Guidelines For Based Organic Chemicals Manufacturing
Guidelines For Based Organic Chemicals Manufacturing
Guidelines For Based Organic Chemicals Manufacturing
Air quality impacts should be estimated by the use of baseline operation, VOC emissions from the cracking process are
air quality assessments and atmospheric dispersion models to usually reduced because they are recycled, used as fuel or
establish potential ground-level ambient air concentrations routed to associated processes in an integrated site.
during facility design and operations planning as described in Elevated VOC emissions from ethylene plants are
the General EHS Guidelines. These studies should ensure that intermittent, and may occur during plant start-up and
no adverse impacts to human health and the environment result. shutdown, process upsets, and emergencies.
Combustion sources for power generation are common in this Recommended emission prevention and control measures
industry sector. Guidance for the management of small include the following:
combustion source emissions with a capacity of up to 50
megawatt hours thermal (MWth), including air emission Implementing advanced multi-variable control and on-line
standards for exhaust emissions, is provided in the General optimization, incorporating on-line analyzers, performance
EHS Guidelines. Guidance applicable to emissions sources controls, and constraint controls;
greater than 50 MWth are presented in the EHS Guidelines for Recycling and/or re-using hydrocarbon waste streams for
Hydrogen sulfide generated in sour gas treatment should VOC emissions from storage tank breathing losses and
be burnt to sulfur dioxide or converted to sulfur by Claus displacement of tanks for raw materials, intermediates, and
unit; final products.
Installing permanent gas monitors, video surveillance and
Recommended emission prevention and control measures
equipment monitoring (such as on-line vibration monitoring)
include the following:
to provide early detection and warning of abnormal
conditions; and
Routine process vents and safety valve discharges should
Implementing regular inspection and instrument monitoring
preferably be conveyed to gas recovery systems to
to detect leaks and fugitive emissions to atmosphere (Leak
minimize flaring;
Detection and Repair (LDAR) programs).
Off-gas from hydrogenations should be discharged to a fuel
gas network and burnt in a furnace to recover calorific
Process Emissions from Aromatics Production
Emissions from aromatics plants are to a large extent due to the
Dealkylation off-gases should be separated in a hydrogen
use of utilities (e.g., heat, power, steam, and cooling water)
purification unit to produce hydrogen (for recycle) and
needed by the aromatics separation processes. Emissions
methane (for use as a fuel gas);
related to the core process and to the elimination of impurities
Adopting closed loop sample systems to minimize operator
exposure and to minimize emissions during the purging
Vents from hydrogenations (pygas hydrostabilization, step prior to taking a sample;
cyclohexane reaction) may contain hydrogen sulfide (from Adopting heat-off control systems to stop the heat input
the feedstock desulphurization), methane, and hydrogen; and shut down plants quickly and safely in order to
Dealkylation off-gases; minimize venting during plant upsets;
VOC (e.g., aromatics (benzene, toluene), saturated Where the process stream contains more than 1 weight
aliphatics (C1C4) or other aliphatics (C2C10)) emissions percent (wt% ) benzene or more than 25 wt% aromatics,
from vacuum systems, from fugitive sources (e.g., valve, use closed piping systems for draining and venting
flange and pump seal leaks), and from non-routine hydrocarbon containing equipment prior to maintenance;
operations (maintenance, inspection). Due to lower and use canned pumps or, where they are not applicable,
operating temperatures and pressures, the fugitive single seals with gas purge or double mechanical seals or
emissions from aromatics processes are often less than in magnetically driven pumps;
other LVOC manufacturing processes where higher Minimizing fugitive leaks from rising stem manual or control
temperatures and pressures are needed; valve fittings with bellows and stuffing box, or using high-
VOC emissions from leaks in the cooling unit when integrity packing materials (e.g., carbon fiber);
ethylene, propylene, and/or propane are used as coolant Using compressors with double mechanical seals, or a
fluids in the p-xylene crystallization unit; process-compatible sealing liquid, or a gas seal;
Using double seal floating roof tanks or fixed roof tanks Abatement of the absorber off-gases in the silver process
incorporating an internal floating rood with high integrity with gas engines and dedicated thermal oxidation with
seals; and steam generation;
Loading or discharging of aromatics (or aromatics-rich Treatment of reaction off-gas from the oxide process with a
streams) from road tankers, rail tankers, ships and barges dedicated catalytic oxidation system; and
should be provided with a closed vent systems connected Minimization of vent streams from storage tanks by back-
to a vapor recovery unit, to a burner, or to a flare system. venting on loading/unloading and treating the polluted
streams by thermal or catalytic oxidation, adsorption on
Process Emissions from Oxygenated Compounds activated carbon (only for methanol storage vents),
absorption in water recycled to the process, or connection
to the suction of the process air blower (only for
Primary sources of formaldehyde process emissions are the formaldehyde storage vents).
MTBE (methyl t-butyl ether)
Purged gases from the secondary absorber and the
MTBE has a vapor pressure of 61 kPa at 40 C, and an odor
product fractionator in the silver process;
threshold of 0.19 mg/m3. Fugitive emissions from storage
Vented gases from the product absorber in the oxide facilities should be controlled and prevented adopting
appropriate design measures for storage tanks.
A continuous waste gas stream for both the silver and
oxide processes from the formaldehyde absorption column; Ethylene Oxide/Ethylene Glycol
The main air emissions from ethylene oxide (EO)/ethylene
Fugitive emissions and emissions arising from breathing of glycol (EG) plants are the following4:
storage tanks.
Carbon dioxide, as a by-product during the manufacture of
Typically, waste gases from the silver process should be treated
EO, removed by absorption in a hot carbonate solution,
thermally. Waste gases from the oxide process and from
and then stripped and vented to air with minor quantities of
materials transfer and breathing of storage tanks should be
ethylene and methane;
treated catalytically.3 Specific recommended emission
Purge gas from recycle gas to reduce the build-up of inert
prevention and control measures include the following:
gases and vented to air after treatment. In the oxygen
based process, the purge gas consists mainly of
Connection of vent streams from absorber, storage and
hydrocarbons (e.g., ethylene, methane, etc.) and inert
loading/unloading systems to a recovery system (e.g.,
gases (mainly nitrogen and argon impurities present in the
condensation, water scrubber) and/or to a vent gas
ethylene and oxygen feedstock). After treatment, the
treatment (e.g., thermal/catalytic oxidizer, central boiler
remaining gases (mainly nitrogen and carbon dioxide) are Adoption of high-integrity sealing systems for pumps,
vented to atmosphere; compressors, and valves and use of proper types of O-ring
VOC and some compounds with lower volatility (due to and gasket materials;
mechanical entrainment) from open cooling towers where Adoption of a vapor return system for EO loading to
EO-solution is stripped, cooled and re-routed to the minimize the gaseous streams requiring further treatment.
absorber; Displaced vapors from the filling of tankers and storage
EO containing non-condensable gases like argon, ethane, tanks should be recycled either to the process or scrubbed
ethylene, methane, carbon dioxide, oxygen, and/or prior to incineration or flaring. When the vapors are
nitrogen vent gases from various sources in the process scrubbed (e.g., vapors with low content in methane and
(e.g., flashing steps in the EO recovery section, EO ethylene), the liquid effluent from the scrubber should be
purification section, process analyzers, safety valves, EO routed to the desorber for EO recovery;
storage or buffer vessels, and EO loading / unloading Minimization of the number of flanged connections, and
operations); installation of metal strips around flanges with vent pipes
Fugitive emissions with VOC releases of EO, ethylene, and sticking out of the insulation to allow monitoring of EO
methane (where methane is applied as diluent in the release; and
recycle gas loop). Installation of EO and ethylene detection systems for
continuous monitoring of ambient air quality.
Recommended emission prevention and control measures
include the following: Terephthalic Acid (TPA) / Dimethyl Terephthalate (DMT)
reaction products), crude acrylonitrile run and product storage Nitrogen oxides and sulfur oxides (the latter in HSO plants)
tanks, and fugitive emissions from loading and handling from catalytic NOX treatment units.
Recommended emission prevention and control measures
Recommended emission prevention and control measures include the following:
include the following:
Treatment of organic solvent laden streams by carbon
Gaseous vent streams from the core process plant should adsorption;
be flared, oxidized (thermally or catalytically), scrubbed, or Recycling of waste gases from the HPO and HSO plants
sent to boilers or power generation plants (provided as fuel while minimizing flaring;
combustion efficiency can be ensured). These vent Waste gases with nitric oxide and ammonia should be
streams are often combined with other gas streams; treated catalytically;
Reactor off-gases absorber streams, after ammonia Aromatic solvent tanks should connected to a vapor
removal, should be treated by thermal or catalytic destruction unit;
oxidation, either in a dedicated unit or in a central site Vents of oleum, phenol and ammonia storage tanks should
facility; and be equipped with water scrubbers; and
Acrylonitrile emission from storage, loading, and handling Balancing lines should be used to reduce losses from
should be prevented using internal floating screens in place loading and unloading operations.
of fixed roof tanks as well as wet scrubbers.
The main air emissions from nitrobenzene production include
Main emissions from caprolactam production include the vents from distillation columns and vacuum pumps, vents from
following: storage tanks, and emergency venting from safety devices. All
process and fugitive emissions should be prevented and
A vent gas stream, produced in crude caprolactam
controlled as described in previous sections.
extraction, containing traces of organic solvent;
Cyclohexanone, cyclohexanol, and benzene from the
Toluene Diisocyanate6
cyclohexanone plant;
The hazardous nature of toluene diisocyanate (TDI) and the
Cyclohexane from tank vents and vacuum systems from
the HPO plant; other associated intermediates, line products, and by-products
requires a very high level of attention and prevention.
Cyclohexanone and benzene from tank vents and vacuum
systems from HSO plant;
Generally, the waste gas streams from all processes
Vents from aromatic solvent, phenol, ammonia, and oleum
(manufacture of dinitrotoluene (DNT), toluene-diamine (TDA),
(i.e., fuming sulfuric acid - a solution of sulfur trioxide in
and TDI) are treated to remove organic or acidic compounds.
sulfuric acid) storage tanks; and
Most of the organic load is eliminated by incineration. Scrubbing gas from should be continuously monitored for residual
is used to remove acidic compounds or organic compounds at phosgene content;
low concentration. Recommended emission prevention and Selection of resistant, high-grade materials for equipment
control measures include the following: and lines, careful testing of equipment and lines, leak tests,
use of sealed pumps (canned motor pumps, magnetic
Nitric acid storage tank vent emissions should be pumps), and regular inspections of equipment and lines;
recovered with wet scrubbers and recycled;
Organic liquid storage tank vent emissions should be
Installation of continuously operating alarm systems for air
recovered or incinerated;
monitoring, systems for combating accidental release of
Emissions from nitration rector vents should be scrubbed phosgene by chemical reaction (e.g., steam ammonia
or destroyed in a thermal or catalytic incinerator; curtains in the case of gaseous emissions), jacketed pipes,
Nitrogen oxide emissions and VOC emissions of a DNT and complete containment for phosgene plant units.
plant should be reduced by selective catalytic reduction;
Isopropylamine and/or other light compounds formed by a Process Emissions from Halogenated Compounds
side reaction when isopropanol is used should be Production
incinerated; The main emissions from halogenated compound production
Consider the use of direct chlorination at high temperature conditions where flaring of the gas stream is not possible, on the
to limit emission and waste production; basis of an accurate risk analysis and integrity of the system
Consider the use of oxychlorination fluidized bed reactors needs to be protected. Justification for not using a gas flaring
to reduce by-products formation; system should be fully documented before an emergency gas
Use oxygen, selective hydrogenation of acetylene in the venting facility is considered.
feed, improved catalysts, and reaction optimization;
Before flaring is adopted, feasible alternatives for the use of the
Implement LDAR (leak detection and repair) programs;
gas should be evaluated and integrated into production design
Preventing leaks from relief vents, using rupture disks in
to the maximum extent possible. Flaring volumes for new
combination safety valves with pressure monitoring
facilities should be estimated during the initial commissioning
between the rupture disc and the safety valves to detect
period so that fixed volume flaring targets can be developed.
any leaks;
The volumes of gas flared for all flaring events should be
Installation of vapor return (closed-loop) systems to reduce
recorded and reported. Continuous improvement of flaring
ethylene dichloride (1,2 dichloroethane; EDC)/vinyl chloride
through implementation of best practices and new technologies
monomer (VCM) emissions when loading and pipe
should be demonstrated.
connections for loading/unloading are fully evacuated and
purged before decoupling. The system should allow gas The following pollution prevention and control measures should
recovery or be routed to a thermal / catalytic oxidizer with a be considered for gas flaring:
hydrochloric acid (HCl) absorption system. Where
practical, organic residues should be re-used as feedstock Implementation of source gas reduction measures to the
for chlorinated solvent processes (tri-per or tetra-per units); maximum extent possible;
Atmospheric storage tanks for EDC, VCM, and chlorinated Use of efficient flare tips, and optimization of the size and
by-products should be equipped with refrigerated reflux number of burning nozzles;
condensers or vents to be connected to gas recovery and Maximizing flare combustion efficiency by controlling and
reuse and/or a thermal or catalytic oxidizer with HCl optimizing flare fuel / air / steam flow rates to ensure the
absorption system; and correct ratio of assist stream to flare stream;
Installation of vent condensers / vent absorbers with Minimizing flaring from purges and pilots, without
recycling of intermediates and products. compromising safety, through measures including
installation of purge gas reduction devices, flare gas
Venting and Flaring recovery units, inert purge gas, soft seat valve technology
Venting and flaring are important operational and safety where appropriate, and installation of conservation pilots;
measures used in LVOC facilities to ensure that vapors gases Minimizing risk of pilot blow-out by ensuring sufficient exit
are safely disposed of. Typically, excess gas should not be velocity and providing wind guards;
vented, but instead sent to an efficient flare gas system for Use of a reliable pilot ignition system;
disposal. Emergency venting may be acceptable under specific
Installation of high-integrity instrument pressure protection Maintaining proper operational conditions, such as
systems, where appropriate, to reduce over pressure sufficiently high incineration and flue gas temperatures, to
events and avoid or reduce flaring situations; prevent the formation dioxins and furans;
Installation of knock-out drums to prevent condensate Ensuring emissions levels meet the guideline values
emissions, where appropriate; presented in Table 1.
Minimizing liquid carry-over and entrainment in the gas
flare stream with a suitable liquid separation system; Wastewater
Minimizing flame lift off and / or flame lick; Industrial process wastewater
Operating flare to control odor and visible smoke emissions Liquid effluents typically include process and cooling water,
(no visible black smoke); storm water, and other specific discharges (e.g., hydrotesting,
Locating flare at a safe distance from local communities washing and cleaning mainly during facility start up and
and the workforce including workforce accommodation turnaround). Process wastewater includes:
Effluents from Lower Olefins Production
Implementation of burner maintenance and replacement
Effluents from steam crackers and relevant recommended
programs to ensure continuous maximum flare efficiency;
prevention and control measures are the following:
Metering flare gas.
Dioxins and Furans Spent caustic solution, if not reused for its sodium sulfide
Waste incineration plants are typically present as one of the content or for cresol recovery, should be treated using a
auxiliary facilities in LVOC facilities. The incineration of combination of the following steps:
chlorinated organic compounds (e.g., chlorophenols) could o Solvent washing or liquid-liquid extraction for polymers
generate dioxins and furans. Certain catalysts in the form of and polymer precursors;
transition metal compounds (e.g., copper) also facilitate the o Liquid-liquid settler and/or coalescer for removing and
formations of dioxins and furans. Recommended prevention recycling the free liquid gasoline phase to the process;
and control strategies include: o Stripping with steam or methane for hydrocarbon
Operating incineration facilities according to internationally o Neutralization with a strong acid (which results in a
recognized technical standards;9 H2S / CO2 gas stream that is combusted in a sour gas
flare or incinerator);
For example, Directive 2000/76/EC
o Neutralization with acid gas or flue gas (which will Wastewater containing hydrocarbons should be collected
partition the phenols into a buoyant oily phase for separately, settled and steam stripped prior to biological
further treatment); treatment in the facilitys wastewater treatment systems.
o Oxidation (wet air or catalytic wet air or ozone) to
oxidize carbon and sulfides/mercaptans before Effluents from Oxygenated Compounds Production
neutralization (to reduce or eliminate H2S generation). Formaldehyde
Spent amine solution, used to remove hydrogen sulfide Under routine operating conditions, the silver and oxide
from heavy feedstock in order to reduce the amount of processes do not produce significant continuous liquid waste
caustic solution needed for final process gas treatment. streams. Effluents may arise from spills, vessel wash-water, and
The used amine solution should be regenerated by steam contaminated condensate (e.g., boiler purges and cooling water
stripping to remove hydrogen sulfide. A portion of the blow down that are contaminated by upset conditions such as
amine wash is bled off to control the concentration of equipment failure). These streams can be recycled back into the
accumulating salts; and process to dilute the formaldehyde product.
A stream of C2 polymerization product known as green oil
produced during acetylene catalytic hydrogenation to Ethylene Oxide/Ethylene Glycol
ethylene and ethane, containing multi-ring aromatics (e.g. A bleed stream from the process is rich in organic compounds,
anthracene, chrysene, carbazole). It should be recycled mainly mono-ethylene glycol (MEG), di-ethylene glycol (DEG)
into the process (e.g., into the primary fractionator for and higher ethylene glycols, but also with minor amounts of
recovery as a component of fuel oil) or should be burnt for organic salts. The effluent stream should be routed to a glycol
heat recovery. plant (if available) or to a dedicated unit for glycol recovery and
partial recycle of water back to the process. The stream should
Effluents from Aromatics Production
be treated in a biological treatment unit, as ethylene oxide
Process water within aromatics plants is generally operated in
readily biodegrades.
closed loops. The main wastewater sources are process water
recovered from condensates of the steam jet vacuum pumps Terephthalic Acid/Dimethyl Terephthalate
and overhead accumulators of some distillation towers. These
Effluents from the terephthalic acid process include water
streams contain small quantities of dissolved hydrocarbons.
generated during oxidation and water used as the purification
Wastewater containing sulfide and COD may also be generated
solvent. Effluents are usually sent to aerobic wastewater
from caustic scrubbers. Other potential sources are
treatment, where the dissolved species, mostly terephthalic
unintentional spillages, purge of cooling water, rainwater,
acid, acetic acid, and impurities such as p-toluic acid, are
equipment wash-water, which may contain extraction solvents
oxidized to carbon dioxide and water. Alternatively, anaerobic
and aromatics and water generated by tank drainage and
treatment with methane recovery can be considered. Waste
process upsets.
streams from distillation in the dimethyl terephthalate process
can be burnt for energy recovery.
Bottoms from the acrylic acid product column should be stripped
to recover acrylic acid, whereas the high boiling organic The liquid effluents from this production plant include the
compounds are burnt. following:
Organic and sulfuric wastes are produced from the esterification Heavy bottoms from crude caprolactam extraction, in all
reactor. Aqueous wastes are produced from alcohol stripping in processes using Beckmann rearrangement, containing
diluted alcohol recovery. Organic heavy wastes are produced in ammonium sulfate and other sulfur compounds, which
the final ester distillation. The aqueous column bottoms should should be processed into sulfuric acid; and
be incinerated or sent to biological treatment. Organic heavy A residue of finished caprolactam distillation, which should
wastes should be incinerated. be incinerated.
off nitric acid. If necessary, the organic phase can undergo toluene), which is the most commonly used technique,
a polishing neutralization; allows an almost complete removal of DNT and a reduction
The acidic contaminants can alternatively be removed by of nitrocresols to <0.5 kg/t;
employing a system that utilizes solvent (e.g., benzene) In toluene diamine preparation ammonia can be separated
extractions, precipitation, distillation, and other treatments. by stripping. Low-boiling components can be separated by
Residual nitric acid can be removed by a multistage distillation / stripping with steam and destroyed by
countercurrent liquidliquid extraction, and then incineration. Pre-treated process water can be re-used in
reconcentrated by distillation for further use; the production process. Isopropanol, where used, can be
Multistage countercurrent solvent extraction and steam recovered for re-use. Any isopropanol in scrubber effluents
stripping, usually combined. These methods can extract up can be biologically treated;
to 99.5% of nitrobenzene from the wastewater, but they In phosgenation of toluene diamines, slightly acidic
leave any nitrophenols or picric acids in the water. effluents from off-gas decomposition towers, containing
Concentrated extracts should be treated to recovery or traces of o-dichlorobenzene solvent, can be biologically
sent to incineration; and treated or sent to a combustor with heat recovery and
Thermal pressure decomposition for removal of neutralization of halogenated effluents; and
nitrophenols and picric acid in the wastewater stream The TDI process produces water in the nitration and
coming from alkaline washing. After stripping of residual hydrogenation steps. Key treatment steps normally involve
nitrobenzene and benzene, wastewater should be heated concentrating the contaminants in the water stream using
up to 300 C at a pressure of 100 bars; evaporation (either single or multiple effects), recycling, or
burning. The treated water stream recovered from these
Toluene Diisocyanate12
concentration processes should be further treated in the
Wastewater is produced from toluene nitration with inorganic facilitys biological wastewater treatment systems prior to
components (sulfate and nitrite / nitrate) and organic products discharge.
and by-products, namely di- and trinitrocresols.
Effluents from Halogenated Compounds Production13
Recommended pollution prevention and control measures EDC/VCM plants have specific effluent streams from wash
include the following: water and condensate from EDC purification (containing VCM,
EDC, other volatile chlorinated hydrocarbons and non-volatile
Optimization of the process can give emissions of <10 kg
chlorinated material such as chloral or chloroethanol),
nitrate/ t DNT and much lower content of nitrite, before
oxychlorination reaction water, water seal flushes from pumps,
further removal by the biological treatment. Alternative
vacuum pumps and gas-holders, cleaning water from
techniques to reduce the organic load of the effluents from
maintenance operations and intermittent aqueous phase from
the nitration process are adsorption, extraction or stripping,
the storage of crude (wet) EDC and light-ends. The main
thermolysis/hydrolysis or oxidation. Extraction (e.g. with
compounds in these effluents are the following:
Recommended pollution prevention and control measures Using the same water for multiple tests;
include the following: Reducing the need for corrosion inhibitors and other
chemicals by minimizing the time that test water remains in
Use of boiling rectors for direct chlorination to produce the equipment or pipeline;
EDC in vapor form, reducing the need to remove catalyst
If chemical use is necessary, selecting the least hazardous
from the effluent and EDC product;
alternative with regards to toxicity, biodegradability,
Steam or air stripping of volatile chlorinated organic bioavailability, and bioaccumulation potential.
compounds such as EDC, VCM, chloroform, and carbon
tetrachloride. The stripped compounds can be recycled to
If discharge of hydrotest waters to the sea or to surface water is
the process. Stripping can be performed at atmospheric the only feasible alternative for disposal, a hydrotest water
pressure, under pressure, or under vacuum; disposal plan should be prepared that considers points of
Alkaline treatment to convert non-volatile oxychlorination discharge, rate of discharge, chemical use and dispersion,
by-products (e.g., chloral or 2-chloroethanol) into environmental risk, and required monitoring. Hydrotest water
compounds that can be stripped (e.g., chloroform) or are disposal into shallow coastal waters should be avoided.
degradable (e.g., ethylene glycol, sodium formate);
Removal of the entrained copper catalyst from the Process Wastewater Treatment
oxychlorination process by alkaline precipitation and Techniques for treating industrial process wastewater in this
separation by settling/flocculation and sludge recovery; and sector include source segregation and pretreatment of
Dioxins and related compounds (PCDD/F), generated concentrated wastewater streams. Typical wastewater treatment
during oxychlorination fluid bed technology are partly steps include: grease traps, skimmers, dissolved air floatation or
removed in the copper precipitation, together with the oil water separators for separation of oils and floatable solids;
catalyst residues (metal sludge). Additional removal of filtration for separation of filterable solids; flow and load
PCDD/F related compounds can be achieved by equalization; sedimentation for suspended solids reduction
flocculation and settling or filtration followed by biological using clarifiers; biological treatment, typically aerobic treatment,
treatment. Adsorption on activated carbon can also be for reduction of soluble organic matter (BOD); chlorination of
used as additional treatment. effluent when disinfection is required; and dewatering and
disposal of residuals in designated hazardous waste landfills. handling, storage, and transport, as well as issues associated
Additional engineering controls may be required for (i) with Ozone Depleting Substances (ODSs) are presented in the
containment and treatment of volatile organics stripped from General EHS Guidelines.
various unit operations in the wastewater treatment system,
(ii)advanced metals removal using membrane filtration or other Wastes and Co-products
physical/chemical treatment technologies, (iii) removal of Well-managed LVOC production processes do not generate
recalcitrant organics and non biodegradable COD using significant quantities of solid wastes during normal operation.
activated carbon or advanced chemical oxidation, (iii) reduction The most significant solid wastes are spent catalysts, from their
in effluent toxicity using appropriate technology (such as reverse replacement in scheduled turnarounds of plants and by
osmosis, ion exchange, activated carbon, etc.), and (iv) products.
Other Wastewater Streams & Water Consumption recovery and recycling processes whenever possible, or
Guidance on the management of non-contaminated wastewater manage spent catalysts according to industrial waste
from utility operations, non-contaminated stormwater, and management recommendations included in the General
treatment. Alternatively they may be incinerated or landfilled. the oxide process spent heat transfer fluid is most frequently
Molecular sieve desiccants and acetylene hydrogenation sent to a reclaimer (for recycling) or to incineration.
catalysts may be regenerated and reused.
Ethylene Oxide/Ethylene Glycol
Aromatics Production Spent EO catalyst, consisting of finely distributed metallic silver
There is no production of hazardous waste during normal on a solid carrier (e.g., alumina), is sent to an external reclaimer
operation and virtually all the feedstock is recovered into for recovery of the valuable silver. After silver reclamation, the
valuable products, or as fuel gas. The most significant solid inert carrier requires disposal.
wastes produced and methods for their treatment and disposal
include the following: Heavy glycol liquid residues can be either reused as such or
fractionated to yield marketable glycols, in order to minimize the
Spent catalyst from the liquid or gas phase hydrogenation volume to be disposed of.
of olefins/diolefins and sulfur are typically processed to
separate the valuable metal for re-use; Liquid residue from EO recovery section can be distilled to give
Clay from olefins removal disposed of in landfills or valuable glycols and a heavy residue containing salts (either for
incinerated or used on-site as a fuel source; and plant start-up and shutdown, or from maintenance operations. In
Oil contaminated materials and oily sludge (from solvents, addition, semisolid products can be originated as bottoms in
bio-treatment and water filtration) incinerated with distillation operations. These wastes can be incinerated.
Oxygenated Compounds Production Process solid wastes from acrylic esters manufacture are spent
Formaldehyde oxidation catalysts from their replacement in scheduled turn-
arounds, containing bismuth, molybdenum, vanadium, and
There is negligible generation of solid wastes in the silver and
possibly minor amounts of tungsten, copper, tellurium, and
oxide processes under normal operating conditions. Almost all
arsenic, supported on silica and polymer crusts. They are
of the spent catalysts from reactors and off-gas oxidation can be
collected during maintenance operations of columns, strippers,
regenerated. A limited build-up of solid para-formaldehyde may
vessels, and pipes.
occur (principally at cold spots in equipment and pipes) and is
removed during maintenance activities. Spent filters may also
be generated from the purification of formaldehyde product. In
Nitrogenated Compounds Production products by using mild operating conditions and addition of
Acrylonitrile14 stabilizers; and
Collection of heavy residues from the stripper column
Hydrogen cyanide co-product is produced in the acrylonitrile
bottoms and/or from the quench system (basic quench)
reactors and may be recovered as the overhead product from
together with the catalyst fines, followed by on-site or off-
the purification train. The hydrogen cyanide is either reused or
site incineration.
converted on-site to other products.
Acetonitrile co-product is produced in the acrylonitrile reactors
and is separated as an overhead product from the stripper Ammonium sulfate by-product is obtained from both oxidation
column. Hydrogen cyanide is also present in this stream. and neutralization processes. It is typically reused as a fertilizer.
Ammonium sulfate co-product is produced in the quench area of
Toluene Diisocyanate
the process. The ammoxidation reaction takes place in fluid bed
reactors and the catalyst is retained in the reactors using Recovered hydrogenation catalyst is recycled after
combinations of cyclones but some catalyst is lost and exits the centrifugation. A fraction is purged from the process and may be
process through the quench system. regenerated by specialized companies, or incinerated or pre-
treated prior to final disposal. Organic wastes from the
Recommended management strategies include the following: manufacture of DNT, TDA, and TDI are usually incinerated.
The main solid wastes from EDC/VCM plants are spent depressurization. Guidance on noise control and minimization is
oxychlorination catalyst, direct chlorination residues, and coke. provided in the General EHS Guidelines.
Generic wastes also arise from wastewater treatment sludge,
tank / vessel sludge, and maintenance activities. 1.2 Occupational Health and Safety
Recommended management measures include the following:
The occupational health and safety issues that may occur during
the construction and decommissioning of LVOC facilities are
Spent oxychlorination catalyst is removed either
similar to those of other industrial facilities, and their
continuously (by the entrainment of fines in fluid bed
management is discussed in the General EHS Guidelines.
reactors), or periodically (when replacing exhausted fixed
bed reactors). Depending on the process, the catalyst is Facility-specific occupational health and safety issues should be
recovered in a dry form or wet form, after settling and/or identified based on job safety analysis or comprehensive hazard
filtration of wastewater. Limited or trace quantities of heavy or risk assessment, using established methodologies such as a
chlorinated organics (e.g., dioxins) adsorb onto waste hazard identification study [HAZID], hazard and operability study
catalyst; the concentration of these contaminants should [HAZOP], or a quantitative risk assessment [QRA]. As a general
determine the disposal method (usually incineration or approach, health and safety management planning should
landfill); include the adoption of a systematic and structured approach for
Direct chlorination residues are generally pure or mixed prevention and control of physical, chemical, biological, and
inorganic iron salts. In high temperature chlorination, radiological health and safety hazards described in the General
residues are recovered with the organic heavy compounds EHS Guidelines.
as a suspended solid. In low temperature chlorination,
residues are recovered with wastewater and need alkali The most significant occupational health and safety hazards
precipitation prior to separation by settling or filtration, occur during the operational phase of an LVOC facility and
possibly with the spent oxychlorination catalyst; primarily include:
Coke is formed by the thermal cracking of EDC and
Process safety
contains residual chlorinated hydrocarbons, although it
Chemical hazards
does not contain PCDD/F. Coke is removed from the VCM
Major hazards should be managed according to international
by filtration. It also generates from decoking of the cracking
regulations and best practices (e.g., OECD
section; and
Recommendations16, EU Seveso II Directive17 and USA EPA
Final purification of VCM may involve the neutralization of
Risk Management Program Rule18).
acidity using lime. This generates a spent lime waste to be
disposed of.
Typical sources of noise generation include large size rotating 16 OECD, Guiding Principles for Chemical Accident Prevention, Preparedness
and Response, Second Edition (2003)
machines, such as compressors and turbines, pumps, electric 17 EU Council Directive 96/82/EC, so-called Seveso II Directive, extended by the
Directive 2003/105/EC.
motors, air coolers, fired heaters, flares and from emergency 18 EPA, 40 CFR Part 68, 1996 Chemical accident prevention provisions
Acrylic acid is inhibited with hydroquinone mono methyl ether, Fire and explosion hazards in nitrobenzene production are
which is active in presence of air. It is easy flammable when severe, related to the possibility of run-away nitration reaction26
overheated. It should be stored in stainless steel tanks, in and to the explosivity of nitrogenated byproducts, like di- and tri
contact with atmosphere of 5-21 percent oxygen, at temperature nitrobenzene, nitrophenols and picric acid. Accurate design and
of 15 - 25 C, avoiding overheating or freezing. Thawing of control of nitration reactor should be ensured. During distillation
frozen acrylic acid can cause runaway polymerization; therefore, and purification, high temperatures, high concentration of
thawing should be conducted under controlled conditions using byproducts, and contamination from strong acids and bases and
mild heating systems. from corrosion products should be prevented to minimize risks
of explosions27.
Acrylonitrile and Hydrogen Cyanide 24
Hazardous properties of these two compounds require specific Toluene Diisocyanate (TDI) 28
safety considerations in their manufacturing, storage and Manufacturing of TDI involves a large number of hazardous
handling. Due to its reactive and toxic nature, hydrogen cyanide substances, some in large quantities, such as chlorine, TDA,
cannot be stored for periods longer than a few days. If the carbon monoxide, phosgene, hydrogen, nitric acid, nitrogen
material cannot be sold or used, it must be burnt. The capability oxides, DNT, toluene, etc.
to destroy all of the hydrogen cyanide produced should
Contact with water and basic compounds such as caustic soda,
therefore be ensured. Acrylonitrile can self-polymerize if
amines, or other similar materials must be avoided, because
initiators are present, and is flammable. Stabilizing agents
their reaction with TDI causes the generation of heat and CO2.
should therefore be added to the product, and measures taken
to prevent the accidental ingress of impurities that could either The liberation of CO2 in tightly closed or restricted vessels or
transfer lines may result in a violent rupture. Risk minimization
strongly react or catalyze a runaway reaction.
measures include the following:
Intercompany Committee for the Safety and Handling of Acrylic Monomers, 26 R.V.C. Carr, Thermal hazards evaluation of aromatic nitration with nitric acid,
ICSHAM Nitration Conference (1983)
23 Acrylate esters A summary of safety and handling, 3 rd Edition, 2002 ; 27 Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), Failure knowledge database,
Intercompany Committee for the Safety and Handling of Acrylic Monomers, Explosion at a nitrobenzene distillation column due to the lowering of reduced
ICSHAM pressure from power failure. Available at
24 EIPPCB BREF (2003) 28 EIPPCB BREF (2003)
Store TDI in a dry environment using dry nitrogen or a dry All spills should be avoided and precautions should be
air pad; taken to control and minimize them;
Plug and cap all lines leading to and from storage tanks; Adequate ventilation should be provided in all areas where
Maintain and store all fittings and line connections in a dry hazardous and toxic products are handled; and
environment; Air extraction and filtration should be provided in all indoor
Avoid to tightly close any container of TDI that has been, or areas where emissions and dust can be generated.
is suspected of having been, contaminated with water;
The potential for toxic releases in handling and storage of
Ensure that pure, washed DNT is not heated above 200 C
pressurized, refrigerated, and liquid hazardous products should
to avoid decomposition risks; and
be minimized adopting the following measures:
Very carefully handle phosgene, as follows:
o Contain all phosgene operations in closed buildings;
Storage tanks should not be located close to installations
o Install phosgene sensors to monitor indoor
where there is a risk of fire or explosion;
Refrigerated storage is preferred for storage of large
o If phosgene traces are detected, collect and treat all
quantities of products, because the initial release in the
phosgene-contaminated indoor air (e.g., by alkaline
case of a line or tank failure is slower than with pressurized
scrubbing); and
storage systems;
o Install an ammonia steam curtain system surrounding
Alternative storage measures specifically applicable to
the phosgene unit. Ammonia is added to the steam to
liquid VCM include refrigerated storage and underground
react with the phosgene in case of release. An
storage. Underground storage requires special tank design
alternative to this approach is building containment.
and environmental monitoring considerations to manage
potential for soil and groundwater contamination.
Chemical Hazards
In case of LVOC releases, personnel can be exposed to Potential exposures to substances and chemicals during routine
concentrations dangerous for health and life. Toxic and plant and maintenance operations should then be managed
carcinogenic compounds (e.g., aromatics, formaldehyde, based on the results of a job safety analysis and industrial
ethylene oxide, acrylonitrile, hydrogen cyanide, nitrobenzene, hygiene survey and according to the occupational health and
toluene diisocyanate, vinyl chloride, 1,2 dichloroethane, carbon safety guidance provided in the General EHS Guidelines.
tetrachloride, and dioxin related components, predominantly the
octo-chlorodibenzofuran generated in the oxychlorination 1.3 Community Health and Safety
reaction) are present in the process and stored on site.
The most significant community health and safety hazards
The following measures should be implemented: associated with LVOC facilities occur during the operation
phase and include the threat from major accidents related to
Gas detectors should be installed in hazard areas, potential fires and explosions in manufacturing processes or
wherever possible; during product handling and transport outside the processing
facility. Guidance for the management of these issues is
presented below and in relevant sections of the General EHS 2.0 Performance Indicators and
Guidelines including: Traffic Safety, Transport of Hazardous
Materials, and Emergency Preparedness and Response.
2.1 Environment
The design of the facilities should include safeguards to
minimize and control hazards to the community, through the Emissions and Effluent Guidelines
following: Tables 1 and 2 present emission and effluent guidelines for this
sector. Guideline values for process emissions and effluents in
Identifying reasonable design accident cases; this sector are indicative of good international industry practice
Assessing the effects of the potential accidents on the as reflected in relevant standards of countries with recognized
surrounding areas; regulatory frameworks. These guidelines are achievable under
Properly selecting the plant location in respect to the local normal operating conditions in appropriately designed and
receptors, meteorological conditions (e.g., prevailing wind operated facilities through the application of pollution prevention
directions), and water resources (e.g., groundwater and control techniques discussed in the preceding sections of
vulnerability) and identifying safe distances between the this document.
facilities and residential or commercial or other industrial
areas; Emissions guidelines are applicable to process emissions.
Combustion source emissions guidelines associated with steam
Identifying the prevention and mitigation measures required
and power generation activities from sources with a capacity
to avoid or minimize the hazards; and
equal to or lower than 50 megawatt thermal (MWth) are
Providing information and involving the communities in
addressed in the General EHS Guidelines with larger power
emergency preparedness and response plans and relevant
source emissions addressed in the EHS Guidelines for
drills in case of major accident.
Thermal Power. Guidance on ambient considerations based on
Community health and safety impacts during the the total load of emissions is provided in the General EHS
decommissioning of LVOC manufacturing plants are common to Guidelines.
those of most large industrial facilities, and are discussed in the
Effluent guidelines are applicable for direct discharges of treated
General EHS Guidelines. These impacts include, among other
effluents to surface waters for general use. Site-specific
things, transport safety, disposal of demolition waste that may
discharge levels may be established based on the availability
include hazardous materials, and other impacts related to
and conditions in the use of publicly operated sewage collection
physical conditions and the presence of hazardous materials
and treatment systems or, if discharged directly to surface
after site abandonment.
waters, on the receiving water use classification as described in
the General EHS Guidelines. These levels should be achieved,
without dilution, at least 95 percent of the time that the plant or
unit is operating, to be calculated as a proportion of annual
operating hours. Deviation from these levels in consideration of
specific, local project conditions should be justified in the and individual projects should target continual improvement in
environmental assessment. these areas.
2.2 Occupational Health and Safety National Institute for Occupational Health and Safety (NIOSH),30
32 32 Available at:
European Commission. 2003. European Integrated Pollution Prevention and National Academy of Engineering. 2004. Eds. J.R. Phimister, V. M. Bier, H. C.
Control Bureau (EIPPCB) Reference Document on Best Available Techniques Kunreuther. Accident Precursor Analysis and Management: Reducing
(BREF) for Large Volume Organic Chemicals. February 2003. Seville: EIPPCB. Technological Risk Through Diligence. Washington, DC: National Academies
Available at Press.
European Commission. 2000. Directive 2000/76/EC of the European Parliament Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). 2003.
and of the Council of 4 December 2000 on the Incineration of Waste. Available Guiding Principles for Chemical Accident Prevention, Preparedness and
at Response. Second Edition. Paris: OECD. Available at
European Commission. 1996. Directive 96/82/EC on the control of chemical
accidents (Seveso II) Prevention, Preparedness and Response. Extended by Oslo and Paris Commission (OSPAR) for the Protection of the Marine
Directive 2003/105/EC. Available at Environment of the North Atlantic. OSPAR Decision 98/4 on Emission and Discharge Limit Values for the Manufacture of Vinyl Chloride Monomer (VCM)
including the Manufacture of 1,2-dichloroethane (EDC). London: OSPAR.
European Council of Vinyl Manufacturers (ECVM). 1994. Industry Charter for the Available at
Production of VCM and PVC (Suspension Process). Brussels: ECVM. Available
at Ullmanns Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry, 2002. 6th edition. New York,
NY: John Wiley and Sons Ltd. Available at http://www.wiley-
German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear
Safety (BMU). 2004. Waste Water Ordinance AbwV. (Ordinance on
Requirements for the Discharge of Waste Water into Waters). Promulgation of United Kingdom (UK) Environmental Agency. 2003. Sector Guidance Note IPPC
the New Version of the Waste Water Ordinance of 17 June 2004. Berlin: BMU. S4.01- Guidance for the Large Volume Organic Chemical Sector. Bristol:
Available at Environmental Agency. Available at http://www.environment-
German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear
Safety (BMU). 2002. First General Administrative Regulation Pertaining the United Nations (UN). 2003. Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous
Federal Emission Control Act (Technical Instructions on Air Quality Control TA Goods. Model Regulations. Thirteenth revised edition. New York, NY: United
Luft). Berlin: BMU. Available at Nations Publications. Available at
United States (US) En vironment Protection Agency (EPA). 40 CFR Part 63
Intercompany Committee for the Safety and Handling of Acrylic Monomers National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants, Subpart FNational
(ICSHAM). 2002. Acrylate Esters A Summary of Safety and Handling, 3rd Emission Standard for Vinyl Chloride. Washington, DC: US EPA. Available at
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). 2006. IPCC Special Report US EPA. 40 CFR Part 63 National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air
on Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage. Geneva: IPCC. Available at Pollutants, Subpart FFFFNational Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants: Miscellaneous Organic Chemical Manufacturing. Washington, DC:
US EPA. Available at
International Programme on Chemical Safety (IPCS). Environmental Health
Criteria 230. Nitrobenzene. Prepared by L. Davies. Joint Publication of United US EPA. 40 CFR Part 68 Chemical accident prevention and provisions.
Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), International Labour Organization Washington, DC: US EPA. Available at
(ILO) and World Health Organization (WHO). Geneva: WHO. Available at
US National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). 2006. NFPA 654: Standard for
Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST). Failure knowledge database. the Prevention of Fire and Dust Explosions from the Manufacturing, Processing,
Available at and Handling of Combustible Particulate Solids. Quincy, MA: NFPA. Available at
reaction with propylene to give alpha phenyl ethanol and methanol with air over a crystalline silver catalyst. In the oxide
propylene oxide. The alcohol is then dehydrated to styrene. process (Formox) the formation of formaldehyde is obtained by
Crude liquid styrene, consisting primarily of styrene and direct oxidation of methanol with excess air over a metal oxide
ethylbenzene, is purified using low temperature vacuum catalyst. The methanol oxidation is an exothermic reaction.
distillation with sulfur or nitrogen-based inhibitors to minimize
polymerization of vinyl-aromatic compounds. MTBE (Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether)
MTBE is produced by the reaction of methanol with isobutene
In the two-stage cumene process, cumene is first formed by the derived from various sources. Most commercially available
alkylation of benzene and propylene over a fixed-bed of zeolites. processes are comparable and consist of a reaction and a
Cumene is then oxidized to cumene hydroperoxide and then refining section.
decomposed with an acid catalyst (usually sulfuric acid) to
produce phenol, acetone and other co-products (e.g., Ethylene Oxide / Ethylene Glycols 38
acetophenone). Phenol and acetone are then purified by Ethylene oxide (EO) is a key chemical intermediate in the
distillation. Two other processes to produce phenol are the manufacture of many important products (e.g., ethylene glycols,
toluene (Tolox) process (co-producing sodium benzoate) and ethoxylates, glycol ethers, and ethanol amines).
the monochlorobenzene process. Emerging techniques for the
Ethylene oxide is produced from ethylene and oxygen in a gas
production of phenol include vacuum pyrolysis of wood waste;
phase reaction carried out in a multi-tubular, fixed bed type
reactive distillation in cumene production; and direct benzene
reactor, with a silver oxide catalyst in the tubes and a coolant on
the shell side. Part of the ethylene feed is converted to CO2 and
Oxygenated Compounds water. Reaction products (EO, carbon dioxide, and water) are
Oxygenation compounds include a variety of LVOCs with removed from the circulating gas while unconverted oxygen and
diverse characteristics. The following are considered ethylene are recycled back to the reactor. The recycle gas
representative of this category: formaldehyde by methanol contains a diluent (e.g., methane), which allows operation at
oxidation; MTBE (methyl t-butyl ether) from methanol and excess oxygen levels without causing a flammable mixture. EO
isobutene; ethylene oxide by ethylene oxidation; ethylene glycol is recovered by absorption in water followed by concentration in
by ethylene oxide hydration; terephthalic acid by oxidation of p- a stripper.
xylene; acrylic esters by propylene oxidation to acrolein and
Ethylene glycols are produced by reacting EO with water at an
acrylic acid plus acrylic acid esterification.
elevated temperature (typically 150 - 250C). The main product
inert gas. The liquid phase polymerizes easily in the presence of reactor, and DMT. An alternative process used to produce DMT
alkalis, mineral acids, metal chlorides, metal oxides, iron, is direct esterification of TPA.
aluminum, or tin. These properties necessitate special
arrangements for storage and handling. Acrylic Esters
Acrylic esters are a wide class of substances, ranging from
Terephthalic Acid (TPA) methyl acrylate to hexadecyl acrylate. Acrylic esters are
Terephthalic acid is usually produced by liquid-phase air produced by esterification of acrylic acid, which in turn is
oxidation of p-xylene in the presence of soluble manganese and produced by catalytic vapor phase oxidation of propylene with
cobalt acetate catalysts and a sodium bromide promoter to form air or oxygen. Esterification plants are specialized to produce
crude terephthalic acid. Acetic acid is the solvent, and oxygen in lower or higher esters, according to their boiling point (methyl to
compressed air is the oxidant. Because of the highly corrosive butyl esters vs. ethylhexyl to hexadecyl).
bromine acetic acid environment, the use of titanium-lined
equipment is generally required. The crystalline crude Nitrogenated Compounds
terephthalic acid is collected as wet cake and dried. Solid Nitrogenated compounds include a large number of chemicals,
terephthalic acid is then recovered by centrifugation or filtration, and the following is focused on acrylonitrile; caprolactam;
and the cake is dried and stored prior to purification (crude nitrobenzene; and toluene diisocyanate (TDI).
terephthalic acid, >99 percent pure). The purification step
involves dissolution in hot water under pressure and the
Acrylonitrile is an intermediate monomer used world-wide for a
catalytic selection of hydrogenating contaminants. The reaction
number of applications. The BP/SOHIO process accounts for 95
is highly exothermic, and water is also released. The crude
percent of world-wide acrylonitrile capacity. The process is a
terephthalic acid is slurried with water and heated until it
vapor phase, exothermic ammoxidation of propylene in fluid bed
dissolves entirely. The TPA is then hydrogenated on a carbon-
reactors using excess ammonia in the presence of an air-
supported Pd catalyst in liquid phase. After reaction, TPA is
fluidized catalyst bed. The process has three main co-products,
crystallized, centrifuged and / or filtered, and then it is dried to a
namely hydrogen cyanide, acetonitrile, and ammonium sulfate.
free flowing powder.
Catalyst is retained in the reactors using combinations of
Dimethyl Terephthalate (DMT) cyclones, although some is lost and exits the process through
Most dimethyl terephthalate (DMT) is made by a stepwise the quench system.
oxidation / esterification. P-xylene, together with recycled methyl
Water is produced in the reaction step and rejection of water
p-toluate, is passed through an oxidation reactor along with
from the process is a critical part of plant design. The
catalyst, where p-toluic acid and monomethyl terephthalate are
concentrated, contaminated stream may be burnt or recycled to
formed. It then passes to an esterification reactor, where the p-
other parts of the process to maximize recovery of saleable
toluic acid and monomethyl terephthalate are converted
products (before burning the contaminated stream). The
noncatalytically to methyl p-toluate, returned to the oxidation
reaction off-gases from the process absorber contains non- benzene to remove both residual nitrobenzene and nitric acid,
condensables (e.g., nitrogen, oxygen, carbon monoxide, carbon while residual waste gases are scrubbed by a mixed acid loop.
dioxide, propylene, propane) as well as vaporized water and An alternative process is pump nitration, where nitration actually
traces of organic contaminants. An acrylonitrile plant may also takes place in the pump itself.
have facilities to incinerate process residues and also to burn
hydrogen cyanide. Toluene Diisocyanate (TDI) 42
Aromatic isocyanates are produced in highly integrated
Caprolactam 40 production sites and this typically includes integrated phosgene
Caprolactam (hexamethylene imine) is the main raw material for production. All TDI is manufactured from toluene by the
the production of polyamide-6 (nylon). Caprolactam is mainly phosgene route. This continuous process involves three steps.
produced via the intermediate cyclohexanone (1) Nitration of toluene where nitrating acid are formed. The
(ketohexamethylene). A caprolactam production unit typically used acid is purified and concentrated for re-use and the
consists of four stages. (1) Cyclohexanone (ANON) plant where mixture of dinitrotoluenes is processed in an alkaline scrubber
cyclohexanone is produced catalytically from phenol and using water, or sodium carbonate solution and further fresh
hydrogen. By-products are cyclohexanol and residues (tar); (2) water, and further purified by crystallization; (2) Hydrogenation
Hydroxylamine phosphate oxime (HPO) plant where oxime is of dinitrotoluene to toluene diamine is a catalytic exothermic gas
produced via the phosphate route; (3) Hydroxylamine sulfate / liquid / solid phase reaction. Dinitrotoluene is reduced to
oxime (HSO) and caprolactam purification plant where oxime toluene-diamine (TDA) by a continuous, one or multi-stage,
from the HSO route plus the oxime from the phosphate route hydrogenation process with metal catalysts. The reaction
are converted to caprolactam via the sulfate route; (4) product is separated in a TDA-rich product stream, cleaned from
Caprolactam finishing plant with caprolactam extraction with the residual catalyst by filtration or centrifugation, followed by a
benzene and water wash removing ammonium sulfate and distillation to recycle the solvent (if used); and (4) Phosgenation
organic impurities. of toluene diamine to toluene diisocyanate which is an
integrated route including the manufacture of phosgene.
Nitrobenzene 41 Toluene diisocyanate (TDI) is always produced by the reaction
Mono-, di-, and symmetrical trinitrobenzenes are readily of phosgene with TDA in a cascade of reactors. TDI may be
available by sequential nitration of benzene. A continuous produced directly from dinitrotoluene by liquid phase
process, operating under similar conditions, has replaced the carbonylation with o-dichlorobenzene.
traditional batch nitration process in which mixed acid (nitric and
sulfuric acids) is added to a slight excess of benzene. The
current production facilities are package units with nitrogen
blanketing for additional safety. Each output stream passes
through purging steps. Spent acid is extracted with incoming
In oxychlorination, EDC and water are formed by the gaseous VCM purification is a two-stage distillation. Liquid VCM is stored
phase reaction of HCl, ethylene and oxygen over a copper-salt after an optional step to remove the last traces of HCl. No
catalyst either on fixed or fluidized-catalyst bed. The reaction is gaseous emissions are generated in this section and there are
highly exothermic and temperature control is important to only minor quantities of waste (e.g., spent hydrogenation
minimize the formation of undesirable by-products. HCl is catalyst, and spent alkaline agent for VCM neutralization). EDC /
normally recycled from the EDC cracking unit and from VCM VCM production operations normally include large storage
purification. Use of air increases the formation of chlorinated by- facilities. EDC and byproducts are stored in atmospheric tanks
products and produces larger waste gas streams, while oxygen at ambient temperatures blanketed by nitrogen. VCM storage is
significantly reduces by-products formation and volume of in spheres or tanks that can either be under pressure at ambient
vented gases. Oxychlorination generates a number of waste temperature, or refrigerated at approximately atmospheric
streams including impurities (e.g., mono-chloroethane and 1,1,2 pressure. Liquefied dry HCl is generally in closed system
trichloroethane) as by-products from the EDC distillation section pressurized vessels at low temperatures. Atmospheric storage
requiring treatment prior to emission to atmosphere; aqueous vessels and products handling are the main source of gaseous
effluent from reactor outlet quenching, condensation and phase vents in the form of breathing vents, vapor displacement during
separation containing small quantities of dissolved chlorinated filling, and nitrogen blanketing.44
organic compounds (chloral or chloro-ethanol) and possibly
copper (dissolved or as suspended matter) coming from fines
44 Octo-chlorodibenzofuran and other dioxin related compounds are formed in the oxychlorination reactions
catalyst fines (fluid bed reactors only); and spent catalyst on a as oxygen; chlorine and an organic precursor are all present at high temperatures in the presence of a
catalyst. OSPAR data for two different plants showed a total formation of dioxins in the internal process of 6
g/year for a fluid bed and 40 g/year for a fixed bed reactor. However, these quantities are not emitted into
the environment since further control measures are to be implemented.
43 Ibid.