Summer Camp Brochure 2012 Web Version

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Denver Montclair International School

Attention: Summer Camps

206 Red Cross Way
Denver, CO 80230

Giving Children the World


cam ps
3 - 12!
f or ages SUMMER CAMPS

Welcome to the Summer Camps at Denver Montclair International
Choose from dozens of weekly camps for children ages 3 - 12. We
have language camps in French, Mandarin Chinese or Spanish,
sports camps such as basketball, tennis, lacrosse, tae kwon do,
soccer, variety camps including Mad Scientist, Roaming Ranger,
Art, Broadcast Journalism, Musical Theatre and more! THE FINER DETAILS
For your convenience, you can register online at All day camps are from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Activities associated with each camp end at 3 p.m., when students
We look forward to having a safe and enjoyable summer with you. ages 5-12 are given the option of attending Aftercare Workshops or
swimming at Cook Park (weather permitting). Campers who are 3 and
Sincerely, 4-years-old will go to aftercare after 3p.m. There is NO additional cost
Emmanuel Manu Bidan for swimming or aftercare between 3 p.m and 5:30 pm.
Summer Camp Director
Each camp includes field trips and activities that complement and
Carrie Joe enhance the experience. Every child attending day camp at DMIS will
Early Childhood Education Director receive a complimentary t-shirt that is to be worn on field trip days.

Please note that children must be 3-years-old or older to attend the 3-

year-old camps. Children attending the 5-and-up camp must be 5 years
old by the start of that weeks camp. All children must be potty-trained.

Please note that food and drinks are not provided. We do provide
Rocky Mountain Sunscreen for the children. Please send a hat, lunch,
water bottle and snacks daily for your child.

All emergency contact information must be submittted at the time of

registration. Immunization and health appraisal paperwork must be
submitted one week prior to start of camp.

*After 5:30 p.m., late pickup is an automatic flat fee of $15, and $5 per additional
Cost: $240 per week July 9 - 13
Soccer Campers will have the opportunity to learn the fundamentals of soccer,
play mini games, and meet new friends. At the end of the week, all
participants will receive a soccer ball and a trophy.
The language camps will follow the themes below in French, Spanish or Mandarin
July 16 - 20
Chinese. Simply pick a week/theme and then select a language for that
Build It We will design and explore themed projects with Duplo blocks, and
corresponding week.
learn the basics of engineering using wheels, axles, gears and pulleys.
June 11 - 15
July 23 - 27
Creation Station Well get creative and make new things to take home. Well also
Tumbling Campers will learn the basics of tumbling and gymnastics.
conduct experiments to stir the imagination.
July 30 - August 3
June 18 - 22
Dance Well explore many different types of dance this week, focusing on
Ahoy Matey! Well learn about life at sea and things we might see along the way!
body movement and overall fitness and flexibility.
June 25 - 29
August 6 - 10
Creatures Big and Small Well learn about animals of all shapes and sizes from
Wild, Wild West Well go back in time to the Old West!
around the world.
August 13 - 17
July 2 - 6 (Discounted cost of $190 due to July 4 holiday).
Farming Farm life is always fun! Well learn about horses, cows, pigs,
Colors Well discover new vocabulary about the colors of the rainbow as well as
chickens and many other farm animals. Well take a field trip to a farm.
experiment with mixing colors.
July 9 - 13
Wacky Water Fun Well learn about all the different forms water takes!
July 16 - 20 Weekly 6/11- 6/18- 6/25- 7/2- 7/9- 7/16- 7/23- 7/30- 8/6 8/13-
Space is the Place Lets take a rocket into Outer Space, where well learn about Schedule 6/15 6/22 6/29 7/6 7/13 7/20 7/27 8/3 8/10 8/17
the planets, stars and comets. Well even make our own constellations!
Beach Party Well learn all about the animals and plants that live and grow on
French Camp
the beach, as well as explore the ocean!
July 30 - August 3 Spanish Camp
Its a Jungle Out There! We will go on a jungle safari! Well explore the animals
and plants in the different jungles from around the world. Mandarin Camp
August 6 - 10 VARIETY CAMPS
Wild, Wild West Well go back in time to the Old West! Princes and
August 13 - 17 Princesses
Its a Small World We will learn about different countries and cultures from
around the world.
Roaming Ranger
Water Days
June 11 - 15
Princes and Princesses Well have fun exploring the lives of royalty -- including Soccer
period dress, castles, dragons and knights.
Build It
June 18 - 22
Sciences Well conduct science experiments and learn the basics of the scientific Tumbling
June 25 - 29 Dance
Roaming Ranger Junior Rangers will hike, play games and engage in activities to
Wild, Wild West
nurture a lifelong relationship with nature.
July 2 - 6 (Discounted cost of $190 due to July 4 holiday). Farming
Water Days! This summer is sure to be a hot one! Well learn about all the
different forms water takes!
Tae Kwon Do - $275 Adventure Camp - $240
Learn the ancient Korean art of Tae Kwon Do, as taught by 8th degree black belt Pretend to be Indiana Jones for a week and find treasures around Denver using
Larry Hampton. Tae Kwon Do is a combination of combat techniques, self-defense, various navigational tools, including maps, GPS, internet, etc! It will be an adventure
sport and exercise. Students will learn kicks, punches and blocks while having fun. your child will never forget!

Badminton and Ping Pong - $240 Le Chef - $240

Campers will learn the basics of these classic summer traditions -- the rules, how to Come cook up a storm with us! Children love to eat; but they also love imaginative
serve, and learn how to play doubles or singles while having fun with new friends! play. Children get to choose the menu they will prepare and serve during the week as
if they were true chefs!
Lacrosse - $240
The camp will combine learning and fun as kids develop new skills and strategy each Pre-Engineering - $240
day. Concepts include introduction to the game, and skill development. Competitive Students will build cities, bridges and motorized cars/planes and explore the many
play will be based on camper experience, age and skill level. creative possibilities of engineering with different block systems.

In-Line Hockey - $190 (Discounted cost due to July 4 holiday.) Mad Scientist - $240
The winter ice has melted away, but there is still plenty of competitive hockey to be Explore the world behind the safety goggles of a chemist. Experiment with acids and
played! In-line hockey will be played indoors in the gymnasium on in-line skates. The bases and create cool chemical reactions. Learn the science behind the fun of making ice
basics of hockey will be covered including skating, puck handling, offensive and cream, creating tie-dye t-shirts and concocting gooey polymers.
defensive formations and other basics of the game.
School of Rock - $240
Soccer - $275 This camp is for all budding rockstars! Campers will have a chance to refine their
Challenger Sports British Soccer Camp coaches will teach individual foot skills, technical vocal skills, play different instruments including the keyboard, drums, tamborine and
drills, tactical practices, small-sided games, coached scrimmages and a World Cup guitar -- culminating in a rock concert at the end of the week.
tournament. For campers ages 5-9, emphasis will be placed on individual skill
development, core techniques and small-sided games. Le Club - $240
Gentils Membres (Guest Members) will be greeted by their Gentil Organisateurs
Musketeers - $240 (Guest Counselors) on the first day of camp, and the Gentils Membres will design
Return to the days of the renaissance in a fun, imaginative setting. This class offers their own week of camp, including field trips, activities, games, cooking, sports and
storytelling, role playing, fencing, and theater, as well as the chance for young much more!
Musketeers to build shields, armor and more.
Amazing Art - $240
Baseball - $240 Campers will learn about different mediums used by famous artists to create their
Basic knowledge of the hitting process and proper sequence in fielding ground balls and own wonderful works of art! Parents can attend the art show on Friday.
fly balls will be covered. Instruction is provided in proper stance, grip, bat selection, and
hitting mechanics. Off Broadway - $240
If your child has a dramatic flair, send him/her to Broadway! Campers will perform in
Olympics - $240 a play or musical, designing everything from the costumes to the sets.
Kids will get to experiment playing a variety of activities related to sports of all sorts!
Children will learn the basics in soccer, baseball, basketball and hockey. This is a Go Green - $240
great camp for children with lots of extra energy! Our campers will learn all about the environment and how to become more
sustainable and eco-friendly in their everyday lives. They will even build our own
Tennis - $275 solar-powered oven!
This camp offers an intensive opportunity to learn the game of tennis or to perfect skills.
Fundamentals covered include ground strokes, serving, volleys and game strategies. A Touch of Magic - $240
Learn how to make cards float in mid-air, turn blank paper into real dollar bills, and make
Basketball - $240 coins vanish and reappear at their command. Join us for a magic show on Friday.
The basic skills of ball handling, passing, shooting, offense and defense will be taught
throughout the week of camp through games, contests and fun.
Weekly 6/11- 6/18- 6/25- 7/2- 7/9- 7/16- 7/23- 7/30- 8/6- 8/13-
Schedule 6/15 6/22 6/29 7/6 7/13 7/20 7/27 8/3 8/10 8/17

French Camp

Spanish Camp

Mandarin Camp

Tae Kwon Do
Badminton and Ping

In-Line Hockey







Adventure Camp

Le Chef


Mad Scientist

School of Rock

Le Club

Amazing Art

Off Broadway

Go Green!

A Touch of Magic
Creation Station - $240 Weekly 6/11- 6/18- 6/25- 7/2- 7/9- 7/16- 7/23- 7/30- 8/6- 8/13-
Well get creative on a variety of different levels -- building, constructing and exploring Schedule 6/15 6/22 6/29 7/6 7/13 7/20 7/27 8/3 8/10 8/17
different inventions. Well also conduct science experiments to stir the imagination.
Fashion and Style - $240 Creation Station
This camp is for creative fashionistas interested in learning more about fashion and
design. Campers will explore this industry by putting together their very own fashion Fashion and Style
show! They will design the clothes, organize the logistics of the event, build the
Extreme Action
runway, etc.
Go Green
Extreme Action - $275 Soccer
From start to finish, under the expert supervision of our highly-trained staff, campers will
experience some of the most thrilling, unique, action-packed, activities like archery, rock Water Fun
climbing, horseback riding, laser-tag and challenging hiking in the Rocky Mountains.
Le Club

Go Green - $190 (Discounted due to July 4 Holiday) Musical Theater

Campers will learn about clean energy and how to be eco-friendly. They will focus on
Broadcast Journalism
recycling and community service in nearby parks. They will learn about sustainability
and create their own eco-friendly meal and build their own solar-powered oven! Le Chef

Soccer - $275
Challenger Sports British Soccer Camp coaches will teach individual foot skills, technical
drills, tactical practices, small-sided games, coached scrimmages and a World Cup
tournament. For campers ages 10 - 12, this is a more advanced camp for serious players,
focusing on game-related techniques, tactical development and coached match play.

Water Fun - $240

Campers will learn all about the different forms water takes, while enjoying the
versatile liquid all week long!

Le Club - $240
The Gentils Membres design their own week of camp with their counselors, including
field trips, activities, games, cooking, sports and much more!

Musical Theatre - $240

The hills are alive with the sound of music! Campers will learn about all the different
components of the modern-day musical. They will design their own muscial
production, designing the sets, costumes, stage blocking, the script, acting roles, etc.

Broadcast Journalism - $240

We will learn the basics of broadcast journalism -- interviewing, writing, editing,
filming and film-editing. REGISTER ONLINE
Le Chef - $240
Come cook up a storm with us! Middle school studnets get to choose the menu they
will prepare and serve during the week as if they were true chefs!

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