Pop Art Soda Cans
Pop Art Soda Cans
Pop Art Soda Cans
Learning Objectives Students will consider and discuss example of Pop Art by such artists as
Andy Warhol and Wayne Thiebaud.
LEQ (Lesson Essential Students will draw cylinders and ellipses properly and demonstrate that
Question): knowledge in their work.
Students will effectively use shading techniques to show value and
NGSSS VA.68.F.1.2: Use creative risk-taking strategies learned from artists works
to incorporate artistic solutions in the creation of new personal artworks.
VA.68.O.1.3: Combine creative and technical knowledge to produce visually
strong works of art.
VA.68.S.1.1: Manipulate content, media, techniques, and processes to
achieve communication with artistic intent.
VA.68.S.3.4: Demonstrate respect for copyright laws and intellectual
property ownership when creating and producing works of art.
VA.68.S.3.5: Apply two-dimensional techniques and media to create or
enhance three-dimensional artwork.
VA.68.H.1.3: Analyze and describe the significance of artwork from a
selected group or culture to explain its importance to the population.
ESE Accommodations ESE/ELL/ESL Students will be provided with extra time as needed.
ESOL One on one time will be given to each student. ESE/ELL/ESL learners will
Differentiated Instruction be given a buddy to help with instruction.
Small group instruction for ALL students.
Visuals will be available to everyone.
Instructional worksheets will be provided to everyone
ESE/ELL/ESL students will receive additional support by a teacher
example being made side by side with the student following. The teacher
may even provide additional assistance by moving the students hands to
help them with the method.
ALL students will have rest time. Every 25 minutes a 5 minute break.
Teacher Example
Vocabulary Professionalism, value, grey scale, proportion, perspective, texture, shadow,
reflection, contour lines, Foreground, middleground, background, focal point,
positive space, negative space, contrast, line quality, thumbnail sketch, still life,
organic, geometric, sighting.
Civics Connection Engage in metacognition, use critical thinking to identify and solve
problems, use appropriate behavior in a variety of settings. Engage in civil
dialog and discourse, open-minded, empathy, Self discipline, engage in
reflective practice, persistent and patient.