Wind Turbine Safety Rules Issue 3

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Wind Turbine Safety Rules

Third Edition

2015 Issue 1



Third Edition


Issue 1

Status of the WTSR 3 Edition 2015

RenewableUK considers that the Wind Turbine Safety Rules ( WTSR), when implemented correctly and
appropriately, will:

Represent industry good practice for safeguarding employees from the inherent dangers that exist
from installed electrical and mechanical equipment in wind turbines;
Assist in the development and application of safe systems of work in a consistent manner; and
Provide a robust approach to demonstrating legal compliance with relevant health and safety

In order to ensure that the WTSR are implemented correctly and appropriately and are suitable for any set of
circumstances, RenewableUK strongly advise that, prior to the implementation or revision of the WTSR into
an organisation's own health and safety management systems, the WTSR and all the supporting guidance
are fully taken into account by a competent person.

It is essential that the final structure, content and format of any rules applied which incorporate any part of
the WTSR are overseen and signed off by a suitable professionally qualified competent person who is
familiar not only with WTSR but also with their practical application taking into account site and turbine
specific arrangements and all other relevant circumstances.

Attention is also drawn to the disclaimer below.

The contents of this publication are intended for information and general guidance only, do not
constitute advice, are not exhaustive and do not indicate any specific course of action. Detailed
professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from action in relation to any of
the contents of this guide, or the relevance or applicability of the information herein.

Control Log:

Version 3: 2015 Issue 1 Issued 31/3/15



Third Edition

Operative from (DAY) (MONTH) (YEAR)

Issued by COMPANY A

Issued to:

.......................................................................................................... (Signed)

.......................................................................................................... (Print Name)

.................................................. Date


Company A Wind Turbine Safety Rules (the Rules) are provided to ensure that persons
working on plant and low voltage apparatus to which these Safety Rules apply are
safeguarded from hazards arising from the electro-mechanical system.

The Safety Rules, which are mandatory, are made up of General Provisions and Basic
Safety Rules together with sections dealing with Procedures for Approved Written
Procedures and Keys, Responsibilities of Persons and Definitions. They are supported by
other mandatory and guidance documents.

The statement setting out the Policy, Philosophy and Principles approved by Company A
as the basis for the Rules is also given. This statement does not form part of the Rules but
it is included for the general information of those persons concerned with the application of
the Rules.

It is the duty of all persons who may be concerned with control of, and preparation and
carrying out of work or testing on or adjacent to, the electro-mechanical system to which
these Rules apply to make themselves thoroughly familiar with those aspects of the Safety
Rules and support documents appropriate to their particular activities. In addition to any
specific responsibilities and requirements imposed by the Rules all persons have a general
duty to be conversant with, and have due regard to, statutory requirements relating to and
governing any activities with which they have an involvement.

Company A (YEAR)

All rights reserved. No part of the contents of this document may

be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any
form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of Company



Where shall is used in these rules with no qualification, this indicates a mandatory
requirement with no discretion permitted and no judgement to be made.


Where shall is qualified only by the word practicable, a slightly less strict standard is
imposed. It means that where it is possible to achieve in the light of current knowledge
and invention, but bearing in mind the hazards associated with work to be undertaken,
then the requirement must be met. One is not allowed to avoid the requirement on the
grounds of difficulty, inconvenience or cost.


When shall where reasonably practicable is used to qualify a requirement then a

judgement must be made as to what is reasonable, taking into account the magnitude of
the risk on the one hand and the cost, time and trouble, or effort necessary for averting the
risk on the other hand.



FOREWORD.................................................................................................................................... iv
DEFINED TERMS............................................................................................................................. v
POLICY, PHILOSOPHY AND PRINCIPLES ................................................................................... vii
GENERAL PROVISIONS ............................................................................................................. 1
1. GENERAL SAFETY ........................................................................................................................ 1
2. ADDITIONAL SAFETY RULES AND PROCEDURES.................................................................... 1
3. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS ............................................................................................................. 1
4. OBJECTIONS ON SAFETY GROUNDS ........................................................................................ 1
PART A ......................................................................................................................................... 2
THE BASIC SAFETY RULES ....................................................................................................... 2
A1 APPLICATION OF THE RULES ..................................................................................................... 2
APPARATUS .................................................................................................................................. 3
A4 OPERATION OF PLANT AND LOW VOLTAGE APPARATUS ...................................................... 7
A5 DEMARCATION OF WORK AREAS .............................................................................................. 7
A6 IDENTIFICATION OF PLANT AND LOW VOLTAGE APPARATUS .............................................. 7
A8 EXCAVATION ................................................................................................................................. 8
A9 CONFINED SPACES ...................................................................................................................... 8
PART B ......................................................................................................................................... 9
PROCEDURES AND KEYS ......................................................................................................... 9
B1 GENERAL ....................................................................................................................................... 9
B2 APPROVED WRITTEN PROCEDURES ........................................................................................ 9
B3 ROUTINE OPERATING PROCEDURES ..................................................................................... 12
AUTHORISED TECHNICIAN ....................................................................................................... 12
B5 EXAMPLE OF AN APPROVED WRITTEN PROCEDURE PRO-FORMA .................................... 13
PART C ....................................................................................................................................... 16
RESPONSIBILITIES OF PERSONS .......................................................................................... 16
C1 GENERAL ..................................................................................................................................... 16
C2 AUTHORISED TECHNICIANS ..................................................................................................... 17
C3 AUTHORISING ENGINEER ......................................................................................................... 21
C4 COMPETENT TECHNICIAN......................................................................................................... 21
C5 OPERATIONAL CONTROLLER ................................................................................................... 23
C6 SELECTED PERSONS................................................................................................................. 24
PART D ....................................................................................................................................... 25
DEFINITIONS ............................................................................................................................. 25




1.1 The Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, states:

It shall be the duty of every employer to ensure, so far as is reasonably

practicable, the health, safety and welfare at work of all his employees. In
particular: the provision and maintenance of plant and systems of work that are,
so far as is reasonably practicable, safe and without risks to health.

The COMPANY A Health and Safety Policy, prepared and issued under Section
2(3) of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, makes specific reference as

COMPANY A is committed to providing a clear and effective health and safety

management system. In order to ensure the effective management of health and
safety within COMPANY A, clear minimum health and safety management
standards will be established and achieved. To facilitate the delivery of these
minimum standards, processes and procedures will be developed and
implemented. These Wind Turbine Safety Rules form a part of that health and
safety management system.

All employees are responsible for:

Co-operating with management and complying with their Health and Safety
Management System, including these Wind Turbine Safety Rules;

Taking reasonable care of their own health and safety at work, and that of
others who may be affected by their acts or omissions;

Reporting shortcomings in health and safety arrangements and any situation

at work which presents serious and imminent danger to the health and safety
of any individual.

COMPANY A is responsible for:

Ensuring that the Wind Turbine Safety Rules are maintained and updated;

Monitoring the effectiveness of the Wind Turbine Safety Rules as a part of

the internal audit function.

NOTE: The wording of the POLICY Section above is offered as an example.

Each organisation should produce their own wording to reflect their
individual Company Health and Safety Policy and satisfy their legal


2.1 Wind Farms consist of items of low voltage electrical apparatus and mechanical
plant, interconnected to form electro-mechanical systems. These systems,
because of their electrical and mechanical characteristics, contain inherent
dangers. The systems are designed so that when they are in their normal
operating mode, they may be operated without danger if appropriate routine
procedures and suitable tools/work equipment are correctly used.

When a Competent Technician is carrying out operational work or testing with the
system in its normal operating mode, then this shall be done in accordance with
routine operating procedures.

2.2 When work or testing other than operation has to be carried out affecting the plant
and low voltage apparatus and it is necessary to change from the normal
operating mode or depart from routine operating procedures, it is necessary to
specify rules to achieve safety from the inherent dangers.

2.3 A typical Wind Farm consists of two distinct systems the High Voltage (HV)
infrastructure, (parts of which may lie within the wind turbine structure but are not
subject to these Rules), and the wind turbines with their associated Plant and Low
Voltage (LV) infrastructure, which are subject to these Rules. The boundary
between these systems must be clearly defined in Management Instructions for
each site and will typically be located between the LV isolator(s) and the
associated wind turbine generator transformer.

2.4 For the HV infrastructure, a comprehensive and robust set of HV Safety Rules
must be implemented along the lines of electricity industry distribution or electrical
and mechanical Safety Rules or their approved equivalent.

2.5 There are some key criteria relating to wind turbines and the associated Plant/LV
infrastructure that allow the simpler set of Safety Rules described in this
document to be applied:

Wind turbines are relatively simple systems with each turbine on any
particular site being a near-identical copy of its neighbours;
Persons who have been trained to a high degree of competence on those
types of turbines and follow a set of task instructions normally issued by the
Persons generally work in small groups (usually in pairs) on, often, remote
sites and under such circumstances the most practicable approach is for
them to apply any safety precautions themselves as part of the work
Work or testing on any one turbine is localised in its nature and can generally
be carried out with no effect on others on the Wind Farm.

2.6 A further aspect taken into consideration in developing these Safety Rules is the
fact that a typical work package on a wind turbine consists of a number of smaller
packages of work or testing, each potentially requiring slightly different safety
precautions or, in some instances, the need to restore motive power at key points.
Conventional permit for work systems have generally been developed for use on
relatively complex systems and their use, while possible, does not lend itself to the
types of work or testing involved on wind turbines. However, it should be
emphasised that the Wind Turbine Safety Rules still require the same standard of
safety to be achieved at each and every step of such work or testing. In addition,
the Wind Turbine Safety Rules have been developed to formalise best practice
across the industry while building on the existing competencies of individuals.

2.7 It should be noted that the application of any safe system of work normally
involves a number of designated individuals, each of whom carries out a specified
role. On occasions, in common with other safe systems of work, a small number
of people may be involved in implementing the Wind Turbine Safety Rules on a
single job and this means that one person may fulfil a number of roles although
extreme care must be taken to ensure that each is fulfilled correctly.

2.8 These Wind Turbine Safety Rules are based on a philosophy that the Rules
should briefly and clearly specify those actions that must be implemented and
identify those practices which should be followed in order, to establish conditions
in which persons who have to carry out work or testing on the plant and low
voltage apparatus will be safeguarded from the inherent dangers and to make
them safe from the system.

2.9 Whenever work, (or testing), is carried out affecting plant and low voltage
apparatus which is part of the system, two types of danger may arise:

(i) The first type is danger inherent in the system arising from the design
function of the plant and low voltage apparatus, and this philosophy requires
that the Rules, when implemented, will achieve the safety of persons at work
from these inherent dangers at the commencement and during all phases of
the course of work or testing;

(ii) The second type is danger arising from the environment at and in the vicinity
of the work point and not associated with the system. These Rules are not
designed to specify the means of establishing safety from the second type of
danger, which may arise whenever work or testing is done, for example from
methods of work or testing, or means of access, however the Rules allocate
responsibility for achieving safety from this type of danger.

2.10 To carry out work, (or testing), affecting plant and low voltage apparatus within a
system, the procedure to be observed for each phase of the work or testing may
be divided into the following stages:

(i) Making available the plant and low voltage apparatus concerned for the work
or testing required;

(ii) Establishment of conditions to safeguard persons from the inherent dangers

of the system;

(iii) Execution of the work or testing required;

(iv) Clearance of the plant and low voltage apparatus on completion or

termination of the work or testing to confirm that it is in a safe condition for
return to service;

(v) Restoration of the plant and low voltage apparatus to its normal operational
condition within the system.

Note: Stages (i) to (iv) may be repeated a number of times during any package of
work or testing - depending on the complexity of the work or testing.

2.11 To achieve safety within the stages specified above, these Rules require Approved
Written Procedures to be put in place and followed for each work package that, for
each phase of the work or testing, describe how an Authorised Technician shall:

(i) Transfer control from the Operational Controller;

(ii) Establish safe conditions for persons to work or test on the plant and low
voltage apparatus;

(iii) Either check that safe conditions have been established for work or testing
on plant and low voltage apparatus which has been isolated from the system;

(iv) Implement the appropriate specialised procedures which will be applied when
work or testing has to be done on plant and low voltage apparatus which
remains energised; and

(v) Then confirm in writing that it is safe for the commencement of work or

(vi) Supervise safety during the course of the work or testing; and

(vii) Confirm that the procedure is complete when the work or testing is finished,
(or terminated), before returning the Plant/Low Voltage Apparatus to an
operational state and formally transferring control back to the Operational

This is achieved by following Approved Written Procedures containing detailed

instruction for each step and having Signature Checkpoints at key points in the

2.12 The Rules for achieving the safety of persons at work from the inherent dangers of
the system are limited, therefore, to specifying in an Approved Written Procedure:

(i) The actions necessary to ensure safety during each of the stages above in
which dangers may arise from the design function of the plant and low
voltage apparatus;

(ii) The responsibilities of persons for ensuring safety during each of the stages
above from dangers which may arise from the design function of the plant
and low voltage apparatus;

and, in relation to the general dangers arising whenever work or testing is

performed, the Rules are limited to

(iii) Identifying the person responsible for achieving safety from these general

2.13 The Rules will be supported by Management Instructions (MIs), Routine Operating
Procedures and Approved Written Procedures that implement the Rules effectively
and efficiently and ensure that the Rules are applied in a consistent manner
throughout Company A.

2.14 An Approved Written Procedure shall be created for each work package by a
person (normally the external service provider) with adequate expertise and
knowledge of these Rules, the plant and the work or testing. Each Approved
Written Procedure will then be reviewed, agreed and approved by the Authorising
Engineer for the relevant Wind Farm.


3.1 To fulfil the requirements of the philosophy, the following principles have been
adopted in formulating the Rules:

(i) The Rules are concerned only with achieving safety for persons;

(ii) When work or testing is to be carried out on or adjacent to high voltage

apparatus, HV Safety Rules, or an approved equivalent, shall be used;

(iii) In the case of low voltage apparatus, the primary means of achieving safety
is, if practicable, by isolation from the system(s). If isolation is not reasonably
practicable, safety is achieved by the application of specialised procedures
as stated on the Approved Written Procedure;

(iv) When work or testing is to be carried out on mechanical plant, the primary
means of achieving safety is by isolation from the system(s) followed by
draining venting, purging and the containment/dissipation of stored energy,
as appropriate, except when the work or testing requires the plant to be
energised, (for these exceptions the means of achieving safety is by the
application of specialised procedures as stated on the Approved Written

(v) The fundamental means of protecting persons at work is the application and
maintenance of the primary means of achieving safety specified in 3.1(ii), (iii)
and (iv) supported by appropriate actions to maintain the effectiveness of the
primary means, e.g. locking off isolating devices;

(vi) The nomination of persons to carry out defined requirements under the Rules
is formal, although part of their normal responsibilities;

(vii) The application of the Rules shall ensure that a safe situation exists across
all control area boundaries and operational interfaces (e.g. across the
boundary with the HV system), be they totally or partially within the
jurisdiction of Company A;

(viii) To achieve safety from the system, that is, from dangers which may arise
from the design functions of the plant and low voltage apparatus, each of the
five stages referred to in the philosophy, paragraph 2.10, will involve one or
more of the following functions:

(a) Safety Co-ordination - which includes:

Before work or testing commences, a formal release of plant /low

voltage apparatus after ensuring that written procedures are in place
instructing the precautions necessary to allow the work or testing to be
carried out safely;
When work or testing is finished, a formal return of plant /low voltage
apparatus after confirming any limitations or restrictions and
cancellation of the written procedure.

(b) Making Safe/Restoration of Plant and LV Apparatus - which includes:

Before each phase of the work or testing commences, taking actions to

make plant and low voltage apparatus safe for work or testing and
confirming such actions in writing;
When work or testing is finished, taking actions to ensure that it is safe
to return the plant and low voltage apparatus to an operational
condition, record any limitations or restrictions, remove safety
precautions to restore the plant and low voltage apparatus to service
and confirm such actions in writing.

(c) Work or Testing - which includes:

After confirmation that work or testing can proceed, execution of the

required work or testing to its completion or termination.

3.2 The above three functions cover separate responsibilities, which are distinct from
each other and are treated separately in the Rules.

3.3 The Rules do not state the number of persons necessary to discharge the three
functions. However, where more than one member of a work party is able to carry
out the role of Authorised Technician, then it must be clear to all parties who is
performing that role for the duration of each work period.



In addition to the requirements for establishing Safety From The System, the
safety of persons at work shall also be achieved by maintaining at all times
General Safety at and in the vicinity of the place of work. Before work or testing
commences, it is the personal responsibility of the appropriate Authorised
Technician or Competent Technician to satisfy him/herself that safety
precautions are taken to establish General Safety at and in the vicinity of the work
place. Subsequent to the commencement of work or testing, the Authorised
Technician or Competent Technician in charge of the work or testing shall
continue, to maintain conditions that ensure General Safety. This Authorised
Technician or Competent Technician shall also ensure that conditions of other
work areas are not adversely affected by the activities for which he/she is
responsible. The discharging of responsibility for General Safety will be achieved
as part of the normal pattern of management delegation and control by ensuring
that all activities are in accordance with appropriate instructions and guidance.


In addition to the Wind Turbine Safety Rules, other associated Rules and
procedures issued by Company A, (e.g. Management Instructions, Electrical &
Mechanical or Distribution Safety Rules), or any other authorities and the
requirements of supporting mandatory documents shall be complied with.
Guidance documents should be complied with in accordance with Management


Work on or testing of Plant and LV Apparatus to which these Rules cannot be

applied, or for special reasons should not be applied, shall be carried out in an
Approved manner which shall be confirmed in writing.


Any Person receiving instructions in the application of these Rules shall report to
the Person issuing those instructions any objections on safety grounds to carrying
them out. Any such objections shall then be dealt with in an Approved manner,
which is described in a Management Instruction for that Wind Farm Location.



A1.1 The fundamental protection for persons working on or testing Plant and LV
Apparatus from which Danger could arise if such work or testing were carried out
with the Plant and LV Apparatus in its normal operating mode is the achievement
of Safety From The System. Safety From The System shall be achieved by the
fulfilment and maintenance of the safety precautions, procedures and
responsibilities specified in these Rules and defined in an Approved Written
Procedure for each work package. These Safety Rules shall be applied,
therefore, to enable work on and testing of Plant and LV Apparatus to take place
without Danger from the System.

A1.2 Plant and LV Apparatus shall be added to and removed from the System only in
accordance with an Approved procedure, which will also determine when these
Rules and/or associated Safety Rules shall apply, (see 1.4). Any Approved
Written Procedures affected by those additions/removals shall also be reviewed
and updated as necessary.

A1.3 Approved Written Procedures shall be reviewed and updated in line with
Management Instructions.

A1.4 When work or testing involves HV Apparatus, Approved HV Safety Rules shall
be used.



A2.1 When work or testing is to be carried out on or adjacent to Plant then that work or
testing shall be carried out under an Approved Written Procedure.

A2.2 When work or testing is to be carried out on or adjacent to Plant and the means of
achieving Safety From The System is by limiting the work or testing or the work
area, instructions clearly defining the limits shall be stated in an Approved
Written Procedure.

A2.3 Before work or testing is to be carried out on Plant under an Approved Written

(i) The Plant on which the work or testing is to take place shall be clearly

(ii) Except where the means of achieving Safety From The System is by
limiting the work (or testing) or the work area, the Plant shall be Isolated.
When Isolating Devices are used they shall, where practicable, be
immobilised and Locked. Caution Notices shall be affixed at all points of
isolation. Isolations which need to be removed in order for further work or
testing to take place, including those necessary to make available essential
testing supplies, may be removed or restored during the course of work or

testing, provided Safety From The System is maintained, and the

circumstances shall be defined in the Approved Written Procedure;

(iii) The contents of the Plant shall be adjusted to a level which avoids Danger
and where drains could give rise to Danger they shall be Locked in the
appropriate position;

(iv) Where Danger could arise from pressurisation, the Plant shall be Vented
and where vents could give rise to Danger they shall be Locked in the
appropriate position;

(v) Where internal access is required, the Plant shall be Purged if the residue of
contents could cause Danger;

(vi) Where Danger could arise from the release of Stored Energy, action shall
be taken to contain or dissipate this energy safely.

A2.4 When work or testing is to be carried out on Plant it may, in certain circumstances,
be essential to restore motive power supplies. All such work or testing shall be
carried out in an Approved manner under an Approved Written Procedure
which shall specify the circumstances and the method of dealing with hazards
arising during periods of restoration of motive power. When motive power is to be
restored, the requirements, specified in the Approved Written Procedure, shall
ensure that Safety From The System is maintained prior to and after removing
the isolation that allows this restoration to take place. Those actions shall include
the requirement to notify all personnel in the vicinity prior to restoring motive power

A2.5 Only the work or testing specified on the Approved Written Procedure shall be
carried out.



A3.1 The main Dangers to personnel working on or testing LV Apparatus are electric
shock or burns arising from:

(i) The possibility of personnel mistaking that part of LV Apparatus on which it

is unsafe to work or test without special precautions, for that which is
Isolated and on which it is safe to work or test;

(ii) The possibility of the LV Apparatus being worked on accidentally or

inadvertently being made Live;

(iii) Inadequate precautions being taken under Live conditions;

(iv) The uncontrolled release of Stored Energy in the LV Apparatus.

A3.2 When work or testing is to be carried out on LV Apparatus, precautions shall be

taken to achieve Safety From The System.

A3.3 Where practicable, the LV Apparatus shall be Isolated. When Isolating Devices
are used, they shall, where reasonably practicable, be immobilised and Locked.

A3.4 When work or testing is to be carried out on LV Apparatus, Caution Notices shall
be affixed at all points of isolation.

A3.5 When work or testing is to be carried out on or adjacent to LV Apparatus then that
work or testing shall be carried out under an Approved Written Procedure.

A3.6 The LV Apparatus on which the work or testing is to take place shall be clearly
defined and only the work or testing specified on the Approved Written
Procedure shall be carried out.

A3.7 The preferred method is always to work or test on or near LV Apparatus which
has been Isolated. This will not always be practicable but no person shall be
engaged in any work or testing on or so near any exposed Live LV Apparatus
that Danger may arise unless:

(i) It is unreasonable in all the circumstances for it to be dead; and

(ii) it is reasonable in all the circumstances to be at work on or near it while it is

Live; and

(iii) suitable precautions (including where necessary, the provision of suitable

protective equipment) are taken to prevent injury.

A3.8 The requirements of Rule A3.7 shall be met to justify Live testing. Even though
Live testing may be justifiable, it does not follow that there will necessarily be
justification for subsequent repair work to be carried out Live. Any subsequent
repair work shall be carried out with the LV Apparatus Isolated unless all the
criteria listed in Rule A3.7 for Live work are fully met.

A3.9 When work or testing is to be carried out and it is not practicable to isolate the LV
Apparatus to remove hazards which could give rise to Danger, or if, during the
course of work or testing, it is necessary to remove such isolations, the work or
testing shall be done under an Approved Written Procedure, which shall specify
the method of dealing with those hazards. This shall include the conditions under
which the work or testing is to take place and the safety precautions necessary to
prevent injury, including the circumstances and precautions for any Live work or
testing justified under Rule A3.7.

A3.10 Where work or testing is to be carried out on LV Apparatus which is part of HV

Apparatus or on LV Apparatus which is in proximity to exposed HV Apparatus
which may be Live, or become Live, HV Safety Rules or their Approved
equivalent shall be used.

A3.11 When work or testing on LV Apparatus requires portable instruments to be used

for voltage or resistance measurements on circuits not otherwise adequately
fused, the instruments or leads shall be provided with fused protection or other
suitable in-built protective devices to safeguard persons from Danger.

A3.12 When work or testing is to be carried out on Isolated LV Apparatus:


(i) LV isolation shall be by the withdrawal of fuse links or other Isolating

Devices. Time switches, float switches, thermostats, sequence switching
devices or similar automatic switching devices are not Isolating Devices;

(ii) When Isolating Devices are used, they shall, where reasonably practicable,
be immobilised and Locked. If this is not reasonably practicable, the fuse
links or other Isolating Devices should be removed;

(iii) Where work or testing is to be done on portable or hand-held LV Apparatus,

isolation may be achieved by the removal of the plug from the socket outlet
provided that the plug remains in sight of the Person doing the work or
testing or the plug has a lockable device applied to it which prevents it being
inserted into a socket outlet;

(iv) Safety Keys shall be placed in a suitably labelled envelope and, along with
any removable Isolating Devices, shall, (except in circumstances when the
LV Apparatus is permitted to be made Live, see Rule A3.9), be retained in
safe custody by the Authorised Technician holding the Approved Written
Procedure, preferably by retaining them in his personal possession;

(v) For ongoing work or testing, beyond one working day, secure retention of
items taken into safe custody by the Authorised Technician shall be in
accordance with Management Instructions;

(vi) In order to facilitate the handing over of Isolating Devices and Safety Keys
they must be readily identifiable with the Approved Written Procedure and
with the LV Apparatus with which they are associated;

(vii) Where work or testing is to be continued by another Authorised Technician,

the surrender shall be carried out in line with the requirements of Wind
Turbine Safety Rule B2.3;

(viii) Where adjacent exposed Live LV Apparatus is present which gives rise to
Danger, work or testing must only be done by an Authorised Technician
who has completed an appropriate course of training as defined in
Management Instructions and is Appointed for work or testing adjacent to
exposed Live LV Apparatus. The Danger associated with any adjacent
exposed Live LV Apparatus shall be highlighted in the Approved Written
Procedure. The Authorised Technician shall:

Where practicable, screen off any adjacent exposed or unprotected LV

Apparatus which may be considered to be Live;

Where necessary to prevent injury use Approved insulated tools, stands,

mats, insulating gloves or other personal protective equipment as
appropriate, and remove metallic objects from the hands and wrists. The
considerations of Rule A3.13 are relevant to the selection of Personal
Protective Equipment. In addition, consideration should be given to the
Authorised Technician being accompanied by another Authorised
Technician if their presence could contribute significantly to ensuring that
injury is prevented. Any accompanying Authorised Technician should be

trained to recognise Danger and if necessary to render assistance in the

event of an emergency.

(ix) Before work or testing commences the Authorised Technician who is to do

the work or testing shall check, by means of an Approved voltage-testing
device, that the LV Apparatus on which he is to work or test is not Live. The
instrument used should be tested immediately before and after use;

(x) If work or testing is interrupted the Authorised Technician who is to

continue the work or testing must first carry out the procedure in Rule
A3.12(ix) above.

A3.13 When work or testing is to be carried out on Live LV Apparatus:

(i) Subject to the criteria of clauses Rule A3.7(i); (ii) and (iii) being satisfied,
work or testing may be done with the LV Apparatus Live only under the
following conditions:

The fact that the work or testing is to be carried out on Live LV Apparatus
shall be highlighted in the Approved Written Procedure which shall
specify to the Authorised Technician how the requirements under this
safety rule are to be met;

The work or testing shall only be done by an Authorised Technician who

has completed an appropriate course of training as defined in
Management Instructions and is Appointed for work or testing on Live
LV Apparatus;

The Authorised Technician who is to do the work or testing shall first

remove any metallic objects such as wristwatch, rings, wristlets, cufflinks,
pendants, and other items of personal jewellery etc.;

All adjacent metal which is electrically bonded to earth or conductors

which are at a different potential to that on which work or testing is to be
carried out must be screened with insulating material to avoid Danger.
The material used for screening must be of sufficient strength to withstand
an accidental blow from a tool without tearing or otherwise ceasing to be

Where necessary to prevent injury, Approved insulated tools, insulating

stands or mats, insulating gloves, eye protection, faceshields, and
protective coveralls, as appropriate, must be used. When considering the
extent of Personal Protective Equipment to be used, due account should
be taken of the fault level of the circuit concerned and the potential
Danger from arcing;

Only suitable test instruments and test probes should be used;

Consideration should be given to the Authorised Technician being

accompanied by another Authorised Technician(s) if his/their presence
could contribute significantly to ensuring that injury is prevented. Any
accompanying Authorised Technician should be trained to recognise

Danger and if necessary to render assistance in the event of an


Before commencing work or testing in ducting, trenches or underground

distribution boxes, where there is a foreseeable possibility of the presence
of gas which might be inadvertently ignited by electric sparks, a Selected
Persons Report shall be obtained. Prior to the commencement of work
or testing any additional precautions, specified by the Selected Persons
Report, that are necessary to remove or prevent Danger, shall be
implemented in accordance with Management Instructions.


A4.1 The operation of Plant and/or LV Apparatus to achieve Safety From The
System shall never involve pre-arranged signals or the use of time intervals.


A5.1 The work area shall be defined clearly and, where necessary, protected physically
to prevent Danger to persons in the work area from System hazards adjacent to
the work area.


A6.1 Work or testing shall only be permitted to start on Plant and/or LV Apparatus that
is readily identifiable, or has fixed to it a means of identification, which will remain
effective throughout the course of the work or testing.



A7.1 All Plant and LV Apparatus associated with any Wind Turbine shall be
considered to be automatically or remotely controlled. Control over the operation
of Wind Turbine Plant and LV Apparatus can either be by local, (on site), or
remote, (off site) means. The means of control over local, on site, operation may
be physically remote from the Plant and LV Apparatus which is being worked on.

A7.2 When personnel are working on or testing Plant and/or LV Apparatus which has
automatic or remote control features, the main Danger which could arise is from
the operation of the Plant and/or LV Apparatus if these control features have not
been Isolated. Where Danger could arise to personnel at work on or testing such
Plant and LV Apparatus, then all such automatic or local/remote operation shall
be prevented while the work or testing is taking place.

A7.3 Where work or testing is to be carried out on automatically or remotely controlled

Plant or LV Apparatus, the precautions taken to achieve Safety From The
System shall cause all automatic or remote control features to be Isolated. This
requirement shall also include any local control features. Where practicable, all

such isolations shall be Locked and remain so for the duration of the work or
testing. Caution Notices shall be affixed at all points of isolation.

A7.4 The requirements for achieving Safety From The System from all control features
shall be specified in an Approved Written Procedure.

A7.5 If it is essential to restore motive power supplies in order to complete the work or
testing on Plant and/or LV Apparatus, such that any automatic, remote or local
control features would become operable, then the Approved Written Procedure
shall specify the means of maintaining Safety From The System while those
control features are operable.

A7.6 Work or testing on, or the making of adjustments to, the controlling features of
Wind Turbine Plant or LV Apparatus while it is in the operating mode shall only
be done by an Authorised Technician who has completed an appropriate course
of training as defined in Management Instructions, and is Appointed for that
purpose. The requirements to achieve and maintain Safety From The System
shall be specified in an Approved Written Procedure. Before such work or
testing commences, consultation shall take place between the Authorised
Technician and the Operational Controller. No other work or testing shall be
permitted on that Plant or LV Apparatus at the same time.

A7.7 When it is necessary to work or test on, or make adjustments to, the controlling
features with those features operational but with the controlled Plant or LV
Apparatus not in the operating mode, no other work or testing shall be permitted
on that Plant or LV Apparatus at the same time.


A8.1 When work or testing at Wind Farm Locations involves excavation then it shall
always be undertaken by following the requirements of HV Safety Rules.


A9.1 When work or testing at Wind Farm Locations requires access to a confined
space in which, by virtue of its enclosed nature, there arises a reasonably
foreseeable specified risk, (as defined in the Confined Spaces Regulations 1997),
then guidance on the precautions to be taken shall be defined in a Management

A9.2 In deciding whether there is a reasonably foreseeable specified risk account shall
be taken of the nature of the work or testing itself.

A9.3 The detail of the precautions that are required in association with that work or
testing, shall be specified in an Approved Written Procedure.



B1.1 Part B of these Rules gives the procedures associated with Approved Written
Procedures and Keys. Persons involved in these procedures must understand
and enact their respective roles correctly.

B1.2 The Rules concern themselves with the principles of achieving safety from the
inherent Dangers of Plant and LV Apparatus. The detailed manner in which the
objectives, responsibilities and requirements of Part B of the Rules are to be met
shall be subject to Management Instructions.

B1.3 Included in Part B is a process for the Transfer of work or testing being carried out
under an Approved Written Procedure. This will apply, for instance, when work
or testing continues into a new day, and/or is to be continued by a new
Authorised Technician.



B2.1.1 Written procedures for all work packages will be created by a person with
adequate expertise and knowledge of these Rules, the Plant/LV Apparatus, and
the work or testing itself. These written procedures will then be checked and
Approved by the Authorising Engineer, for the relevant Wind Farm, as
Approved Written Procedures. Each Approved Written Procedure shall
include appropriate Signature Checkpoints at key points for the Authorised
Technician to confirm that all safety precautions up to that point have been
completed correctly.

B2.1.2 The Approved Written Procedure shall identify all foreseeable circumstances
when a Selected Persons Report is required in order to identify any additional
precautions to remove or prevent Danger. Management Instructions shall
specify how the requirements of the Selected Persons Report, including any
additional precautions, will be implemented before the work or testing is allowed to

B2.1.3 Where appropriate the Approved Written Procedure shall state any
requirements to provide Personal Supervision, and specify the type of person
who shall provide it.


B2.2.1 Work or testing under the authority of an Approved Written Procedure shall be
limited to that specified in that Procedure, and only Approved Written
Procedures that meet the criteria defined in these Rules shall be used.

B2.2.2 Before work or testing can take place, the Authorised Technician shall be issued
with a copy of the Approved Written Procedure in accordance with
Management Instructions.

B2.2.3 Before any work or testing can take place under an Approved Written
Procedure, the Authorised Technician shall enact the Transfer Of Control
procedure with the appropriate Operational Controller to release Operational
Control of the specified Wind Turbine Generator Plant/LV Apparatus.

B2.2.4 When the work or testing is to be carried out, an Authorised Technician shall
implement the safety precautions described in the Approved Written Procedure
step-by-step. Any Safety Keys from locks used to secure isolations shall be
personally retained by the Authorised Technician in charge of the Working

B2.2.5 An Approved Written Procedure shall be implemented, signed at each

Signature Checkpoint, cleared, cancelled and, where appropriate, transferred by
an Authorised Technician.

B2.2.6 When an Approved Written Procedure is in force for work or testing on any
items of Plant/LV Apparatus then no other Approved Written Procedure shall
be implemented on those same items of Plant/LV Apparatus at the same time.

B2.2.7 When, during the implementation of an Approved Written Procedure, it is

identified that additional work or testing, not included in the Approved Written
Procedure, is necessary, then such work or testing shall be documented and
notified to the Authorising Engineer. The Authorising Engineer shall arrange to
prepare a new Approved Written Procedure in accordance with Rule B2.1 to
include the additional work or testing. The remaining work or testing under the
original Approved Written Procedure shall be terminated under the provisions of
Rule B2.3. Work or testing shall then continue by implementing the new
Approved Written Procedure.

B2.2.8 Where a Selected Persons Report identifies any additional precautions required
to be taken during the course of work or testing, to avoid System derived hazards,
then these requirements shall be followed by the Authorised Technician.
Management Instructions shall specify how the requirements of the Selected
Persons Report, including any additional precautions, will be implemented before
the work or testing is allowed to proceed.


B2.3.1 Each Approved Written Procedure includes a Surrender Record. The purpose
of the Surrender Record is to record the progress of work or testing, that is to be
continued beyond one working period, or the point at which that Approved
Written Procedure is transferred to a new Authorised Technician.

B2.3.2 The Approved Written Procedure, together with any associated documents,
Keys and appropriate items, shall be retained in safe custody during periods when
no work or testing is taking place. Management Instructions shall specify the
procedures to be followed in order to achieve safe custody. Before being placed
in safe custody, Part 1 of the Surrender Record shall be completed by the
Authorised Technician.

B2.3.3 When the work or testing is to be resumed by the same Authorised Technician,
he/she shall first remove the Approved Written Procedure from safe custody and
complete Part 2 of the Surrender Record. The Authorised Technician may now
resume the work or testing provided that there are no reasons to believe that the
work area/safety precautions may have been tampered with or altered. When
there is reason to suspect that the work area/safety precautions may have been
tampered with or altered, then the Authorised Technician shall personally review
all of the safety precautions, AND confirm and initial all Signature Checkpoints
prior to continuing the work or testing.

B2.3.4 Where the work or testing is to be continued by a different Authorised

Technician, the transfer process shall where reasonably practicable be carried
out face-to-face between the two Authorised Technicians, and include all
associated documents, Keys and appropriate items. The current recipient
Authorised Technician shall sign Part 1 of the Surrender Record, and the
intended recipient shall then sign Part 2. Where a face-to-face transfer is not
reasonably practicable, the Authorised Technician signing Part 2 of the
Surrender Record shall personally review all of the safety precautions, AND
confirm and initial all Signature Checkpoints prior to continuing the work or

B2.3.5 If for any reason it is found necessary to temporarily discontinue work or testing,
then this shall be indicated in the Approved Written Procedure and those
reasons shall be recorded by the Authorised Technician against an appropriate
Signature Checkpoint. The requirements of Rules B2.3.2, B2.3.3 and B2.3.4
shall be followed as appropriate.

B2.3.6 The Operational Controller shall be informed at the start and end of each work
period of the operational state of the Plant/LV Apparatus and shall be
immediately informed of the details of any transfers of Approved Written
Procedures to new Authorised Technicians.


B2.4.1 When work or testing has been completed, or when the remaining programme of
work or testing is to be cancelled, the Authorised Technician shall complete a
CLEARANCE Signature Checkpoint to certify:

(i) That all persons working or testing under the Approved Written Procedure
have been withdrawn from and warned not to continue work or testing on the
Plant and/or LV Apparatus described in the Approved Written Procedure;
(ii) Whether or not the work site has been cleared of all tools, gear, and loose
(iii) Whether or not all guards and access doors have been replaced;
(iv) That the Wind Turbine Generator is in a safe condition to be returned to
service; and
(v) Note and report any Exception to the Operational Controller and
Authorising Engineer in accordance with a Management Instruction.

B2.4.2 The Authorised Technician shall then ensure that all associated documents,
Keys and appropriate items are accounted for and that it is safe to remove all
remaining points of isolation before completing a CANCELLATION Signature

Checkpoint. The Authorised Technician shall now remove any remaining

points of isolation and return the Wind Turbine Generator to an operational

B2.4.3 The Authorised Technician shall then enact the Transfer Of Control procedure
to return Operational Control of the Wind Turbine Generator Plant and/or LV
Apparatus to the Operational Controller, notifying them of the completion of
work or testing, the cancellation of the Approved Written Procedure and of any
limitations or restrictions affecting the operational condition of the Plant and/or LV

B2.4.4 The completed Approved Written Procedure together with any Selected
Persons Report and other associated documents shall be retained in accordance
with Management Instructions.


B3.1 Routine Operating Procedures, for operational work or testing, shall only be
used with the full knowledge and agreement of Company A.

B3.2 An Authorising Engineer shall agree that the operational work or testing can be
carried out without an Approved Written Procedure by following a Routine
Operating Procedure. The nature of this agreement shall be confirmed in a
Management Instruction.

B3.3 The form of any Routine Operating Procedure shall be determined by Company
A and detailed in a Management Instruction.

B3.4 Operational work or testing under a Routine Operating Procedure shall only take
place with consent from the Operational Controller.



B4.1 Each Wind Farm shall have Management Instructions describing the procedure
to be followed in the event of the loss of a Safety Key, loss of an active Approved
Written Procedure and absence of an Authorised Technician in receipt of an
Approved Written Procedure.





Approving Authorising Engineer

Signature: Date: Rev:

1.0 Work Details:

Step Detail

1.1 Wind Farm Location: WTG No.

1.2 Plant/Apparatus Identification:

1.3 Work/Testing To Be Done:

1.4 Associated Documents:

1.5 Date Of Work:

2.0 Transfer Of Control (Release):

Step Detail

2.1 Time: Operational Controller Print Name:

2.2 Authorised Technician Print Name:

3.0 Establish Safety Precautions:

Step Operation

3.1 Establish Local Control of the Wind Turbine

3.2 Establish General Safety

POI Application: Time: Sign:

Time: Sign:
Time: Sign:

Time: Sign:

I certify that the precautions listed in steps 3.1 to .. above have been completed
which establish both General Safety and Safety From The System in order to carry out
the work/testing specified in Step 1.3.

Signature Checkpoint: Time: .. Date:

Restoration of Motive Power Supplies: *
The following motive power supplies may be restored:
3.? For the following essential work/testing: .



3.? End of Work / Testing

I certify that the work or testing under this AWP is now complete and all persons in my
Working Party have been withdrawn and warned that it is no longer safe to continue
working or testing on the Plant/Apparatus.

All gear, tools and loose equipment have been removed.

3.? All guards, covers and access doors have been replaced.

The Wind Turbine Generator is in a safe condition to be returned to service.

Except for the following limitations or restrictions:**

Signature Checkpoint: Time: .. Date:

4.0 Return To Service:

Step Operation
I certify that all items issued under this AWP have been accounted for and that it is
safe to remove all remaining Points of Isolation. The Operational Controller will be
4.1 informed of the completion of work/testing under this AWP and of any restrictions on
returning the Plant/Apparatus to its normal operational condition.

Signature Checkpoint: Time: .. Date:

4.2 POI Removal:

5.0 Transfer Of Control (Return):

Step Detail

I have informed the Operational Controller (PRINT NAME)

that the work or testing is complete, this AWP is now cancelled and all Points of
Isolation have been removed. I have confirmed any limitations or restrictions on
5.1 returning the Plant/Apparatus to its normal operational condition.

Signature Checkpoint: Time: .. Date:

6.0 Surrender Record:

Part 1 Part 2
Authorised Time/ Comments: Authorised Time/
Technician Date Indicate the point in the work/testing Technician Date
surrendering programme reached receiving this
this AWP AWP

* Delete this step if Not Applicable ** Record N/A or NIL if Not Applicable



C1.1 It is the duty of all Persons who may be concerned with work or testing on Plant
and LV Apparatus to which these Wind Turbine Safety Rules apply to implement
the Rules and have regard to the supporting mandatory and guidance documents.

C1.2 The responsibilities placed upon Persons for the successful implementation of the
Safety Rules may include all or only part of those detailed in this section,
depending upon the role of the individual.

C1.3 The written Certificate of Authorisation or Nomination given to Persons included in

Part C of the Rules shall indicate the extent of their role in implementing the Safety

C1.4 Persons involved in achieving Safety From The System to allow work or testing
to commence on Plant and LV Apparatus, and its subsequent restoration to
service, will have separate identifiable areas of responsibility. Broadly, these are:

(i) Safety Co-ordination - which includes:

Before work or testing commences, a formal release of Plant/LV Apparatus

after ensuring that written procedures are in place instructing the precautions
necessary to allow the work or testing to be carried out safely;
When work or testing is finished, a formal return of Plant/LV Apparatus after
confirming any limitations or restrictions and cancellation of the written

(ii) Making Safe/Restoration of Plant and LV Apparatus - which includes:

Before each phase of the work or testing commences, taking actions to make
Plant and LV Apparatus safe for work or testing and confirming such actions
in writing;
When work or testing is finished, taking actions to ensure that it is safe to
return the Plant and LV Apparatus to an operational condition, record any
limitations or restrictions, remove safety precautions to restore the Plant and
LV Apparatus to service and confirm such actions in writing.

(iii) Work or Testing - which includes:

After confirmation that work or testing can proceed, execution of the required
work or testing to its completion or termination.


C2.1 Authorised Technicians shall have the responsibilities listed below. They must
ensure that these responsibilities, which form part of the Safety Rules, are
implemented within the limits imposed by their Certificate of Authorisation.

C2.1.1 Authorised Technicians shall comply with these Safety Rules when carrying out
work or testing under an Approved Written Procedure.

C2.1.2 Authorised Technicians shall use safe methods of work or testing, safe means of
access and Personal Protective Equipment, which is provided for their safety.

C2.1.3 Authorised Technicians, when working under an Approved Written Procedure

or when in charge of additional Working Parties under an Approved Written
Procedure, shall:

(i) Understand the contents and any subsequent actions arising from those
contents. This shall also apply to any requirement to implement additional
precautions from a Selected Persons Report in line with Management

(ii) During the course of the work or testing adhere to, and instruct others under
their charge to adhere to, any conditions, instructions or limits specified in the
Approved Written Procedure. This shall also apply to any requirement to
implement additional precautions from a Selected Persons Report in line
with Management Instructions.

C2.2 Prior to commencing work or testing and upon completion of work or testing the
Authorised Technician shall carry out the Transfer Of Control process, as
(i) On arrival at the Wind Farm Location, the Authorised Technician shall
contact the Operational Controller and report the presence of the Working
Party on site, giving their name and the names of all other persons in the
Working Party, the reason for the visit and the approximate duration of their

(ii) The Authorised Technician shall then inform the Operational Controller of
the Approved Written Procedure under which the work or testing is to take
place and quote its reference number. This reference number shall be then
cross-checked by the Operational Controller against a list of Approved
Written Procedures for that Wind Farm Location. Any proposed work or
testing that does not carry a valid reference shall result in any request for
Transfer Of Control being denied by the Operational Controller with the
matter then being referred to the relevant Authorising Engineer;

(iii) On confirmation of a valid Approved Written Procedure, the Authorised

Technician shall request Transfer of Control, i.e. that the Wind Turbine(s)
be released into his/her Operational Control. The Authorised Technician
shall then become responsible for the operational state of the Wind
Turbine(s). The Transfer Of Control process will be recorded by both
parties in accordance with Management Instructions;

(iv) On completion of the work or testing described in the Approved Written

Procedure, the Authorised Technician shall warn all members of the
Working Party to withdraw from and not to return to the work area, and shall
clear/cancel the Approved Written Procedure;

(v) The Authorised Technician shall then inform the Operational Controller of
the completion of the work or testing, together with any limitations/restrictions
on the Plant/LV Apparatus and any changes to the operational condition of
the System concerned. The Transfer Of Control process shall then be
carried out for the operational state of the Wind Turbine(s) to be returned to
the Operational Controller. The Transfer Of Control process will be
recorded by both parties in accordance with Management Instructions;

(vi) If work or testing under more than one Approved Written Procedure is
planned, then steps (ii), (iii) and (iv) shall be repeated as necessary. When
all work or testing at the Location is completed, the Authorised Technician
shall then carry out the requirements of step (v) for all of the completed
Approved Written Procedures.

C2.3 Following Transfer Of Control, the Authorised Technician is then responsible

for the release of Plant/LV Apparatus for work or testing in line with procedures
that shall be specified in Management Instructions. These procedures shall
include the process of:

(i) Meeting the requirements of Part B of these Rules;

(ii) Ensuring that all safety precautions that achieve Safety From The System
are completed in line with the Approved Written Procedure;

(iii) Instructing other Authorised Technicians to carry out the necessary

operations to establish safety precautions which achieve Safety From The
System under an Approved Written Procedure for LV Apparatus or Plant,
and obtaining confirmation that each instruction has been carried out;

(iv) Setting the Working Party to work.

C2.4 The Authorised Technician shall also be responsible for:

(i) Retaining the Approved Written Procedure and associated documents and
Keys in safe custody, and correctly implementing the requirements of any
Management Instruction to achieve this;

(ii) When in charge of work or testing, provide Immediate Supervision.

Alternatively provide Personal Supervision as stipulated in the Approved
Written Procedure. During the course of the work or testing, decide
whether the work or testing being given Immediate Supervision shall be
given Personal Supervision, depending whether those persons working or
testing to the requirements of the Authorised Technician understand the
conditions, instructions or limits specified on the Approved Written

(iii) Warning all persons as quickly as possible to withdraw from and not to
continue work or testing, on the Plant and LV Apparatus concerned, until
further notice if, during the course of work or testing a hazard which could
give rise to Danger arises or is suspected. This situation shall be reported
immediately to the Operational Controller and the Authorising Engineer.
The Authorising Engineer shall take steps to remove hazards that could
give rise to Danger, where necessary by producing a new Approved
Written Procedure.

C2.5 When participating in the procedure for the Transfer of an Approved Written
Procedure, ensuring that:

(i) All persons working under the Approved Written Procedure have been
withdrawn from and warned not to continue with work or testing on the Plant
and LV Apparatus concerned. All associated documents, Keys and other
items are accounted for and then completing Part 1 of the Surrender Record
before placing it in safe custody in line with Management Instructions;

(ii) All persons working under the Approved Written Procedure have been
withdrawn from and warned not to continue with work or testing on the Plant
and LV Apparatus concerned. All associated documents, Keys and other
items are accounted for and then completing Part 1 of the Surrender Record
before transferring it face-to-face to a new Authorised Technician;

(iii) When resuming work or testing under an Approved Written Procedure as

the original recipient completing Part 2 of the Surrender Record;

(iv) When resuming work or testing under an Approved Written Procedure as a

new recipient completing Part 2 of the Surrender Record. When a face-to-
face transfer has not occurred, personally reviewing all of the safety
precautions, confirming and initialling all Signature Checkpoints prior to
continuing with the work or testing;

(v) The Operational Controller is informed at the start and end of each work
period to confirm the current state of the Plant/LV Apparatus;

(vi) The Operational Controller is immediately informed of the details of any

transfers of Approved Written Procedures to new Authorised

C2.6 Before setting a Working Party to work, Authorised Technicians shall be

responsible for implementing the necessary measures to establish General Safety
at and in the vicinity of the workplace, and ensuring that those measures are
maintained throughout the work or testing.

C2.7 When implementing the requirements of an Approved Written Procedure to

achieve Safety From The System, correctly implementing the specified
procedures before each package of work or testing commences. These shall

(i) Meeting the requirements of Part B of these Rules;


(ii) Carrying out the instructions contained in the Approved Written Procedure
to apply safety precautions. Signing a record to confirm that these actions
have been carried out, at the relevant Signature Checkpoint;

(iii) Implementing the necessary procedures to ensure that the safety precautions
established to achieve Safety From The System are maintained during the
period that the Approved Written Procedure will be in force;

(iv) Retaining the Approved Written Procedure and associated documents,

Keys and other items in safe custody, at the point of work or testing, until it is

(v) Meeting any requirements specified on the Approved Written Procedure to

provide Personal Supervision of other persons in the Working Party.

C2.8 When implementing the requirements of an Approved Written Procedure for

work or testing which allows for the restoration of motive power supplies:

(i) Meeting the requirements of Part B of these Rules;

(ii) Providing Personal Supervision during the work or testing which allows for
the restoration of motive power supplies and being responsible for all matters
of safety concerned with such work or testing;

(iii) Giving instructions for the removal and re-application of those safety
precautions, as stated on the Approved Written Procedure, which may be
disturbed during the course of the work or testing, while at the same time
maintaining Safety From The System;

(iv) Implementing procedures to ensure that Safety From The System, and
safety from any test equipment, is maintained, as dictated by the test

C2.9 When clearing an Approved Written Procedure, only doing so after all persons
working under it have been withdrawn from, and warned not to work or test on, the
Plant and LV Apparatus concerned. Where appropriate, they shall ensure that all
tools, gear and loose material have been removed, guards and access doors
replaced, the work site left tidy, the Wind Turbine Generator is in a safe condition
to be returned to service and the appropriate Exception is noted in the clearance
section of the Approved Written Procedure.

C2.10 When cancelling an Approved Written Procedure:

(i) Satisfying him/herself that the requirements of the clearance section of the
Approved Written Procedure have been correctly implemented;

(ii) Checking that all the items associated with the Approved Written
Procedure are accounted for;

(iii) Satisfying him/herself as to the operational state of the Plant and LV


(iv) Confirming that it is safe to remove all of the remaining points of isolation.


C3.1 Authorising Engineers shall have some or all of the following responsibilities
within the limits imposed by their Certificate of Authorisation.

C3.1.1 The formal approval of Approved Written Procedures, having confirmed that
they include:

(i) All the necessary requirements to establish safety precautions which achieve
Safety From The System; together with

(ii) All the appropriate Signature Checkpoints; and

(iii) Clear guidelines on how Safety From The System will be maintained at all
stages of the work or testing from start through to completion.

C3.1.2 Prior to the approval of an Approved Written Procedure, confirming that:

(i) It states whether Plant and LV Apparatus shall be Vented, Purged and its
contents adjusted to a level which avoids Danger, and any action to be taken
to contain or dissipate Stored Energy;

(ii) It states all the foreseeable circumstances when it is necessary to call upon a
Selected Person to provide a report specifying any additional precautions to
be taken to remove or prevent Danger, which shall then be implemented in
accordance with Management Instructions;

(iii) It states under what conditions the safety precautions applied are to be
removed during the course of work or testing and, where appropriate,
specifying the manner in which they may be removed and re-applied such
that Safety From The System is maintained;

(iv) Safety From The System will be achieved and maintained when the
specified requirements are correctly implemented;

(v) It states any requirements to provide Personal Supervision and specifies

the type of person who shall provide it;

(vi) The specified requirements are clear and unambiguous.

C3.2 An Authorising Engineer shall agree to operational work or testing that can be
carried out without an Approved Written Procedure by following a Routine
Operating Procedure. The nature of this agreement shall be confirmed in a
Management Instruction.


C4.1 Competent Technicians shall have the responsibilities listed below. When
undertaking agreed routine operation and maintenance work or testing on Wind
Turbine Generator Plant/LV Apparatus, by following an appropriate Routine
Operating Procedure and using suitable tools/work equipment, without an
Approved Written Procedure they shall ensure that these responsibilities, which
form part of the Safety Rules, are correctly implemented.

C4.1.1 Competent Technicians shall comply with these Safety Rules when carrying out
any operational work or testing under a Routine Operating Procedure.

C4.1.2 Competent Technicians shall use safe methods of work, safe means of access
and Personal Protective Equipment, which is provided for their safety.

C4.1.3 Competent Technicians shall ensure that the Routine Operating Procedure is
being used with the full knowledge and agreement of Company A.

C4.1.4 Competent Technicians shall follow the safety requirements defined in the
Routine Operating Procedure.

C4.2 Prior to undertaking any work or testing under a Routine Operating Procedure
the Competent Technician shall obtain the consent of the Operational
Controller as follows:

i. On arrival at the Wind Farm Location, the Competent Technician shall

contact the Operational Controller and report their presence. The
Competent Technician shall give their name, the names of all other persons
in attendance, the reason for the visit and the approximate duration of their

ii. The Competent Technician shall then inform the Operational Controller of
the Routine Operating Procedure under which the operational work or
testing is to take place and quote its reference number. This reference
number shall be cross-checked by the Operational Controller against a list
of Routine Operating Procedures for that Wind Farm Location. Any
Routine Operating Procedure that does not carry a valid reference shall
result in any request to undertake the proposed operational work or testing
being denied by the Operational Controller with the matter then being
referred to the relevant Authorising Engineer;

iii. On confirmation of a valid Routine Operating Procedure, the Competent

Technician shall request consent from the Operational Controller that the
agreed operational work or testing be allowed to continue. This consent from
the Operational Controller shall be recorded in accordance with
Management Instructions;

iv. When the operational work or testing described in the Routine Operating
Procedure is completed, the Competent Technician shall warn all other
persons to withdraw from and not to return to the work area. The
Competent Technician shall then inform the Operational Controller that
the agreed work or testing is complete and advise of any changes to the
operational condition of the System concerned. The completion of the

operational work or testing described in the Routine Operating Procedure

shall be recorded in accordance with Management Instructions;

v. If operational work or testing under more than one Routine Operating

Procedure is planned, then steps (ii) and (iii) shall be repeated as
necessary. When all the agreed operational work or testing at the Location
is finished, the Competent Technician shall then carry out the requirements
of step (iv) for all the completed Routine Operating Procedures.

C4.3 Before setting a Working Party to work, Competent Technicians shall be

responsible for implementing the necessary measures to establish General Safety
at and in the vicinity of the workplace, and ensuring that those measures are
maintained throughout the work or testing.

C4.4 Competent Technicians shall have responsibility for ensuring that all safety
precautions, specified on the Routine Operating Procedure, that achieve Safety
From The System, are completed before the operational work or testing is
allowed to start.

C4.5 Competent Technicians shall always provide Personal Supervision to agreed

operational work or testing that is being carried out under a Routine Operating

C4.6 Competent Technicians shall warn all persons as quickly as possible to withdraw
from and not to continue with the Routine Operating Procedure, on the Plant
and LV Apparatus concerned, until further notice if during the course of the
agreed work or testing a hazard which could give rise to Danger arises or is
suspected. This situation shall be reported immediately to the Operational
Controller and the Authorising Engineer. The Authorising Engineer shall then
take steps to remove hazards that could give rise to Danger, where necessary by
producing an Approved Written Procedure.

C4.7 Competent Technicians shall, on finishing the agreed operational work or testing
under a Routine Operating Procedure, ensure that: all persons in the Working
Party have been withdrawn from, and warned not to continue work on, the Plant
and LV Apparatus concerned; all tools, gear and loose material have been
removed from the work area and that the work site is left in a clean and tidy


C5.1 The Operational Controller is responsible for the Transfer Of Control of the
Wind Turbine Generator Plant and/or LV Apparatus, as appropriate, to either
another Operational Controller or an Authorised Technician after first
establishing that the Person requesting the Transfer Of Control has the
necessary authority to receive it. For Transfer of Control between the
Operational Controller and the Authorised Technician the requirements of Rule
C2.2 shall be followed.

C5.2 The Operational Controller is responsible for giving consent to a Competent

Technician that agreed routine operation and maintenance work or testing can be

carried out after first confirming that a Company A Routine Operating

Procedure is in existence. The Operational Controller shall ensure that the
Person requesting consent for work or testing under a Routine Operating
Procedure has the necessary authority to carry it out and the requirements of
Rule C4.2 shall be followed.


C6.1 A Selected Person is responsible for using his/her appropriate technical

knowledge and experience for making a report and recommendations to overcome
hazards which may prevent work or testing being performed safely on Plant and
LV Apparatus which has otherwise been made safe.

C6.2 If, prior to the commencement of work (or testing) or during the progress of work
(or testing), it is considered necessary, by an Authorising Engineer, to carry out
a check on Plant and LV Apparatus or working areas for hazards, the Selected
Person shall carry out any tests and examinations he/she considers necessary. A
written report shall be prepared by the Selected Person who will be responsible
for ensuring that its recommendations, when implemented, will ensure safe
working conditions relating to the hazards.


D1 Apparatus - All LV equipment in which electrical conductors are used, supported,

or of which they may form a part, and for which Company A has a maintenance

D2 Appointed Designated in writing by Company A.

D3 Approved

(i) In the case of an Approved Written Procedure means sanctioned for use by
the Authorising Engineer;

(ii) In all other cases means sanctioned for use by Company A.

D4 Approved Written Procedure - An Approved procedure written in a format

indicated in these rules specifying the Plant/LV Apparatus on which work or testing
can take place, without Danger, by an Authorised Technician following the
precautions stated to achieve Safety From The System.

Authorised Technician see Persons.

Authorising Engineer - see Persons.

D5 Caution Notice - A notice in Approved form conveying a warning against


Competent Technician see Persons.

D6 Danger - A risk to health, or of bodily injury.

D7 Danger Notice - A notice in Approved form reading Danger.

D8 Exception Is a limitation or restriction affecting the safe operational condition of

the Plant and/or LV Apparatus that would be a Danger to persons or integrity of
the wind turbine.

D9 General Safety - The provision of safe access to and from the place of work, a safe
place of work, safe methods of work and the use of correct work equipment and
personal protective equipment.

D10 High Voltage (HV) - A voltage exceeding 1000 volts alternating current or 1500
volts direct current.

Immediate Supervision - see Supervision.

D11 Isolated - Disconnected from associated Plant and/or LV Apparatus by an

Isolating Device(s) in the isolating position, or by adequate physical separation or
sufficient gap.

D12 Isolating Device - A device for rendering Plant and LV Apparatus Isolated.

D13 Key - see Safety Key.

D14 Live - Electrically charged.

D15 Location - Any place at which work or testing under the Company A Wind Turbine
Safety Rules is carried out.

D16 Locked - A condition of Plant and/or LV Apparatus that cannot be altered without
the operation of a locking device which is of a standard acceptable to the
Authorising Engineer in charge of the Location.

D17 Low Voltage (LV) - A voltage not exceeding 1000 volts alternating current or 1500V
direct current.

D18 Management Instruction (MI) A procedure for use at an individual Wind Farm
Location or series of Wind Farm Locations, that documents the Health & Safety
Management Systems of Company A that are to be applied to meet specified

D19 Operational Control Control over the operational condition of Wind Farm
Plant/LV Apparatus that forms a part of the defined Company A Wind Turbine
Safety Rules System.

Operational Controller - see Persons.

Personal Supervision - see Supervision.

D20 Persons, being one of the following:

(i) Authorising Engineer - A Person who has sufficient technical knowledge

and/or experience to enable him/her to avoid Danger and who has been
Appointed by an appropriate officer of Company A to carry out duties
specified in writing, including the approval of Approved Written Procedures.

(ii) Authorised Technician - A Competent Technician, who has sufficient

technical knowledge and/or experience to enable him/her to avoid Danger and
who has been Appointed by an appropriate officer of Company A to be
responsible for:

Enacting the process of Transfer Of Control, in circumstances defined in

these Safety Rules and/or Management Instructions;
Achieving General Safety prior to the commencement of work or testing and
maintaining those conditions for the duration of the work or testing;
Implementing and confirming safety precautions during the work or testing in
compliance with Approved Written Procedures;
Setting Working Parties to work and supervising certain associated Safety
Rules procedures;
The transfer, clearance and cancellation of Approved Written Procedures.

(iii) Competent Technician - A Person, Appointed by Company A, who by

virtue of their training; knowledge and experience, is deemed to be

competent to perform routine operation and maintenance work or testing on

Wind Turbine Plant/LV Apparatus by following appropriate Routine
Operating Procedures and using suitable tools/work equipment.

(iv) Operational Controller - A Person who has been Appointed by an

appropriate officer of Company A to be responsible for:

The Operational Control of Wind Farm Plant and LV Apparatus;

Enacting the process of Transfer of Control, in circumstances defined in
these Safety Rules and/or Management Instructions;
Giving consent to allow work or testing under a Routine Operating
Controlling and co-ordinating safety activities necessary to achieve Safety
From The System.

(v) Selected Person - A Person qualified by technical knowledge and

experience and Appointed by an appropriate officer of Company A to carry
out tests and examinations and make recommendations regarding additional
special precautions to be taken to safeguard persons.

D21 Plant - Fixed and movable items, other than LV Apparatus, for which Company
A has a maintenance responsibility.

D22 Purged - A condition of Plant and/or LV Apparatus from which any dangerous
contents have been scavenged.

D23 Routine Operating Procedure a written procedure, for use with the full
knowledge and agreement of Company A, that defines operational work or
testing, which is of a regular or routine nature, that may be carried out on Plant
and/or LV Apparatus by a suitably trained Competent Technician without an
Approved Written Procedure. It shall define the safety requirements whose
application shall be within the capability of the Competent Technician who is to
carry out the routine work or testing.

D24 Safety From The System - That condition which safeguards persons working on
or testing Plant and/or LV Apparatus from the Dangers that are inherent in the

D25 Safety Key - A key unique at the Location capable of operating a lock which will
cause an Isolating Device, vent or drain to be Locked.

Selected Person - see Persons.

D26 Signature Checkpoint - A point in an Approved Written Procedure at which an

Authorised Technician signs to confirm that the actions/conditions specified at
that stage in the procedure have been achieved/satisfied.

D27 Stored Energy Is energy that remains within the System where its release has
the potential to cause harm which could be a Danger to persons.

D28 Supervision, being one of the following:


(i) Immediate Supervision - Supervision by a Person who is continuously

available at the Location where work or testing is in progress and who
attends the work area as is necessary for the safe performance of the work
or testing;

(ii) Personal Supervision - Supervision by a Person such that the supervising

Person is at all times during the course of the work or testing in the presence
of the person being supervised.

D29 Surrender Record - A section of an Approved Written Procedure of a format

shown in these Rules used to record the progress of work or testing and transfer
of an Approved Written Procedure.

D30 Switching - The operation of circuit breakers, disconnectors/isolators or other

methods of making or breaking an electrical circuit, and/or the application and
removal of fuses.

D31 System - Items of Plant and LV Apparatus, which are used separately or in
combination in any process associated with the business of Company A.

D32 Transfer Of Control - The handing over of Operational Control of any specified
part, (or whole), of a Wind Farm by an Operational Controller, currently having
the responsibility for Operational Control, to either another Operational
Controller or to an Authorised Technician.

D33 Vented - Having an outlet open to the atmosphere, and so arranged that pressure
can equalise to atmospheric pressure.

D34 Working Party - Persons working under the Supervision of an Authorised

Technician or a Competent Technician including an Authorised Technician or
a Competent Technician working alone.
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