Notes On IBSE
Notes On IBSE
Notes On IBSE
adapted from Assessment & Inquiry-Based Science Education: Issues in Policy and Practice, Wynne Harlen
Inquiry is not the only approach used in Science education. There are aspects
of learning science, such as knowledge of scientific vocabulary, conventions and use
of equipment, that are best learned through direct instruction. However, knowledge
of facts and procedures are means to the end of developing understanding through
inquiry, thus the major element in assessment should reflect the understanding,
skills and competences that are the goals of IBSE.
Emphasize on:
Learning how tobuild their knowledge and understanding implies the active role
of the students in their learning, which is part of formative assessment (quality of
information that is gathered and provided in feedback)
Using skills employed by scientists being rigorous /excited and honest in collecting
and using sufficient and relevant data to test hypotheses or answer the questions
raised, check and repeat data collection, where possible, interpret and attempt to
explain findings (keep careful records, consult related existing work in drawing
conclusions and present work to others in writing or sharing of ideas)
Students cannot learn in school everything they will need to know in adult
life. What they must acquire is the prerequisites for successful learning in future life.
These prerequisites are of both a cognitive and a motivational nature. Students
must become able to organize and regulate their own learning, to learn
independently and in groups, and to overcome difficulties in the learning process.
This requires them to be aware of their own thinking processes and learning
strategies and methods.
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The practice of formative assessment, through teachers and students collecting
data about learning takes place and feeding back information to regulate the
teaching and learning process, is clearly aligned with the goals and practice of
inquiry-based learning. It also supports student ownership of their learning through
promoting self-assessment and participation in decisions about next steps, helping
students to take some responsibility for their learning at school and beyond.
Students may be involved in special tasks or tests as part of, or in addition to,
regular work
Takes place at certain times when achievement is to be reported, not a cycle
taking place as a regular part of learning
Relates to achievement of broad goals expressed in general terms rather
than the goals of particular learning activities
Involves the achievement of all students being judged against the same
criteria or mark scheme
Requires some measures to assure reliability
Provides limited opportunities for student self-assessment
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Sources of evidence may be written answers, artifacts constructed by
students, portfolios, observation of actions, discussion or presentations of work.
Students are all judged by the same criteria, or mark schemes (rubrics),
whereas, in formative assessment criteria may be student-referenced in order to
help students recognize their progress from different starting points.
Provide a high level of support to raise the effort and test performance of low
achieving and disaffected students to a far greater degree. High support meant creating
an environment of social and educational support, working hard to increase students
sense of self-efficacy, focusing on learning related goals, making goals explicit, using
assessment to help students succeed and creating cognitive maps which made
progress evident. They also displayed a strong sense of responsibility for their students.
Low teacher support meant teachers not seeing the target grades as attainable, not
translating the need to work harder into meaningful activities, not displaying
recognition of change and motivation on the part of students, and not making personal
connections with students in relation to goals as learning.- Roderick and Engel
What we teach is influenced by how we teach, and what and how we assess
influences both how and what we teach. It is no use suggesting that the content
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should be focused on big ideas if
the assessment requires memorizing
multiple facts or if the pedagogy does
not forge links that are necessary to
form these big ideas; it is no use
wanting pupils to develop
responsibility for their own continued
learning if teaching does not allow
time for reflection and room for
creativity. Nor can we hope for
positive attitudes towards science if
the curriculum content seems to
pupils to be remote from their
interests and experience.
For any learner there is an area just beyond current understanding (where a
person is in conscious control of ideas and knows that he or she is using them)
where more advanced ideas can be used with help. Vygotsky called this area the
zone of proximal (or potential) development. It is in essence, what we have called
the next step that the student can be expected to take identified through
formative assessment. Scaffolding is an apt term used to describe helping
students to take this next step in understanding through introducing new ideas or
better scientific practices and providing vocabulary that enables students to express
their ideas more precisely.
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Implications for assessment of IBSE:
Learning through inquiry enables active learning through which learners make
sense of their investigations of the world around. How ideas are developed point to
the role of collaboration, discussion and dialogue with others (collective thinking).
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familiar so that there is little change in what they can do or know. They need to
provide education of relevance to facing global problems.
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Carefully worded questions deserve thoughtful answers and students need to be
allowed time to respond to a question.
- Increase the wait time.
- Avoid rephrasing a question if it not readily answered.
- Some find it best not to allow students to raise their hands to answer these
kinds of thoughtful question, rather expect everyone to be able to answer,
given time to think. They call on students by name to contribute. This signals
that thought, not speed, is valued and encourages all students to give
attention to the question and so become engaged in listening to others.
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E. Encouraging students to participate in assessing the quality of their
In order to assess their work, students not only need to know the purpose of
what they are doing but they need to have some notion of the standard they should
be aiming for, that is, what is good work in a particular context. Some of this is
conveyed implicitly through the feedback that teachers give to students. Below are
some ways to communicate to primary students criteria for evaluating their work.
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In case of peer assessment, teachers may need help in recognizing the issues
of equity that are raised and in addressing the influence of social class, gender and
general ability when practicing peer assessment.
Some points about assessment of science inquiry skills follow from this:
Students need to be involved in using the inquiry skills in order to assess
what they can do.
Since the context and subject of the situation in which the skills are to be
used affects the ability to use the skills, the task should be set in a familiar
context if possible or several contexts should be used to reduce the sampling
The tasks should be authentic and engaging to the students.
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II. Methods of summative assessment of IBSE goals
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B. Performance items
Since they take time, a student can only undertake a small number of such
investigations. Thus task sampling error is large and it means that to obtain a
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reliable score it would require a number of tasks. Describe each investigation
and the range of different ways in which students respond.
C. Alternatives to tests
Genuine inquiry takes place when students seek to answer a question that is
new to them and to which they do not already know the answer. But who to
judge what is new for a particular student?
The experiences that students need in order to develop their desired skills,
understanding and attitudes also provide opportunities for their progress to
be assessed. The key factor is judgment by the teacher.
Evidence or data relating to science understanding and inquiry skills may come
Observing students involved in scientific investigation
A portfolio of work collected over a period of time including accounts,
reflections, photographs and other products of inquiry
Students notebooks and/or electronic postings
Presentations made by students individually or in groups
Criteria should be, as much as possible, detailed but generic, being applicable to a
wide range of classroom activities. Well specified help teachers make reliable
judgments. For example, the student can group materials according to their
physical properties can be applied to information from a variety of learning tasks,
while the student knows that magnets attract certain materials but not others, and
can repel each other can be applied to work relating to magnets. It is common for
criteria to be identified at different levels so that the outcome of the assessment
can be expressed in terms of the level at which a student is performing.
Procedures for making judgments may start from the criteria, then search for
evidence that meets them, or start from the evidence and then search the criteria
to see which if any best describe the work. In most cases there is a combination of
these approaches, with a to-ing and fro-ing between the data and criteria in order to
find the best fit. Rather than trying to match a particular piece of work to a
particular criterion, teachers take evidence from several relevant activities and form
an on balance judgment as to the criterion that best matches the evidence.
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assessment but also their formative use of assessment. Teachers review
samples of students work to verify decisions about particular students work
and to arrive at shared understanding of criteria and how they are applied.
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c. Using a test or task Short test or special task is used whenever the
teacher judges that a student can pass the test, not at a fixed time, and is
administered on an individual basis in an informal manner that prevents test
anxiety in students. The teacher compares the test results with the results of
their own classroom assessment.
A record booklet for each student, wherein teachers intend to record, at the end
of each year, whether or not the student has achieved specified skills and
knowledge, as a simple yes or no provides help to teachers with the
implementation and the assessment of inquiry skills. In addition, four sources of
assessment data are proposed to assess students: (1) the study of students
notebooks, (2) observation during class activities, (3) students written or oral
accounts of a practical investigation, including what they did and what they found,
and illustrated by diagrams; and (4) giving a standardized test.
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VII. Advantage and disadvantages of tests and teacher-based
Tests provide information about only a sample of goals but steps can be taken
to ensure optimum reliability. Striving for reliability, however, lead to the
inclusion of goals most easily tested thus tending to exclude less easily
tested goals, such as higher level skills and practices.
In teacher-based assessments, a wider range of achievement and learning
outcomes can be included but reliability may be low unless steps are taken to
ensure that comparable standards are applies. But moderation procedures
provide valuable professional development.
Tests provide teachers with clear examples of the meaning of learning goals,
but they direct teaching in specific directions which are the same for all
students. Assessment by teachers allows teachers to greater freedom to
pursue learning goals in ways that suits their students.
Tests that are provided externally to the school enable teachers to distinguish
their role as teacher that as assessor. Responsibility for assessment unites
the role of teacher and assessor and may seem to increase teachers
In some circumstances the results of tests can be used to provide feedback
that helps learning, but generally these opportunities for formative use are
limited. When teachers gather evidence from students on-going work, it can
be used formatively, to help learning, as well as for summative purposes.
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It is well known that tests induce anxiety in many students. Not all are
affected equally and the impact is often exacerbated by frequent test-taking
practice. Assessment by teachers reduced this source of error and inequality.
Time spent by teachers in preparing students for tests can be more
effectively used for learning when assessment is on-going. Financial
resources are also released when fewer commercial tests are purchased.
Users of assessment data often have more confidence in tests than in
teachers assessment, especially for older students. Any change requires
greater openness about both test accuracy and procedures that can enhance
assessment by teachers.
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Implications for the assessment of IBSE
Since not all science teaching will involve inquiry, there should be a variety of
assessment tasks and procedures to match the variety of different learning goals.
There is a place for direct instruction in conventions, vocabulary and basic
knowledge which can be checked by teacher-made tests or quizzes. But all
assessment must not be of the kind where answers can be recalled. Otherwise there
will be no information about the extent of students inquiry skills and scientific
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