Word Formation Processes

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Word Formation Processes 6.

Blending two words are merged and

the result is blended word
How do we form new words in English? a. Motel (motorist and hotel)
b. Smog (smoke and fog
1. Zero derivation in which the form of c. Oplan (operational plan)
a word is unchanged, but its function d. Spork (spoon and fork)
is changed
a. run (verb); run (noun) 7. Acronym formed by taking the first
b. walk (verb); walk (noun) letter or the two initial letters of words
or phrases and making a new word out
2. Stress shift in which the audible of them.
emphasis of a syllable changes to a. Scuba (self-contained
create a new word underwater breathing
a. reject (noun, stress on first apparatus)
syllable); reject (verb, stress on b. Radar (radio detection and
the second syllable ranging)
b. record c. DOLE ( Department of Labor
and Employment)
3. Ablaut an alteration of vowels d. DOJ (Department of Justice)
a. Man men e. Lol (laugh out loud)
b. Goose geese
c. Sing sang sung 8. Onomatopoeia (echoism) a word that
imitates the sound it represents.
4. Compounding forms a word out of a. Achoo
two separate words. (Compound b. Ahem
words) c. Mwah
a. Band + wagon d. Tsup
b. Every +one e. Slurp
c. Broom + stick
9. Coinage refers to the invention of
5. Clipping the word formation process new terms or the use of proper names
which consists in the reduction of a or trade which eventually become
word to one of its parts. common words that refer to a general
Initial clipping (apheresis) bot type of product, regardless of the
{robot}; gator {alligator}; bus brand.
(omnibus) a. Colgate
Final clipping (apocope) - frat b. Xerox
{fraternity}; prof {professor} c. Aspirin
condo {condominium}
Medial clipping (syncope) 10.Reduplication repeating of parts of
words with a final-clipped words to make new words, usually
they rhyme.
stem retaining the functional
a. Zigzag
morpheme: maths
b. Bling-bling
(mathematics), specs
c. Walkie-talkie
d. Knock-knock
contractions due to a
gradual process of elision
11.Affixation the addition of one or
under the influence of
more affixes to a root. This covers
rhythm and context: fancy
both prefixation and suffixation.
(fantasy), ma'am (madam)
a. Hopeful
Complex clipping - comp sci b. Improvement
{computer science}; Fil-Am c. Irresponsible

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