The Encyclopedia of Furniture (Art History Ebook) PDF
The Encyclopedia of Furniture (Art History Ebook) PDF
The Encyclopedia of Furniture (Art History Ebook) PDF
Joseph Aronso
By Joseph Aronson
Joseph Aronson
6 06 '
TEXT 1 - 475
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It has long seemed to me that the art and industry of edge, supplemented by some 2,500 separate definitions
furniture sorely needed a convenient encyclopedia. and descriptions. The larger subjects or classifications
Everyone who buys or uses furniture, who makes, de- America, Chair, Construction, France, Gothic, Modern,
signs, or sells it, collectors, architects, decorators and Wood, and so on are treated at some length and are
students must feel frequently the singular lack of a related to the arrangements of pictures. More than half
handy reference work for the checking of details, the of the book is devoted to photographs, in the hope of
verification of periods, the inspiration of designs, the effecting the economies suggested by the aforemen-
nature of materials, and so on. tioned Chinese proverb. Thus Number 170, a Gothic
In preparing this work I have kept that need before cupboard of Flamboyant style, is grouped with cabi-
me. Of course, a balanced condensation of the vast nets but is also listed by number under flamboyant.
body of furniture history and technique could not be The sequence of types pictured in these groups is
achieved without the sacrifice of an infinity of detail, roughly based on the chronological development from
all and pertinent to the critic and the spe-
interesting the basis or prototype; it also seeks to demonstrate the
cialist. That seemed justified in the cause of
sacrifice flow of influences over national boundaries, and the
compactness. If accuracy, accessibility and thorough- bridge of time as well as locale in these developments.
ness could compensate for brevity and limited details, That omissions of more or less importance exist is
it seemed that a handy one-volume encyclopedia could a foregone conclusion, their importance depending on
prove useful and valuable for most needs. I have sought the point of view. The accuracy of material presented is
therefore to provide dependable initial information. often a matter of choosing between conflicting sources;
The seeker after more detailed knowledge has available for more palpable errors, I beg the reader's indulgence
a vast library from which the bibliography ( page 476 in advance. In this connection it is interesting to observe
is selected as having been of most assistance to the that actual furniture relics of older days are sometimes
writer. less dependable as sources of knowledge than are the
One picture, say the Chinese, is worth ten thou- old documents, engravings, and paintings.
sand words. This numerical ratio based on the quantity
Joseph Aronson
of photographs offered in this volume would probably
satisfy the writer and the reader in their joint tempta-
tion to delve into the endlessly fascinating details of
furniture lore. The major part of this book consists of New York, N.Y.
monographs of the important items of furniture knowl- October 10, 1938
The Enjoyment of Furniture, in common with other The simple fact that a vade mecum to this art sur-
arts of cultivated living, has in a generation achieved vived over a quarter of a century is significant. During
the status of an art itself. is useful and philosophic
There this period I have received a stream of generous and
pleasure in recognizing, in the evolution of utilitarian constructive criticism, resulting in: the format of this
design from artifact to art, a key to the manners, mores, edition, which intends primarily to offer a quicker cor-
and means of other times and places. relation between pictures and text; addition of material
on the 19th century; substitutions and relocations to every piece was unique, the concept and creation of
emphasize particular points; and the review of illustra- an individual working whimsically and often capri-
tions as pertinent to the broad subject in style and ciously. We can identify some motives and manners;
provenance. finally we are compelled to say that if this or that detail
is not demonstrably true, it ought to be so by deduc-
The format, with its continuous dictionary style, en-
tion. Dates, most of all, are a snare and a delusion. They
deavors to bring illustrations into close sequence with
are used here less for historical certification than to try
the minimize page turning, to visualize and
text, to
to place a feature of a style within a historical frame-
verbalize simultaneously. The ideal balance is of course
work. The collector will do well to precede every date
never achieved, since illustrations simply do not occur
with a good broad "circa."
in such neat sequence. Let us confess that most evolu-
One group of suggestions came from those who felt
tionary steps are theoretical traceable only after the
that artificially narrow limits had been placed on the
fact; one can hardly say that form A actually inspired
geography of furniture design. I am convinced that the
form B. Chronologically, the reverse may often be true.
mainstream flowed from Italy to France with the
This merely proves that style development is never the
spreading Renaissance; thence all over Europe to merge
work of an individual; rather, the large maturing of
with or to obliterate the native arts peculiar to isolated
style is the product of a whole society, homogeneous
locales. With the endof isolation usually came the end
and one-purposeful.
of native art. Every country absorbed what it wanted of
The enlarged view of 19th-century furniture is a
outside influences, and reissued its version of what it
bow to the passage of time and widening horizons. As
accepted. Thus all of Europe and Europe's colonies de-
the century recedes into perspective, its Industrial
veloped styles tributary to the mainstream. These are
Revolution gains significance as the springboard for all
generally too parallel to the source, too little varied in
20th-century philosophy of design. Grandparents be-
essence, to justify extensive differentiation in a volume
come ancestors, and the young no longer try to hide
dedicated to conciseness.
the shame of ancestral esthetic indiscretions, but are
England merits disproportionate attention because
charmed by the naivete, the philosophic gropings, and
the domestic scale in furniture, the felicity of everyday
the inept grapplings with technical innovations and
living, as we know it, and the prototypes of most Ameri-
can furniture developed there. And, of course, there is
Whether or not late-19th-century furniture may substantial representation of American furniture., for all
legitimately be called antique is a question for anti- its provincial derivation from English furniture.
quarians. It is furniture; and worse it sums
for better or
up emotions and and perceptions of its
capabilities The question was solved arbitrarily
of nomenclature
makers, the sentiments of a wide range of impulses re- in favor of conciseness. This removes "stylish" names,
flecting a whole milieu. This book offers no esthetic trade jargon, and the faintly precious use of foreign
judgments. It seeks only to illustrate those forms and terms. The French have good, precise terms for many
styles that in their time gave satisfaction to their makers articles of furniture, but liberal usage here would
and users. weight the book too heavily with bilingual redundan-
Parenthetically, I make no claim for the authentic- cies. Similarly, the fashionable names beloved of the
ity of any piece pictured in this volume. A piece whose merchandising world tend to be too ephemeral, and
origins and history must be reconstructed from the were sacrificed to brevity.
physical evidence of its material leaves much to the
imagination and veracity of the "expert." Expertise is Joseph Aronson
an occupation beyond the province of the student of New York, N.Y.
the art of furniture. Before mass production, virtually November 1, 1965
ABACUS. The topmost member of the capital of a ADAM, The Brothers. Robert, 1728-1792; James
column. See orders. 1730-1794. Robert, elder son of a Scottish architect,
began practicing his art in London in 1758 after four
ACACIA. A group of trees similar to the locust. Some years in Italy. There he had been fascinated with the
varieties from Australia and the Sandwich Islands excavations at Herculaneum to such an extent that
yield beautiful veneers ranging in color from yellow- the "Herculaneum" style became his, and through his
brown and green. In England the name
to red is influence, England's basis of decoration for half a
given to the American locust, the wood of which is century. This classical influence displaced the Rococo
tough and durable and similar in texture to oak. forms exploited by Chippendale and his school, and
led to an excessively refined, often inappropriate
ACAJOU. French word for mahogany. delicacy of structure and ornament.
The Adams practiced as architects, employing cabi-
ACANTHUS. Conventionalized leaf of a plant grow- netmakers, painters, sculptors, etc., to execute their
ing in Asia Minor. It is found as the basis of all foliage designs. Thus we find a mixture of names around
ornament in classic Greek and Roman decoration.
some designs, such as Hepplewhite, Angelica Kauff-
Romanesque and Ryzantine acanthus were stiff and mann, Pergolesi, Flaxman, and others, presumably in
spiny. The Renaissance revived its use in graceful de-
the association of designer and craftsman. They be-
signs for every purpose. Every succeeding style has lieved that every detail of the house and its furnish-
used the acanthus in exuberant or restrained manner,
ing must grow from the same mind, and carried this
according to its type. See also ornament.
out in all the minutiae of decoration; witness their
designs for carpets, lighting fixtures, sedan chairs,
table service, snuffboxes, and whatnot. The funda-
mentals of all this they state in their book, The
Works in Architecture of Robert and James Adam
(1773). "We have been able to make use of the . . .
ACORIV. Turned ornament resembling an acorn; com- work the delicate splendor of the style of Louis XVI,
it derives not from the French but directly from the
mon in Jacobean furniture as finials on chair posts
and bedposts, as pendants, and as the profile of leg
Roman remains. This classicism is in the earlier work
turnings in Jacobean tables. See turning. [737.]
imposed upon the accepted forms and proportions of
Georgian furniture; later, it demanded lighter lines,
in style and delicacy far removed from the mid-
ACROTERIUM. Originally an ornament on the roof
Georgian solidity.
corners of Greek temples. In classical furniture, similar
ornaments applied to the top corners of secretaries, The Adams fostered the transition from the Age of
bookcases, highboys, and other important furniture. Mahogany to the Age of Satinwood. Their choice of
woods covers just this span; beginning with the ac-
cepted mahogany, they later employed whole sur-
1 Page from The Works in Architecture of Robert and James Adam ( 1778 )
by Robert Adam, 1765-1768.
Metropolitan Museum of Art, Rogers Fund, 1932
faces of satinwood, harewood (sycamore dyed gray), were patterned to reflect the ceiling design, either in
and much painted decoration. Sycamore or satinwood carpet or in stone.
had delicate designs painted over in outline, or with Their distinguishing details are: a preference for
plaques and medallions; whole pieces were likewise straight lines or square outlines; swags, festoons,
painted and exquisitely decorated by or in the man- rinceaux, in fact, all ornaments freely drawn but ex-
ner of Angelica Kauffmann and her followers. Gilding ceedingly fine in scale and painstakingly executed;
over a base of white or green paint was extensively mythological figures, rams' heads, lions' heads and
employed, particularly for mirrors, consoles, etc. claws, centaurs, griffins, sphinxes, caryatids, etc., with
Because the architectural picture was of first im- plant forms and vases on most surfaces in paint, low-
portance, Adam rooms possessed a unity of design relief carving, composition, and inlay.
previously found only in French palaces. Most of the The style has great charm and beauty, and an
furniture was designed for special places. Consoles, academic spirit of architectural correctness. Yet its
mirrors, couches, buffets, etc., were as integral a part very perfection brought it the criticism, in its own
of the room designs as the mantels and doors. Ceilings day asnow, of being excessively polite, lacking in
were exquisitely ornamented with classical plaques human warmth and the quality of livability. See also
and rinceaux; walls, generally painted light gray or England. [145, 471, 587, 1113, 1115, 1352.]
jasper, were a foil for the gilt, painted, or light wood
furniture. Their decoration was after the antique ADELPHI, THE. Signature or trade name of the
models of Pompeii and Herculaneum; rich ornamenta- Brothers Adam.
tion of great delicacy was painted or executed in
raised plaster (composition), with medallions of AFFLECK, THOMAS. Philadelphia cabinetmaker,
classical figures, architectural motifs as pilasters, came from London 1763, died 1795. Worked in Chip-
arches, niches, etc., generously distributed. Floors pendale style. [33, 1269.]
AGE OF OAK. WALNUT, MAHOGANY, SATIN- AMERICA. The furniture of early America, far from
WOOD. Easy division of the prime English periods being a single consistent style, is the furniture of many
by the woods employed in furniture, as defined by lands, periods, and Each colony imported its
MacQuoid. Though the use of the woods may overlap, furniture or its way
making furniture. Englishmen,
the general separations are: Swedes, Hollanders, Frenchmen, Spaniards, and Ger-
mans brought to their isolated seaboard settlements
Age of Oak, 1500-1660 the crafts of their homelands. There was virtually no
Age of Walnut, 1660-1720 intercommunication that might have amalgamated
Age of Mahogany, 1720-1765 their various talents; most communication was with
Age of Satinwood, 1765-1800 the home country, from which the changing styles
slowly came. Consequently, the basic theme of
ALCOVE. Recessed part of a room. Bed alcoves exist Colonial American furniture is a laggard echo of the
in Pompeiian rooms, and such placing of the sleeping simpler European styles of the day.
quarters was common in northern Europe through the The English colonies were predominant. Two dis-
Middle Ages and later. In the 18th century special tinct strains appear: the Puritan colonies in New
beds were designed to fit such recesses. Alcoves are England, and the royal-grant plantations in the South.
also used for bookcases and cabinets, dining groups, The Dutch colonized the Hudson Valley, but yielded
etc. [116, 668.] merchant class. Swedes brought to the
to the British
Delaware Valley their own arts, and later German
ALMERY; ALMONRY. See ambry. colonists established their culture in the Pennsylvania
forests. The French and Spanish perma-
colonies, less
ALPINE. The mountainous sections between Ger- nent, bore little fruit. In the Canadian Maritime Prov-
many and Italy were meeting places of the northern inces and the American Southwest, respectively,
and southern styles. In lands like Switzerland and the there are relics of provincial improvisations on themes
Tyrol mixed styles developed, too individual to be of the mother cultures. [1170.]
associated definitely with either source. [104, 114, 343.]
* *
4 COURT CUPBOARD, oak, carving of early style. 5 PRESS CUPBOARD c. 1700. Pine of simplified
Metropolitan Museum of Art Jacobean style.
Metropolitan Museum of Art,
Gift of Mrs. Russell Sage, 1909
tape loom back.
6 PILGRIM TYPE c. 1660.
=4 lrchrt
19 SLANT-TOP DESK ON FRAME, New England, 1680-1700. 18 QUEEN ANNE ARMCHAIR, black,
Pine and maple.
New England, c. 1730.
Museum of Art, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence Israel Sack, Inc.
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SNAKt Toof
The Colonial period may be considered ended by
the Revolution. When the war was over, there was
enough resentment of English things to promote the
French influence; since English style of the period
was strongly classical, however, it is difficult to isolate
the direct Italian influence through Thomas Jefferson,
43 PENNSYLVANIA CLOCK, the French imports, or the English classicism of Adam,
c. 1810.
Henry Ford Museum, Dearborn, Mich.
Hepplewhite, Shearer, and Sheraton. Of the latter,
there remain excellent interpretations by the Salem
carver Samuel Mclntire, by Charles Bulfinch, and by
Robert Wellford of Philadelphia. The pinnacle of
American classicism was attained by Duncan Phyfe
[962] with his superb designs after Sheraton and the
French Directoire manner.
The houses into which this furniture found its way
had by this time established their own idioms, dif-
45 EXTENSION TABLE in three drop-leaf units, Hepplewhite style, late 18th century. Israel Sack, Inc.
46 Left, Baltimore. 47 Center, New York. 48 Right, Massachusetts. 49 PAINTED SHERATON CHAIR.
3^33 fees"
Israel Sack, Inc.
table c. 1800.
63 CHAIR, style of Phyfe, Albany, N.Y., Museum of the City of New York
64 TRIPOD TABLE, 1810-1820.
New-York Historical Society, New York City
66 SOFA TABLE. Israel Sack, Inc.
W^^^ t'
Albany Institute of History and Art
Israel Sack, Inc.
All photographs except No. 82 front Henry Ford Museum, Dearborn, Mich.
The country or village styles of Colonial American wood exhibit the tremendous vitality of a people de-
furniture developed many utilitarian types absent or pendent on their own resources. Beds with short posts,
scarce in city Chief of these is the Windsor
life. ladder-back chairs, wagon seats, rocking chairs, writ-
chair, with innumerable local variations. Stools,
its ing chairs, etc., are uniquely American. By far the
chairs, benches, chests, cabinets, etc., of unique types greatest independence of design and technique is
made in pine, maple, hickory, oak, apple, or cherry found in these robust folk arts that declined only
with the Machine Age. [77 et scq.]
83 PAINTED ROCKING SETTEE, c. 1830. c. 1800, with concave
stonework of the latter into wood furniture of massive decoration. Sometimes only the winged head is used.
plainness. Curved brackets, legs, etc., were thick and Profuse in Baroque work, especially under direct
heavily ornamented. Sleigh beds, massive bureaus, Italian influence.
for which there was an insatiable appetite. (Carl and wall paintings, as well as some relics in stone
Deppard estimates that in 1830 there were more than and metal. These point to a highly developed art of
8,100 chairmakers for fewer than 13 million people.) woodworking in keeping with the architectural superi-
The Hitchcock chair is a good example. In 1818, ority of these peoples, but actual forms and styles
Lambert Hitchcock devised a mass-production chair, are conjectural.
shipped and exported in parts by the many thou- Egypt may be regarded as the source of the most
sands every year. ancient furniture ideas, some vestiges of such develop-
The style setters ( custom makers with rich clienteles ment being attributed to the era prior to 1800 b.c.
in the large cities) kept fashion turnover lively. The In this remote time, tables and chairs, couches, stools,
was lost in the voluptuous
classicism of the thirties and chests of recognizable form were in use, in-
curves ofpudgy Rococo, inspired by the 1851
a dicating skill in turning, carving, joining, inlay, and
Crystal Palace. By the end of the Civil War, this painting. These talents and their products were ex-
Rococo revival had assumed the forms and manners ported to the then known world Crete, Assyria, Baby-
of a full style, commonly called Victorian. Belter lonia, Phoenicia, and, later, Persia and Greece. More
or less similar motives were reworked to the local ment to offer as evidence of age or authenticity. Thus
taste and materials, and descended to the present day. there is a premium on This is turn must
See also antique; egypt; greek; pompeiian; roman. invite a degree of reticence on the part of reliable
dealers. The signs by which authenticity is recognized
ANGEL BED. Bedstead with a canopy, but with no are too precarious for the average collector.
pillars in front. The curtains are drawn back at the Antique furniture may be described as repaired,
sides next to the head of the bed. Usually the canopy The last frankly admits
restored, or copied. to being
extends over only a part of the bed, while the counter- newly made, but more or less painstakingly after an
pane goes right down over the foot. Chiefly French, old model, often employing old wood and old proc-
18th century. See bed. [113.] esses. Restorations are a pitfall, since the restored
sections may represent the greater bulk; an old table-
ANIMAL-COUCHANT FOOT. Furniture leg ending top mounted on a new base, no matter how well
in the form of a reclining animal. [1035.] studied and matched, should not be represented as an
antique, although such representations are occasion-
ally detected. Repairs are often necessary for the
continued existence of the piece. The extent of these
and the care with which they are effected will be the
determining factors in the valuation of the piece. See
1 J I I
1 ten i7ic;i
ARCHITRAVE. Lowest member of a cornice. Also
a door molding. See orders.
Museum of Modern Art, New York City, Roycroft crystallizing the ideal, while various degrees
Gift of Mrs. Hector Guimard of success attended the efforts of commercial manu-
copyists were numerous but less successful. His man- facturers who accepted the outward forms for ma-
ner particularly influenced French design for about chine-made products. The Mission style is one of the
a decade, while the Arts and Crafts Movement in offshoots. The furniture forms of the Arts and Crafts
England was a contemporary expression, as were de- Movement are essentially simple and crude; in their
velopments like the Jugendstil (Youth Style) and joinery concepts, rudimentary.They consciously lack
Secession in Germany and Austria. grace, lightness, and charm. The value of the intel-
Generally, the results of these rebellions were more lectual movement cannot be overestimated. It clearly
successful in the minor arts, such as silver and jewelry set a track for later thought. Schools of design and
work, than in furniture or architecture. Most vital is individuals were moved to examine the forces at
the impetus toward a clearer, more rational expres- work, and the result is only now materializing. See
sion. See also modern; nineteenth century. also EASTLAKE; MODERN; MORRIS; NINETEENTH CENTURY.
Bronze, ivory, and gold ornaments remain; the wood BACHELOR CHEST. Modern name for small chest
has disappeared, so that the forms of Assyrian fur- of drawers in typically early-18th-century English
niture are conjectural. style. [568.]
ASTER CARVING. On Connecticut chests, three BACK STOOL. Early form of chair without arms,
flowers on a central panel; also sunflower carving, such as the sgabelli of Italy and similar forms in Al-
ASTRAGAL. Small half-round or convex bead mold- BACKGAMMON BOARD AND TABLE. The game
ing; molding on overlapping doors. [173.] goes back to the Middle Ages, and furniture for its
play appeared as soon as specialized tables appeared
ATHENIENNE. Round tripod table or stand, adapted in the 17th century. Fine examples occur in French
in Louis XVI and Empire periods to washstands, etc. and English work. [1278.]
BAG TABLE. Small work or sewing table, with one
or two drawers, the lower having a cloth bag at-
tached. Common in 18th and early 19th century,
England and America. See also table. [68, 96, 1260.]
BANDY LEG. Cabriole leg.
banister. Baluster.
boo as well as in turned-wood simulations painted 99 BAROMETER, England, 1793. 100 BAROMETER. New
ochre yellow. York, 1820. 101 BANJO CLOCK, Willard, 1801.
HANDING. A narrow edging or border of veneer BANTAM WORK. Type of lacquering in late-17th-
around the fronts of drawers; a contrasting band of century Dutch and English work, derived from Ban-
inlay. [389.]
tam in Dutch Java. Design usually incised in black
bamboo settee enslisw \<*
t cento^v ground.
ball feet
4 entific instruments,
the 18th century.
were objects
of great interest in
were designed for
them, particularly in England, France, and Italy, in
the various Rococo and classical styles. [99, 100.]
era of Louis XIV in France reached a peak. All exposed parts are of fabric and needlework.
Victoria and Albert Museum, Crown Copyright
108 The 18th century saw the diminution of size and of fabric parts, and increasing emphasis
on decorative woodwork. Black and gold lacquer, made by Chippendale c. 1755. Drapery
109 AMERICAN, mid-18th century. John S. Walton, inc. 110 PHYFE, 1800-1810. Museum of the City of New York
111 FRENCH, late 18th century. Don Ruseau 112 WOOD CANOPY, DIRECTOIRE. Don Ruseau
THE CANOPY BECAME MERELY DECORATIVE are common. The current styles of beds are
AT DIFFERENT TIMES AND PLACES ACCORDING TO chiefly based on these designs, scaled still smaller,
and ornamented with period forms rather than copied
literally from the larger prototypes.
The perfection of modern springs and mattresses
has removed the necessity for the heavy wood fram-
ing that was required by the laced-rope floor of 19th-
century beds. The minimum framing, just enough to
raise the bedding from the floor, with a panel for the
head, is favored in much contemporary designing.
Metal frames, usually iron or brass tubing and /or
bars, became popular about mid-18th century, and
have more or less held favor since. Wrought-iron
headboards had been familiar in Mediterranean coun-
tries earlier, but utilitarian production and sanitary
Don Ruscau
fti!r r**?*^L3i
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Btooklyn Museum
1 \
BIRDCAGE CLOCK. English brass clock with open BLANKET CHEST. Any chest for the storage of
pendulum and weights, chiefly late 17th century. blankets. Now, particularly, chests with a hinged top
section with drawer in or near the base.
BIRDS-BEAK Rounded V cut on molded corners:
English and Early American. BLISTEB. Figure some woods, such
in as maple,
mahogany, cedar, poplar, and pine.
BIBD'S-EYE. Small figure in wood grain resembling
a bird's eye. Principally in maple but occasionally in BLOCK FOOT. Square end of an untapered leg, as
BLOND WOODS, FINISHES. A vogue for light wood
tones has brought forward many of the lighter woods
such as holly, primavera, avodire, aspen, birch, and
grain and
In poorer work these
are given
IIP ! 1? &
143 BIBLIOTHEQUE, painted white and gold, from the Hotel de Gaulin, Dijon, 1772.
Though not detached from the wall paneling, this shape is essentially that of the breakfront
type developed contemporaneously in England.
cZ/urm?ii ^yOacma:,
and rich carving. By mid-18th century, Chippendale gilded decoration, pine stained to imitate mahogany.
Metropolitan Museum of Art, Cadwalader Fund, 1951
had developed his masterful designs to a level that
has remained a standard ever since. [144, 727, 1322.]
The architectural character remained throughout
the 18th century, in which the bookcase form de-
147 ENGLISH, late 18th century. Needham's Antiques, Inc. 148 AMERICAN BREAKFRONT, Gothic tracery. Israel Sack, Inc.
STAND, English c. 1800.155 BOOKSHELF, English c. 1780. 156 REVOLVING BOOK
TABLE, French c. 1880.
BOSS. Round or oval ornament after Gothic sources, 158 BOUILLOTTE TABLE, Louis XVI. Marble top,
common in 17th-century English and American work, parquetry. Doha Brothers, Inc.
ROW TOP. Continuously curved top rail of a chair. ROX SETTLE. Low chest used as a seat, with back
formed by a hinged lid. Early development from cof-
ROWFRONT. Convex-shaped front of a chest, buffet, fer. [3.]
ROX. One of the most primitive pieces of furniture, ROXWOOD. Dense, light yellow wood of genus
boxes are used as receptacles for every conceivable Buxus. Its uniform close grain is excellent for carving
object. They lend themselves to the widest variety of and for small articles, such as turned parts, handles,
decoration, and so are more easily described by their rules, inlays, etc.
special uses. See also chest; coffer; desk hox; pipe
Boxes. RRACED RACK. See fiddle brace back. [318.]
165 "SALEM" SECRETARY, American Breakfront.
C. 1800. Henry Ford Museum, Dearborn, Mich.
Clock. Bracks
BRASSES. Handles.
Late Georgian work, it exhibits local influences in universal in the case of receptacle furniture. In Europe
appropriate planning and materials. the upper classes in the Middle Ages lived a nomadic
existence, necessitating portable chests, etc., but the
BBOABCLOTH. Plain woven fabric; mentioned as a lower classes developed built-in beds and benches,
material for bed curtains and draperies. chests and cupboards. Becent styles have favored such
built-in equipment as cupboards, closets, and book-
BBOCABE. Textile woven with a pattern of raised The contemporary functional style utilizes the
figures resembling embroidery. Originally in gold or economy and efficiency of built-in furniture, including
silver, in later use any fabric richly wrought or flow- even seatings to an unprecedented degree. [1094.]
BUBEAU. Originally a cloth cover for a table, used
when writing. In France, a desk derived from a chest
set upon a table, and pushed back to afford the writer
an armrest (Louis XIII). [1033.]
Sheraton defined the bureau as a "common desk
with drawers," and this was the name given in Eng-
land to the entire family of desk-and-drawer combina-
tions known in America as "secretary." In America the
word came to refer to a chest of drawers, generally
for the bedroom, and was highly developed during
the early 19th century.
BURR. Burl.
French <b Co., Inc. BUTT. The stump end of the log. The root spreads
167 BUILT-IN FURNITURE originated in treatment of stor-
away from the trunk, and sections through the junc-
age utilities as part of woodwork. Recessed sideboard of Gothic
elements. ture possess a unique grain, desirable for decorative
BULBOUS. Turning resembling a bulb, common to
most European styles from the Renaissance on. The
BUTT BINGE. Common type of hinge for hanging
Dutch passed it on to the English, who made it an doors. See also hardware.
outstanding characteristic of their furniture in the
16th and 17th centuries. [555, 1194.]
BUTT JOINT. Joining, either of solid wood or of
veneer, at the ends of the grains. See also construc-
BULLION I TMNGE. Fringe of heavy twisted cords. tion.
Scole I I '
itwas found expedient in the latter to make use of the
Drawing from Nye, "Colonial Furniture" lower section by closing in the open space. The conver-
gence of these elementary types is shown in the evo-
lution ofFrench cabinets from the simple Gothic box
[714] to the Burgundian cabinet [175] with vertical
BUTTERFLY WEDGE. Butterfly-shaped cleat in-
emphasis, or from the horizontal cabinet of earliest
serted into adjoining boards to hold them together. Renaissance style to the mature style of Louis XIII
[177]. In this period, the early 17th century, the cab-
BLTTEBNIJT. Hardwood similar to black walnut. Its inet was the dominant article of furniture, embellished
importance increases with the demand for black wal- by every decorative resource. Carving and painting,
nut. Also known as white walnut, its grain is similar inlaying, marquetry, and encrustation with stones of
to that of black walnut, but its color is lighter and beauty and value, with mirrors or metals, paneling
texture softer. and moldings, were lavished on the monumental cabi-
nets of Italy and France. Their height and physical
BYZANTINE. From Byzantium, Roman Empire of importance made them focal points in the room, and
the East, centering in Constantinople, 476-1200. By- their association with articles of value and beauty jus-
zantine furniture, entirely royal or ecclesiastical, was tified the lavish decoration. The cabinetmaker was
debased Roman with profuse ornamentation in Near therefore the head of the woodworking craftsmen, and
Eastern style. Rich carving, with inlays of gold, glass, the name persisted.
stones, in motives of ritual significance. Interlacing Another structural point caused this name to stand
bands, stiff animal forms, sharply cut foliage, etc., out. Earliest cofferswere solid wood planks. Sometime
remain in later Russian and South European as well in the Middle Ages the carpenters who specialized in
as Italian work. furniture hit on the framed panel ( a thin panel fixed in
grooves in a stout frame). For lightness and strength
BYZANTINE. Specifically, a three-cornered chair be- this was far superior to the solid board. It also reduced
lieved to have originated in Scandinavia, and popu- the risk of cracking and of warping from shrinkage.
larized in England in the Middle Ages. [239.] The paneling itself provided some decorative charac-
ter. The guild of huchiers-menuisiers broke away from
169 Metropolitan Museum of Art, Gift of J. Pierpont Morgan, 1916
175 FBENCH, Henry IV, early 17th century. Armoire a deux corps. Style of Jean Goujon.
178 GERMAN JEWEL CABINET, 17th century. Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, Conn.
ViCt ri "" nd
Albert Museu m, C rown
'".*.i,. aJ marquetry.
into a side-table form, or combined with the cabinet decorated and spiral turnings. First it added scroll
to form the highboy and the tall cabinet. forms to the feet; then double and reversed scrolls. In
time the sharp break was smoothed out and the whole
CABINETMAKER. General term for joiners or case- leg made into a sinuous line. Elaboration appeared at
furniture makers. Joiners make rigid box forms in the knee, the top outcurve, and at the foot. In the
which the parts are articulated by means of specially method of articulating the vertical leg to the horizon-
shaped interlocking parts, such as dovetails, secured tal apron came the development of flowing lines that
by adhesives, not nails, or adhesives helped by screws distinguish the Rococo style.
as well as by the cut joint. This distinguishes the The foregoing development is particularly exempli-
cabinetmaker from the carpenter, who makes struc- fied in the Dutch, Flemish, and English schools of the
tures mostly held together by nails. late 17th century, but illustrates only one phase of the
Specialization within this field began early. The general trend toward curvilinear forms. In France
European guilds defined ranks of achievement, rising the transition from Raroque Louis XIV to Rococo Louis
to the ebeniste. Incidental specialists became turners, XV through the Regence is illustrated in the growing
chairmakers, etc. See also cabinet; construction; importance of the curved leg. Here the type evolved
JOINERY. through the fancy of the animal foot pied-de-biche
being carved from the square block in a slight curve
CABINETWORK. The finer classification of interior ending in a carved animal's foot doe, goat, ram, horse,
woodwork and furniture, as distinguished from car- etc. In time the curve became richer, the shoulder or
pentry. knee (upper part) being more continuously joined to
the curve of the horizontal structure. In later Rococo
CABLE. Rope molding. [810.] work the animal resemblance was abandoned and be-
came an abstract sinuous line ending in a scroll.
CABLE FLLTING. Fluting whose lower ends are Another source of the cabriole form may be in the
filled in with a convex molding. Far East, whence the Dutch navigators brought the
dragon foot, clasping a jewel. This general form is
CABOCHON. Carved ornament resembling a gem or heavily echoed in some work of the middle 17th
polished stone, common in French Rococo work and century.
English derivatives.
The name springs from the root copra goat through French and British mannerisms, with a minimum of
the Spanish cabriole, suggesting its resemblance to the imports. At the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries, a
bent leg of an animal. fairly definite trend emerges in the French-speaking
In all styles in which it appears, the excellence of areas, typically rustic-provincial with a remembered
the cabriole leg is an index of the quality of the whole French accent, gay and independent. Separately, the
design.A good flowing line that nevertheless retains English colonists continued their Late Georgian tradi-
an unbroken center line in conformity with the grain tion with imports and adaptations. [248, 435, 451, 971,
of the wood is more pleasing to the eye than an 972.]
excessive curve that cuts the vertical quality. [262,
314,479,528.] CANAPE. Sofa or couch, originally curtained. [1126.]
CAFFIERI, JACQUES, 1678-1755; PHILIPPE, CANDLE BOARD. Small sliding shelf beneath a
1714-1774. French bronze workers; made important tabletop, used to hold a candlestick. Principally Eng-
metal decorations for furniture, period of Louis XV. lish 18th centurv.
CAMBER. Hollowed or slightly convex surface, to CANDLE BOX. Tall hanging box of tin or wood in
correct the illusion of sagging in unsupported hori- which candles are kept. [964.]
zontal lines.
CANDLE SLIDE. Sliding shelf just over the desk
CAMELBACK. Double curved chairback, shield- section of secretaries, on which candlesticks were
shaped; characteristic Hepplewhite tvpe. [37.] placed. [1069, 1387.]
CAIWEO. Raised carving, usually delicate, on stone CANDLESTAND. Small table, usually tripod, pedes-
or imitations of stone. Used as furniture ornaments by tal or with four legs, for candlestick or small objects.
Sheraton, the Adams, and in the Empire style. [141, [17, 1243.]
CANE. Flexible rattan woven in open patterns for
CAMPAIGN FURNITURE. Primarily military; por- chair seats, backs, etc. First occurring in English fur-
table utilities such as chairs, tables, beds, chests, desks. niture about the time of the Restoration, it was fa-
Often folding or collapsible or separable into parts, vored by furniture makers of the periods of Charles II,
fitted with handles and lugs, and with minimum pro- William and Mary, and Queen Anne; during the re-
tuberances, to facilitate carrying and stowing. [359.] vivals of the Chinese taste in the late 18th century,
and in the classic work of the Adams brothers; also in
CANADA. Scant surviving furniture of the early set- French furniture of the corresponding periods, partic-
tlements indicates little more than the most functional ularly the Louis XV and Louis XVI styles. [256, 279,
CHAIR. CANADA 184 CANADIAN PINE COFFER, 18th century. Musee de la Province, Quebec
17 CENTURY (?)
CANT. Bevel or chamfer, as on an edge.
by their capitals. All types are used in furniture orna- King of England 1660-1685. See also England; bes-
ment. See also obdebs. tobation.
CAPPING. A turned or square ornament. CARTEL CLOCK. 18th-century hanging clock, often
bronze. [416.]
high narrow back and curved arms. Late 16th century. CARTON-PIERRE. Composition substitute used to
[220.] simulate wood carving, introduced by Robert Adam.
CARCASS; CARCASE. Body or framework of a piece CARTONNIER (French). Ornamented box foi hold-
a is
191 ITALIAN RENAISSANCE, 16th century; late naturalistic figure modeling. Frick Collection
relief. During this era the Far East enjoyed the labors
of superlative craftsmen using highly conventionalized
motives and methods. China, Japan, and India ex-
ploited carving beyond most other arts; these were
largely in wood, and partake of the wood quality.
[472, 934.]
European Gothic wood carving is in the greatest
tradition. Its style was perfected in oak and superbly
adapted to the hard, brittle, coarse texture. Renais-
sance carving, largely in walnut, is finer and subtler,
Israel Sack, I)
Lichhold-Wallach, Inc.
I m
SOW C l&iO
lish 18th-century chronology by types of carving: lion CASE. General term for any receptacle, cabinet, or
mask, satyr mask, etc. In Continental carving the Ba- box used for holding things. In cabinetwork, "case"
roque was lush, large, and full. The Rococo tended refers to the boxlike structure that forms the shell of
toward lightness and grace, replacing mythological a chest of drawers, cabinet, etc.
figures and large-scale classic motives with rocks and
shells, flowers, swags, and ribbons in unclassical asym- CASKET. Small box or chest, often of value and
metry, graceful and rambling. Much plastic or mod- beauty, made woods and metals; inlaid,
of precious
eled decoration of this style was executed in bronze, carved, or painted, they were used to hold money,
cast and chased, and overlaid upon fine wood veneers. jewels, papers, and other valuables. See also chest;
[159, 559, 574, 582, 649.] coffer. [160,178.]
The classic revivals of the later 18th century mini-
mized carved ornamentation. The Adams and the CASSAPANCA. Italian settee formed by adding arms
Louis XVI styles used the thin classical carvings of and back to a chest literally cassone plus banca.
Herculaneum; scrolls and mythological, figures were Chiefly Middle Renaissance Florentine; prototype of
always attenuated, as were acanthus and water leaves English box settle, etc. [198, 1073, 1077.]
and other formal band moldings. Paterae, medallions,
swags, vases, etc., were contained within severe out-
lines, differing from the loosely composed Rococo
trick Collection
197 CASSONE, Italian, 16th century, walnut
198 CASSAPANCA, Italian, 16th century, walnut. Metropolitan Museum of Art, Rotters Fund, 1912
CASSOLETTE. Box or vase with perforated cover for materials. At the height of their use in the 18th and
incense or perfume; also called "essence vases." Eng- 19th centuries, they were used as a definite part of the
land, last half of the 18th century. design. This commendable practice died in the 19th
century, and even now for the most part castors are
CASSONE. Italian chest or box with painted, carved, merely applied after the piece is completed, with the
or inlaid decoration. See also chest; italy. [191.] result that they often mar a good design.
CAST IRON. Iron casting figures extensively in 19th- CATHEDRAL SHAPE. Pointed arch in bookcase
century decorative work. By midcentury there was a and 19th centuries (Gothic revivals)
tracery, late 18th
large list of outdoor furniture. The ease of duplicating in England and America; also on the backs of some
different carved effects
appealed to the Victorian love Sheraton chairs, and in the shaping of the bases of
both for factory methods and for ornate surfaces, and some simple chests of drawers. [446, 1089.]
it could be done cheaply. In interiors it found use
mostly in utilitarian things such as sewing-machine CALSECSE. Upholstered armchair with open sides.
stands, reading stands, table bases, brackets, boxes,
etc. These were often beautifully modeled, with
CAVETTO. Concave molding usually found as the im-
irrelevant ornament. Stoves, as scientific devices, be-
portant member of a cornice. In English walnut furni-
ginning early in the century, were designed architec-
ture this was often veneered crosswise.
turally or with decorative cast-iron elements of naive
charm if not of appropriateness. Beds were fitted with
cast-ironornaments applied to wrought-iron or tubing
CEDAR. The Juniperus virginiana of North America
frames, although there are some all-cast examples. See and the Cedrela odorata of the West Indies are the
also IRON; METAL FURNITURE. fragrant red cedar familiarly used for protection
[199, 1299.]
against moths. It first appears in 18th-century English
CASTELLATED. Architecturally a regularly pierced furniture for drawer linings, boxes, and traveling
cornice,from the parapets of fortified castles. The chests, a use that is still current.
Henry Ford Museum, Dearborn, Mich. music-stools, between which and the seat the
199 STOVE, Troy, New York, 1843. Four-column dolphin Spring is inserted ; this we exhibit in our first
cut. It will allow of the greatest weight and
design. freest motion on all sides ; the seat is also made
Doha Brothers, Inc.
203 DIRECTOIRE CONSOLE, ceramic panels in top. Aprons
and legs framed with bronze d'ore. France c. 1800.
medieval chairs were entirely a prerogative of high stretchers and crestings; these were imposing but
estate; they traveled about with the lord, and when
rarely comfortable. The X-chair fairly disappeared at
set up were mounted on a dais and capped with a this time, but the elementary overstuffed chair came
soon after. The Dutch William and Mary established
tester or canopy. A more permanent type of chair
the cabriole leg; and Queen Anne's style shows a
evolved in Late Gothic times by the addition of a seat
to the wall paneling the wainscot chair that with a wholly new type, Baroque in its wholesale curvature,
ric or leather covering. The development of ornamen- 1750. Hepplewhite and others literally reproduced the
tally carved members as seats and stretchers was rapid exquisite Rococo shapes. Even the Classic Revival ac-
and significant. Lesser chairs were usually a narrow cepted the whole proportion and silhouette, substitut-
board or frame; early domestic types of turned frame- ing for the sinuous lines a set of sharply rectilinear
works with rush seats were known. Spanish chairs fol- shapes that we identify as Adam, Louis XVI, etc. This
lowed the Italian in most respects; the rustic types of angularity invited new forms; and Sheraton and the
crude workmanship probably became common in the other end-of-18th-century designers produced them
17th century. without limit, borrowing, adapting, distorting every
France produced the earliest comfortable chairs and motive from classical times. In their extreme variety
the widest variety. The chaire always has had special early-19th-century chairs show clearly the frenzied
significance. Under Francis I it begat scaled-down search for novelty. Probably the most significant type
versions with modifications, always toward lightness, was the graceful chair form associated with Duncan
producing a simple armchair type at first called chaises Phyfe in Federal American work.
a femmes, and finally a simple portable framework Of were multiplied everywhere
course, chair forms
dubbed caquetoire, or gossip chairs. The chaises a in Europe. The sgabelle type appeared in all provin-
208 ROMAN, stone, 1st century c.e. 209 ROMAN, stone, 2nd century c.e.
Metropolitan Museum of Art, Gift of William H. Riggs, 1913 Metropolitan Museum of Art, Rogers Fund, 1913
215 ITALIAN, "Savonarola" folding chair, inlaid certosina 216 ENGLISH c. 1570. "Faldstool," Late Gothic carving with
work of ivory and metal. lozenges of French Renaissance type.
217 ITALIAN (Urbino?), early 16th century. 218 ITALIAN, 1490. From the Strozzi Palace,
Florence. 219 SWISS, 17th-century peasant chair. 220 CAQUETEUSE, French, 16th cen-
tury. 221 AMERICAN (Ohio) c. 1850. German peasant tradition. 222 ENGLISH, 18th
century. 223 GERMAN, 18th century. 224 SWISS, 19th century.
Henry Ford Museum, 222 Arthui S. Vernay, Inc. 223 Metropolitan Museum of Art,
Dearborn, Mich. Rogers Fund, 1908
225 FRENCH GOTHIC c. 1500. 226 FRENCH (Lyon), 1550-1580. Italian Renais-
227 THE "BREWSTER" CHAIR, brought to America in 1623.
sance detail.
228 229-30
Metropolitan Museum of Art,
Gift of J. Pierpont Morgan, 1916
241 PENNSYLVANIA, 1700-1725, 242 NEW ENGLAND, 1700-1720. 243 ENGLISH, 18th century. Turnings
half-turned back splats; flat members. Walnut. Turnings used decoratively. suggest Indo-Portuguese influence.
Metropolitan Museum of Art,
Gift of Mrs. Robert W. de Forest, 1933 Stair h Company, Inc.
Israel Sack, Inc.
Don Ruseau
Metropolitan Museum of Art, Rogers Fund, 1908 nj
.x ,-.r>T/~.
nnimi-. ,. TT ._
CHAIR,, _ .
, ', 246 FRENCH PROVINCIAL, late
244 SWISS, 1679. Turnings treated with 18th century.
decorative variations.
251 Metropolitan Museum of Art, Gift of J. Pierpont Morgan, 1916 252 Frick Collection
250 SPANISH 16th-century folding chair with stretched leather. 251 FLEMISH, 17th cen-
tury. Spanish influence in carving. 252 FRENCH, 16th century. Early Italianate.
253 ITALIAN, 16th century. 254 PORTUGUESE, second half of the 17th century, embossed
leather. 255 ENGLISH, 1660-1685. Charles II style.
262 Frick Collection 263 W'adsworth Atheneum, Hartford, Conn. 264 French h Co., Inc.
262 ENGLISH, early 18th century. Straight front legs with animal foot suggest cabriole. 263
AMERICAN 1700. Spanish foot with novel leg shape.
c. 264 ENGLISH, Early Georgian.
Decorated cabriole form, advanced style.
265 ENGLISH. Queen Anne. Early form without stretchers. 266 EARLY GEORGIAN, 1720-
1730. Carved gesso, gilt. 267 COLONIAL (Eastern) version of Georgian English design.
265 266
Metropolitan Museum of Art, Rogers Fund, 1910 Metropolitan Museum of Art, Rogers Fund, 1931
^ %
Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, Conn
Israel Sack, Inc. 270
268 NEW ENGLAND 1740. Queen Anne corner chair.
c. 269 AMERICAN, Dutch influence,
1740-1760. 270 NEW ENGLAND 1740, Queen Anne
c. type.
271 ENGLISH c. 1750. 272 PHILADELPHIA c. 1750, balloon-shaped seat, intaglio carved
knee. 273 ENGLISH c. 1710.
"Dr*k -foot-
STho.ll on Kna
Metropolitan Museum of Art, Rogers Fund, 1926 Metropolitan Museum of Art, Gift of J. Pierpont Morgan, 1906
279 SIGNED G. SENE (1724-1792), carved molding; painted 280 DESK CHAIR, Louis XV, roundabout form, carved
white with flowers and leaves in natural colors and molding in beechwood with cane.
282 VENETIAN, mid-18th century. 283 LOUIS XV, height of Rococo style.
281 PROVINCIAL FRENCH. Don Ruseau Brunovan, Inc. French 6- Co., Inc.
Museum of Art, Gift of J. Pierpont Morgan, 1906
Metropolitan Metropolitan Museum of Art, Rogers Fund, 1922
284 REGENCE. Square plan with slow curving 285 ITALIAN, mid-18th century.
ornamentation, painted gray. Lacquered and silvered wood.
286 "GONDOLA," Louis XV c. 1750. 287 CLASSIC, period of Louis XVI. Signed G. Iacob.
Metropolitan Museum of Art, Gift of J. Pierpont Morgan, 1906 Metropolitan Museum of Art, Gift of J. Pierpont Morgan, 1906
tin /. ->-.ig- ,(
Arthur S. Vernay, Inc. 289 BARREL CHAIR C. 1765, Needham's Antiques, Inc.
288 EARLY-18TH-CENTURY TYPE. Chippendale style, mahogany.
Metropolitan Museum of Art, Purchase, 1928
293 Metropolitan Museum of Art, Rogers Fund, 1926 XVI, REPLACED CURVES WITH STRAIGHT
Metropolitan Museum of Art,
Gift of J. Pierpont Morgan, 1906
Arthur i>. Vernay, Inc. 299 Metropolitan Museum of Art, Bequest of Annie C. Kane, 1926 300
309 DUNCAN PHYFE, 1815-1820. Klismos form with water-leaf carved legs, paw feet.
310 ENGLISH REGENCY 1815. Painted decoration, gold on black.
c. 311 EM- FRENCH
PIRE c. 1810. Classical angularity after Percier and Fontaine. 312 NEW
YORK, 1810-1820,
311 DonRuseau 312 Museum of the City of New York Metropolitan Museum of Art, Rogers Fund, 1926 313
316 The classic-type form, 1775-1800. 317 Bare X-stretcher c. 1800. 318 The seat was probably originally
upholstered; c. 1775-1800.
319 COMB-BACK WBITING CHAIR, fitted with drawer and candle slide. The comb is off
center, indicating a comfortable writing angle for the sitter.
AND COMB WIDTH are peculiar to Pennsylvania. Spruce and oak, 1750-1775. 321-322
ENGLISH WINDSORS. 323 OHIO, 1830-1870, painted and grained.
324 AMERICAN "FANCY" CHAIR after Sheraton school. 325 HITCHCOCK STYLE,
Roston, 1820-1825. "Fancy"-chair type with unusual arms and eagle splat. 326 RENT FOOT,
"cheesebox" rush seat edging. Stenciled. 327 LATER HITCHCOCK TYPE, 1829-1843, cane
seat. 328 ENGLISH, mid-19th century. Papier-mache, gilt decoration on black. 329
329 Lavezzo.
331 GERMAN CLASSICISM, early 19th century. 333 SWEDISH, c. 1925, by Karl Malmsten.
339 ENGLISH VICTORIAN c. 1870, heavily tufted upholstery. CHENILLE. A kind of velvety cord with short thread
ends standing out, used trimming and banding up-
holstered furniture. It is also used in rug weaving, and
CHAMBER HORSE. Exercising chair, English late in fabrics for upholstery and drapery fabrics.
18th century.
CHEBRY. American wild-cherry wood is a hard com-
CHAMBERS. SIR WILLIAM, 1726-1796. English pact fine-grained, red-brown wood, usually light. It is
architect. After traveling in China, he published in highly suitable for cabinetmaking, is beautiful and
1757 his Designs of Chinese Buildings, Furniture, strong both for structural and for decorative uses; it
etc., strongly influential in developing the fad for resists warping and takes a fine polish. It was favored
chinoiserie. by the colonists wherever it was found, and much old
American furniture of cherry remains from the entire
CHAMFER. Groove, splayed, or beveled-off corner of period of colonization as well as from the 19th cen-
a post or a molding. [710.] tury. The European cherry is similar but lighter in
color; it appears in much country furniture, and ex-
CHANNEL. Groove or fluting cut into a surface as a tensively in Biedermeier and similar 19th-century
decorative accent; sometimes filled with reed-shaped styles.
convex mold.
CHARLES X. King of France, 1824-1830. Period of usual, but after Charles II the English carvers, such
Bourbon Restoration, furniture of late Empire, Louis as Grinling Gibbons, often used the winged head
XVI, and eclectic Rococo and Renaissance detail. See
also nineteenth century.
[1275, 1319.]
Lou/s XIV
CHEST. Originally a large box with hinged lid, the erally were larger and more ornately carved and
coffer, or chest, is the primary form of all receptacle painted. Renaissance chests were made with a clear
furniture. In ancient Egypt and Rome they assumed architectural profile and classic ornament. In the same
artistic form, and developed variations for special pur- century the French Gothic chest began its evolution
poses. In theMiddle Ages, the instability of life made into a credence. In the 16th century the Italian chest
the portable chest the most vital piece of furniture. had begun to yield to the variety of credenzas, side-
As conditions settled and life became more sedentary, boards, etc.; the influence in England produced court
chests became larger and produced the deviations cupboards, and modification of the chest by means of
recognized as chests of drawers, credences, cabinets, drawers and door compartments, which gradually
buffets and sideboards, bureaus, and all receptacle raised the total height and produced, finally, the chest
types; also traceable to it are bed forms, from the re- of drawers.For special purposes the chest with hinged
tainers' habit of sleeping on the chest; as well as lidhas survived, as the marriage or dower chest in
several seating forms. [396.] Germanic communities, including the Pennsylvania
Early chests everywhere were small and sturdily Dutch; the blanket chest and ceremonial or decorative
constructed, often with iron bands. Gothic chests gen- types.
340 FLORENTINE MARRIAGE CHEST, early 15th century. Victoria and Albert Museum, Crown Copyright
343 ALPINE, dated 1766. German-Gothic vestiges in shape
and ornamentation.
345 WOOD CHEST with linenfold and Late Gothic carving, dovetailed corners. Berne, Swit-
zerland, 16th century. Metropolitan Museum of Art, Rogers Fund, 1907
348 VENETIAN, 16th century. Climax of decorative carved chest. Duveen Brothers, Inc.
349 UMBRIAN, early 17th century.
Early appearance of drawers.
361 FRENCH COMMODE, end of the 17th century. Rich hardware over
rosewood veneers complements extravagant modeling of bombe shape. Fore-
runner of the sinuous lines of Regence and Louis XV Rococo.
366 CONNECTICUT c. 1770. Serpentine bureau with fitted 367 NEW ENGLAND, 1770-1780. Blockfront style.
top drawer ( see also 523 ) Israel Sack, Inc. Israel Sack, Inc.
368 REGENCE. LOUIS XV, attributed to Charles Cressent, bronzes by Caffieri from Meissonier design. Dalva Brothers, Inc.
French b Co., Inc.
376 LOUIS XVI c. 1785. Bronze with cipher AM (Marie Antoinette?). Dalva Brothers, Inc.
. .
377 COMMODE by Jean-Henri Riesener. Height of Louis XVI style. Frick Collection
378 DIRECTOIRE, attributed to Rernard Molitor (JME 1787) c. 1795. French li? Co., Inc.
122 f$*J%
Don Ruseau
379 ITALIAN, Directoire.
387 AMERICAN c. 1810. Israel Sack, Inc.
Anderson GaHerie
385 DRESSING CHEST, New England, c. 1800.
Hepplewhite bowfront with French foot.
articles for children: that is, the child's needs are not
merely those of a physically small adult, but are highly
specialized. Modern children's furniture, comprising
beds and cribs, tables, bookcases, chairs, and chests,
is planned to facilitate learning, self-help, etc.; and
houses contain examples of the 7th and 8th centuries. 390 CHINA CABINET, English, end of the 18th century.
Drawings and documents show designs of early Sung
dynasties, but of actual relics, none are known to date
prior to theMing Dynasty, 1368-1644. Of the latter,
however, there is an appreciable body of well-pre-
served examples exhibiting a continuous or static
trend in design quite unlike the heavily ornamented
examples apparently made for the 19th-century export
trade. [105a, 174, 344, 1381.]
Chinese Cuihesi Table
Photographs from Chinese Household Furniture, by George Kates,
courtesy Dover Publications, New York
395 K'ANG. A heated platform-couch device, with incidental furniture like tables, stools, and
chests, was the dominant article of furniture. This example is 10 feet long.
SIDE TABLE, 3 feet long.
Metropolitan Museum of Art, Kennedy Fund, 1918. Metropolitan Museum of Art, Bequest of John L. Cadwalader, 1914
CINNAMON WOOD. Camphorwood. and misunderstood, inspired all the arts; classicism
alone was beautiful. The Romanesque and Gothic of
CINQLECENTO. Italian period 1500-1600. The High the prior six centuries were regarded as crude, bar-
Renaissance. See also italy. baric. The ancient ruins were excavated and studied
for the secrets of classic beauty. Architecture, painting,
CINQLEFOIL. Gothic foliated ornament of five points, and sculpture were freshly inspired in imitation of an-
used in some furniture of the Gothic revivals. tiquity. Furniture followed; the shapes and ornaments
were taken directly from ancient architecture, since no
CIPRIANI, GIOVANNI, 1727-1785. Florentine furniture remained from of old. This mistaken use of
artist who worked in England, painting the decora- architectural details identifies Renaissance furniture,
tion of many houses and public buildings. His style and all subsequent styles in which architectural
inspired much of the painted decoration of furniture sources are so used are called "classic revivals." Such
of the period. are the great periods of the late 18th and early 19th
centuries. The classic style of Louis XVI was princi-
CIRCASSIAN WALNUT. Extravagantly figured wal- pally derived from the archaeological studies of Her-
nut of southeastern Europe, with irregular dark strip- culaneum and Pompeii. This inspired the style of the
ings on a light-yellow ground. Brothers Adam in England, and it became the fashion-
able gentleman's duty to extend the researches into
CISELEUR (French). Engraver or maker of metal antiquity. Italy and the Mediterranean islands, north-
ornaments. ern Africa and Greece were dug over for ruins. The
publication of splendid folios produced source books
CISTERN. See wine cooler. for furniture designers. After the Adam and the Louis
XVI styles came Hepplewhite, Sheraton, and the Di-
CLASSIC. The ancient styles of Greece and Rome, rectoire, animated by the Greco-Roman discoveries.
called classic or classic antiquity,were the inspiration About the turn of the 19th century research into an-
of the Renaissance. The Middle Ages had descended tiquity extended toEgypt and Greece. These inspired
so low in the scale of culture that the early humanists, the Empire and its many offshoots Regency,
looking backward over twenty centuries, saw in an- Biedermeier, and the local Empire versions of Italy,
cient history a Golden Age of art, literature, philos- Spain, Sweden, Russia, and America. See also adam;
ophy, and government. The antique, often confused ENGLAND; FRANCE; ITALY; ORDERS; ORNAMENT.
EARLY 19m CEhtuB/
by Robin. Dalva Brothers, Inc.
Henry Ford Museum, Dearborn, Mich. Israel Sack, Inc. Dalva Brothers, Inc.
424-425 AMERICAN c. 1830. 426 AMERICAN c. 1780. 427 EMPIRE REGULATOR, France, c. 1815.
back with wings, shaped seat. English, 18th century. tlements to the Revolution. Improperly applied to
At cockfights the gentleman straddled the seat, fac- most American furniture up to 1850. See also
ing the narrow back, and kept his score on an ad- AMERICA.
justable easel. [277.] Other Colonial types developed from current styles
in the mother countries wherever explorers and col-
COCKLESHELL. See shell motif. onists extended the spheres of England, France,
Spain, Germany, Holland, and Scandinavia. For ex-
COCK'S-HEAD HINGE. Hinges with the leaves cut amples, South Africa has a distinct English style; the
to resemble the shape of a cock's head. They occur Spanish roots in South and Central America pro-
in wide variety in English cabinets of the 16th, 17th, duced a brilliant provincial churriguerresque.
and 18th centuries, and are generally made of brass.
See also hardware. COLONNETTE. Miniature columns used ornamen-
tally on furniture. [1061, 1336.]
COCOROLO. Dark purple-brown wood from Bengal
and Burma, very dense and heavy. COLUMN. In architecture, a pillar or post, usually
round and associated with pedestal, base, capital,
COFFEE TARLE. Low, wide table now used be- and entablature to form an "order" or conventional
There is no historical precedent,
fore a sofa or couch. style. (See orders.) Its use in furniture consists of
but the shape permits the adaptation of low tables the ornamental treatment, to simulate an accepted
or bench forms of every style. style of a pedestal or supporting member, or as a
purely ornamental feature applied to a case or simi-
lar structure to suggest support. [1162.]
ffitgg&rasgSggai | IfiT^JTfi^^^^
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COMPO; COMPOSITION (carton-pierre). Molded chests and oak chests with various decorative motives
substitute for wood carving. Whiting, resin, and size survive to illustrate the artistic abilities of the col-
are kneaded and molded in carved shapes, which are onists. [11.]
then attached to wood furniture for decoration.
CONSOLE. Architectural term for a bracket of any
COMPOSITE. Architectural order of columns combin- kind used to support cornices or shelves. The bracket
ing the Corinthian and Ionic capitals. See also orders. is usually of scroll form. The word "console" is also
applied, incorrectly, to tables fixed to the wall and
CONCERTINA MOVEMENT. Folding mechanism supported only at the front by legs, a carved eagle,
used in card tables and dining tables for expansion. or other figure. Currently, almost any type of wall
The back half of the frame or apron is cut and hinged table. [88, 124, 649, 755, 1232, 1279 et seq.]
two or more times under the extended top leaf, to
fold in upon itself. [1213.] CONSTITUTION MIRROR. American mirror of about
the period of the adoption of the Constitution, 1791
CONFESSIONAL. Large, high, upholstered easy chair or after. The head or cornice of the frame usually has
with wings. French, 18th century. [261, 634.] a series of balls as decoration. [869.]
CONSTRUCTION. In the making of wood furniture
the commercial factory process still follows the basic
steps of the hand process, but at every stage the quan-
tity-production procedure depends on machines and
equipment for economy and quality control.
From the cutting and seasoning of timber, the con-
version into dimension stock, veneers and plywoods;
the machining of moldings, rabbet, and dadoes,
shaping, turning, carving, boring, etc.; the assembly
of machined parts; and the final finishing and as-
sembling, all possible handwork is eliminated for pre-
cision as well as for economy. Nevertheless, the suc-
cession of steps still follows the handicraft sequence.
>acjc po/r
j)/?At Stomp
PLAN OF CHAIR ARE T i'niiii r fjOt&AlL
1. The pictorial sketch of the designer is projected
into working-scale drawings. From this the "full-size
detail" or pattern is made and usually transferred to
wooden full-size sections called the "rod." From this
is taken the "stock list," or schedule of dimensioned
2. Preparation of Wood. Air- and kiln-drying are
highly technical procedures. Similarly, the cutting of
veneers and making of plywoods rely on scientific
techniques and apparatus, many of which are separate
productions outside the furniture factory, which re- Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, Conn.
ceives such laboratory specification products as 441 DOVETAILED DRAWER, 18th-century
American chest.
raw material.
Assembly. The handmade, or custom, product is
Corinthian Cwjm
Metropolitan Museum of Art,-
Bequest of John L. Cadwalader, 1914
marble top.
451 QUEBEC, 19th century. Pine corner COT. Light, portable bedstead.
cupboard in two parts.
Musee dc la Province, Quebec
COTTAGE FURNITURE. Specifically English simpli-
fied types originating in functional demands rather
than in display. Corresponds to provincial styles gen-
erally in superimposing echoes of fashionable details
on basic functional articles. Good 18th- and 19th-
century work is scantily ornamented, unlike provincial
work of France. Late-19th-century English reform
movements worked largely with country models.
COVED CUPROARD. Early American cupboard 456 AMERICAN PINE, early 18th century Israel Sack, Inc.
CREDENCE. Important side table of Gothic style, of simple ball profiles are the chief ornament. See also
CRESSENT, CHARLES, 1685-1768. French furni- CROSSRANDING. Border bands of veneer in which
ture maker and ciseleur, pupil of Boulle and leading the grain runs across the band. Treatment is character-
figure in Regence and Rococo design. [653.] istic of walnut furniture after Charles II, and follows
throughout the 18th century in England and on the
CRESTING. Carved decoration on top rail of chairs, Continent.
CRIR. Child's bed with enclosed sides. 457 CUPBOARD GABLE-ROOFED ROMANESQUE FORM,
Austrian, 15th century. Cabinet, of pine, is 76 inches high, 45
inches wide.
CRICKET. Old English wooden footstool, usually
low. Also, simple versions in American work.
i^ ,,,,,,.,,.., ,,, .. j
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Anderson Galleries
465 MASSACHUSETTS, early 18th century. Fluted
decoration reminiscent of linenfold paneling.
464 SWISS, early 18th century. Metropolitan Museum of Art, Rogers Fund, 1907
CUPID'S BOW. Double ogee curve, bow shaped, DAIS. Raised platform at one end of medieval rooms,
such as favored by Chippendale for top rails of chairs. upon which was the table for the master, while the
retainers sat below. Also occurs in Empire style for
CURLED FIGURE. Feathered appearance in the use with beds.
grain ofsome woods when cut across the grain. Maple,
birch, walnut, and others show distinct cross-grain DAMASK. Silk figured fabric used for draperies and
markings in parts of some logs. This figure is prized upholstery, named after Damascus, where it appears
for special veneerings, inlays, etc. See also woods. to have been made before the 12th century. The man-
[374.] ufacture of damask began in Italy very early, and
until the end of the 17th century Venice and Genoa
CURLED HAIR. Upholstery filling made principally supplied most of Europe. The French weavers took
from the mane and tail hair of horses, valued for its over the process with the Renaissance, while Dutch
resiliency and long staple. Less valuable is the curled and Flemish weavers carried it to England about 1570.
hair of cattle and hogs.
DANISH. See Scandinavia.
CURLY RIRCH, MAPLE, etc. Occasional variants
markings in some woods show strong parallel
in grain DANTE CHAIR (Dantesca). X-chair of the kalian
waves or curls. Curly maple was favored in Early Renaissance, having four heavy legs curving up to
American work. See also woods. [374.] arms, with leather or fabric seat. Spanish type rather
top-heavy; French, English, and Teutonic versions
CURRICULE CHAIR. Sheraton's term for a classical more ornate. See also chair; curule chair. [214.]
type having semicircular back and elongated seat. See
also CURULE CHAIR. DARRY AND JOAN SETTEE. Two-chairback settee,
English. [1078.]
CURULE CHAIR. X-shaped chair, the sella curule
of the Romans. [788.] DARLY, MATTHIAS. 18th-century English designer
and engraver, published books on design.
CUSP. Gothic ornamental knob or point projecting
from the intersections of two curves. [622, 1017, 1144.] DAVENPORT. Small writing desk. In current Amer-
ican use, an upholstered sofa.
CUSPED ARCH. Gothic detail of pointed arch with
pointed break into the curve. [1144.] DAVENPORT RED. Couch that may be unfolded to
form a bed.
CUTWORK. Fretwork.
DAVENPORT DESK. Small writing desk, chiefly
CYLINDER FRONT. Quarter-round fall front of a mid-19th-century English. Characteristically, there are
desk. Also the name of the desks having such rolltops, drawers that pull out sideways, and a lift lid, with or
made during the late 18th century in France and without gallery. [467.]
England. [483.]
471 DAYRED, English, 1780-1790. Late style of the Adams. Metropolitan Museum of Art, Rogers Fund, 1910
DEAL. English term for pine, particularly the Scotch DENTILS. Equally spaced rectangular blocks in a
pine. Sheraton explains the name as the Dutch term cornice molding, resembling teeth.
for "a part," signifying the division of boards when
used as the core for veneering. DERRYSHIRE CHAIR. English country chair. Jac-
obean period.
DECALCOMANIA. Picture applied in reverse to
paper, then transferred to furniture by sticking and DESK. The original desk was a writing box, a small
removing the paper. As a substitute for painted dec- chest with sloping lid. Inside were kept writing ma-
oration, it appeared in the late 18th century, but terialsand valuables. This form was known in ancient
became popular only in the early 1800's, chiefly in China and Egypt; it is the monastic scriptorium of
America. Hitchcock and similar chairs were sometimes the Middle Ages. These Gothic forms, growing larger,
decorated with such transfer patterns. came to be mounted on stands [474], and presently
the hinging of the lid was reversed so that the inner
DECANTER STANDS. See coaster. side formed a writing surface when opened [476].
Hence the slant-front and fall-front types that are
DECORATED QUEEN ANNE. English style, approxi- known today. The desk box survived into the 18th
mately 1710-1730; Early Georgian. Such essential de- century. From the French practice of covering it with
tails of Queen Anne style as cabriole legs, round-back a woolen cloth (French bure) comes the word "bu-
chairs with fiddle splats, claw-and-ball feet, and gen- reau," later signifying any desk compartment, and
curved forms were enriched
erally in scale and heavily corrupted in America to mean chest of drawers.
adorned with carving. [266.] The filling in of the desk frame with drawers to the
floor came in the late 17th century with the appear-
ance of the chest of drawers [485]. In England and
later in America this type became a leading article
of furniture. The addition of the bookcase top made
the tall The name is derived from scrutoire
or scriptoire. Italy, Austria, and Germany produced
elaborate secretaries in Baroque complexity. The late-
18th-century types of England and America are su-
perb architectural compositions. In the Empire period
the slant front almost disappeared, and the straight
one front plane, was a rectangu-
fall-front cabinet, in
lar mass of superimposed architectural motives.
Biedermeier secretaries carried this even further;
tall compositions, sometimes of three architectural
474 SCANDINAVIAN, 17th century. 475 ITALIAN, 16th century, ironbound olivewood.
Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, Conn. 477 PENNSYLVANIA c. 1710. Box stretcher desk-on-frame.
476 AMERICAN, 1690-1700, walnut, cross stretcher.
.1.11, .:imuiultM
484 LOUIS XVI MAHOGANY ROLLTOP DESK by David Roentgen, Gautier bronze-dore French ir Co., Inc.
165 DESK
Anderson Galleries
ITALIAN Needham's Antiques, Inc.
485 (Florence), mid- 17th century. Walnut desk
with closed-in base section. 486 ENGLISH c. 1710. Queen Anne, walnut, slope front.
Don Ruseau
492 FRENCH, Provincial style of Louis XV,
probably late 18th century. Hoof foot.
495 AMERICAN, 1810-1820. Mahogany bureau desk, fall 496 FRENCH c. 1785. Stamped N Lannuier. Drop-front sec-
front. retary, satinwood, Sevres plaque, marble top.
New-York Historical Society, New York City French <b Co., Inc.
iiittiMtanMMI IH"
Prop leaf
XVI with reeding, insert diamonds, typical of
506 DAYBED, Early Direetoi.e. Basically Louis
Don Ruseau
1795. Matched mahogany
veneer! presage EmJ"flat surfaces. 509
Don Ruseau
Don Ruseau
Provincial Directoire.
DISC FOOT. Flat, rounded foot in Queen Anne work. DOLPHIN HINGE. English hardware used in secre-
taries, name suggested by its dolphin-like shape. See
DISHED. Hollowed out, often by turning. also hardware.
DISHED CORNER. In card tables, a hollowed-out DORIC. The primary Greek order of architecture.
space in each corner for holding money. [1267.] Heavy arrissed columns with simple details yield a
sense of structural value. Roman Doric, lighter and
DIVAN. Upholstered couch without arms or back, more refined, retains much of Greek simplicity. See
originating in Turkish form of pile of rugs for reclin- also ORDERS.
ing. See also upholstery. [506.]
DOSSER. Prior to the 15th century, a fabric cover or
DOCUMENT DRAWER. In desk cabinets, the small hanging on walls or behind the seats.
vertical drawers, usually found one on each side of
the central compartment in the interior or writing DOUBLE CHEST. Two sets of drawers, the lower
section. Often ornamented with carved colonnettes, usually slightly larger than the upper; chest-on-chest;
etc. [477.] tallboy.
the form of repeated cones, like pyramidal dentils. DOWEL. Round wooden pin or peg fitted into holes
in two adjacent pieces of wood, with glue to hold
DOLE CUPBOARD. Ecclesiastical cupboard for food them together. See also construction.
for the poor; disappeared after the Middle Ages. See
DOWER CHEST. The custom of providing a chest
DRAPERY. In all historic styles the hanging of fab- DRESSING TARLE. Almost any form of table may
rics has been a prime device in decoration. Origina- be used as a dressing table when it is equipped with
ting in utilitarian need, the technique has invariably the customary mirror, drawers, etc. The use of types
run away with the object, making drapery an end in has varied considerably with the mode, eras of greater
itself. The draping of cold stone walls by means of luxury producing more complex solutions for this
arras or tapestries fostered the triumph of European function. Dressing tables appeared commonly about
weaving of the 15th, 16th, and 17th centuries. Win- the end of the 17th century. The luxury of the period
dows and doorways, thrones, canopies, beds, and in England and France encouraged their develop-
chairs likewise inspired weaving and tailoring that too ment in many varieties. Men made much of dressing
often subordinated the object to the form. Yet the tables in England and France, and for over a century
manipulation of rich folds of handsome fabrics does much ingenuity was expended on arrangements of
produce effects of luxury not attainable by other mirrors, lighting, etc. The "Beau Brummels" of
means. Like good structural architecture reduced to England and the poudreuses of France are outstand-
ornament, this has led to the simulation of the effect ing types. See also beau bbummel; powdeb table;
of drapery in painting and wallpaper, carving and table. [515 et seq.]
plasterwork. Witness linenfold paneling; the painting
of swags and festoons, and the painting of textile
forms and styles as wall decoration.
Frick Collection
mmm t mm .
527 AFTER EASTLAKE c. 1880.
525 MASSACHUSETTS Japanese influence in panels.
c. 1800. Bird's-eye maple and mahogany.
DRESSOIR. Buffet-cupboard-sideboard, usually with DRUNKARD'S CHAIR. Deep, rather low armchair;
open shelves or racks for china. Late Gothic develop- 18th-century England. [528.]
ment of credence in France, Flanders, and Germanic
countries. The type became chiefly rural in England in 528 DRUNKARD'S CHAIR. English Windsor, mid-18th cen-
the 18th century. Now identified as dresser. [1109.] tuf y- Stair & Company, ine.
DUTCH COLONIAL. Period of Dutch colonization in DUTCH INFLUENCE. In English furniture, the influ-
North America, 17th century. Long Island, New York, ence of the Dutch was so apparent as to give its name
and the Hudson Valley up to Albany were occupied to the work of the William and Mary and Queen Anne
by the Dutch long enough to leave a permanent char- periods; in fact, to most of the walnut styles between
acter in houses and furniture. This is simplified Ba- 1690 and 1735. The Dutch settlements in New York
roque; massive, stolid, unpretentious. Local woods and the Hudson Valley established a persistent strain
were used almost exclusively; turning is common, usu- modifying Colonial and Federal work. [269, 364.]
ally deeply cut and with feet often eccentrically turned
to produce a rudimentary cabriole foot called Dutch DUTCH SETTLE. 18th- to 19th-century settle with
foot, spoon foot, pad foot, or duckfoot. There was back pivoted to form a table. See also box settle.
sion" and that "cheap and easy method of workman- English wing chairs and deep armchair of the 18th
ship in an endeavor to produce a show of finish with century. See also upholstery.
the least possible labor, as well as an unhealthy spirit
of competition in regard to price, has continued to I ItlMSTI (EROIVIST). Ebonyworker; French for
cause the value of our ordinary mechanic's work to "cabinetmaker." The craze for ebony in the early 17th
deteriorate." century led master craftsmen, then called huchiers,
This return to pre-Renaissance inspired William to advertise their ability to work wood.
in this difficult
Morris and his coterie. It also inspired the very The name lingered to denote a cabinetmaker of mas-
machine-wrights it deplored to go on to design a terful skill.
semble ebony.
other than the association with the traditional form
Metropolitan Museum of Art, Bequest of Collis P. Hunttngton,
539 EGYPTIAN DESIGN: French Empire coin on which they first appeared.
cabinet c. 1810. The use of emblems is particularly characteristic of
Elizabethan embroidery.
ELIZABETHAN. Loosely used, the term denotes the EMBBASLRE. The splay, or reveal, of a window,
particularly where deep enough for a piece of furni-
culture of England during the 16th century. The
Tudor period is generally limited to the earlier Renais- ture, such as a stool.
Charles of London
546 CHEST, 16th century. Panel construction, Renaissance
The reign of the Tudors, 1485-1603, covers the last
phase of the Gothic style and the beginning of the
Renaissance [549]. In the reign of Henry VIII the
secular power displaced that of the Church, and do-
mestic furniture began a robust development. Italian
548 COURT CUPBOARD, dated 1659. Stair & Company, Inc.
influences came with Italian architects; but only in
details of ornamentation did furniture styles deviate
from the established Gothic. Romayne work, scrolls
and dolphins were added to the Tudor roses, pal-
metted bands and zigzags of the carvers' vocabulary.
Intricate encouraged some use of walnut,
more worked. Under Elizabeth this Renaissance-
Gothic combination attained its height, distinct from Under James I and Charles I, 1603-1649, the Renais-
any Continental styles. Massive and large-scaled, the sance continued to submerge the Gothic styles. The
structural principles are simple and effective; joints straightforward structure and simple outlines persist,
are at right angles, well braced. The huge bulbous- but furniture grows smaller, lighter, less ornamented.
melon turning appears on members;
all upright Flatter carving used the Renaissance motives, includ-
stretchers are square and low. Paneled chairs, draw- ing Ionic capitals, weak acanthus leaves, the guilloche
top tables, court cupboards, colossal beds with heavy and intertwined circles, palmettes, etc. The melon-
wooden canopies are prodigally ornamented with gro- bulb turning is conspicuously lighter. The gateleg
tesques, caryatids, foliated scrolls, strapwork, gadroon- table appeared, and upholstery improved some chairs.
ing, inlaying, and other Italian exuberances. Inigo The Italian X-chair, footstools, highly carved mirror
Jones brought Italian architecture; Italian workmen frames, and turned chairs were common.
followed. Religious freedom and commercial advan-
tages attracted French, Flemish, German, and Dutch
craftsmen, but their output appears strangely homo-
geneous. 547 TABLE, mid-17th century. Stair 4r Company, Inc.
Charles of London
552 Anderson Galleries
551 ENGLISH c. 1550. Wall cupboard with seat and arms attached. 552 ENGLISH, Crom-
wellian c. 1660. Lid, drawers, and doors. Oak, mother-of-pearl inlay; Italian influence. 553
Left. WAINSCOT CHAIR, Cromwellian. 554 Right. JOINT STOOL, Jacobean c. 1625.
SETTLE c. 1680. Rope seat frame with loose cushion. Arthur S. Vemay, inc
fi m
Charles of London
555 Early-17th-century ENGLISH OAK TABLE with fine
melon bulb turning with acanthus carving, gadrooning, and
Charles of London
Ionic caps. 557 Above. ENGLISH OAK GATELEG c. 1620.
The Civil War, 1642-1660, a Puritan revolt, substi-
tuted austere undecorated furniture for the ornate
luxuries favored by the Cavaliers. Simplified turnings
followed spool or sausage profiles. Ball- or bun-turned
feet came from the Dutch. Carving, inlays, moldings
Charles of London were simplified. Padding appears on the backs as well
556 LATE JACOBEAN CABINET. Strong influence of France
and Italy appears in the strong geometric panel shapes and as on the seats of chairs, and leather decorated in the
the arched perspective. Spanish manner is used.
Stair ir Company, Inc.
Charles II returned in 1660 and ruled until 1685.
From his refuge in Flanders he returned with Conti-
nental elegances and ideas of luxury, and a train of
French, Flemish, and Italian craftsmen who preferred
to work in walnut. The court of Louis XIV shed some
of its brilliance on the revived English court, and the
rising Baroque lushness appeared. Restoration lines
are everywhere lines of movement, instead of the
static squareness of Early Jacobean work.
Distinctive are spiral turnings, double-curved legs,
scrolled feet, large free curves, the Flemish scroll,
deep carving with the oft-repeated crown motive,
caning and upholstering with fine silks, velvets, bro-
cades, embroideries, stamped leather. Veneering is a
new feature, displaying large surfaces of selected
grain with inlaid floral patterns marquetry. Oystering
veneering with cross sections of small branches was
a unique development. Lacquer and painted decora-
tion after Indian and Chinese examples, known since
Elizabeth, became a rage: Oriental themes and de-
tails were colorfully executed in inlay, paint, and carv-
Late Jacobean, often used to limit this period, is
Anderson Galleries
563 CLOCK, Charles II, London, 1680. 564 MARQUETRY CABINET, late 17th century.
565 MARQUETRY CHEST-ON-CHEST. Early bracket base.
^T L_ 1
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The reign of Anne, 1702-1714, carries on the Dutch
inspiration, developing the elements of comfort, grace,
elegance. There is little positive differentiation in the
work of the years 1690-1720, but the tendency is to-
ward a more English interpretation of the flowing
Baroque outlines. Sleek and sophisticated, there is
generally a unity of curved lines in Queen Anne fur-
niture, as well as a restraint of ornament and a better
technical understanding of design. The cabriole leg
is the outstanding detail, and its skillful association
with other curves, as of seat outlines and back mem-
bers of chairs, produces superb, distinctive designs.
Improved technique made stretchers unnecessary after
1710, and pierced back splats became more decorative.
Marquetry was subordinated to fine walnut surfaces.
Carved motives were the scallop shell, broken and
C-curves, and acanthus leaves. New habits introduced
new furniture; tea drinking called for hosts of small
tables. A craze for collecting china produced the china
cabinet. Secretaries, bookcases, fire screens, mirrors,
tallboys, love seats, etc., were moderate in size, beau-
tifully proportioned, and ornamented with restraint
and charm.
SI v
The furniture produced in the earlier part of George
I's reign shows an orderly progression of the Queen
Anne style, but two rising factors could not long be
withstood: first, the coming of mahogany, and, second,
Arthur S. Vernay, Inc. the trend toward magnificence bred by the new pros-
567 CHEST-ON-STAND, walnut and burr elm. Unusual foot perity. Untilabout 1725 walnut was undisputed. More
typical of wide experimentation with cabriole form.
ornate features began to elaborate suave lines. Cab-
riole legs ended in animal details, such as ball-and-
569 WING CHAIR, 1710-1714. Carved walnut, cabriole legs
with stretchers. claw or hoof feet. Lion masks, foliated scrolls, complex
Arthur S. Vernay, Inc.
rock-and-shell ornaments, satyr and other mythological
forms were symptoms of the Rococo offshoot of the
Raroque style.
The architecture of the great houses after 1725 was
classic Italian in the Raroque manner, and the archi-
tects did not hesitate to design furniture in the same
manner. Thus the classification of "architects' fur-
niture" pompous, florid, magnificent, denying the
simple elegance of the earlier work. Full-bodied archi-
tectural pediments, columns, and statuary distinguish
the work Vanbrugh, Ware. Gilding
of Kent, Langley,
was favored, while lacquerwork declined. Rracket and
pedestal bases and applied architectural details are
Mahogany had been in some use before this time,
but removal of import taxes in 1733 let it compete
with walnut. As it excelled walnut in strength, ease
of carving, and resistance to decay, its popularity vir-
tually drove walnut out of use.
Most significant about Early Georgian furniture is
its completely English quality. The foreign elements,
>\. -v
571 GEORGE I ARMCHAIR c. 1725. Walnut with burl veneers. 572 CHAIR c. 1730.
Label of "Grendey." Chinoiserie lacquer. Late date for such stretcher and undeveloped cabriole.
573 WALNUT CLOCK c. 1730. By William Lambert. 574 CARVED PINE CONSOLE c.
1730. Naturalistic carving of eagle and dolphins recalls Baroque.
lF" r"Tv
and commodes, sideboards, desks with cylinder
p? R?^ chests
K f n ft
tops, tall secretaries, sofasand settees, etc.
Sheraton is known and publisher of
as a designer
several books on furniture more than as a working
cabinetmaker. His book The Cabinet Maker and Up-
holsterer's Drawing Book (1791-1793) purports to
show the "present taste in furniture" probably indi-
cating that many of the designs were not his own.
However, the designs shown are so good and so well
thought out as to the details of construction that, like
Chippendale forty years before, Sheraton served as
master to the whole cabinetmaking industry, and his
drawings epitomize the contemporary style.
CHINESE Arthur Vernay, Inc. 580 Arthur S. Vernay, Inc. 581 GOTHIC.
579 S.
589 ADAM DESIGN CARVED WOOD SOFA c. 1795. Symons Galleries, Inc.
ft t
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Metropolitan Museum of Art, Rogers Fund, 1919
A d a/v\
Symons Galleries, Inc. 593
Pe destal
Adam Armchair
EVOLUfE ( \V A V ) _ C n o L. L
resemble architectural facades, particularly in the FAN. Radiating design suggesting a fan, used in chair-
classic revivals. [151, 175.] backs (18th-century English), a fan-shaped filling,
FALDSTOOL. Portable folding seat, like a camp stool. FAUN. Mythological demigod, half man, half goat,
In religious use, a litany desk. [216.] used instead of a caryatid. Italian and French Renais-
sance; Adam.
FALL FRONT. Drop lid or drop front, as in a cabinet-
desk or piano. Sometimes "slant front." [74, 496.] FAUTEUIL. French upholstered armchair. The sides
are open, while the sides of the bergere are uphol-
FALL-LEAF TARLE. Drop leaf or flap table. [87.] stered solidly.
FEATHERED. Certain grains, particularly of ma- curly maple was used to imitate the satinwood of
hogany and satinwood, are referred to as feathered European models. Cherry and other fruitwoods are
when they are cut to show a plumelike figure. common in less splendid furniture; rosewood was used
in more costly work after 1820. Maple and pine were
FEATHERS. Feathers, plumes, and bird wings are stained to imitate rosewood, notably in the chairs of
used as ornamental details in Egyptian work, in the Lambert Hitchcock. Veneering is general. Brass feet
period of Louis XIV, Hepplewhite, and in subsequent and casters, brass ring handles and, to a lesser extent,
styles. brass applied ornaments were used. Of the latter, the
commonest form was the eagle; the national bird is
FEDERAL. American period, coincidental with the almost symbolically Federal. China and glass knobs
early years of the Republic, 1780-1830. Beginning were later used as drawer pulls.
marked by the Revolution or end of the Colonial Feet and legs were mostly turned, reeding being
period; it declined by the deterioration in taste after more typical than fluting. Lions' paws were carved on
the early stages of the Empire influence. The style is feet, lion heads on handles; lyres, swags, festoons,
completely classical, traces of antique Pompeiian and delicate acanthus leaves suggest the Directoire. The
Greco-Roman design coming through Adam, Hepple- Empire style favored cornucopias, pineapples, spiral
white, Sheraton, and Regency influences from Eng- carved turnings, with leaves, and mostly heavy scrolls
land; Louis XIV, Directoire, and Empire influences employed as brackets, tables, and mirrors, supports,
from France. bed ends, etc.
The Federal period is the period of Duncan Phyfe. The Federal Era was marked by great interest in
His earliest work echoes the English masters; after architecture and archaeology; leading citizens like
1800, stronger French qualities bring his work to its Thomas Jefferson brought this enthusiasm to a high
highest distinction. The Directoire-classic influence so pitch. Interiorsand furniture reflect in pure outlines
evident in late Sheraton and English Regency is also and refined detail the classic stateliness of Palladio
the basis of Phyfe's best style. Samuel Mclntire ex- and Vignola and their European followers. See also
celled in Adam interpretations. The Directoire influ- AMERICA; PHYFE, DUNCAN; LANNUIER. [619, 828, 869,
ence was followed by the heavier Empire. By 1830, 1134, 1212.]
the decline had set in; furniture was heavy and coarse.
Federal furniture is predominantly mahogany. Some
619 CHAIR, Sheraton influence.
Federal C ieif
W/A"3tf -
FIRE SCREEN. Metal spark guard. Also, a panel on FLEMISM C46INET. ITALIAUATE DETAILS Co 1600
a pole adjustable to any height to ward off the direct
heat of the fire. See also screen.
FLEMISH SCROLL. Baroque double on chair
FISHTAIL. Carving on the top rail of a banister-back legs, etc. The lower curve is a C-scroll separated from
chair. the upper, a reversed C-scroll, by a right angle.
FITMENTS. Articles made up and fitted to the walls FLIP-TOP TARLE. Double-top dining or card table
of a room, such as cabinets, bookcases, paneling, fire- that unfolds like a book, supported either by pivoting
places, and built-in work in general (British usage). about to the opposite axis, by a swing leg, or by a
runner. [452.]
FITTINGS. Metal mounts, handles, etc., applied to
the completed piece of furniture. See also hardware. FLITCH. Part of a log that is sawed into veneers; the
bundle of consecutive sheets of veneers when cut.
FLAG (FLAGG). Rushes used for weaving seats of
chairs. [324.] FLOWER ROXES. Ornamental boxes for the grow-
ing and display of plants. During the reign of Charles
FLAMBEAU. Flaming torch used as decoration. II, a craze for horticulture came to England from
Holland. This prompted the design of handsome boxes
FLAMROYANT. Brilliant, sometimes overdecorated. inwhich the bulbs and roots were grown indoors, and
Specifically, the Late Gothic of northern Europe, which for two centuries fine examples were produced in
tended to excessive decoration. See also gothic. [170, veneer wood and japanned decoration. See also plant
FOLD OVER. Desk leaf that doubles over to a table FPENCM dOTMIC CHEST d WOO
surface. Found in French table desks, Sheraton desks,
and American secretaries.
624 WALNUT CHAIR with box seat, simple linenfold panels. Developed from wall paneling.
625 CHOIR STALL, 16th century. Renaissance carving in back contrasts with Gothic details,
typical of Early Renaissance Italian influence.
. - .
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Beo ftiT-
acanthus, although the latter became the endive,
never to disappear.
The use, of the architectural orders as decoration on The style of Francois I prevailed with variations
furniture was formulated in a work dated at Lyons, through the reigns of Henri II, Catherine de Medicis
1572, by Hugues Sambin, carver of Dijon. Sambin's -and Francois II, Charles IX, Henri III, and Henri IV
plates were the model for a great school of huchiers. of Navarre. Fierce religious wars upset the logical se-
This guild brought cabinets to their highest develop- quence of furniture evolution and accelerated changes
ment in France. These were architectural compositions by the in-and-out movement of courtiers, craftsmen,
in bulk, but with irregular, jagged outlines and Ba- and architects. It was a violent period. The Gothic
roque architectural embellishment. Pilasters were root withered and died at least in the capitals. In the
commonly used as decoration, often with circular or provinces it persisted because of the rise of a power-
lozenge panels. The diamond shape, elaborated into ful middle class. Wealth and security seeped down
starsand other geometric forms, remained a favorite through the classes. Merchants, artisans, and peasants
ornament for nearly a century, and persisted in the enriched their houses with furniture inspired by that
provinces after that. of the local nobles. In adapting these luxuries to their
The catalogue ornaments of this period is most
of needs, they omitted much of the ornamentation, sub-
extensive. Grotesque figures growing out of almost stituted available woods and fabrics, scaled the gigan-
equally grotesque foliage spread over everything: tic pieces down to their rooms, and tempered the
swans and dolphins, sphinxes, chimeras, griffins, masks designs to their skill. The result is the school of French
and mascarons, caryatids and Atlantes all were Provincial Furniture, known in France as Mobilier
carved in high relief. rustique, as distinguished from Meubles de luxe.
The table is conspicuously new during the period The height of the Renaissance in France may be
of Francois I. From a disappearing utilitarian device judged from the work executed in Paris between 1550
it became an architectural entity. The bases, vigor- and 1610. The engravings of Jacques du Cerceau
ously carved after Italian models, had greater license reveal the supreme development of the cabinet. The
inornament and scale. Smaller tables appeared. The armoire a deux corps, or double-bodied cupboard, had
bed assumed a more recognizable form in the struc- the upper section narrower than the lower; pilasters,
ture of four posts that carried the various draperies paneled and decorated with flat carving, framed the
and curtains.The sheer carpentry of the bed became, doors, which were often paneled geometrically, as
in the reign of Francois I, a monumental affair of with stars and diamonds in bold relief. Broken pedi-
pillars and canopy. The wood posts were extrava- ments crowned many of these structures. Cartouches
gantly carved. and flat strapwork carving prevailed over the purer
Chairs were scaled down from the monumental, Italian decoration.Table bases were involved compo-
and were even designed to yield some comfort to sitions of columns,balusters, caryatids, and scrolls.
women. The exaggerated costume of the time sug- Chairs were architectural in scale, except the unim-
gested the caqueteuse, a light armless chair similar to portant types, which remained stiff and uncomfortable.
the farthingale chair of England. About 1580, straw- This phase is sometimes labeled the style of Henri
seated chairs were in use. The flat squab cushions, or IV, but it cannot be precisely distinguished from the
carreaux, indicate the trend toward comfort. work executed under Louis XIII. [175, 1210.]
Louis XIV came to the throne of a self-consciously
powerful France, and with deliberation proceeded to
focus it into the center of the world. The Gobelin
tapestry factory was transformed into the "Manufac-
ture Royale des Meubles de la Couronne." Under Le
Brun's direction Jean and Daniel Marot, Berain, Le
Pautre, Leclere, Andrau, engraved designs for furni-
ture. The outstanding cabinetmakers of this period
were Boulle, Oppenord, Cucci, Caffieri, Peter Golle.
It is significant French names but
that these are not
Italian, Flemish, Dutch. Yet the product was French,
clearly welded into a positive style, for all its foreign
love of allegory: masks, satyrs, lions' paws and heads, Changed manners affected the forms and variety of
sphinxes, griffins, dolphins. There were acanthus in furniture. The coffer had completely disappeared, and
endless variety, water lilies, oak, laurel, olive leaves; the monumental cabinet of Louis XIII declined. Out-
weapons, musical instruments, agricultural imple- side Paris, cupboards, while developing in the general
ments, ribbons, festoons, swags, knots. Architectural form, were ornamented in the old style of Louis XIII.
details were sparingly used for small furniture prior In fact, the entire ornamental system retained much
to 1680. from the earlier 17th century. In Normandy a narrow,
Woods were and varied. The simple oak and
rich graceful form for the storage of bonnets is known as
walnut and even ebony lacked magnificence; elaborate bonnetiere [142]. "Bookcase cupboards" had doors
marquetry panels formed large surfaces. Almond, fitted with iron wire grilles. The most important piece
holly, box, pear, and other woods were toned by fire; of receptacle furniture after the period of Louis XIV
but this did not suffice, and Boulle perfected mar- is the commode, stemming either from the table with
quetry of tortoiseshell, brass, horn, pewter, tin, ivory drawers or the coffer on legs, fitted with drawers.
and bone and mother-of-pearl in intricate detail. Boulle's name is attached to some famous commodes,
Bronze appliques were imposed upon the whole. and pretentious [159]. Others exhibit the
Painting was liberally resorted to, strong colors such curved leg and doe's foot destined to become the
as red and green being favored. Gilded and silvered cabriole leg.
furniture was substituted where real gold and silver Beds achieved new heights, literally and figura-
were prohibitive although an incredible amount of tively. The woodwork was still a skeleton for manifold
metal was used for small furniture prior to 1680. The many as thirty-three dis-
draperies consisting of as
gilding was exceptionally fine, and further distin- Some arrangements of suspended testers
tinct parts.
guished massive armchairs and tables. The "Chinese were known as "duchess beds" and "angel beds." The
taste" became a rage, first with the collection of porce- canopy of the first hung completely from the ceiling,
lains and finally in the effort to duplicate the lustrous while the tester of the angel bed was shorter than the
depth of Oriental lacquer. The Brothers Martin per-
fected the process of varnishing known as vernis
Martin, of great brilliancy and solidity.
French Regence
from an intellectual
Italy in movement not unlike the
early Renaissance the imitation of antiquity. [117,
141, 375.]
Excavations in Greek and Roman ruins had been
in progress for many years, but the unearthing of
Pompeii and Herculaneum set off a new spark. An-
cient architectural formsbecame the basis of furniture
design even as they had been in the Renaissance.
Because the architectural spirit demanded recognition
of supports, legs were truthfully expressed as sheer
vertical members, forming right angles with the
aprons, etc. The vertical was emphasized by fluting
and grooving; architecture suggested bases and cap-
itals in the form of moldings and feet. Curves, where
654 PAINTED ARMCHAIR by Brizard, 657 Center. CONSOLE, carved oak, marble top.
1780-1790. Metropolitan Museum of Art, Gift of }. Pierpont Morgan, 1906
1^^*^^*fBSQ_| IBHHIHBHIMHHIHHHPIiMi 1780-1790.
11 ii Ik
r Museum of Art, Gift of George Blumenthal, 1941 Gift of
Ann Payne
Museum of Art,
Blumenthal, 1943
galleries were applied to tables, commodes, and book- mode, called the "vitrine," for the display of curios.
cases: delicate brass or gilt moldings framed drawers. Beds were smaller, following the styles set earlier,
Ornament varied from the earlier style in its delicate with the angel bed the dominant type. Fabrics were
scale, its tactful proportion, and the complete denial of small-patterned silks, (small-patterned) tapestries,
of the sinuous line. and the whole range of Louis XV materials. The vogue
Mahogany was the preeminent wood. Rosewood, and linen created the toiles de Jouy.
for printing cotton
tulipwood, and others were combined in geometric
DIRECTOIRE, 1795-1799; CONSULATE, 1799-1804
marquetry, arranged as diamond and lozenge patterns.
Ebony returned to favor. Black-and-gold lacquer was The period of the Revolution, 1789-1795, was chaos.
popular, and much painted furniture of grayish-white, A somewhat authoritative government, the Directory,
gray-green, and similar soft tones was used. Sevres assumed control in 1795. Directoire was essentially
China plaques were inset into desks, cabinets, etc. simpler Louis XVI adorned with the symbolism of
Jean Francois Riesener was the great master of the the Revolution the Phrygian caps, arrows, pikes, tri-
era. Oeben's pupil, he later married his widow. David angles, wreaths, clasped hands, the fascesand lictor
Roentgen, known only as David; Georges Jacob, and of Rome, There were "Patriotic Beds." It is im-
his son, called Jacob-Desmalter after the Revolution; probable that any considerable quantity of furniture
Etienne Avril, Martin Carlin, Leleu, Saunier, Schwerd- was produced during this troubled era, short at best,
feger, Lalonde, Aubert, and innumerable others cre- so that it is difficult to construe a full style out of the
ated masterful designs. A few, such as Montigny, Le- few scattered remains. Simplicity, grace, directness,
vasseur,and Severin, copied or adapted the style of charm; straight lines with restrained classic double
Louis XIV and the technique of Boulle. Others, like curves; the swan, lyre, stars, in addition to the antique
Beneman and Weisweiler, worked so closely to the and Revolutionary symbols, were the index of decora-
antique architectural ideal that they actually created tive motives. Woods were more often native fruit-
the later Empire style. wood, walnut, oak, than mahogany, now that foreign
The character and function of the individual pieces trade was difficult. For the most part the old cabinet-
scarcely varied from the lines established under Louis makers continued in their work: Riesener, David,
Quinze. Commodes, chairs and sofas, desks and tables Jacob, Beneman. Two young unknown designers, Per-
merely assumed straight lines. A few new shapes ap- cier and Fontaine, worked under Jacob, and in their
pear in chairs by Aubert, excessively classical; such hands lay the evolution of the developing style.
were the curule chairs and seats and sofas with roll-
backs, Roman tripods for tables, and a glazed com-
The foregoing classification of French styles is essen-
The great body of people in the prov-
tially Parisian.
Anderson Galleries
Don Ruseau
Anderson Galleries
686 FRUITWOOD CHAIR, Directoire influence. 687 DIREC-
TOIRE COMMODE from Provence. Revolutionary symbols carved
into the solid walnut. 688 LOUIS XVI ORNAMENTAL DETAIL
applied to country-style armchair.
oak in the North. Cabinets, tables, and chairs were durable, and polish well. Pear, apple, and cherry are
rich, and profusely carved and inlaid. the most used woods of this class.
FRENCH RED. Roll-end bedstead without posts. FUNCTIONAL. In general use as applied to furni-
ture, serviceable, utilitarian, designed primarily for
FRENCH FOOT. Scrolled or spiraled foot, ornamented use rather than for decoration. Specifically, in modern
as with a dolphin. Also, a slightly outswept foot as design the school that eschews the decorative nature
used by Hepplewhite. [50, 72.] of furniture in order to emphasize its special utility.
It is the outgrowth of Louis Sullivan's edict that "form
FRENCH POLISH. Process of finishing wood with follows function." Only those factors that directly con-
a high gloss by applying successive films of shellac in cern function may be accepted as elements of the
spirits. See also vernis martin. design. Analyzed appear that pure
closely, it will
functional design tends to restrict the outward ex-
FRET (FRETWORK, FRETTING, or LATTICE- pression of functional forms within the narrowest
WORK). Interlaced ornamental work, either perfo- bounds, resulting in abject poverty of aesthetic inter-
rated or cut in low relief on a solid ground, usually in est. On the other hand, the scope of total room com-
geometric patterns; also the tracery of glazed doors position is emphasized.
and windows. A Chinese importation, itwas sparingly Owing to the conflict between functional and dec-
used on the Continent but taken up avidly by orative approaches, pseudofunctionalism in furniture
the Georgian masters. Particularly characteristic of is rampant. Fake structural forms and construction
Chippendale's Chinese manner, it was also adapted to methods lack both straightforward functional design
his Gothic designs. [108, 409, 579, 1052.] and the intrinsic beauty of traditional forms. See also
Flat fretwork, as painted and inlaid, comes down INTERNATIONAL STYLE; MODERN FURNITURE.
from the Greek and is also a feature of Arabian and
Moorish design. FURNITURE. American word to
usage limits the
movable articles, equivalent to the French meuble
FRIESIAN; FRIESLAND. Scratch carving in simple or German mobel. In England the term is more in-
geometric designs, such as the wheel. In Pennsylvania clusive, embracing every type of equipment, whether
Dutch work it is found as decoration on rude pine portable or built in. Thus "chimney furniture" in-
Bible boxes, spoon racks, etc. cludes the accessory furnishings of the fireplace:
fenders, andirons, tools, etc. The room paneling and
FRIESLAND CUPROARDS. Important cabinets with built-in fittings are also furniture.
rich carved cornices in the Baroque style, made in Decorative Furniture includes all types of more
Friesland (Netherlands) in the 17th century. Proto- or less utilitarian pieces to which is applied some
type of kas. [798.] effort at beautification. In former times every article
of use was treated ornamentally except the crudest
FRIEZE. Central part of the entablature, between utilitarian objects. Modern practice has discarded
the architrave and cornice. A flat member, it is usu- much of this decoration, and even furniture has been
ally the surface most decoratively treated with formal exempted from the erstwhile need of elaboration; the
ornament, inscriptions, painted or inlaid detail. See decorative aspect of rooms is conceived to be a matter
also ORDERS. of composition of abstract elements rather than an
association of many objects of individual ornamental
FRINGE. Ornamental edging used in upholstering claims. Most furniture today is designed in terms of
furniture; made of twisted threads, yarns, tassels, etc., modern utility, but with the decorative aspects of
of silk or other materials, often with metal. See also former periods. This cannot be correctly called "period
UPHOLSTERY. furniture," since it modifies proportions, woods, fin-
chess or draughts, backgammon etc. Sixteenth-century that, unlike the period of Louis XIV, we think of a
examples have needlework tops in patterns required given period as that of Chippendale, Hepplewhite,
for the various games; the ultimate development oc- Sheraton, or the Adam brothers. Naturally, much of
curred in 18th-century England. See also card table. their material overlapped, was interchanged with or
[158, 1277.] borrowed from the same sources, so that we are at a
loss to find an adequate name for the whole period.
GABGOYLE. Grotesque figure originally used in For that reason they are often lumped as Georgian.
architecture as decorative rainspout. Rest known in Early Georgian usually begins with the passing of
Gothic examples, was adapted for purely ornamen-
it Queen Anne, 1714, and includes the style up to the
tal purposes in some medieval and Renaissance wood- ascendancy of Chippendale, about 1745. The style is
work. a heavier, richer Queen Anne, substantial, and not
excessively Rococo. There are much gilding and lavish
GABLAND. Floral decoration, freely arranged. upholstery. Chairs and tables have brass casters.
Decorative details include the scallop shell on cabriole
GATELEG TABLE. The whole classification of tables legs, eagles' heads on chair arms, satyrs' heads, lions'
in which one or more drop leaves are supported by a and ball-and-claw feet; cabinets were of solid archi-
leg or gate that swings away from a central fixed tectural proportions. Mahogany was used, but some
structure. According to Nutting, the gateleg must have walnut work was still done.
a stretcher; if the stretcher is lacking, the type is Later Georgian styles are better known by the
known as "swing leg." Gatelegs were made with as names of designers such as Chippendale, Hepplewhite,
many as .twelve legs, and appeared in every style dur- Sheraton, etc. See also England.
The free cities of southern Germany had a flourish-
ing trade with northern Italy, and the first signs of
the Renaissance appeared there. Woodcuts of furni-
ture by Peter Flotner of Nuremberg appeared about
1542, showing Italian Renaissance details, and there
are cupboards extant, probably of his workmanship,
which show a mature appreciation of the Lombard
forms. Classic ornament and intarsia are employed.
Flotner's austere style was the prevalent type for a
generation, but after 1580 the richer plastic decora-
tion, with a larger vocabulary of ornaments, becomes
the rule. Pilasters taper toward the base; heavily pro-
jecting consoles, lion motifs, scrollwork, and car-
touches appear, and the trend toward the exuberant
richness of the Baroque has begun. Examples of about
1600 from Ulm, Frankfort-am-Main, and Augsburg are
parallel in the elaborate Late Renaissance tradition to
the work and northern France. Veneered
of Flanders
panels of walnut and ash and intarsia enrich the fir
and pine surfaces. Augsburg had a specialized cabinet
industry, and the earliest Baroque forms appeared
there about 1620. Elaborate joinery, such as mitering,
broken corners, undulating moldings, all superseded
carving. Chairs were four-legged board types, folding
chairs and, later, armchairs with square legs. Turned
baluster legs displaced the latter in the Late Renais-
sance. This style clung to much of the South German
work mid-17th century.
until after the
In North Germany oak furniture continued to be
made in the Gothic structural tradition through 1550.
Cologne and Miinster were centers of cabinetmaking
and carving, and there the Early Renaissance first
appears in the work of John Kupfer and Aldegraver.
In Luneberg and Schleswig-Holstein restrained Italian
ornament was merged with the Gothic. Schleswig-
Holstein early produced the more exuberantly carved
cupboards with metal ornament and scrollwork, while
other regions followed with the imposition of Late
Renaissance ornament upon Late Gothic shapes. The
corner cupboard appeared about this time in Dith-
The bed with carved posts and canopy frame ap-
peared in North Germany about the middle of the
16th century. Chairs for state uses were inlaid with
ivory and silver. Lesser ones were elaborately carved
and turned. Cabinets were of wide variety and were
decorated with elaborate carving, architectural fea-
tures, and intarsia panels. In these particulars, the
High Renaissance remained the source of much Ger-
man cabinetwork until the later 18th century.
The substitution of bold-scale moldings, surfaces,
and shapes ornament dif-
for excessive applied plastic
ferentiates the Early Raroque of Holland from the
695 ARMOIRE, Austria or Bavaria, end of 18th century.
Late Renaissance styles of Germany. This took place
Classic influence of Louis XVI style. Provincial version,
fine carving in pine, probably originally painted.
about 1660, but the austere Dutch curves were speed-
ily enriched in Nuremberg, Augsburg, Frankfort, and
696 BEDSTEAD, Louis XVI influence. other centers of German skill. Frankfort cupboards
Both photographs, Liebhold Wallach
were richly curved, lush in outline and modeling as
a whole. To the north, Hamburg walnut cupboards of
1680 were severely, vigorously architectural, with
heavy cornices and high raised panels. Pointed ovals,
base with drawers and large bun feet, with richly
carved enclosed leaf, flower, and fruit ornaments char-
acterize these excellent ornate structures.
Spiral-turned legs are universal in earlier Raroque
tables and chairs, but about 1690 the cabriole leg was
widely accepted, indicating the penetration of the
forms evolved at the court of Louis XIV. The Augs-
burg cabinetmakers followed the French lead with
both ebony and Roulle tortoiseshell. The court of
Frederick I was furnished with pure Louis XIV forms;
from this time on, all the palaces borrowed directly
from Paris, while the lesser workers lagged with the
older styles.
This is particularly true of the Regence. This transi-
tional style was readily taken up in the royal castles
of Germany, and inspired lower-caste furniture for
many Few new forms appear in important
work; ithenceforward essentially French, with a
The Rococo style of Louis XV permeated German
cabinetmaking through the period 1730-1790. Spread-
ing from Belgium and Lorraine, spheres of French
influence, the lavish naturalism of the French court
styles was brought into Bavaria by the architects Fran-
501sde Cuvilles and Georg Knobelsdorff; the decora-
tive sculptors Johann Hoppenhaupt and Johann
August Nahl ( 1710-1781 ) luxuriated in magnificent
carved decorations for backgrounds and furniture
alike. Consoles, mirror frames, commodes, chairs de-
luxe and canapes were embellished with birds, fruit,
& J'
Metropolitan Museum
of Art, Rogers Fund, 1908
707 GERMAN CHAIR, 18th century. Motives famil-
iar in Scandinavian and Celtic work. Elements of
the Windsor chair appear here also.
The essential philosophy of the modern Interna-
tional Style grew largely in Germany, where an early
born in 1736; he produced simple furniture of fine est, they were given serious artistic treatment in the
**: CHEST by Gostelowe, 1775-1780. Ser-
pentine front, original Adam brasses.
Jonathan G< :
Lt his (hop in Church Aliey, aboul
Second and Third-ftreetsJ 711LABEL OF
BEGS leave to inform his fonnei Cviftol
Public in general, That he hath ^gain iumel
occupation at the above mentioned plac: *A. renewl_
favours will be thankfully received ; and his beft endeavc
(hall be ufed to give fatisfa&ton to thofe who pleafe to empl?
him. Both photographs Pennsylvania Museum of Art, Philadelphia
Cj o p P A R D
GLUE. Adhesive material of various kinds, used in GOTHIC. To the Romans, Gothic symbolized the bar-
veneering, joinery, etc. Good gluing provides the tight- barians of the North. To the Renaissance artists the
est joint of wood known. A proper glue joint will break name implied the unclassical, rudely homemade ef-
less readily than the wood it holds together, but this forts of the Dark Ages, where men had lost the classic
implies good glue, good joining, and accurate fitting. touch. Yet today the Gothic regarded as having the
Much study is now being given to adhesives for wood, primary greatness of a complete, spontaneous art sys-
with the object of producing waterproof joints, by a tem. The reason lies in our recognition of the under-
simpler process than the customary hot-glue method. lying impulse; the deep need of people to construct,
beautifully, the things they require out of the materi-
GOBELIN. French family of dyers, established in the als at hand. The only stable power of the time being
15th century, began to make tapestries in 1529. In the Church, the chief artistic expression was ecclesi-
1662 their factory was purchased by the government astical. The cathedral was the triumph of Gothic art.
and transformed into an upholstery manufactory un- Secular and domestic expressions lagged far behind.
der the direction of the painter Le Brun. This actually Gothic domestic furniture is therefore almost an
marks the beginning of the period XIV. Dur-
of Louis anomaly.
ing the 18th century they made chiefly tapestries, and
in 1826 they added the manufacture of carpets. The
industry is still conducted by the state.
<r&iusr cescriKi*
coftuics cove
Gothic Furniture
GROS POINT. French coarse stitch embroidery used
from front to back leg on each side is connected an extent that handles constitute a sure index to the
through the middle by a third member. period of a piece of furniture. Wood, metal, glass,
.ivory, etc., have been adapted and designed in char-
HADLEY CHEST. Early American chest, first found acteristic forms; the better the designs, the more har-
in Hadley, Mass. Typical tulip carving over front rails moniously related was the hardware to the case, as
as well as the three panels. Often with a drawer. to size, spacing, shape, material. See also hardware.
HANGING. Bed and window curtains and portable
HAIG, THOMAS. Partner of Chippendale. wall coverings are hangings. Medieval construction
provided no finish for interior walls, so that men of
HAIRCLOTH. Fabric woven of horsehair, colored or wealth carried with them to their various transient
small-figured, typical of mid-19th-century upholstery. abodes hangings that provided grace and comfort to
A mixture of horsehair and linen was used by the 18th- the harsh castle interiors. Bed curtains and window
century English upholsterers. curtains were variations of these same draperies, as
these were still architectural features. The latter were
HALE COLUMN. Engaged column against a flat sur- almost always plain fabrics, such as fustian, but the
face or rounded pilaster. wall hangings early took on highly decorative charac-
The conventionalized
ter. patterns of medieval weaves
HALE-HEADED RED. Short posted bedstead with- became tapestries, which in turn became in the hands
out canopy. of the French weavers, representations of paintings,
including the representation of a gilt frame.
HALE-TURNING (SPLIT SPINDLE). Turned mem- Leather hangings of Spanish or Saracenic origin,
bers sawn in half, lengthwise, usually applied to a flat with typical stamped embellishment and coloring,
surface as ornament, particularly in English and Amer- were popular on the Continent during the 16th and
ican Jacobean, Italian and German Renaissance. Also 17th centuries.
used as spindles in chairs ( Jacobean ) with the smooth Papers, pasted to the wall displaced textile hang-
side to the sitter's back. [11, 137, 242, 725, 873.] ings very largely in the 18th century.
727 MAHOGANY C. 1770. Ncedham's Antiques, Inc.
ican hanging shelves after 1750 are of similar style, silver extensively. [15, 359.]
The country types
usually plainer. of pine are rarely The Rococo style revived interest in metalwork.
decorated, but show inventiveness in decorative out- Bronze appliques were a mainstay of the ornamental-
lines. [450, 726, 1332.] ist, and much of the effect of Rococo furniture derives
chests, etc., and early became decorative features as pendale's handles were ornate Baroque-Rococo com-
well. Earliest Gothic chests have beautifully wrought positions, and form an essential contrast with the
iron straps and corners, hinges and locks, hasps and mahogany.
keys. As stronger joinery became the rule the metal The classic revivals brought new hardware designs,
fittings were allowed to lapse into decorative desue- severe in outline and fine in scale. Ring handles were
tude. Renaissance furniture relegated hardware to an general in Regency and all Empire styles, and decora-
inferior place; brass and bronze replaced iron, and tive metal appliques of classical themes were uni-
mounts virtually disappeared. Functional details such versal. Mirrors were metal ornamented, and galleries
as hinges and locks were subdued, largely through and headings of brass were common.
technical improvements. Gothic hinges had exposed Late-18th-century handles began to utilize glass,
leaves that were fashioned into such decorative shapes ivory, and porcelain. These remained throughout the
as the dolphin, cock's head, loop, and H-hinges. These 19th century. The turn of the century featured copper
designs persisted, especially in ironwork and in rural and leather, and modern styles added chromium, alu-
districts, but sophisticated Renaissance work used butt minum, and the plastic materials.
hinges, concealed like the countersunk locks, etc. This
leftonly keys and key plates and handles as decorative HAREWOOD. Greenish-gray wood, actually sycamore
members; these were fine in scale and delicately or, inAmerica, curly maple, stained or dyed to a thin
wrought, often chased. Handles or pulls were either gray tone. Originating in England in the 18th century,
knobs or drop handles. Pear, tear, and ball shapes were it was used chiefly for inlays and decorative veneer-
common drops, while bails were gracefully formed ing.Widely favored in early modern work in France,
and fitted with ornate escutcheons or back plates. England, and America, in spite of its tendency to lose
Later Baroque and Early Georgian work employed the dye and to assume a greenish cast.
in which the center part rises automatically when of Church influence affected the design of furniture,
EMBLEM HERRINGBONE. Inlay banding in which the alter-
nately slanting grain produces a chevron or herring-
bone effect. Louis XIV and Queen Anne particularly.
ii-HiM.i: 256 HIGHBOY
H-HINGE. One with exposed, long flat leaves that HIGHBOY. Tall chest of drawers, usually in two sec-
when opened resemble the letter H. See also hard- tions, the upper chest being carried on a tablelike
ware. [443, 1035.]
structure or lowboy with long legs. The form is essen-
tially English, the earlier chests on turned stands ap-
HICKORY. Strong, tough, elasticAmerican wood, pearing in the early 17th century. Transported to the
good for bent parts, or parts where thinness and
American colonies, it developed with William and
strength are required, as in Windsor chairs. Oak color
Mary and Queen Anne influences into the unique and
and texture; it is too hard to work easily.
characteristic highboy of Colonial America of the 18th
century. See also chest; tallboy. [26, 735.]
Anderson Galleries
738 NEW YORK HIGHBOY c. 1800 (linen press), attributed
to Michael Allison.
Anderson Galleries
740 ENGLISH TALLBOY c. 1760. Secretary drawer.
*< *
ti --A
"fancy" chair, and has a typical "pillow back," or oval-
turned top rail, straight-turned front legs, a rush or
caned seat enclosed in thin wood strips. Most often
these were painted to simulate rosewood, with a
unique powdered-gold stencil of fruit and flowers. See
also chair. [78, 325.]
Metropolitan Museum of Art, Rogers Fund, 1921 HOGARTH CHAIR. English chair, early 18th cen-
tury, of the decorated Queen Anne style. Has hoop
back and pierced splat, with a heavy-kneed straight
cabriole leg.
HIGH RELIEF. Deep surface carving. See also carv- HONEYSUCKLE. Basis of conventional ornament;
ing. the anthemion of Greek origin, it was revived with
other classicism in the Renaissance in every form of
HINGE. Simple mechanism that permits doors, lids,
decoration. See also ornament.
etc., toswing on a pivot center. Decorative forms are
characteristic of the various styles-. See also hardware. HOOD (HOODED TOP). Shaped top, usually curved,
on a highboy, clock case, etc. See also honnet top.
HIP. Same as knee, in speaking of the part of a chair
or table leg of cabriole shape. More exactly, the hori- HOOF FOOT. Hoof-shaped base of a leg, represent-
zontally elongated part of a cabriole leg above the line
ing principally the goat hoof on a cabriole leg. See
of the seat rail as found on English chairs from 1700
also cabriole. [1222.]
to 1760. [262.]
HOPE, THOMAS, 1769-1831. English writer, archi-
tectural dilettante, who was influenced by the Empire
designs of Percier and Fontaine. His book Household
Furniture and Interior Decoration (1807) formulated
an archaeological classicism for furniture that was not'
well received but nevertheless epitomizes the classical
massiveness of the period. See also England; nine-
teenth century. [312, 745.]
HUCHIER (French). Cabinetmaker, chiefly one who HUTCH. From the French huche. A chest or cabinet
makes fine cabinets by the panel method of con- with doors, usually on legs. An early form descending
from the Gothic and disappearing after the 17th cen-
tury. Its principal interest is as progenitor of the chest
HUNT TARLE. Semicircular table with an open mid- court-cupboard sideboard. The type was common in
dle fitted with pivoted device for bringing bottles to France and Italy and particularly in Early Jacobean
any point of the radius; sometimes with drop leaves England, whence it came to America.
I flip ALS
INTARSIA. Form of wood inlay, especially of other siderable furniture was exported to Britain and the
materials, such as ivory and metal, derived from Ori- colonies. The style was identical with contemporary
ental ivory inlays. It first appeared in European work English work, and there appear to be "no decisive
in Siena, in the 13th century. [360, 746, 791.] criteria for discriminating what is Irish and what
. . .
INTERNATIONAL STYLE. Modern functional man- aprons and exaggerated carving in masks seem dis-
ner, so called from freedom from nationalistic
its tinctive. Much of this work, dating 1730-1750, is called
traditions of decorationand its development along Irish Chippendale.
similar lines in many countries. Inspired purely by
material and purpose, which today vary only slightly IRISH CHIPPENDALE. Type of mahogany furni-
in different lands, furniture tends to assume a similar ture probably made in Ireland by local craftsmen in
appearance everywhere. See also functional; modern the mid-18th century after designs in Chippendale's
FURNITURE. published works. It is solid, rather heavy in form,
748 IRISH CHIPPENDALE, 1730-1750, mahogany side table. Metropolitan Museum of Art, Bequest of John L. Cadwalader, 1914
757 SACRISTY CABINET, painted on walnut, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Rogers Fund, 1945
late 15th century.
Anderson Galleries
Metropolitan Museum of Art, Bequest of Benjamin Altman, 1913
759 SAVONAROLA-folding chair-Venice, after 1550.
Anderson Galleries
16th century.
IRON TORCHERE. Carved walnut, red velvet cushions.
Fanciful shape in dramatic veneers.
'Ad i. * i *v^
M\v>n. mw. km
jjl -LL^U I
I t I i
ill i
Don Roseau
Italian Neoclassic,
789 TRUMEAU. Brunovan, Inc.
Egyptian detail.
A few general characteristics run through almost all although lavish carving is typical. So is unorthodox
Italian furniture of the 15th and 16th centuries. treatment of accepted Renaissance features, such as
1. The wood is universally walnut, oiled or waxed ornate broken pediments, tremendous scrolls, profuse
to a deep, rich tone. sculpture, deep moldings, theatrical effects of light
2. Ornament is sparing, but increases progressively and shade. Twisted turnings, broken and reversed
from the simplest early style to a highly decorative curves, inlays and appliques of brilliant materials-
character later. Paint and gesso, even inlay, are less marble, ivory, gilt, bronze all contribute to the rich
common in later work, while carving becomes the effect, but the classic architectural silhouette vanishes.
principal resource for decoration. The style is a logical outgrowth of the High and
3. Proportion is architecturally large and stately, Late Renaissance. Its exaggerations are character-
proper to large rooms; even chairs were larger than istically the aftermath of a good mature style in its
in modern usage, so that most Renaissance furniture decadence. (The period 1560-1800 is often called in
is overlarge and uncomfortable by current standards. Italy "Decadenza.") The great architects Vignola,
Italian furniture is distinguishable by local styles. Palladio, and Michelangelo witnessed and promoted
Tuscany, centering in Florence, led in the Early the transition; among their successors Bernini most
Renaissance. Her style was refined and nobly re- crystallized the change. The architects' part in the
strained. Siena is noted for painted and gilt furniture, evolution of the Baroque was stimulated by the Coun-
while in Lombardy the certosina inlay was favored. ter Reformation, the movement by the Jesuits
Venice produced inlays in varicolored woods (in- to win back the Catholics wavering toward the Protes-
and later turned
tarsia), to highly decorative painted tant movement. The means was partially this showy,
work of capricious form. Genoa and Liguria are known theatrical dramatization of the power and wealth of
for distinctive four-door cupboards. Rome developed the Church. Paradoxically, the effect on furniture was
the rich style of carving that came to dominate all most pronounced in the secular product, and most
Cinquecento furniture. sustained in the northern lands from which the Refor-
mation flowed.
The distinctive features of Baroque furniture are
CINQUECENTO apparent after 1580, and as such set a fashion for state
High Renaissance furniture developed consistently apartments and meubles de luxe in France and Eng-
out of the early style, adding, embellishing, expand- land and the Germanic countries. Its splendor ren-
ing types and decoration. Dignified formal richness dered it incapable of being scaled down or simplified;
is achieved by bold carving, free and brilliant, utiliz- itfurthermore was usually a group design, so that
ing the whole vocabulary of classical decoration. The the individual pieces are often either downright ugly
acanthus leaf has infinite variety; likewise guilloche, or meaningless or unbalanced by themselves. A de-
rinceaux, flutings, animal forms, gargoyles, caryatids, sign was studied, not as a unit of furniture, but as a
and volutes, imbrications, gadrooning, paterae,
scrolls composition of wall and ceiling, with architectural
molded panels, pilasters, and architectural cornices, features and chairs, mirrors and candelabra and con-
intarsia, etc. Newer are cartouches, strapwork, turned soles all one indissoluble picture. The detached fur-
rosettes, broken pediments. Paint appears less fre- niture elements are therefore apt to be illogical, even
quently; gesso is rare; carving in positive relief is absurd.
abundant. The earlier Baroque, 1560-1650, is a purely Italian
The large, formally bare room of the Quattrocento outgrowth of the Late Renaissance; the later phases
became richer, fuller, more sparkling; though in simi- show French, Flemish, Spanish, Dutch, and English
lar scale, chairs were made more comfortable by traits. Italian Baroque foreshadows the style of Louis
cushions, tables were used in greater variety, beds XIV, and later echoes it. Wall furniture flourished in
were built as four-post frames, chests had animal feet, this formal atmosphere; tall cabinets, console tables,
sideboards appeared in divers shapes, and the whole and wall seats superseded the cassone. The dominat-
catalogue of furniture grew. Carving was universally ing cabinet, a great architectural structure, came from
The period was indeed one of the
rich but judicious. France. Sculptured bases, with cherubim, mermaids,
golden ages of furniture. lions, eagles,and Negroes in composition with scrolls,
shells, and leaves were gilded and polychromed. The
and stamped leathers; nailheads were arranged in prettification, and was so accepted. Greco-Roman de-
decorative patterns. Mirrors were larger, particularly tailsfrom Pompeii and Herculaneum were revived in
as to frames, which were most intricately carved. their native province. Swans, lyres, scrolls, and fine
Beds of the earlier styles were still four-posters, detail were liberally naturalized, more exuberantly
light and graceful. As the style wore on, the panels than in French furniture. Carving, gilding, painting,
were made larger to permit more painting area for inlaying, and veneering reached new heights of tech-
landscapes and robust floral compositions. nical virtuosity. Much of the Directoire outlived the
succeeding Empire style. [329, 379, 447, 514.]
istic. Asymmetry and the curved line were the rule. ofsome other animals, have been used for decorative
Capricious gaiety is the tradition of the early 18th and small utilitarian articles since prehistoric times.
century. and Louis XV influences from
Regence Egyptian sculptures in ivory are among the finest re-
France, William and Mary and Queen Anne from mains of their art, and Early Christian, Mohammedan,
England were exaggerated, distorted, often badly and Far Eastern and Gothic ivories also reveal the skill
designed and unsuitably adapted. The effect was lavished on this material.
theatrical, romantic, superficial, and charming. Its use in furniture is ancient, but size limits it to
Venice alone retained some of her prestige and decorative features. Inlays, mounts, ornamental
wealth, and therefore led in the production of fur- plaques, small caskets, etc., were used by the Egyp-
niture; consequently, most Italian Rococo work is tians,Romans, and Byzantines, among others. In the
described as Venetian. Painting over inferior wood 18th century its use for ornamental details was re-
and joinery achieved effects cheaply; using not only vived, and again it appears in details of some modern
formal motives but landscapes and marble and even work, notably the designs of the more elegant French
wood imitation. Bombe commodes and fancifully school. [215, 501, 930.]
formalism, it achieved symmetry and brilliance with 1625-1649; and the Commonwealth, 1649-1660. Late
paint, marquetry, marble, and gilding. Louis Seize Jacobean covers the Restoration period, including
was interpreted in designs by Piranesi, Pergolesi, Al- Charles II, 1660-1685, and James II, 1685-1688. The
bertolli. Milanese commodes inlaid with light wood period represents the growth of foreign influence and
are typical. the passing of the oak styles. Furniture becomes
? cim ;mmst
*-******* ^ =^ T
- -
took the form of irrelevantly applied details on East-
lake and Arts and Crafts bodies. Incised black lacquer
panels and bamboo turnings are most easily identified.
The bamboo forms flourished for several decades,
from 1880 to 1910 in minor furniture; it was naive and
sometimes charming in an unsubstantial way. Since
1945 the Western world has become interested in the
applicable aspects of Japanese culture, and there is
Anne and earlier Georgian work. See also lacquer. 1767, by Levasseur.
JEWEL ROX. Early coffers were specially made for furniture but facades of houses were draped with
storage and transportation of jewels [342]. Cabinets better or worse decoration of this type.
in more permanent households became objects of fur-
niture virtuosity in the High Renaissance. [178, 180, JOINERY. The technique or mechanics of furniture
629.] and woodwork. Joinery is to the interior designer what
masonry is to the architect. It is the oldest term for
JEWELING. Surface carving to simulate jewels. the craft, and literally means the joining together of
pieces of wood. See also construction.
JIGSAW. Saw for cutting interior work, such as
pierced work, fretwork, latticework, etc. Originally JOINT STOOL. Jacobean stool with turned legs, orig-
operated by a treadle, it was one of the first machines inally with mortise-and-tenon joints. [797, 1177, 1245.]
Joint Stool
799 NEW YORK DUTCH KAS of pine and oak planking, early
18th century. The shape and motives of the painting indicate
JOEY. Printed fabrics, usually on fine cotton, pro- ancestry in Dutch prototypes.
Metropolitan Museum of Art, Gift of Miss Sarah Elizabeth Jones, 1923
duced Jouy near Paris by Philippe Oberkampf, from
1760 to 1815. The patterns were most commonly real-
istic designs on classic themes, with charming compo-
painter and decorative artist. Came to London in work or actually painted by her being uncertain. Her
1766, where she executed murals and ceilings, many husband was Antonio Zucchi, likewise a painter of
designed by Robert Adam. Her classical compositions murals and decorations under the auspices of the
appear as decoration on much painted furniture of Rrothers Adam. Their influence on the work of Hep-
the last third of the century, whether inspired by her plewhite, Sheraton, and others is unmistakable.
KENT, WILLIAM, 1684-1748. English architect and KILN DRIED. Lumber dried by artificial means in
furniture designer of the Golden Age. Probably the warm chambers. The heat is regulated to prevent the
first English architect to make a practice of design- too sudden loss of moisture to avoid checking, warp-
ing the movable as well as fixed furniture of his rooms. ing, and other defects. Besides speed, kiln drying is
KETTLE RASE, FRONT. Bombe-shaped case, with KNEADING TARLE. Utilitarian furniture of the
swelling or bulging front and/or sides. Of Baroque provinces of Europe, now used as tables and side
inspiration in the early-18th-century Continental work, tables. Provincial French ones are particularly dec-
it occurs in fine American Late Colonial. [36, 365.] orative. [1248.]
ones were used in fine 18th-century English work, century English work, and the practice carried to
and large glass and china knobs were used on 19th- America. The best-preserved labels are in almost
century work in the United States. See also hardware, secret places in the interiors of cabinets, etc. [ 1300. ]
5 syCAMOR.6
oak-Jacobean eass Sutt^roU Jacobean
LACEWOOD. Australianoak having fine regularly
spaced flakes yielding a lacelike appearance; light
KNOB TURNING. Turning of knobs in series, used mahogany color.
original, circa 1610. and acids. It can be rubbed to a clear satiny finish
that emphasizes the beauty of the wood; it is also
KNOP. Bunch of leaves or flowers. Also the old spell- made opaque, like paint, and tinted to any shade. In
ing for knobs, occurring as a swelling or vase shape speed, ease of handling, and resistance to wear it is
on a turned shaft. more economical and more efficacious than older ma-
terials such as varnish and shellac. See also finish.
KNOTTY PINE. In good old work the knotty parts [407, 1330.]
paint revealing these in renovated paneling and fur- rails resembling a ladder. Common types in Pilgrim
furniture and in the simpler Chippendale work. [247.]
niture, it is mistakenly assumed that the knots were
purposefully chosen. Wide advertising has created a
vogue for knotty pine, but it does not follow that this
is historically correct or good.
LADIES' DESKS. Lighter and smaller desks on legs, LANGLEY, BATTY AND THOMAS. English archi-
developed in France and England after 1690. tects, early 18th century. Their published early de-
signswere after the grandiose French manner. Batty
LAMBREQUIN. Drapery around the top of a bed. Langley was one of the leaders of the earliest Gothic
LAMINATE. The binding up of layers; in wood pan-
els three, five, or more layers are laid alternately LANNLTER, CHARLES-HONORE. Cabinetmaker,
across the grains for strength and durability. See also born 1779, arrived in New York 1803. Working in a
PLYWOOD; VENEER. skillful Directoire manner, he had wealthy patrons in
LANCET. English pointed Gothic arch. LATHE. Machine for shaping turned parts by the ap-
plication of cutting edges against the revolving wood.
LANDSCAPE PANEL. Wood panel with the grain See also turning.
running horizontally.
jss9M v ^- ^^*^DP^^^ |
BB3* if
Bf ,r
(B) Drop leaf is the hinged part of a table, desk, etc. lose-coated cloth embossed with familiar leather
(C) Loose leaf is inserted into the opening of an textures.
extension table to provide additional surface.
LECTERN. Reading desk Of wood, metal, or stone.
LEAF SCROLL FOOT. Base of a leg with foliated [805, 983.]
LECTUS. Roman beds or couches. The lectus lucubra-
LEATHER. The tanned skins of animals. Furniture torius and lectus cubicularius were respectively fitted
uses chiefly those of cattle, calves, sheep, goats, and with and without incidental conveniences as reading
pigs. These are treated in many ways for strength, desks, receptacles for things at hand, etc. The lectus
permanence, and decorative interest. Dyeing and sur- triclinarius was a lower couch, used when dining.
time and place of origin. A few general types have 807 SHERATON c. 1790. Steps fold
into low table.
their individual styles and imitations, such as the
cabriole, turned, tapered, fluted, concave, animal, etc. LIRRARY TARLE. Large table with drawers usually
See also style headings such as chippendale; tudor. in pedestal form. English name for any flat- top desk,
usually known in America as pedestal or kneehole
LEP AUTRE, JEAN, 1617-1682. French designer,
desk, often provided with space for books. See also
School of Louis XIV; published Livre de Miroirs,
Tables de Gueridons, and other works on furniture,
which influenced design in Flanders and England. 809 LIBRARY STEPS in table, English
Regency, 1830-1840. Symons Galleries, Inc.
motif, abundant in Gothic 14th-, 15th-, and 16th- LIVERY CUPROARD. Early English food cupboard.
century remains from Gothic France, the Netherlands, Livery probably a contraction of "delivery." Food
and the Teutonic countries. In England it survived was stored here and distributed to the household and
another century along with the persistent Gothic to the poor. Ventilation was a necessity, often pro-
quality of the Tudor, Elizabethan, and Jacobean styles. vided by grilles of wooden spindles, or tracery. See
aer* :
\ LORE. Section or profile in rounded form.
LORING. Gadrooning.
LOPEB. Sliding arms that support the fall or drop
6- Co., Inc.
811 LOUIS XV WRITING TABLE, parquetry.
front or lid of a desk. Also the sliding runners of an
extending table. [442, 498.]
LUNETTE. Semicircular space. In furniture, a half- Louis XVI it occurs in symmetrical form, and in com-
moon shape filled with carving, inlay, or painting. In parative forms in England. Sheraton employed it con-
Gothic oak furinture, lunettes were carved, while in spicuously, as did the entire school of the Empire
English Late Georgian work they were often inlaid or and Empire influence in England and America.
painted with fan-shaped designs. Duncan Phyfe designed table supports, chairbacks,
mirror standards, etc., with this motif, delicately
LYRE MOTIVE. A naturalistic representation of the executed, with brass wires representing the strings.
lyre figures in Greek decoration that was adapted by It is also found in Biedermeier work in Germany and
the Renaissance artists. It appears sporadically in all in Italian furniture of the early 19th century. [76, 296,
design,and was featured strongly in a free form in 822, 1264.]
Louis XIV and Louis XV decoration. In the style of
MADRONE. Brown-red burl of sound, regular texture 823 ENGLISH MAGAZINE RACK, early 19th century.
MAIDOU. East Indian wood prized for decorative The Romans undoubtedly used the highly colored
veneers, both in the long grain and the fine, with even Italian marbles as well as the classic white, while
burls resembling amboyna. Ryzantine remains show a preference for these colors.
The Italian Renaissance revived the use of marble,
MANWARING, ROBERT. English designer and fur- neglected by the Gothic designers, and the process of
niture maker, The Cabinet and Chair
published inlaying marbles into wood or stone surfaces was
Makers Real Friend and Companion in 1765. Heavy either revived or rediscovered. Baroque Italian and,
and highly ornamented chairs, resembling those of to a greater degree, French work of the 16th and 17th
Chippendale, are shown. Few surviving pieces with centuries favored marbles, and in the magnificent
his mark are known. furniture of Louis XIV and XV it appears most fre-
quently as tops of buffets, commodes, tables, and side
MAPLE. The Acer family is the distinctly American tables. The Italian precedent did not reach England
wood. While known in Europe in a few varieties, its to any considerable degree until the 18th century;
preeminence in the Western Hemisphere is due to its after 1720, however, the vogue for marble grew. At
prevalence, its fine structural properties, and its deco- first only white marble was imported, and it became
rative interest. The early colonists were quick to customary to stain this to imitate the costlier varie-
recognize and use maple, and we have the example ties. About 1738, colored marbles native to England
of much Early American maple furniture as a guide were employed in furniture, and the search abroad
to its use. There are hard and soft maples, with varied was for still more exotically hued stone. After 1750,
figures and textures, such as curly, bird's-eye, wavy, porphyry, lapis lazuli, alabaster, and other semi-
blister, and quilted figures, usable in the solid lumber precious stones were used as tops. With the dimin-
or as veneers. It varies from very hard to medium, ishing scale of furniture toward the end of the century,
with a high ratio of strength and resistance to shock the use of marble tops waned; the decline was also
and splitting; it works well and can be polished very hastened by the new skill in coloring and veining of
smooth. scagliolaa composition. The Adams used these imi-
The texture of maple is very hard and smooth, the tations extensively.
fibers and pores being exceptionally small. It is almost Italy, with a declining aristocracy, carried marble
white in color in the harder varieties, the softer maples effects so far that whole rooms and their furniture
being light tan or yellow-brown. Recent furniture were painted to simulate highly figured marble.
practice has been to stain or glaze maple to a red- The Empire style revived the classic use of marble.
brown shade that purports to be the color of Early It survived the style and was probably most character-
American antiques; this is neither accurate nor beauti- used in the furniture of the 19th century
ful and it is to be hoped that commercial producers throughout Europe and America. The styles of Louis-
will soon abandon it and utilize the true light beauty Philippe, Victoria, and the marble-topped era in the
of the wood. United States favored the dull tone of gray-and-white
marble. Dressers, washstands, tables, and commodes
MARBLE. Remains of marble furniture from Egypt, were generously covered with the stone, the habit
Greece, and Rome are not uncommon, whether result- persisting almost to the end of the century. [88, 1071,
ing from a considerable use or its ability to survive 1224, 1231, 1284.]
being conjectural. Ceremonial chairs, or "thronos,"
from Greek times are known, and inspired the
classic MARBLEIZING; MARBLIIVG. Wood painted to
"curule" chair of the classic revivals. The type was simulate marble was probably used in all times, but
copied by the Romans in elaborately sculptured chairs we have examples surviving from the 17th
of state. Remaining Roman table bases indicate that century in France, and England, and later
these likewise were handsomely adorned and com- throughout Europe. Painted columns, commodes, and
bined with bronze, used as supports for marble tops. tables were often combined with real marble.
MAROT, DANIEL. Architect and designer of furni- they were executed is not known. Much detail of
ture, born about 1660, died in Holland about
in Paris Hampton Court Palace bears his characteristic form,
1720. Studied under Lepautre and Boulle; went to whether it was his actual design or not. Marot's style
Holland to escape religious persecution; under patron- is the quintessence of the Baroque style of Louis XIV.
age of the Prince of Orange he designed important His designs for Boulle typify his ability to compose
public and residential work. As architect to William III extravagant detail into an architectural whole. His
of England he issued many designs, but to what extent fireplaces and wall treatments also incorporate the
richest assortment of motives into sound compositions.
In lesser hands the effects are garish, but Marot's de-
signs, employing all manner of rinceaux and festoons,
animal and geometric forms, with every color and
texture, are firmly held together. His talent inspired
Dutch, French, and English artists for almost a cen-
tury; Chippendale, Kent, and most other designers
of the age appear to have profited by his work in no
small measure.
825-826 MARQUETRY DESK AND COMMODE, late Louis 827 MARQUISE CHAIR, English, c. 1730. Arthur S. Vcrnay, Inc.
XV style. The geometric design is parquetry'.
Dalva Brothers, Inc.
MECHANICAL FURNITURE. Beginning with Gothic
benches fittedwith reversible backs, some approaches
to design have always favored devices that give an
object more than a single or fixed use. Sheraton
brought to a peak many such devices and mechanisms,
but he had a great body of Continental ingenuity to
draw on. German cabinetmakers in particular had
delighted in complex mechanisms directed at compact-
ness, security, secrecy, or simple gadgetry. In 19th-
century work new processes and materials met new
demands with a torrent of inventions, as demonstrated
in the records of the United States Patent Office.
Inspired variously by health fads, transportation
methods, space realignments dictated by new indus-
triesand economies, new mechanical operations, new
machine potentials, or the amusement of simple novel-
ties, metal spring seats and mattresses, adjustable
chairs and beds, furniture that folded or opened or
that disappeared or became something else was re-
garded with respect. Some achieved real usefulness
and even esthetic interest. Swivel chairs, sofa beds,
expanding tables, lighting adjuncts are contemporarily
acceptable. Fitted receptacles like television cabinets
and refrigerated bars are, like musical instruments,
variably successful in furniture terms. On the other
hand, furniture designed for specific technical use,
Israel Sack, Inc.
including transportation seating, office furniture and
c. 1800. Sheraton style.
equipment, mechanical objects such as barber and
W' ^Mt
** V
'11 \ J
838, 839, 840
Don Ruseau
857 TRUMEAU, style of Louis XVI. Painted and
French ~Co., Inc. gilded.
856 LOUIS XVI, painted and gilded.
858 NORTH ITALIAN c. 1780.
Style of Louis XVI.
Brunovan, Inc.
861 VENETIAN, Louis XVI derivation.
864 ADAM, late 18th century. Symons Galleries, Inc. 863 ITALIAN DIRECTOIRE. Olivieri
* -i
remaining from past ages was the vocabulary of his- material. By 1840 in Vienna, Michael Thonet had
toric furniture design. [878 et seq.] rendered a Regency-chair design in curved veneer
Mass production buried the artisan-designer. The strips. At the Crystal Palace he showed the same idea
designer became a detached anonymity, more sales- in wood rods. The full strength of the
man than artist, sternly governed by the production continuous grain made joints so located and con-
director, the mechanic. Often the designer and the structed as to reinforce rather than weaken the struc-
production man were the same person. The factory ture. Millions of chairs cheap, light, strong, and
handsome were produced through this technique.
Another technique dating from mid-19th century
that was to have far-reaching effects was the notion
of laminating thin layers of wood plaidwise, the cross
grains balancing strengths and stresses plywood. The
first general notice of extensive application was in
878 D
878 C
Thus the 19th-century concept of furniture lost itself theorizing. If the effects in furniture were transitory,
in mechanical practicality on one hand, in visionary the impact on interior decoration was positive in
esthetics on the other, while the bulk of the enormous sweeping away the cluttered effects of 19th-century
production met neither the mechanical nor the esthetic rooms and encouraging a sense of scale and quiet
problems directly. Where advances did take
real orderliness in room design.
place, their true significance was obscured for decades. These influences did not stem the antiquarian im-
Architects and painters figured largely in the philo- pulses that had come to dominate furniture thinking
sophical discussions, as they had in ages past; and, as by 1910. After the Eastlake influence of the 1880's,
in the past, they proved that furniture design is best England and America reverted to the great classics-
done by furniture designers. This is not to under- Rome and the Renaissance. On the Continent the
estimate the vital impulse of the parent art and allied Biedermeier influence had never lapsed, and the reign
arts and crafts. Robert Adam, as the greatest of archi- of Napoleon III revived interest in Empire. An awak-
tect-designers, probably occupies that niche through ened Palladianism restored attention to the 18th cen-
his dependence on Thomas Chippendale. Palladio, tury in England, while its counterpart in the United
Berain, Marot, Percier and Fontaine, Inigo Jones, States launched the preoccupation with Americana,
Gibbs, Kent, Thomas Hope, Brunei, Baillie, and still current. The search for antiques and their com-
Mackintosh, H. H. Richardson, Stanford White, Frank mercial reproduction and inspiration began in the
Lloyd Wright all the greatest architectural innovators 1890's. Architecture, and furniture and its literature
and spokesmen achieved something less than their in this vein were and are the most favored expres-
greatest forcefulness in the design of actual furniture. sion. Early reproductions showed a curious lack of
Conversely, the trade schools and shop organiza- observation or a cavalier willingness to adapt. "Colo-
tionstended toward excellence of technique and con- nial" designs of the 1890's were wide of the mark in
servatism in design. The British Art Workers Guild detail, materials,and finish. Up to World War I there
(1883), the Deutsche Werkbund
Movement, and were essays in Empire (then called post-Colonial),
similar anticommercial organizations emphasized the and mixtures of colonial Queen Anne, Adam, Hepple-
craft approach and an educated base for designers. white, and Chippendale that were almost uniformly
In America, Gustave Stickley promoted the Craftsman negative. After 1920, the old designs came to be more
School from a simple rationale like that of the English authentically reproduced, thanks to the educational
Arts and Crafts. These were popular movements with influence of magazines, museums, and well-publicized
a businesslike view of market objectives, not precious collections, and especially to the new merchandising
878F SIDE CHAIR, 1900, by Charles Rennie Mackintosh. 878G OFFICE CHAIR 1904,
by Frank Lloyd Wright. 878H TUBULAR STEEL, 1927, by Mies van der Rohe.
Collection Museum of Modern Art, New York,
878F Gift of Glasgow School of Art 878G Gift of Edgar Kaufman, Jr. 878H Knoll Associates, Inc.
techniques of the large stores. Similar commercial
production explored Italian Renaissance (a bow to
the classic Italianism of the 1893 Chicago Fair); the
Rococo Louis Quinze after the Paris fashions of the
haut monde and the Reaux Arts School; the English
Oak Era, spurred weakly by a similar movement in
England, the aftermath of the Pre-Raphaelite quest
for sanctity in handicraft Gothic.
Frederick Lunning
^^^ ^^
i i
furniture design. The International Style became in-
ternational largely through Hitler's dispersal of the
brains and talent of this institution.
In Vienna the Secession was organized in 1896 by
* -W'M f
878Q, 878R PEDESTAL TABLE, CHAIR, AND OTTOMAN designed by Eero Saarinen,
1948. Knoll Associates, Inc.
painting from Cubism through Abstractionism and is a great industry founded on historic styles. The un-
Dadaism. In the elegant vein was exquisite cabinet- ceasing quest for novelty by a growing affluent class
work in rare woods, metals, ivory, and glass by Ruhl- has created a debased vocabulary called "contempo-
mann, Dufrene, Leleu. There was much of bizarre rary," justifying stylistic liberties with historic themes.
rebelliousness, strident color and pattern the shapes of This has filtered down to lower commercial levels,
jazz. There was also a strain of constructivism, of both encouraging mass-production industries to ignore the
true and false functionalism, as expressed by students refinements of good reproduction. Fine design in well-
and observers of the new Bauhaus and the function- made medium-price furniture is more abundant than
alists in Germany, the Netherlands, and Scandinavia. ever before, but by no means universal.
The Bauhaus influence grew steadily in Europe
during the late 1920s. Le Corbusier's Pavilion de MODILLION. Projecting brackets, usually enriched
1'Esprit Nouveau (Paris, 1925) showed plated tubing with carving, at regular intervals under the cornice
for everything but chairs, which were historic Thonet in the Roman Corinthian, Composite, and Ionic orders.
bentwood. Marcel Breuer went on with Mies van der
Rohe's tubing designs, producing the cantilevered MOHAIR. Upholstery fabric, originally made from
chair about 1928. the hair of the Angora goat. The Moors introduced
The impact of the Paris Exhibition on the United it into Spain, whence
it spread to England and north-
Stateswas earth-shaking. The country was hungry ern Europe. mentioned in English inventories of
It is
for just such motivation. A new artistic-intellectual the 17th century, but these appear to have been woven
class of Europophiles had sprung up from its war con- partly, if not entirely, of silk.
V3.V<wL<Vi N*
RkDWCj u
iriwiui Minimum
879 MONK'S BENCH, Canadian, pine. Montreal Museum of Fine Arts
serpentine or double moldings; and (4) the beak architect, poet; formed in 1862 firm of Morris, Mar-
mold, with the upper part concave and the lower shall, Faulkner & Company for practice of decorative
convex. arts. Chiefly motivated by a free interpretation of
Historically, certain ornaments have been used for the medieval, Morris was a leader group of lib-
of a
specific profiles, the styles varying chiefly in tech- erals in art and politics who tried to stem the tide
nique. For example, the egg-and-dart is classical for of machine development by fostering handicraft de-
styles they are arranged to make patterns, such as the
daisy pattern in the French period of Henry II, and
on screens,
teristic of
coffers, etc. Large nailheads are charac-
Portuguese and some Spanish work. [162,
WM I Wj& j WM
213, 254, 342, 1151.]
NEEDLEPOINT. Upholstery covering of woolen
threads embroidered upon canvas. \ I
NEO-GOTHIC. Revivals of Gothic detailing, prin- 890 DUTCH, 17th-century cabinet. Renaissance details are
cipally after 1830 in England and America; to a lesser prototypes of succeeding English and American work.
extent in Continental work in furniture. [330, 410, 533.]
902 DETROIT c. 1865. Infinite variety in detail of parts, derived from Windsor, Empire,
and current English models. Millions of such chairs were made from 1840 to 1900.
Henry Ford Museum, Dearborn, Mich.
AMERICAN CHAIRS, 1840-1880. Left to right: 903 BALLOON BACK, Louis XV deriva-
tion, 1850-1870. 904 LATE EMPIRE,
1840-1860, fruit and flower carving, haircloth, slip
seat. 905 PLANT STAND, marble top, 1850-1870. 906 RENAISSANCE ECHOES, round
cane seat, 1860-1875. 907 EASTLAKE INFLUENCE, 1870-1880, machined lines and carving.
Henry Ford Museum, Dearborn, Mich.
The Crystal Palace Exhibition did call attention to
a widespread interest in technological experimentation
with methods and techniques as well as with ma-
chines. New materials
and new uses for materials were
examined. Metals were handled in new contexts, turn-
ing their known virtues to unfamiliar uses. Papier-
mache was at its height and was shown here with
ENGLISH UPHOLSTERY WORK, 1850-1880. public to Empire to Republic. Napoleon III and Eu-
From catalogue of Hampton and Sons, Furniture Collection of genie presided over a great revival of elegance, this
Grand Rapids Public Library
time with the upholsterer overriding the carver. A
species of Louis Quinze curvature with puffy uphol-
stering was the hallmark. There was tremendous ex-
pansion of the furniture vocabulary, as well as an
overemphasis on the furniture object in relation to
the main composition of the room.
economy and
In America, an explosively expanding
geography absorbed the French influence avidly, al-
though the Gothic Revival (roughly 1820-1850) took
more from English Pugin than from Viollet-le-Duc
[423]. Prior to that, the Federal style had merged
naturally into the Empire. After 1800, the classic of a fine business sense. Among hundreds of such enter-
Greece and Rome suited the philosophy and esthetic prises in New England after 1815, we single out Lam-
of the new Republic. Duncan Phyfe could not have bert Hitchcock in northern Connecticut for the mass
been alone in making the transition from Sheraton production of his famous "fancy" chair, the "poor
toThomas Hope; New England and the southern sea- man's Sheraton." Parts for these chairs went to Charles-
board saw the same evolution. French imports in- ton by the thousands for assembly and local sale. The
cluded not only fashion plates and furniture but also idea was too good for enterprising Yankees to leave
designer-craftsmen like Honore Lannuier. The Greek as a monopoly Drepperd is author-
to Hitchcock: Carl
Revival was the mainstream in architecture through ity for the estimate of over 8,000 American chairmak-
1850, and furniture followed closely. Neo-Gothic be- ers in1830-for 12,700,000 people.
gan to edge in after about 1830. Reacting to the The product of this far-flung industry varied by
formal symmetry of the Greek was the so-called "pic- whim. Much was derived from the Regency-Direc-
turesque." It aimed to be quaint, small-scaled, and toire shape familiarized by Phyfe and made machin-
personal. The prevalent wood construction took easily able by innumerable adapters clear to the Mississippi
to lacy cutout detail, to board-and-batten walls. In Valley. Their style ranged freely, and so did the scope
furniture, only a few details lent themselves to transfer of their production. Cabinets and case goods and
to the accepted comfortable outlines. beds came from everywhere in New England, central
Most significant here are the advent of power and New York and Pennsylvania, up the Great Lakes and
the machine. The designer-craftsmen stayed in the down the rivers. By 1870 some of these had become
eastern cities. Boston, New York, and Philadelphia set important industries serving the seaboard cities. Grand
the standards because they had the designers. Still, Rapids, Rockford, Jamestown, the factories in central
hundreds of new towns, settlements nearer the source Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and North Carolina all
of the woods, found that they could supply some of have their roots in such beginnings.
their furniture needs at home. They had wood and What they sought for design inspiration is a vague
power and a market right there. The design mattered story. There were a few itinerant designers who vis-
little; they copied in their fashion what they saw ited the plants long enough to leave a parcel of
and liked from the few pieces they had brought with sketches. How well they wrought is conjectural be-
them, and they found they could do things with their cause the product of the era generally indicates a
lathes and saws and primitive shapers that were dif- ruthless adaptation to the vicissitudes of the mechani-
ferent, which is in itself a virtue in the American cal production process. The Late Empire, Louis
ethos. Individuality was the keynote, coupled with Quinze Victorian, Eastlake and the neo-Renaissance,
Brooklyn Museum
Mission and Colonial revivals were freely adapted began to turn out miles of simple turnings, like the
and accepted with a generally specious critique. "spool,"which found its way into the spool bed about
Techniques outran design. Molding took the shapes 1850. Routing and simple carving imitated plastic
that the machine found natural, and carvings made ornament. Veneer cutting was simplified and cheap-
separately and stuck on were just as effective if made ened. Lamination may have originated with Belter,
of composition. Turning and shaping developed vir- whose highly modeled chairbacks were carved into
tuosity. Sheer bulk of wood made for grandeur, and crossbanded layers of rosewood. Laminated panels
multiplication of themes for richness. The develop- were made by former "box-and-shook" mills in New
ment of plywood permitted larger surfaces that lent England, although it was several decades before ade-
themselves to adornment with figured veneers. quate adhesives made plywood trustworthy.
If the status of the designer was ambiguous, that The inventor had his field day in the 19th century.
of the inventor or the technician never was ques- Thousands of patents were granted for mechanical
tioned. The latter improved machines and found furniture whose uselessness was second only to com-
things for them to do. Early in the power era, lathes manufacture or operation. A favorite subject
plexity of
was the bed that retreated into a piano, a bookcase,
916 GRAND RAPIDS c. 1880, by Berkey and Gay. American a or another bed, sometimes accom-
library table,
interpretation called Eastlake style. This assimilates about ev-
panied by dressing tables or a few incidental ac-
erything the reformers decried. Richly ornamented with inlay
and painting, it typifies the lavish, superior craftsmanship of cessories. There were trick chairs, desks, dressers, and
the time. 916A MAHOGANY TABLE with inlaid top. therapeutic devices. Few worked and few went past
American c. 1881. 917 GRAND RAPIDS,
c. 1898. The mass-
the patent papers, but the enthusiasm recorded for
production low-price end of the scale resorted to bulk and
machine virtuosity. them in print gave them a life of their own.
916A 917
Brooklyn Museum
Public Library
918, 919, 920, 921 GRAND RAPIDS, 1876. Bedroom furniture by Berkey
and Gay. Craftsmanship of a very high level, comparable to the best
European work. Distance from design sources expressed in undisciplined
composition of decorative elements, restrained only when the ceiling was
reached. In wood-poor countries a good bedstead could be made out of
the lumber in one siderail. In 1876, a woman's dress may have consumed 922 ALSACE c. 1890. Jacobean theme in
40 yards of material. decoration of a cabinet. Stepped top for
display of objets d'art.
921A DESK, 1878, American. Brooklyn Museum
\u- and i
I hardly '
itry things
naturally i
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I 1
NONESUCH; NONSUCH (English). Chest showing OGEE. molding having a cyma or double
in inlay a representation of the castle of Nonesuch curve; also, two S-shaped curves, the convex curves
built by Henry VIII. The typical picture, however, meeting at a point or fillet, as used in the sides of
appears in chests of the time from Germany and an arch. Ogee-headed panels are found in Georgian
Scandinavia. casework, and in the tracery of bookcase and cabinet
doors. See also molding. [40.]
NORMAN. Style of the French conquerors of Eng-
land after 1066; a rugged, bold, large-scaled manner OGEE BRACKET FOOT. Cabinet foot with cyma
Romanesque, employing the sparing orna-
basically reversa profile, found in American and some English
ment and hard outlines of medieval fortress archi- work, late 18th century. See also goddard. [1045.]
OGIVE; OGIVAL. Pointed arch, distinctly Gothic.
NORMANDY. Furniture of the province of Normandy,
in France, has a simple, refined rustic character some- OLIVE WOOD. Hard, close-grained wood, greenish-
what reminiscent of the product of Colonial New yellow in color, with irregular dark markings. It takes
England. See also France; provincial. a high polish. It has been used by the Mediterranean
peoples since time immemorial, as indicated by Egyp-
NOTCHING. Simple form of decoration found in tian, Greek, and Romanremains and documents. It
primitive woodwork. is found as inlaysand veneers in furniture of the
French Renaissance, and of England after Late Stuart
NULLING. Quadrant-shaped (in section) carved or- times. English Regency and Continental Empire styles
nament, similar to gadrooning. favored the burl figures. Ash burl is often substituted
for the olive.
NURSERY. Furniture specially designed for infants
and small children, including bassinets and cribs, ONION FOOT. Oval-shaped cabinet foot.
bath tables, high chairs, diminutive chairs and tables,
toy chests and wagons, etc. ONLAY. Overlav; decorative applique, as of veneers.
OAK. Coarse-textured, hard, durable wood valuable ORDERS. The orders of architecture are the stand-
for woodworking. It occurs everywhere in the tem- ardized ornamental types of columns, with their as-
perate zones, in a wide range of varieties. The north- sociated bases, capitals, pedestals, entablatures, etc.
ern part of Europe was originally covered with oak, They are based on the Greek and Roman remains,
so that practically all Gothic work is in this wood. Its
m i
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11 SL I
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- -~ -. . - H
istic or conventionalized, according to whether they means and fancy, so that Renaissance classicism is
truly pictorialize the object or merely symbolize it in usually distinguishable from the antique. The Raroque-
more or less recognizable simplification. Rococo extreme of
styles carried modification to the
The simplest structural form may be considered losing sight of the source and creating a wholly dis-
ornamental, if it is adapted in the slightest way to tinct category of ornaments. Revival after revival has
uses other than pure structure. Thus an arch is orna- only used the old as a starting point; the ornament of
mental any other than the true stone structural
if every period is finally the index to that period.
principle is employed. A column treated with bases,
capital, fluting, etc., is ornamented, but the use of OTTOMAN. Upholstered seat or bench having neither
the column itself in furniture is ornamental. All archi- back nor arms; so named after the Turkish influence
tectural forms reproduced in furniture may be con- in the early 18th century. During the English
sidered ornament. The use on furniture of ornaments Regency period "ottoman" seems to have had a spe-
planned for the embellishment of buildings is simi- cial connotation of a divan. Ackermann's Repository
larly architectural, but the scaling-down process has of the Arts (1817) shows a form of overstuffed sofa
developed a distinct sequence of ornamental forms. with back and arms.
Certain styles, such as the Renaissance and other clas-
sic revivals that look backward to ancient times, em- OUDRY, JEAN-RAPTISTE. 18th-century French de-
ploy these architectural forms; others, like the Gothic signer; as director of Gobelin works after 1736, he
and phases of the Rococo, derive their ornamental influenced Rococo style.
character from the deft manipulation of lines, planes,
color, and organic details. OVAL RACK. Chair shape, best developed by Hep-
Ancient Egypt conventionalized its flora and fauna plewhite somewhat after French precedent. [295.]
in paint and sculpture. Animal forms, such as bulls'
feet and lions' heads and paws, and flowers like the OVERLAY. Ornamental veneer applied upon the
lotus, were used on furniture. Greece and Rome en- surface rather than inlaid into a veneer surface.
larged the list, developing the acanthus leaf, the water
leaf, lions, eagles, ox skulls, flowers and fruits in gar- OVERMANTEL (Mirror or Panel). Chimneypiece
lands and festoons, mythological or partly real animals dominating room design called for an important ele-
and figures as chimeras, grotesques, satyrs, caryatids, ment over fireplace. Trumeau was one such develop-
etc.; also compounds of lines such as flutings, dentils, ment, with mirror subordinate to carving and painted
scrolls, volutes, etc.; and repeated motives in rhythms areas. Horizontal emphasis appeared in the late 18th
like rinceaux, eggs-and-darts, guilloches, undulating century in English and American work.
vines, etc.; also breaks in planes and surfaces, such as
moldings, panels, coffers. Gothic art deviated from OVERSTUFFED FURNITURE. Chairs, sofas, etc.,
these conventionalized classes by working out at first in which the wood frame is completely covered by
hand a series of naturalistic representations of familiar the upholstery, only minor decorative woodwork being
fruits and flowers, grotesque animals, etc., in combi- exposed. See also upholstery.
PALMETTE. Conventional representation of the palm PARCEL GILDING. Method of applying gilt to
leaf. First known in Assyrian and Egyptian work, and carved or flat surfaces in which only parts of the de-
adapted in subsequent styles. sign are gilded. General after 15th century.
PANEL. Board held in place by a framework of rails PARCHMENT PANEL. Linenfold paneling.
and stiles that are grooved to receive it. The sunken
panel has its surface beneath that of the framework, PARQUETRY. Mosaic of woods laid over a ground
the edges of the panel not necessarily molded. The in geometric patterns, in which respectit differs from
flush panel has the same height as the frame, and is marquetry, which is in more pictorial designs. In
usually molded; the raised panel always molded.
is earlier work it was inlaid directly into the solid wood,
Modern plywood boards are spoken of as panels. Pan- especially in Italian and French work, and in England
eled effects are sometimes secured by framed moldings in Age of Walnut. In Louis XV and equivalent Eng-
or painted frames. [455.] lish and Italian work, it reached great virtuosity. [377,
448, 944.]
PANEL-RACK CHAIR. Wainscot chair.
cially in France, Austria, and South Germany, 18th 949 Roger* Fund, 1944 Gift of J. Pierpont Morgan, 1906
Banks of drawers carrying a
such as a writing or library table. Best develop-
ment in England after mid- 18th century. [604, 945.]
945 PEDESTAL DESK, English c. 1750. Arthur S. Vemay, Inc.
German, as these Teutonic people described them- frames, hardware, or many of the details that distin-
niture, etc., in the classic manner. Published a series ture distinctive traits. The Raroque, Rococo, and
of Original Designs, painting motifs. [604.] styles of classicism are large classifications of period
furniture, too comprehensive to be descriptive; there-
PERIOD FURNITURE. Furniture of a distinctly fore the further distinction of exact time and place.
*Lat^ CoiTowial Few kal - hapize
N X PHy >f
K-W -
963 SHERATON-STYLE SOFA attributed to Duncan Phyfe, New York, c. 1800. Israel Sack, Inc.
PICKLED FINISHES. Cloudy white patina over light signs and highly polished for use as tabletops, etc.
wood, originally produced by the removal with vin- Italian Renaissance et seq.
egar of the plaster base of painted wood. Old English
painted furniture usually had a pine structure (for PIGEONHOLES. Manifold small compartments m
reasons of economy). The rough surfaces were desks and cabinets for papers, etc. [1386.]
smoothed out with plaster, which remained when the
top paint fell away. The effect is now widely repro- PILASTERS. Rectangular or half-round pillar or
duced on many woods. See also lime-whitened. column placed against a surface.
** :
964 PIPE BOXES, New England. tein, such as phenolics, ureas, cellulose, acrylics, poly-
styrenes and vinyls, which by heat or pressure, or
both, are formed into finished products as boxes and
containers, into sheets for further fabrication, such as
the laminate group (Formica, Micarta, Textolite, etc.),
for chests, cabinets, etc. It was either painted entirely into yarns for weaving (nylon, rayon, Dacron), or
or in decorative patterns. The same with local varia- solids for molding or cutting and assembling (Lucite,
tions is true ofnorthern Europe, and the style
all Plexiglas); the vinyls for every surface coating or
appears in America in the Dutch, Swedish, and Ger- molding as flooring, wall coverings, etc. They range
man settlements. New England pine was usually left from foams and fluffs for cushioning Dacron, poly-
raw, or treated to an oil finish that produced a dark urethane, etc. to materials of extreme hardness and
tone, or it was occasionally painted. durability, whose fatigue point is still unknown. There
Pine carves very easily, for which reason it was ex- are finishes for wood and metal. Adhesives, glues,
tensively used by early Georgian cabinetmakers. In bonding agents for every material and process have
other places carving still was rare, so that finely carved virtually eliminated the natural product.
pine is not common. Early-19th-century America Virtually every material in furniture manufacture is
developed many processes of painting on pine in susceptible to modification with some member of the
imitation of other woods. plastic family. Many of the properties are substan-
tially reproduced; some better, some questionable.
PUVEAPPLE. Conventionally rendered fruit motif But beyond question is the superiority of many of
used as finial, particularly early in 19th-century Ameri- these products in durability and the time-cost factor
can bedposts. [822, 962.] of production. See also laminate materials,- ply-
PIPE ROXES. Folk-furniture forms serve homely
uses. Such are simple receptacles for pipes, tapers, PLATE PAIL. Receptacle for plates, pail shaped,
tobacco, etc., as well as a great variety of adjuncts to usually of wood with
a brass handle. They were ne-
everyday comfort. As artifacts they are reminders of cessitated by the long distances between dining rooms
the development of comfortable middle-class life in and kitchens in the 18th century. They were usually
Europe and America through the 18th and 19th cen- made with lattice sides to permit warming, and with
turies. [964.] a slot or open side to allow easy access to the plates.
PLANE WOOD. Maple leafed, or London, plane tree
is the English sycamore, a very white, tough, hard- PLATE WARMER. Sideboard pedestals of George
wood used in England for painted chairs and struc- Ill's time were fitted as plate warmers by lining with
tural members subject to strain. tin and fitting with an iron heater. Later they were
made as separate articles of furniture. See also ped-
PLATEAU MIRROR. Adjustable mirror in a frame panels of a finely figured wood and to use the
attached to a platform or tier of drawers, usually set grains more freely.
on a chest for aid in dressing. [44, 386.] 6. Its superiority in curves and shaped work.
Don Ruseau
969 POUDREUSE, Provincial Louis XV style in fruitwood.
Appeared in France about 1845, important through 970 PRESS FOR LINENS, American, 18th century.
19th century. [908.]
design of chairbacks.
972 18th-CENTURY TABLE, Can-
ada, in Provincial style of early 17th
Century. Montreal Museum of Fine Arts
Lo Mejor de Espana
981 QUEEN ANNE CHAIR, mature cabriole 1500, characterized by development of classic archi-
Ncedham's Antiques, Inc. tectural formality. Dignified, austere furniture, chiefly
in walnut. See also italy. [981.]
F== u,
RABBET (Bebate). Rectangular slot or groove in
joinery. Also, a recess in the meeting stiles of cabinet
doors so that one shuts against the other to form a
dust-proof joint. See also construction.
984 FOLDING LECTERN, Spanish, 15th century, walnut. BADIATES. Carved or inlaid rays, as in a shell or
MetropolitanMuseum of Art, Gift of George Blumenthal, 1941 fan motif.
RAYONNANT. Middle period of the Gothic style, RECAMIER. Chaise longue shaped like ancient Ro-
about 1225-1420. Radiating lines form typical orna- man bed or reclining couch with gracefully curved
ment. high end. Directoire and Empire styles, named after
Mme. Recamier. See also mebidienne.
with top adjustable to hold a book. Found in 18th- RECESS. Niche, alcove, or any depressed or sunken
century English work chiefly, although similar book- surface.
stands, occurring in later Renaissance work on the
Continent, evolved from the medieval lectern. Known RECESS CARINET. Tall shallow cabinet designed to
in the Far East; also in Muslim regions as Koran stand. be set within a recess or niche; late-18th-century
See also bible box; lectebn. [983.] English.
RERATE (RARRET). Rectangular groove cut in RECESSED STRETCHER. Middle or cross stretcher
wood members to permit the insertion of a tongued of chair or table set back from the front legs. See also
member, in joining frameworks. h-stbetcheb.
h < .-
Art, Roge;rs Fund,
Mu um
, f
REPOS," Louis
Painted frame
~ gsRMSS*
PECAMIEB c. 1785. MjJ^ ***-* **
/iMN*ysAv.Kr.r j
1003 BENTWOOD REST-BED ROCKER, Thonet, Vienna. Photograph, University of California (Los Angeles) Art Gallery
RESTORATION. Period in English history, succeed- became Louis XVIII, who was in turn replaced in
ing the Puritan Revolution, beginning in 1660 with 1820 by another brother, Charles X. Neither person-
the restoration of the monarchy of Charles II and ally had time to affect greatly the trends in design,
ending in 1688 in the Bloodless Revolution. It is the except so far as the venture into Algeria started a
first part of the Age of Walnut. Ornament is highly romantic movement marked by essays into Oriental-
decorative, gay and frivolous, lighter than the pre- ism. In 1830, Louis-Philippe ended the succession.
ceding styles but still simple and rectangular in the [313, 1303.]
main, although lesser structural members, such as
stretchers, arms, crestings, etc., are given highly curved RESTORATION CHAIR. A typical English 17th-
and scrolled ornament. Strong French influences came century form with high caned back, turned legs, and
with the immigration of craftsmen, and the Flemish richly carved scroll design on front stretcher and top
forms were brought by the returning nobles. The rail. [256.]
decorative forms include spiral molded
geometric paneling, floral scrolls, carved crowns, and
scroll feet. Grinling Gibbons's rich deep carving is
representative. The wealth, security, and social aspira-
tions of the time are reflected in the free use of
changed forms in tables, chairs, and cabinets. They
are no longer portable, and are more decorative. Day-
beds and luxurious upholstery became common. The
Baroque influence appears in the Restoration's sweep-
ing curves and generous ornamentation, which caused
oak to be replaced by the more easily worked walnut.
The period is also referred to as "Carolean," "Late
Jacobean," "Charles II." [256.]
REVOLVING CHAIRS were in use in Gothic times RIESENER, JEAN-HENRI, 1734-1806. French
and reappear widely in the 18th century as part of cabinetmaker, period Louis XVI; learned craft under
the quest for comfort. It remained for the mechanical Oeben. Celebrated for his marquetry work. [377, 658,
urges of the mid-19th century to promote the idea 660,667,1004,1040.]
to common commercial use. Contemporary use in
domestic work is freer but still tentative. [201, 878 N.] RIM. Rolled-up or raised edge, as on small 18th-
century English and American tables. Dished top.
RHODE ISLAND SCHOOL. 18th-century American
style centering in Newport, R.I., and chiefly in the RINCEAU. Continuous ornament of spiral or wavy
manner of John Goddard and his son-in-law, John form, sometimes called the branching scroll when in-
Townsend. The blockfront in chests, secretaries, desks, tertwined with stems and leaves. [190.]
and dressing tables is practically unique; other fea-
tures are the Rococo shell, the steep scroll pediments, RISING STRETCHER. Serpentine or X-stretchers
ogee bracket feet with fine shallow carving. Mahog- curving up toward the intersection; found in Louis
any predominates, but some maple, walnut, and XIV and allied styles.
cherry woods were used. See also goddard, john;
TOWNSEND, JOHN. ROCAILLE. Earlier term for Rococo.
RIDAND; RIRR AND. Ribbon ornament. In some ROCKING CHAIR. The rocker is a curved slat
Chippendale chairs the splats simulate elaborately fastened to the feet of a chair to permit it to be
arranged ribbons. Ribbons in bows or knots were im- rocked back and forth. It is practically peculiar to
portant in Louis XVI decoration and were charac- America and is fundamentally a rustic or inelegant
type, dating chiefly after 1800. Several unique types
1004 COMMODE by
Jean-Henri Riesener. Mo-
nogram of Marie Antoi-
nette in Sevres plaque
and in bronze-dore.
Dalva Brothers, Inc.
rocker, the Boston rocker, etc., having high comb 1008 CLOCK. MEISSEN FIGURES in frame-
work of bwnze-dore. 1009 AMERICAN GI-
backs and thick scroll seats. These were characteris- RANDOLE, c. 1775, Philadelphia.
tically painted and decorated in the fruit-and-flower
manner popularized on Hitchcock's chairs a delicate 1007 Needham's Antiques, Inc.
successful in those pieces whose structure is less inti- prevailed, and an excessive naturalism, representative
mately associated with utility. Mirrors and small of outdoor life in grottoes, sometimes went beyond
tables, consoles and chandeliers lend themselves read- the bounds of taste.
ily to audacious outlines, but such structural forms
as chests, chairs, and important tables are founded ROENTGEN, DAVID, 1743-1807. Known as David.
on a rectangular basis. Accordingly these were treated Outstanding French cabinetmaker, period of Louis
to elaborate surface ornamentation designed to lead XVI. Born a German, his principal shop was at Neu-
the eye away from the rectangular joints. Applied wied, but he catered chiefly to the French court.
ornaments of gilt bronze, gilded carving, lines of
color or inlay were used to draw lines together in It 1.1. TO P. In desks, a tambour or flexible cylindri-
curved sequences. The earlier work in France by such cal hood drawn down as a lid.
master ebenistes as Meissonier and Caffieri is ex-
quisitely graceful, charming, and playful; after 1750 ROMAN (ancient). Etrurian bronze remains show
it declines into excessive ornamentation, glitter, and an early conventional style similar to the archaic
restlessness, which pave the way replacement
for its Greek-rigid lines and austere decoration. Later Roman
by the classical severity of the stvle of Louis XVI. work, indicated by bronze and stone remains and
[368, 416, 852, 1007.] painted and sculptured representations, shows that
Elsewhere the style persisted variably for an un- Rome in her great period borrowed and interpreted
definable period. The Germanic countries accepted all the known styles instead of creating her own.
and adopted it as the basis of most 18th-century work.
Egypt, Greece, and the East contributed basic forms
A glittering Rococo distinguishes the interiors of most that were amalgamated and enriched in infinite variety
palaces and important structures long after the classi-
cal features of the Louis XVI style were accepted.
In England, Rococo mannerisms were cheerfully ab-
sorbed by all designers and imposed upon more local
forms in degrees of ingenuity together with remi-
to serve the luxurious, urbane standard of living. In using coarsely rendered animal and plant forms. Cha-
began with a severe,
general, the evolution of the style otic life encouraged little furniture making. The style
rigid, limited list of pieces, expanding in size and is most significant as the parent of the great Gothic
adding ornamentation and delicacy. The last phase, style. [231, 457.]
amply revealed in the buried cities of Pompeii and
Herculaneum, show the late Alexandrian-Greek traits, RONAYNE WORK. Ornamental form of human
referred to as Greco-Roman. heads carved upon roundels or medallions, deriving
Chairs appear in four types: curule, with square from the and occurring among the earliest
seat and legs in X shape (originally a folding stool, Renaissance ideas in English, French, and Flemish
the back was added later); bisellium, a double chair Gothic furniture. See also medallion.
or settee, the wood frame of turned members, or
carved to represent horses' or mules' heads; solium, ROPE MOLD. 18th-century decorative molding, quar-
a thronelike chair with back, for the head of the house- ter or half round, spirally channeled to simulate a
hold; cathedra, a chair for the exclusive use of women. rope. See also cable.
Skins or pillows with rich fabrics were used loosely.
[208, 209.] ROSE. The rose motif, highly conventionalized, is an
Bed and couch, lectus, had the general form of beds ancient one, and recurs in simple form in most styles.
known today, with a platform of cushions carried on The full rose was adopted Tudor badge in
as the
turned legs, often inlaid, painted, or mounted with England and frequently ap-
after the 15th century,
metals. A pillow rest at one end served as an arm- pears carved in simple form as a decoration on furni-
rest as well, for the couch was also used for dining, ture. In Louis XV and other Rococo work the natural-
which was done in a semireclining position. istic rose is common.
Chests or cupboards, known as armaria, for the
storage of arms probably were the origin of the ROSETTE. Rose-shaped patera or disk ornament.
Tables were of all shapes, bronze remains suggest-
ing round tripod types, and rectangular shapes resting
on carved slabs or pedestals.
There were in addition a great many styles of tri-
pods, pedestals, stools, etc., of which the forms are
conjectural. They employed many means of decora-
tion and finish: carving, inlaying, turning, metal ap-
plique, painting, engraving, veneering, varnishing,
etc. It seems probable that the ancient Romans em- ROSEWOOD. Several species of tropical woods from
ployed the metals, woods, ivory, and stones known India and Brazil are grouped as rosewood, so called
then, much as we now import and utilize such prod- from the odor of the newly cut wood rather than from
ucts from the whole world. its color. It is heavy, dense, resinous and of a deep red-
Soman escwe-
Brooklyn Museum
Inlaying with ivory, bone, brass, and stone is typical. SAVONAROLA CHAIR. Italian Renaissance X-
Fine fabrics were brought to Europe from Sara-
first shaped chair of interlacing curved slats and wooden
cenic sources. See also italy; oriental; spain. [930, back, carved or inlaid with certosina work. See also
1032.] CURULE CHAIR; DANTE CHAIR; ITALY. [215, 759.]
itarian purposes.
tained a unity of artistic expression through the Mid- 1013 SWEDISH CUPBOARD, c. 1600. Bold carving shows
dle Ages. From the age of the Vikings there sur- Elizabethan influence. 1014 BOX BED, Swedish, 17th to
18th centuries. Folk-art decorations and construction.
vived a system of intricately interlaced ornaments,
birdsand beasts and vines, vaguely suggesting the
Romanesque, the Celtic, and even Far Eastern de- 1015 SCANDINAVIAN ARMOIRE, late 17th century. Ba-
roque influence in the North was tamed to vigorous angularity
Gothic architecture came in French, English, and
and deep shadows.
Germanic forms, but the ornamental system of the
lesser artswas not seriously affected. In the seven-
teenth century some quality of Renaissance work
cropped out in Scandinavia, but it was a tentative ex-
ploratory gesture [474, 741]. The southern decorative
styles were accepted slowly and modified greatly to
adorn the basic native furniture of essentially rural
peoples. In the 18th century the nobility imported
extensively from Germany and England. The mixed
strains were handled with grace and artistic insight.
As the style filtered down to the lower classes, the
ornamental motives of Louis XV and Rococo England
were pleasantly adapted to the honest pine chests
7 /jf
h |
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H ~z~'. HI 1
1022 C. R. Grade ir Sons
;*jk i
1024 CHINESE LACQUER, incised and colored.
Symons Galleries, Inc.
. *>v
fc -""^ffrtfl
*r .., ^*fiS'
S <*, 'V I
Jsrfle ' Sack, Inc.
1 025
Scroll Fob-ms
SECRETAIRE; SECRETARY. Closed desk, usually
with drawers below and bookcase above. In Europe
sometimes called "bureau." [138, 159, 1032.]
1035 Italian, late 16th century. Walnut writing cabinet with the arms of the Strozzi family.
(The fall front is missing.) Typical animal feet, gadrooned base.
1036 Dalva
Brothers, Inc.
iii m ii it ii ii ii ii
"f^j>4r%S*/ $ik*j v^y\i >( " '* M U H M M M '
Frick Collection
1040 FALL-FRONT DESK, dated 1790, by Jean-Henri Riesener. Marquetry with ormolu
Metropolitan Museum of Art, Rogers Fund, 1911
1045 ENGLISH c. 1755. Mahogany. Needham's Antiques, Inc. Philadelphia Museum of Art, A. J. Wyatt, Staff Photographer
half of 18th century.
4 ?\
i&^J :
cial work.
^ rr.^ ';--7WPP^:
English cabinet-
makers, late 18th and early 19th centuries; supplied
furniture for Windsor Castle. [1386.]
SELLA. Ancient Roman name for most seat forms; 1065 LOUIS XVI, by Riesener. Frick Collection
also occurs in Early French Renaissance usage.
occasionally a
in England, generally of oak; in America of pine,
rarely of maple, sometimes walnut in Pennsylvania.
floor, and sometimes with a
Usually built solid to the
hinged seat over a box [1346]. See also bench; chair -
G+ UL-.H..
table. [550.]
Philadelphia Museum of Art
1075 ENGLISH TUDOR STYLE, early 16th century. Linen-
fold paneling. This type appears to derive from the detachment
of wainscot.
^/ :.**s:=va.-s *.* i i t = - *-' '--' *- '
"W :
1082 EARLY GEORGIAN c. 1725. French <b- Co., Inc.
bases, sometimes with drawer or hinged lid, and
elaborately pierced and carved back panel. The style
persists, especially in provincial work in all European
countries. [217, 707.]
1092 - 1093 ENGLISH VICTORIAN SEWING TABLES. tions are among the best of the rural American types.
SEWING TARLE. Small worktable, usually with 1095 DESKS AND SWIVEL CHAIRS.
drawers or lid top, fitted with spool racks, etc., and
often with a cloth bag for sewing material. They are
mentioned in 17th-century inventories, but are not
common until the mid-18th century, after which they
appear abundantly. Excellent designs by Sheraton,
Hepplewhite, Duncan Phyfe, and others are extant;
they are equally common in Louis XVI, Empire and
Biedermeier work. See also bag table; wobktable.
[68, 76, 1092.]
flatwork made in other than flat planes is known as ica. Shearer appears to be the inventor of the side-
shaped work. Such curved swelling or serpentine board in one piece with the flanking pedestals; this
planes are made of laminated veneers in forms or cut type and his ingenious dressing tables were freely
out of the solid. The latter requires wide boards, praisedby Sheraton. No chair designs are known to
GLASS; SHAVING TABLE. Various types of stands and 18th-century England and France, decoratively
with adjustable mirrors planned as dressing or shaving fitted with harmonizing bracket or shelf. Eli Terry
stands for men. They appear on the Continent in the of Connecticut first used machinery in clockmaking
late 17th century, and most versatile forms were de- and, after 1830, developed unique designs for mass
veloped in Georgian and Victorian England. [1096.] production. See also bracket clock. [1098.]
1102 SHERATON SIDEBOARD c. 1790. SHOW WOOD. The exposed wood parts of an up-
Needham's Antiques, Inc.
holstered chair, such as a wood arm, post, frame,
apron, or leg.
[1310, 1329.]
Also a fabric popular during the Louis XV and
Louis XVI periods for cushions of straw chairs.
Tf TS ^
rxn.'oi Metropolitan Museum of Art, Gift of Russell Cowles, 1954
1105 SPANISH, 17th century. Probably originally fitted with an iron center stretcher.
Anderson Galleries
1107 OAK SIDEBOARD, West of England or Wales, early 18th century.
*~. o
1113 ADAM SIDEBOARD AND PEDES- Symons Galleries, In
1114 SIDEBOARD. Late- 18th-century composition in one piece. Arthur S. Vernay, Inc
Style of the Brothers Adam.
1115 ADAM STYLE c. 1780. Ten-leg sideboard, mahogany with metal mounts. Metropolitan Museum of Art, Rogers Fund, 1924
Needham's Antiques, Inc.
1116 ENGLISH SHERATON, serpentine form, mahogany inlaid with satinwood.
1117 CONNECTICUT c. 1790, Hepplewhite-style cherry sideboard, American-eagle inlay. Israel Sack, Inc.
the partial enclosure of doors and drawers. The provided for the display of plates, spoons, tankards,
developed from the chest, was a solid
Italian version, and other vessels [1109] on open shelves. This style
cabinet, though a lighter type-madia [1103]-re- spread to rural England, where the dresser (often
sembled the hutch type of Gothic France [169]. The Welsh dresser) is still current. The American dresser
latter contributed to the court cupboard that dis- [82] flourished similarly in country houses. [53, 88,
tinguishes the Jacobean style. 90, 460.]
In 17th-century France, the Italian form reached a The true sideboard form of open shelves [1064] was
high state, particularly in the provinces. Great double- incidental to the court cupboard. Late in the 17th
bodied cabinets are characteristic. The upper part century it took on the typical long narrow shape with
shallower drawers. By the mid-18th century under SIRENS. Mythological figures, half woman, half bird,
Adam and Chippendale it was almost a simple table, used as a carving motive in Renaissance furniture.
but an essential part of the sidewall composition was
the additional narrow cabinets in which were kept SIX-RACK. American ladder-back chair with six
silver, plates, liquor, and often warming devices. Upon slats, usually slightly arched. Infrequent, but chiefly
these were carried knife boxes. [1113, 1114.] from the Delaware Valley.
Shearer was probably the first to combine all these
elements into one piece. Hepplewhite, Sheraton, and SIX-LEGGED HIGHROY. The William and Mary
others of the period designed fine examples of this type of England and America. See also highboy.
shape. Sheraton favored a metal back rail, and drew
many sideboards suggesting the old three-part group- SKIRT. Apron: part of a piece of furniture. See also
ing. All designers of the period indulged in shaped CONSTRUCTION.
fronts, the simple bow and serpentine yielding to
combinations of curves. Many late-18th-century Amer-
ican sideboards show these traits. [62, 73, 1068.]
In the late 18th century the sideboard produced
many such as the wine table, the mixing
SLANT FRONT. Desk or secretary with writing sec-
table [1353], and various serving arrangements. [1070,
1239 et seq.]
tion enclosed by a fall lid that when closed slants
back; probably originally to rest a book or writing
Empire sideboards tended to great bulk and solid-
material upon. See also desk; secretaire; secretary.
ity, utilizing the entire available space. In addition
[19, 477.]
there were frequent superstructures for the display
of plate and china. SLAT. Crosspiece supported on side rails of bed to
carry the spring; horizontal crossbars in chairback to
SIDEBOARD PEDESTALS. See pedestal. [1113.] brace uprights and to support back of sitter.
SILVER. Silver was used in regal furniture in ancient SLAT-RACK CHAIR. Back having horizontal rails
times, and again in the great work of the 17th century or crossbars similar to ladder backs; in Early Amer-
in France and England. Louis XIV had small pieces, ican work, the slats are characteristically thin and
such as tables, mirror frames, wholly made of
etc., finely shaped.
silver, exquisitely wrought in the Baroque manner.
When the treasury was depleted, most of it was melted SLATE. Fine-textured stone, grayish or greenish-
down for bullion, disregarding the artistic value. black, used for tabletops. [817.]
Charles brought the vogue to England; much wood-
work was covered with thin sheets of silver. It was SLEEPY HOLLOW CHAIR. Comfortable upholstered
extensively used for handles and mounts through the chair with deeply curved back and hollowed seat and
Early Georgian period. low arms. American type, middle 19th century.
SILVERWOOD. 18th-century name for English hare- SLEIGH RED. American version of the Empire bed,
wood or stained sycamore. the scrolled ends slightly reminiscent of sleigh fronts.
They are usually used lengthwise to a wall. [122.]
SINGERIES. Rococo decoration of monkeys at play.
SLIDE, SLIDER. Sliding panel or pull-out shelf,
SINGLE-ARCH MOLDING. Small astragal or half- flush framed and fitted between the top drawer and
round molding around the drawers of chests of the top of a chest of drawers. Also, the pull-out leaves in
William and Mary period. secretaries, designed to hold candlesticks.
SINGLE CHAIR. Old name for side chair. SLIP SEAT. Same as "loose seat" separate uphol-
stered wood frame, let into the framework of the
SINGLE-GATE TARLE. Tuckaway table; one with chair seat.
gate on only one side and one leaf.
SLIPPER FOOT. Elongated club foot (similar to SOFA TARLE. Long narrow table with drop leaves
snake foot) Queen Anne. [567.] and drawers. Occurs chiefly in Late Geor-
at the ends,
gian work, in designs by Sheraton and others, but
SMITH, GEORGE. English cabinetmaker and de- prototypes appear in early-18th-century work. [66.]
signer. In 1808, his book A Collection of Designs for
Household Furniture and Interior Decoration ap- SOFFIT. Underside, as of any projecting or ceiling
peared with comment on the current revolution in member or the underside of a projecting cornice or
taste. This was the Regency taste, with archaeological wide molding that forms a shelflike projection.
correctness after the Greek, Roman, and Egyptian
models. A later book goes much further toward formu- SOMNOE. Night table or bedside table.
lating the 19th-century styles as we know them now.
Smith was employed by Thomas Hope and patronized SOUPIERE. Antique vase form or urn often used in
by George IV. The initials G.S. are occasionally found Louis XVI and Empire furniture as the central motive
on important pieces of furniture of the period. in pedimented tops of beds, chairs, cabinets, etc., and
at the intersection of stretchers. [1287.]
SNAKE FOOT. Foot of a tripod table, 18th-century
English or American, which suggests a snake shape
by its slender, swelling curve.
1125 LOUIS XIV, second half of 17th century. Gilded wood frame upholstered with Beauvais
tapestry in the manner of Berain.
.vt- ,^irh.
,f< '9
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1129 ENGLISH, Mid-Georgian. Arthur S.Vemay, Inc. 1130 ENGLISH, Style of Chippendale. Arthur S.Vemay, Inc.
1132 LOUIS XVI, gilded wood, Aubusson tapestry. Symons Galleries, Inc.
j Hfl
-aaam"-if|B " 'fri Kiniminiraniii mm m ii BiiliMi ii tir irfflflpfiiY r^"
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1137 NEW YORK c. 1815, attributed to Duncan Phyfe. Israel Sack, Inc.
1139 NEW YORK, 1825-1835. Carved and painted black, gilt stencil and freehand decora-
tions. Gold morine upholstery. y alc Universitu Art Callery, Mabel Brady Carvan Collection
SPAIN. The history of Spain after the decline of 2. Plateresque: 1500-1556. The Early Renaissance.
Rome falls into three major periods: 3. Herrera, or Desornamentado, 1556-1600. Reac-
tiontoward severity.
1. Mohammedan Spain, 700-1400.
4. Raroque-Rococo, 1600-1700, including the chur-
2. The rise of Christian Spain to world dominion,
5. Cycle of foreign forms, 1700-1900.
3. Decline of Spanish world power, 1600-1900.
Throughout these periods runs one fact: furniture
Spanish culture, following these divisions, is defin-
always appears in foreign form, but always rendered
able into periods:
in native style. The Spanish interpretation is without
1. Mudejar; the art of Christianized Moors, 1250- exception more vigorous, more masculine, even bar-
1500. barous, than its foreign prototype.
^ffltfRgam^ PERSIST
Um fA
--^o deIslnnd f Des<
"> Providen7e
Hrp It
1160 courtesy of
ho Mcjor de Espaiia
Spanish Colonial
**A 5"i y"
- '
Photos, Brooklyn Museum; Latin-American Gallery.
Spanish Colonial
early- 19th-century influence.
From "Popular Arts of Colonial New Mexico" by E. Boyd,
courtesy Museum of New Mexico
1172 1173
Mudejar: "Moorish inspiration." The Moors were some architectural features; the flap had pierced iron
superlative woodworkers, but required little furniture. mounts with decorative hinges and hasp [1152].
Seats were merely cushions, tables only low platforms. Leather-covered chests and cabinets were studded
The Christianizing of Spain, culminating in the expul- with nails in outline designs.
sion of the Moors in 1492, brought European trends. Herrera was architect to Philip II, who succeeded
A magnificent Gothic expression in architecture Charles V in 1556. Reactionary to the prevailing rich-
showed Moorish traces; in furniture the basic forms" ness of the High Renaissance, his style produced harsh,
were handled with Moorish construction technique colorless, and bare rooms; furniture was sparse and
and ornamentation. Walnut was the best wood; pine, austere and is known as Desornamentado lacking
cedar, olive were used. Moorish inlaying with ivory, ornament.
bone, mother-of-pearl, metals, and woods remained; Churriguera, another architect, gave his name to
star patterns and minute abstract interlacing geo- the churrigueresque style: a robust explosion of Raro-
metrical forms are typical. The term "arabesque" que extravagance, under the auspices of the Jesuit
springs from these ornamental bands. Color was bril- Counter Reformation. From about 1600 to 1650, the
liant. Leather for seats, chests, etc., was tooled, Italian Raroque style was handled in bizarre Spanish
stamped, embossed, gilded, and painted. [171, 350.] fashion. After that, the French influence dominates.
Plateresque. Spain and Italy were in close touch, The furnishings of great palaces followed in general
particularly through the Pope. The Renaissance came form the current styles in Europe: there are Spanish
from Italy about 1500. Charles V ruled a vast empire, Louis XIV, Spanish Louis XV, Rococo, etc. No clear
including Germany, Austria, and the Netherlands; schools evolved after the 17th century; details were
inevitably Flemish and other northern trends were borrowed and assembled. Moorish traits persisted
exchanged. The term "plateresque" from platerois through the 18th century, in inlaying and carving;
silversmith, suggesting the preeminence of the metal- even the manner of Chippendale and Hepplewhite
work of the period. was so treated. Descending the social scale, the pro-
Even the earliest Renaissance work shows no direct vincial types adhered even longer to the old cliches.
copying; the Italian influence was only suggested. [1220.]
Craftsmanship was inferior; heavier proportions re- Even in the period of Rococo delicacy, the interpre-
sulted from uncertainty, and obvious joinery, even by tation was vigorous and exaggerated, instead of
nails, is visible. Polychrome painting helped cover daintily feminine. Walnut always was favored, but
inferior workmanship. Turned profiles are repetitious painting was popular, and some mahogany was im-
or flat, without suave modeling. Structure is supported ported with foreign influences.
with metal members. Walnut, pine, oak, chestnut, The late-18th-century classicism, the Empire and
cedar, and pearwood are commonly used, with metal 19th-century eclecticism followed the European trend.
ornaments, nailheads, inlays, chip or gouge carving Palace furniture had an imported elegance that only
used for ornament. the grandees could afford; provincial styles maintained
Table forms are distinct; splayed trestles, either of directness and honesty of manner.
turned, squared, or curved cutout members, are con-
nected by iron stretchers beautifully wrought. Thick
plank tops are braced only with cleats; edges are 1174 SPANISH COLONIAL STYLE.
square cut [1220]. Chairs are of simple rectangular
form [250]; the upholstery is often stretched across
[1151]; nailheads are universally ornamental. The X-
type chair was common, a rather topheavy version of
Italian form, or a light, Moorish type of repeated slats
with inlay. A ladder-back type appeared early, richly
painted, rush seated, with the top slat enlarged to
accommodate carving. Reds often had iron posts or
head panels of decorative iron; the Portuguese influ-
ence showed in rows of turned spindles, arches, etc.
[1149]. Cabinets were important; the outstanding
achievement of the period is the vargueno, a desk
box with fall front, mounted on a table support. The
base often has a pair of double- or triple-turned posts
with an arched colonnade between; the upper part
contained many small drawers, inlaid or molded, with
SPANISH FOOT. Rectangular ribbed foot larger at SPLAD; SPLAT. Flat central vertical member in a
the base, usually with a weak scroll. [263, 561.] chairback. Typical developments of splats are im-
portant indices of style, such as the Queen Anne
SPARVER. Tester or canopy. scrolled splat, or the pierced splats of Chippendale.
SPHINX. Mythical winged monster, half woman and SPLAY. Pitch; rake; cant; outward spread or slant,
SPitur Ca IC40
SPINET. Early stringed instrument with keyboard
similar to but smaller than a harpsichord; ancestor of
the piano. Spinet cases of the early 19th century were
often converted into shallow writing desks, giving
form to the type so named. See also desk; musical
a band ornament.
SPOONED OCT; SPOONING. Hollowed-out surface, SQUASR FEET. Flattened ball foot on cabinets, often
such as wooden chair seats of Windsor chairs, etc. carved and filleted. [1336.]
SPKING. Upholstering with coil springs originated SQUIBBEL CAGE. Revolving framework on top of
in France during the reign of Louis XV, replacing the the pedestal of a tilt-top table, upon which the top
method of stuffing hair, feathers, etc., over webbed is pivoted. [1176.]
frame covers. They are now also used in cased form
to fill cushions and mattresses. STALL. Ecclesiastical chair for dignitary or choir
member. Early chairs were founded on these types.
SPBING EDGE. Upholstered edge that is supported [718, 1154.]
by springs rather than by the hardwood frame. Now
universally used in good lounge chairs. STAND. Any small table, used for holding or dis-
playing objects, such as shaving stands, music stands,
SPBIING MOLDING. Molding applied to a curved candle stands, etc. See also table.
surface by springing it into place.
i i
*, }\< i. ^^ i -^
STRAIGHT FRONT. In chests, secretaries, etc., a flat STUCCO. Plaster-like compound used for molded
front, however decorated; differing from the convex, ornaments by the Rrothers Adam. Also used in deco-
concave, or serpentine front. rative cabinet panels. See also scagliola.
SUNKEN PANEL. Sinkage or set-in panel in posts SWING LEG. Hinged leg to support a drop leaf;
or other flat parts of furniture. similar to gateleg, but lacking the lower stretcher.
SHAG. Festoon; swinging or suspended decoration,
representing drapery, ribbons, garlands of fruit and SWISS furniture is predominantly Alpine German, a
flowers, etc. Greek and Roman examples were copied well-to-do peasant style with positive Italian qualities.
in stone from the practice of decorating altars and Native woods alone are used pine, walnut, birch, and
temples with such garlands; Renaissance reproduc- oak. Much carving of good quality and even more
tions were both freer and more conventionalized. All painted decoration are typical. Renaissance German
styles of classic inspiration use swags, painted, carved, influences are most persistent in chests, cabinets, and
or inlaid in every form on all manner of pieces. Textile tables; chairs of three-legged sgabelle type are com-
[1134], inlaid [1229], carved [1030.] mon. [244, 464, 1209.]
etc. [540.]
SYCAMORE. Hard, light, dense wood with maple
SWAN. Typical motive of Directoire style, especially
grain, but distinguishing flakes closely and regularly
in Italy. Chairbacks [212], bed and chair posts, and
placed. The American sycamore is prone to warp and
check; hence its limitation to interior parts. The Eng-
lish sycamore grain resembles maple; where curly it
SWAN, ABRAHAM. English cabinetmaker, 18th
has more regularly parallel markings. Dyed gray, the
English sycamore known as harewood.
is It is properly
the maple-leaved or London plane tree.
SWAN-NECK. Curved broken pediment of two S-
curves, usually ending in paterae; a definitely Ra- SYNTHETIC MATERIALS. Laboratory products
roque concept beautifully treated in 18th-century
substitute for almost every natural material success-
work. [1030.]
fully in varying degrees. In furniture today they are
encountered as molded parts, laminates, bonding
SWEDEN. See Scandinavia.
agents, finishes, hardware, surfacings, upholstery cov-
erings and filling materials.
Molded Parts. Chair shells are compression-molded
chiefly of Fiberglas. They are strong, light, colorful,
clean, inexpensive. Drawers, small cases and contain-
ers, such as radio enclosures, may be molded at a
fraction of the cost of fabricating in wood or metal.
Laminates and Ronding Agents. Plywood of wood-
veneer surfaces may have cores made of wood chips,
Swedish Ciksnasik
moisture or bacteria, or may be designed for more turning. Long narrow types used in the monasteries
rapid adhesion, or other special qualities. There are have remained to be known as refectory tables. Other
contact cements, adhesives made from casein, phe- specialized types appeared from this time on, as the
nolics, resorcinol. amenities of living increased.
Finishes include a range of lacquers, paints, color- Console Tables are more decorative side tables
ings, and surfacings employing synthetic base ma- probably designed originally as architectural compo-
terialsand, for special techniques and equipment, sitions. At first symmetrical, they ceased to be deco-
procedures from heat to electronics. Broadly speaking, rated on the side against the wall; finally the emphasis
these have completely supplanted the old varnishes, was permitted be entirely on the front. In some
shellacs, and paints and their time-consuming proc- cases this necessitated their being fastened to the wall.
esses. Dining Tables. Expanding types appeared in Italy,
Habdware. Synthetics like nylon have found use France, and England early in the 16th century, the
in moving parts for furniture. They may be quieter, draw top being commonest. Drop-leaf and center-
reducing friction and wear; stronger than die castings opening tables are known from the 16th century. The
and better than machined metals. ultimate development came in 18th-century England
Fabric coverings are in two groups. The woven when usage in general changed so rapidly. Con-
fabrics of synthetic yarns like rayon, nylon, Orion, tinental Europe took its table forms from England
Acrilon, etc., have versatility and quality that have after that.
been firmly established without eliminating silk, wool, Dressing Tables appeared commonly about the end
cotton, linen, etc. Mixtures of natural and synthetic The luxury of the period in Eng-
of the 17th century.
fibers are currently more common than any single- land and France encouraged their development in
content fabric. Each material has special properties, many varieties. Men made much of dressing tables
and none has so far completely usurped the functions in England and France, and for over a century much
and advantages of any other. The second group is ingenuity was expended on arrangements of mirrors,
that of the coated fabrics, largely vinyl or rubber- lighting, etc. The "Beau Brummels" of England and
base application to a fabric backing. These are em- the poudreuses of France are outstanding types.
bossed for special textures like leather, with weaves Side Tables. Tables with fixed tops were used along
and patterns aspiring to look more or less like the the walls of dining rooms to assist in the service after
natural material.
1700. developed from simple frames,
Earlier types,
Upholstery Fillers like polyurethane foam, foam had carried chests with linens, silver, liquor, utensils,
rubber, Dacron, rubberized hair, etc., have come to etc. From these evolved the serving tables, buffets,
replace largely the cotton felt, springs, kapok, down lowboys, etc., not identical with tables in form.
and feathers of historic use. No one completely an- Work and Game Tables in various forms appeared
swers every need, and time alone will establish their
with the rise of fads for needlework, painting, etc.,
relative replaceability.
late in the 17th century. Whole families of small tables
for sewing, tea service, drawing, reading, games, etc.,
TABEBNACLE. Niche or recess in a piece of furni-
came under this heading. The types are not necessarily
ture, such as a cabinet, for a statue or a vase. [457.]
distinct, so that few forms have special characteristics,
and all types today are adapted, scaled up or down,
TABLE. Tables have changed since ancient times
or revised for any purpose desired.
according to the evolution of social customs, yet the
Writing Tables or Flattop Desks developed from
few table forms remaining from Egypt are astonish-
ordinary tables by the addition of drawers under the
ingly similar to ours. These were four-legged types, top. They are also known as library tables.
the use of which we
can only surmise. In Greece and
early Rome, tables suggest altars in shape, and prob- 1190 EGYPTIAN, 1600-1500 wood.
ably that was their original use. Later, Rome had Metropolitan Museum of Art, Rogers Fund, 1912
bronze pedestal tables and tables with carved slab
sides. Both shapes were prototypes for Renaissance
styles. Prior to that, Gothic tables were cruder, based
1203 ITALIAN, vase-shaped slab side, 16th century. 1204 VENETIAN, 1610-1640. Carved slab.
1206. Bottom. ENGLISH, Tudor oak, 17th century. Stair and Company, Inc.
1209 SWISS, 17th century. Walnut and applewood. Metropolitan Museum of Art, Rogers Fund, 1907
1212 NEW YORK c. 1800. Classical type of two half-round console sections tied with center Museum of the City of New York
drop-leaf section. Owned by Robert Fulton.
1213, 1213A, 1213B PHILADELPHIA c. 1810. Accordion center supports carried inserted leaves. Israel Sack, Inc.
carried on gatelegs.
1241 Henry Ford Museum, Dearborn,
1243 AMERICAN, 18th-century rustic with a T-base, New England. 1244 TURNED
PARTS. Virginia(?). 1245 AMERICAN JOINT STOOL. 1246 TUSCAN, 17th century.
1247 Lo Mcjor dc Esixina 1248 Don Buseau 1249 Arthur S. Vemay, Inc.
George III. 1250 AMERICAN SHERATON. 1251 FRENCH c. 1800. Directoire. 1252
PENNSYLVANIA c. 1850. 1253 EMPIRE, English c. 1815.
1250 Israel Sack. Inr 1252 Henry Ford Museum 1253 Symons Galleries, Inc.
Israel Sack, Inc. '256
Small Tables
1259 Ginsburg and Levy
1262 GERMAN, late-18th-century Rococo. Dalva Brothers, Inc. Israel Sack, Inc.
1263 WORKTABLE, American Sheraton.
->#*- -4W
51 EDEI?MEifc
Card and Game Tables
1266 NEW YORK c. 1800. Sheraton cloverleaf, folding top, label of John
Dolan. 1267 TILT TABLE with guinea holes; scroll footed. 1268 FOLD-
ING-TOP TABLE byLannuier. 1269 PHILADELPHIA, possibly by
Affleck. 1270 NEW YORK, 1835-1845. 1271 NEW YORK c. 1760.
Early style of Chippendale. Folding top, gateleg. 1272 SALEM, 1790-1810.
Attributed to Samuel Mclntire.
Console Tables
Don Ruseau
1281 FRENCH, 19th-century neo-Rococo.
t * * *>i*
1285 LOUIS XVI, CLASSIC STYLE. Metropolitan Museum of Art, Gift of J. Pierpont Morgan, 1906
French ir Co., Inc.
TAMBOUR. Flexible shutter or door, operating either TAftGCILLE. Red-brown Philippine wood with
vertically or horizontally, made of thin strips of wood striped figure and soft texture, sometimes called Philip-
pine mahogany. It is not accepted as mahogany.
- American - Sheraton
style, Federal period. TAPER. Diminishing toward a point, characteristic
Israel Sack, Inc.
nw * * m : i nt tm
of furniture legs, round or square, of the 18th cen-
tury. The taper produces the effect of lightness and
if f. v ii.r
"T !
"'!! !
TARSIA. Intarsia.
motif of the conventionalized human figure, all or established smooth, plain materials in hard colors and
part. They are often found mounted in full relief on finishes. Victorian England and America used haircloth
the pillars of cabinets, etc., particularly in Late Renais- and durable fabrics. Later, the Paris styles brought
sance work of Italy, France, and England. back the elegancies of the 18th century.
Modern fabrics are less dependent on pattern than spread to the Netherlands and northern Europe in
on the textural interest of weaves and specialties in the 16th century. Here they found new uses in stoves
yarns. Rayon has added to the list of original fibers, and chimney facings, as well as decorative inserts in
and a new catalogue of textiles includes rayon, cello- cabinetwork. [1241.]
phane and a host of synthetics even fibrous glass-
woven in both historical and new patterns. TILL. Drawer or compartment in desks, chests, etc.,
for money, jewels, etc. They are often made with
THERM FOOT. Tapered foot of rectangular plan. secret locks or spring.
Spade foot.
TILT-TOP TARLE. Tabletop hinged to the base or
THERM LEG. Four-sided or square tapered leg. pedestal so that it may be tipped to a vertical posi-
tion to save space or to display the decorative features
THIMRLE TOE. Spade foot, more often turned than of the top. The found in medieval work but
idea is
Tilt-Top Tables
TRUMPET TURNING, LEG. Turned leg with flaring
profile of atrumpet turned upward. Typical of Eng-
lish work, Restoration period and later, and similar
American furniture. See also turning. [14, 736, 816,
ft L
Co.. I860
maximum resiliency. Modern thin-looking work is
made possible by substituting for springs elastic tapes
of rubberized fabric, resilient cording, and other
piaterials to make a firm, yielding platform.
Spring upholstery requires a deeper wooden frame.
Frames are best made of hard nonsplitting woods
like ash or birch, securely joined with glued dowels
and braced with corner blocks to resist the tension
of tied springs. On the bottom the webbing is criss-
crossed and stitched together. The springs are ar-
ranged over this in rows; they are stitched down and
tied together in such a way as to brace them against
tension from any direction. Burlap covers the top of
the springs; over this is placed hair or felt, then a
and finally the finish
layer of wadding, then muslin,
material. In much modern work loose cushions are
placed over the spring seat or platform; these cushions
may be filled with down, floss, hair, cotton felt, springs,
Arthur S. Vernay, Inc.
Israel Sack, Inc. Sleepy Hollow Restorations
show construction. style of the French Restorat.on, c.
Firm upholstery, comfortable shape. Frame stripped to
Drawer under seat.
1930 to rubberized hair, latex tapes and cords, foam tion of crossed stretchers, etc., particularly in the
rubber, and the endless list of laboratory products, Adam and Louis XVI styles.
more adaptable to mass production than to the old
handicraft of upholstery. URN STAND; URN TABLE. Small table accessory to
The variations in quality of material, labor, and the tea service, Chippendale school. [585.]
VALANCE. The drapery of the tester or canopy of VASE. Ornamental vase or urn shapes after the classic
a bed; later the top or horizontal section of any drap- sources are used extensively in Adam, Louis XVI,
ery arrangement. and similar work. Carved or painted, it is often the
source of freely scrolled foliage designs. Free stand-
VANRRLGH, SIR JOHN, 1664-1726. English archi- ing it is used as finials or decorative accents.
tect and designer, influential in the development of
the Early Georgian style. VASE SPLAT. Chairback suggesting vase form com-
mon in most Renaissance types; most highly developed
VANITY. Modern name for a dressing table. in Queen Anne chairs.
VARGLENO. Spanish cabinet-desk with fall front, VASE TURNING. Profile in turnery that suggests a
most distinguished furniture type of Spain, 16th, 17th vase with bulbous base and tapering neck. Commonly
and early 18th centuries. See also desk; spain. [1032, found in the leg turning of Windsor chairs.
VEILLELSE. French type of chaise longue. Period
of Louis XV.
essence of veneering goes back to ancient Egypt and VENICE. Control of sea trade in the Middle Ages
Rome. It virtually disappears until the Renaissance, brought great wealth and cosmopolitanism to Venice;
reappearing as inlaying, intarsia, etc., in the 16th prior to the Renaissance her art was of mixed origins
century wherever the Renaissance influence touched. and secular splendor. Early Renaissance Venetian
Not until the 17th century was veneering of whole work shows mixtures of Eastern and European forms
surfaces practiced extensively; the invention of a finer Her cultivated social life created furniture styles of
saw permitted slicing the wood into thin sections. rich individuality; with the decline of commerce came
When enough sections of the wood could be
large social decadence and extravagant living. Venetian
successfully cut and glued, the style of veneering furniture of the 18th century is highly ornamental,
changed from excessive marquetry to plain surface fancifully painted, and theatrical in outline. The whole
designs. In England this transition is noted at the end school of North Italian Settecento Rococo is some-
of the 17th century. The William and Mary style had times called Venetian. See also italy; painted furni-
favored "seaweed marquetry" and "oystering." The tube. [116, 300, 342, 867, 1043, 1055, 1204.]
Queen Anne style displayed the actual pattern of the
wood grain in its own beauty. VERNIS MARTIN. Varnish process invented by the
In the 19th century the technique of wood veneer- Martin brothers in France during the period of Louis
ing was improved by new methods of cutting and ap- XIV. It had great brilliancy and depth, and the process
plying veneers, and later by the study of better ad- was widely used. It proved to be less durable than
hesives, but not enough to avoid giving veneers a bad the Oriental lacquering that inspired it. See France.
name. Until recent years there was an unfortunate
literary allusion to "thin veneers" and "cheap veneers" VICTORIAN. General term for English and American
that left a prejudice in many minds. Actually, the ad- furniture, 1840-1900. In England, Early Victorian,
vantages of veneering are manifold: 1830-1850, may include the Late Sheraton-Empire-
1. It is the only way to utilize the beauty of the Regency, the end of classicism; the neo-Gothic, more
wood in repeated surfaces or to make patterns or less continuously after 1830 through Eastlake and
by matching the lines of the grain. Morris. Mid-Victorian, 1850-1880, covers French re-
2. It permits the use of fragile woods or of cuts vivals of Louis Quatorze and Louis Seize, better or
that sacrifice strength to beauty, as burls and worse copying down to outright bastardization of
crotches by backing them with a sturdy wood of ornamental themes; free choice motif selection from
no special beauty or value. the Italian and French Renaissance, as used contem-
3. It reduces the cost of rare woods by yielding poraneously in the France of Louis-Philippe and the
many surfaces per inch of thickness. Second Empire; sporadic waves of nostalgia for Eliza-
4. It provides a method of increasing the strength bethan and Jacobean. Currently there was also much
of wood many times, since the process of lami- copying of Georgian and pre-Georgian. Late Victorian,
nating veneers in successive layers at right angles 1880-1905, takes in the neo-Renaissance and some re-
offsets the cross-grain weakness of wood. vivals of English 17th-centurywork as well as Em-
5. Shaped work, such as curved sections, when cut pire, and includes the reform movements begun by
out of the solid are apt to split owing to uneven Eastlake and Morris. See also nineteenth century.
internal stresses; when built up of veneers these [94, 124, 166,338, 616, 877.]
inequalities are avoided. The name used even more sweep-
"Victorian" is
Modern veneering, utilizing specific glues, with ingly in reference to the United States, although the
equipment for proper drying and testing of wood, inspiration was more often from France than from
applying great and equal pressure, precise prepara- England. The designer or artisan-designer lost identi-
tion of surfaces and joints, yields a fabricated product fication in the process of mechanization. The great
superior in strength and beauty to the solid wood. bulk of commercial output was innocent of the in-
Veneers are sawn, sliced, or shaved, or peeled by fluence of trained designers or architects. Inspiration
rotary cutting on a sort of lathe. Each method pro- was and uncritically drawn from all sources.
duces a different grain. Divisions by period are similar to the English.
The whole log, cut into veneers, is called a "flitch." Early Victorian emerged from the Late Empire
The sheets are applied in a variety of ways to produce and neoclassical styles of Phyfe, debased Sheraton
different wood patterns book-matched, diamond, "fancy" chairs, with considerable Gothic detail; ma-
butted, side- or end-matched, etc. See wood. hogany favored, some walnut and maple [728, 891].
Mid- Victorian consistently showed a Rococo-Louis
Metropolitan Museum of Art, Gift of Mrs. Charles Reginald Leonard, 1957, in memory of Edgar Welch Leonard.
Robert Jarvis Lennnrd, and Charles Reginald Leonard
1324 CHAIR.
1325 WASHSTAND, marble top.
of furniture intended for use against the wall: cabi- torian America.
nets, buffets, chests, cupboards, bookcases, hanging The characteristic American walnut is the black
cabinets, etc. walnut, one of the best in the world; moderately dark,
gray-brown with a simple figure. American butternut
WALNUT. Since ancient times walnut, the genus or white walnut, lighter in color, is not quite the equal
Juglans, has been a leading furniture wood because of black walnut, but a beautiful and serviceable wood.
of its prevalence wherever civilizations have flour- English, French, Italian, and Spanish walnuts are
ished, as well asits excellence and wide adaptability. lighter in color, finer in texture, but otherwise the
Walnut has great strength without excessive weight, equal of American black walnut. The Circassian or
is hard enough to withstand much shock, yet cuts Caucasian walnut is a gnarly tree whose wood shows
well, carves handily, and takes a fine polish. It contorted grain- markings in vividly contrasting light
is durable and able to resist much internal stress from and dark browns. Other walnuts Persian, Russian,
moisture changes, as well as the ravages of many in- Turkish, Rolivian, Brazilian (Imbuya), and Japanese
sects. As solid lumber and veneer it has the greatest have varying characteristics.
variety of colors, textures, and figures; there are African and Australian, Oriental or Queensland wal-
stripes, burls, crotches, mottles, curls and wavy figures, nuts are not true walnuts, the latter being of the laurel
butts, etc., as well as a variety of freaks and cuts that family.
produce interesting patterns. Like mahogany and In historic times walnut occurs in furniture of the
1334 DANISH, 1952. Panel wall system designed by Finn entire Italianand Spanish Renaissance. In France it
Juhl. displaced oak as soon as Renaissance forces came in;
1334 Frederick Lunning
Wall Shelves
1337 ENGLISH c. 1840. 1338 "ATHENIENNE." French Neoclassic. 1339 SHERATON, Henry Ford Museum, Dearborn, Mich.
corner basin stand c. 1790. 1340 AMERICAN c. 1830. Painted and stenciled.
WARP. Twisting or bulging of wood boards result- Hepplewhite, Sheraton, Adam, Louis XVI, and con-
ing from changes of moisture content within the fibers. temporary American work.
All wood absorbs and throws off moisture, but if un-
evenly restrained or improperly protected it may WATER GILDING. Thin deposit of gold and mer-
curve or twist as the moisture causes the uneven swell- curv or ormolu mounts.
ing or drying of the fibers.
Also, the lengthwise threads in fabric. WAVE SCROLL. Continuous spiral band decoration,
also called Vitruvian scroll or "running dog."
WASHSTAND. Small table or cabinet holding a basin
and the accessories for washing, developed during WAX INLAYING. Wax filled into cutout patterns in
the 18th century in many forms by all designers in wood.
England, America, and on the Continent. [1325, 1337.]
WEBRING. Linen or jute bands from 2-1/2 to 4 inches
WATER BENCH. American, 19th-century rustic, usu- wide, used in upholstery as a base for springs or
allyfound on the back porch for the ablutions of farm- stuffing like hair. The bands are tacked at the ends
hands; usually homemade of available materials, some- to the wood frame and woven across, and are then
times with a zinc basin, a lower cupboard for pitchers, stitched together. See also upholstery.
an upper shelf. See also rustic furniture.
WERFOOT. Grooved or carved foot of a cabriole leg
WATER LEAF. Ornamental based on the elon-
detail suggesting the webbed feet of animals.
gated laurel leaf. Its simple delicate form is typical of
WEDGWOOD. English pottery ware of fine hard tex-
open shelves for the display of china. See also side- WHITEWOOD. Woodworker's name for yellow pop-
board. [1111.] lar, although the name sometimes includes basswood
and magnolia. Light yellowish color with satiny sheen;
WELTING. Narrow fabric edging or border of round sometimes called canary wood in England. It holds
section sewed into the seams of upholstery for finish paint well, and is moderately firm in structural use.
and accent. Has a faint grain and does not polish well.
WHATNOT. French etagere. Tier of shelves sup- WHORL. Spiral scroll decoration.
ported by turned posts, used for the display of curios,
etc. English 18th century and later. See also etagere. WICKER. General term for furniture woven of vari-
[124, 1341.] ous natural or synthetic materials, such as willow,
reed, rattan, or spirally twisted paper. Particularly
WHEAT-EAR. Carved ornament of several ears of used in summer and outdoor furniture.
wheat used in chairbacks, mirror frames, etc., by
Hepplewhite and in America by Mclntire and others. WIG STAND. Small stand, tripod, or turned pedestal
fittedwith drawers for materials for wig dressing,
WHEEL-BACK. Round or oval chairback with radi- sometimes a dummy head to carry the wig. English
ating spindles or bars resembling the spokes of a 18th century.
wheel, found mostly in later 18th-century English
chairs. WILLARD. Massachusetts family of clockmakers ac-
tive 1743-1848. Benjamin established a factory in
Grafton, Mass., about 1765; Simon, working in Rox-
bury, invented the banjo clock about 1800. Aaron
worked in Boston after 1790.
of soft birch.The bent members were beech, hickory, 1348 ENGLISH, late 18th century.
ash, or birch, and the turned parts were maple, ash, Bent stretcher.
birch, oak, or beech.They were often painted or left 1349, 1349A AMERICAN c.
in the raw wood. The notion was later extended to 1770(?) One-piece back and
arms. Detail: upholstery over
settees [17, 1088, 1350]; beds, tables, etc. [314 et seq.]
unshaped seat.
Windsors are now found occasionally with upholstered Collection of Mrs. Samuel Schwartz
seats, and there is evidence that this was the pristine
condition. Normally the saddle-shape modeling of the
thick seat (elm in England, pine in America) is a
vital point of a good Windsor. When the seat is quite
1350 WINDSOR SETTEE, Rhode Island, Henry Ford Museum, Dearborn, Mich.
The basic Windsor idea of legs stuck into a wood WINE COOLER. Metal-lined tub for wine service,
seat persisted in country work in England and Amer- decoratively treated in the 18th-century English styles.
ica throughout the 19th century. In the United States [1351, 1352.]
particularly, it then evolved into the simplest form
ing of wine. English after 1750. See also hunt table.
Projecting side of a piece of furniture.
WING BOOKCASE. Breakfront, the receding side 1353 ENGLISH c. 1780. Serpentine front wine sideboard.
portions suggesting the wing form. Arthur S. Vernay, Inc.
flBOR^* 1
Selection woods and grains; matchings of
veneers and other methods of accentuating the
grain; various methods of finishing, polishing,
etc., to bring out and preserve these qualities,
7. It is relatively light in weight. (a) botanical variety, (b) method of cutting the log,
8. It may be easily repaired when broken or injured. (c) part of the tree from which it is cut.
9. It possesses intrinsic beauty in infinite variety The typical structure of wood consists of long fibers,
of color, texture, and pattern; it can be worked differently placed in different woods, but always in
in many ways to exploit and enhance this beauty. concentric rings out from the center of the tree. These
rings are the results of alternate growth and dormant from other parts. The crotch, where the tree forks
periods in the seasons; they are called "annual rings," into two limbs, produces a vivid irregular V-shaped
and indicate the age of the tree. There are also radial grain, sometimes with markings described as plumes
lines "medullary" or "pith rays" that cross the annual or feathers, cross fire, etc. The swirl, or the outside
rings. The combinations of these rings, as well as the of the crotch-block, is very irregular, but lacks the
sizeand arrangement of the fibers, are infinitely com- V-shape of the crotch figure. The butt or stump figure,
plex and variable, but assume definite character in cut from the base of the log where it spreads hori-
the different woods, by which the woods are identi- zontally toward the roots, is also a slightly V-shaped
fied. Oak, for example, has a coarse, open-grained tex- figure, often with smaller cross rays, curls, etc. The
ture; the pores are large and the pith rays so distinct burl is a tumor or wart, an erratic wild growth any-
as to be known as flakes. In maple, on the other hand, where on the tree, which shows a finely pitted or
the fibers are so fine and close that the surface of gnarly figure in cross section of most woods. Bird's-
the wood is silky smooth. Straight grains or comb eye, an erratic, spotty figure occuring chiefly in maple,
grains are common to some varieties, while other fig- is formed by the growth of buds too deep to break
ures are known as curly grain, mottled, fiddleback, through the bark. Curly or wavy figures are an unex-
blister, bird's-eye, etc.; more specialized are bees- plained phenomenon in which more or less fine cross
wings, rope figures, quilted, roe, raindrop, plum pud- stripes appear at right angles to the long grain; they
ding, broken stripes, swirls, etc. Color is likewise a may be partially the result of the swaying of the
distinguishing factor of the species. The pigment may tree. Different in fineness of the curl are the fiddle-
the outer sides while the midsection will appear as or oak. The leading American woods of general struc-
a more irregular figure. Such a board is called "plain tural value in furniture are walnut, oak, maple, birch,
sawed." When the log is first cut into quarters, then cherry, gumwood, pine; less used except for special-
sawed into boards at approximately right angles to ized purposes are beech, chestnut, poplar, basswood,
the concentric rings, it is called "quarter sawed." ash, fir, elm, magnolia, butternut, cottonwood, red-
Each method produces its distinct grain, with separate wood, spruce, cedar, sycamore, cypress. These are
properties and uses. used both as veneers and as solid lumber. Of the
In cutting veneers there are many processes that imported woods, mahogany is by far the best and
produce highly varied figures. The oldest method of most commonly used, its vast range of hardness and
slicing veneers yields a grain similar to the long grain; strengths, color and figure lending it to almost every
it can be cut at any angle between the flat grain and purpose. Others frequently used both as lumber and
the quarter. Sawed veneers show the same tendencies. veneers are rosewood, primavera, avodire, European
Peeled or rotary-cut veneers are literally unrolled from and tropical walnuts, holly, ebony, sycamore, satin-
the log by rotating the log against a long knife. The wood, eucalyptus, pear, teak, tulip, zebra, amaranth,
grain appears very actively figured. Cross sections of koa, vermilion. Almost exclusively used as veneers
small limbs used whole in veneering are known as are amboyna, snakewood, yew, thuja, olive, kingwood,
"oystering"; these odd designs of concentric circles myrtle, acacia, laurel, cocobolo, box, sandalwood, lab-
were favored in late- 17th-century English work. Knots urnum, and a vast list of more or less similar varieties.
are utilized as a decorative feature, particularly in There is considerable confusion and obscurantism in
cedar and pine. the nomenclature of these woods, resulting from con-
The part of the tree from which the wood is cut fusion of identification, local or foreign names, the
is readily classified. The long grain is the best and ambiguity of trade promotions, and the effort to dis-
commonest all-purpose wood; the fibers being straight- guise a familiar wood with its botanical or literary
est, the wood is strongest. Decorative grains are cut name, etc.
plum-pudding figure. fiddleback figure. broken stripe. rope figure. mottle figure.
* ;
at* "
1366 CHERRY, curly figure. 1367 WALNUT, sliced, pin knotty. 1368 WALNUT, narrow heart, sliced.
1369 1370
1372 WALNUT, crotch swirl. 1373 WALNUT, feather crotch. 1373A WALNUT, stumpwood (butt).
x*H :
Writing Tables
V, f
From. "Chinese Household Furniture" by George N. Kates
courtesy Dover Publications
1381 Top right. CHINESE, brass and copper mounts on polished dark
Brunovan, Inc.
1380 Top left. Italian Directoire c. 1800. Drop front
writing drawer.
Writing Tables
. _^
1393 NEW YORK, Sheraton style. Probably by Major Pierre L'Enfant for the first Congress of
the United States in Federal Hall, 1789.
New-York Historical Society, New York City
WRITING ARM. Tablet arm; wide board arm suit-
bronze appliques, using laurel leaves or other austere iron bindings were the principal means of holding
shapes. wood boards together [544]. As joinery developed,
the iron became merely adjunct or bracing and finally
WREN, SIR CHRISTOPHER, 1632-1723. English only decorative as appliques or as working hardware,
architect largely responsible for the Restoration style, such as hinges, locks, handles. [1152.]
following the classic manner of Palladio. He directed
the reconstruction of much of London after the Great
Fire. While he is known to have designed little mobile WROUGHT IRON
furniture, his general direction influenced the school
of woodcarving of which Grinling Gibbons was pre-
eCOENCt * ctbktcu
X- STRETCHER ^ Thomas hope
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Aalto, Alvar, contemporary Finnish Barry, Sir Charles, England, 19th Bouvier, Michael, Philadelphia, Pa.,
architect and furniture designer. century. Architect. active 1819-1859.
"Adam Brothers, English architects: Barry, Joseph B., Philadelphia, circa Bradburn, John, England, 18th cen-
John, 1721-1792; Robert, 1728- 1810. tury.
1792; James, 1730-1794;William, Baumgartner, Ulrich, Germany, 17th Bradshaw, William, England, 18th
1739-1822. century. century.
"Affleck, Thomas, Philadelphia, Pa. Beck, Sebald, Germany, 16th cen- Brettingham, Matthew, England,
Died 1763. tury. 1699-1769. Architect. Pupil of
Albertolli, Giocono, Italy, Directoire Belchier, John, England. Died 1753. William Kent.
period. See under Nineteenth Bell, Philip, England, 18th century. Breuer, Marcel, contemporary Amer-
Century. Belli, Andrea Alessandro, Italy, 16th ican architect.
Allen, Josiah, Charleston, S.C He ap- century. Breuhaus, Fritz A., Germany, early
pears in the city directory be- Belli, Giovanni, Italy, 16th century. 20th century.
tween 1809-1813. 'Belter, John Henry, New York City. Brinner, John, New York City, 18th
*Allison, Michael, New York City. Ac- Died 1865. century.
tive at the beginning of the 19th Beman, Reuben, Jr., Connecticut, Brizard, Sulpice, France, 1735?-
century. active 1785-1800. 1798. JME 1763.
Ancellet, Denis-Louis, France. JME :
Berain, Jean (the younger), France, Burroughs, John, England. Fl. 1662-
Asinelis, Antonio, Italy, 16th cen- 1678-1726. 1690.
tury. Bergamo, Fra Damiano da, Italy, *Caffieri, Jacques, France, 1678-
Atlee, William, Philadelphia, Pa., 1490-1550? 1755.
18th century. Bertoiia, Harry, contemporary Amer- Calder, Alexander, Charleston, S.C,
Aubiche, Jacques d', France, 18th ican designer. active 1796-1807.
century. Bertolina, B. J., Italy, 16th century. Callow, Stephen, New York City,
Axton, Thomas, England, 17th cen- Blake, S., England, 19th century. 18th century.
tury. Bland, Charles, England, 17th cen- Campbell and Sons, England, 18th
Axton, William, Jr., Charleston, S.C. tury. century.
Died 1800. Bolte, Adrian, England, 17th cen- Canabas, Joseph (Gegenbach),
Bachelier of Toulouse, France, 16th tury. France, 1715?-1797. JME
century. Borgona, Felipe, Spain, 16th cen- 1785.
Carlin, Martin, France. Died
Bachman, John, Lancaster County, tury. Carpenter, Thomas, England, 18th
Pa., late 18th century. :
Fl.= Flourished.
JME=Maitre Ebeniste.
*=See Text.
'"Chambers, Sir William, England, Davies, John, Boston, Mass., after Gale, Cornelius, England, late 17th
1726-1796. Architect, published 1635. century.
Designs of Chinese Buildings, Delorme, Francois, 1691-1768. JME Galletti, Giovanni, Italy, 18th cen-
Furniture, etc. 1735. Chinoiserie. tury.
Chapin, Aaron, active in Connecticut Delorme, Philibert. See L'Orme, Gamier, P., France, 18th century.
in 1780's. Philibertde. Gaudreau, Antoine Robert, France.
Chapin, Eliphalet, Connecticut, Denizot, France, 18th century. Died 1751.
1741-1807. Dennis, Thomas, Ipswich, Mass., Gautier, Andrew, New York City,
Cheney, Silas E., Litchfield, Conn., 17th century. 18th century.
active 1799-1821. Derignee, Robert, England, 17th Germain, Thomas, France, 18th cen-
Chippendale, John, England, 18th century. tury.
century. Deskey, Donald, America, active in Gettich or Gottlieb, Paulus, Ger-
Chippendale, Thomas, Sr., England, the modern movement. many, 17th century.
1718-1779. Desmalter family. See Jacob. Geuser, Marx, Germany, 17th cen-
Chippendale, Thomas, Jr., England, Dester, Godefroy, France. JME 1774. tury.
1749-1822. De Vries. See Vries, Vredeman de. Gheel, Francis van, Flanders, 18th
*Cipriani, Giovanni Battista, 1727- Disbrowe, Nicholas, Hartford, 1612- century.
1785. In England from 1755. 1683. "Gibbons, Grinling, England, 1648-
Claude, Charles S., France, 18th Downing, Andrew Jackson, 1815- 1720. Carver.
century. 1852. American designer and Gibbs, James, England, 1674-1754.
Cobb, John, England. Partner of Wil- writer. Architect.
liam Vile. Died 1778. Dunlap, Samuel, 2nd, member of Gilbert, John, England, 19th century.
Cogswell, John, Boston, Mass., New Hampshire joiners, late 18th Gillet, Louis, France, 18th century.
active 1769-1782. century. 'Gillingham, James, Philadelphia,
Cole, Cornelius, England, 17th cen- Du Quesnoy, F. H., and J., Flanders, Pa., 18th century.
tury. 17th century. Gillow, Richard, England, 18th cen-
Collman, L. W., England, 19th cen- Eames, Charles, contemporary tury.
tury. Decorator. American designer. Gillow, Robert, England, 17th and
Connelly, Henry, Philadelphia, Pa., Eastlake, Charles Locke, 1833-1906. 18th centuries.
1770-1826. Egerton, Matthew, Brunswick, N.J., Gimson, Ernest, English designer,
Copeland, H., England, 18th cen- 1739-1802. 1864-1919.
tury. Elfe, Thomas, Charleston, S.C., ac- Giovanni, Fra, Italy, 16th century.
Corbusier, Le (Charles Jeanneret), tive 1747-1776. 'Goddard, John, Newport, R.I., 1723-
France, 1887-1965. Elliott, Charles, England, 18th cen- 1785.
Cotte, Jules Robert de, France, 18th tury. Golle, Peter (Dutch), France, 17th
century. John, Philadelphia, Pa., Died
Elliott, century.
Cotte, Robert de, France, 1656- 1791. Goodison, Benjamin, England, 18th
1735. Architect. Essex, Joseph, Boston, 18th cen- century.
Couet, L. Jacques, France, 18th cen- tury.
' Langley, Batty and Thomas, Eng- Marot, Gerard, France, 17th century.
(Wiener Werkstatte). land, 18th century. Architects; Marot, Jean (son of Gerard Marot),
Holbein, Hans, England, early 16th authors of The City and Country France, 1625-1679. Architect.
century. Builder's Workman's Treasury of "Martin, Guillaume, Simon, Etienne,
Holland, Henry, England, 1746- Designs (1740). Julien, and Robert, France, 18th
1806. Architect. Langlois, Peter, England. Born 1738. century. See also Vernis Martin.
Holmes, W., England, 19th-century Cabinetmaker in the manner of :
Mayhew, Thomas. See also Ince and
designer. Boulle. Mayhew, England.
Holthausen, H. J., France, 18th cen- ::
Lannier, Charles-Honore, New York McCobb, Paul, contemporary Amer-
tury. City. Active 1805-1819. ican.
*Hope, Thomas, England and Flan- Lardant, Jacques, France, 16th cen- *Meissonnier, Juste-Aurele, France,
ders, 1769-1831. tury. 1693-1750.
Hopkins, Gerrard, Philadelphia, Pa., Laszlo, Paul, contemporary Amer- Mills and Deming, New York City,
18th century. ican. active around 1790.
Hosmer, Joseph, Concord, Mass. Lawton, Robert, Jr., Newport, R.I. Molitor, Bernard, France under
*lnce, William, England, 18th century. Working 1794. Louis XVI. JME 1787.
Ince and Mayhew published The :
Parran, Benjamin, England, 18th Rogers, Harry, England, 19th cen- John, and Simeon, Boston,
century. Partner of Goodison. tury. Designer. Mass. Carvers, late 18th century.
Parzinger, Tommi, contemporary Rohde, Gilbert, American designer. Slocombe, P., England, 19th cen-
American. Died 1944. tury. Designer.
Passe, Crispin de, France, 17th cen- Rohe, Mies Van Der, contemporary
Smith, George, England. Cabinet-
tury. American architect. maker and designer. Published A
Paudevine, John, England. Uphol- Roller, Alfred, Austria, early-20th- Co//ection of Designs for House-
sterer in the Restoration period. century Sezession. ho/d Furniture and Interior Deco-
Paul, Bruno, Germany, early 20th Rossi, Properzia de, Italy, 15th and ration (1808).
century. 16th centuries. Soli, Guiseppi, Italy, Empire period.
*Percier, Charles, France, 1764-1838. Ruhlmann, Jacques Emile, France. Stewart, James, England, 18th cen-
Architect and designer. Died 1933. tury. Architect.
*Pergolesi, Michel Angelo (Italian), Rukers, Thomas, Augsburg, 16th Stickley, Gustave, Grand Rapids,
England, 18th century. Decorator century. Mich., late 19th century, early
*Phyfe, Duncan, New York City, tive 1771-1825. Tasso, Giovanni Battista, Italy, 15
1768-1854. Sass, Jacob, Charleston, S.C., active and 16th centuries.
Italy, 1700-1777.
Piffetti, A. Pietro, 1774 to about 1828. Tatham, Thomas, England, 1763-
Pillement, Jean Baptiste, France, "Saunier, Claude Charles, France, 1818.
1713-1789. era of Louis XVI. Taylor, John, New York City, 18th
Pillon, Germain, France, late 16th *Savery, William, Philadelphia, Pa., century.
century. Designer. active from 1740's to 1787. Terry, Eli, 1772-1852. Connecticut
Pimm, John, Boston, Mass., circa Schinkel, Karl Friedrich, Berlin, clockmaker.
1740. 1781-1841. Architect. *Thomire, Pierre Phillippe, France,
Ponti, Gio, contemporary, Italian. Schmieg, Carl, contemporary Amer- 1751-1843.
Porfirio, Bernardino di, Italy, 16th ican. Thonet, Michael, Vienna, after 1846.
century. Schoen, Eugene, 20th-century Amer- Tiffany, Louis Comfort, American
Price, Richard, England. Joiner and ican, architect-designer. designer, 1848-1933.
chairmarker to Charles II. Died *Seddon, George, England, 1727- Tilliard, Jean Baptiste, France,
before 1686. 1801. 1685-1766.
Quervelle, Anthony Gabriel, Phila- ::
Seddon, Thomas, England, 19th Tolfo, G., Italy, 16th century.
delphia, Pa. Active 1820? century. Toms and Luscombe, England, 19th
Randolph, Benjamin, Philadelphia, century.
Sene Family: Claude, 1724-1792;
Pa., circa1762-1792. Topino, Charles, France. JME 1773.
JME 1742; Claude II, Le Jeune;
Rennie, James, England. Partner of Toppan, Abner, Newbury, Mass.,
JME 1769.
Thomas Chippendale. Died 1766. 1764-1836.
Sene, Jean Baptiste, France, born
Revitt, N., England, 18th century. Tosi, Francesco Marie, Italian archi-
1748. Furnisher to the Crown,
Architect. tect. Died 1859.
Rheydt, Melchior, Cologne, Ger- Town and Emmanuel, England, 19th
Serlius, Sebastian, France, 16th
many, after 1600. century.
century. Designer.
Riesen Burg, Bernard Van, France,
Townsend family, Rhode Island, for
Seymour, John, Boston, Mass., ac-
about a century before 1750 to
early 18th century. Signed BVRB.
tive 1790-1810.
Riesener, Henri-Francois, France, the middle of the 19th century.
Shackleton, Thomas, England. Part- *Townsend, Edmund, Rhode Island,
18th century.
ner of Seddon. 1736-1811.
Riesener, Jean-Henri, France, 1734-
1806. Shaw, John, Annapolis, Md., active *Townsend, Job, Rhode Island, 1699-
Rietveld, Gerrit, Holland. Born 1888 1773-1794. 1765.
maker to His Majesty," 1728. signer. The Cabinetmaker's Trevigi, Girolama Da, England, 1503-
Roberts, Thomas, England. Joiner- London Book of Prices and De- 1544.
chairmaker, reigns of William and signs (1788). *Tufft, Thomas, Philadelphia, late
Ugliengo, Carlo, Italy, 18th century. Walker, Robert, Charleston, S.C., ac- White, Stanford, New York City,
Van de Velde, Henri, Belgium. Born tive 1799-1833. 1853-1906. Architect.
1863. Art Nouveau. Ware, Isaac, England, 18th century. Willard, Simon, 19th-century Con-
Van der Rohe, Mies, contemporary Architect. necticut clockmaker.
American architect. Wayne, Jacob, Philadelphia, Pa., ac- Willet, Marinus, New York City,
Vanbrugh, Sir John, England, 1664- tive after 1785. 1740-1830.
1726. Architect. Williams, John, Newcastle, Del.
Weaver, Holmes, Newport, R.I.,
Venasco, Giovanni Paolo, Italy, 18th 1769-1848. Wolfender, John, Boston, last quar-
century. ter of the 17th century.
Webb, Isaac, Boston, Mass., 18th
Verbruggen, Peter (the younger), century.
Wormley, Edward, contemporary
Flanders, 1660-1724. American.
Webb, Philip, English architect of
Verhaeghen, Theodore, Flanders, ::
Wren, Sir Christopher, England,
the Ruskin group, 1830-1915.
18th century. 1632-1723. Architect and de-
Webster, John, Pennsylvania, 18th
Vile, William,England. Died 1767. signer.
Viollet-Le-Duc, Eugene Emmanuel, Wright, Frank Lloyd, 1869-1959,
France, 1814-1879.
Wedgwood, Josiah, England, 1730-
Gothic Re- architect.
vival. Wright, Russel, contemporary Amer-
Voysey, C. F. England, 1857-
Wegner, Hans J., Danish contem- ican.
1941. William Morris group. Wright and Mansfield, England, 19th
Vries,Jan Vredeman de (Flemish),
cross-references. $15.00
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