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(66.1) X

A quality engineered product
offering a choice from a wide
standard range or purpose
built designs.


A selection from the wide range of the control valves available. For
example, pilot operated check valves, circulation by-pass valves,
stop valves and a standard manual lowering override unit.
Our lifts are in everyday use worldwide. Our technicians have
considerable experience in providing hydraulic and electrical control
systems for use in the most demanding environments. 8. Our own, high quality cylinder tubes are made from Fe510 steel
with the internal bore honed and polished to an exceptionally smooth
surface of Ra < 0.4m. All cylinder tubes are subjected to individual
inspection by quality control prior to use. The piston rods are made to
the same high standards as the cylinders and are hard chrome plated
to a thickness of > 25 m. Hose break rupture valves are built into the
bottom of the cylinders. To reduce corrosion, loss of oil, and contami-
nation, a drainhose is connected from the cylinder back to the tank
(except S.. types). The safety factor by cylinder stress calculations is
1,8. Pressure hoses comply to main european standards.

The wide range of long life motors, pumps and valves we offer make
it possible for us to meet our clients requirements for speed and
frequency of operation. Dual speed and soft start are options.

The power-pack shown above is typical of those marked s1 in the

standard range. The unit is mounted onto a driptray off the floor. It is
connected by 1 metre of hydraulic hose to the lift.
ca. 400 mm
ca. 270 mm

4. Pre-lubricated, replaceable type bearing bushes are standard features.

Fe510 steel or equivalent is used for the precision ground axles and
cylinder bolts. For heavy duty work we recommend chrome plating heavy
325 mm

wear parts, including grease points or grease free spherical plain bea-
rings with seals.
For lifts working multi-shifts, in foundries or under other exceptional con-
ditions we usually recommend sealed, spherical bearings all over. Our
technicians are always willing to discuss solutions with our clients.

590-840 mm
...more than 40 different types!
Stroke approx. 0.62 x platform length
Upto 15 tonnes payload
Multi purpose use
Strong, reliable design

5 tonnes U.D.L. 4000 mm long x 1500 mm wide,

2,500 mm stroke.

1. Flat or chequer plate deck top. The top roll over

edges are square (not radius) for greater strength, 4 tonnes U.D.L. For feeding steel sheet in machine shop, VW
smoother load transfer and flush mounting of handrail, works.
conveyors etc..
2. A perimeter safety trip frame is fitted to the undersi-
des of the platform to prevent further lowering should
an obstruction be encountered. For added safety, ope- 1
rator reset is standard.
3. The scissor arms for lift tables upto 3 metres in
length are usually profiled, solid steel. For larger lifts,
steel hollow section (fully capped and sealed to resist
internal corrosion) is used to provide greater stability. A
substantial torsion tube is fitted between the armsets
to help ensure good synchronisation and stability even 2
when eccentrically loaded.
5. The 1,400 rpm power packs are selected for their
exceptional reliability and low noise (<70dBA). A built in
high pressure filter helps protect the lowering valve 8
from malfunction. The lowering speed is adjustable on
site and is controlled by a pressure compensating valve. 3
Mains supply 400V, 3 phase, 50Hz; control circuits 24V,
50 Hz. except for types marked *(230V, 1 phase, 50Hz).
Each lift is protected to IP54 and is ready to use when
connected to a mains supply and suitably installed. The
control station is on 3 metres of flexible cable complete
with Emergency Stop and deadman (constant pressure)
UP and DOWN push buttons.
6. Steel swivel stops or posts are provided to mechani-
cally support the lift in a raised or semi-raised position
to allow access for maintenance purposes. 5
7. The steel arm roller bearings are replaceable. 6

Type LxW Stroke CH Load Time Motor Weight

mm mm mm kg sec kW kg

EL5-80 1000x700 600 190 500 7 0.75 140

EL10-80 1000x700 600 190 1000 14 0.75 160
EL5-100 1250x800 800 190 500 10 0.75 180

EL10-100 1250x800 800 190 1000 16 0.75 210

EL20-100 1250x800 780 220 2000 32 0.75 270
EL30-95 1250x800 700 240 3000 18 1.5 280
EL10-125 1600x800 1000 240 1000 24 0.75 320
EL20-125 1600x800 1000 240 2000 48 0.75 350

EL30-125 1600x1000 970 280 3000 48 0.75 450

EL20-160 2000x1000 1300 280 2000 30 1.5 700
EL30-165 2000x1250 1250 350 3000 45 1.5 900
EL10-195 2500x1000 1600 280 1000 30 1.5 700
EL20-195 2500x1250 1600 360 2000 45 1.5 900
EL30-195 2500x1250 1570 380 3000 55 1.5 1000
DOUBLE HORIZONTAL SCISSOR ...over 40 standard models
Upto 30 tonnes payload
Stroke approx. 0.32 x platform length
Suitable for long loads
Mechanically synchronised

To reduce workforce back injuries this 4 tonnes capacity double This 6 tonne unit (type EH60-165ADCN) is used for feeding long, heavy
horizontal scissor lift table is used to raise the load to an ergonomi- items into an automated process line. It has greasable bearing bushes
cally correct height for onward handling. and chrome plated main axle and cylinder bolts.

A 22.5 Tonnes capacity lift for raising large items onto

a production line.

Type LxW Stroke CH Load Time Motor Weight

mm mm mm kg sec kW kg

EHL10-80 2000x800 600 190 1000 14 0.75 250

EHL20-80 2000x800 600 190 2000 28 0.75 300
EHL10-100 2500x800 800 190 1000 20 0.75 380
EHL20-100 2500x1000 800 190 2000 32 0.75 420

EHL40-100 2500x1000 780 220 4000 30 1.5 580

EHL20-125 3200x1000 1000 240 2000 48 0.75 650
EHL40-125 3200x1000 1000 240 4000 48 1.5 720
EHL60-125 3200x1000 970 280 6000 48 1.5 800

EHL20-155 4000x1000 1300 260 2000 30 1.5 1000

EHL40-160 4000x1250 1300 320 4000 30 3.0 1300
EHL60-165 4000x1250 1250 390 6000 45 3.0 1600
EHL20-165 5000x1500 1600 320 2000 30 3.0 1700 L
EHL40-195 5000x1500 1600 400 4000 45 3.0 2000
EHL60-195 5000x1500 1570 420 6000 55 3.0 2300
DOUBLE VERTICAL SCISSOR ...Over 40 standard models
Upto 4 tonnes payload
Stroke approx. 1.2 x platform length
Suitable for high rise lifts

A 2 tonnes capacity, double vertical scissor lift with

1 metre remote power pack for easy maintenance
access. The two cylinders give increased stability.

A 1 tonne capacity, hot dipped galvanised scissor

lift in a food packing hall. Note how the base frame
is raised to allow for relocation by fork truck.

A 3 tonnes capacity, 3,000mm stroke lift used for stacking

on a production line. Note the twin arm roller bearings.

Type LxW Stroke CH Load Time Motor Weight

mm mm mm kg sec kW kg
EVL3-92 600x500 700 220 300 12 0.75s1 100
EVL5-104 700x500 800 230 500 14 0.75s1 130
EVL5-124 800x700 1000 240 500 20 0.75s1 140

EVL5-140 1000x800 1150 250 500 14 0.75s1 200

EVL10-140 1000x800 1150 250 1000 28 0.75s1 230
EVL5-188 1250x800 1550 330 500 16 0.75 270
EVL10-188 1250x800 1550 330 1000 32 0.75 350
EVL10-220 1500x1000 1800 400 1000 48 0.75 480

EVL20-220 1500x1000 1700 420 2000 40 1.5 550

EVL5-242 1600x800 2000 420 500 24 0.75 400
EVL10-242 1600x800 2000 420 1000 48 0.75 500
L EVL10-280 2000x1000 2400 420 1000 60 0.75 800
EVL20-290 2000x1000 2400 520 2000 54 1.5 1000
STAINLESS STEEL LIFT TABLES ...also Hot Dipped Galvanised
For hostile environments, inc. chlorine
Totally enclosed box section
Bead blasted surface
Recommended for food industry use

A specially built 1,200Kg capacity

lift table with powered roller track.
It is made for the food industry
from EN 1.4301 stainless steel
(normal stainless steel 18/8).

An E12-125YSS special built lift table made from EN 1.4301 stainless A number of 1,200Kg capacity lift tables being used in a process hall.
steel with specially painted cylinders and chrome plated stainless steel The environment is extremely agressive due to concentrated salt
rods. The lift control is by foot switch. water sprays. The working height needs constant adjustment to pre-
vent damage to the operators backs as the loads are heavy and diffi-
cult to handle.

General guide/information for stainless steel and galvanised tables.

Cylinder type 1. Complete stainless steel EN 1.4301 or EN 1.4401.

2. Standard cylinder tubes coated with corrosion resisting primer and spray coated with a 2 component acrylic
resin paint finish, colour RAL 7032 grey. Piston rod of chrome plated stainless steel.

Fabrication 1. Completely from EN 1.4301 or EN 1.4401 stainless steel.

2. Combination of Stainless platform and bottom frame with hot dipped galvanised armset.
3. Hot dipped galvanised.

Bearings All axles and cylinder bolts of stainless steel and bearing bushes with grease points.

Power pack We recommend placing the power pack and control panel in a remote location or covering with
a stainless steel hood.
LOW CLOSED LIFTS For Euro-pallets
Pit not necessary
For light duty use

600 mm L
The above table is a SEL10-80 down rated to 700Kgs for an eccentric load. The ramp
supplied allows for Euro-pallet loading by pallet lifter. The low closed range is also sup-
plied as a U shaped platform which allows the pallet lifter and manual pump truck forks
between the scissor arms with no need for the ramp. The power pack is remote.

580 mm
Type LxW Stroke CH Load Time Motor Weight

mm mm mm kg sec kW kg
SEL5-80 1400x800 700 80 500 10 0.75s3 160
SEL10-80 1400x800 700 90 1000 20 0.75s3 180
SEL20-80 1400x1000 700 90 2000 20 1.5s3 250 L
SUEL10-80 1400x1100 700 90 1000 20 0.75s3 200
SUEL15-80 1400x1100 700 112 1500 20 0.75s3 230


A special type of
pallet lifter with
powered wheels for
use on rails. It has a
capacity of 1,500Kgs Lift table type E5-
and a vertical stroke 80T45 with tilting
of 600mm. It can be platform of 45
used as a combined degrees around 1
lift / transporter on a long side. Note the
production line. reinforced baseframe

2 tonne lift table type

EL20-160T30 with
30 degrees top
frame tilt table for
supporting a torpedo.
A 1,000Kg Euro- It is used by the
pallet lifter. Vertical Swedish Navy and
stroke of 800mm. several NATO
A low closed height members as a
of 80mm, allows simulator for the test
loading by a standard of torpedo control
manual pump truck. systems.
OPTIONAL FEATURES Combinations are available

1000 mm

Platform mounted handrail, fixed or de- Mobile units, choice of wheels to suit. Powered Galvanised steel mesh curtain to resist ingress
mountable. Gates can also be included. or manually moved. to undersides of lift platform.


Loading flaps/bridge plates. Manually Gravity or powered roller track(s), ball top unit Bellows guard to provide protection. Also
operated (with gas strut assistance) or or skate wheels. consider roller blind or rigid steel panels.
hydraulically powered.

Other available features include

Altering platform dimensions, height limit switches, foot operated controls, extra push
button stations, turntables, auto rising wheelstops, palletised baseframe, adjustable
platform support legs, lifting eye bolts, access hatch in platform, reinforced or open
frame platform.


Customer standard
S Low built table

U U-shaped platform SS Stainless steel in

2x Hydraulic synchronised
single scissors
G Hot galvanised

E Electro hydraulic single

acting cylinders
M Mobile

ED Electro hydraulic double

acting cylinders Z El. system differs from standard
Y Hydr. system differs from standard

H Double horizontal scissors X Scissor constr. differs from standard

V Double vertical scissors

No sign for single scissors D Main scissor plain spherical bearing
N Grease nipples at all bearing bushes
C Chromium plated cyl. bolts and main axle

L Integrated hydr. power pack

No sign for special build power pack A Any deviation from standard platform sizes

Uniformly distributed safe working

load in kN (10 kN 1000 kg) Total platform height in cm Documentation
A comprehensive, printed owner/operator manual,
complete with diagrams, exploded views and
Surface coating spare parts list is provided with each lift in its
Each lift table is fully protected with a hard wearing 2 component acrylic resin finish surface own individual front cover for easy identifica-
coating. Other finishes are available upon request. tion. Special certificates can be supplied.

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