Warta IHP Vol 29 No 2-2012 - Abstract
Warta IHP Vol 29 No 2-2012 - Abstract
Warta IHP Vol 29 No 2-2012 - Abstract
2, Desember 2012
Ulasan Ilmiah/Review
Indeks Judul .. .. 64
Indeks Penulis .. 65
Warta IHP/Journal of Agro-Based Industry
Vol. 29 No. 2, Desember 2012, pp 1 10
ABSTRACT: Bamboo vinegar, a brownish-red transparent liquid with a smoky flavor, is obtained from
smoke condensation in carbonization (pyrolisis) process of bamboo. Its liquid compose of 80~90% water
and a mixture of more than 200 organic ingredients, such as acetic acid, phenol and aldehide. In general,
the compounds is functioned as antimicrobial, antioxidant, give smoky colour and flavor in smoke products.
This research is aimed (1) to study the process of bamboo vinegar; (2) to study the purification process of
bamboo vinegar and its characteristics; and (3) to study antibacterial potency of purified bamboo vinegar
from andong and ampel bamboo.
The result indicated that purification process of bamboo vinegar by distillation method could reduce content
of its hazardous compounds, especially tar and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH). The content of BaP
and BaA range from undetectable until 10 ppb and tar range from 0.1 % - 0.4 %. The antibacterial activity
resulted especially against Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas. The result showed that antibacterial
activity of vinegar from andong and ampel bamboo start from 5 % for Staphylococcus aureus. Meanwhile
the other bacteria, Escherichia coli, Salmonella dan Pseudomonas were more effective at higher
concentration. The result showed that antibacterial activity was influenced by acid and fenol content.
Higher acid and fenol content would tend higher antibacterial activity. More over, antibacterial activity
might also influenced by sinergism of acid and fenol in vinegar.
The research can be concluded that bamboo vinegar could be purified by destilation. which can reduce tar
dan PAH content and also can increase acid and fenol content which have an antibacterial activity role.
Vinegar which was pirolized at 200C 400C, was tend to have higher antibacterial activity.
Keywords: bamboo vinegar, antibacterial, andong bamboo, ampel bamboo, pathogenic and spoilage bacteria
Warta IHP/Journal of Agro-Based Industry
Vol. 29 No. 2, Desember 2012, pp 23 - 33
Study of Oligosacharide content from various sweet potatoes and application as functional drink
Irma Susanti, Eddy Sapto Hartanto, dan Ning Ima Arie Wardayanie
The Study of The Nano-Carotenoid Preparation from Consentrates of Crude Palm Oil
Tita Aviana, H. G. Pohan, Dhiah Nuraini, Tiurlan F.Hutajulu dan Mirna Isyanti
Ulasan Ilmiah/Review
Agus Sudibyo
ABSTRAK : Ketertelusuran adalah kemampuan dari suatu sistem untuk menelusuri produk
dan riwayatnya melalui seluruh atau bagian dari rantai produksi, mulai dari saat pemanenan
hingga pengangkutan, penyimpanan, pengolahan, distribusi dan penjualannya. Permintaan
terhadap ketertelusuran pada produk pangan dan hasil pertanian dalam 10 tahun terakhir ini
cenderung meningkat secara signifikan seiring dengan meningkatnya kasus yang
berhubungan dengan keamanan pangan dan penyakit langka (seperti penyakit kuku dan
mulut, penyakit sapi gila, kontaminasi mikrobiologi pada produk segar, senyawa dioksin pada
produk peternakan) serta meningkatnya perhatian dampak pangan hasil rekayasa genetika
(GMO) pada rantai pangan manusia dan lingkungan. Implementasi sistem ketertelusuran
mempunyai aspek-aspek penting yang berhubungan dengan keamanan pangan, mutu dan
labeling produk pangan. Cepatnya perkembangan pada teknologi informasi telah
menyebabkan kemungkinan untuk menerapkan sistem ketertelusuran dalam industri pangan.
Bagi produsen pangan skala kecil, pengembangan sistem secara kelompok dan sertifikasinya
memudahkan dalam mengatasi kendala yang dihadapi pada penerapan sistem ketertelusuran,
dengan penguatan kapasitas dalam pemilihan jenis teknologi tepat guna untuk ketertelusuran.
Dalam tulisan ini akan dibahas mengenai konsep dan definisi ketertelusuran, keuntungan
sistem ketertelusuran bagi industri pangan, pemerintah dan konsumen, implementasi sistem
ketertelusuran pada produk pangan dan produk hasil pertanian, serta kendala dan peluang
penerapan sistem ketertelusuran.
ABSTRACT : Traceability is ability of a system to track a product batch and its history
through the whole, or part, of production chain from harvest through transport, storage,
processing, distribution and sales. The demand for traceability in food and agro-food
products has significantly expanded in the last few years with increasing incidence of food-
related safety hazards and scares (such as tooth-and mouth disease, mad cow disease,
microbiological contamination of fresh produce, dioxin in poultry) and increasing concern
over the impacts of genetically modified organisms (GMO) on human food chain and
environment. Implementing traceability system has important aspects that relate to food
safety, quality and product labeling. Rapid advances in information technology have made it
is possible to implement traceability systems within the food industry. For small-scale
producers, group system development and certification may ease some of the constraints in
implementing traceability system, along with capacity strengthening in selecting appropriate
technologies for traceability. This review will explore the traceability concepts and
definitions, benefits of traceability for food industry, government, and consumers, the
implementing of traceability on the food and agro-food chain products, and the constraints
and opportunities in implementing of traceability systems.
Keywords : traceability, system, food industry, agro-food products.