Lecture 10

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Lecture 10

NPTEL Course

Prof. G L Sivakumar Babu
Department of Civil Engineering
Indian Institute of Science
Bangalore 560012
Email: gls@civil.iisc.ernet.in
Preloading and vertical drains

When highly compressible, normally consolidated

clayey soil layers lie at limited/large depths, large
consolidation settlements are expected as the result of
the loads from large buildings, highway embankments,
or earth dams etc. Pre-compression and provision of
vertical drains in soft soil may be used to minimize post-
construction settlement.
This approach has resulted in a number of
techniques involving
Pre-compression or Pre-loading
Sand drains
Pre-fabricated Vertical Drains
Vacuum consolidation
High Vacuum Densification Method (HVDM)
Embankment on Clay Foundation
Effect of Surcharge Treatment

Without Surcharge



Time Time for Equivalent Time for Total

Settlement With Settlement Without
Surcharge Remove Surcharge
Surcharge at This Time
The principle of pre-compression is explained in figure
1 shown below
The proposed structural load per unit area is (p)
and the thickness of the clay layer undergoing
consolidation is Hc. The maximum primary
consolidation settlement caused by the structural
load is then

Eq (1)
The settlement-time relationship under the structural
load is shown in figure 1(b). However, if a surcharge
of (p) + (f) is placed on the ground, the primary
consolidation settlement will be

Eq (2)
Sequence of steps in Precompression:
The total settlement of Sc(p) will occur at time t2,
which is much shorter than t1.
Hence, if a temporary total surcharge of (p) + (f)
is applied on the ground surface for time t2, the
settlement will be equal to Sc(p) .
At that time, if the surcharge is removed and a
structure with a permanent load per unit area (p) is
built and no appreciable settlement will occur.

Note: The total surcharge (p) + (f) can be applied

by means of temporary fills.
Derivation of equations for obtaining (f) and t2:
From the figure 1(b), under a surcharge of (p) + (f )
the degree of consolidation at time t2 after the
application of load is


By substituting Eq(1) and Eq(2) in Eq(3) we get

Figure gives magnitudes of U for varies combinations of
(p) / o and (f) / (p ) . Figure 2


0.1 0.5 1 2 5 10



20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

U (%)
The degree of consolidation from Eq(4) is actually
the average degree of consolidation at time t2 as
shown in figure 1(b).
But due to the removal of surcharge and placement
of structural load, the portion of clay close to the
drainage surface will continue to swell, and the soil
close to the midplane will continue to settle.
A conservative approach may solve this problem
i.e., assume that U in Eq(4) is the midplane degree of
U = f (Tv)
where U = midplane degree of consolidation
Tv = time factor = Cvt2/H2
Cv = coefficient of consolidation
t2 = time
H = maximum drainage path

The variation of U and Tv is given in figure 3.

Figure 3
During construction of a highway bridge, the average
permanent load on the clay layer is expected to
increase by about 115 kN/m3. The average effective
overburden pressure at the middle of the clay layer is
210 kN/m3. Here, Hc = 10m,Cc = 0.81, eo = 2.7 and
Cv = 1.08m2/month. The clay is normally consolidated.
a.The total primary consolidation settlement of the
bridge without precompression.
b.The surcharge, (f), needed to eliminate the entire
primary consolidation settlement in nine months by

Part a
The total primary consolidation settlement may be
calculated from Eq(1):

= 0.4152m = 415.2mm
Part b
We have,

Cv = 1.08 m2/month.
H = 6m (two way drainage)
t2 = 9 months.

According to Figure 3, for Tv = 0.27, the value of U

is 40%.
we have,
(p) = 115 kN/m2
and o = 210kN/m2


According to Figure 2, for U=40% and (p)/o =0.548,

(f)/(p) =2.5; (f) = (2.5)(115) =287.5kN/m2

Assuming a bulk density of 20 kN/m3 for fill material and a

height of 5m gives a pre-load of 100 kN/m2. The required
surcharge is higher than pre-load and hence
consolidation by sand drains/PVDs is required.
Prefabricated Vertical Drains
Equivalent Drain Radius of Band-
shaped Vertical Drain
The radius of sand drains, or their derivatives such as
sand wicks or plastic tube drains, can easily be determined
from the size of the mandrel, which is usually circular in
cross section.
For prefabricated drains, however, the situation different.
The band shape of prefabricated drains, the flow pattern
around the drain is considerably altered from the cylindrical
case. Therefore, an equivalent drain radius ought to be
Typical dimensions of strip drain

Type Core Filter Dimension

Kjellmann Paper Paper 100*3


Geodrain PE Cellulose 95*2

Colbond Polyester polypropyle 100*6


Equivalent diameter =

Where B= width of the strip, t = thickness

Pre-load enables consolidation of soil in vertical direction
only and hence sand drains in addition to pre-loading are
used to accelerate the consolidation of soils. This results
in reduction of lesser pre-load. It facilitates radial
consolidation in addition to vertical consolidation,
significantly increasing the consolidation rates.
Sand drains were used since 1930s and pre-fabricated
vertical drains in the form of card board wicks were used
initially. Now pre-fabricated vertical drains are being used.
In addition, vacuum consolidation along with pre-loading
and PVDs is done to increase the efficiency of the whole
To increase degree of consolidation using sand
drains/PVDs, average degree of consolidation due to
drainage in (Uv,r)

Uv,r = 1-(1-Ur)(1-Uv) Eq (1)

where Ur = average degree of consolidation with radial

drainage only
Uv = average degree of consolidation with vertical
drainage only
Average degree of consolidation due to radial
drainage only

Eq (2)


Eq (3)

in which
Eq (4)
Eq (5)

kh =hydraulic conductivity of clay in the horizontal

direction in the unsmeared zone
kr = horizontal hydraulic conductivity in the smeared
Tr = non-dimensional time factor for radial drainage

Eq (6)
Cvr = coefficient of consolidation for radial drainage

Eq (7)

For a no-smear case, rs = rw and kh = kr , so S=1

and Eq (3) becomes

Eq (8)
Drain Design

Vertical drains and preloading are very effective and

economical ground modification techniques for accelerating
primary consolidation and compensating some secondary
compression of soft compressible soils.
The design of vertical consolidation using wick drains is
based on theory developed by S. Hanbo in 1979, which is
used to calculate the spacing of the wick drains based on the
horizontal coefficient of consolidation (Ch) of the subsoil.
The drains are normally installed in a triangular or square
The rate of soil consolidation or settlement is controlled by
how rapidly the pore water can escape from the soil
The controlling variables are the spacing between the wick
drains and the permeability of the soil.
The amount of consolidation is independent of whether
wick drains are present and is determined by the soil
compressibility and the weight of the fill above the wicks.
By developing a set of design curves of drain spacing, fill
height, and consolidation time, the most economical drain
spacing and height of fill can be selected to achieve a given
degree of consolidation in a specified time period.
Advantages of PVDs over sand drains
The installation rate of PVDs is typically 5,000 linear
meters per day, which results in a significantly lower
project cost.
There is no risk of PVDs breaking installation, while
sand drains may have discontinuities if the mandril is
withdrawn too fast.
There is no risk of shear failure of PVDs during
settlement, while sand drains are vulnerable to shear
failure during settlement.
PVDs have discharge capacities, typically 30 X 10-6 to
90 X 10-6 m3/s, while a 0.35 m diameter sand drain has
a discharge capacity of 20 X 10-6 m3/s (Van Santvoort
When installed with a properly designed mandril,
smear effects are much less for PVDs than for large
diameter sand drains. The zone of smear is directly
proportional to the diameter of mandril used for
PVDs are factory produced materials and are quality
controlled, whereas sand drains are subject to the
quality variance of naturally occuring sands.
Prefabricated Vertical Drains
The prefabricated band drains are used for accelerating
the consolidation of marine deposits or soft soils.
In general, prefabricated band drains consist of a central
core, whose function is primarily to act as a free drainage
channel, and a non-woven filter jacket, which prevents the
soil surrounding the drain from entering the central core
but allows water to flow in.
Band drain is commonly used because of its easy
prefabrication, easy quality control, economy and small
disturbance to the surrounding soil during installation.
Vertical Drain Spacing
Vertical drains are generally installed
in either triangular or square patterns.
The consolidation problem is
simplified to an axisymmetric one in
most vertical drain consolidation
theories, in which a drain well is
enclosed by a cylinder of soil.
An equivalent radius of the soil
cylinder based on the same total area
for different installation patterns is used
in the analysis.
Layout of square grid pattern
Trial Embankments
These are useful to determine the feasibility of
preloading and vertical drains in the field and
avoids uncertainties in sampling, field properties
and installations.
It needs to reproduce stress and field conditions that
are representation of actual structure.
It should be part of final structure.
It needs to be instrumented using piezometers,
settlement gauges, levelling points etc.
Instrumentation of Vertical Drains


Settlement Platform
Drainage Blanket
Permanent Fill

Soft Clay

Firm Soil

Piezometers Not to Scale

Vertical Drain Installation
Position Rig at Drain Location
Place Anchor on Drain End
Penetrate Mandrel to Desired Depth
Withdraw Mandrel
Cut Drain Material Above Drainage Blanket
The advantages of vertical drains are threefold:
Enable the load to be applied more rapidly,
thus better use of construction plant
In case of embankments, steeper slopes and
provision of berms can be avoided
Lower amount of fill required
Increased rate of consolidation
Consequent savings in construction cost
Reduction in time required for primary settlement.
Structure or embankments can put into commission
and use far earlier
Reduction in cost of maintenance
Many soft clay strata contain thin band, or parting,
of sand or silt
Excess horizontal spread of pore pressure along
these partings take place
Vertical drains installed can relieve these excess
pore pressure
Application of PVDs
Airport Runways
Golf Courses
Dredge Consolidation
Mine Tailings Consolidation
Tailing Ponds
Swampland/Wetland Development
Building Foundations
Retaining Walls
Parking Lots
Installation of vertical drains
Drains shall be installed with approved modern equipment
of a type which will cause a minimum of disturbance of the
subsoil during the installation operation
The first step in the installation is to prepare a working
surface for the installation rig. This working surface must be
level and have enough bearing capacity so that the
installation rig can operate
Typically this working surface is also part of the gravel
drainage layer. After the site is stripped a geogrid is often
placed for support and then the drainage/working layer

Once the working layer is in place the installation unit

starts work. Layfield's new bottom-mount hydraulic wick
drain rig is mounted on an excavator. It presses a steel
mandrel into the ground up to 120 ft deep. The PVDs are
placed in a pattern as specified by the project engineer
Typically it is a triangular pattern 2 m (6 ft) on center. In
some cases there will be a cap of hard soil on top of the
soft subsoil. In these cases pre-drilling may be required. A
suitable drill will operate ahead of the PVD installation rig
to prepare holes through the hard upper layer
Once the wick drains (PVDs) are placed a drainage layer
is placed on top to preventing PVDs. This drainage layer is
typically a free draining gravel or a drainage geosynthetic

The drainage layer needs to be sloped so that the

water will flow away from the foundation. The slope
needs to take into account any planned settlement so
that water flow is maintained throughout the
consolidation phase of the project.


Driving A mandrel with or
Vibration without a disposal
DISPLACEMNT Pull Down(static shoe is used in
METHODS Force) each case
Combinations Of
Rotary drill, with or A mandrel with or
without a casing without a disposal
Rotary anger, shoe is used in
including each case.
DRILLING continuous
METHODS standard and
hollow fight augers
and auger)
methods, with or
without casing
Hand auger


Rotary wash jet Methods in which
Washed open sand is washed in
WASHING ended case via the jet pipe are
METHODS Weighted wash jet not suitable for
head on flexible prefabricated
hose drains
Vertical Drain
Installation of drains on a barge
Case Study For Ground Improvement Using
PVD With Preloading For Coal & Iron Ore
Project Details
Development of New Port at
Gangavaram at 15 km south of
Visakhapatnam Port , AP
Development of Port Facilities
included development of backup
facility for coal and iron ore
storage and stacking and handling
The Proposed Heights were
Coal Stacks : 12.00 m
Iron Stacks : 10.00 m
Sub-soil stratification Natural Moisture 12 - 81 %
Specific Gravity
Ascertain Bulk Density
Design Gravel 00 %
Geotechnical Parameters
Investigation Sand 2 31 %
8 Nos
Boreholes Silt + Clay 7 63 %

Liquid Limit 21 102 %

Plastic Limit 15 47 %
Dredged Sand: 0.20~0.30 0.627
m thick Initial Void Ratio, e0
Marine Clay with Shells: 0.38
1.00~3.00 m thick Compression Index, Cc
Stratification 0.92
Soft Marine Clay:
7.00~15.00 m thick Coefficient of 0.72 m/y
Below 12- 18m N values Consolidation, Cv 1.95 r
increased to a tune of 30 0.19 kg/c
Cohesion, Ccu
1.05 m
Angle of Friction, cu 18 29 Deg
The available SBC was 3 T/m Shear Strength from 0.095 kg/c
which was very less than VST 0.991 m
required Ground
Improvement Required
Ground Improvement Scheme

Depth of 10.00 m to 18.00 m

PVD below OGL

Spacing of 1.00 m c/c below

PVD stacker reclaimers
(Triangular 1.50 m c/c in other
) area
For 1.00 m spacing:
Consolidati 65 days
on Period For 1.50 m spacing:
174 days
of Sand 300 mm

Horizontal Geotextile pipes filled

Drainage by boulders / gravels;
System PVD laid horizontally

Hydraulic Stitchers
Post treatment Assessment &
Post Treatment Assessment

Casagrande : 5 Vibrating Wire :
Nos 14 Nos

Settlement Recorders
Plate Type: 13
Magnetic: 7 Nos

Readings every 4 days when loading started.

Later at every 7 days

IN 5 IN 7 IN 1
Preload As Per Design

Section 5 CP4(9m) VWP1(9m) IN 2

IN 4 MS6 MS1
VWP4(6m) VWP6(9m) VWP9(6m) VWP2(6m)
IN 10 MS3 PS5 PS8 PS1
CP5 (6m) VWP13(6m) VWP12(9m)
MS7 VWP14 (9m) IN 3 VWP7(6m)
PS12 PS11 PS6
PS13 CP2(9m) C'

6m 6m
Soft Clay
9m 9m MS4 PS9 MS2
VWP VWP5(6m) VWP10(6m) VWP3(6m)

CP3(6m) VWP11(9m) CP1(9m)

PS7 PS10 PS2
Hard / Stiff Strata MS5

C IN 6 IN 8
Section 4 Section 3 Section 2 Section 1
Analysis of Data U max Ut
Excess Pore Pressure %U x100
Ut Ui
Settlement %U x100

Asaoka Method - PS2

800 Hyperbolic
Asaoka Method 700 Method
Settlement at 400 Graph of Time
equal time 300 / settlement
interval t Vs Settlement
Settlements (Si)

Graph in the
Points (Si, Si-1) 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
are plotted Settlements (Si-1) form of
Hyperbolic Method - PS 2


Interception of 0.90 Inverse of

this line with line 0.80
slope of
having slope = 1 0.60 Hyperbola
Settlement Settlement
Time /Settlements

S100 0.10 S100
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Time (Days)
Analysis of Data Pore Pressure

1.40 1.30
1.30 1.20
1.20 1.10
0.50 0.50

0.40 0.40
0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 0 25 50 75 100125 150175 200225 250275 300
VP 2 VP 11 VP 10 VP 9 VP 8 VP 5
CP 1 CP 2 CP 3 CP 4
Piezomet Ui Umax Ut %U
CP 1 0.543 0.884 0.665 64.22
CP 3 0.579 0.981 0.688 72.89
CP 4 0.843 1.035 0.889 76.04
VP 2 0.597 1.062 0.753 66.45
CP 2 0.807 1.189 1.039 39.27
VP 5 0.534 0.918 0.793 32.55
VP 8 0.621 0.961 0.835 37.06
VP 10 0.567 1.004 0.833 39.13
VP 11 0.920 1.226 1.070 50.98
VP 9 0.610 1.222 0.894 53.59
Analysis of Data
0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300


Settlement (mm)




No of Days
Settlement PS1 PS2 PS4 PS6 PS9 PS10

Settlement Observed
Asaoka Method Hyperbolic Method
Marker Settlement
S100 %U S100 %U
PS 1 532 460 115.65 833 63.87
PS 2 385 380 101.32 556 69.24
PS 4 261 335 77.91 500 52.20
PS 10 390 450 86.67 732 53.28
PS 6 239 260 91.92 735 32.52
PS 9 289 340 85.00 667 43.33
Plate Settlement Recorders are more reliable than the
Magnetic Settlement Recorders for marine clays.
With the application of the load the pore pressure
increased and dropped down slowly with time. The pore
pressure variation indicated about 55 - 60 % dissipation
i.e. degree of consolidation.
Hyperbolic Method is more comparable with the Pore
Pressure Dissipation Results. Further the results
obtained with theoretical slope of hyperbola as 1.00 are
more closer to the predicted by pore water pressure
The consolidation settlements worked out theoretically
from laboratory test results were much higher than that
predicted by Asaoka and Hyperbolic Method
Vacuum consolidation was first proposed in the early 1950s
by Kjellman (1952), the developer of the prefabricated
vertical wick drain. In the 1960s, isolated studies of
vacuum induced or assisted consolidation continued for the
next two decades (Holtz 1975). However, except for
specialized applications like landslide stabilization, vacuum
consolidation was not seriously investigated as an
alternative to conventional surcharging until recently due to
the low cost of placing and removing surcharge fills and the
difficulties involved in applying and maintaining the vacuum.
The steadily increasing direct and indirect costs of placing
and removing surcharge fill and the advent of technology
for sealing landfills with impervious membranes for landfill
gas extraction systems have now made vacuum-
consolidation an economically viable method as a
replacement for or supplement to surcharge fill.
Vacuum Consolidation is an effective means for
accelerating the improvement of saturated soft soils.
The soil site is covered with an airtight membrane and a
vacuum is created underneath it by using a dual Venturi
and vacuum pump.
The technology can provide an equivalent pre-loading of
about 4.5 m high as compared with a conventional
surcharging fill.
Instead of increasing the effective stress in the soil mass
by increasing the total stress as in conventional
mechanical surcharging, vacuum-assisted consolidation
preloads the soil by reducing the pore pressure while
maintaining a constant total stress.

The effectiveness can be increased when applied with

combination of a surcharge fill. Field experience indicates
a substantial cost and time savings by this technology
compared to conventional surcharging.
Figure1: Menard Vacuum Consolidation
The current main application of vacuum assisted consolidation
Replacement of standard pre-loading techniques, eliminating
the risk of pre-loading induced foundation failures.
Combining VCP with water pre-loading in scare fill areas. The
method has been used to build large development projects on
thick compressible soil.
Combining VCP with surcharge pre-loading to increase
foundation stability and thereby optimize pre-loading stage
sequence and reduce project time.
Field trials conducted over the past two decades in China
(Choa, 1989), France (Cognon, 1991; Cognon et al.,
1996), USA (Jacob et al., 1996; TETC, 1990), Japan
(Shinsha et al., 1991), Bangkok (Woo et.al., 1989),
Sweden (Tortenssen, 1984; Holm, 1996) and elsewhere
have verified the effectiveness of vacuum-assisted
consolidation in conjunction with vertical drains for site
Cost estimates based on these projects indicate a
significant potential for cost savings over conventional
surcharge fill pre-loading for an equivalent surcharge of
4.5m height.
Equipment and Construction Process
The Vacuum Consolidation construction process involves
(Cognon et al, 1996):
1. Placing a free drainage sand blanket (60 80 cm thickness)
above the saturated ground in order to provide for a working
2. Installation of vertical drains, generally of 5 cm in equivalent
diameter, as well as relief wells from the sand blanket.
3. Installation of closely spaced horizontal drains at the base of
the sand blanket using a special laser technique to maintain
them horizontal.
4. The horizontal drains in the longitudinal and transverse
directions are linked through connections.
Equipment and Construction Process
The Vacuum Consolidation construction process involves
5. Excavation of trenches around the perimeter of the
preload area to a depth of about 50 cm below the
groundwater level and filled with an impervious Bentonite
Polyacrolyte slurry for subsequent sealing of the
impermeable membrane along the perimeter.
6. The transverse connectors are linked to the edge of the
peripheral trench. They are then connected to a
prefabricated module designed to withstand future pressure
due to the vacuum.
7. Installation of the impermeable membrane on the ground
surface and sealing it along the peripheral trenches. The
membrane is delivered to the site folded and rolled in
elements of approximately 1000m2.
Equipment and Construction Process
The Vacuum Consolidation construction process involves
(Cognon et al, 1996)
The membrane elements are welded together and laid in the
peripheral trench where they are sealed with the Bentonite
Polyacrolyte slurry. The trenches are backfilled and filled with
water to improve the tight sealing between the membrane and
the Bentonite Aquakeep slurry.
8. Vacuum pumps are connected to the prefabricated discharge
module extending from the trenches. The vacuum station
consists of specifically designed high-efficiency vacuum pumps
acting solely on the gas phase in conjunction with conventional
vacuum pumps allowing liquid and gas suction.
The process combines dewatering and vacuum action to
maintain the water table at the base of the granular platform
during the entire application of the consolidation process.
Eventually an additional drainage system is installed at a
required depth to allow for a conventional de-watering
under the membrane. Indeed, the fill will maintain a non-
submerged action even when it has settled below the
original ground water level. Therefore, with this technology,
unlike the case of a surcharge preloading, the load intensity
will not decrease during the vacuum application. The
discharge drains are manufactured by extrusion of
cylindrical and perforated PVC .Use of a suitable filter cloth
with proper filtering properties to cover the perforated PVC
avoids infiltration of sand and fines during vacuum
application. The discharge drains are brought to the surface
at every 150 meters spacing where they are connected by
transverse drains to the vacuum station
Conceptual Design
Vacuum-assisted consolidation provides an effective
alternative to surcharging for pre-loading soils. Instead of
increasing the effective stress in the soil mass by
increasing the total stress, using a conventional
mechanical surcharging, vacuum-assisted consolidation
preloads the soil by reducing the pore pressure while
maintaining a constant total stress.
Figure 3 shows a typical pore pressure at the end of
vacuum consolidation measured in China (Choa, 1989)
during vacuum consolidation. The Tianjin Harbor site
consisted of about 4m thick hydraulic fill (thinly laminated
silty clay/clayey silt) underlain by 15 m of silty clay, 3m of
clayey loam, and another 3m of sandy loam, respectively.
The site overlies a fine sand deposit. The groundwater level
was very close to the ground surface at this site. Vertical
band drains (100mm*4mm) were installed at a spacing of
1.3 m up to a depth of about 20-m into the clayey loam
above the sandy loam.
Figure 3 portrays two profiles of initial hydrostatic pressures
and final pore pressures measured during vacuum
consolidation after 110 days and 180 days of vacuum
application at the site. The straight lines indicate theoretical
pore pressures under various vacuum pressures.
Figure 3: Initial and final pore pressure data during Vacuum Pre-
loading: Tianjin Harbor (Choa, 1989)
An atmospheric pressure corresponds to about 100 kPa. For
a site where the water level is at the ground surface,
cavitation of water at negative 1 atmosphere (gage pressure)
theoretically limits on-land vacuum- consolidation to an
effective surcharge pressure of about 100 kPa, equivalent to
approximately 6 m of surcharge.
Practical problems in maintaining the efficiency of a vacuum
system may reduce its effectiveness in the field. A system with
an efficiency of 75 percent results in only 4.5 m of equivalent
surcharge height.
For the case presented in Figure 3, about 70 to 80 per cent
efficiency is evident near the ground surface. At large depths,
however, the efficiency was only about 50 percent or less.
Vacuum consolidation in underwater site conditions (off-shore
land reclamation) can yield much higher equivalent preloads.
In essence, geotechnical design analyses used to
evaluate wick drain spacing, and strength gain for
preload fills are equally applicable to the engineering
design of vacuum consolidation system. There are
many technical and operational factors, which play
important roles in vacuum consolidation.
Primary considerations governing the effectiveness and
economics of a selected VCP scheme include:
(1) integrity of the membrane at the ground surface
(2) seal between the edges of the membrane and the
(3) soil stratification including permeable and seams within
the clay deposit, and
(4) depth to groundwater.
Breaks in the membrane, a poor seal between the
membrane and the ground, and wick drains extending into
layers of high hydraulic conductivity all tend to reduce
vacuum efficiency, reducing equivalent surcharge height
and increasing pumping yields and pumping costs. The
success of a vacuum consolidation system depends upon a
combination of technical know-how and careful
implementation of design details.
Case History
The advantages of vacuum assisted consolidation is well
demonstrated by the pilot testing conducted in Ambes,
France, for the construction of a highway embankment on a
very compressible saturated clayey soil (Cognon et al,
As shown in Figure 4a, the soil profile at this site indicates
the presence of about 1.7 m thick peat layer with a moisture
content ranging from 400% to 900 % underlain by about 2.0
m thick highly organic, compressible clay layer with moisture
content ranging from 140% to 210%.
Case History
The project plan called for the construction of a highway
embankment, 2.15 m high, across the site in order to
protect the highway from floods. Alternative solutions,
including soil replacement, raft foundation supported by
piles and conventional surcharge pre-loading were
considered and rejected for economic reasons.
For example, due to stability concerns, the conventional
pre-loading system required very gently sloping
embankment with a base width of 65 m, which was
economically prohibitive.
Case History
As vacuum consolidation has not been previously applied
under such soil and moisture conditions, a pilot field-
testing program was implemented. The combined
application of surcharge (1.3 m) and vacuum provided an
equivalent pre-load of about 150 kPa after only two
months of vacuum application, where as under
conventional surcharge, slope failure would have occurred
at this site under a pre-loading stress of 35 kPa.
Case History
Figure 4 b depicts the monitored settlement record during
the consolidation process. It indicates that the recorded
settlement with vacuum consolidation is approximately
equivalent to that induced by a 4.5m high surcharge
embankment. Analysis of the settlement records indicated
that at the end of the consolidation process the settlement
of the peat layer reached about 80% of the reference
settlement that would have been induced by a 4.5 m high
surcharge embankment, while the settlement of the
underlying highly organic clay reached about 50% of that
reference settlement.
Case History
At the end of the vacuum application the ground surface
rebounded by about 3 cm during 48-hour period and
then stabilized. During the vacuum application the
groundwater level rose by about 40 cm up to the level of
the horizontal drains while the upper part of the granular
fill remained dry.
Following the pilot testing the vacuum consolidation was
selected as the best available solution for the
consolidation of about 17,550 m2 along this highway
construction site.
Figure 4: (a) Typical Soil Profile at Ambes Site, France, and (b) Measured
Settlement vs. Time Record during Vacuum Consolidation (Cognon et al.
Case History
The A837 Highway in the western part of France, crosses
three (3) swamps. The site is divided into three parts each
distant of 15 km. The first two swamp crossings are 500
meters long (1640') and the third one 70 meters (230') long.
The thickness of the highly compressible material reaches
12 meters
(40'). The final embankment height varies between 4 and 9
meters (13' - 30') above grade.
An initial study of the potential settlement had indicated that
approximately 2 meters (6') were to be expected for a 4
meter (13') embankment height over a period of more than
fifty years. Thus, preloading became necessary to
accelerate the consolidation and to reduce the post-
construction settlement to a manageable magnitude.
Case History
In view of the project size and the highly developed
agriculture tenure surrounding the proposed embankment,
the transportation of additional fill for surcharge from a long
distance (50 miles) became economically prohibitive.
The Vacuum Consolidation Process was thus selected as
the only viable alternative to Conventional Surcharge.
Figure 5 shows the settlement recorded during
construction, first due to the vertical drains only, and then
the substantial increase as vacuum is applied. V.C.P. has
permitted the construction of up to a 6-meter (20') high
embankment within a 3-month period. Total settlement
during this period was 1.7 meters (5.5') and the residual
deformation anticipated for the next thirty years is
estimated at 10 cm (4") only.
Figure 5: A837 Saintes Rochefort Highway, France, Measured Settlement
(Cognon, 1991)
Technology Assessment
The efficiency of this technology has been demonstrated
under different site conditions where it has successfully
provided cost effective solutions to substantially accelerate
the consolidation process while leading to significant
savings in project costs.
Unlike the case of a conventional surcharge, VCP does not
raise any stability concerns, while resolving the
environmental problems associated with the conventional
method of surcharge preloading.
The vacuum consolidation technique is often combined with
surcharge preloading either by placing an additional
backfilling surcharge or by using water placed at the top of
the impervious membrane.
Technology Assessment
The major practical advantage of the vacuum
consolidation is that it generates in the granular layer an
apparent cohesion due to the increase of the effective
stress and the granular layer provides a useful working
platform to accelerate the surcharge backfilling process.
Experience indicates that within days after vacuum pump
is turned on, construction vehicles can maneuver on the
top of the membrane.

Vacuum consolidation is an effective means for improvement

of highly compressible soft soils. In essence, vacuum
consolidation can yield an effective equivalent preload of
about 4 to 5 m of conventional surcharge fill.
A combination of conventional surcharge with vacuum
application can yield much higher equivalent preload.
Experience from US and China, and the case histories from
France indicate that this technology can be applied cost
effectively under various challenging site conditions.
In certain difficult site conditions where the stability under
the conventional surcharge is of concern, VCP allows to
cost-effectively accelerate the consolidation process as
compared to conventional stage loading.

In Europe, the engineering use of vacuum consolidation is

currently rapidly expanding and it is of interest to note that
this technology has been used to cost effectively replace
conventional surcharge preloading for the development of
about 57,000 m2 of industrial on land applications at the
Channel Euro Tunnel Terminal.
On-land applications are most suitable for soft soil sites
with shallow ground water level.
Presence of stratified soils can render vacuum
consolidation ineffective unless deeper vertical cut-off-
systems are installed. Recent field trials also indicate that
on-land vacuum consolidation combined with dewatering
can be an effective solution to further accelerate the
consolidation process.
Experience from on-land field applications of this technology
indicates a high potential for use of vacuum technology for
improvement of existing hydraulic fills, strengthening weak
sediments in the sea floor adjacent to or beneath waterfront
retaining facilities, and consolidation of fine-grained hydraulic
fills during construction. As indicated by Thevanayagam et al.
(1996) in the new land reclamation works the benefits of
vacuum consolidation can be realized by inclusion of
prefabricated horizontal drains and selective placement of
dredge materials.
Underwater applications or on-land applications with
dewatering (Figure 6) appear to be most beneficial in such
cases. Lack of performance data on prefabricated drains as
well as of field trials directly applicable for such cases
appears to limit its potential uses for further major land
reclamation projects at present time.


Haussmann M R (1990) Engineering principles

of ground modification

SFE Mumbai

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