Multivibrators Bistable Multivibrators
Chapter 4: Wave shaping and Waveform Generators (AAIT)Chapter Three May 25, 2016 22 / 34
Multivibrators Astable Multivibrator
Chapter 4: Wave shaping and Waveform Generators (AAIT)Chapter Three May 25, 2016 23 / 34
Multivibrators Astable Multivibrator
Chapter 4: Wave shaping and Waveform Generators (AAIT)Chapter Three May 25, 2016 24 / 34
Multivibrators Astable Multivibrator
Chapter 4: Wave shaping and Waveform Generators (AAIT)Chapter Three May 25, 2016 25 / 34
Multivibrators Astable Multivibrator
A capacitor C that is charging or discharging through a resistance R
toward a final voltage V has a voltage v (t)
v (t) = V (V V0+ )e t/
T = 2 ln
Chapter 4: Wave shaping and Waveform Generators (AAIT)Chapter Three May 25, 2016 27 / 34
Multivibrators Astable Multivibrator
Chapter 4: Wave shaping and Waveform Generators (AAIT)Chapter Three May 25, 2016 28 / 34
Multivibrators Astable Multivibrator
Chapter 4: Wave shaping and Waveform Generators (AAIT)Chapter Three May 25, 2016 30 / 34
Multivibrators Monostable Multivibrator
Chapter 4: Wave shaping and Waveform Generators (AAIT)Chapter Three May 25, 2016 31 / 34
Multivibrators Monostable Multivibrator
L = L (L VD1 )e T /C1 R3
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Multivibrators Monostable Multivibrator
T = C1 R3 ln
For VD1 |L |, this equation can be approximated by
T C1 R3 ln
Chapter 4: Wave shaping and Waveform Generators (AAIT)Chapter Three May 25, 2016 34 / 34
Applied Electronics II
Chapter 4: Wave shaping and Waveform Generators (AAIT)Chapter Three May 25, 2016 1 / 34
1 Introduction
2 Basic Principles of Sinusoidal Oscillators
The Oscillator Feedback Loop
The Oscillation Criterion
Nonlinear Amplitude Control
3 Op AmpRC Oscillator Circuits
The Wien-Bridge Oscillator
The Phase-Shift Oscillator
4 Multivibrators
Bistable Multivibrators
Application of the Bistable Circuit as a Comparator
Astable Multivibrator
Generation of Square Waveforms
Generation of Triangular Waveforms
Monostable Multivibrator
Generation of a Standardized Pulse
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Chapter 4: Wave shaping and Waveform Generators (AAIT)Chapter Three May 25, 2016 3 / 34
Basic Principles of Sinusoidal Oscillators The Oscillator Feedback Loop
L(s) = A(s)(s)
1 L(s) = 0
That is, at this frequency the circuit will provide sinusoidal oscillations
for zero input signal.
At f0 the phase of the loop gain should be zero and the magnitude of
the loop gain should be unity. This is known as the Barkhausen
Chapter 4: Wave shaping and Waveform Generators (AAIT)Chapter Three May 25, 2016 5 / 34
Basic Principles of Sinusoidal Oscillators Nonlinear Amplitude Control
The gain control can be implemented using a Limiter Circuit. The figure
below is a popular limiter circuit frequently employed for the control of
op-amp oscillators.
Chapter 4: Wave shaping and Waveform Generators (AAIT)Chapter Three May 25, 2016 7 / 34
Basic Principles of Sinusoidal Oscillators Nonlinear Amplitude Control
As vI goes positive
vO goes negative
vB will become more negative, thus keeping D2 off.
vA becomes less positive.
If we continue to increase vI further.
A negative value of vO will be reached at which vA becomes -0.7 V or
so and diode D1 conducts.
Using the constant voltage-drop model for D1 and denote the voltage drop
VD . The value of vO at which D1 conducts is the negative limiting level
L .
R3 R3
L = V VD 1 +
R2 R2
vI can be found by dividing L by the limiter gain Rf /R1 .
If vI is increased beyond this value, more current is injected into D1 , and
vA remains at approximately VD .
Thus R3 appears in effect in parallel with Rf which is ((Rf k R3 )/R1 )
slope of the transfer function.
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Basic Principles of Sinusoidal Oscillators Nonlinear Amplitude Control
Chapter 4: Wave shaping and Waveform Generators (AAIT)Chapter Three May 25, 2016 10 / 34
Op AmpRC Oscillator Circuits The Wien-Bridge Oscillator
R 1 + sRC
Zp = Zs =
1 + sRC sC
1 + R2 /R1 1 + R2 /R1
L(s) = Zs
1 + Zp 3 + sCR + 1/sCR
1 + R2 /R1
L() =
3 + (CR 1/CR)
The phase of the loop gain will be zero at frequency
0 = 0 CR 1/0 CR
That is 0 = 1/CR
To obtain sustained oscillations at this frequency, one should set the
magnitude of the loop gain to unity. This can be achieved by selecting
R2 /R1 = 2
To ensure that oscillations will start, one chooses R2 /R1 slightly greater
than 2
Chapter 4: Wave shaping and Waveform Generators (AAIT)Chapter Three May 25, 2016 12 / 34
Op AmpRC Oscillator Circuits The Wien-Bridge Oscillator
The circuit will oscillate at the frequency for which the phase shift of the RC
network is .
For oscillations to be sustained, the value of K = mag [1/(RCnetwork)] at
the oscillation frequency.
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Op AmpRC Oscillator Circuits The Phase-Shift Oscillator
Bistable Multivibrators
Bistable Multivibrators are circuits that has two stable state and move between
states when appropriately triggered.
Assume that the electrical noise causes a small positive increment in the voltage
v+ .
The incremental signal will be amplified by A.
Much greater signal will appear at the output voltage vO .
Chapter 4: Wave shaping and Waveform Generators (AAIT)Chapter Three May 25, 2016 16 / 34
Multivibrators Bistable Multivibrators
The voltage divider will feed a fraction of the output signal back to
the positive-input terminal of the op amp.
If A > 1, as is usually the case, the fed-back signal will be greater
than the original increment in v+ .
This regenerative process continues until op amp saturates at the
positive-saturation output level, L+ .
When this happens, v+ becomes L+ R1 /(R1 + R2 ).
This is one of the two stable states of the circuit.
Had we assumed the equally probable situation of a negative increment.
The op amp would saturate in the negative direction.
vO = L and v+ = L R1 /(R1 + R2 )
This is the other stable state.
Also note that the circuit cannot exist in the state for which v+ = 0 and
vO = 0 for any length of time. This is a state of unstable equilibrium(also
known as a metastable state).
Chapter 4: Wave shaping and Waveform Generators (AAIT)Chapter Three May 25, 2016 17 / 34
Multivibrators Bistable Multivibrators
Chapter 4: Wave shaping and Waveform Generators (AAIT)Chapter Three May 25, 2016 18 / 34
Multivibrators Bistable Multivibrators
Chapter 4: Wave shaping and Waveform Generators (AAIT)Chapter Three May 25, 2016 19 / 34
Multivibrators Bistable Multivibrators
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Multivibrators Bistable Multivibrators
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Multivibrators Astable Multivibrator
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Multivibrators Astable Multivibrator
Chapter 4: Wave shaping and Waveform Generators (AAIT)Chapter Three May 25, 2016 24 / 34
Multivibrators Astable Multivibrator
Chapter 4: Wave shaping and Waveform Generators (AAIT)Chapter Three May 25, 2016 25 / 34
Multivibrators Astable Multivibrator
A capacitor C that is charging or discharging through a resistance R
toward a final voltage V has a voltage v (t)
v (t) = V (V V0+ )e t/
T = 2 ln
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Multivibrators Astable Multivibrator
Chapter 4: Wave shaping and Waveform Generators (AAIT)Chapter Three May 25, 2016 28 / 34
Multivibrators Astable Multivibrator
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Multivibrators Monostable Multivibrator
Chapter 4: Wave shaping and Waveform Generators (AAIT)Chapter Three May 25, 2016 31 / 34
Multivibrators Monostable Multivibrator
L = L (L VD1 )e T /C1 R3
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Multivibrators Monostable Multivibrator
T = C1 R3 ln
For VD1 |L |, this equation can be approximated by
T C1 R3 ln
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