Brochure Reduced Flange

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Reduced Flange

38999 Receptacles
D erived connector from MIL-DTL-38999 S eries III

Where Small Dimensions & Lower Weight are critical

Reduced Flange receptacles are derived from MIL-DTL-38999 series III.
They use the same inserts and mate as with standard MIL-DTL-38999 Series III plugs.
Available in crimp, PC Tail, Stand Off versions. They are designed for applications where small dimensions and
lower weight are required, while keeping pure MIL-DTL-38999 performances.

More density on panel 37% average footprint surface reduction
More space inside the box: 36% average reduction of panel/PCB distance
Lighter: 30% average lighter than standard 38999 stand off receptacle
Derivated from MIL-DTL-38999 series III version
Mates with standard MIL-DTL-38999 series III plugs and caps
Reduced flange receptacles are available in crimp version, with PC Tail contacts, as well as in stand off version
For jam nut (TV07) configurations

Crimp Contacts PC Tail Contacts PC Tail Contacts & Stand Off
38999 Series III 38999 Series III 38999 Series III 38999 Series III 38999 Series III 38999 Series III
Standard Reduced Flange PC Tail Reduced Flange Stand Off Reduced Flange
PC Tail Stand Off
5 + 0,1 (CI) 5 + 0,1 (CI) 3,6 mm (CI) 3,7 mm (CI)
8,5 + 0,1 (LI) 8,5 + 0,1 (LI) 7,2 mm (LI) 7,2 mm (LI)

Panel footprint: 37% average reduction Length: save 36% from panel to PCB Reduced Flange Stand off: save 36%
Deviation: F312/F311* with safety castel nut Deviation: F312/F311* with safety castel nut distance from panel to PCB
Deviation: F259/F258* with safety castel nut

* with safety
castel nut


C4ISR, Battlefield communication, Avionics Ethernet Switchs
Ground vehicles
Navy Tactical Radios
Missiles & UAVs
Tactical Computers Amphenol
Reduced Flange Receptacles Amphenol


Sizes Footprint Reduction (mm2)
9 43%
11 46%
13 43%
15 36%
17 26%
19 37%
21 36%
23 34%
25 30%

Example of Weight Reduction :

38999 Series III stand off version: TV07WCI13-35P F459 = 31.46 g
38999 Series III Reduced flange stand off version : TV07WCI13-35P F259 = 19.49 g
> The #13 Reduced flange stand off version is 38 % lighter than 38999 Series III standard stand off version.

Sizes Tools PN
9 809681
11 809682
13 809683
15 809684
17 809685
19 809686
21 809687
23 809688
25 809689


Salt Spray

Reduced Flange Receptacle Crimp Contacts

Commercial Shell size Layout Contact Gender Delivery Deviations
Material Plating Polarization
Designation 2 digits Pin Socket With Contact Without Contact F312
O.D.Cadmium (W) TV07RW

Aluminium Nickel - RoHS (F) TVS07RF

Jam Black zinc nickel - A, B, C, D or E

RoHS (Z) / P or S Blank LC F312
Nut Passivated (K) TVS07RK (blank for N)
Stainless Steel
Nickel Plated (S) TVS07RS
Marine Bronze / TVS07RB

Example: TV07RW1135PAF312

Reduced Flange Receptacle PC Tail Contacts & Stand off solutions

PCB Shell size Layout Contact Gender
Commercial Deviations
Material Plating Contact CI Polarization
Designation 2 digits Pin Socket F312 & F259
or LI
O.D.Cadmium (W) TV07W

Aluminium Nickel - RoHS (F) TVS07F

Jam Black zinc nickel - A, B, C, D or E

RoHS (Z) CI or LI / P or S
Nut Passivated (K) TVS07K (blank for N)
Stainless Steel
Nickel Plated (S) TVS07S
Marine Bronze / TVS07B
F312: Reduced Flange standard with lead tin plated PC tails contacts
F312 LF: Reduced Flange standard with silver tin plated PC tail contacts
F312 LFC: Reduced Flange standard with silver tin copper plated PC tail contacts
F259: Reduced Flange receptacle with stand off and lead tin plated PC tail contacts
F259 LF: Reduced Flange receptacle with stand-off and silver tin plated PC tail contacts
F259 LFC: Reduced Flange receptacle with stand-off and silver tin copper plated PC tail contacts

Examples: TV07WCI1135PAF312

The information contained in this document should be used as a guideline only.


We reserve the right to modify our products in any way we deem necessary. For more information, you can contact us on
Any duplication is prohibited, unless approved in writing. our website
July 2016 or by calling on +33 (0)4 50 89 28 00

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