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Management of benign paroxysmal

positional vertigo (BPPV) in the
emergency department
Khalid Bashir1,2,*, Furqan Irfan1, Peter A Cameron1

Emergency Department, Hamad ABSTRACT
General Hospital, Doha, Qatar
Emergency Department, Bronglais Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is a common medical condition that can be managed by
General Hospital, Aberystwyth, UK emergency physicians. Vertigo sufferers usually complain of the room spinning associated with certain
*Email: khalidbashir1@btinternet.com head movements such as getting out of bed, looking up and bending down. BPPV can be diagnosed
clinically from history and examination and does not require any investigations. BPPV can be effectively
treated at the bedside by using one of the Canalith repositioning maneuvers (particle repositioning
maneuvers). This treatment has been proven to be effective in randomised controlled trials and carries
minimal risks. The common complications during the procedure include nausea, vomiting and vertigo.
There are no absolute contraindications. BPPV can resolve spontaneously but symptoms may last for
weeks in most patients, to years in others. Failure to respond to physical maneuvers and an unusual
pattern of nystagmus may suggest a central pathology. Diagnostic strategies and physical manoeuvres
are described in this narrative review. Future directions and recommendations also discussed.

Keywords: dizziness, BPPV, Epley, Dix-Hallpike, nystagmus, vertigo

Submitted: 31 December 2013
Accepted: 21 April 2014
2014 Bashir, Irfan, Cameron,
licensee Bloomsbury Qatar
Foundation Journals. This is an open
access article distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution license CC BY 4.0, which
permits unrestricted use,
distribution and reproduction in any
medium, provided the original work
is properly cited.

Cite this article as: Bashir K, Irfan F, Cameron PA. Management of benign paroxysmal positional
vertigo (BPPV) in the emergency department, Journal of Emergency Medicine, Trauma and Acute
Care 2014:3 http://dx.doi.org/10.5339/jemtac.2014.3
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Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is defined as a spinning sensation by changes in the head
relative to gravity. BPPV is the most common cause of vertigo. It can occur spontaneously in the 50-70
year age group. In younger ages the usual underlying cause is trauma. Almost 5.6 million Americans
attend the hospital with complaints of dizziness every year, and 17 to 42 percent of these are ultimately
diagnosed with BPPV.1-3
Vertigo and nystagmus can have central (brainstem and cerebellum) or peripheral causes.
It is important to differentiate between these two as the central cause will require investigation.
The nystagmus due to central cause usually persists as long as the head is kept in the provoking
position however, the nystagmus due to vestibular cause is always transient. In addition to the
direction of nystagmus, its latency and fatigability may strongly suggest a peripheral vestibular cause
of vertigo and does not usually require any investigations. Clinical features such as headache, visual
symptoms, speech disturbance and weakness would all suggest a central cause. In one study, a central
cause was found in cases of treatment failure for BPPV in 3 percent of cases. A central cause should be
sought if the clinical features of BPPV are atypical or refractory to treatment.4
It has been known for BPPV patients to wait months or years for adequate treatment and to receive
inappropriate medications such as vestibular sedatives and unnecessary diagnostic tests.5 In one
study, 9 percent of elderly patients who were undergoing assessment for non-balance related
problems were found to have undiagnosed BPPV. Older patients with BPPV may experience a greater
incidence of falls which may cause injuries such as fractures, secondary brain injuries and may lead to
permanent disability and increased care costs due to hospital visits and nursing home admissions.6
BPPV is the most common cause of peripheral vertigo responsible for almost 50 percent of patients
with peripheral vestibular dysfunction. Misdiagnosis of BPPV can incur unnecessary costs, and one
American study estimated that US$2,000 per patient had been spent on consultations, laboratory tests
and scans.7,8 BPPV effects the quality of life of the sufferers and it is usually restored after successful
treatment by physical maneuvers.9

The inner ear consists of snail-shell like structures called cochlea, and semicircular canals [Fig 1].
The cochlea is concerned with hearing and semicircular canals help to control balance and posture.
There are three semicircular canals (anterior, posterior and lateral) and they are roughly at right angles
to each other. Inside these bony canals, there is a system of narrow channels which contain fluid

Figure 1. Anatomy of the left inner ear showing displaced otoconia from the utricle and saccule to the posterior
semicircular canal (with permission from Hain, TC. http://www.dizziness-and-hearing.com. 7th February 2014
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called endolymph. The movement of endolymph in the semicircular canals helps with the rotational
balance i.e., head movements including side to side, forward, backwards and up and down. The
semicircular canals are connected to the cochlea through a large fluid filled compartment called the
vestibule. The vestibule contains the utricle and saccule. The vestibulocochlear nerve which arises from
inner ear to the brain transmits information about balance and hearing to the brain.
The underlying cause of BPPV is believed to be the presence of calcium carbonate crystals in the
semicircular canals, in particular the posterior semicircular canal.10 These crystals are understood to
have migrated from the utricle [Fig 1]. The crystals in the canal cause abnormal deflection of the canal
receptor, the cupula, resulting in an illusion of movement. The canalith repositioning maneuvers (CRM)
help to move these crystals out of the semicircular canals back to the utricle to provide relief of vertigo
symptoms. Inspite of being a common medical problem, BPPV is still underdiagnosed or misdiagnosed
by clinicians.11
The posterior semicircular canal has been found to have otoconia in 85-95 percent of patients as
compared to the horizontal canal. Approximately 85 percent are unilateral, and in 8 percent both
posterior canals are involved. The horizontal canal is affected in about 5 percent of cases and
involvement of the anterior canal is rare. In 1992, free floating particles were identified in the posterior
semicircular canals during operative procedures.12-15 This finding is in favour of canalithiasis theory
regarding causation of BPPV.
In most cases aetiology remains unknown however, various conditions that can predispose to BPPV
include head injury, menieres disease, acute labyrintitis, postoperative ear, facial or brain surgery, and
infections of the inner ear.8,16

The earliest description of symptoms of BPPV has been attributed to Dr Robert Barany who in 1921
reported a case of a 27-year-old patient with vertigo induced by various positions. He also described it
as a disorder of the otolith organs.17 Dix and Hallpike in 1952 described the symptomatology of BPPV in
detail, based on their experience of treating 100 patients. They called this positional nystagmus of the
benign positional type. The commonly used diagnostic test called Dix-Hallpike test is based on
re-production of these symptoms during various head positions.
In the 1960s, Harold Schukmecht confirmed the presence of small masses through basophilic
staining of the posterior semicircular canals in patients with the diagnosis of BPPV.18
In 1979 Hall et al., and in 1993 John Epley explained all the symptoms of BPPV based on the presence
of free floating particles in the semicircular canals. This theory is called cupulolithiasis and is still
the most widely accepted explanation. Based on the cupulolithiasis theory, various successful
treatment such as Epley and other Canalith repositioning maneuvers are being used throughout the
Patients usually complain of recurrent episodes of vertigo which can last for months. These episodes
are provoked by various head movements such as looking up, bending down or rolling over in bed.
These attacks may be associated with nausea and vomiting.
Patients with BPPV typically have no other neurologic complaints, in contrast to those with central
causes of vertigo. Some patients have evidence of prior inner ear damage. Approximately half of
patients complain of imbalance between attacks, even after successful treatment.8,22
Some patients may develop anxiety episodes mainly due to fear of symptoms returning.
These symptoms may have implications on certain jobs such as drivers, underwater divers and
machinery operators as sudden vertigo attacks may endanger their life.
Medications are commonly given to vertigo sufferers to improve the spinning sensation and to
control nausea and vomiting. The American Academies of Neurology and Otolaryngology-Head and
Neck Surgery do not recommend routine use of medications such as antihistamines and
benzodiazepines for the treatment of BPPV.23 There is no evidence to suggest that these medications
are effective or provide alternative treatment to Canalith repositioning maneuvers.24-27
The diagnosis of posterior canal BPPV is made after performance of the Dix-Hallpike maneuver [Fig 2].
During this maneuver, the following are the usual findings:
. Recurrence of vertigo symptoms
. Vertigo and nystagmus usually appears after a latent period of a few seconds
. The nystagmus is rotatory with the fast component towards the undermost ear
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Figure 2. Dix-Hallpike maneuver

. When the patient sits up the nystagmus will beat in the opposite direction
. The intensity and duration of nystagmus decreases with repetition of this maneuver.28

The diagnosis of lateral canal pathology is made by supine roll test. During this test, there is usually a
horizontal nystagmus with the fast phase towards the ear being tested. This test can be performed in
the outpatient clinic [Fig 3].

Figure 3. Supine roll test starting from the left side. [modified with permission from Hornibrook J, I J
Otolaryngology 2011. New Zealand].

Treatment for BPPV is by returning or repositioning the detached otoconia back to the utricle.
The commonly used techniques are the Epley Canalith Repositioning Procedure [Fig 4] and the
Semont liberatory maneuver [Fig 5]21,29,30.
The Epley maneuver starts with the patient sitting up and the head being turned towards the effected
side, right side in Figure 4. The patient is reclined with the head overhanging the bed or pillow. In this
reclined position, the head is turned towards the left. The head is turned further left as the patient is

Figure 4. Modified Epley maneuver for treating right sided BPPV.

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Figure 5. Semonts maneuver for treating right sided BPPV.

looking towards the floor. Finally, the patient is sat upright with the neck flexed. Each position lasts for
30 seconds.
Semonts maneuver starts with the patient sitting straight up on the examination table, the head is
turned away from the bad side. The head is first lowered to the side causing the vertigo. Then lying
down, the patient looks up at the ceiling. This position is held for approximately 2-3 minutes.
The patient is then quickly moved to the opposite side without stopping in the upright middle position.
Again, this position lasts for 2-3 minutes and then finally in the upright position for 2-3 minutes.
The lateral or horizontal canal is less commonly involved and the maneuver that has been used to
treat lateral canal BPPV is, the roll maneuver (Lempert maneuver or barbecue roll maneuver).
This maneuver is performed by rolling the patient 3608 in a few steps.31,32
Anterior canal BPPV is rare, and symptoms may improve by performing the maneuvers
recommended for the posterior canal. One study of 14 patients with anterior canal BPPV showed
resolution of symptoms following the posterior canal maneuver.33


Over the past two to three decades, BPPV patients were advised on the following postural restrictions,
to maintain an upright posture for 1-2 days after the particle repositioning maneuvers, to avoid sleeping
in a bed and to sleep in a chair instead and to avoid any bending over and looking upwards. Some
physicians also used to recommend a soft collar to help patients to adhere to these instructions.
Patients were also instructed to avoid sleeping on the affected ear for several nights. The rationale was
to prevent the crystals re-entering the semicircular canals.
Some recent studies have shown that these restrictions are not necessary for recovery of BPPV.34,35
However, there is a systematic review in the Cochrane Library which concludes that the postural
restrictions have significant (though clinically small) effect on recovery.36 As the restrictions are easy to
comply with and have no side effects, they should be discussed with the patient.

In rare intractable cases, surgical treatment is considered as a last resort. Surgical management
includes posterior semicircular occlusion (plugging) and transection of the ampullary nerve supplying
the posterior semicircular canal. Both procedures are associated with complications such as
disequilibrium and hearing loss.23,37-40

Current evidence suggests that CRM improves symptoms in BPPV sufferers. This is based on the theory
of free floating crystals in the semicircular canals. However, it is not clear as to why many patients get
better without treatment. The exact pathophysiology is still not well understood, partly due to inability
to visualize the inner structure of the semicircular canals in detail. There is need for robust scientific
studies to explore this condition in more detail which may help in defining clear understanding about
causation and effective treatments to prevent recurrences.41,42
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The following are recommendations by the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck
Surgery in the management of patients with BPPV:
1. A physician should diagnose posterior semicircular canal BPPV with symptoms of vertigo being
associated with positive Dix-Hallpike test. These patients should be treated by one of the Canalith
repositioning maneuvers
2. A physician should perform a supine roll test if there is history suggestive of BPPV and there is
negative Dix-Hallpike test. Patients with positive supine roll test should be treated by one of the
Canalith repositioning maneuvers
3. All above patients should be reassessed within one month of the physical maneuvers.
4. A physician should differentiate BPPV from other central causes of imbalance, and vertigo
5. A physician should investigate further only if there is treatment failure
6. There is no need for routine radiographic imaging in patients with history compatible with BPPV.
However, if there is treatment failure or atypical symptoms then imaging may be needed
7. There is no need to treat BPPV routinely with medications such as antihistamines and
8. A physician should counsel patients with a history of BPPV on their safety, recurrence and
follow up.23

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