CpE646 9v3 PDF
CpE646 9v3 PDF
CpE646 9v3 PDF
In chapter
p 3,, the underlying
y g pprobabilityy densities were
known (or given)
The training sample was used to estimate the parameters of
these probability
b bilit densities
d iti (ML, (ML MAP estimations)
ti ti )
In this chapter, we only know the proper forms for the
disc iminant functions, tthee training
ta g samples
sa p es will
w be used to
estimate the parameters of the discriminant function.
We focus on linear discriminant functions, which are either
linear in
i the
h components off x, or linear
li in
i some functions
f i
of x.
They may not be optimal, but they are very simple to use
Linear Discriminant Functions and
Decisions Surfaces
g( ) also provides
p an algebraic
g measure of the distance
from x to the hyperplane
x = xp +
where xp is the normal projection of x onto H, and r is
the distance between x and H. H
since g ( x p ) = wt x p + 0 = 0 and wt w = w
g ( x) = w x + 0 = w x p +
t t
+ 0 = r || w ||,
g ( x)
or r =
Linear Discriminant Functions and
Decisions Surfaces
Linear Discriminant Functions and
Decisions Surfaces
The multi-category
g y case
We define c linear discriminant functions
gi ( x) = wit x + wi 0 i = 11,..., c
p a qquadratic decision functions for a 2-
dimensional feature space
g ( x) = w0 + w1 x12 + w2 x1 x2 + w3 x22 + w4 x1 + w5 x2
where w = ( w0 , w1 , w2 ,..., w5 )T
and x = ((1,, x12 , x1 x2 , x22 , x1 , x2 )T
Generalized Linear Discriminant Functions
g ( x) = 2 x12 + x32 + x2 x3 + 4 x1 2 x2 + 1
2 0 0 x1 4
g ( x) = [ x1 x2 x3 ] 0 0 0 x2 + [ x1 x2 x3 ] 2 + 1
0 1 1 x3 0
1 w0
x w
let y = 1 and a = 1
# #
d wd
we have g ( x) = a t y
Generalized Linear Discriminant Functions
p let the qquadratic discriminant function be
the original x-pace is 1-dimensional, and the 3-
dimensional vector y is given by
y=[1, x, x2]t
V i x in i 1-D
1 D will
ill cause y to
t trace
t outt a curve in
Generalized Linear Discriminant Functions
Generalized Linear Discriminant Functions
Disconnected regions
g mayy become connected in high g
If x is from p(x), the density in y-space, p ( y ) , will
b ddegenerate,
be t being
b i zero everywhere h exceptt on the th
curve, where it is infinite. This is common problem
when d > d, or mapping from a lower dimensional
space to a higher dimensional space.
Generalized Linear Discriminant Functions
Generalized Linear Discriminant Functions
In a 2-category
g y case,, ggiven a linear discriminant function
g(x)=aty, if there is a weight vector that can correctly
classify all the samples, these samples are called linearly
In this case, if atyi>0, yi is labeled 1, and if atyi<0, yi is
labeled 2.
Or we can replace all samples labeled 2 by their
negatives, and then we are looking for a weight vector a
such that atyi>0 for all the samples.
samples This weight vector is
called a separating vector.
The Two-Category Linearly Separable Case
Newton descent
The iteration is based on
where H is the Hessian matrix of second partial
derivatives 2J/ aiaj evaluated at a(k)
U ll Newton
N t descent
d t will
ill give
i a greater
improvement per step than the simple gradient
descent algorithm.
It is not applicable if the Hessian matrix is singular
The Two-Category Linearly Separable Case
The Two-Category Linearly Separable Case
Criterion Functions
The Perceptron criterion function
J p (a ) = (a t y ) and t e J p = ( y )
a d then
yY yY
J q ( a ) = ( a t y )2
1 ( a t y b )2
J r (a ) =
2 yY ' || y ||2
where Y ' is the set of samples for which a t y b
J s ( a ) =|| Ya b ||2 = ( a t yi bi )2
i =1
Support Vector Machine
pp vector machines ((SVMs)) are linear machines with
SVMs rely on nonlinear function (kernel) () to map the
d t into
data i t a sufficiently
ffi i tl highhi h dimension,
di i ini which
hi h two
categories can always be separated by a hyperplane.
ve n sasamples,
p es, kk=1,, 2,, , n. Let
et zk=+1 o
or -1 for
o sa
xk in 1 or 2 respectively. We have
yk= (xk)
the separating hyperplane ensures
)1 k=1,k 1 , n.
Support Vector Machine
The support
pp vectors are the transformed training g samples
for which zkg(yk)=1, they are equally close to the
hyperplane, and they are the most difficult patterns to
Support Vector Machine
Support Vector Machine
SVM training
Choice of () requires domain knowledge. Other
common choices include polynomials, Gaussians, radial
b i functions
basis f ti (RBF)
Define 1 n
L( a, ) = || a ||2 k [ zk a t yk 1]
2 k =1