Reading and Viewing
Reading and Viewing
Reading and Viewing
Year level: 1/2
AusVELS domains: English
Lesson duration: 60 mins
AusVELS strand: Reading and viewing
Learning Standard(s)/Outcome(s)/Objective(s):
We are learning to: read non-fiction texts and identify the main idea
Lesson resources:
Reading Maps (big book)
Non-fiction texts for students to share
Lesson content:
A. Introduction
Tell students that today we are going to be focusing on Non-fiction books, ask
students if they know what a non-fiction book is? Today we are looking at finding
the main idea in a text
B. Development
Complete a read aloud with the students. Read the big book Reading Maps While
reading the book point out the main features with the students. Including the
contents page and any key words or facts.
D. Closure
Each student is to share an interesting fact that they found in their group. If
students are not confident in sharing, ask them to share with a partner.