DSP Syllabus

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B. E.

Sixth Semester

(Electronics / Electronics & Communication/ Electronics & Telecommunication Engg)


Duration: 3 Hrs.
College Assessment: 20 Marks
University Assessment: 80 Marks

Subject Code: BEENE602T/ BEECE602T/ BEETE602T [4 0 1 5]

1. To study the basic concepts of digital signal processing.

2. To study analysis and processing of signals for different kind of applications and retrieval of
information from signals.

3. To understand the physical significance of circular convolution and its relation with linear convolution.

4. To study designing of digital filters and its realization.

5. To study analysis of signals using the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) and Z-Transform.

6. To study behavior of discrete time systems using Z-Transform.

By the end of the course the students shall be able to:
1. Represent discrete-time signals analytically and visualize them in the time domain.

2. Meet the requirement of theoretical and practical aspects of DSP with regard to sampling and

3. Design and implement digital filter for various applications.

4. Describe the various transforms for analysis of signals and systems.

5. Describe the concept of multi rate signal processing and how to apply it for the wavelet transform.

Unit I: Introduction (08)

Basic elements of DSP and its requirement, Advantages of Digital over analog signal processing,
sampling theorem, sampling process and reconstruction of sampling data.

Discrete time signals & systems: Discrete time signals & systems, classification of discrete time signals
and systems, LTI systems, linear convolution, Cross Correlation, Autocorrelation.

Unit II: Z- Transforms (08)

The Z-transform: Definition, properties of the region of convergence for the Z-transform, Z-transform
properties, Inverse Z-transform, Parsevals teorem, unilateral Z-transform.
Unit III: Discrete and Fast Fourier Transforms (12)

Definition and properties of DFT, IDFT, Relation between DFT and ZTransform, Radix- 2 FFT
algorithms, Linear filtering methods based on DFT, circular convolution, Frequency analysis of discrete time
signals using DFT, Gortzel algorithm.

Unit IV: IIR Filter Design & Realization (12)

Filter design methods Approximation of derivatives, Impulse invariance, bilinear transformation,

characteristics & designing of Butterworth, Chebyshev filters, frequency transformations, IIR filter structures-
Direct form I-II, transpose form, parallel form, cascade, Lattice and Lattice-ladder structures.

Unit V: FIR Filter Design & Realization (12)

Symmetric and antisymmetric FIR filters, Linear phase FIR filter, design of FIR filters using windows
(Rectangular, Bartlett, Hanning, Hamming & Blakman), frequency sampling method, FIR differentiators, FIR
filter structures.

Unit VI: Multirate DSP (08)

Introduction, Decimation by factor D, Interpolation by factor I, Sampling rate conversion by rational

factor I/D, Sub band coding of speech signals and its applications, introduction to wavelet & wavelet transform,
Introduction to DSP architecture TMS 320.

Text Books:
1. J.G. Proakis, D.G. Manolakis Digital Signal Processing: Principles, algoritms and applications, Pearson

2. A.V. Oppeneim, R.W. Scafer, Discrete Time Signal Processing, Pearson Education.

3. Rabiner Gold Teor and Application of DSP, PHI

4. Texas Instruments and Analog Devices DSP Chip Manuals.

Reference books:
1. Digital signal processing- A practical approach Second Edition, 2002.E. C. Ifeachar, B. W. Jarvis Pearson

2. Sanjit K. Mitra , Digital Signal Processing A Computer based approac

3. S. salivaanan, A Vallavaraj, C. Gnanapria , Digital Signal Processing, 2nd Edition McGraw Hill.

4. A. Nagoor Kani, Digital Signal Processing, 2nd Edition McGraw Hill.

5. P. Rames Babu, Digital Signal Processing Scitec

B. E. Sixth Semester

(Electronics / Electronics & Communication/ Electronics & Telecommunication Engg)


Duration: 2 Hrs.
College Assessment: 25 Marks
University Assessment: 25 Marks

Subject Code: BEENE602P/ BEECE602P/ BEETE602P [0 2 0 2]

1. To understand principle & working of digital signal processing for various applications.
2. To understand Z transforms and discrete time Fourier transforms for the analysis of digital signals and
3. To design and implement FIR & IIR filter and analysis of their frequency response.

At the end of the course the students shall be able to:
1. Analyze and process the signals in the discrete domain.
2. Design the filters to suit requirements of specific applications.
3. Apply the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools like MATLAB and digital processors.
Any TEN practicals are to be conducted

1. To plot and represent following basic discrete time signals using MATLAB functions. :
Unit impulse, unit step, ramp, real and complex exponential and its representations

2. To plot linear convolution of discrete signals using MATLAB functions.

3. Write a program to compute cross-correlation and auto-correlation of the given sequences with
corresponding plot.

4. Write a program to test stability of given discrete- time system.

5. To find Z transform of discrete time signal and its ROC with corresponding plot.

6. To find inverse Z transform of given discrete time signal.

7. Write a program to find frequency response of given system.

8. To compute DFT and IDFT of discrete time signals.

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