Toxicology and Risk Assessment of Coumarin: Focus On Human Data
Toxicology and Risk Assessment of Coumarin: Focus On Human Data
Toxicology and Risk Assessment of Coumarin: Focus On Human Data
Coumarin is a secondary phytochemical with hepatotoxic and carcinogenic properties. For the Received: June 15, 2009
carcinogenic effect, a genotoxic mechanism was considered possible, but was discounted by Revised: August 20, 2009
the European Food Safety Authority in 2004 based on new evidence. This allowed the deri- Accepted: August 24, 2009
vation of a tolerable daily intake (TDI) for the first time, and a value of 0.1 mg/kg body weight
was arrived at based on animal hepatotoxicity data. However, clinical data on hepatotoxicity
from patients treated with coumarin as medicinal drug is also available. This data revealed a
subgroup of the human population being more susceptible for the hepatotoxic effect than the
animal species investigated. The cause of the high susceptibility is currently unknown;
possible mechanisms are discussed. Using the human data, a TDI of 0.1 mg/kg body weight
was derived, confirming that of the European Food Safety Authority. Nutritional exposure
may be considerably, and is mainly due to use of cassia cinnamon, which is a popular spice
especially, used for cookies and sweet dishes. To estimate exposure to coumarin during the
Christmas season in Germany, a telephone survey was performed with more than 1000
randomly selected persons. Heavy consumers of cassia cinnamon may reach a daily coumarin
intake corresponding to the TDI.
Coumarin / Exposure / Humans / Risk assessment / Toxicology
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2 Hazard of coumarin
2.1 Data from laboratory animals
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can be conjugated with glutathione or may spontaneously with chronic lymphedema of the ipsilateral arm after treat-
degrade with the loss of carbon dioxide to form o-hydro- ment for breast cancer [20]. They received 200 mg coumarin
xyphenylacetaldehyde (o-HPA). The latter compound was or placebo twice daily for 6 months and then the other
found to be a hepatotoxic metabolite and is detoxified by medication for the following 6 months (cross-over design).
oxidation to o-hydroxyphenylacetic acid (o-HPAA). Much Blood samples were taken for the first time after 3 to 4
less o-HPAA is formed in rats than mice, explaining the months and after 1 month during the first and second
higher susceptibility of rats to coumarin-induced hepato- treatment period, respectively. The incidence of hepatotoxic
toxicity. Therefore, differences in detoxification of o-HPA are effects was substantially higher with coumarin than with
assumed to be a determining factor for species differences placebo. In none of the women did serum aminotransferase
in sensitivity to coumarin hepatotoxicity [14]. levels reach 2.5 times the upper limit of normal during the
placebo period, whereas in nine women (6%) the levels
became high during treatment with coumarin (p 5 0.006).
2.2 Human experience from coumarin use as The most prominent instance of hepatotoxicity occurred in a
medicinal drug woman who developed jaundice with a serum bilirubin
concentration of 19.3 mg per deciliter while she was receiv-
Coumarin was approved from the 1970s onwards in various ing coumarin. In these nine women, the enzyme levels
countries as a medicinal product to treat edemas caused by returned to normal after coumarin treatment was stopped.
venous (chronic venous insufficiency) and lymphatic The authors were unable to identify any predisposing
(lymphatic edemas) drainage disorders, possibly through factors, excluding, among others, therapy with tamoxifen
stimulation of proteolysis by tissue macrophages. In addi- and high body weight.
tion, direct anti-tumor activity was reported, and the In a clinical study from Germany [2123], 231 patients
substance was used to treat renal cell carcinoma and other with chronic venous insufficiency were randomly assigned
tumors, with doses of up to 7000 mg daily [15]. Some of the verum (90 mg coumarin and 540 mg troxerutin per day,
patients developed severe hepatotoxicity (toxic hepatitis, liver n 5 114) or placebo (n 5 117) for 16 weeks. Blood liver
failure in a few cases) from a few weeks to 6 months after enzymes were monitored at baseline and at five time
commencement of treatment [1618]. These observations points during the treatment. Four weeks after the beginning
led to these products being withdrawn from the market in of the therapy, nine out of the 114 patients treated
several countries in the 1990s (Australia, Belgium, France with verum (7.9%) manifested elevated transaminase levels
and Canada) [18]. above 2.5-fold the upper limit of the normal range. They
Varying frequencies of the hepatotoxic response were were analyzed with respect to causality: three were assessed
reported, with dependence on the method used to detect as unrelated, two as unlikely, three as possible and
hepatotoxicity (clinical observation only or blood sampling one as probable. Elevated liver enzymes were also
to detect elevated liver enzyme levels), as might be expected. observed in the placebo group (number not reported).
In one report, 3 of 48 patients with metastatic prostatic The authors tried to identify risk factors (Section 2.4);
carcinoma (6.3%) treated with 3000 mg coumarin daily risk factor adjusted logistic regression was performed and
responded with elevated liver enzymes [19]. Cox et al. the basic risk of elevated liver enzyme levels was estimated
observed a study group of 2173 patients with cancer or to be 4.9 and 2.2% in the verum and placebo group,
chronic infections; they were treated with 252000 mg respectively. The results were not easy to interpret, because
coumarin daily (the majority received 100 mg daily for some of the patients had a history of hepatitis and elevated
1 month, followed by 50 mg daily for 2 years; blood samples liver enzymes before start of the treatment. In addition, it
were taken every 3 months). Seventeen patients developed has to be taken into account that coumarin was adminis-
elevated liver enzymes levels of sufficient magnitude (i.e. tered as co-treatment with troxerutin, which may have a
alanine aminotransferase levels between 115 and 960 U/L, hepatoprotective effect (study findings from isolated
at least double the normal maximum level of 3550 U/L). perfused rat liver [24]). This would be a reason to
Four of them were diagnosed as probably having other expect a stronger hepatotoxic effect when coumarin is
causes than coumarin treatment. Of the remaining 13 administered alone.
patients (0.60%), elevated liver enzymes levels returned to The published data is consistent with the existence of a
normal while still on coumarin in five, and only in the subgroup of the human population that reacts sensitively to
remaining eight (0.37%) was the hepatotoxicity attributed to coumarin with hepatotoxic effects. If recurrent blood
coumarin treatment. Several of the patients were re-exposed sampling is used to monitor liver enzyme levels, this group
to coumarin showing the same hepatotoxic response, but may amount to a single-digit percentage of the population,
with a faster onset (Section 2.4) [16]. much higher than in drug responses often classified as
A more reliable estimate of the percentage of patients idiosyncratic. No clear-cut dose-dependent increase in
sensitive to the hepatotoxic effect of coumarin can be severity of the effect was observed within the subgroup,
expected from systematic placebo-controlled studies with although liver failure was observed only in patients treated
recurrent blood sampling. Loprinzi et al. studied 140 women with high doses (more than 100 mg daily). On the other
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hand, people not sensitive to the effect evidently tolerate Case reports evaluated by Bergmann also allow an esti-
daily coumarin doses in the gram range. Drug-dependent mation of the time period critical for the onset of hepatitis in
moderate elevation of liver enzyme levels is often tolerated sensitive subjects [25]. The shortest periods documented
in clinical practice; if positive effects for the patient are were 5 days (dose: 90 mg daily), 16 days and 18 days (dose:
expected, treatment is often continued with monitoring of 30 mg daily each). Therefore, it is not acceptable to signifi-
the laboratory parameters. However, such risk-benefit cantly exceed the TDI over several weeks. The European
considerations are not permissible for foods. These have to Commission asked EFSA for an opinion on the relatively
be safe in any case, and if dietary exposure to coumarin high cinnamon exposure during the Christmas season
caused elevated blood liver enzyme levels, even if they were (Section 3.3), and EFSA concluded in 2008 that exposure to
reversible, would not be acceptable. coumarin resulting in an intake three times higher than the
TDI for 12 weeks is not a cause for concern [27].
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results of other authors [3], it was discussed whether the blood sampling revealed a proportion of sensitive
interspecies factor used in risk assessment for extrapolation subjects in the single-digit range [20, 22]. In addition,
from animals to humans should be reduced [4, 8, 27]. CYP2A6 genotyping of 216 patients of the German
However, as outlined above, a relevant subgroup of the study [22] revealed 7.4% subjects with defective geno-
human population is much more susceptible, as is most type (CYP2A62 or CYP2A63 allele) all found to be
impressively demonstrated by the study of Loprinzi et al. [20] heterozygous for the variant alleles; of the nine patients
and with some limitations by the German study [22]. From with elevated liver enzyme levels in the verum group,
the daily doses applied in these studies (about 6.7 and only one carrier of a variant allele was identified who
1.5 mg/kg body weight, respectively, assuming a body exhibited an isolated g-GT elevation without concomi-
weight of 60 kg) and from even lower doses (down to about tant increase in transaminases. Additional genotyping
0.5 mg/kg body weight) in single cases reported to the of affected patients for the deletion of the CYP2A6 gene
authorities [25] it can be concluded that individuals of the (CYP2A64 allele) revealed no further polymorphism.
human subgroup are more susceptible than various animal Therefore, no evidence was obtained that the poly-
species investigated (NOAEL of 10 mg coumarin per kilo- morphism in CYP2A6 is a determinant of the coumarin-
gram body weight daily in Beagle dogs identified as most associated elevation of blood liver enzymes [21].
sensitive species [4]). (ii) Rietjens et al. used a physiologically based toxicokinetic
The cause of this higher susceptibility is unknown. model to predict liver levels of the toxic o-HPA metabolite
Unfortunately, no phenotype data of coumarin metabolism in rats and in human subjects with normal or deficient
is available from any patient affected by a hepatotoxic CYP2A6catalyzed coumarin 7-hydroxylation phenotype;
response following the treatment with coumarin. A genetic data from the literature as well as data obtained from in
polymorphism of CYP2A6 as underlying mechanism has vitro investigations of microsomes was used to determine
been discussed for a long time, possibly leading to an kinetic parameters for coumarin metabolism of animals
increased formation of 3,4-coumarin epoxide and o-HPA. and humans [40]. Modeling allowed the prediction of
This has been observed in a homozygous individual with an maximum tissue concentration of o-HPA in the liver of
inactivating CYP2A62 allele: Following the oral adminis- wild-type human subjects and of subjects deficient in
tration of 2 mg coumarin, about 50% of the dose was 7-hydroxylation which were three and one order of
excreted in the 8-h urine as o-HPAA, whereas 7-hydro- magnitude, respectively, lower than the values predicted
xycoumarin could not be detected; the urinary metabolite for rat liver. The authors concluded that even when
excretion of the heterozygous parents was not found to 7-hydroxylation activity is missing, the formation of the
differ from that of controls [36]. However, this is the only in hepatotoxic o-HPA metabolite will be significantly lower
vivo observation with documentation of alternative metabo- in the liver of humans than those expected in the liver of
lism via the 3,4-epoxidation pathway in a CYP2A6deficient rats when exposed to a similar (low) dose per body
subject. A very low or missing urinary excretion of weight. As the rat is a relatively coumarin-sensitive
7-hydroxycoumarin after oral administration of coumarin species [41] comparable to dogs (NOAEL about 10 mg/kg
was found in a significant proportion of Asians who lack the body weight) [12], it can be concluded that o-HPA is
CYP2A6 protein completely due to the relatively high inci- unlikely to be the toxic agent causing hepatotoxicity in the
dence of CYP2A6 gene deletion alleles in Japanese and human subgroup which is more susceptible than rats
Chinese populations. The frequency of poor metabolizers in and dogs, as outlined above.
Asian populations (up to 20%) is much higher than in
Caucasian populations [3739]. Unfortunately, the possible From these observations it can be reasoned that CYP2A6
alternative routes of metabolism were not investigated in polymorphism with deficient 7-hydroxylation of coumarin is
any of the studies of individuals identified as deficient in the not the cause of the high susceptibility to hepatotoxicity in the
7-hydroxycoumarin pathway. human subgroup. Regarding other possible causes, previous
Therefore, it is currently unknown what CYP2A6 poly- hepatitis and elevated baseline g-GT were identified as risk
morphism with deficient 7-hydroxylation of coumarin factors in the German coumarin study [22]. At least two
means with respect to the 3,4-coumarin epoxide pathway disease states seem to reduce coumarin 7-hydroxylation. In
and the possible generation of toxic metabolites. In addition patients with alcohol-induced liver disease, mean urinary
to this lack of evidence, further observations do not support 7-hydroxycoumarin excretion over 2 h was decreased in severe
the assumption of a CYP2A6 polymorphism as cause of the (18.0% of dose) and moderate (34.2% of dose), but not in
higher susceptibility in the human subgroup: mild (49.7% of dose) disease relative to controls (56.2% of
dose) [42]. In previously healthy adult patients with acute
(i) The vast majority of patients with hepatotoxic response jaundice from hepatitis virus A infection, mean total urinary
following the treatment with coumarin is of Caucasian 7-hydroxycoumarin excretion (08 h) was decreased by 37%
race; in this population, the frequency of poor meta- compared with the values obtained from healthy volunteers
bolizers is close to zero [37]. In contrast, the two [43]. However, the patients of the German coumarin study
systematic placebo-controlled studies with recurrent did not suffer from severe or acute liver disease, and
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moderately decreased CYP2A6 activity levels are not expected Cassia cinnamon) [46]. The chemical composition of the two
to result in a strong increase of o-HPA liver concentrations cinnamon species is different, particularly with respect to
(modeling data [40]). Therefore, the risk factors of previous their coumarin levels. Coumarin concentrations were
hepatitis and elevated baseline g-GT are probably not related detected from below the detection limit to 190 mg/kg in
to impaired coumarin detoxification. Ceylon cinnamon (n 5 12) and from 700 to 12 230 mg/kg
Since evidence for a metabolic cause of the high in cassia cinnamon (n 5 12) [47]. Due to these high
susceptibility to hepatotoxicity in a human subgroup is concentrations in cassia cinnamon (compared with other
missing, other possible causes have to be considered as well. foods), it seems obvious that despite the relatively low
Of the patients with hepatotoxic response described by Cox amounts of the consumption of spices coumarin exposure
et al., about half were re-treated with coumarin (after from food consumption is mainly due to cassia cinnamon.
cessation of medication and return of elevated liver enzymes This applies to both the direct addition of cinnamon to foods
levels to normal) [16]. The authors observed that the time to but also the use of cinnamon oils by the food industry.
onset of a rise in the liver enzymes was much shorter than Cinnamon is available in the grocery store in dried form
in the first treatment period. In addition, they observed a as cinnamon powder or as sticks; for the latter only, a visual
favorable response (lower liver enzyme levels) to immuno- differentiation between cassia and Ceylon cinnamon is
suppressive therapy in three patients while on coumarin. possible. On the German retail market, mostly cassia
These observations as well as the absence of any clear dose- cinnamon is available [48]; in the majority of cases, however,
dependency of the severity of response within the subgroup the botanical species is not indicated on the packaging.
suggest an immune mechanism may be involved in the Analyses of cinnamon samples and of the most
coumarin-induced hepatotoxicity in humans. To test for a important cinnamon-containing foods done by the Federal
drug-mediated allergic response, lymphocytes from the States in Germany in 2006 and reported to the Federal
patients of the German coumarin study with elevated liver Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety up
parameters were incubated with coumarin and 7-hydro- to March 2007 revealed the coumarin levels listed in Table 1.
xycoumarin; however, none of them showed a positive Some analyses done by the Chemisches und Veter-
lymphocyte proliferation test response with a stimulation in.aruntersuchungsamt Karlsruhe were published in more
index of more than three [22]. In general, hepatotoxic detail [6]. With a median coumarin level of 2920 mg/kg
responses observed during treatment are classified as (maximum 8790 mg/kg) the analyses confirmed the predo-
adverse drug reactions which do not occur in most minance of cassia cinnamon in the retail market. Coumarin
patients at any readily achieved dose of a drug and do not levels in cinnamon-containing foods were found in the
involve the known pharmacological effects of the drug [44]. range expected from the recipes. For example, cinnamon
star cookies (Zimtsterne) with the highest cinnamon
content (about 1%, see also Section 3.3) were found to have
3 Human exposure the highest coumarin content (median 39.4 mg/kg, maxi-
mum 113.3 mg/kg). Most of these coumarin levels consid-
3.1 Coumarin in cinnamon species erably exceeded the maximum permitted level (2 mg/kg) of
the EU Flavorings Directive 88/388/EEC. Following the
There has been no large-scale analysis of coumarin in foods. public discussion in Germany, most of the manufacturers
The substance is contained in various plants (for example took measures to reduce the coumarin content in 2007 and
sweet clover, tonka beans, lavender); however, given the 2008.
general eating habits in most countries, these are probably
not relevant for nutritional coumarin exposure. Recently,
coumarin levels in specific plants or their essential oils were 3.2 Estimate of oral coumarin exposure
analyzed using a very sensitive method. Significant
concentrations in plants relevant for food consumption were In its opinion of 2004, the EFSA calculated a theoretical
only found in cassia cinnamon (see below) and in woodruff added maximum daily intake (TAMDI) of 1.5 mg coumarin
(Asperula odorata, 203 mg/kg) [45]. The latter is used in for an adult with a default body weight of 60 kg (0.025 mg/
Germany to flavor May punch (Maibowle) and has a long kg body weight per day) [4]. The calculation was performed
history of regulations due to its coumarin content. However, considering the concomitant consumption of 324 g general
the alcoholic beverage is consumed by very few people and beverages, 133.4 g general solid food, 27 g sweets, 2 g
for only a short period each year. chewing gum and 20 g alcoholic beverages each with the
Cinnamon bark is the dried inner bark of the shoots maximum level of coumarin permitted by the Flavorings
grown on cut stock of Cinnamomum verum J.S. Presl (Syn. Directive 88/388/EEC (2 mg/kg for foodstuffs and beverages
Cinnamomum zeylanicum Nees, true cinnamon, Ceylon in general). Lake calculated a TAMDI of 4.1 mg coumarin
cinnamon) or of the trunk bark, freed of cork, of Cinnamo- from general consumption data, which he rated as unrea-
mum cassia Blume (Syn. Cinnamomum aromaticum Nees, listically high. A value of 1.2 mg coumarin (0.02 mg/kg body
Chinese cinnamon, Saigon cinnamon, Vietnam cinnamon, weight for 60 kg weight) seemed to him to be more realistic
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Table 1. Coumarin levels (mean, median and maximum) in cinnamon and cinnamon-containing foods from the German market measured
in 2006
Analyses were done by the Federal states in Germany in 2006 and reported to the Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety
(BVL) until March 2007. For all foods, minimum values were below the limit of detection.
a) Ground to powder in most cases (no differentiation between cassia and Ceylon cinnamon).
(assumption: maximum 5% of solid food flavored with kilogram body weight (exposure on single a day, normally by
cinnamon) [3]. These two worst-case estimates were based eating rice pudding with cinnamon and sugar). Exposure
on high amounts of flavored foods consumed daily and on lasting for longer periods was estimated by a worst-case
the maximum level of coumarin permitted by the Flavorings approach assuming two of these meals per week. This
Directive 88/388/EEC. However, due to the predominant results in a daily exposure of 0.063 g cinnamon per kilogram
use of cassia, the majority of the cinnamon-containing foods body weight per day. Based on a coumarin level of 3000 mg/
in Germany were found to be far above this level, as shown kg cinnamon this would indicate a coumarin exposure of
by the data in Table 1. Therefore, the TAMDI approaches 0.19 mg/kg body weight as the worst case for oral exposure
mentioned [3, 4] cannot be considered as reliable estimates of the 25 year-old children [5].
at least for Germany. A simple estimate of coumarin exposure in young chil-
Even with the improvements in knowledge on the dren is possible using the levels measured in Christmas
coumarin levels in food (Table 1), it is still not easy to cookies (Table 1). For a 4-year-old child weighing 15 kg, a
estimate the maximum daily intake of coumarin from daily consumption of three cinnamon star cookies (Zimt-
cinnamon and cinnamon-containing foods. Epidemiological sterne weighing about 6 g each) with the maximum level
data on consumption of spices is inadequate. This is not measured already results in a coumarin exposure of
only due to missing consumption data on particular spiced 0.13 mg/kg body weight daily higher than the TDI
foods, but also due to a lack of estimates of the amount of (0.046 mg/kg body weight daily for the cookies with the
spice used by the consumer at home (e.g. the use of cinna- median level). This calculation allows an estimation of the
mon and sugar to spice rice pudding). In addition, a coumarin intake from single foods; however, other
simultaneous dermal coumarin exposure may also need to coumarin-containing foods may be consumed simulta-
be considered (Section 3.4). As an approach to estimate the neously. In order to get an estimation of the total coumarin
seasonally higher consumption of cinnamon-containing intake during Christmas time (in adults), a telephone survey
foods during Christmas time, BfR has directed a telephone has been performed.
survey of adults (Section 3.3).
When estimating the consumption of cinnamon, young
children require a separate consideration as a group with 3.3 Telephone survey on cinnamon in Christmas-
possibly high exposure on a body weight basis (higher food related foods
consumption due to their higher energy requirements and
special eating habits). In this case, exposure data from the Christmas time is the period of highest consumption of
German VELS study is helpful (food consumption study to cinnamon-containing foods. Typical Christmas treats like
determine the dietary intake of infants and toddlers in order almond cookies (Spekulatius), gingerbread cakes (Lebku-
to estimate the acute toxicity risk from pesticide residues). chen) and cinnamon star cookies (Zimtsterne) have a long
For two non-consecutive 3-day periods, parents kept food tradition in Germany as well as other European countries. In
records [49]. The evaluation of toddlers aged between 2 and addition, a variety of teas, chocolates and desserts containing
5 years (n 5 475) showed that 140 children ate cinnamon or cinnamon have been launched in recent years to have a
cinnamon-containing products at least on one of the six days typical taste and flavor of winter and Christmas. In order to
recorded; 47% of the consumption days were between estimate the total amount of cinnamon consumed with
September and December. For these consumers the 97.5 Christmas-related foods by German adults, the BfR
percentile showed consumption of 0.22 g cinnamon per performed a questionnaire survey by telephone.
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Table 2. Christmas-related foods in Germany asked for in the telephone interviews: estimated average cinnamon content, size of one portion,
resulting content of cinnamon in one portion, and relative contribution of each food to the total cinnamon consumption of the
interview sample.
Average cinnamon Size of one Cinnamon content in Proportion of the total cinnamon
content (g/kg) portion (g) one portion (g) consumption (%)
The survey was carried out by USUMA GmbH, an inde- mate. In case of winter/Christmas specialty teas, the use of
pendent research institute for questionnaire surveys in 2 g tea for a cup containing 200 mL and a coumarin extraction
Berlin. During three days of the third week of December in rate of 50% was assumed. Possible co-exposure to other
2006, 1012 persons aged 14 years or older living in German- cinnamon-containing meals eaten throughout the year (for
speaking private households were interviewed using a stan- example: rice pudding with home-used cinnamon or break-
dardized questionnaire. The interviews lasted 12 min on fast cereals with cinnamon) was not considered in the survey.
average. The amount of selected foods was assessed by asking The total coumarin intake was estimated for each of the
for the frequency of consumption within a typical Christmas interview partners by adding up the intake data from the ten
week and typical portion sizes. To validate the estimates different Christmas-related foods. Figure 2 shows the
given by consumers for 1 week, a 24 h recall question was distribution of all of the estimated individual consumptions
included for each of the selected food items. A plausibility per week, ordered by total amounts. As expected for spice-
check excluded two interviews because of implausibly high related consumptions, a high variation was observed:
consumption of cinnamon-containing foods. The ques- 42 people (4.2%) reported that they did not consume any of
tionnaire also included socio-demographic parameters like the 10 foods, whereas 154 people (15.2%) consumed half of
age, gender and education. The sample was randomly the total coumarin amount. Mean coumarin intake was
generated and population-proportionally weighted to adjust estimated to be 5.0 mg coumarin per week; median, 95th
for unavoidable biases. Hence the results are representative and 97.5th percentile were estimated to be 3.2, 15.9 and
for the German population aged 14 years and older. 21.6 mg coumarin per week, respectively. The coumarin
Interview partners were asked about their average intake of the heaviest consumers (six subjects) was esti-
consumption of ten different cinnamon-containing foods mated to be higher than 35 mg per week (maximally 47.5 mg
presented in Table 2 (which also shows the estimated average per week). These consumers more or less reach an estimated
cinnamon content and portion size of each food item). To daily coumarin intake of 0.1 mg/kg body weight (assumed
assess the individual coumarin intake, consumption data was weight 60 kg). These results confirm the often-used worst-
multiplied by the mean coumarin levels of the foods in case rule of thumb that the heaviest consumer may eat up to
Table 1 (food monitoring data of 2006). In case of Domi- ten times more than the average consumer.
nosteine and home-baked Christmas-cookies, only data on Regarding subgroups of the population, average
their cinnamon content was available; therefore, the coumarin intake was lower in women (5.0 mg per week)
coumarin content was estimated assuming an average than in men (5.8 mg per week); this may be due to their
coumarin content of 3000 mg/kg cinnamon as a rough esti- lower general food and calorie intake. The age distribution
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showed a distinct trend towards a lower consumption at an average consumption of 17 g cinnamon or roughly half of
higher ages. Whereas the average intake of the group of 14- the total annual cinnamon consumption during the
to 24-year-old persons was 8.4 mg coumarin per week, it was Christmas period. This is considered plausible.
5.0 mg per week in the group of 35- to 54-year-old persons,
and 3.1 mg coumarin per week in the group of the more
than 75-year-old persons. 3.4 Dermal exposure
As expected, the contribution of the ten different foods to
the total weekly intake of coumarin in the interview sample In addition to oral exposure, a simultaneous dermal expo-
was different (Table 2). The main contributions were from sure has to be taken into account as well. This is an
winter/Christmas specialty teas (22.2%), almond cookies uncommon case in risk assessment of food ingredients. In
(Spekulatius, 19.3%), home-baked cookies with cinnamon contrast to food production, coumarin is used without
(19.4%) and gingerbread cakes (small and large size, 17.3%). constraints as a fragrance in cosmetics, leading to a dermal
Despite their relatively high coumarin content, cinnamon exposure of consumers, which is by no means insignificant.
star cookies (Zimtsterne) accounted for only 5.2% of the The annual world production for the use as a fragrance in
total coumarin intake, as they only were eaten by a few cosmetics today amounts to about 2000 tonnes [50]. Based
people: nearly 80% of the interview partners reported not on production data from the USA, an average daily
eating any of these cookies. This may have been influenced coumarin amount of 1.2 mg per US American was calcu-
by the public discussion on coumarin in cinnamon and lated [51]. As the formulations of cosmetics are not normally
especially on cinnamon star cookies which took place in made public, only insufficient data is available on coumarin
Germany in late 2006. Sixty-seven percent of the interview levels. Lake referred to a compilation of the International
partners said they had noticed warnings in the media Fragrance Association in Geneva, which indicates a
against a high consumption of cinnamon and cinnamon- coumarin level of 6.4% in a few thousand fragrance
containing foods. mixtures as the 97.5th percentile [3]. Based on this value he
The average consumption of cinnamon obtained from estimated a daily dermal exposure of 9.8 mg coumarin for
the telephone interviews was checked against market data adults (0.16 mg/kg body weight for a person weighing 60 kg)
from Germany. A total consumption of 2887 tonnes as a worst case. However, this amount appeared to be
(amount imported minus amount exported) corresponding unrealistically high for him and he re-estimated a daily
to an average consumption of 35.2 g cinnamon per year in intake of 2.3 mg coumarin (0.04 mg/kg body weight for an
Germany (population: 82 million) and a weekly average of adult weighing 60 kg) as reasonable worst-case scenario.
0.68 g cinnamon has been reported [48]. This number is This calculation reflected the fact that coumarin is absorbed
lower than that of 1.7 g per week estimated from our study quickly and efficiently via the skin (absorption rate
(assuming a coumarin content of 3000 mg/kg cinnamon). approximately 60%: [3, 51]). Currently it is under discussion
However, an important proportion of the yearly cinnamon whether the risk of a hepatotoxic effect of coumarin from
consumption is expected to take place during Christmas dermal uptake is comparable to that of from oral intake. Due
time. If we assume that Christmas-related foods are offered to slower absorption and the fact that the first pass
intensively over a 10-week period, this would correspond to phenomenon does not apply, hepatic peak concentrations of
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coumarin are expected to be much lower after dermal weeks. In autumn 2006, the patient became aware of the
compared with oral exposure to the same dose. Accordingly, public discussions on cinnamon and hepatotoxicity. She
coumarin would be much less hepatotoxic after remembered that as a big fan of cinnamon, during the 12
dermal compared to oral exposure, if hepatotoxicity months before the onset of her hepatitis, she had consumed
is a threshold effect depending on the peak concentration, even higher amounts than before (about 12 g cinnamon
but not if hepatotoxicity is related to the area under the every day, used to spice different foods). It is therefore
curve. The question of which dose metric is relevant, suspected that this case was caused by high consumption of
especially for the sensitive human subpopulation, is cassia cinnamon.
currently open.
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