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Journal of Medical Microbiology (2013), 62, 489493 DOI 10.1099/jmm.0.


Case Report Subcutaneous abscess formation in the upper

extremity caused by toxigenic Corynebacterium
Takaaki Urakawa,1 Junji Seto,2 Akihiko Yamamoto,3 Tomoko Nakajima4
and Shinichi Goto1
Correspondence 1
Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Tsuruoka Municipal Shonai Hospital, 4-20 Izumi-machi,
Takaaki Urakawa Tsuruoka-shi, Yamagata 997-8515, Japan
takaaki-u@mwe.biglobe.ne.jp 2
Department of Microbiology, Yamagata Prefectural Institute of Public Health, 1-6-6 Toka-machi,
Yamagata 990-0031, Japan
Department of Bacteriology II, National Institute of Infectious Diseases, 4-7-1 Gakuen
Musashimurayama-shi, Tokyo 208-0011, Japan
Central Inspection Department, Tsuruoka Municipal Shonai Hospital, 4-20 Izumi-machi,
Tsuruoka-shi, Yamagata 997-8515, Japan

Corynebacterium ulcerans is attracting attention as an emerging zoonosis that causes

lymphadenitis, dermatitis and respiratory infections. We report here what appears to be the first
case of subcutaneous abscess formation in the upper extremity due to toxigenic C. ulcerans in
Received 28 August 2012 Japan. Awareness of the fact that C. ulcerans can cause a subcutaneous, elastic-hard, less-
Accepted 2 December 2012 mobile mass with heat, redness and pain in the extremities is important for differential diagnosis.

Introduction medial side of her right elbow. Within a few days, a hot,
Corynebacterium ulcerans is known as an emerging zoonosis red, painful mass rapidly formed subcutaneously.
that causes cutaneous infection, sinusitis, tonsillitis, pharyn- Physical examination revealed redness and local heat on the
gitis, pneumonia and peritonitis (Dias et al., 2011). However, surface of the skin over the mass. The mass was
to the best of our knowledge, C. ulcerans has not been approximately 4 cm in size, elastic hard and less mobile,
reported to cause subcutaneous abscess in the extremities. and caused pain and tenderness. No radiating pain was
Therefore, clinicians encountering a subcutaneous mass in produced on tapping on the mass (Tinels sign).
the extremities are unlikely to consider subcutaneous Laboratory tests revealed an increase in C-reactive protein
abscesses due to C. ulcerans as a differential diagnosis. This levels (2.3 mg dl21) and a white blood cell count in the
could lead to a delay in diagnosis and treatment, and in the normal range (7500 mm23). Radiography did not reveal
worst scenario, it may result in a fatal diphtheria-like disease calcification within the lesion. On magnetic resonance
(Mattos-Guaraldi et al., 2008; Putong et al., 2011). imaging, a subcutaneous soft tissue mass (27622626 mm
Here, we report the diagnosis and treatment of a patient in size) was observed on the medial side of her elbow; it
with a subcutaneous abscess in the upper extremity due to exhibited iso-signal intensity on T1-weighted images (Fig.
C. ulcerans and discuss the clinical characteristics useful for 1a) and inhomogeneous high-signal intensity on T2-
differential diagnosis. weighted images (Fig. 1b). Following intravenous admin-
istration of gadopentetate dimeglumine, ring enhancement
was seen on T1-weighted images (Fig. 1c).
Case report Fine-needle aspiration biopsy was performed. No pus was
In December 2011, a 37-year-old Japanese woman was aspirated, but small fragments of tissue were obtained. The
referred to Tsuruoka Municipal Shonai Hospital, in tissue fragments were sent for pathological analysis and
Tsuruoka, Japan, with a painful mass in her right elbow. microbiological diagnosis. Histopathological examination
The patient had no cardiac symptoms. Her past medical showed no malignancy, but neutrophils and histiocytes
history was unremarkable. Three days before the current were present in the specimen. Bacterial cultures were
hospital visit, she experienced swelling and itching on the negative under aerobic conditions.
The GenBank/EMBL/DDBJ accession number for the rpoB sequence In January 2012, the patient underwent surgery to enable a
of C. ulcerans 469-Yamagata-2011 is AB751261. definite diagnosis and alleviate the pain. By this time, the
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Fig. 1. Magnetic resonance imaging showing a subcutaneous soft tissue mass (272226 mm in size) on the medial side of
the patients elbow. The mass demonstrates iso-signal intensity on the T1-weighted image (a), inhomogeneous high-signal
intensity on the T2-weighted image (b), and ring enhancement on the gadolinium-enhanced T1-weighted image (c).

patient had developed numbness in the right long, ring and identified the bacterium as Corynebacterium pseudotuber-
little fingers. A skin incision was made longitudinally along culosis (API code 0001304).
the mass under axillary brachial plexus block.
Inflammatory changes were observed in the subcutaneous To confirm this biochemical identification, RNA polymer-
fatty tissues; large feeding vessels were observed around the ase b-subunit (rpoB) gene sequencing was performed
mass, and pus flowed from it on blunt dissection (Fig. 2a). (Khamis et al., 2004). Sequence identities between the
There was no direct invasion or compression in the median strain obtained at surgery (GenBank accession no.
or ulnar nerves. Finally, the mass was marginally resected AB751261) and the C. ulcerans reference strain (GenBank
(Fig. 2b, c) and a sample was sent for pathological accession no. CP002790) and C. pseudotuberculosis
examination and bacterial culture. After surgery, the (GenBank accession no. CP003152) were 100 % and
patient was administered 100 mg oral cefditoren pivoxil 92.8 %, respectively. The causative agent was therefore
three times daily for 3 days. identified as C. ulcerans.
Histologically, the lesion was characterized as an abscess Diphtheria toxigenicity was tested using a modified Elek
with necrosis, infiltrated with numerous inflammatory test (Engler et al., 1997) and Vero cell cytotoxicity tests
cells. The pus obtained at surgery exhibited the presence of (Miyamura et al., 1974), and the presence of the diphtheria
Gram-positive short-rod organisms. Culture of the pus on toxin gene was tested by PCR. The PCR analysis, modified
sheep blood agar yielded Gram-positive, coryneform rods; Elek test, Vero cell cytotoxicity tests results were all positive
the isolates were considered clinically significant. A search for isolated C. ulcerans. Antibiotic susceptibility tests were
of the API Coryne database (SYSMEX bioMerieux) performed using the broth microdilution method on a Dry

Fig. 2. At surgery, the mass was observed subcutaneously and inflammatory changes were found around it. In blunt dissection,
pus flowed from the mass (arrowhead) (a). The resected mass (b) and its cut surface (c) are also shown.

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Subcutaneous abscess formation caused by C. ulcerans

Plate DP24 (Eiken Chemical Co.). The isolate was sensitive toxigenic C. diphtheriae, but is now a rare occurrence in
to benzylpenicillin, ampicillin, cefazolin, cefotiam, cefotax- developed countries due to national vaccination pro-
ime, cefaclor, cefditoren, flomoxef, imipenem, meropenem, grammes (Wagner et al., 2010). However, many cases of
erythromycin, minocycline, vancomycin and sulfamethox- diphtheria-like illness due to C. ulcerans have recently been
azoletrimethoprim. The clindamycin minimum inhib- reported in industrialized countries, including Japan (Dias
itory concentration (M45-A) was 2 mg ml21, which was et al., 2011; Hatanaka et al., 2003; Komiya et al., 2010;
intermediate (CLSI, 2006). Wagner et al., 2010), and in urban areas in developing
One week after surgery, redness and swelling around the countries (Mattos-Guaraldi et al., 2008). The classic and
wound and forearm cellulitis were observed; irrigation and most severe presentation of diphtheria is a respiratory
debridement under axillary brachial plexus block were disease with tender swelling on both sides of the neck (bull
performed. After this second surgery, the patient was neck) and a pseudomembrane in the pharynx mucosa,
treated with intravenous benzylpenicillin at 600 000 IU which obstructs the airway (Putong et al., 2011). In
every 6 h for 3 weeks. Eleven days after the second surgery, addition to classic respiratory diphtheria, C. ulcerans is
300 mg erythromycin four times a day was also adminis- known to cause cutaneous infection, sinusitis, tonsillitis,
tered for 6 weeks because the suction drain site was still wet pharyngitis, pneumonia and peritonitis (Dias et al., 2011).
and a skin ulcer had formed around it. Two months after Although cutaneous infection occurs in the extremities, to
the initial surgery, the wound had become completely dry our knowledge, there are no reports describing subcuta-
and healed without sequelae, and the patients finger neous abscess formation in the extremities due to C.
numbness had also disappeared. ulcerans. Characteristics of this lesion were a subcutaneous,
elastic-hard, less-mobile mass with heat, redness and pain.
The patients mother reported that she had received Although the differential diagnosis was sarcoma, the rapid
primary and booster diphtheria vaccinations. Her serum formation of the mass strongly suggested an infectious
sample after the development of the disease was analysed lesion rather than a malignant tumour. Because human
by a retrospective toxin neutralization test using Vero cells infection with this bacterium has been frequently reported
(Miyamura et al., 1974). On the seventh postoperative day, (Bonmarin et al., 2009; Katsukawa et al., 2012), the
the serum antibody level to diphtheria toxin was 0.267 IU incidence of subcutaneous lesions due to C. ulcerans may
ml21 (protection level .0.1 IU ml21). increase in the near future. Therefore, the fact that C.
Risk assessments of human and animal contacts were ulcerans can cause a subcutaneous painful mass in the
performed. C. ulcerans was not isolated from throat swabs extremities is important for differential diagnosis.
from the patients two asymptomatic children or from the
Human C. ulcerans infections are caused by ingestion of
throat, ear and eye swabs from her six cats, which did not
untreated milk (Bostock et al., 1984) or close contact with
have any lesions. The patients 11-year-old child had
animals (Hatanaka et al., 2003; Komiya et al., 2010; Tiwari
received the third booster vaccination 9 years before
et al., 2008). Our patient had six pet cats; although these
examination and had a 1.27 IU ml21 serum antibody level
animals were examined, C. ulcerans strains were not
to the diphtheria toxin. The patients 12-year-old child had
detected. The patient had not consumed raw dairy
received the fourth booster vaccination 6 months before
products and had not been abroad; therefore, the source
examination and had a serum antibody level of 6.02 IU
of infection could not be traced in this case. Further
investigation of the transmission pathway of this bacterium
Using PFGE (De Zoysa et al., 1995), the isolate was is warranted.
genetically compared with four isolates that were repre-
sentatives of four groups into which a previous study The isolate was genetically compared with four isolates
classified the Japanese strains (Katsukawa et al., 2012). The from Japanese human patients in an attempt to trace the
location cities from which the four C. ulcerans isolates had transmission pathway. Although the isolate had 96 %
been reported were Chiba (strain 0102) (Hatanaka et al., similarity to the strain from Kanagawa, the distance
2003; Komiya et al., 2010), Okayama (strain 0509) between Tsuruoka and Kanagawa was more than 300 km.
(Asakura et al., 2006), Oita (strain 0510) (Nureki et al., Furthermore, the patient had not been to Kanagawa in the
2007) and Kanagawa (strain 0607) (Hagiwara et al., 2006). past several years. Therefore, there appeared to be no
The PFGE results revealed that the genotype pattern of this epidemiological association between this isolate and the
patients isolate showed 96 % identity with that of the strain from Kanagawa. As more cases are accumulated,
human isolate 0607 in Kanagawa. genetic analysis results may have some association with
those of epidemiological surveys.
Since there is no strong evidence that human-to-human
Discussion transmission of C. ulcerans can occur, the isolation of
This case report describes what appears to be the first case infected patients is not mandatory by Japanese law. We
of subcutaneous abscess formation in the upper extremity examined whether human-to-human infection had
caused by toxigenic C. ulcerans in Japan. Diphtheria was occurred in the patients family by analysing the antibody
historically one of the most common diseases caused by titres to the diphtheria toxin of the patients two children.
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