The Boarder

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The Boarder

A Summary Report of the May 9, 2017

C F S D Governing Board Meeting

Executive Session Community Schools

The governing board held an executive session for the Ashley Glaser, Manzanita CARE program manager,
performance evaluation of Superintendent Mary was named Community Education "Program Leader of
Kamerzell. the Year" for Arizona. Out of 14 nominees from various
school districts around the state, she was selected to
receive this award through a blind selection process.

Catalina Foothills High School

The CFHS Chess Team won the Arizona USCF
(United States Chess Federation) Championship.
Emma Wing was named the 2017 US Chess National
Girls Tournament of Champion representative for
Dr. Kamerzell shared the following student and staff Arizona.
CFHS students who placed at the Special Olympics
CFSD Poetry Contest Winners
Track and Field Competition held on April 8 include:
The winners of the CFSD annual poetry contest include
Shan Donau, 110M, 2nd place, Jake Imbody, 400M,
(winning poem noted first, followed by the honorable
2nd place, Maggie Johnson, 200M, 3rd place, and Niko
mention): Kindergarten - Jacob Colman, "The
Tax, 100M, 2nd place.
Dinosaurs"; Ainsley Johnson, "Jacob"; First Grade -
Brayden Stoneking, "Escape Artist"; Sylvain Chen,
CFHS students collected over 600 pairs of shoes for
"Fall Is Cool"; Second Grade - Jax Larcom, "Color
#Kicks4Kids, and the softball team donated an
Blue"; Aidan Kerwin, "Flying Butter"; Third Grade -
additional $1,000. #Kicks4Kids started as a project to
Emma Chamness, "Azul"; Ian Cannon, "Down the
provide tennis shoes to students at Rio Vista
Street Blues"; Fourth Grade - Sabina Coan, "When the
Elementary several years ago and has grown to help
Mountains Turn Gold in the Morning"; Jana Holt,
six school districts with over 4,200 pairs distributed to
"Sleep"; Fifth Grade - Scarlett Bolton, "White"; Cody
low income students.
Calles, "My Inside - My Outside"; Sixth Grade - Renz
Lurino, "10,000 Feet Up"; Piper Garrett, "We Survived
Freshman Liam Boyd was declared 20th in the world in
Highway 191"; Seventh Grade - Yulia Savine, "She";
the U16, age category under 16, at the World Dancing
Ella Parsons, "Bubbles"; Eighth Grade - Kiri Kenman,
Championships in Dublin, Ireland.
"Color"; Max Rubin-Toles, "On a Median"; Ninth Grade
- Gracie Hufford, "Conversation Poem"; Saki Kazui,
Freshman Ryan Chen was selected as one of only 5
"Letter"; Tenth Grade - Cipora Cohon, "Mourning the
musicians statewide to perform at the AMEA Arizona
Bourgeois Overtake of Poetry"; Emma Burkhart, "A
All-State Solo/Ensemble Festival of Performance on
Canary's Cage"; Eleventh Grade - Stephen Roper,
April 7. After receiving a perfect Superior rating, Ryan
"Sleepwalking"; Ian Johnson, "Light, the Promise";
was then selected as a guitar soloist and the
Twelfth Grade - Chloe Wicklund, "And: The Aftermath";
only freshman to perform in front of all-state musicians
Joey Ghotmi, "Chain of Life."
in Gammage Auditorium.
CFSD Financial Reporting
Bryn Callie was awarded the Tucson Chapter of
The Association of School Business Officials
National Charity League's Yellow Rose Award for over
International has awarded CFSD its Certificate of
75 hours of volunteer work in one year. Bryn and her
Excellence in Financial Reporting for having met or
mother also won the Mother-Daughter Award for over
exceeded the program's high standards for financial
138 hours of volunteer hours combined.
reporting and accountability. The district was
recognized for its Comprehensive Annual Financial
Jeremy Wang placed 1st in Animal Sciences with his
teammates at the Arizona Science & Engineering Fair
(AzSEF). They also earned one of the 15 coveted
Report for the fiscal year ending 2016. Kudos to the
entire business office staff for their quality work!
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spots on the 2017 AzSEF Intel International Science & review the policy and schedule for a second reading at
Engineering team. the next regular governing board meeting on May 25.

Senior Meena Venkataramanan was named one of 25 Consideration of Revisions to Catalina Foothills
national finalists in the National Honor Society School District (CFSD) Performance Award Plan
Scholarship program. She was chosen from more than (first reading)
9,000 applicants and will receive a $4,500 scholarship. Assistant Superintendent Denise Bartlett presented the
first reading of the 2017-2018 Performance Award
Daniel Weiland was named a Corporate-sponsored Plan. The district administration is recommending
National Merit Scholarship winner. His is a National some major changes for the 2017-2018 school year.
Merit Raytheon Scholarship.
The first change relates to teacher participation on data
Manzanita Elementary School teams. It is recommended that the data team
The Manzanita Math Team of Tom Benson, Griffin participation as a requirement for receiving the
Helfand, Keona Kuo, Simon Rubin-Toles, and Johnny performance award be eliminated. Instead data teams
Yu competed on Saturday, May 6 in the would be voluntary and part of the Professional State Competition, in Division Pathways program. Dr. Bartlett reported that in order to
5. Johnny Yu was the Grand Champion amongst 4th meet the professional learning component of ARS 15-
graders --- #1 in the state. He will represent Manzanita 977, Classroom Site Fund, teachers will participate in
at the national competition, at Texas A&M this professional learning related to the current School
summer. Simon Rubin-Toles scored 8th place for 5th Improvement Plans goals, strategies and action steps.
The second change is in the calculation of the schools
performance award. Due to the uncertainty of the
impact of the first year of Arizonas new A-F
Accountability System, it was decided to use
Achievement Level Descriptors from AzMERIT, the
state test, for English Language Arts and Math, and the
AIMS Science scores for grades 4, 8 and 9 to
determine each schools award. For each content area
of AzMERIT the overall schools scaled score for each
grade level will be used to determine what
achievement level is obtained for the grade.
CFSD Star Award Achievement levels are then assigned a rubric score.
The governing board recognized the Catalina Foothills The science achievement will be determined using an
High School Chess State Champions. Carole Siegler, average of 5 years of achievement with a calculated
board member, honored Zakary Cancio, Ryan expected mean with a standard deviation.
Thompson, Jacob Waitt, Emma Wing and Coach
Robby Adamson with a certificate. Finally, the award amount at the end of the plan has
been revised based on the States notice to the district
Review of Policy KF Community Use of School on the funding of Proposition 301 for the 2017-2018
Facilities (Annual Review of fee schedule) (first school year the funding will increase to $386 per
reading) student.
Director of Community Schools Travis Kolter presented
the first reading of proposed revisions to the fee This item will return for a second reading at the next
schedule for Policy KF, Community Use of School regular governing board meeting on May 25.
Facilities. Arizona state statute requires school district
governing boards to annually review and approve the Consideration of Revisions to Policy JICK,
fee schedule. He recommended that facility rental rates Regulation JICK-R, and Exhibit JICK-EB, Student
increase by 5.22% for the 2017-2018 school year, Violence / Harassment / Intimidation / Bullying
along with added language that will also allow the (first reading)
district to recover any additional utility charges that Dr. Bartlett presented the proposed changes to the
might be initiated by utility providers during the coming policy, regulation, and exhibit to provide clarity to
school year. Mr. Kolter also reviewed the information administrators, teachers, students and parents
received from the school districts insurance provider regarding what constitutes bullying, harassment, and
regarding the required $1 million dollar liability and $1 intimidation as well as the procedures for reporting and
million dollar property damage insurance certificate, investigating allegations. Board members provided
which is required of all facility renters. The board will direction on changes and minor corrections to the

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policy and regulation format. The board will review the Authorization for district representative for
revisions for a second reading on May 25. emergency procurement and bid protests for fiscal
year 2017-2018 memorandum
Historical Look at Discipline Data Administrative contracts for 2017-2018
Dr. Bartlett presented information on the student memorandum
discipline report that spans three school years; 2013 Fund raising request memorandum
through 2015. Data from the 2016-2017 school year Phase I Guaranteed Maximum Price for the
was not included because the year has not yet ended. Orange Grove Middle school renovations project
Dr. Bartlett reviewed detailed charts and pie graphs for memorandum
all 7 district sites illustrating information regarding
short-term suspensions, other violations of school Upcoming Board Meeting
policies and rules, and other disciplinary actions. The The next regularly scheduled governing board meeting
percentage of students who received out of school is Thursday, May 25, 2017, 6:30 p.m., at the
suspensions over the past three years ranged between Professional Learning Center at Valley View Early
1.8% and 2.6%. Actions taken by administrators have Learning Center.
deterred students from continuing the behavior for
which they were disciplined. Administrators use a wide The tentative agenda is:
variety of other disciplinary actions beyond suspension Executive Session: Re: Superintendents
to ensure that students are not only held accountable Performance Evaluation
for their behavior, but they also learn from their Approval of Revisions to CFSD Performance
mistakes. Dr. Bartlett reported that CFSD has a Award Plan (second reading)
philosophy that discipline is about learning. Learning Approval of Policy KF Community Use of School
comes at all levels within the system. Facilities (second reading)
Approval of Revisions to Policy JICK, Regulation
Fiscal Year 2018 Maintenance and Operations JICK-R, and Exhibit JICK-EB, Student Violence /
(M&O) Budget Harassment / Intimidation / Bullying (second
Dr. Kamerzell gave an update on the FY18 straw reading)
budget. There were no proposed changes since the Consideration of K-12 Visual and Performing Arts
governing board reviewed it on April 25. Standards (first reading)
Consideration of Proposed Revisions to Policy IKF
2017 Arizona Legislative / Governing Activity Graduation Requirements (first reading)
Board members shared information a proposed FY2018 Maintenance and Operations Budget
amendment to Senate Bill 1156, the uncertainty of Consideration of Revisions to Teacher Assessment
Empowerment Scholarship Accounts (ESAs), and a Program (TAP) (first reading)
lawsuit regarding School Facility Board funding.

Consent Agenda Items CFSD

The governing board approved the following consent
agenda items.

April 25, 2017, regular governing board meeting

Expense voucher memorandum
Field trip request memorandum Please welcome new CFSD staff members:
Personnel memorandum
Gift and Donations memorandum
Authorization for use of signature stamps for 2017- Jennifer Miller, Assistant Principal, CFHS
2018 memorandum Roby Althaus, 3rd Grade Teacher, MZ
Authorized check signers for district bank accounts Clara Felix, Preschool Spanish Immersion Teacher,
for 2017-2018 memorandum VVELC
Delegate authority for issuance of duplicate Maria-Kathrine Pappas, Preschool Teacher, VVELC
warrants for 2017-2018 memorandum
Christina Salinas, Library Clerk, CFHS
Authorization for district representatives for RFP
procurement for fiscal year 2017-2018 Emily Yantis, English Teacher, CFHS
Student activities treasurer and assistant student
activities treasurers for fiscal year 2017-2018

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