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Who We Are

About Us
We are students at Sharpstown
International School with the goal
to raise awareness of Testicular

Contact Us
Kevin Moreno

What is Testicular Cancer?

Sagrario Campos
Testicular Cancer is cancer in the (832)931-9029
testes, a major reproductive organ
in men.

The American Cancer Societys

estimates for testicular cancer in
the United States for 2017 are:

About 8,850 new cases of

testicular cancer diagnosed

About 410 deaths from testicular

al School
Adults Only
(Contains male medical
diagrams Not suitable for
children )
International By Kevin Moreno &
School Sagrario Campos
[8330 Triola Ln]
[Houston, 77036]

Examine each testicle gently with

both hands. The index and middle
fingers should be placed underneath
the testicle while the thumbs are
placed on the top.
WHAT ARE THE SYMPTOMS? Roll the testicle gently between the
Goal 3 seeks to ensure health and well-being for thumbs and fingers. One testicle
The most common symptom of
may be larger than the other. This is
testicular cancer is a small, all, at every stage of life. The Goal addresses all normal.
painless lump in a testicle or a major health priorities, including reproductive, The epididymis is a cord-like
slightly enlarged testicle. It is maternal and child health; communicable, non- structure on the top and back of the
important for men to become communicable and environmental diseases; testicle that stores and transports the
familiar with the size and feeling of universal health coverage; and access for all to sperm. Do not confuse the
their normal testicles, so that they safe, effective, quality and affordable medicines epididymis with an abnormal lump.
can detect changes if they occur. and vaccines. It also calls for more research and Feel for any abnormal lumps
development, increased health financing, and about the size of a peaon the front
Other possible symptoms include a
or the side of the testicle. These
feeling of heaviness in the scrotum, strengthened capacity of all countries in health
lumps are usually painless.
a dull ache in the lower stomach or risk reduction and management. If you do find a lump, you should
groin, a change in the way a contact your healthcare provider
testicle feels, or a sudden right away. The lump may be due to
accumulation of blood or fluid in an infection, and a healthcare
the scrotum. These symptoms can provider can decide the proper
treatment. If the lump is not an
also be caused by infections or
infection, it is likely to be cancer.
other conditions that are not Remember that testicular cancer is
cancer. A healthcare provider can highly curable, especially when
tell you if you have cancer and detected and treated early. Testicular
what the proper treatment should cancer almost always occurs in only
be. one testicle, and the other testicle is
all that is needed for full sexual
A simple procedure called testicular
self-exam (TSE) can increase the

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