King III Compliance Checklist: 1. Ethical and Corporate Citizenship
King III Compliance Checklist: 1. Ethical and Corporate Citizenship
King III Compliance Checklist: 1. Ethical and Corporate Citizenship
This checklist has been prepared in terms of the JSE Listings Requirements and sets out Netcares approach to corporate governance in
relation to the King Report on Governance for South Africa (King III). The following table includes the Groups application of the King III
principles and references to the Groups annual integrated report, annual financial statements (AFS), and the online reports forming part
of the annual integrated report (AIR), where further details can be found.
Chapter King III principle Compliance Additional comments Reference
2.2 The board should The Board informs and approves the Groups IR Refer to the
appreciate that strategy, strategy and satisfies itself that business plans are Board charter
risk, performance and not encumbered by unexamined risks. The Board available at: www.
sustainability are also ensures that the strategy will result in netcareinvestor.
inseparable. sustainable outcomes and considers sustainability to
be both a necessity and a business opportunity.
2.3 The board should As per 1.1 above.
provide effective
leadership based on an
ethical foundation.
Netcare Limited King III compliance checklist for the year ended 30 September 2013
2.15 The board should The financial performance and going concern status
consider business of the Company is monitored by the Audit Committee
rescue proceedings or and the Board.
other turnaround
mechanisms as soon as
the company is
financially distressed as
defined in the Act.
2.16 The board should elect a The Board has elected an independent non- i AIR: Overview
chairman of the board executive Chairman who has been assessed and Board of directors;
who is an independent declared as independent. The Chief Executive Corporate
non-executive director. Officer (CEO) and the Chairman are two governance report
Board of directors
The CEO of the separate individuals.
company should not also
fulfil the role of chairman
of the board.
2.17 The board should The Board formally appoints the CEO on an annual IR Terms of reference
appoint the chief basis, and ensures that the role of the CEO is of the Board and
executive officer and formalised and his performance evaluated against its committees
establish a framework for specified criteria. The Board has established and sub-
committees are
the delegation of committees to which certain responsibilities and available at: www.
authority. authority is delegated. netcareinvestor.
2.18 The board should There are presently eight (8) non-executive directors i AIR: Overview
comprise a balance of of which seven (7) have been assessed and Board of directors;
power, with a majority of declared as independent. Corporate
non-executive directors. governance report
Board of directors
The majority of non-
executive directors
should be independent.
2.19 Directors should be Directors are formally appointed, and rotated for
appointed through a re-election by shareholders at the Annual General
formal process. Meeting (AGM).
2.20 The induction of and New and inexperienced directors are suitably trained
ongoing training and through formal induction. Directors are kept up to
development of directors date through regular briefings and continuing
should be conducted corporate governance updates.
through formal
2.21 The board should be The Board is assisted by a competent, suitably i AIR: Corporate
assisted by a competent, qualified and experienced Company Secretary who governance report:
suitably qualified and complies with the requirements set out in the Company Secretary
experienced company Companies Act.
2.22 The evaluation of the The required evaluations are conducted on an annual i AIR: Corporate
board, its committees basis, both formally and informally, with the feedback governance report
and the individual being addressed at the appropriate level thereafter. Board of directors
directors should be No issues of concern were raised during 2013.
performed every year.
Netcare Limited King III compliance checklist for the year ended 30 September 2013
2.23 The board should Appropriate committees are duly constituted and i AIR: Corporate
delegate certain each has formulated terms of reference that are governance report
functions to well- reviewed annually. Board of directors
structured committees
but without abdicating its
own responsibilities.
2.24 A governance framework A governance framework is established between the
should be agreed Group and the subsidiary boards.
between the group and
its subsidiary boards.
2.25 Companies should The Board has established a Group Remuneration i AIR: Remuneration
remunerate directors Committee, consisting solely of non-executive report
and executives fairly and directors, who assist the Board in setting and
responsibly. administering a fair, equitable and responsible Refer to
remuneration policy. IR
terms of reference
available at: www.
2.26 Companies should The remuneration of directors and prescribed i AIR: Remuneration
disclose the officers is disclosed in the Remuneration report report
remuneration of each and the annual financial statements. AFS Note 35 to
individual director and AFS the Group annual
certain senior financial statements
2.27 Shareholders should The Groups remuneration policy was approved by i AIR: Remuneration
approve the companys shareholders of the Company at the last AGM held report
remuneration policy. on 8 February 2013 by way of a non-binding Remuneration policy
advisory vote.
3. Audit committee
3.1 The board should ensure The Board evaluates the effectiveness and i AIR: Corporate
that the company has an independence of the Group Audit Committee on an governance report
effective and annual basis. The Group Audit Committee met Board of directors
independent audit three (3) times in the 2013 financial year and also
committee. can elect to meet with internal and external auditors
without management being present. This was not
exercised for the period under review.
3.2 Audit committee The Group Audit Committee members are suitably i AIR: Corporate
members should be skilled and experienced non-executive directors. The governance report
suitably skilled and majority (3) of the Group Audit Committee are also Board of directors
experienced independent.
independent non-
executive directors.
3.3 The audit committee The Group Audit Committee is chaired by an i AIR: Corporate
should be chaired by an independent non-executive director, whose governance report
independent non- independence has been both formally declared and Board of directors
executive director. assessed. The Chairman of the Group Audit
Committee attends the AGM.
King III compliance checklist for the year
Netcare Limited
3.4 The audit committee The Group Audit Committee has delegated the i AIR: Corporate
should oversee responsibility to management to review all content of governance report
integrated reporting. the annual integrated report. The Group Audit Board of directors,
Committee is ultimately responsible for the content Internal control and
internal audit;
and integrity of the annual integrated report.
AFS: Audit
AFS Committee report
3.5 The audit committee The Group Audit Committee monitors the relationship i AIR: Corporate
should ensure that a between the external assurance providers and the governance report
combined assurance Group. The roll-out of a formal combined assurance Internal control and
model is applied to model will be implemented in 2014 through a internal audit
provide a co-ordinated co-ordinated governance process approved by the
approach to all Group Audit Committee.
assurance activities.
3.6 The audit committee During the year, the Audit Committee considered the AFS: Audit
should satisfy itself of experience and expertise of the Chief Financial AFS Committee report
the expertise, resources Officer (CFO). The finance function is reviewed and
and experience of the assessed on an annual basis through the CFO and
companys finance Audit Chairperson in conjunction with the Human
function. Resource function.
3.7 The audit committee The Group Audit Committee is responsible for AFS: Audit
should be responsible performance management of Internal Audit, as and AFS Committee report
for overseeing of internal when the Committee deems appropriate. AIR: Corporate
audit. i
governance report
Internal control and
internal audit
3.8 The audit committee The Group Risk Committee minutes are tabled at i AIR: Corporate
should be an integral Group Audit Committee meetings on a biannual governance report
component of the risk basis. A Group Audit Committee member is also a Risk management
management process. member of the Group Risk Committee and provides report
periodic feedback.
3.9 The audit committee is The Group Audit Committee nominates the external AFS: Audit
responsible for auditor for appointment at the AGM; approves the AFS Committee report
recommending the terms of engagement and remuneration for the
appointment of the external audit engagement; monitors and reports on
external auditor and the independence of the external auditor; defines a
overseeing the external policy for non-audit services provided by the external
audit process. auditor and approves the contracts for non-audit
services; is informed of any reportable irregularities
identified and reported by the external auditor; and,
reviews the quality and effectiveness of the external
audit process.
3.10 The audit committee The Group Audit Committee approves its reports, AFS: Audit
should report to the which are included in the AIR. It also reports through AFS Committee report
board and shareholders the Chairperson to the Board and externally to
on how it has discharged shareholders at the AGM.
its duties.
Netcare Limited King III compliance checklist for the year ended 30 September 2013
4.2 The board should The Board has established the risk levels that it can i AIR: Risk
determine the levels of tolerate versus the risk that it is willing to take (risk management report
risk tolerance. appetite).
4.3 The risk committee or The Group Risk Committee assists the Board in its i AIR: Risk
audit committee should responsibility for the governance of risk. management report
assist the board in
carrying out its risk
4.4 The board should The Board has delegated to management the i AIR: Risk
delegate to management responsibility to design, implement and monitor the management report
the responsibility to risk management plan.
design, implement and
monitor the risk
management plan.
4.5 The board should ensure The Group Risk Committee met twice during the i AIR: Risk
that risk assessments 2013 financial year, which included discussions of management report
are performed on a the risk assessments, and risk framework and
continual basis. methodology.
4.6 The board should ensure The Group Risk Committee has ensured that the risk i AIR: Risk
that frameworks and assessment framework and methodology increases management report
methodologies are the probability of anticipating unpredictable risks.
implemented to increase
the probability of
unpredictable risks.
4.7 The board should ensure The Group Risk Committee report is tabled annually i AIR: Risk
that management for consideration by the Board. The Committee management report
considers and Chairperson raises issues at Board meetings if it is
implements appropriate so required, and also ensures that management
risk responses. considers and implements the appropriate risk
4.8 The board should ensure The Group Risk Committee reports to the Board and i AIR: Risk
continual risk monitoring includes a review of the risks monitored by management report
by management. management.
4.9 The board should The Group Risk Committee provides the required i AIR: Risk
receive assurance assurance with regard to the risk management management report
regarding the process to the Board.
effectiveness of the risk
management process.
King III compliance checklist for the year
Netcare Limited
4.10 The board should ensure A Risk management report is included in the AIR. i AIR: Risk
that there are processes management report
in place enabling
complete, timely,
relevant, accurate and
accessible risk
disclosure to
Netcare Limited King III compliance checklist for the year ended 30 September 2013
5.7 A risk committee and IT representatives are invited to attend the Audit and i AIR: Risk
audit committee should Risk Committee meetings. Detailed feedback has management report
assist the board in been made to both Committees on the IT AFS: Audit
carrying out its IT Governance Framework and progress reports are AFS Committee report
responsibilities. provided on the implementation of the COBIT
framework to ensure that any IT risk is appropriately
managed and mitigated.
7. Internal audit
7.1 The board should ensure An independent and effective risk-based internal AFS: Audit
that there is an effective audit function exists within the Group, which complies AFS Committee report
risk-based internal audit. with the Institute of Internal Auditors standards.
i AIR: Corporate
governance report
Internal control and
internal audit
7.2 Internal audit should The Head of Internal Audit (HIA) attends Group Audit i AIR: Corporate
follow a risk-based Committee and Group Risk Committee meetings, and governance report
approach to its plan. follows a risk-based approach to its plan. Internal control and
internal audit
7.3 Internal audit should Internal Audit reviews the effectiveness of the i AIR: Corporate
provide a written internal controls of the Group on a periodic basis governance report
assessment of the and these reports are tabled to the Audit Committee. Internal control and
effectiveness of the A detailed review of the Groups Risk management internal audit
companys system of processes is also undertaken and is reported to at
internal controls and risk the Board Risk Committee.
King III compliance checklist for the year
Netcare Limited
7.4 The audit committee The HIA is accountable to and reports to the Group AFS: Audit
should be responsible Audit Committee three times a year. AFS Committee report
for overseeing internal
7.5 Internal audit should be Internal audit planning is aligned to the strategy of
strategically positioned the Group. The HIA attends the Group Audit
to achieve its objectives. Committee and Group Risk Committee meetings and
meets with management as and when required. The
HIA also attends the Groups Divisional Internal Audit
Committee meetings.
Netcare Limited n
King III compliance checklist for the year ended 30 September 2013
the integrity of the safeguard the integrity of its AIR and the Board has AFS Committee report
companys integrated delegated the responsibilities to management to
report. evaluate disclosure.
9.2 Sustainability reporting The Groups AIR aims to provide an integrated review i AIR: Our report;
and disclosure should of operational, financial, social and environmental Operational reviews;
be integrated with the performance. Significant work has been expended Risk management
companys financial during 2013 to implement a series of energy report
reporting. interventions, supported by effective leadership (the IR Environment
Sustainability Committee is chaired by the CEO). report
These interventions are securing sustainable and
beneficial outcomes in environmental performance
and are backed by a meaningful business case (with
effective payback of all capital invested).
9.3 Sustainability reporting Netcares Broad-based Black Economic i AIR: Our report
and disclosure should Empowerment status has been independently
be independently assured by Empowerdex. SAs 2013 carbon footprint
assured. was not independently assured due to a change in
the timing of the audit. However, SAs carbon footprint
will be independently assured for the next AIR.
* Partly applied
AIR Annual integrated report (including online reports)
AFS Annual financial statements
Netcare Limited n
King III compliance checklist for the year ended 30 September 2013