Pop Art Soda Cans

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The key takeaways are that students will learn about Pop Art styles like Andy Warhol and Wayne Thiebaud, and create a 3D soda can artwork using different mediums like colored pencils and watercolors.

The lesson is about Pop Art styles and students will learn to properly draw cylinders and ellipses to recreate soda cans in the styles of Pop Artists. They will consider examples of Pop Art and learn shading techniques to show value and dimension in their artwork.

Students will use materials like colored pencils, watercolors, and acrylic paint to recreate soda cans. They will learn techniques like value gradation, blending, layering and different brush strokes to create their 3D artwork.

Teacher: McCormick_ Art M/J

Concept/Topic: Pop Art Soda Cans

Unit Essential Students will create a 3D image by use of different mediums
Date/Time: 2 weeks
Grade Level: 6-8

Learning Objectives Students will consider and discuss example of Pop Art by such artists as
Andy Warhol and Wayne Thiebaud.
LEQ (Lesson Essential Students will draw cylinders and ellipses properly and demonstrate that
Question): knowledge in their work.
Students will effectively use shading techniques to show value and
NGSSS VA.68.F.1.2: Use creative risk-taking strategies learned from artists works
to incorporate artistic solutions in the creation of new personal artworks.
VA.68.O.1.3: Combine creative and technical knowledge to produce visually
strong works of art.
VA.68.S.1.1: Manipulate content, media, techniques, and processes to
achieve communication with artistic intent.
VA.68.S.3.4: Demonstrate respect for copyright laws and intellectual
property ownership when creating and producing works of art.
VA.68.S.3.5: Apply two-dimensional techniques and media to create or
enhance three-dimensional artwork.
VA.68.H.1.3: Analyze and describe the significance of artwork from a
selected group or culture to explain its importance to the population.

Cross Curricular Connections MAFS.K12.MP.5.1: Use appropriate tools strategically.

MAFS.K12.MP.6.1: Attend to precision.
MAFS.4.G.1.1: Draw points, lines, line segments, rays, angles (right, acute,
obtuse), and perpendicular and parallel lines. Identify these in two-
dimensional figures.
MAFS.7.G.1.2: Drawing freehand geometric shapes with given conditions.
Student Activities & 1. As a class, we began by looking at and discussing Pop Art artworks in
Procedures my power point.
2. Andy Warhols soup cans and Wayne Thiebauds cafeteria-style food
paintings will be closely examined as I am trying to influence their style
with this project.
3. I will then demonstrated a few simple steps and rules for properly
drawing cylinders and ellipses, also in PPT.
4. Students have previously created basic cylinders so this will be review
for them. I will explain that it is important to closely examine the can
they have chosen, as we are trying to recreate the structure and value
scale of the can.
5. I will remind students that if the can is uncrushed it has parallel sides,
some will not. Also to make sure the curve of the bottom foot matches
the curve of the lip at the top of the can.
6. Once the basic details of the cans are completed, I will review basic
colored pencil techniques. I will demonstrate how to achieve various
effects through color gradation, pencil pressure, and by building color
through layering, mixing, and blending. Also I will mention to look at the
cans surface, making note where the lightest and darkest areas are
located, along with cast shadows and highlights.
7. Once the student is on the 3rd drawing I will work one on one with each
students to demonstrate to them the advantages and drawbacks of water
colors. I will show them how to apply the color in light and dark values
and how to create a round image by use of different brush strokes.
8. Then the students will be introduced to series of cans, they will have the
ability to use any medium previously touched to recreate the drawing 3-5
more times. Once the student is past 3 drawings, they may use pop
culture from Roy Lichtenstein to inspire their piece (Pointillism, or
Warhol to create their work of art.)
Resources/Materials Powerpoint
Tissues and Q-tips to blend
example of a can series
9x12 white paper
9x12 black paper
9x12 watercolor paper
shading pencils
color pencils
water colors
acrylic paint
blending sticks
soda cans
Performance Formative assessment- Drawing with teacher under step by
step instruction
Performance assessment: Drawing their own cans
Classroom Observation Behavior
Group Critique
Display at Lakeland Art Festival

ESE Accommodations ESE/ELL/ESL Students will be provided with extra time as needed.
ESOL One on one time will be given to each student. ESE/ELL/ESL learners will
Differentiated Instruction be given a buddy to help with instruction.
Small group instruction for ALL students.
Visuals will be available to everyone.
Instructional worksheets will be provided to everyone
ESE/ELL/ESL students will receive additional support by a teacher
example being made side by side with the student following. The teacher
may even provide additional assistance by moving the students hands to
help them with the method.
ALL students will have rest time. Every 25 minutes a 5 minute break.
Teacher Example
Vocabulary Professionalism, value, grey scale, proportion, perspective, texture, shadow,
reflection, contour lines, Foreground, middleground, background, focal point,
positive space, negative space, contrast, line quality, thumbnail sketch, still life,
organic, geometric, sighting.

Civics Connection Engage in metacognition, use critical thinking to identify and solve
problems, use appropriate behavior in a variety of settings. Engage in civil
dialog and discourse, open-minded, empathy, Self discipline, engage in
reflective practice, persistent and patient.

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