Xiangtangshan Buddhist Cave Temples (Hebei)

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The Buddhist Cave Temples of Xiangtangshan

The Exhibition Project

The Smart Museum of Arts exhibition Echoes of the
Past: The Buddhist Cave Temples of Xiangtangshan,
features Buddhist figurative sculptures from cave
temples located in the southern Hebei (HUH BAY)
province in northern China that were created in the
sixth century for worship by followers of the Buddhist
faith. The standing figures and sculptural fragments in
this exhibition are from two main groups of caves and
were associated with various Buddhist monasteries and
donors during the Northern Qi (CHEE) Dynasty (550- Location of Xiangtangshan caves in China.
577 ce). The name Xiangtangshan (SHANGTANSHAN),
literally means mountain of echoing hallsthese
carved stone halls were scattered into three groups of caves in a mountain range including Drum

The University of Chicagos Center for the Art of East Asia initiated a research project in 2004 (the
impetus for this exhibition) that focused on the caves at Xiangtangshan. Using three-dimensional
laser scanning and high-resolution digital photography, researchers as part of this project have been
able to inventory cave sites in China and individual objects residing in museum and private collections
worldwide. Through pairing three-dimensional scans of cave interiors with varied fragments and
sculptural figures, researchers have been able to assign the probable original location to many objects
not previously determined and attribute over 100 sculptures to Xiangtangshan cave sites. These
caves and their displaced sculptures can in some ways be digitally reconstructed for study and virtual

The Caves at Xiangtangshan

In all, there are thirty-six caves at the three sites at Xiangtangshan that make up the northern group,
the southern group, and little Xiangtangshan site. The northern group of caves (comprised of three
caves) is carved in limestone and is located halfway up Drum Mountain, near the present day town
of Hecun, China. The North, Middle, and South caves that make up the northern group at this site
can be accessed today (as in years past) by walking up the mountainside to worship. Visitors begin
their pilgrimage journey from the monastery at the base of the mountain (the Changle Monastery, or
Monastery of Constant Joy) to each of the respective (North, Middle, or South) cave entrances.

The caves were sponsored (in creation) by royal patrons and wealthy individuals. Emperor Wenxuan
(who reigned 550559 ce) the first emperor during the Northern Qi Dynasty, is attributed with
initiating the cave construction and image making associated with the northern group of caves at
Xiangtangshan. Emperor Wenxuan, like many rulers of the period, believed that the construction of
cave temples and making of Buddhist images would generate merit for the benefit of the state (Echoes


of the Past, exhibition catalogue, p.25). Buddhist
worshippers believed that donations for temple building
and Buddhist image making brought good health and
good fortune for both the emperor and the people.
Buddhist sculptures and temples were built to facilitate
the spread of the Buddhist religionintroduced in
China from India by the first century (1 ce). Buddhism
became the state religion of China (397439 ce) and by
the fifth century, temple cave making throughout China
was quite common. Monasteries, stupas (memorial Changle Monastery stpa with cave site in the
structures often called pagodas), and cave temples distance. In India, stpas originally housed relics or
ashes of the historic Buddha Shakyamuni
proliferated in this period. (b. Siddhartha Gautama) the founder of Buddhism.

Despite their original (and current function) as a site

for Buddhist worship, the caves have been used in
modern times as a munitions factory, a printing office
for a local workers gazette, and for storage. Today
these cave sites are protected as cultural and tourist
attractions. Worshippers today make the pilgrimage up
the mountain to bring offerings of incense and other
gifts to pray for good health, luck, and fortune.

The Cave Sculptures

The individual artists who carved these works in
limestone during the sixth century are not identified
but were highly skilled craftsmen who were hired by Visitors at a cave site burning incense for worship.
royalty and wealthy patrons. The Northern Qi sculptors
show stylistic variation within their artistic work as a
wholeas the works themselves also reflect aspects
of the multi-cultural Chinese society of the period in
North China that was comprised of and influenced
by central Asian tribal groups, foreign merchants,
travelers from India, and Buddhist monks. Northern
Qi style, however, does share one important visual
characteristic, life-like three-dimensionality and
rounded body contours of figural forms.
The caves at Xiangtangshan, no matter what the
design of the floor plan (a central pillar or an open
Interior of a Xiangtangshan cave featuring a seated
chamber layout) have carved platform altars upon Buddha flanked by various Buddhist deity figures.
which the carved stone figures (deities) that make up
a Buddhist worship group are featured. Many of the
sculpted figures were removed from the cave altars (or
parts of the figures were removed) at Xiangtangshan,


beginning as early as 1910. The removal of the
sculpture was in part due to a spotlight on the
archeology of China in 1909 and the appearance of
published photographs by French researcher and art
historian Edouard Chavannes (18651918). Due to the
beauty of the objects, and an interest in these works
by the foreign art markets dealers and art collectors
in the early 1910s and 1920s, many sculptures were
taken. These objects subsequently found their way
into private and museum collections around the
world. In the present day caves, figural bodies might Cave altar showing figures with heads missing.

be found in tact in their original locationsthe heads

on many of them, however, are replacements made
in clay. Originally, all the figural sculptures and much
of the cave interior were painted. Today, most of the
coloration is worn off or has been repainted.

The figural groups of sculptures found in the caves

are arranged in altar nichessome niches possess
multiple figures. Each sculpted figure has a role in
Buddhist worship and is characterized by particular
stylistic features or symbols. The North cave in the
northern group of caves for example is a forty-by-
Seated Buddha in abhayamudra (right hand) and
forty foot square space that is about the same in
varadamudra (left hand). Courtesy Victoria and
height. Three large-scale seated Buddha figures are Albert Museum.
featured in this particular caveeach represents a
different Buddha (the Buddha of the Past, Present,
and Future), is housed in its own niche, is defined
by his seated stance, and is flanked by two standing
bodhisattva figures. There are many Buddhas; each
one however is an enlightened leader of the religion.
A bodhisattva is a practitioner of Buddhist faith who
seeks enlightenment but stays in this world to help
othersoften bodhisattvas wear crowns and jewels
to denote a princely status. Other figures that appear
in the Buddhist group of gods, or worship group,
are disciple figures and the pratyekabuddha (PRAT-
CHECK-A-BUDDHA). The disciple figure is a type of
monk, or Buddhist practitioner, who has taken vows
to give up worldly life and join the monastic order.
Pratyekabuddha follows his own spiritual path toward
enlightenment and achieves it through personal efforts
Standing bodhisattva figure. Courtesy University
or through circumstantial causes. The bodhisattva,
of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and


the pratyekabuddha, and the Buddha represent three
different paths to individual enlightenment for followers
of the Buddhist religion.

Other symbolic carvings found in the cave are part of

the cave architecture itselfstylized depictions of lotus
blossoms and radiant or flaming jewels often decorate
walls of the caves. Monster figures, which often depict
beings that might be part lion, part cow, part dog, or
birdfeaturing claws, snarling open mouths with teeth, Monster figure in cave.
and wings, flank altars and niches. Although ferocious,
these monster figures were seen as functioning for the
goodas protectors of the Buddhist religion.

Glossary of Buddhist Symbols and

LotusIn Buddhism, the lotus represents the true
nature of beings, the heart of beings is like an
unopened lotus: when the virtues of the Buddha
develop therein the lotus blossoms. This is why the
Flaming jewel motif.
Buddha sits on a lotus in bloom.

JewelIn Mahayana Buddhism (one of the branches of Buddhist belief), precious jewels came to be a
metaphor for Buddhist wisdom and beneficial powers. Jewels of the enlightened mind are described in
Buddhist scripture as magical treasures that dispel mental trouble, evil fate, ignorance, and suffering.
Three jewels with flames surrounding them spring from lotus blossoms on walls of the North Cave at
Xiangtangshan. These three jewels symbolize the Three Treasures of Buddhist faith: The Buddha, the
Dharma (teachings of the Buddha) and the monastic order (samgha).

Mudra (MOOD-RAH)A symbolic or ritualistic hand gesture used in Buddhist practice. Deity figures
are often depicted displaying various hand positions or mudras. Each mudra symbolizes something
different and is used in meditation as a path to enlightenment.

Abhayamudra (AB HIYAH MOODRAH)this hand gesture is made by the Buddha

or a bodhisattva with the right hand raised to shoulder height, the arm bent, and the
palm facing outward with the fingers upright. It signifies fearlessness and protection.

Anjalimudra (ON JOLLY MOODRAH)the is a hand gesture of prayer or veneration

in which the hands are held together, palm to palm and fingers upright.

Varadamudra (VAR ODD AH MOODRAH)this is a ritual or symbolic gesture made

by the Buddha or a bodhisattva with the left hand out, with the palm upper most
and the fingers pointing downward. It signifies offering, welcome, charity, giving,
compassion, and sincerity.


StpaIs a reliquary mound constructed above the mortal remains of the historical Buddha and later a
symbolic structure of Buddhist death and enlightenment that contains image instead of holy remains. In
India, where this architectural form originated, the stpa has a domed roof, often with layers of chattras
(umbrellas) in the form of plates above it.

StraIs a Buddhist scripture that instructs practitioners; stras are written records of the words of the
historic Buddha. There are more than two thousand different strasmany are carved in stone outside
and inside of Buddhist temples, including the cave temples at Xiangtangshan where this practice began
in China.

Urna (URN AH)A whorl of hair that was one of the

special birthmarks of the Buddha, marking him as an
extraordinary person. In Northern Qi Buddhist sculpture it
often appears as a large circular indentation in the middle
of the forehead that would probably have been filled with a
bright stone or piece of glass. In later Buddhist images, this
form is sometimes interpreted as a third eye of wisdom.

Ushnisha (OOSH NISH AH)A low raised protuberance

on the top of the head (cranial knob rather than top
knot) and one of the signs marking the Buddha as an
extraordinary being. In some Buddhist writings, the
ushnisha is considered the most essential and powerful
Buddha head with urna on forehead. Courtesy
attribute of the Buddha. Victoria and Albert Museum.

Sanghati (SANG GOTTI)The traditional monastic robe of the Buddha and his followers. A single
piece of cloth wrapped around the body, it could be worn in a variety of ways, covering one or both
shoulders but usually leaving the right shoulder bare. The free end of the garment would be pulled
around the back, under the left arm, and held in the left hand.

Questions and Topics for Discussion

Who is Buddha?
Siddhartha Gautama was an Indian prince (son of King Suddodana and Queen Maha Maya) who
led an extravagant life and lived around 500 bce). Bored with the privileges of his life and social
standing, he sought out a more meaningful existence by renouncing his princely title, giving up all
his worldly possessions, and becoming a monk in an effort to better understand the world around
him. He meditated under a tree until he understood how to be free from human suffering and achieve
spiritual enlightenment. He spent his lifetime travelling around India teaching others what he came to
understand. Buddhas teachings spread throughout the world through the centuries following Buddhas
death and continue to be taught today. What messages are conveyed to you by the actions of the
historic Buddha? Do you think this is important today? Why or why not? Could you give up your worldly
possessions? Why or why not?


What happened to the caves?
Many heads of the sculptures at Xiangtangshan and other fragments were taken from the caves in
the early twentieth century. On one hand, the removal of the objects has enhanced knowledge about
Northern Qi culture and the existence of these Buddhist cave temples. Because many fragments are in
museum or private collections, they have been carefully preserved. On the other hand, the removal of
the objects has permanently altered the cave site and important cultural material has been taken from
China. In many of the caves, after objects were removed, locals pooled their money to make repairs
or replacement heads or parts. Areas of the cave that were originally painted were also repainted.
Discuss the pros and cons of these issues as a class. What do you think about collecting, archeology,
and historic preservation? Do you think these efforts are helpful or hurtful to cultural material? Would
you recommend leaving the site as is or recreating it using lesser materials (clay versions of heads,
different colors of paint on painted areas etc.)? Why or why not?

How does technology aid research?

Provenance is the origin or source history and ownership of an
object. Technology has enabled researchers at the University
of Chicago and in China to locate and document previously
unidentified or assign provenance of various sculptures. Not
only can three-dimensional scanning help researchers pair a
sculptural fragment with its sourceby allowing researchers
to manipulate a digital facsimile to match the rough ends
of sculptures with chisel marks on walls when pieces were
removed3-D scanning can also enable researchers to print
out or cast a three-dimensional copy of the original object
(there are three samples of this technology on view in the
exhibition). Using a digital photograph, a three-dimensional
Digital reconstruction of Buddha head
printer can build a copy using a special plastic material (the paired with location in cave. Image by Jason
Museum of Science and Industry and the Illinois Institute of Salavon and Travis Saul.

Technology own machines like this). What do you think about

making copies of the original sculptures? Should this be
done? Under what circumstances? Why or why not?

Classroom Project IdeasMonsters, Mudras,

and Stras
Make a Monster
Buddha and bodhisattva sculptures found in the caves at
Xiangtangshan are depicted as peaceful beings designed to
help people think about their lives, meditate on being better
people, or find spiritual meaning in existence. In contrast,
there are sculptures in the caves at Xiangtangshan that arent
peaceful in appearance. Monster figures also are featured
in the cavesthese in contrast seem menacing and might Xiangtangshan, Kneeling Winged Monster,
mid-sixth century. Courtesy of the Cleveland
be scary to some. Monster figures were carved into pillars Museum of Art.


and reveal aspects of many animals combined in one bodywings, claws, or fangs. Their function,
despite their ferocious appearance, is one of goodnessto keep evil spirits at bay and to protect
the other deities present. Think of three animals you like and research scientific images and physical
characteristics of each animal. Make sketches and notes of the features you find remarkable. Now,
combine the features of these three animals in a fantastic sketch. Refine your drawing using color if you
like or stylize it to make it into an architectural featuresomething you might have outside your front
door, the porch of a building you live in, or your school. Think of this composite animal as a protector
for you, your home, or school. What are the features that are protective? Use your imagination to write
some descriptive sentences about this made up monster figure.

Mudra Masterpiece
Buddhist monks use meditation as a way to seek
enlightenment (many people also use meditation as a way to
stay healthy through breathing exercises to calm the mind and
body and to simply relieve stress). Buddha and bodhisattva
figures are often depicted in states of meditation displaying
various mudras, or meditative hand positions. These mudra
hand positions (also used in yoga) some say also channel
energy throughout the body. Spend time studying examples of
abhayamudra, anjalimudra, and varadamudra and what each
signifies. Have students practice emulating each mudrause
Example of anjalimudra. Courtesy Asian Art
photographic examples or videos of mudra positions on the Museum of San Francisco
youtube sites below.



After studying and learning about various hand positions, have students pair with a partner and
photograph or sketch each others mudrasthinking of decorative elements (colored paper, or hand
drawn patterns and color) that could be incorporated as a backdrop for each mudra drawing or

Scripting and Printing a Stra

Buddhist stras are the words (composed from sermons) of the historic Buddha later written down by
his followers. There are over two thousand stras, written between 200 BCE and 200 ce, which is the
time period in which Mahayana Buddhism (one of the two main branches of Buddhism) developed,
spreading from India throughout China. Different divisions of Mahayana Buddhism emphasize different
stras. The name stra in the Indian language of Sanskrit literally means thread, or a line that holds
things together. Stras are like rules or a doctrine of beliefs that Buddhists follow. Stras are carved
in stone in many of the cave temples at Xiangtangshan.


Often, copies of carved stone inscriptions
were made by making ink rubbings. An
inked pad was pounded over damp paper
placed over the carving. This process
results in a negative imagewhite letters
and black paperground. Look at the
example of an ink rubbing from the South
Cave at Xiangtangshanthis excerpt
describes the qualities and features of the
Buddha. Read the excerpt, then using the Selection of the Stra of Immeasurable Meaning, After sixth-century
this example of the Stra of Immeasurable original, rubbing of engraved scripture, ink on paper.
Meaning have students draft some lines
of text that describe the physical attributes and personality of someone they admire or wish to be
like. This person can be an historic figure, a family member, a friend, or may simply be a person the
student wishes to become someday. Have students use a written framework that begins with three
physical attributes, followed by three descriptive qualities of personality or being. Have them also draft
sentences that describe three actions or behaviors he/she admire. Encourage students to incorporate
the use of similes and metaphors (both incorporate a comparison of two unlike things). Spend time as a
class editing and revising the written text.

Next, have students practice lettering the textusing various font styles as examples (or by teaching
the art of calligraphy) have students either develop their own lettering style or emulate one. Have
students practice hand lettering the text, paying careful attention to spacing, scale, and consistency.
Students should write their text in a soft lead pencil on thin tracing paper. Have students go over the
lines several times to make clear, dark, marks. Turning the paper over, so the text appears backward.
Have students press their text (using a dulled pencil) into a thin sheet of printmaking foam board. Using
gentle pressure, students should trace the text into the board. When complete, their should be text
imprinted into the foam. The final step of scripting their stra is printing itusing a printmaking brayer
(roller) roll a thin application of printmaking ink or tempera or acrylic paint over the sutra surface. Place
a clean sheet of paper over the printmaking platerub with a spoon or fingers to ensure the ink or paint
transfers evenly to the paper. Gently lift the paper from the printmaking plate. A print (similar to an ink
rubbing in appearance) will be made. Students can make multiple copies of their stras to share.

Written excerpt of the Stra of Immeasurable Meaning (sixth century) as depicted on an ink
rubbing on view in Echoes of the Past:

Born from neither causes nor conditions, neither of the self nor others, /His body is
neither existent nor nonexistent/. Neither square nor round, neither long nor short,/
Neither appearing nor disappearing, birthless and deathless . . . He manifests a
body ten feet and six inches tall, or deep golden hue,/Resplendent, radiant, and well
proportioned./The white hair between his brows is like the new moon, his halo like the
sun./ His curling hair is bluish black, on top of his head is the ushnisha. His clear eyes,
bright and mirrorlike gaze up and down . . . His lips and tongue are red, like a crimson


flower. /His forty teeth are white as snow./His palms and soles are soft, marked with a
thousand spokes./His fingers are webbed and grasp both in and outward./ His arms are
long and his fingers straight and slender . . . Externally and internally, his body is radiant
and pure, / [Like] clear water untainted by mud, he is unaffected by the dust [of worldly
matters]./ Thus are his thirty-two [extraordinary] physical signs, /And eighty excellent
characteristics that are visible./But in reality, there is neither form nor appearance.

Additional Resources
Tsiang, Katherine R. with contributions by Richard A. Born, Jinhua Chen, Albert E. Dien, Lec Maj,
Nancy S. Steinhardt, Daisy Yiyou Wang, J. Keith Wilson, and Wu Hung. Echoes of the Past: The
Buddhist Cave Temples of Xiangtangshan (exhibition catalogue) Smart Museum of Art, University of
Chicago, 2010.





Alignment with Illinois Learning Standards

Docent-led discussions of Echoes of the Past: The Buddhist Cave Temples of Xiangtangshan, related
classroom activities inspired by works on view (as exemplified above), and follow-up classroom
discussion, reinforce elements of the Illinois standards and goals for the visual and language art,
science, and geography. Using the ideas present in this exhibition, teachers can integrate aspects of
history, geography, image making, and writing into the classroom.

In support of Illinois State Goal 1: Read with understanding and fluency

Apply word analysis and vocabulary skills to comprehend selection.
Apply reading strategies to improve understanding and fluency.
Comprehend a broad range of reading materials.

In support of Illinois State Goal 3: Write to communicate for a variety of purposes

Use correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and structure.
Compose well-organized and coherent writing for specific purposes and audiences.
Communicate ideas in writing to accomplish a variety of purposes.

In support of Illinois State Goal 5: Use the language arts to acquire, assess, and communicate
Locate, organize, and use information from various sources to answer questions, solve
problems, and communicate ideas.
Analyze and evaluate information acquired from various sources.


In support of Illinois State Goal 13: Understand the relationships among science, technology
and society in historical and contemporary contexts
Know and apply concepts that describe the interaction between science, technology, and

In support of Illinois State Goal 16: Understand events, trends, individuals and movements
shaping the history of Illinois, the United States, and other nations
Apply the skills of historical analysis and interpretation.
Understand the development of significant political events.

In support of Illinois State Goal 17: Understand world geography and the effects of geography
on society, with an emphasis on the United States
Locate, describe and explain places, regions and features on the Earth.
Understand relationships between geographic factors and society.
Understand the historical significance of geography.

In support of Illinois State Goal 25: Know the language of the arts
Understand the sensory elements, organizational principles and expressive qualities of the arts.
Understand the similarities, distinctions, and connections in and among the arts

In support of Illinois State Goal 26: Through creating and performing, understand how works of
art are produced
Understand processes, traditional tools, and modern technologies used in the arts.
Apply skills and knowledge necessary to create and perform in one or more of the arts.

In support of Illinois State Goal 27: Understand the role of the arts in civilizations, past and
Analyze how the arts function in history, society, and everyday life.
Understand how the arts shape and reflect history, society, and everyday life.


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