Implementing Zero Knowledge Encryption

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The Python Papers Monograph 2: 9

Proceedings of PyCon Asia-Pacific 2010

Implementing Zero-Knowledge Authentication with Zero Knowledge


Lum Jia Jun, Brandon

Temasek Polytechnic


A practical web/python implementation of Zero-Knowledge Authentication protocol without

any prior knowledge of the concept of Zero-Knowledge Proof.
The Zero-Knowledge Proof is a concept used in many cryptography systems. It allows a
party to prove that he/she knows something (i.e. credential), without having to send over the
value of the credential. In this implementation, it will be used to prove the password of the
user without sending over the actual password. The system also allows for no password
hashes to be stored on the server.
The purpose of the implementation is to make implementing the Zero-Knowledge Proof
Authentication portable and easily customizable. This is achieved by using python based
scripts in web applications to simulate the protocol.

1. Introduction

This section will cover the various background knowledge and reasons relating to the paper.
This covers concepts such as Zero-Knowledge Proof and several current configurations of
corporate sites.

1.1. What is Zero-Knowledge Proof

Zero-Knowledge proof is a much popular concept utilized in many cryptography systems. In

this concept, 2 parties are involved, the prover A and the verifier B. Using this technique, it
allows prover A to show that he has a credential (for example, a credit card number), without
having to give B the exact number. The reason for the use of a Zero-Knowledge Proof in this
situation for an authentication system is because it has the following properties:

Completeness: if the statement is true, the honest verifier (that is, one following the
protocol properly) will be able to prove that the statement is true to an honest verifier
Soundness: if the statement is false, it is not possible (with a very small chance) to
fake the result to the verifier that the statement is true.
The Python Papers Monograph 2: 9
Proceedings of PyCon Asia-Pacific 2010

Zero-knowledge: if the statement is true, the verifier will not know anything other
than that the statement is true. Information about the details of the statement will not
be revealed.
For a more detailed explanation of the concept of Zero-Knowledge Proof, you may refer to
the paper titled How to Explain Zero-Knowledge Protocols to Your Children (Quisquater
and others, 1990)1.

1.2. Rising use of web applications

There has been an increase of usage of web-based applications as compared to 10 years ago.
This is mainly due to several advantages of web applications that they provide over
traditional software [based on the article (Yadav 2008)2]:

Compatibility with devices, web browsers & operating systems

Capability of performing tasks which were done using host-based software
Development of new web technologies, languages and procedures has given way to
the development of new dynamic applications (i.e. AJAX)
Easy to use and are more presentable and attractive
Does not require any additional hardware or software (installation, etc.) configuration
Data security is there as it is stored in one central server and not individual computers
A custom build web application certainly costs less than the off the shelf applications
and provides greater efficiency and reduced maintenance

That given, it is important for us to focus on how to improve the security of web-based
applications, and maintain the ease of use to develop and implement them.

1.3. Security issues relating to web applications

There are many vulnerabilities and attack vectors for web-based application. This includes
both web-specific (i.e. Cross-Site Scripting), as well as generic (i.e. Password Sniffing), all
of which leave the user susceptible to being victims of identity theft.

Almost 80 percent of more than 3,000 software security flaws publicly reported so far this
year have been in Web technologies such as Web servers, applications, plugins, and Web
browsers. - According to a report (Vijayan 2009) by application security vendor Cenzic3

Also, relying on service based security solutions such as SSL may fully protect an
application due to the introduction of new web concepts such as cloud computing and the
growing complexity of attack vectors.

"How to Explain Zero-Knowledge Protocols to Your Children." Advances in Cyptology - CRYPTO '89. Jean-
Jacques Quisquater, Louis C. Guilou, Thomas A. Berson, 1990. 628-631.
Yadav, Sujeet. Rising Popularity of Web Application Development . August 28, 2008.
Vijayan, Jaikumar. Web application security is growing problem for enterprises. November 11, 2009.

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Proceedings of PyCon Asia-Pacific 2010

Web security, application security, software security, or whatever you want to call it will
soon come into its own. It will no longer be acceptable, feasible, or even seriously
suggestible to run for cover by simply adding more firewalls and SSL. Things like the
cloud will help make this fail plain as day. - Jeremiah Grossman (2010)4

1.4. Current web application login process

The most common login system used in web application currently is through the use of a
form submission of a username and passwords enabled with SSL communication. In more
secure systems, the password is hashed using a javascript-based md5 hash before sending it

Fig. 1.1. Traditional Authentication System

Grossman, Jeremiah. Be Ready -- With Answers. February 2, 2010.

The Python Papers Monograph 2: 9
Proceedings of PyCon Asia-Pacific 2010

However, by using this traditional authentication systems, there are many problems which
will arise such as sniffing and hash attacks. These problems will be described in the Section
2: Problems to Solve.

2. Problems to solve

This section covers the various problems which are prevalent that leads to the
implementation of the ZKA_wzk.

2.1. Problem of the usage of unsecure wireless networks

Today, the usage of wireless hotspots is growing in popularity. Though these services
provide convenience and ease of access, they are, more often or not, unsecure in terms of

"I think a lot of people don't realise that using public Wi-Fi that's insecure is pretty much like
writing your bank details onto a postcard and popping it in the post and being surprised that
someone's read it." - Tom Illube (2009), chief executive of internet security firm Garlik5

Therefore, users may be susceptible to password sniffing and may end up not realizing the
full potential of these services. The existent of non-encrypted transmission of data through
these mediums result in the existence of several problems such as password sniffing. Please
refer to Section 2.2: Problem of sending over password hashes.

2.2. Problem of 3G Networks

Another alternative which many people rely on today is 3G, broadband on mobile
technology. Although there protection in the form on encryption using the 128-bit A5/3
encryption algorithm, which is implemented across all 3G networks.

However, the Isreals Wizmann Institute of Science (Lai 2010) has found a way to crack this
algorithm6, thus making it unsafe and susceptible to attacks, likewise to unsecured wireless
access points.

Arthur, Charles. Watchdog finds public Wi-Fi hotspots open to hackers. October 29, 2009.
Lai, Richard. 3G GSM encryption cracked in less than two hours. January 15, 2010.

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Proceedings of PyCon Asia-Pacific 2010

Thus, due to the vulnerability in this system, there is a need to create a more secured
authentication system to prevent theft of passwords.

2.3. Problem of sending over password hashes

The issue of sending over password hashes arises from the fact the information sent over is all
that is necessary for a hacker to masquerade as a legitimate user. For example, in a normal
authentication, the user sends over his username and hashed password. What happens is that if a
hacker is able to sniff the username and hashed password, he will be able to login as the user at
any point in time. However, a more pressing issue with sending over password hashes revolves
around the insecurity of revealing a plaintext password.

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Proceedings of PyCon Asia-Pacific 2010

Fig. 2.2. Example of the problem of sending over password hashes

Through sniffing the network, the attacker will be able to obtain the users password hash.
This becomes malicious when the user uses the same password for different services. (I.e.
Username: tompj, E-Mail:, etc.)

3. What is ZKA_wzk?

This section will contain information about ZKA_wzk, the logic behind it and how the
process changes with the implementation of it.

3.1. Summary of usage of ZKA_wzk

Zero-Knowledge Authentication with zero knowledge (ZKA_wzk) is as created framework
which allows companies to easily implement the use of Zero-Knowledge Authentication,
which allows for secure login without the need of transmitting the password or hash over the
network. This system also allows for the server to prevent storage of password hashes in the
database. Thus, if a hacker is able to obtain the database, he/she will still not be able to crack
the passwords. The algorithm behind the system is based on the Zero Knowledge Proof of
Knowledge (ZKPoK) about Discrete Logarithms Knowledge of Discrete Logarithms. This
is based on the problem of Discrete Logarithms.

Please refer to the thesis Group Signature Schemes and Payment Systems Based on the
Discrete Logarithm Problem by Jan Camenisch (Camenisch 1998)7 for more information on
the algorithm used.

3.2. ZKA_wzk Logic Summary

The ZKA_wzk logic, as mentioned will be based on the ZKPoK Sigma Protocol. The
following is a step-by-step procedure of the protocol, using SPK1{(x) : Y = g0x} (a).

1. Given group G. Let g0, g1 be random elements of G.
2. Let the public key be zkapk ={G, g0}.
Registration Process:
1. User inputs username and password.
2. The user hashes the password with Hash function, H and calculates x = H(password).
3. The user then computes Y = g0x
4. The user sends (username, Y) to the server
"Group Signature Schemes and Payment Systems Based on the Discrete Logarithm Problem." Chur: Jan
Leohard Camenisch, 1998.

The Python Papers Monograph 2: 9
Proceedings of PyCon Asia-Pacific 2010

5. The server stores (username, Y) into the database.

Authentication Process:
1. The server generates a random one-time token a and stores it and sends it to the user.
2. User inputs username and password
3. The user hashes the password with Hash function, H and calculates x = H(password).
4. The user then computes Y = g0x
5. The user generates random rx G and calculates T1=g0rx.
6. The user then calculates c=H(Y,T1,a).and zx = rx cx
7. The user sends (c, zx) over to the server
8. The server calculates T1=Ycg0zx and verifies that c=H(Y,T1,a)
9. If successful, user is authenticated.

3.3. How does it work?

The algorithm above is based on a non-interactive sigma protocol. This is a technique
commonly used to prove the knowledge of a variable, which in this case, is the password.

In this explanation of ZKA_wzk, let us take the user who is logging in to be the prover and
the server verifying the login to be the verifier.

To start off, here are some of the explanation of the components in the algorithm:
Component Description
G This is a cyclic group. This group contains a set of numbers which is based on
a formula. This is a public group which will be available to both prover (user)
and verifier (server).
g0 A generator of the group G. It is an element of the group G. This is a public
variable which will be available to both prover (user) and verifier (server).
x The hash of the password that the user inputs
Y The pseudonym of the user. This is used for the verifier in the calculation of
the proof of knowledge.
a The random token generated for each login attempt
T1,rx,zx,c, Other miscellaneous variables which are used in the calculation.
Public Values - Known to both the user and the server
Server Secret Values Known to the prover, but can be derived from accurate credentials
User Secret Values Known only to the user

The Python Papers Monograph 2: 9
Proceedings of PyCon Asia-Pacific 2010

With that knowledge, here is how the algorithm will work. To keep things simple, you may
think of G as a group of natural numbers from {1,2,3,4...}, and g0 as a randomly generated
number of that group, 5. However, in the algorithm, cyclic groups are used, making it
difficult to derive the calculation of a discrete logarithm (i.e. finding x where Y=g0x).
The 3 main processes are:

This is where the public key is created. Simply, the value g0 is generated.
For simplicity, let g0=5.

This is where the pseudonym of the user is created. This is simply done by hashing the users
password into x, and calculating Y=g0x.
For simplicity, let us assume the password is abc and the hashed value is 6.
Thus, x=6 and Y= g0x =56. Therefore, Y=15625. The pseudonym Y is then passed to the
server and stored.

Before proceeding, we may now look at what each party has.

Prover (User) Verifier (Server)

g0 g0
password Y

In the following, let H be a hash function, i.e. SHA1. For simplicity reasons once again.
Please assume that all the following variables are just ordinary natural numbers.

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Authentication Process
No User (Prover) Verifier (Server)
1 Generate random a
2 Receive a  Send a
4 Calc. x=H(password)
5 Calculate Y=g0x
7 Randomly generate rx
8 Calculate T1=g0rx
9 Calculate c=H(Y,T1,a)
11 Calculate zx=rx - cx
12 Send c, zx  Receive c, zx
13 Calculate T1=Ycg0zx
14 Check if c= H(Y,T1,a)

The magic in this formula happens in step no. 14. Notice how T1 is calculated without the
knowledge of the randomly generated secret. rx?
If we look at the formula of T1 in step 8 and step 13
Step 8: T1=g0rx
Step 14: T1=Ycg0zx

We will have to prove that

g0rx= Ycg0zx

With reference to step 5 and step 11, we know that

Step 5: Y=g0x
Step 11: zx=rx cx

Therefore, by performing a simple substitution, we can prove that

g0rx= Yc g0zx
g0rx= (g0x)c g0 (r x-cx)
g0rx= g0cx g0 r x-cx
g0rx= g0cx + r x-cx
g0rx= g0r x (Proven)

With all 3 elements, we can verify that c=H(Y,T1,a), thus proving that user knows x

The Python Papers Monograph 2: 9
Proceedings of PyCon Asia-Pacific 2010

3.3. ZKA_wzk Architechture

Registration Process:

Fig. 3.1. Workflow of the login process

Based on this registration process, we can see that the password hash or password is not
stored on the database at all. Even though attackers manage to obtain the username and Y,
they are not able to compute the password hash, x, based on the problem of discrete

Authentication Process:
The user firsts requests for the login page, i.e. login.php. This page will then pass back a
one-time token a, which is stored in the server database (for that session), and passed back to
the user. This will be used in the hash later on to prevent using the same, valid credentials.

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Fig. 3.1. Workflow of the authentication process

From this we can also see that whatever is sent over, c & zx, has no meaning to the attacker.
Even if he understands the formula, it is impossible to reverse a hash and obtain x from zx.
Thus, we can see that the user can easily prove his/her identity without having to send over
any confidential data.

4. Why ZKA_wzk?
This section covers benefits of ZKA_wzk, such as the security, ease of implementation and
comparisons to other authentication systems.

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4.1. Security of ZKA_wzk

ZKA_wzk is secure for several reasons. This includes:

Data transmitted over the network from authentication is useless to attackers

The data transmitted over the network, (c, zx), are not usable by the hacker to help
fake an identity

Prevention of obtaining password hashes or plaintext passwords from sniffing the


Obtaining any information being sent over the network, namely, Y, c and zx, will not
allow the attacker to be able to crack the plaintext password of the user.

Prevention of similar values used through one-time tokens

Through the use of a one-time token in the hashing function, the information sent
over is only valid for once, and thus will not be usable by attackers who intercept the

4.2. Comparison of ZKA_wzk with other alternative authentication systems

ZKA_wzk has benefits over other authentication systems due to the fact that there is no
additional hardware required, as compared to systems such as biometrics and token-based

For example, biometric authentication systems rely on an external biometrics reader which
not all users may have. Additionally, it has a certain level of uncertainty in its use and often
requires a two factor authentication, which still requires using a password.

As for token-based/donger-based authentication, it requires additional hardware and can

often result in identity theft from the lost of the identification device if not implemented

5. The Framework

This section covers how the structure of ZKA_wzk, its components, and how it can be used
in web applications.

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5.1. The Infrastructure

Similar to other web applications, the platform required for the ZKA_wzk is similar to that
of a normal web application. This would consist of a client and a server. An example would
be as of below. (i.e. an apache web server and a MySQL database using PHP pages).

Web Server

Client Web Pages


Python Scripts

Fig. 5.1. The base infrastructure

As the objective is to prevent the transfer of a password over the network, pre-processing
must be done on the client side to calculate the values (c and zx) and send them over. In order
to do this, 3 components need to be present. We shall refer to them as the:
In this case, they are a Web Browser, a Java Applet and Python Scripts.

Web Browser

Java Applet

Python Scripts

Fig. 5.2. The client overview

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5.2. About the code

There are several things to cover in the framework, which are:
Python scripts
Java Applet Processor
Running the process through a web browser

For those who would like to make modifications to the algorithms, changes can be made to
the python scripts. However, the way the framework is made is that the client can directly
run the python scripts through javascript via the java applet, and post the results to the
server, where they are input to the script to be processed. Thus, allowing it to be used
without prior knowledge of the formulae.

Python Scripts
There are several python scripts, with each representing an individual function required in
the process of the initialization/authentication. This includes: initializes generator g0 generates random token a calculates value Y based on password provided calculates c and zx to be sent over based on user input and token calculates and checks the validity of the authentication

Java Applet Processor

The java applet is basically used as a tool to download the python scripts automatically so
that it can be used by the web browser via javascript. This is used to make the download and
running of the script seamless.

Running the process through a web browser

Through the use of the java applet, they python scripts can be run and controlled easily via
javascript. This allows for easy integration and smooth integration onto web applications.

5.3. How to modify the algorithm

To modify the algorithm, the python script files can be edited. The python binding pypbc
and its dependencies will be required. The source contains a modified version which
allows conversion of the elements to a readable/storable output.

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At the start of the script there will be a variable called stored_params. This defines
the group G.

stored_params = """type a
exp2 159
exp1 107
sign1 1
sign0 1

The values can be stored and read in later. This is used to read in arguments as well
as static values such as g0.

_g0 = Element.from_bytes(_g0buf,pairing, G1)
_a = Element.from_bytes(_abuf,pairing, Zr)

The algorithm can be modified by editing the arithmetic statements

#Step 4 - calculate Y
#Step 5
#Generate rx
_rx = Element.random(pairing,Zr)
#Calculate T1

The output can then be printed out. This is to allow the variables to be passed from
client to server and vice versa, as well as to store the static variables.


5.4. How to use it

In the authentication process, scripts will have to be processed on both the client and
server side. Below shows how these scripts can be run in very brief details. The source
files will provide a working example to start with.

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On the server side, the python scripts can be run via a web application. For example,
using PHP with the variables from authentication:


$input = "./ "."'".$pass."'";

exec($input, $result,$rtv);

$sql = "SELECT username FROM `ZKAwzk`.`Users` WHERE
Username = '$user'";
$result = mysql_query($sql, $link);

Generate token (to be placed on the login page/frame)

exec("./", $result,$rtv);
echo "<BR><BR>Value of token (a):<BR>$_a";


$input = "./ "."'".$_Y."'"." "."'".$_a."'"."

"."'".$_c."'"." "."'".$_zx."'"." ";
exec($input, $result,$rtv);
print $result[0];

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The code can be easily used through having a login form as usual, but adding in
several other variables.

<form name=login method="post" action="authenticate.php">

<input type="hidden" name="_a" value="<?php echo $_a?>">
Username:<input type="text" size="12" maxlength="36"
Password: <input type="password" size="12" maxlength="36"
<input type="hidden" name="_c">
<input type="hidden" name="_zx">

The java applet also needs to be loaded in the page:

<applet name="ZKAapplet"
code = ""
archive = "applet.jar"
width = 120
height = 25 >
<param name="token" value="<? echo $_a?>"/>

Next, to run the script with the form values, a javascript call can simply be done:

<script type="text/javascript">

Thereafter, the values can be set and posted via the form:

<script type="text/javascript">
document.login._c.value = document.ZKAapplet._c;
document.login._zx.value = document.ZKAapplet._zx;

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6. Conclusion

Besides providing a much higher level of security to a web application, there are many other
reasons why ZKA_wzk is worth implementing. Firstly, it allows for someone with no
knowledge on how the protocol works to take advantage of such a concept. Also, through the
use of embedded applets, the system is basically transparent to the user. Finally, the
simplicity and ease to implement the system is definitely a value-add and a reason to have
this in any web application.

7. About the author

Brandon Lum Jia Jun is a graduate of the diploma in Cyber and Digital Security/Temasek
Informatics & IT School. Despite only becoming part of the IT industry in 2007, he is an
active member of the security community in Singapore. As a security enthusiast and firm
believer in Open Source technologies, he has helped organize security and open source
seminars and events over the past three years. He is also the recipient of the Lee Kuan Yew
Maths and Science Award.

Brandon has had experience in implementing cryptography systems during a 3-month term
in which he was attached to the University of Wollongong for research under Professor
Willy Susilo. There, he implemented systems based on cryptography techniques such as
Zero Knowledge Proof of Knowledge and BBS+ Signatures.

In addition Brandon is part of the team that emerged champion and top offensive team at a
security based competition, Syscan 09 CTF (Capture The Flag). He is also the team lead in
a project which has achieved the SiTF and APICTA Award and the team leader of the
champion team of a Secure Coding Competition, HelloSecure@SG. He has also obtained the
Singapore Top IT Developers Award, which is given to the top developers in Singapore.

8. Acknowledgement

I would like to give special thanks to my supervisors, Professor Willy Susilo, A/Professor Yi
Mu, and Dr. Allen Au for giving me the chance to learn and understand the Cryptography
concepts during my time in the University of Wollongong (UoW). I would also like to thank
Temasek Polytechnic Informatics & IT School for providing me the opportunity for the
attachment to UoW.

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9. References

Arthur, Charles. Watchdog finds public Wi-Fi hotspots open to hackers. October 29, 2009.
vulnerable (accessed December 27, 2009).

Grossman, Jeremiah. Be Ready -- With Answers. February 2, 2010. (accessed
February 7, 2010).

"Group Signature Schemes and Payment Systems Based on the Discrete Logarithm
Problem." Chur: Jan Leohard Camenisch, 1998.

"How to Explain Zero-Knowledge Protocols to Your Children." Advances in Cyptology -

CRYPTO '89. Jean-Jacques Quisquater, Louis C. Guilou, Thomas A. Berson, 1990. 628-631.

Lai, Richard. 3G GSM encryption cracked in less than two hours. January 15, 2010.
(accessed February 20, 2010).

Vijayan, Jaikumar. Web application security is growing problem for enterprises. November
11, 2009.
problem-enterprises-843 (accessed December 31, 2009).

Yadav, Sujeet. Rising Popularity of Web Application Development . August 28, 2008.
(accessed December 28, 2009).

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