The Definite Article
The Definite Article
The Definite Article
The definite article is the word the. It limits the meaning of a noun to one
particular thing. For example, your friend might ask, Are you going
to the party this weekend? The definite article tells you that your friend is
referring to a specific party that both of you know about. The definite article
can be used with singular, plural, or uncountable nouns. Below are some
examples of the definite article the used in context:
Exceptions: Choosing A or An
There are a few exceptions to the general rule of using a before words that
start with consonants and an before words that begin with vowels. The first
letter of the word honor, for example, is a consonant, but its unpronounced. In
spite of its spelling, the word honor begins with a vowel sound. Therefore, we
use an. Consider the example sentence below for an illustration of this
Similarly, when the first letter of a word is a vowel but is pronounced with a
consonant sound, use a, as in the sample sentence below:
This holds true with acronyms and initialisms, too: an LCD display, a UK-
based company, an HR department, a URL.