Probability Miscon
Probability Miscon
Probability Miscon
3. 4.
There are 3 red beads and 5 I roll two dice and add the
blue beads in a bag. I pick a results. The probability of
bead at random. The getting a total of 6 is 1/12
probability that it is red is 3/5. because there are 12 different
possibilities and 6 is one of
5. 6.
7. 8.
Mr. Brown has to have a
major operation. 90% of the If six fair dice are thrown at
people who have this the same time, I am less likely
operation make a complete to get 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 than 1, 2,
recovery. There is a 90% 3, 4, 5, 6.
chance that Mr. Brown will
make a complete recovery if
he has this operation.
9. 10.
There are more black balls in I spin two coins. The
box A than in box B. If you probability of getting heads
choose 1 ball from each box and tails is 1/3 because I can
you are more likely to choose get Heads and Heads, Heads
a black ball from A than from and Tails or Heads and Tails.
11. 12.
13. 14.
15. 16.