MJE Manual
MJE Manual
MJE Manual
User Guide
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Penn eForms
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Dial 6-HELP (6-4357 or 215/746-4357)
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BEN Helps is available 9:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday
BEN Knows Web Page
Web site to browse and search for possible solutions to your BEN Financials questions
Penn eForms
Penn eForms are required for entry to most University financial systems. These eForms should be processed
promptly to ensure system access following training. If an eForm has not been processed within 60
days or more of attending a training course, you will be required to repeat the course to obtain
General Features
Ability to query all journal entries in the Journal Entry General responsibility
Ability to check and reserve funds for on-line manual journal entry
Ability to see results of funds checking, i.e., which account on the journal failed funds checking
These are websites you may want to create a bookmark or favorite in your web browser
From here, you can either query an existing journal OR enter a New Journal.
Click on [New Journal]
Conversion block - Currency will default to USD. Other fields cannot be changed.
Status block fields will display defaulted information
Reverse block - only completed when you want to reverse a posted journal
[ ] Descriptive Flexfield complete the appropriate information based on the Category selected
Line number - University convention is to start with line number 10; each line thereafter will
increment by 10
Account Number - click on the LOV icon [] or [Ctrl]+L to bring up the Accounting Flexfield;
enter the account number; click [OK]
Enter Debit or Credit amount
Complete Journal Lines as described above until Debits/Credits equal the Control Total
Journal Lines (including the Context Box) can be copied down
Click Edit>Duplicate>Record Above or [Shift] F6
Remember to change the Account Number in copied line
If the debit and credit amount on the journal do not agree, this
message will pop-up when you save the journal.
Go to the section titled Journal Categories for complete listing including screen captures.
Click on the LOV icon [] or [Ctrl] L to open the Context Find window, if required
Select the Context and click [OK], if required
Click [OK] to complete next line of journal
Click Edit>Duplicate>Record Above or [Shift] F6 to copy full journal line including the context box
Complete the Journal Lines as described above until Debits/Credits equal the Control Total
Click on [Check Funds]
The message to the right will appear which will save
your work (if you havent done so already)
Click [Yes]
Pop-up box tells you Your transaction passed funds check
Click [OK]
Penn policy states that if you do not pass funds checking
Use a different and allowable account number
Do not execute the transaction
If you did not complete the [ ] Descriptive Flexfield information required, this message will
pop-up when you go to save your journal.
Review the Result Message to see which account failed the advisory level funds check
If the account combination fails funds checking, the message will read This detail account causes a
summary account to fail budgetary control in advisory mode
REMINDER - Penn policy states that if you do not pass funds checking
Use a different and allowable account number
Do not execute the transaction
One of the following categories is to be used when creating a journal entry from the Journal Entry
General responsibility:
Important Note: To transfer a cost or correct a previous transaction for Grants and Contract (non-
sponsored projects or 5 Funds) use the Journal Entry G&C Cost Transfers Responsibility. Go to
http://www.finance.upenn.edu/ftd/documentation/Grant_and_Contract_Cost_Transfers_Application_Training.pdf for
instructions on how to enter these transactions.
Defined Usage
Use for intramural services, service center activity, and transfers between centers.
Defined Usage
Use for correction of a previous transaction or clearing suspense.
Defined Usage
Original billing of UPHS Goods/Services only
Defined Usage
Use to reimburse UPHS for academic/research done for UPENN by UPHS employees paid on
UPHS payroll (object codes 5140 and 5192).
When you first navigate to the Journal Entry Inquiry window, the Find Journals window appears
automatically. After you run the query, you can reopen the Find Journals window by selecting
View>Find from the menu or the flashlight from the Toolbar.
Enter search criteria. Use wildcards, as needed, or List of Values [] where available, e.g. Period
Click on
[More] to see
additional fields
you can use to
refine your
To hide these
extra fields,
click on [Less].
Click on [Find]
Click on [Review Journal] to see the transactions for the journal queried
Click on [Find] to see the results of your query within the line block
Use of unsecured responsibilities is a privilege which can be revoked. Be sure not to change
anyone elses journal entry without their permission to do so.
When you first select Journal Entry General Responsibility the Find Journals window appears.
After you run the query, you can reopen the Find Journals window by selecting View >
Find from the menu or the flashlight from the Toolbar
Enter query parameters to find the batch or journal you want to review
Be sure to use % wildcard system adds time and date information at the end of the Universitys
naming convention for manual journal entries and batch names
Click on [More] to see additional fields that you can use to refine your query. To hide
these extra fields, click on [Less]
Once you've entered all of your query parameters, click on [Find] to run the query
Click on [Review Journal] to see detailed information about the selected journal.
Changes to Journals can only be made on Unposted journals, e.g. Penn Purchasing Card
Use the GL Inquiry (Secured) responsibility, if you need to see all the object codes and funds within a
particular journal
The object/fund rules control both what you can/cannot enter in a journal entry AND what you
can/cannot see when you query an existing batch in the Journal Entry responsibility
For CNAC, the rule is that only NAC '0' is allowed. Within the Journal Entry General responsibility,
you can't enter any other NAC value and you won't be able to see any accounts (in a journal batch)
that have a NAC value other than zero.
Click on [Reserve Funds]. Pop-up box tells you Your transaction passed funds reservation.
Click [OK]
On-line entry of transactions (i.e. Manual Journal Entries, Purchase Orders) will not generate suspense
transactions because all entries are validated at the time of entry or save process. However, when an
unbalanced on-line journal is submitted for posting, BEN Financials will post the offset to OBJECT = 9500
and ORG = 0000. Sometimes this occurs when a user has not completed the journal and forgets to enter
an amount in the Control Total to prevent it from posting that night.
Source Suspense transactions are transactions that are programmed to return to the source department
responsible for the feeder. Since the CNAC will not be the same as the original transaction, end users will
not be able to view or report on these transactions. Only a few feeder systems are programmed in this
manner: Gifts, BRS and PROCARD. The OBJECT code corresponds to the suspense object specific to the
feeder. ORG will always be equal to SUSP. The account which failed appears on the Description line of
the journal entry.
A transaction from any other feeder can also be returned to the source department if the ORG in the
account cannot be determined either because the old account number mapping is incorrect or is missing
from the mapping tables, or because the BEN Financials account contains an invalid ORG value.
Organization Suspense accounts are transactions that contain invalid, expired, or disabled segment
values in the account. The transaction then is returned to the CNAC and ORG from the original account.
The OBJECT code corresponds to the suspense OBJECT code specific to the feeder. PROGRAM and CREF
always are set to 0000. The account which failed appears on the Description line of the journal entry.
To monitor the transactions posted during the month to suspense accounts, the user must first
Organization Suspense
### #### 1 000000 9404/95## 0000 0000
Use the GL Inquiry responsibility to check for suspense accounts for an organization.
Navigate to Inquiry>Account
Enter the search criteria
It is not necessary to enter the ORG as GL
Inquiry is a secured responsibility. You will only
have access to the ORGs in your profile.
However, entering an ORG will narrow your
search and/or speed up your query.
Click [OK]
Click on [Show Journal Details]
View the Line Description field to see the
account number that caused the suspense
Correct the suspense transaction using the Journal Entry General responsibility.
Follow the steps for creating a journal entry in the previous section
Use category 02 Adjustment to Previous Transaction
Be sure to complete the context box on the line with the Original Batch Name & Transaction
Date of the suspense transaction
June 30, 2016 (BDL) Pages 4, 5 & 7 Removed BEN Reports reference; no longer exists