SENCO Policy Revised.27.4.2017

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Our School is a four form entry institution which includes Kindergarten (KG), Primary, Secondary
and Senior Secondary school. The school is governed by the Principal and the Vice Principal. Each
of the four sections has a dedicated supervisor who is in charge of the educators in his/her section.

We have positive expectations for our learners and we aim to provide equal opportunities for all of
our students. We strive for a balanced education in all instances. The students who are identified
with physical or mental disabilities as well as learning difficulties that demands special education
will be guided by this policy. This policy gives provision for all identified and at risk special needs

Process of identification
Students who experience greater difficulty in development, learning skills and reaching
outcomes. When they have not reached the developmental status associated with their age,
nationality, peer group and expectations of their ability.

Students who are unable to use the educational facility in its standard capacity. Student can
not use the facility without special allowances, accommodations, exceptions and assistance.

It is the responsibility of the school to assess each childs current level of attainment on entry in
order to ensure that they had undergone the experience of sequential learning, during the previous
school years.

It is the responsibility of the class and subject educators to assess each child constantly to gauge
their level of competency. As learning disabilities can develop over time, educators are tasked with
being constantly vigilant for an at risk student. If an educator has identified a leaner as at risk, it is
the responsibility of the educator to initialize the necessary steps to be taken to assist the learner.

It is the responsibility of the Special Educational Needs Counsellor to contact the parents of the
learner, and after gaining permission for evaluations, evaluate the learner for a possible learning
It is the responsibility of the SENCO to inform parents/guardians of the result of the evaluations and
how the parents can take further steps to have the learner identified and diagnosed as SEN. It is also
the responsibility of the SENCO to ensure that any and all documentation concerning the child stays up to
date and confidential.

If/When the child comes under the category of special education needs which is certified by a health
practitioner, the documents need to be transferred to the concerned department followed by the
following information to be used by the department :
All medical documentation confirming or denying disability.
Parental and Student questionnaires regarding the making of an IEP.
Parental permission for educators/counsellors to provide assistance/guidance during school
Any feedback, positive or negative, in written form.
Any suggestions, guidance, clues, advice or notes on the likes, dislikes, motivators or fears
the child has concerning this SEN progress, his IEP or his education.

To involve parents throughout this journey and to welcome them to join in the education of
their child.
To ensure that the Individual Educational Plan (IEP) is best suited for the learner.
To provide focused attention and follow up action to support the child within the learning
To use the wide range of possibilities in education to ensure positive progress of the learner
in his educational, social and emotional journey.
Maintain records through continuous observation and assessment which provides positive
feedback for parents and educators.
To track progress and adapt IEP to suit the changing environment of the student.
To create a strong foundation to reach the next step of challenges for the SEN student.
To ensure that records are properly kept and to ensure that the steps are taken to meet the
needs of SEN students
TO SUPPORT, MOTIVATE, GUIDE SEN STUDENTS in their journey and to ensure they
reach success in school and life.
To provide and inclusive education for SEN pupils in a customized manner
To work collaboratively with all persons connected to all aspects of the learner/school/SEN
To ensure expert support agencies used effectively by parents.
To ensure that parents are kept appraised of all their options.




Special kids will have needs and requirement that may fall into at least one of the following
areas of need :
Physical Disabilities (Including sensory disabilities)
Mental Disabilities
Cognitive (Thinking skills) (Learning skills) (Reading skills)
Social or Emotional skills (Interaction skills) (Social Emotional skills)
Speech and Language skills (Communication skills)
Fine and Gross motor Skills.
Activities of daily living skills

Outcomes are reached when the SEN student is similar (academically, emotionally) to the
children of same age , who had the same starting point.
Outcomes are reached when the SEN student matches or improves on the previous rate of
progress in a dramatic manner.
Outcomes are reached when the SEN student closes the gap, created by having a special
need, between the pupil and children of the same in an educational, social and emotional
area (Closing of Attainment gap)

If a child does not make adequate progress compared to peers , their starting point or
previous attainment, we aim

To identify if/why the child is not making adequate progress using a process of Summative
and Formative Assessments. The assessment process includes, the childs learning
characteristics, the learning environment , the task set and the teaching style.

To Identify the childs emotional needs, social skills and behaviour in different situations.
Individual assessments and whole class formal assessments are required in each term

Follow up IEP Meetings are followed after term assessments to review the progress of
the learner. Data is analysed and IEP meetings are held collaboratively by the IEP teams

After discussing the results with the IEP team, the team will evaluate the underlying needs of the
child. The IEP will be adapted / redone / customized to suit the needs of the learner better.

The SENCO will maintain a register for IEP meetings and IEPs planned. The SENCO will update
and communicate the new adaptations to the educators involved with the learner.


Teachers are not solely responsible and accountable for the progress and development of the
students. Parents play a big part in the developing child and this will be discussed and focused on
during PTA meetings as well as IEP meetings.

The FOUR responsibilities of the educators include :

Teacher identifies students with learning needs. The teacher reports the learner to the SENCO, who
takes the necessary steps to ensure that the permissions are given and the child is tested.

This involves creating an IEP team and setting up a meeting to agree on long term learning
objectives and targets for better outcomes. Amendments, interventions, suggestions, and support
that are required will be documented on the IEP document with a clear dates for review.
Parental involvement is KEY to reinforce / contribute to the progress of the child. The IEP will be
distributed among subject teachers. The approaches that are being employed for the better outcomes
of the learner will be included. Each involved educator will be responsible for employing the new
strategies for dealing with the SEN student.

The teacher remains responsible for working with the child in a routine manner, the entire
team will work collaboratively to plan and assess the impact of support and interventions
within the classroom. The response to the employed version will determine the childs particular
level of progress. The impact on progress, development and behaviour that is expected will be
recorded by the teacher and summarized on the IEP for the progress in each term.
Reviews are systematically in line with the mutually agreed dates. The review process will
evaluate the impact and quality of the IEP. The views of the pupil and parent are always considered.
Reviews are discussed at IEP meetings and form a basis which paves the way to their wards better
future cycle. Decisions form the basis which can be incorporated in to the IEP target for the next
term. If the child is able to maintain good progress without the additional and different resources
he/she may be suggested for further testing to review SEN status.


Communication with educators regarding new and improved methods of testing/evaluating

or assisting SEN students.
Communicating with educators to ID at risk students.
Contacting parents/guardians in all regards to SEN or at risk students.
Evaluate possible SEN students
Discussing results of evaluations with parents and informing them of steps to be taken.
Oversee the day to day operation on regular basis and to be in line with School SEN policy
Setting up an IEP team for a student, selecting meeting times, dates and communicating the
information to parents
Setting up IEP meetings and IEP review meetings.
Coordinating provision for special kids
Liaising with fellow teachers and support learning staff
Routine check to be in action whether the documentation is well maintained and readily
Contributing to the in-service training of staff
Monitoring childs progress
Liaising with external agencies like educational psychology services , health and social
The above all is implemented after the approval of the Principal.


School has the system for observing and assessing the progress of SEN learners that provide
information about areas where a SEN student is not progressing satisfactorily. Teachers need to
consult the SENCO to discuss the alternatives to reach to the targeted level. The feedback reveals
clearly that the student requires extra support within the specified subject.
Failure to attain sufficient progress depends on the following factors:-

Attainment space between the child and peers enlarging

Rise in broader attainment space (more variety)
Attainment less than the majority of peers even after intervention
Improvement in the Progress Rating Scale, compared to the previous academic as
well as behaviour and social skills, not reached.


An IEP includes the following :

The short term targets set for the child.
The long-term goals of the IEP team and Student
The teaching strategies to be used for the term/year/semester
The system to be in place in case an outcome is not reached or the student struggles.
Dates when the IEP is to be reviewed.
IEP will be reviewed at least annually and parent views on their child progress should be sought
monthly. Consider any amendments if needed and to be included. Focus completely on the progress
achieved, in case of any difficulties, need to be resolved .The child and parents will also play an
important part in the review process and will be involved in setting targets.


The whole IEP team will work to support the child.

The action will be as follows:

Revised learning resources or special equipment used in class.
Coordination and support from the team on required basis
Additional time to complete outcomes.
Educational assistance when required, teaching aid or extra educator for subjects that the
learner finds hard to navigate.
For specific training and staff developments to meet effective strategies
Access to expert services for one off or occasional advice on strategies or equipment.
The school will also implement a strong ANTI-BULLYING policy regarding SEN and
OTHER students.
Regular check-ups will be done by both the SENCO and Counsellor to gauge the mood
and motivation of the learner.


When a learner has been identified by the educator to the SENCO as a possible SEN student. It is
the responsibility of the SENCO to contact the parents of the child. In the contact letter, the school
requests to evaluate the learner at school to screen for possible difficulty.
It is up the parents to AGREE or DISAGREE to the testing. Once a parental unit has given
permissions, the evaluations can take place. If a parent does not grant permission for a evaluation, it
must be recorded as such. All communications towards the parents due to the lack of progress of the
child, the behaviour of the child or the failure of the child to reach the set outcomes must be clearly
documented in the student profile.

Once a child has been evaluated, it is the responsibility of the SENCO to arrange a meeting to
discuss the results of the evaluation and to suggest possible specialists to diagnose the learner. Once
the learner has been diagnosed, the SEN steps can progress. An IEP meeting is then scheduled as
soon as possible to assist the learner.
When School seeks the help of external expertise, they need to see the childs documents in
order to set strategies have been employed and which targets have been set and achieved.
During an IEP meeting an expert can be of advisory capacity or provide specialist assessment or be
involved in teaching the child directly. This will be implemented at least in part in the normal
classroom setting.

The delivery of the interventions recorded in the IEP will be the responsibility of the Class Teacher.
The following documents to be readily available as evidence to record the progress of special
student over time:-

Student information
Details of special needs
IEP for the special student
Student records from previous institutions if available
Records of regular reviews and their outcomes
Medical data including the general health
Views of the parent and ward
Evidence of expert support and records.

Special Needs Learners portfolios are confidential in nature, each portfolio will have the folloing
documentations present unless parental consent was not given. Then the portfolio will only
contain documents one to 5P.

Steps to Identification of Special Needs Learner. FORM 1

Areas Of Need identified by Educator. FORM 2
Student Information FORM 3
Contact Sheet FORM 4
Letter to Parents requesting Evaluation permission FORM 5P
Student Evaluations Performed Results page FORM 6
Evaluation Results FORM 7
Evaluations Discussion with parents FORM 8P
Student Contact / incident sheets FORM 9
IEP Parental Information sheet FORM 10P
IEP Meeting Request FORM 11P
PRE-IEP Meeting Information FORM 11P/2
IEP Student Interview FORM 12


Found in the Admin block, the school has a dedicated centre for SEN and SEN students. The centre
is where evaluations will take place as well as the meeting point for the SEN committee and IEP
meetings. All learners, SEN and otherwise will be welcome to the Learning Centre for intervention,
advise and relaxation. All student portfolios will be kept in the Learning Centre under strict
confidentiality guidelines.

The SEN committee will be in charge of motivating students, following up on educators who have
SEN students in their class, making sure that IEPs are implemented correctly and that students are
treated correctly.


The SENCO and IEP Team and school staff will support the SEN journey of the child, assisting in
planning future support with his team for the well being and success of the learner. The IEP team
will endeavour to set up a support that caters to the needs of the particular learner.

The Class Teacher will be responsible for working with the child on a regular basis The parent
consent is necessary for the School authorities to contact the experts linked with issue can
collaboratively join their hands for the better progress of the child. Parents will be closely involved
with the development of the learner. The IEP team will be regular contact to ensure that the learner
receive only the best attention and support.

This document is not confidential and can be accessed upon request by parents.

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