Street Children Survey
Street Children Survey
Street Children Survey
Only every second child has given a positive answer to the question if
they had birth certificate or identification card. Every tenth child has
answered, that they had no such document, and 40 percent knew nothing
about its presence.
More than half of the interviewed children had arrived to Baku from
other towns and regions of the country or abroad. 56 percent of boys and 12
percent of girls were Baku born, respectively 42 and 84 percent came from
other regions of country.
Distribution of the children according to previous place of residence
1.8% 4.7%
Born in Baku
Male Female
Other towns of
35.7% Azerbaijan
Regions of
countries 72.0%
From number of Baku born childrens each of fifth lives in the capital
of Azerbaijan for 2-3 years, each second about 4-7 years, and each fourth
more than 7 years.
During the survey 35 per cent of children attended school and almost
all of them went to school every day. The rest of interviewed children didnt
attend school. Either they had stopped receiving of the compulsory secondary
education or in general they never studied. 39 interviewed children or each
seventh boy and each third girl never attended school.
Distribution of the children according to education level
Age Total of which
groups Never attended Graduafed 1, 2, Graduated 5, 6, 7, Graduates of
school 3 or 4 classes 8 or 9 classes the 10 class
person % person % person % person % person %
Total 9-17 208 100,0 39 18,8 36 17,2 111 53,4 22 10,6
boys 165 100,0 25 15,1 26 15,8 95 57,6 19 11,5
girls 43 100,0 14 32,6 10 23,2 16 37,2 3 7,0
Total 9 6 100,0 1 16,7 5 83,3 - - - -
boys 2 100,0 - - 2 100,0 - - - -
girls 4 100,0 1 25,0 3 75,0 - - - -
Total 10-14 104 100,0 38 36,5 18 17,3 48 46,2 - -
boys 83 100,0 25 30,1 13 15,7 45 54,2 - -
girls 21 100,0 13 61,9 5 23,8 3 14,3 - -
Total 15-17 98 100,0 - - 13 13,3 63 64,3 22 22,4
boys 80 100,0 - - 11 13,8 50 62,4 19 23,8
girls 18 100,0 - - 2 11,1 13 72,2 3 16,7
It is necessary to note that the basic part of the street children having
family, preferred to live constantly with them. 85 percent of children having
family answered that they live either in their family or with relatives. The
share among girls was 93 percent, and among boys - 83 percent.
80 73.3 77.8 Total boys girls
The job carried out by street children is related with their sex. Boys
basically did manual work. About one third of the interviewed boys had
been engaged in washing cars, 18 percent - collecting scraps, 10 percent
loader. The most common type of activity among children was panhandling:
61 percent of girls and 16 percent of boys were engaged with it.
The majority of the children (70 percent) had organized their own
work, without any leader. The part of children have worked as group without
leader (18 percent), other part as group with leader (12 percent).
In general all interviewed children (92 percent) indicated that the main
reason of their labor activity was money.
Rules of payment by employer (owner)
of which
boys girls
- Only money 91,8 92,1 90,7
- Only food (excluding alcoholic drinks, cigarettes) 1,9 1,8 2,3
- Both money and food (excluding alcoholic drinks, cigarettes) 8,2 7,9 9,4
- In kind 1,4 1,8 -
- Other 8,7 6,1 18,6
Four out of every five boys and girls have indicated that one week
prior to survey their income at average made 3-5 manat per day. 3 percent of
boys and 12 percent of girls had 1-2 manat of daily income, 15 percent of
boys and 9 percent of girls 6-10 manat.
Boys and girls use their money, which they earn, differently. 39
percent of the boys and 35 percent of the girls had spent money on food
products. The girls have spent more than half of money for purchasing of
clothes, but boys only fifth part; for sigarettes respectively 9 and 18
Distribution of children according to how
do they spend their earnings
percent 53.5
50 39.4
40 34.9
26.0 Potal male female
18.8 15.2 17.6
20 12.0 15.8
10 2.4 1.8 0.6 1.2 3.0
1.9 0.0 0.0 1.4 0.0 0.5 0.0 1.0 0.0 2.9 2.3
food clothes education games to spend cigarete alcoholic card other
(internet, leasure hours drinks
billiard and (tee-house,
etc.) cafe and bar)
40 30.2
3.0 0.0 1.3 4.7
fully in good health sometimes ill as anyone could not feel good not healthy, seriously ill
and ill often
40 30.9 32.6
20 9.1
beaten not beaten dont want to say
The Street children feeling threat to health, life and safety, have to
adapt to the environment. Therefore, question on what is the difference
between you and your coevals living with their parents in well-provided
family? 44 percent of children think that they know a life and people better
than other. A quarter of children think that they are bravery and more
resolute than others. One third of interviewed children found it difficult to
answer this question.
Distribution of the children according to difference between them and their
coevals living with their parents in well-provided family
80 male female
60 46.7
20 7.0
0.6 0.0
know life and people appreciate real friendship brave and resolute in find difficulty to answer
better than others behaviour
The greatest part of boys (29 percent) want to be a military (at the
police, army), and also to work with technics (idevices, cars, computers) - 26
percent, 17 percent want to be professional sportsmen, or to work with
people (teacher, trade etc.) - 12 percent. Two out of every five girls would
like to work as a teacher or in the sphere of trade, and every fifth - to be
engaged in creative work (painter, musician, journalist and etc.).
Distribution of children according to their opuinion for future and willing to
50 44.2 boys girls
26.1 28.5
20.9 20.9
20 11.5
8.5 7.0 6.1
10 2.3 2.3 0.0 4.7
to be professional
to work in creative
to be a military man
(in military service,
to go to village and
worker (painter,
trader and etc)
to work with
and etc.)
At the same time, only every third boy and every fifth girl trust that
their dreams will come true. Every fourth boy and every fourth girl didnt
think that. Other children didnt want to answer this question.