Unbounded Solution
Unbounded Solution
Unbounded Solution
In some LP models, the values of the variables may be increased indefinitely without violating
any of the constraints, meaning that the solution space is unbounded in at least one direction. As
a result, the objective value may increase (maximization case) or decrease (minimization case)
indefinitely. In this case, both the solution space and the optimum objective value are
Unboundedness points to the possibility that the model is poorly constructed. The most
likely irregularities in such models are that one or more nonredundant constraints have not been
accounted for, and the parameters (constants) of some constraints may not have been estimated
The rule for recognizing unboundedness is that if at any iteration all the constraint
coefficients of any non basic variable are zero or negative, then the solution space is unbounded
in that direction. If, in addition, the. Objective coefficient of that variable is negative in the case
of maximization or positive in the case of minimization, then the objective value is unbounded as