Understanding The Top 5 Redis Performance Metrics

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the Top 5 Redis

Performance Metrics
Using critical Redis metrics to troubleshoot performance issues

Conor Branagan, Software Engineer, Datadog

Patrick Crosby, Product Marketer, Datadog

Understanding the Top 5 Redis Performance Metrics

Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 3
Redis: A fast, easy-to-use key-value store ....................................................................... 3
Key-value stores: Faster, smaller NoSQL databases .............................................................. 3
Redis: the speed of a cache with the persistence of a traditional DB .............................. 4
Redis stores more than just strings ............................................................................................ 4
Redis scales with ease ...................................................................................................................... 5
Redis Alternatives ................................................................................................................... 5
Memcached .......................................................................................................................................... 5
MongoDB .............................................................................................................................................. 5
How to access Redis metrics ................................................................................................ 6
The top 5 Redis performance metrics .............................................................................. 7
1. Memory Usage: used_memory ................................................................................................. 7
2. Number of commands processed: total_commands_processed ......................... 10
3. Latency .......................................................................................................................................... 13
4. Fragmentation Ratio ................................................................................................................. 16
5. Evictions ........................................................................................................................................ 18
Conclusion ............................................................................................................................... 20

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Understanding the Top 5 Redis Performance Metrics

Yesterdays web was mostly populating static pages with contents from relational
databases. Todays web is all about near real-time interactions and low latency. The
demands for real-time and the constraints of computer architectures have dictated
the need to put in-memory data stores at the center of modern applications.
When you need low-latency, persistent, cross-platform storage no other system is as
widely used as Redis. The popularity of Redis stems from its rich API and its
strength in providing low-latency while offering persistence usually seen in
traditional relational databases. Redis has many prominent users including Yahoo!,
Twitter, Craigslist, Stack Overflow and Flickr1.
The objective of this guide is to explain the five most important metrics that will
allow you to more effectively use Redis. Understanding these metrics will help when
troubleshooting common issues. In this guide, you will learn what these metrics are,
how to access them, how to interpret their output, and how to use them to improve
your Redis performance.
The first few pages describe what Redis is, why developers use it, and some of the
common alternatives. You can jump straight into the top 5 Redis performance
metrics on page 7.

Redis: A fast, easy-to-use key-value store

Redis is an open source, in-memory advanced key-value store with optional
persistence to disk. Two common uses for Redis are caching2 and publish-subscribe
queues (Pub/Sub)3. When a user logs into a web application, rather than having to
query a database each time user information is needed, Redis allows developers to
store user attributes in-memory enabling much faster data retrieval. For Pub/Sub,
Redis offers primitives to implement the publish-subscribe messaging model with
no effort.

Key-value stores: Faster, smaller NoSQL databases

Key-value data consist of two objects: 1) a string which represents the key and 2)
the actual data associated with that key. For example, you can set the key
lastname_2078 to the value Miller or the key boroughs_of_new_york
to the value bronx, brooklyn, manhattan, queens, staten_island.
Key-value stores have in short time become essential to quickly get an application in
front of users by removing the up-front need for carefully designed, structured data

1 http://redis.io/topics/whos-using-redis
2 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_cache
3 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Publish/subscribe

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Understanding the Top 5 Redis Performance Metrics

Redis: the speed of a cache with the persistence of a traditional DB
The popularity of Redis stems from its speed, its rich semantics and its stability.
Redis is faster than other schema-less NoSQL databases such as MongoDB, yet
designed to act as a system of record rather than a simple, volatile cache. Despite
being an in-memory data store, Redis can persist its data to disk for durability.
Persistence is the ability for a process to recover its state following a shutdown.
Data stored in-memory does not survive a server shutdown. The real insight of the
Redis architecture is to realize that it works to offer predictable, low latencies and
the same rich APIs as traditional disk-centric databases. Because memory access is
faster than disk access (0.1 s vs. 10 ms), Redis performs extremely well when
compared to disk-centric databases.

On top of the high performance, Redis gives you two options to persist its data
durably: (1) using snapshots and/or (2) using an append-only file.

Redis snapshots are point-in-time images of the in-memory data. Rather than
writing every change to disk first, Redis creates a copy of itself in memory (using
fork) so that the copy can be saved to disk as fast as possible. Data that was modified
between now and the last successful snapshot is always at risk, thus running
frequent snapshots is recommended if the disk is fast enough. The optimal
frequency depends on your application; the first question to ask yourself when you
set that parameter is how much the application would suffer if it lost that sliver of
Redis also offers append-only file (AOF) as a more reliable persistence mode. With
AOF, every change made to the dataset in memory is also written to disk. With
careful disk configuration, this mechanism ensures that all past writes will have
been saved to disk. However, the higher frequency of disk writes will have a
significant negative impact on performance. Between AOF, snapshotting, and using
Redis without persistence, there is a trade-off between 100% data integrity in the
case of a crash versus speed of operation while the system runs.

Redis stores more than just strings

Redis differs from many basic key-value stores because it can store a variety of data
types. Supported data types include:
Strings: sequences of characters
Lists of strings: ordered collections of strings sorted by insertion time
Sets: non-repeating unordered collections of strings
Sorted sets: non-repeating ordered collections of strings sorted by user
defined score
Hashes: associative arrays that maps string fields and string values

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Understanding the Top 5 Redis Performance Metrics

Redis hashes are particularly useful because small hashes (with fewer than 100
fields) are encoded in a very memory-efficient way. As a result, hash fields are an
efficient way to represent the multiple data fields of objects in a single key. For
example, if youre using Redis as a web cache to store information about visitors to
your site it is more efficient to store all the attributes for a given user in a hash with
a single key. The various attributes (username, email, account type) would be stored
in separate fields of the same hash.

Redis scales with ease

Thanks to its key-value data model, a Redis database lends itself well to partitioning.
You can split your keyed data across multiple Redis instances, each instance holding
a subset. With partitioning you can use Redis to store more data than would fit in
your most sizable server, memory-wise.
Lastly the Redis protocol is simple and consistent. Almost every programming
language has a library for using Redis. This means that Redis can be used as a
general purpose data store across your entire infrastructure, without the fear of
locking yourself in a particular stack.

Redis Alternatives
There are alternative solutions to the problems tackled by Redis, but none fully
overlap in the unique mix of capabilities that Redis offers; multithreaded caching
system alternatives like Memcached do not persist to disk and typically support
only string data types as values. More feature-rich database alternatives like
MongoDB are typically more resource-intensive. Additional detail on these
differences is provided below.

Memcached is an open sourced, in-memory, multithreaded key-value store often
used as a cache to speed up dynamic web applications. If no persistence is needed
and youre only storing strings, Memcached is a simple and powerful tool for
caching. If your data benefits from richer data structure, you will benefit from using
Redis. In terms of performance, Memcached can perform better or worse than Redis
depending on the specific use case[4][5][6].

MongoDB is an open-source, NoSQL database that supports richer data types. It is by
some measure the most popular NoSQL database7. From the relational database

4 http://oldblog.antirez.com/post/redis-memcached-benchmark.htm
5 http://systoilet.wordpress.com/2010/08/09/redis-vs-memcached/
6 http://dormando.livejournal.com/525147.html
7 http://db-engines.com/en/ranking

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Understanding the Top 5 Redis Performance Metrics

world it borrows the ability to run relatively complex queries without having to
worry (too much) about what path the database will take to access the data.
Table 1: A comparison between popular data stores

Redis Memcached MongoDB

In-memory X X

Persistent X X

Key-value store X X

Supports more than strings X X

Multithreaded X X

Supports larger-than-memory X

As fast as Memory Memory Disk

How to access Redis metrics

To analyze the Redis metrics described below, you will need to access the actual
data. Redis metrics are accessible through the Redis command line interface
(redis-cli). Use the info command to print information and metrics about your
Redis server.

The info command output is grouped into 10 sections:

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Understanding the Top 5 Redis Performance Metrics


This guide will cover important metrics from the memory and stats sections.
Note that info does not provide any metric of latency. We will discuss how to get to
those particular metrics as well.
If you are only interested in seeing information related to a specific section, simply
add the relevant section title as a parameter to the info command. For example,
the command info memory would return only the statistics related to memory.

The top 5 Redis performance metrics

To help you spot and remedy issues quickly we have selected the five metrics that
report on the most common Redis performance issues weve encountered. These
are detailed below.

1. Memory Usage: used_memory

The used_memory metric reports the total number of bytes allocated by Redis. The
used_memory_human metric gives the same value in a more readable format.

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Understanding the Top 5 Redis Performance Metrics

These metrics reflect the amount of memory that Redis has requested to store your
data and the supporting metadata it needs to run. Due to the way memory allocators
interact with the operating system, the metrics do not account for waste due to
memory fragmentation. In other words, the amount of memory reported in this
metric will almost always be different than the total amount of memory that Redis
has been allocated by the operating system.

Interpreting memory usage: Detect performance issues due to memory swapping
Memory usage is a critical component for Redis performance. If an instance exceeds
available memory (used_memory > total available memory), the operating system
will begin swapping and old/unused sections of memory (called pages) will be
written to disk to make room for newer/active pages. Writing or reading from disk
is up to 5 orders of magnitude slower than writing or reading from memory (0.1 s
for memory vs. 10 ms for disk). If swapping happens to the Redis process, its
performance and the performance of any applications relying on Redis data will be
severely impacted. By showing how much memory Redis is using, the
used_memory metric will help determine if the instance is at risk to begin
swapping or if it is swapping already.

Tracking memory usage to resolve performance issues

If you are using Redis without periodical snapshots, your instance is at risk of not
only losing its data on shutdown but also being partially swapped in and out when
memory usage exceeds 95% of total available memory.
Enabling snapshots requires Redis to create a copy of the current dataset in memory
before writing it to disk. As a result, with snapshots enabled memory swapping
becomes risky if you are using more than 45% of available memory; this can be
exacerbated further by more frequent updates to your Redis instances. You can
reduce Redis memory footprint and thus the risk of swapping using the following
1. Use a 32-bit Redis instance if your data fits in less than 4GB: Because
pointers are half as big on a 32-bit Redis instance, its memory footprint is
much smaller. However you become limited to 4GB per instance, even if you
have more than 4GB in RAM. If your Redis instance is sharing the server with
another piece of your infrastructure that requires or is more efficient with
64-bit processing, switching to 32-bit may not be practical. However, Redis
dump files are compatible between 32-bit and 64-bit instances so you can try
32-bit and switch later if it makes sense for your system.
2. Use hashes when possible: Because Redis encodes small hashes (up to 100
fields) in a very memory-efficient manner you should use hashes when you

8 http://redis.io/topics/memory-optimization

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Understanding the Top 5 Redis Performance Metrics

do not need set operations or the push/pop functionality of lists9. For
example, if you have objects representing user information in a web
application it is more efficient to use a single key with hash fields for each
user attribute than to store attributes like name, email, password in separate
keys10. In general, related data that are currently being stored in a string
format with multiple keys should be converted to a single key with multiple
hash fields. Examples of related data includes: attributes for a single object or
various pieces of information for a single user. With the commands
HSET(key, fields, value) and HGET(key, field) you can set and
retrieve specific attributes from the hash.
3. Set expirations for keys: One simple way to decrease memory usage is to
make sure that an expiration is set whenever storing transient data: If your
information is only relevant for a known period of time, or if older keys are
unlikely to be needed again, use the Redis expirations commands (expire,
expireat, pexpire, pexpireat) to instruct Redis to automatically
remove them once they are expired. Or, if you know how many new key-
value pairs are created every second, you can tune the time-to-live (TTL) for
your keys and limit Redis memory usage to a given amount.
4. Evict keys: In the Redis config file (usually called redis.conf) you can set
a limit on the Redis memory usage by setting the maxmemory option and
restarting the instance. You can also set maxmemory from the redis-cli by
typing config set maxmemory <value>. If you are using snapshots,
you should set maxmemory to 45% of available memory. This leaves half of
your memory available for copying the dataset when snapshots are taken
and 5% available for overhead. Without snapshotting, maxmemory can be set
as high as 95% of available memory.
You must also choose how keys are selected for eviction for when the maxmemory
limit is reached. The setting is called maxmemory-policy in the redis.conf
file. If you are effectively expiring keys the volatile-ttl policy will likely be a
good choice. If keys are not being expired quickly enough or at all, allkeys-lru
will allow you to remove keys that have not been recently used regardless of their
expiration state. The other modes are described below.

9 http://instagram-engineering.tumblr.com/post/12202313862/storing-hundreds-of-millions-of-

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Understanding the Top 5 Redis Performance Metrics

By setting maxmemory to 45% or 95% of available memory (depending on your

persistence policy) and by choosing volatile-ttl or allkeys-lru for
eviction policy (depending on your expiration process), you can strictly limit Redis
memory usage and in most case use Redis in a cache-like manner that ensures no
memory swaps. The noneviction mode only makes sense if you cannot afford to
lose keys to memory limits.

2. Number of commands processed: total_commands_processed

The total_commands_processed metric gives the number of commands
processed by the Redis server. Commands come from the one or more clients
connected to the Redis server. Each time the Redis server completes any of the over
140 possible commands from the client(s), total_commands_processed is
incremented. For example, if the Redis servers complete two commands from
client_x and three commands from client_y, the total commands metric would
increase by five.

Interpreting number of commands processed: Diagnose increased latency

Tracking the number of commands processed is critical for diagnosing latency
issues in your Redis instance. Because Redis is single-threaded, command requests
are processed sequentially. The typical latency for a 1Gb/s network is about 200 s.
If you are seeing slow response time for commands and latency that is significantly
higher than 200 s, it could be because there are a high number of requests in the
command queue.

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Understanding the Top 5 Redis Performance Metrics

In that case, you would see slow responses and a spike in the number of total
commands processed. If instead, slowness and increased latency are caused by one
or more slow commands, you would see your total commands metric drop or stall
completely as Redis performance degrades. Diagnosing these problems requires
that you track command volume and latency over time.

For example, you could setup a script that periodically logs the
total_commands_processed metric and also measures latency. You can then
use this log of historical command volume to determine if your total number of
commands processed increased or decreased when you observed slower response
Using number of commands processed to resolve increases in latency
If you are seeing an increase or decrease in total commands processed as compared
to historical norms, it may be a sign of high command volume (more commands in
queue) or several slow commands blocking the system. Here are three ways to
address latency issues caused by high command volume and slow commands:
1. Use multi-argument commands: If Redis clients send a large number of
commands to the Redis server in a short period of time, you may see slow
response times simply because later commands are waiting in queue for the
large volume of earlier commands to complete. One way to improve latency
is to reduce the overall command volume by using Redis commands that
accept multiple arguments. For example, instead of adding 1,000 elements to
a list using a loop and 1,000 iterations of the Redis command LSET, you
could create a separate list completely on the client side with each of the
1,000 elements and use a single Redis command, LPUSH or RPUSH, to add all
1,000 elements at once. The table below highlights several Redis commands
that can be used only for single elements and corresponding multiple
element commands that can help you minimize overall command volume.
Table 2: Redis single-argument commands and their corresponding multi-argument alternatives

Single- Single-Argument Multi-Argument Multi-Argument

Argument Description Alternative Description

SET Set the value of a key MSET Set multiple keys to

multiple values

GET Get the value of a key MGET Get the values of all
the given keys

LSET Set value of an element LPUSH, RPUSH Prepend/append

in a list multiple values to a

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LINDEX Get an element from a LRANGE Get a range of

list elements from a list

HSET Set the string value of a HMSET Set multiple hash

hash fields to multiple

HGET Get the value of a hash HMGET Get the values of all
field the given hash fields

2. Pipeline commands: Another way to reduce latency associated with high
command volume is to pipeline several commands together so that you
reduce latency due to network usage. Rather than sending 10 client
commands to the Redis server individually and taking the network latency
hit 10 times, pipelining the commands will send them all at once and pay the
network latency cost only once. Pipelining commands is supported by the
Redis server and by most clients. This is only beneficial if network latency is
significantly larger than your instances.
3. Avoid slow commands for large sets: If increases in latency correspond
with a drop in command volume you may be inefficiently using Redis
commands with high time-complexity. High time-complexity means the
required time to complete these commands grows rapidly as the size of the
dataset processed increases. Minimizing use of these commands on large sets
can significantly improve Redis performance. The table below lists the Redis
commands with highest time-complexity. Specific command attributes that
affect Redis performance and guidelines for optimal performance are
highlighted for each of the commands.

Table 3: Redis commands with high time complexity

Command Description Improve Performance By

ZINTERSTORE intersect multiple sorted reducing the number of sets and/or the
sets and store result number of elements in resulting set

SINTERSTORE intersect multiple sets and reducing size of smallest set and/or the
store result number of sets

SINTER intersect multiple sets reducing the size of smallest set and/or the
number of sets

MIGRATE transfer key from one reducing the number of objects stored as
Redis instance to another values and/or their average size

DUMP return serialized value for reducing the number of objects stored as
a given key values and/or their average size

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Understanding the Top 5 Redis Performance Metrics

ZREM remove one or more reducing the number of elements to remove

members from sorted set and/or the size of the sorted set

ZUNIONSTORE add multiple sorted sets reducing the total size of the sorted sets
and store result and/or the number of elements in the resulting

SORT sort elements in list, set, or reducing the number of element to sort and/or
sorted set the number of returned elements

SDIFFSTORE subtract multiple sets and reducing the number of elements in all sets
store result

SDIFF subtract multiple sets reducing the number of elements in all sets

SUNION add multiple sets reducing the number elements in all sets

LSET set value of an element in a reducing the length of the list


LREM remove elements from a reducing the length of the list


LRANGE get range of elements from reduce the start offset and/or the number of
a list elements in range

3. Latency
Latency measures the average time in milliseconds it takes the Redis server to
respond. This metric is not available through the Redis info command. To see
latency, go to your redis-cli, change directory to the location of your Redis
installation, and type the following:

./redis-cli --latency -h host -p port

where host and port are relevant numbers for your system. While times depend
on your actual setup, typical latency for a 1GBits/s network is about 200 s.

Interpreting latency: Tracking Redis performance
Performance, and more specifically, its predictable low latency is one of the main
reasons Redis is so popular. Tracking latency is the most direct way to see changes
in Redis performance. For a 1Gb/s network, a latency greater than 200 s likely
points to a problem. Although there are some slow I/O operations that run in the

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background, a single process serves all client requests and they are completed in a
well-defined sequential order. As a result, if a client request is slow all other
requests must wait to be served.

Using the latency command to improve performance

Once you have determined that latency is an issue, there are several measures you
can take to diagnose and address performance problems:
1. Identify slow commands using the slow log: The Redis slow log allows you
to quickly identify commands that exceed a user specified execution time. By
default, commands that take longer than 10 ms are logged. For the purposes
of the slow log, execution time does not include I/O operations so this log
would not log slow commands solely due to network latency. Given that
typical commands, including network latency, are expected to complete in
approximately 200 s, commands that take 10 ms for just Redis execution
are more than 50 times slower than normal.
To see all commands with slow Redis execution times, go to your redis-
cli and type slowlog get. The third field of the result gives the execution
time in microseconds. To see only the last 10 slow commands, type slowlog
get 10. See page 11 for details on how to address latency issues related to
slow commands.

For a more detailed look at slow commands, you can adjust the threshold for
logging. In cases where few or no commands take longer than 10 ms, lower
the threshold to 5 ms by entering the following command in you redis
cli: config set slowlog-log-slower-than 5000.
2. Monitor client connections: Because Redis is single-threaded, one process
serves requests from all clients. As the number of clients grows, the
percentage of resource time given to each client decreases and each client
spends an increasing amount of time waiting for their share of Redis server
time. Monitoring the number of clients is important because there may be
applications creating client connections that you did not expect or your
application may not be efficiently closing unused connections. To see all
clients connected to your Redis server go to your redis-cli and type
info clients. The first field (connected_clients) gives the number
of client connections.

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The default maximum number of client connections is 10,000. Even with low
client command traffic, if you are seeing connection counts that are above
5,000, the number of clients may be significantly affecting Redis
performance. If some or more of your clients are sending large numbers of
commands the threshold for affecting performance could be much lower.
3. Limit client connections: In addition to monitoring client connections,
Redis versions 2.6 and greater allow you to control the maximum number of
client connections for your Redis server with the redis.conf directive
maxclients. You can also set the maxclients limit from the redis-
cli by typing config set maxclients <value>. You should set
maxclients to between 110% and 150% of your expected peak number of
connections, depending on variation in your connections load. Connections
that exceed your defined limit will be rejected and closed immediately.
Setting a maximum is important for limiting the number of unintended client
connections. In addition, because an error message is returned for failed
connection attempts, the maxclient limit helps warn you that a significant
number of unexpected connections are occurring. Both are important for
controlling the total number of connections and ultimately maintaining
optimal Redis performance.
4. Improve memory management: Poor memory management can cause
increased latency in Redis. If your Redis instance is using more memory than
is available, the operating system will swap parts of the Redis process out of
physical memory and onto disk. Swapping will significantly increase latency.
See page 8 for more information on how to monitor and reduce memory
5. Metric correlation: Diagnosing and correcting performance issues often
requires you to correlate changes in latency with changes in other metrics. A
spike in latency that occurs as the number of commands processed drops
likely indicates slow commands blocking the system. But if latency increases
as memory usage increases you are probably seeing performance issues due
to swapping. For this type of correlated metric analysis, you need historical
perspective in order for significant changes in metrics to be perceptible as
well as the ability to see all relevant metrics across your stack in one place.
To do this with Redis, you would create a script that calls the info command
periodically, parses the output, and records key metrics in a log file. The log
can be used to identify when latency changes occurred and what other
metrics changed in tandem.

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Understanding the Top 5 Redis Performance Metrics

4. Fragmentation Ratio
The mem_fragmentation_ratio metric gives the ratio of memory used as seen
by the operation system (used_memory_rss) to memory allocated by Redis


The used_memory and used_memory_rss metrics both include memory
allocated for:
User-defined data: memory used to store key-value data
Internal overhead: internal Redis information used to represent different
data types
RSS stands for Resident Set Size and is the amount of physical memory the operating
system has allocated to your Redis instance. In addition to user-defined data and
internal overhead, the used_memory_rss metric includes memory consumed by
memory fragmentation. Memory fragmentation is caused by inefficiencies in
physical memory allocation/deallocation by the operating system.

The operating system is in charge of allocating physical memory to the various
processes it is hosting. The actual mapping between Redis memory and physical
memory is handled by the operating systems virtual memory manager through the
mediation of a memory allocator.

For example while Redis would benefit from contiguous physical memory pages for
a 1GB database, no such contiguous segment may be available so the operating
system will have to map that 1GB into multiple smaller memory segments.

The memory allocator adds another layer of complexity in that it will often pre-
allocate memory blocks of various sizes to be able to service the application as fast
as possible.

Interpreting fragmentation ratio: Understand resource performance

Tracking fragmentation ratio is important for understanding the resource
performance of your Redis instance. The fragmentation ratio should be slightly
greater than 1 which indicates low memory fragmentation and no memory
swapping. A fragmentation ratio above 1.5 indicates significant memory
fragmentation since Redis consumes 150% of the physical memory it requested. A
fragmentation ratio below 1 tells you that Redis memory allocation exceeds
available physical memory and the operating system is swapping. Swapping will
cause significant increases in latency (See page 8, Tracking memory usage to
resolve performance issues).

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Understanding the Top 5 Redis Performance Metrics

Using the fragmentation ratio to predict performance issues
If the fragmentation ratio is outside the range of 1 to 1.5, it is likely a sign of poor
memory management by either the operating system or by your Redis instance.
Here are three ways to correct the problem and improve Redis performance:
1. Restart your Redis server: If your fragmentation ratio is above 1.5,
restarting your Redis server will allow the operating system to recover
memory that is effectively unusable because of external memory
fragmentation. External fragmentation occurs when Redis frees blocks of
memory but the allocator (the piece of code responsible for managing
memory distribution), does not return that memory to the operating system.
You can check for external fragmentation by comparing the values of the
used_memory_peak, used_memory_rss and used_memory metrics.
As the name suggests, used_memory_peak measures the largest historical
amount of memory used by Redis regardless of current memory allocation. If
used_memory_peak and used_memory_rss are roughly equal and both
significantly higher than used_memory, this indicates that external
fragmentation is occurring. All three of these memory metrics can be
displayed by typing info memory in your redis-cli.

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To restart the server, use the redis-cli and type shutdown save to
save your dataset and shut down the Redis server. Once you restart the Redis
server your data set should be available after it has been loaded from disk.
2. Limit memory swapping: If the fragmentation ratio is below 1, your Redis
instance is probably partially swapped out to disk. Swapping will ruin Redis
performance so you should take steps to increase available memory or
reduce memory usage. See page 8 for more information on effective memory
management with Redis.
3. Change your memory allocator: Redis supports several different memory
allocators (glibcs malloc, jemalloc11, tcmalloc) each with different behavior
in terms of internal and external fragmentation. Not for the faint of heart, this
will require you to (1) understand clearly the differences between allocators
and (2) re-compile Redis. Just know that it is an option once you have clearly
established that the memory allocator is working against Redis.

5. Evictions
The evicted_keys metric gives the number of keys removed by Redis due to
hitting the maxmemory limit. maxmemory is explained in more detail on page 9.
Key evictions only occur if the maxmemory limit is set.

When evicting a key because of memory pressure, Redis does not consistently
remove the oldest data first. Instead, a random sample of keys are chosen and
either the least recently used key (LRU12 eviction policy) or the key closest to
expiration (TTL13 eviction policy) within that random set is chosen for

You have the option to select between the lru and ttl eviction policies in the
config file by setting maxmemory-policy to volatile-lru or
volatile-ttl respectively. The TTL eviction policy is appropriate if you are
effectively expiring keys. If you are not using key expirations or keys are not
expiring quickly enough it makes sense to use the lru policy which will allow you
to remove keys regardless of their expiration state.

11 For more details on jemalloc https://www.facebook.com/notes/facebook-engineering/scalable-
12 Least recently used
13 Time to live

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Understanding the Top 5 Redis Performance Metrics

Interpreting evictions: Detecting performance issues due to key deletion

Tracking eviction is important because Redis must commit limited processing
resources in order to evict a key. If your evicted_keys metric is consistently
above zero, you are likely to see increased latency for commands in queue because
Redis must process frequent evictions in addition to processing incoming client

Note that evictions are not as detrimental to performance as memory swaps. If the
choice is between forcing memory swaps and allowing evictions, you should let
Redis evict keys by choosing an appropriate maxmemory_policy (see page 9).

Using eviction reductions to improve performance

Reducing evictions can be a straightforward way to improve Redis performance.
Here are two ways to decrease the number of evictions Redis must perform:
1. Increase maxmemory limit: If you are using snapshots, maxmemory can be
set as high as 45% of available physical memory with little risk of causing
memory swaps. Without snapshots (but AOF), it makes sense to set
maxmemory to 95% of available memory. See page 8 for more information
on snapshots and maxmemory limits. If you are below the 45% or 95%
thresholds increasing maxmemory limit will allow Redis to hold more keys in
memory and can dramatically decrease evictions. However, if maxmemory is
already set at or above the recommended thresholds, increasing maxmemory
may not improve Redis performance. Instead, it may cause memory swaps to
occur which will increase latency and degrade performance. You can set the
value of maxmemory from the redis-cli by typing config set
maxmemory <value>.
2. Partition your instance: Partitioning is a method of splitting your data
across multiple instances. Each of the resulting instances will contain a

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Understanding the Top 5 Redis Performance Metrics

subset of the entire dataset. By partitioning, you can combine the resources
of many computers, increase available physical memory, and allow Redis to
store more keys without evictions or memory swaps. If you have large
datasets and maxmemory is already set at or above the recommended
thresholds, this can be an effective way to reduce evictions and improve
Redis performance. Partitioning can be done in a variety of ways. Here are a
few options for implementing Redis partitioning.
a. hash partitioning: a simple method accomplished by using a hash
function to map key names into a range of numbers which correspond
to specific Redis instances.
b. client side partitioning: a commonly used method in which Redis
clients select which instance to read and write for a given key.
c. proxy partitioning: Redis client requests are sent to a proxy which
determines which Redis instance to use based on a configured
partitioning schema.

For developers, Redis provides fast in-memory, key-value store with an easy to use
programming interface. However, in order to get the most out of Redis, you should
understand what factors can negatively impact performance and what metrics can
help you avoid pitfalls. After reading this guide, you should understand some of the
key Redis metrics, how to view them, and most importantly how to use them for
detecting and solving Redis performance issues.

How Datadog Can Help

Datadog is a monitoring service that natively understands Redis and its metrics.
Within a few minutes, Datadog lets you collect graph and alert on any Redis metric
(including the five we have presented in this article). By freeing you from the time-
consuming collection process, Datadog lets you focus on understanding the
performance of your Redis instances and how they affect the rest of your

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Understanding the Top 5 Redis Performance Metrics

An example of Redis-centric dashboard in Datadog.

Datadog is compatible with all major linux distributions.

About the Authors

Conor Branagan, Software Engineer, Datadog

Conor is a Software Engineer at Datadog. Equally at ease with frontend and backend
code, hes made Redis his data store of choice. He started at Datadog through the
HackNY intern program in New York. In his free time he enjoys hiking and enjoying
the great food of Astoria, Queens.

Patrick Crosby, Product Marketer, Datadog
Patrick is a Product Marketer at Datadog. Prior to joining Datadog, he was a Sales
Engineer at Innography, a venture backed software company in Austin, TX. Patrick
managed relationships for Innographys 60 largest global clients, led strategy and

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Understanding the Top 5 Redis Performance Metrics

training for the companys lead generation team, and developed product
requirements for entry into the $800 million pharmaceutical IP-intelligence market.
Patrick is a Fulbright Scholar, holds a BS in Electrical Engineering and Computer
Science from Duke University, and will graduate with an MBA from Columbia
Business School in 2014.

About Datadog

Datadog unifies the data from servers, databases, applications, tools and services to
present a unified view of on-premise and cloud infrastructure. These capabilities are
provided on a SaaS-based monitoring and data analytics platform that enables Dev
and Ops teams working collaboratively on the infrastructure to avoid downtime,
resolve performance problems and ensure that development and deployment cycles
finish on time.
To find out more, visit www.datadog.com.

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