Glasgow Seminar-Ana Ivenicki.2017 Opt PDF

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Series 2016-17

Multicultural Perspectives in Higher Education Policies in Brazil

Thursday, 18th May 2017, 1600-1730 followed by drinks - Room 432, School of Education,
St. Andrews Building, 11 Eldon Street, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, G3 6NH

Professor Ana Ivenicki, Faculty of Education, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro/UFRJ, Researcher for the CNPq
(Brazilian National Research Council)

The speaker will address ways in which educational policies in Brazil have problematized (in)equality as related to
higher education. She will specially focus on the National Plan for Education (PNE, 2014-2024), issued by the Ministry
of Education, discussing the role assigned to higher education as related to lifelong learning in equity-oriented
approaches, as gleaned from those policies.

The main argument is that a multicultural perspective can contribute to a more equity-oriented process of schooling,
inasmuch as it offers possible ways towards promoting the valuing of diversity and the challenging of discrimination
against minority groups. In order to develop the argument, the talk will discuss the meanings of multicultural
perspectives in higher education policies, so as to gauge the extent to which those multicultural concerns have been
expressed in equity and social inclusion approaches.

Considering that the educational field has witnessed the pressing need to deal with the increased movements of
immigration and flight from persecution and civil wars towards Europe, the Brazilian case can provide contributions by
showcasing how it has tried to tackle the challenge of both providing academic excellence and lifelong learning
initiatives for valuing diversity and social inclusion.

All are welcome, but a reservation is essential. Please RSVP to to book your place.

Ana Ivenicki has a PhD in Education from the University of Glasgow. At present, she is a full Professor at the Federal
University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil within the Department of Educational Studies at that University. She is a Researcher
1A at the Brazilian National Council of Research (CNPq) and published extensively in Brazilian and in international
journals, She has been an invited keynote speaker in many institutions and conferences. Her research interests are:
Multicultural Teacher Education, Comparative Education, and epistemological Issues in Educational Research. She has
also an interest in adult education and higher education policies, having published articles in both areas from a
multicultural perspective. In 2013 she received the award CORA CORALINA in Brazil for her studies and commitment
towards cultural diversity and inclusion in Education, given to her by the Secretary of Continuing Education, Literacy,
Diversity and Inclusioin (SECADI, linked to the Ministry of Education), and by the Brazilian National Society of Post
Graduation and Research in Education (ANPEd). More details about her publications and academic activities can be
gleaned at the following link:

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