Poetry Lesson Plan

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The key takeaways are that students will learn about writing poetry through self-reflection and using descriptive language. They will create an 'I am' poem to express themselves.

The purpose of the lesson is for students to expand their understanding of themselves and learn how to use descriptive language and word choice in poetry to convey deeper meaning. Students will also learn about the unique form of poetry.

The student learning objectives are that students will be able to clearly write about their feelings, construct a poem based on self-reflection, apply writing skills to create descriptive details, generate ideas through self-reflection, and evaluate their work using a rubric.

First Name Last Name Email Date

Corey Gushikuma coreygus@hawaii.edu 11/28/2016

Semester Year Grade Level/Subject Lesson Duration

Fall 2016 3rd grade 50 min


I am Poem

Central Focus (Enduring Understandings)

A description of the important understandings(s) and concept(s)

How does poetry differ from other forms of writing?

In this lesson the students will expand their understanding of oneself and be given the opportunity to reflect.
They will also have a better understanding of how to use descriptive language and word choice in poetry to
create a deeper meaning. In addition they will learn that poetry has a unique form and can give you the ability to
create an image of yourself or the person that you have in mind

Content Standard(s)
The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) or Hawaii Content & Performance Standards III (HCPS III) that
align with the central focus and address essential understandings, concepts, and skills

By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and poetry, at the high end of
the grades 2-3 text complexity band independently and proficiently.

Student Learning Objectives

Outcomes to be achieved by the students by the end of the lesson or by the end of the multi-lesson learning

The student will

Demonstrate the ability to clearly write about their feelings.
Construct a poem based upon their own self reflection.
Apply their writing skills to create descriptive details.
Generate ideas through a few minutes of self reflection.
Evaluate their work using the teachers example as a grading rubric.

The procedures to gather evidence of students learning of learning objective(s) to include formative (informal)
assessments applied throughout the lesson and a summative assessment (formal) of what students learned by
the end of the lesson (include any assessment tools)

The teacher will

Observe and take notes.
Provide comments and suggestions.
Check for understanding and word choice.
Check for grammar and structure.
The student will
Reflect and share.
Reread their poems.
Present their poems.
Participate in class discussion

Poetry Writing Rubric: 3rd grade I am poem

Novice Proficient Advanced

Word Choice No attempt at using Poem contains some Student uses many
descriptive details advanced strong descriptive
and falling off topic descriptive detail, words in their poem,
but at times may be to capture the true
lacking strength. emotions of the

Language Students writing The student has a There are no

displays several few minor errors in spelling or grammar
errors and also their writing errors in the students
confuses the reader regarding spelling writing.
at times, making and grammar.
poem difficult to

Students Prior Academic Knowledge and Assets

The students content knowledge, skills, prior academic experiences, and personal/cultural/community assets to
draw upon to support learning

In this lesson students will self reflect and think about the all the ways that they can best describe themselves.

Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks

A description of what the teacher will do and say and what the students will do during the lesson that 1) uses
clear steps that convey the use of multiple strategies, supports, and resources and 2) list opportunities offered for
multiple modes of participation

Minutes Procedure
5 Intro:
Explain Today we will be learning how to create an I am poem. An I am poem is a poem
that is about you. Its about what you wish, want, like, feel, and basically who you are
Explain Poetry is just an easier way to tell a story, like music

15 \Class Poem
Explain The great part about poetry is that not all poems have to rhyme, for example our I
am poem does not rhyme
Explain First before we start our poem, we need to understand the structure of a poem.
Most poems have stanzas, which are basically paragraphs in a poem.
Explain They also require, as we all know; nouns, verbs, nouns and adjectives
Say Do you all see how that works?.
Students say Yes
Instruct Okay now that we understand how to create a poem, we are going to start with
writing one together
Teacher writes poem with class
Teacher uses himself as an example
Say Do you all see how this works now?
Students say yes
Some students say no
Well go over each each line together as a class

20 Poem creating process

Explain Now you are going to start writing your own poem, but we are going to do it as a
Say First lets take a look at the first couple lines of our poem
Explain Now what I want you to do is close your eyes
Say Think about what defines you; are you a basketball player, an animal lover or a horse
Instruct you have 2 minutes to reflect
Say Now open your eyes and and start to write the first few sentences, you have one
minute, do this now
Instruct Now close your eyes again, and this time I want you to imagine what you feel,
touch, worry, and pretend. You have 2 minutes to reflect
Say Now open your eyes and and write your sentences, you have one minute, do this now
Explain Now close your eyes again, and this time I want you to think about something you
understand, a place you dream of going to, something you try to do and hope. You have 2
minutes to reflect.
Say Now open your eyes and and write your sentences, you have one minute, do this now

10 Wrap-up
Explain If you get done early, ask yourself
Did I read it to myself?
Did I check for spelling and grammar errors?
Do I have good word choices?
Do I read it to another person?
Explain I will collect your poems

Adaptations to instructional strategies, the learning environment, content, and/or assessments to meet the needs
of students who require further support (e.g., ELL/MLL, struggling, accelerated, 50/IEP, etc.)

Accelerated Students:
The teacher will ask these students to add more descriptive details to their poem, asking them Now how can you
improve this poem
Struggling Students:
The teacher will modify their requirements and accept simpler descriptive words from these students. In addition
the teacher will give specific feedback in the process of creating their poem, and use the strategy of redirection.

Instructional Resources and Materials

Books, texts, and other materials needed for the lesson

Prior knowledge
I am poem lay out
Filler paper

Lesson Plan Reflection (if lesson is carried out)

An analysis of what worked, what could be changed, and the next steps for teaching
What changes would you make to your instructionfor the whole class and/or for students who needed greater
support or challengeto better support student learning?
o Why do you think these changes would improve student learning? Support your explanation with evidence of
student learning AND principles from theory, recommended practices, and/or research.
Based on your reflection and your analysis of student learning, describe the next steps for instruction to support
students learning.

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