Cafall2014 PDF
Cafall2014 PDF
Cafall2014 PDF
reetings OPA members! time to review the preview of the tracks in
I hope all of you had a very special this issue, and take note: those of you who
summer (at least those of you in are signing up for the retreat by December
The the northern hemisphere), and are ready
for the closing months of the year 2014.
2014, will not only get the lowest price,
but also a 6 month membership bonus!
Eclipse Issue I believe most of you will agree with me I hope you take advantage of this offer
and come to celebrate Astrology with us
that 2014 has been
Presidents Report P.1 a very particular in California next year. Your support and
year, charged with loyalty is much appreciated; it fuels our
Eclipses of October 2014 P.2 tragic tension in the creativity and inspires our service.
Astrology Unlocked P.5 Ukraine, the Middle In other exciting news, we are working
East, and many dra- on a collaboration with Kepler College
Chiron: Key to our Carreers P.7 matic natural events. in order to offer our membership special
Interview with Jeff Jawer P.9 Astrologically, we opportunities to study through Kepler.
started this year OPA members can now enjoy a 10% dis-
Enhancing Astrology Practice P.10 with the powerful Cardinal Cross and then count on any workshop from $250, and
Transits of the Season P.12 in August transitioned to the fixed ener- a 5% discount on any workshop below
gies of Jupiter in Leo and Mars and Saturn that. OPA is also working on creating a
Neptune-Pluto Conjucntion P.15 in Scorpio. The Uranus/Pluto square is Professional Development workshop with
making two additional exact alignments, Kepler. Stay tuned for more details!
Editor: Maurice Fernandez the next one in December and then We soon will be publishing the new
Cartoons by Dmitriy Paramonov in March 2015. With an increase of fire schedule for the Free Monthly Talks for
Design: Sara Fisk energy (Jupiter in Leo and soon Saturn in 2015. In the meantime, we look forward to
Sagittarius), we can expect strong exter- hear Armand Diaz, Margaret Gray, and Kari
nal manifestations and changes resulting Noren Hoshal in these coming months.
from this square. Our security will be in Wishing you all a wonderful season, and
motion, creativity, and action it seems. I hope to see many of you at the ISAR con-
On our side, OPA has been very busy ference in the next few days.
planning the program for the 2015 Retreat With Blessings,
and we are very inspired by our schedule Maurice, President, OPA
of speakers and topics. Please take the
SANDRA LEIGH SERIO Predictive Astrology
RICHARD SMOOT Working with the Antiscia
til December 15, 2014 RICK LEVINE Becoming a Better Astrologer (Max 10 participants per track)
+ 6 month
The Eclipses
of October 2014
lunar and Solar Eclipse are align- Aries 05 on Oct 8th is particularly power- Maurice Fernandez
ing during the month of October. ful as it activates the transformative ener-
Astrologically, Eclipses occur gy of the ongoing Uranus/Pluto square he weeks around the
when the Sun and the Moon align with in the sky, at the exact degree of the final time Eclipses occur are
the Nodes of the Moon, with a New square on March 15th next year. This referred to as Eclipse sea-
Moon on the Nodes (Solar Eclipse), Eclipse brings with it a Kite formation son. The Eclipse influence
and a Full Moon on the Nodes (Lunar with the Sun/North Node and Venus in gains traction when the Sun
Eclipse). Libra as the point of expression, inviting approaches one of the Nodes. Then, the
us to focus on justice, fairness and bal- Nodes true motion stations, and freeze
The Lunar Eclipse aligns on ance in our relationships with others and on a particular degree this eclipse sea-
October 8, at the 15 degree of in the structures of our life. Mercury ret- son, the Nodes will station on the 19th
Libra and Aries. rograde in Libra from the 4th to the 25th degree of Aries and Libra Therefore
offers the opportunity to make adjust- this degree will have tremendous impor-
The Solar Eclipse aligns on
October 23 at 0 degree Scorpio,
ments to ways of thinking that may be tance.
in exact conjunction with Venus
out of balance. As Mercury prepares to Eclipse season is a particularly pow-
go direct, we will experience a partial erful time when the pace of our lives is
Check in your chart to see in what Solar Eclipse at 0 Scorpio 25 on Oct 23rd. accelerated on both collective and per-
house(s) the whole range between With a trine to Neptune, we are invited sonal levels. Everything is activated. This
15 Libra to 0 Scorpio is located to see to listen to our deepening intuition as is a time when events seem fated and
where these influences will most promi- the veil between the conscious and the human mind cannot always grasp
nently impact your development. unconscious realms will feel a lot thinner.
Astrologers are sharing their perspec- Imaginative and creative pursuits are
tives on these important events. likely to benefit at this time.
Belonging to the 17 North
Saros series, Dr Bernadette
Brady describes the core
Margaret Gray theme as follows: This
MSW D. Psych. Series brings an impul-
Astrology sive energy to events.
Socializing becomes
V23-03 2014
The Career FALL
Astrologer OPAs Newsletter for Professional Astrology page 2
what is going on as if a portal to another life is an unending rehearsal of the spe-
dimension opens and energy flushes into cial talents we have. The keyword is
our earthly dimension. This is perhaps Invigoration! There is opportu-
why, eclipses are referred to as times when nity as the result of effort and
Kings diebut in truth, Kings are also born good karma.
during eclipses by King, we may refer to Solar Eclipse 1 degree Scorpio
people who have strong leadership and a on
special destiny to fulfill. October 23rd at 5:57 p.m.
In our personal lives, this time of accel- EDT
eration and activation, can have us meet In Washington D.C.,
meaningful people, make important deci- Uranus squares the
sions, and experience intense changes. We Midheaven today. Public
may experience tremendous development, criticism of the government
or perhaps losses. Whatever it is, it happens is likely this month. Both
fast and it often marks us deeply. the Sun and Moon are con-
The Lunar Eclipse on October 8, lands on junct Venus. The North Node is
a T-square between Uranus/Pluto/Venus, both sextile Jupiter and conjunct
and so it can signify a turning of tables in Mercury. Messages regarding Justice
relationships. This can apply on both per- can be expressed through a powerful
sonal and political levelsenemies may demonstration. The Sabian Symbol today
speak to one another, and friends may go is A Sightseeing Bus. Man is encouraged October
their separate ways. This eclipse will land to reach out widely to share his realiza- 23 is a time to sow the seeds of intimacy
very strategically on the chart of Vladimir tions with his fellows. The key word is as Sun and Moon meet voluptuous Venus.
Putin and Benyamin Netanyahu, Russian cooperation. Mercurys retrograde at 17 What do you truly value, who do you love
and Israeli leaders respectively. degrees Libra today indicates rumination and how you share your life force are ques-
The Solar Eclipse on October 23 con- on important issues that is delaying an tions to contemplate for this eclipse.
juncts Venus at 0 Scorpio. This also hap- announcement until after the 25th. Remember, the first half of October
pens to be the day that Mercury stands features a grand fire trine including Mars,
direct close to the Lunar Eclipse degree. * Dr. Bernadette Brady The Eagle and the Lark Jupiter and Uranus. This alignment is
Did we mention a time of activation and most potent during October 4 - 10. Fire
setting things in motion? You bet Hillary signs illuminate intuition and action. Trust
Clinton will make her big move around this intuition will lead you to right action, at
time, and we will hear about Angela Merkel Kathryn Andren the right place, in the right time. Mars in
and Francois Holland, German and French ctober 2014 is a very Sagittarius asserts optimism, Uranus in
leaders respectively, who have this solar exciting time with Aries instigates action while Jupiter in Leo
eclipse conjunct their natal Saturn. two powerful eclipses. expands heartfelt radiance. The heat is on
First on October 8th, the and so it the potency to birth new projects
Moon at 15 Aries is eclipsed and plans, despite Mercury retrograde
near unpredictable Uranus. Then October October 4 - 25.
Kari Noren Hoshal 23, Sun and Moon meet near Venus at 1 Can you see the October eclipses? Check
Scorpio for a partial solar eclipse. Be sure these links for best times and viewing loca-
L unar Eclipse 16 degrees
Aries on October 8th
at 6:51 a.m. EDT
to look at the houses in your own person-
al birth chart to see where these potent
points energize your life. Eclipses are a time lunar/2014-october-8
The Moon between
the S. Node and Uranus to honor hidden mysteries. Have the cour-
age to dive deep and savor unseen secrets. solar/2014-october-23
in Aries makes for a moody
and impulsive day. Dont make a snap The total lunar eclipse on October 8th
decision you could later regret. You are falls at 15 degrees on the Aries Libra axis.
Moon near Uranus in Aries energizes ele-
ready to take bold action to do something
vated inspiration supported by this months Gali Sat Puran
different for once! It is ok to go ahead
with unselfish gut feelings. The Sun is grand fire trine. Reflect what happened Livneh
also between Venus and the N. Node. This for you six months ago during the epic
is a party day for self- expression and
creativity. A new friendship or relationship
Cardinal Cross and last lunar eclipse April
13. What part of your world is experiencing T he eclipse season
of October 2014 is
directing us to work with
may spring up. Just avoid over self -indul- a systems reset in the realms of relationship
and individuality? Venus, i.e. relationships
gence. The Sabian Symbol today is Fairies
The partial solar eclipse at zero Scorpio with others; self-acceptance,
Dancing In The Setting Sun. The dance of
Continued on page 4
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Astrologer OPAs Newsletter for Professional Astrology page 3
our resources and financial situation, all ations. The importance of this total lunar
receive extra emphasis. We can expect eclipse cannot be sufficiently emphasized
negotiations, trying to reach agreements, because it conjoins Uranus at 14 degrees
but at the same time the games of war of Aries, squares Pluto at 11 Capricorn and
and peace are not quite over yet. In both of course opposes the Sun at 15 Libra. If
eclipses the Uranus Pluto square is on the we havent had enough violence in the
nodes, so more extreme actions together world, this lethal combination can, unfor-
with natures awakening can be expected: tunately, bring more. On the positive side,
earthquakes, volcanos eruption, storms it will bring disruption and change that OPA, The Organization for
and crazy weather can be seen before and could finally lead to resolution. People Professional Astrology,
after the eclipse season, as well as expres- born with planets at 15 degrees of the car- is dedicated to promoting excellence for
sion of fanatic ideology, and more dramat- dinal signs will personally feel this eclipse. astrologers. Incorporated on October 4,
ic events such as riots, strikes, terror acts of Those born in the early 70s with Uranus 2000 at 1:45 pm EDT in Tallahassee, Florida,
extremists groups and upheavals. close to these degrees in Libra can sud- OPA provides members with tools to estab-
The total lunar eclipse on October 8th is denly encounter a turning point in their
lish or improve their astrological practice.
very potent, and can bring breakthroughs lives one that may have been a long time
Membership is open to aspiring and current
and changes. This eclipse can also bring coming.
conflicts to an end, and together with the The solar eclipse occurs on October astrologers. Benefits include subscription
solar eclipse, can help us to close loose 23 at 0 Scorpio 25. Solar eclipses often to the Career Astrologer and E-news, free
ends and move on. We need to work on indicate a new beginning or a change in monthly talks by top notch astrologers and
balancing our need to be independent lifestyle for an individual when the eclipse members registration fees at OPA retreats
and do things our way, towards learning occurs within three days of a birthday or and conferences. Annual dues are $60.00.
to compromise and make peace with when it falls on an angle, the Moon or
all lifes polarities. To do that we need to another prominent planet in a persons
release old patterns of relating and com- chart. This particular eclipse belongs to OPA BOARD
municating, and find new ways that might the Saros Series 17 New North. According
challenge the old conditioning of society to Bernadette Brady in her book Predictive PRESIDENT
and religion. We can see new forms of rela- Astrology, this series has a lot to do with Maurice Fernandez
tionships for example, that goes beyond relationships because of the strong Venus/
the traditional customs. Mars conjunct in Cancer that marked the
The solar eclipse will conjunct Venus beginning of the series in 1870. VICE PRESIDENT
on the critical degree 0 Scorpio and trine Eclipses often trigger events months Alexandra Karacostas
Neptune in Pisces. This energy is open- before the actual eclipse. When we look
ing the door for us to move forward to at relationships on a more worldly level TREASURER
the next level with relationships. In order with regard to the eclipse, we see that Sandra Leigh Serio
to do that we need to be ready to look Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie finally tied the
deeper within us, and recognize our own knot on August 23 in France exactly two
fears and limitations that can stop us from months before the eclipse. Present at their COMMUNITY OUTREACH DIRECTOR
loving ourselves and bring healing to our wedding were their six children, easily rep- Boaz Fyler
relationships. We can feel that theres an resented by Venus/Mars in the sign Cancer
opportunity for a fresh new start. (family involvement).
Recognize that the other person is you Yogi On an individual level, those with any
Moon Zlotnick
Bhajan planet from 28 Libra/Aries to 2 degrees
of Scorpio/Taurus will likely feel a new
beginning unfolding depending on the MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY
planet, house and aspects. Many people Nancy Beale
Sandra-Leigh born from the mid 50s to the mid 80s will 847-864-1063
Serio have Saturn, Uranus, Neptune or Pluto
close to these degrees and as a result
T his fall there are they will likely feel an urge to make an
important change in their lifestyle which DIRECTOR
two eclipses. The first
could involve work, family, relationships Arlan Wise
one is a total lunar eclipse
or personal initiative; this change has
on October 8 occurring at 15 Aries 05.
Lunar eclipses tend to bring things to transformative and empowering reper-
some type of conclusion or culmination cussions that further down the road will
and can also bring strong emotional and bring spiritual evolvement and destiny
impulsive reactions and responses to situ- fulfillment. R
V23-03 2014
The Career FALL
Astrologer OPAs Newsletter for Professional Astrology page 4
Astrology and his or her judgment and get your
work out into the world. Like most
scenarios, the more you can pay, the
more you can play. If you go to: http://
A Publishing Journey
CorePackages/Compare.aspx, you will
by Philip Young, PhD find packages ranging from $999.00 to
$7,999.00 at the time this article was
logical timing sense. My partner and written. Based on my experience, and
my daughters mother had purchased what I would choose to buy if I had to
a publication package from Balboa purchase my own package, I would
Press with the intent to write and get have chosen the Discovery Package
her book published. But her astro- (@ $2,499.00) for the simple reason
logical timing was not aligned and so that it was the first of the packages to
the package was on hold. When she offer the Booksellers Return Program,
realized I was in a positon to write my which makes the purchase and shelv-
book, she gifted me the package, a gift ing of your book risk free for 1 year to
of $7,999.00 a most generous gift. bookstores. This option is important
Once in place, I began writing in because the book is a print-on-demand
earnest in March of 2013 and com- production and not readily distributed
n the middle of December of pleted the final draft for the publisher to outlets as part of the original pur-
2013, I receive a much antic- in October of 2013. Most of the book chase option; I found Barnes and Noble
ipated package from Balboa is a series of tables (over 300 pages) reluctant to shelf the book because it
Press. Inside the bubble wrap envel- with an interpretive formula for every was print-on-demand.
op was my authors copy of my book; energy point I use in my charts (a total Even with the Master Package you
I was officially published. My jour- of 25) beginning with the Sun and end- need to be aware of hidden costs
ney from ideas about an astrology ing with the Part of Fortune. This part that will quickly add thousands of
book to the actual book in my hand of the book was written for beginners dollars to your process. For example,
was fairly long, but once I started and professionals as a desk reference the Editorial Assessment that starts at
writing it took me less than a year for quick interpretation of an energy the Inspire Package level ($3,599.00) is
to finish my draft for publication. point in the sign and house (12X12X25 simply an assessment of 1500 words to
Several ideas for an astrology book interpretations). I also determine the type of editing
percolated for many years, but the provide interpretations
one I decided to write was a begin- Almost all process they will suggest,
for the Cardinal Angles which is a separate fee. The
ners book for the very, very serious at the very end. The first the major editing suggestions range
beginner. 60 pages of the book publishers from line edit of the full text
Once I became a professional astrol- explains my journey into,
oger and decided to do my work full- now have a to, well, nearly ghost writing
use of, and how to learn
time, blending in my guided intuitive astrology at a deep level self publica- for you. I was fortunate to
have experience as an editor
abilities, tarot cards, applied kinesiol- right from the start. I tion branch. and have contacts that do
ogy (muscle testing), and a smidge of expect the reader to professional editing. I was
numerology, I realized the field was come to the book and the subject with able to hire them to help polish my
actually lacking a beginner book that a high degree of interest and intelli- own editorial work for a fraction of the
actually addressed a number of gaps gence. cost that Balboa wanted to charge me
namely the imbalance of masculine/ My journey to publication involves ($500 vs. $2000). I also found out that
feminine energies (even the most a hybrid of pay-to-play and profes- I was allowed 10 image files before
recent books still only use the Sun to sional editing/printing. I worked with being charged for each additional
Pluto and a handful have ventured to Balboa Press, which is a subsidiary of image ($.10 per image). Well, consid-
include Chiron) and a clear path to first Hay House. Throughout the process ering my books is filled with tables
level interpretation that laid out what I learned a great deal that I would that use small icons for each energy
it meant for an energy point to be in a like to share with you in this article. point symbol and sign, I was looking
house AND a sign. Almost all the major publishers now at another several hundreds of dollars
Once I felt I had found a sufficient have a self publication branch. If expense! Fortunately I was allowed to
reason to write the book I was actually you believe in your idea and have the submit a print ready pdf, which meant I
gifted with the opportunity to write funds, you can skip past the tradi- actually did the typesetting and layout
it. And I do mean gifted in the literal tional gatekeeper process (submit a to specifications provided by Balboa.
sense as well as the spiritual, astro- manuscript and hope for publication) Without preexisting skills on my part,
Continued on page 5
V23-03 2014
The Career FALL
Astrologer OPAs Newsletter for Professional Astrology page 5
Astrology Unlocked academic background and I wrote a
book trying to reveal how complex
A Publishing Journey astrology is and how much work it takes
Continued from page 6 to learn it to practice at a professional
level, or even a serious enough amateur Zodiacal
I could have easily bumped up against
$10,000 to $15,000 to get the book to
level to be responsible. My book is a bit
of a marketing conundrum because it is Meal
publication. Granted I had elements purposely written to a narrow audience.
in my book that would not normally With all that said, and caveats Aries: Vegan activisttofurky with
appear in others books (if you write chilly peppers
revealed, I was very pleased with
fiction). Even so, editing Balboas production and han- Taurus: Three meals, no snacks to
does not come cheap, and is Editing does dling of my book and pro- curb weight gain... chocolate and corn
necessary if you want to put flakes, spaghetti with chocolate, and
not come cess. They were professional, chocolate with Nutella
out a professional product. courteous, and helpful. Yes,
After the book was print cheap, and is they did try to upsell me; and Gemini: Nicotine sandwich
ready I found out the real necessary if had my book been some-
Cancer: Mommys Tupperware
limits of marketing, basical- you want to thing different, I might have from the monthly supply in the fridge
ly, the bulk of the marketing put out a chosen some of the options
included in the package was Leo: Red red wine, French cheese,
professional they presented. In the end and a cigar
advice on how to self-pro- they produced a very pro-
mote. To get to a higher product fessional product for me. If Virgo: Three spinach leaves
level of marketing, like radio you believe in your idea, and Libra: The same as what hes having
or predetermined appearances in book- want the credence that comes with pro- with sweet and sour sauce
stores; well, that was another expense, fessional publishing, then you will want
to the tune of $8,000 more dollars. Scorpio: Protein powder, vitamin
to consider the pay-to-play option, just supplements, mixed with five raw
Could it be worth it? Yes, Balboa is a be aware of how much you need to garlic cloves
major publishing house within a much bring to the table to get into the game.
larger publishing house, but I was just Sagittarius: Anything Mexican
NOTE: I do not use the term planet to refer
starting my professional practice in line to the points of the chart; the Sun is a star and Capricorn: Hungarian goulash with
with getting my book published. And, a number of points are special calculations vintage red wine
more problematic, I decided to write like the Part of Fortune; therefore I use the
term energy point to describe the astronomi-
Aquarius: a fascinating sculpted
a beginners book for serious-minded piece of celery, 6 interesting wild rice
readers instead of for dummies. I did cal bodies and the calculated points. It is my grains, flanking a thinly sliced meat
not try to make it simple or claim that
preferred catch-all term. | Contact Phil Young: triangle R
mine is the only astrology book you Pisces: A bite of the rotten tomato
will ever need. I have a professional that happens to be in the fridge
The book is written to accomplish can include the asteroids, nodes, and
Book Review two tasks: providing an accessible intro-
duction to the complexity of professional
angles in these formulas. It seems like
a left-brain approach but one that
By Arlan Wise
astrology for beginners and offering a may be very useful in learning how to
Astrology Unlocked desk reference for other professional synthesize the data you see when you
By Philip F. Young, PhD astrologers. look at a chart. The majority of the
Philip is a good writer; in fact he has book is an extensive cookbook giving
V23-03 2014
The Career FALL
Astrologer OPAs Newsletter for Professional Astrology page 6
well. Houses associated with work and that will cause rejection, we can look at the
career, while important, didnt hold the key. wound differently. It can inspire compassion
Informed by intuition and years of hearing for ourselves and others. Once in the light,
the hurt underneath my clients fear, anger we can see that in actuality, the wounded
and despair, I looked at Chiron. place is exactly what is key to our fulfill-
Since that first look, I include The mentand our purpose. By going into the
Wounded Healer in my career readings for wound, we find the very thing we are here on
clients and us it as the focus of talks and the planet to contribute.
workshops. Over and over I see clients shift How do we know when Chiron might be at
when Chiron is added to the picture. They work in our clients work lives? The following
were able to see not only their inner chal- are some of its telltale characteristics:
lenges, but also their innate gifts and talents. What they do well for others is difficult
Lets look at a client example, a woman to do for themselves
with Chiron in Aquarius in the 5th: Inability to identify how they are unique
This client continually worked in toxic and special
non-profit environments over her career. Her Feeling understood more by people
creativity and innovation were unwelcome who are older than them by about 50
in each workplace, the very things she iden- years, such as grandparents or mentors
tified as giving her energy and satisfaction in Swinging between denial and over-
Key to Our Careers she shared her worry that there was some-
thing wrong with her that was causing this
however there are common ways it has been
pivotal in my work with clients:
by Aubrie De Clerck struggle - something she couldnt fix. Her Identifying gifts: Giving name to the
Chiron placement affirmed that she was here gifts and the comforting idea that they
n the Career Coaching profession, to contribute her ingenuity. She realized are innate within the client already.
few of us talk about the deep pain that she was wired up to give this gift and This paves the way for motivation and
that career and work can cause. had been choosing organizations that only self-acceptance.
There are how-tos and prescriptions on supported the woundedness. She was able Defining healthy work environments:
LinkedIn every day, but not much conver- to conduct a search that focused on under- Encouraging clients to advocate for
sation around the feelings of hopelessness standing the culture of the organization and themselves at work in a balanced way
that conflicts on the job, purposeless tasks, how to find the place that would welcome and guiding clients to structure search-
or layoffs can bring. her fresh perspectives. She landed in a es that support the expression of the
In one-on-one sessions, clients speak more healthy non-profit that was a fit. A year later, gift, rather than furthering the wound.
openly about this pain and it has become she sent me a note saying that leadership Finding empowerment: Helping clients
clear to me that it is a bigger barrier than was changing the organization in ways that understand that the key to change
ageism, gaps in work history or any other might limit her contributions and that she is right in front of them and does
common concern. Underneath their wor- was keeping a close eye on it, ready to move not require outside circumstances to
ries was a universal feeling that there was on if necessary. change in order for them to access it.
something wrong with them, something There are a few things I love about this To deepen your understanding of Chirons
Adam Gainsburg calls a subconscious belief example. influence on the careers of your clients, con-
or pattern of assuming we are permanently 1. It shows how applying Chiron placement sider looking at sign, house and natal aspects
damaged, wounded, broken or unfixable in simply can be powerful to start. It can provide specific information
specific ways necessary to our fulfillment. 2. It illustrates the practical career applica- about a clients gifts, areas that create road-
Work troubles can trigger this pattern in tions of the placement blocks and paths to healing and purposeful
short order. 3. It shows how the client is empowered, expression. Why not look at your own, too? : )
I looked to astrology to help me find a using the knowledge as her career contin- Aubrie De Clerck is a career coach and astrol-
commonality in client charts that would help ues oger, with over 8 years experience in corporate,
explain the pain, change the lens they were How clients orient towards Chiron is non-profit and education environments. Aubrie
seeing through and help them see possibil- important. I think of it as two sides of the was featured in Willamette Weeks 2012 Best
ities. At first, I looked to Saturn, where fear same coin the wound and the gift. Many of Portland as Best Cosmic Career Coach and
and work can overlap. It seemed especially people identify with the wounded side (espe- named of one of the 100 Most Powerful Women
obvious with the material losses and hard cially prominent when Chiron has harder by the Northwest Womens Journal. Aubrie
times people were facing. Yet Saturn place- natal aspects) and stop there, trying to pro- is known for being highly inspirational and
ments, aspects and transits were not indica- tect their vulnerability from the light of day. deeply practical - with an innate capacity for
tive of the pain they were describing. When we can acknowledge, as in the Chiron supporting people in going after what brings
Then I looked for transits of Pluto and/ myth, that we all are born with the notion them joy. Visit Aubries website at
or Uranus and they came up short as that we are separate and imperfect in a way R
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V23-03 2014
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with Jeff Jawer
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I was fortunate and didnt experience much vation (I was curious, my therapist suggested
negative feedback, although there were people it, Ive wanted to get a reading since forever) I
who saw me once and never returned. That got ask them to describe what they would like to
me thinking about how I might better serve my accomplish in our session. This helps me define
client base. the type of service fits best with their questions.
Until 2005 I ran advertising in the Edge, I break my work with people into distinct
Lavender Magazine, The Womens Press and categories: Natal work and Forecasting. For
I wrote Sun Sign columns in a couple of local people who are interested in self-discovery I
New Age newsletters and magazines. This recommend Natal Chart readings. If they are
Column by attracted new customers but doing depth work in therapy or looking for
Moon Zlotnick some of them were interested more intensive self-discovery I offer packages
in talking to their spiritual of three to five sessions on the Natal Chart.
elcome to my ongo- guides, or getting past life Some people will have very specific issues
ing column on the regressions, none of which fall like timing for a job change, how to deal
ins and outs of being within my area of expertise. with problems in a relationship, thinking
a practicing professional Other people would contact about retirement, starting a business, while
astrologer. Ive been reading me and after a conversation some prefer to look at the bigger picture. In
charts and teaching class- I would recognize that they the Forecasting area of my work I offer Yearly
es for 40 years. Through needed legal counsel, long- Forecasts along with Three year and Five year
the years my practice has term therapy, or medical views. By listening carefully I can determine
changed, and Ive gleaned valuable insights advice. As practicing astrologers when we make which type of reading will suit each client, and
about many aspects of improving the prac- referrals to other well-established professionals, how to best prepare for the session.
tical side of being a professional astrologer. this can benefit our work. People feel that we There will always be people who dont know
I cant wait to share my thoughts with you are trustworthy, and, if they have a good expe- why they are coming, or what they hope to
and Im happy to answer your questions. rience that will reflect back on us. Ive found accomplish even after our conversation and
Today, I want to write about a few ideas great value in keeping a file of other astrologers looking at my website. In that case I always
relating to building your practice, but first, with specific areas of expertise, along with start with a Natal Chart and delineating the
let me tell you a bit about myself. In college professionals in the self-help and healing fields, basics of their horoscope.
I became friends with a woman who was an and giving out their cards or phone numbers. At the start of each session I always ask the
astrologer. As I listened to her talk about charts I begin each new client relationship, whether client to review what they hope to achieve
I felt compelled to learn more. I went to the by phone or email, with a prompt reply and during our time together. I write down what
public library where I found the A-Z Horoscope then a conversation about what the person they say, using their language, and during the
Delineator and began teaching myself astrolo- hopes to accomplish during our time together. consultation refer to their list. I incorporate
gy. Four years later, after formally training with I try to return calls and emails within two days, what the planetary aspects are telling me, while
Zipporah Dobyns, I started charging to read and set up an appointment time within two staying close to the clients goals for session.
horoscopes. to three weeks of the call. People can become At the end, I check with them to see if any they
Currently I rent a sunny one room office in a very anxious about their first meeting with an have any new questions and to make sure I cov-
quiet building about one mile from my home astrologer so getting back to them in a timely ered everything.
in St. Paul, Minnesota. Theres a shared waiting fashion shows your concern and professional- After the session I give them a two-week
room with chairs and magazines and I hold ism. When I travel both my voicemail and email period to contact me by email with one or
classes in the conference room down the hall. is set two quick questions for no extra charge. There
Ive always had an office because I need the to notify people that Im away and inform are times that we cant address all the issues
separation between work and family. It adds them of the date I return. Beginning a new a client brings to the session, or the email
about $500 a month to my overhead, but for client relationship also includes showing up questions are too involved. Ive learned that
me, the quiet space devoted to work makes it for the appointment on time, keeping the con- recommending a follow-up session, at a slightly
worthwhile. I also like that the building is full sulting space clean and fresh, and making sure reduced fee, is a good way to resolve this.
of lawyers and psychotherapists; it gives me a there are no interruptions during the session. I Using the resources of other professionals,
sense of being part of a larger service-oriented make a digital recording of each session, which screening clients to make sure you are a good
community. I then email to the client within the next 24 fit, staying focused on what they came to
There is no one right way to build an astro- hours. This gives them a way to review what discuss and follow-up are just a few ways you
logical practice. Some of us was said. can build goodwill with your already existing
work strictly by personal referral; others are Once youve determined that an astrology clients.
more public and attract customers through reading will benefit the person, I recommend I hope this gives you some new ideas for
websites, Facebook accounts and lectures. you start your interview or find a convenient enhancing your practice, and please feel free to
When I first started doing readings in 1975, I time to speak. Each interview is a bit different, let me know if you have any questions or sub-
would read for anyone, because I needed the but I begin by asking two things: What moti- jects youd like me discuss. You can reach me
money and I didnt realize that I could say no to vated them to reach out to an astrologer, and at R
someone or make a referral. For the most part how did they find me? Once I know their moti-
V23-03 2014
The Career FALL
Astrologer OPAs Newsletter for Professional Astrology page 10
Astro Economics, Inc.
Grace K. Morris, MA
$95 Hardcopy
$80 PDF copy
V23-03 2014
The Career FALL
Astrologer OPAs Newsletter for Professional Astrology page 11
Transits moon. New seeds of thought are trying to be
activated, but may still need incubation to move
from traditional thought into a new, perhaps
will not work. However, given that Pluto in
Capricorn and Saturn in Scorpio are in mutual
reception, there is an opportunity to create
of the Season even visionary, beginnings. The August Mars/
Saturn (17 Scorpio) conjunction may still have
new talking points in the negotiations based on
innovative visions. The only action needed is to
September 22/23, 2014 Libra Equinox active vibrations suggesting humanity has embrace responsibility. Vision without commit-
to December 20, 2014 more work to do dealing with unconscious, ment and work creates nothing, personally or
unclaimed energies around the issue of aggres- internationally.
By Jacqueline Janes
sion or anger. Perhaps the Virgo Moon/Venus conjunction
Mars then moves into an exact square (5 in the Equinox chart will give a softer analysis
THEMES OF THE SEASON Sagittarius/Pisces) with transiting Neptune a to those pesky details that keep individuals and
Pluto in Capricorn, Stationary Direct day before the Equinox (September 22 ) From countries from taking opportunities to think
Sept. 23 (10 Capricorn) another perspective we are now challenged to outside the box, beyond rooted thought and
Equinox, Sun Zero Libra be careful to think through our actions. Illusion
Sept. 23 (0 Libra) and idealization forcefully pushed forward as
Jupiter in Leo trine Uranus in Aries truth can abound with great hope and
Sept.25 (15 Aries/Leo) sense of freedom, but may have no long
Mercury in Scorpio Stationary Retrograde term substance to make something
Oct. 4 (2 Scorpio) solid happen.
Mercury in Libra Stationary Direct Jupiter in Leo turns retrograde
Oct. 25 (16 Libra) later in the season, December
Neptune in Pisces Stationary Direct 8 (22Leo) adding a similar cau-
Nov. 16 (4 Pisces) tionary note about not expand-
Saturn in Scorpio semi-square Pluto in Capricorn ing just on faith or principle
Nov. 27 (27 Scorpio / 12 Capricorn) without careful consideration.
Saturn in Scorpio sesquiquadrate Uranus in Aries Dont let the drama lead the
Dec. 3 (27 Scorpio / 12 Aries) decisions.
Jupiter in Leo Stationary Retrograde As I write this article a new
Dec. 8 (22 Leo) truce has been brokered by Egypt
Uranus in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn between Palestine and Israel.
Dec. 15 (12 Aries/Capricorn) Looking at the chart for the Equinox
energies in Jerusalem, a city claimed by
he themes of the season, wheth- both countries as their capital, the Mars/
er Autumn or Spring Season Neptune Square spans from the third to the
given the hemisphere, begin sixth house, from the realms of conversation
with the Sun at 0 degrees Libra occur- or disputes to changing habit patterns. A chal- habit
ring on September 23, 2014, 2:31 lenge indeed! Mercury in the Equinox chart has patterns. The Moon/Venus conjunction is in a
GMT, time based on the Greenwich no aspects to other planetary energies, only a wide conjunction with the Sun (semi-square
meridian, time zone 0. Ive chosen to wide conjunction to the N. Node. Mercury is Jupiter) in close sextile to Saturn. Here lies an
use this format for time and space in in the second house can signify resources, land opportunity promised by the sextile to create a
all the planetary calculations as OPA is and monetary, and the skills needed for any detailed plan for peace. One can only hope that
an international organization. Using endeavor. Unfortunately, the prospects do not a diplomatic architect will be found to bring
this format will allow us to think of seem positive for fruitful dialog. reason and heart to the negotiation table of any
the themes of this period from a world Additionally the Equinox energies for difficult situation.
perspective, not focused on one time Moscow have a similar theme suggesting simi- Mercury is retrograde this season going
zone. Adjustments in time can be lar communication dilemmas with negotiations retrograde on October 4, 2014 at 17:04 GMT, 2
made for individual time zones as will around the Ukraine. Scorpio 17.0, and direct on October 25 at 19.20
be done in specific chart examples. The closest aspect in the Equinox chart is GMT, 16 Libra 49.2. Mercury barely begins
At the Libra Equinox, one of the four Cardinal Uranus in Aries trine Jupiter in Leo. Hope for its journey, diving into the realms of deeper
pillars, we are invited to consider what harmony, innovative change and progress is an active thought and perhaps even the darker waters of
integration, unity for the world or our individual desire during this season, but will not come unconscious, when it moves back into the sign
lives would look like. What really is the nature easily with Saturn in Scorpio squaring Jupiter of Libra. Profound contemplation of the issues
of peace and calm? Can energies, even diver- on one end and Pluto in Capricorn still squaring surfacing in our lives, brought into equilibrium
gent energies, be brought into some sort of Uranus on the other. While some progress in with the other parts of our consciousness is pos-
equilibrium that will allow us to function on the both arenas may occur, it will be like three steps sible, even for negotiations between countries.
highest conscious level? forward, one step back. Change for its own Of course, in trying to balance all the different
The Equinox Sun in Libra and Moon in sake without deep transformation within the voices the result can be that nothing happens.
Virgo are in a Balsamic Phase, the dark of the very skeleton of whatever needs to be reformed Neptune travels between 4 Pisces 4 8.3, the
Continued on page 13
V23-03 2014
The Career FALL
Astrologer OPAs Newsletter for Professional Astrology page 12
Transits of the Season Tumultuous energies resulting in severe Book Review
Continued from page 12 weather, earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, Continued from page 6
economic extremes, government upheavals
stationary direct point on November 16, 2014
and dysfunction have been evident beginning rules Taurus and Libra. (Philip has
at 7:09 GMT, and 5 32, its Equinox position.
in 2008 and certainly intensified since 2012. I Vulcan and Vesta rule Taurus, while
For anyone with planetary energies at 4 or 5
image at this time Lord Saturn in Scorpio asking Zeus and Pallas rule Libra). Mercury
degrees mutable or 18 or 19 degrees cardi-
humanity, Have my planetary peers, Uranus loses his rulership of Virgo, which
nal give careful attention to what is inferior or
superfluous to your life journey that is subtly and Pluto, brought enough chaos into your he gives to Chiron. He delineates
being symbolically or literally washed and world? Has the time come when I can begin Chiron, the four well-known aster-
cleansed. In the alchemy of transformation this to formulate plans for world wide solutions to oids, and many others, such as
process is Dissolution. It has been said that the some of the Earths problems to be manifested Vulcan, Urania, Hygeia, Zeus, Eris,
process of Dissolution works on our Heart to while trav- and Astrea and gives them ruler-
release emotions that conceal or distort our true ships over signs. I would have liked
nature. Neptune in Pisces is a strong force in to see the mainstream rulerships
this process. included. Philip does give a list of
Pay attention. Saturn moved into the books to read to flesh out the begin-
Sign of Scorpio October 5, 2012 at 20:39 ning students knowledge.
GMT. Now Saturn is moving into the This is a good book but it is not a
last degrees of the Sign between primer for beginners. It is for those
now and December 23. (Also, Saturn who already have a good foun-
will journey back to 28 and 29 dation in the basics and want to
degrees between June 16, 2015 and expand their thinking about astrol-
September 18, 2015.) The work of ogy. It gives the advanced student
Saturn in Scorpio is coming to an end. some mental candy to chew on and
Have we dived deep enough into the expand his or her thinking.
muck of our unconscious to bring into Thank you Philip, for writing such
the light that which needs separated so an interesting book. R
that enlightenment is possible. Alchemical
Separation goes hand in hand with Neptunes
Dissolution process, but works on the Mind
as well as the Heart breaking down habits,
assumptions, attitudes, prejudices, hardened
feelings and emotional blockages. Certainly for
in the Sign of Sagittarius?
In summary, the themes of the season are Special
the United States the events in Ferguson, MO
have once again brought to the surface many
a continuation of active rumblings for change
and transformation. It has been said that from
Discounts for
unaddressed issues in this country around race,
gun control, police power, economic and educa-
chaos comes opportunities. Certainly the Libran
Equinox Chart and the planetary energies
OPA members
tional imbalance.
In the last degrees of Scorpio Saturn makes
forming in this season suggest both possibil- At Kepler
ities - more change and more opportunities
a semi-square to Pluto and a sesquiquadrate
to Uranus on December 15, 2014 when Uranus
- from many perspectives. The focus is staying College
balanced while we are in process, the Libran
and Pluto come into an exact square at 6:17
intention. Nothing firm is ready to form until we
GMT. (See Chart) This is the sixth time the two
planets of transformation and change have
clearly acknowledge and bring to consciousness
the issues.
10% discount
made an exact square. Saturn in its final degrees on any workshop
* Note that discussion of the Eclipses during this sea-
will activate also previous Uranus and Pluto from $250
son (Lunar Eclipse in Aries/Libra on October 8 at 10:52
exact square degrees at 13 and 14 cardinal
degrees. Saturn is a trigger in the transforma-
GMT and Solar Eclipse in Scorpio on October 23 at 21:58
GMT) will be done by other OPA astrologers.
5% discount
tive process. If change has not happened, fur- on any workshop
ther separation will occur. In our personal lives below $250
Jacqueline Janes, MA, LPC is a Certified Counseling
all we have to do is look at where these two
Astrologer, NCGR IV, is recognized by ISAR as a Certified
energies reside by transit to get a hint of what
Astrological Professional. Additionally she is a licensed
needs revamped. Visit for details
professional counselor in Connecticut. Jacqueline has
Also note that Uranus and Pluto are pass-
combined astrological consultation with psychother-
ing through the middle degrees of Aries and
apy. She has lectured about and taught astrological
Capricorn respectively. This does intensify the
concepts for all levels and led workshops in spiritual
process humanity is experiencing from these
development. R
two transformational planetary energies.
V23-03 2014
The Career FALL
Astrologer OPAs Newsletter for Professional Astrology page 13
V23-03 2014
The Career FALL
Astrologer OPAs Newsletter for Professional Astrology page 14
Neptune Pluto
to the public as Harry Houdini started
practising magic and risking his life from
the year 1891. His work was about escap-
ing (Neptune) death (Pluto) and brought
gimmicks (Gemini)
to the public
Backdrop to all other Planetary Cycles attention.
We saw
by Wendy Stacy the
he largest cycle in our solar sys- ulative and mallea-
tem is that of the two outermost ble. Neptune does not
planets, Neptune and Pluto. bring interest in what
The last time these planets came into rationality is, or what
conjunction was in 1891 and 1892 at tomorrow may bring,
8 and 7 degrees of Gemini. This con- but rather shows
junction marks the start of the current how we can see or
cycle and set the scene for the follow- experience things in a
ing 492 years. different way. Pluto on
Cycles do not operate in isolation and the other hand brings
when considering mundane cycles, such our attention to what inven-
as the current Uranus Pluto square, we is real, dangerous, sordid tion
are reminded that we need to consid- and what needs purging of film
er the wider context in which they are destroying in order for renewal (where fan-
played out. Neptune and Pluto and their to spring forth. Pluto penetrates, is tasy and reality
cycle will provide the backdrop to which compulsive, ruthless and seeks to get to became combined)
all the others will unfold. the heart and depth of any matter. Both and true to Neptune and Plutos pene-
With conjunctions of the outer planets planets can be overwhelming, supersti- trative and boundary-breaking charac-
we try to understand what happened or tious, dark and frightening they trigger teristics we observed the invention of
may happen by exploring the combina- the deep-rooted ills in the collective x-rays and the discovery of radioactivity.
tion of these planets characteristics com- unconscious. Neptune wants to hold on Literature such as Sherlock Holmes (mys-
ing together and what this could mean but Pluto demands to let go. Positively, tery crime stories) became popular and it
for the social, political and economic together they can both be healing but is interesting to note that Agatha Christie
landscape. We analyse the point of con- indicate a time where illusions can who was one of the most famous crime
junction as the seed point, the end of become real and where reality becomes mystery writers was born with Neptune
something and the beginning of some- indefinable. and Pluto conjunct in her tenth house. In
thing else. In this case, the characteristics The 1890s period is often referred the healing industry, organisations such
of the planets Neptune and Pluto will tell to as the naughty nineties, or the gay as the Lister Institute of Preventative
us what we can expect, what will develop nineties, where sexual morality was con- Medicine were formed (1891), which was
and what will become important to us. sidered lax. It was named the mauve the first medical research organisation to
Charles Harvey quotes Barbault, Doolard, decade due to the colour being used become a charity (Neptune) and a leader
Jayne and Rudhyar, who have pointed so frequently in fashion and was also in laboratory aspects of preventative
out the importance of this cycle in terms considered the end of the gilded age, a medicine.
of major epochs of civilisation. Both term coined by Mark Twain who referred The Neptune-Pluto conjunction saw
planets have to do with the deep uncon- to the period later as glittering on the a short but severe economic depres-
scious/superconscious of the collective, surface but corrupt underneath, a very sion. This was called The Panic of
to an opening up to higher, transcendent apt Neptune-Pluto description. Neptune 1893. Neptune and Pluto together can
collective ideas and ideals. Harvey and and Pluto are both associated with areas bring paranoia, Neptune representing
Rudhyar considered the Neptune-Pluto of psychology and here we saw the heightened imagination and Pluto fear.
conjunction to be the accelerated move development of the study of psychology, However, after the short-lived panic, this
towards a global culture. psychopathology and psychiatry. Pluto period saw the introduction of a magni-
With Neptune comes an element is about death and Neptune associated fied form of capitalism never seen before.
of mysticism, an imaginative period. with escape and during this period Emile Although stock markets had existed for
Neptune is about alternative reality and Durkheim embarked on one of the great- several centuries beforehand, this peri-
fanasy, and has a tendency to romanti- est pieces of social research ever con- od saw the inflation of markets and the
cise and inflate. Neptune rules things we ducted, which was on the subject of sui- beginnings of an inflated cash society,
cannot touch; it is elusive, subtle, manip- cide. Magic (with an edge) was brought the birth of giant multinational conglom-
Continued on page 16
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The Career FALL
Astrologer OPAs Newsletter for Professional Astrology page 15
The Neptune-Pluto ing dread and tragedy.
Conjunction: Munchs inspiration
Continued from page 15 for the painting is
described in his diary,
erates, such as Coca Cola and GE and which states;
the booming industries of coal and oil to
serve the major developing economies Nice 22.01.1892, One
of railroads and automobiles. Neptune evening I was walking
rules gases and liquids in all forms, Pluto along a path, the city was
is about digging, excavating and drilling on one side and the fjord
under the ground or under the sea - the below. I felt tired and
economic need for such resources during ill. I stopped and looked
the conjunction stretched so far that oil out over the fjordthe
became a major industry. sun was setting, and the
One man born of this era was Adolph clouds turning blood
Hitler, who was born with the conjunc- red. I sensed a scream
tion unaspected. Here Hitlers influence passing through nature;
(along with others) saw the manipulation it seemed to me that I
of the masses, the toxic (Neptune) pen- heard the scream. I paint-
etration (Pluto) into the psyche of a col- ed this picture, painted
lective that resulted in the rise of Nazism. the clouds as actual
Mussolini was born much earlier than the blood. The color shrieked.
Neptune-Pluto conjunction but did have This became The Scream.
Saturn at 7 Gemini and his Moon at 9
Gemini, both triggered by the conjunc- Peter Aspden recently
tion which occurred at 7 and 8 degrees. wrote in the Financial
Neptune and Pluto could be said to rep- Times that the painting;
resent fascism Neptune wants to con- is one of the most
nect, bring people together, and Pluto disturbing images to
is tyrannical and here we see two men come out of the history
who lead the way through much of the of modern art. It depicts
early twentieth century in trying to cre- a moment of psychic [Neptune] calam- that is communicated (or not) which is
ate an idealistic totalitarian unified state ity [Pluto], of shattered nerves [Gemini]. not often or easily depicted in a painting.
and attempted to achieve this by erad- Munch intended, when he first created the In 1895, when Neptune and Pluto were
icating what they thought was societal image in 1893, to record the modern life of only 3 separated from conjunction, H. G.
decay through mass murder. Neptune- the soul; and what a fraught, anxiety-rid- Wells released the science fiction novel
Pluto also reminds us of this historically den vision it was . The Time Machine, inviting the reader
significant mass murder - which was pre- The Neptune-Pluto characteristics will to think about mobility (Gemini) and
dominately organised as death (Pluto) by give us the flavour of what is to follow, where space and time can shift around
gas (Neptune). what will be marked in history. However, (Neptune). This piece of literature was
A painting from this era depicts the we often forget how the cycle will made into two movies and inspired sci-
Neptune-Pluto conjunction well is by ence fiction programmes such as Dr Who
unfold. What will dominate from this
Edvard Munch, and the original title in cycle, what will be permeated into the (a very Neptune-Pluto in Gemini name).
German is Der Schrei der Natur (The collective, and in hindsight what might Another interesting piece of literature
Scream of Nature), now commonly this particular era be known for? The to come from this period is The Picture
known as The Scream, which was com- actual sign in which the conjunction of Dorian Gray, written by Oscar Wilde
pleted in 1893. In 2012 it became the occurs can answer these questions. The in 1891. This is a story of a man trying to
most expensive painting ever to be sold Neptune-Pluto conjunction in 1891 and maintain his youth (Gemini) by trading
at auction. 1892 occurred in the sign of Gemini. In (Gemini) his soul (Neptune) to the devil
Munch painted four versions of The the relatively short space of time, even (Pluto). Here the duality of the personali-
Scream and each was a variation of before the first square between these ty is highlighted by a young Dorian who
the original. The painting is set in Oslo, planets has occurred (the first will occur is curious (Gemini), commits horrific acts
Norway, and is a depiction of human 2061-65 between Gemini and Pisces) we (Pluto), and has a hidden self locked in a
terror. Neptune is associated with nature, have witnessed or lived through unprec- painting in the attic (Neptune-Pluto). He
loss, fatigue and despair; Pluto with edented major historical developments finally learns that his only redemption
death and horror. Both Neptune and in all things Gemini. Note that The (Neptune) is to kill the ugly part of him-
Pluto are associated with overwhelm- Scream is a representation of something self, the aged and the scarred self (Pluto),
only to find that the dual sides of himself
Continued on page 17
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Astrologer OPAs Newsletter for Professional Astrology page 16
The Neptune-Pluto Pluto but it is the study of the mind and of these. Neptune and Pluto have both in
our mental functions basically, how we recent years made an ingress into Pisces
Conjunction: think and how our mind operates, which and Capricorn, and a sextile has not
Continued from page 16
is fundamentally Gemini. occurred in the first decans of these signs
commits horrific acts (Pluto), and has a Gemini is about communications, for over 3,000 years. Harvey describes
hidden self locked in a painting in the information, media, data collection, these sextiles as marking a period when
attic (Neptune-Pluto). He finally learns neighbourhoods, export-import and real ideas and ideals can be increasingly
that his only redemption (Neptune) is to education. Communications such as set to work in the world . It is an exciting
kill the ugly part of himself, the aged and the invention of the telephone and the period watching the recent ingresses
the scarred self (Pluto), only to find that setting up of the telephone companies of outer planets into new signs and the
the dual sides of himself are not split but in the 1890s spearheaded the way for major aspects that are about to occur.
actually both a part of the same soul communications to expand across the One wonders how they might be played
and ultimately through death will merge globe (note that Alexander Graham Bell out how they will mark history and in
as one. had his Ascendant and MC ruler, Jupiter, what context to the larger backdrop of
Industries ruled by Gemini provide at 8 of Gemini, the same degree as the the cycle of Neptune and Pluto.
one of the means through which the Neptune-Pluto conjunction).
Neptune-Pluto is lived out, and since the In the 120 years since the conjunction Wendy Stacy
conjunction in 1891 and 1892 we have our interaction with each other through was born in
watched areas attributed to this sign electronic means and social networking the southern-
flourish. Developments in transportation, is growing exponentially. These forms most city of
with the expansion of the railroads and of communication has redefined the New Zealand,
the automobile industry, both which are boundaries of communities as so many Invercargill.
associated with Gemini, have paved the form and grow each day on the internet. Of both
way for an unprecedented way of life for We are living through an information Maori and
humanity. Gemini is about being mobile age, all of which can be attributed to English
and short distance travel is now a way of the greatest outer planetary cycle of descent .
life. Advancements in roads and public Neptune and Pluto which were last con- She
transport have changed our way of life junct in the sign of Gemini. The traits began her
around the globe. The aeroplane indus- associated with this sign will describe studies with the Christchurch School of
try has now transformed mobility and the areas of how deep cultural changes Astrological Studies in 1987
travel time to such an extent that flying take place. One of the biggest concerns In 1998 Wendy studied with the Faculty
around the world is often considered by we face with such an information age is of Astrological Studies for two years and
many as a commute. Recently a global that we need to learn how to filter the then transferred schools and graduated
society, we will soon be a part of several junk from the relevant, valid and valuable from the London School of Astrology,
global communities (Gemini). information, something that Gemini is where she has been teaching since 2003.
Our economy operates through trad- not always equipped to do. Wendy writes a regular feature for students
ing in the stock markets dependent on The conjunction of Neptune and Pluto in the Astrological Journal. Other articles
the speed of transactions, our payment in Gemini occurred in 1891 and 1892, have been published in the UK, the US and
systems are continuously developing yet the cycle has only started to unfold. have been translated for European publi-
through faster means, from cash, to cards What is relevant to us right now is to also cations. She lectures globally on psycho-
and now digital. Our business is sealed observe other major cycles, particularly logical, mundane, research and financial
through contracts, which can also be Uranus and Pluto, and how they make astrology.
attributed to Gemini. Companies such their own journey against the backdrop In June 2007 she became the principal of
as Coca Cola is a drink that is bubbly of this larger cycle. Uranus and Pluto The Mayo School of Astrology, a prestigious
(Gemini) and the name of the brand even made their last conjunction in Virgo in UK based online and correspondence/
represents the duality here. The devel- the 1965 and 1966 so we live in very distant learning astrology school (founded
opment of film is shown to us through Mercurial times! Neptune and Pluto in 1973 by Jeff Mayo) which has graduates
broadcasting, stories through books. make a series of sextiles for 94 years and students from around the globe. R
Psychology and psychiatry is Neptune- (1941-2035) and we are still in the middle
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