(JT/ 4) F.I'T C :J'JFCT VCF NTLLLM) : Cltfui.,-4 3Tr

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Fax : 011-2306 2626 /No.

:lffiC1 m<fiR"
CltfUI.,-4 3tR-
(Jt\C\4)f.i't'h c;:j'JfcT vcf ntlllm)
31C.fii1, 01$" - 1 I 0 107

/Dated, the 241h September, 2015


1. All State Governments (Department dealing with the Boiler) as per list

2. All the members of the Central Boilers Board- as per list

3. All Inspecting Authorities- as per list

Subject: The Gazette of India Notification No. G.S.R. 664(E) dated 26111 August, 2015
regarding "Indian Boiler (Second Amendment) Regulations, 2015"

Dear Sir,

I am to forward herewith a copy of the Gazette of India Notification No. G.S.R. No.664(E)
dated 26111 August, 2015 (in original) notifying the "Indian Boiler (Second Amendment)
Regulations, 2015", fo r reference and necessary action at your end.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

(T . . Narayannen)
Tech 1cal Adviser(Boiler)
Tel. o.Oll-2306 2151
Encl.: As above

.. ..

No.6/3/2015-Boilers 24th September, 2015

Copy forwarded for information to:-

1. The Secretary to the Govt. of Jammu.& Kashmir, Works & Powers Deptt., Srinagar.

2. The Chief Engineer (Mechanical & Stores Deptt.) & Chieflnspector ofBoilers, Govt. of
J anmm & Kashmir, J ammu.

3. The Director General,Bureau of Indian Standards, ManakBhawan,Bahadur Shah Zafar

Marg, New Delhi- 110 002.

4. Mi nis try of Law & Justice (Legislative Deptt.), Legislation I Section, ShastriBhawan,
New Dehi- 110 001.

5. The Librarian, Ministry of Commerce & Industry, UdyogBhawan, New Delhi.

6. Guard File.

['IWT II- 3{i)] 15

(ii) fctf1Cfll;() W!ff"Uf W 3ltt crrq- q- llft!ff"Uf 'CflT


(iii) we-n. amt+r

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f4f.'lSi . 1950 3l&T<r mr Jil ..al -sRRcfit llt.
wro CfiT (t)1{Cfll{1 mr m 3ltt SIJi1fU1a cr4T

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(ii) crrq- 'CflT f1 \Iq'1 * W!ff"Uf cfit ;

(iii) fctf1Cfll;() W!ff"Uf ft!ITt 3ltt crrq- fuftif I . W!ff"Uf 'CflT fi'lq'i,
affit+r \ift;:r
- fclf.imtSC '+ft Cfl1ffi!1 fcl41a 'hl\ils;() Cfll<1 mr <fiT \ifTift
fclSi. 1950 3f&l<r mT -sRRcfitllt.
WeTUIT CflT dI{Cfll{l IDU m altt SISilfUIC1 cr4T
s-. 3ltt Si 1\il1

(<.fi) f1llflft W!ff"Uf SlSiI01qfi filSiRl41' cfit ;

() til1RtCfl W!ff"Uf * I, I

['liT. -ij-, 6(3)/2015- ]

tr. . '11(101'1, .

-fclSi m-<CT m #'CflT.arr. 600, 15. 1950IDUlll:!;attt

-ij-rr&rr m.'CflT.f.t 286, 15 . 2015 mr fifi<rr 11<IT 1


(Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion)


New Delhi, the 26th August , 2015
G.S.R. 664 (E).-Whereas certain draft regulations namely, the Indian Boiler (Second Amendment)
Regulations, 2015 further to amend the Indian Boiler Regulations, 1950 were published as required under
sub-section (1) of Section 31 of the Boilers Act, 1923 (5 of 1923) vide notification number G.S.R. 285(E),
dated the 15111 April, 20 IS for inviting objections and suggestions from all persons likely to be affected
thereby, before the expiry of the period of forty-five days from the date on which the copies of the said
Gazette notification were made available to the public;
And whereas, copies of the said notification were made available to the public on the 23rd April,
And whereas, objections and suggestions have been received from various persons and stakeholders
within the specified period in respect of the amendments contained in the said notification and all the
objections and suggestions have been duly considered;

Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by section 28 of the Boilers Act, 1923 (5 of
1923), the Central Boilers Board hereby makes the following regulations further to amend the Indian Boiler
Regulations, 1950, namely:-
1. Short title and commencement.-(1) These regulations may be called the Indian Boiler (Second

Amendment) Regulations, 20 15.

(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.
2. In the Indian Boiler Regulations, 1950 (hereinafter referred to as the said regulations) in regulation 4,
(i) for clause (e), the following clause shall be substituted, namely:-
"(e) Certificates for pipes.-A certificate of manufacture and test in Form III-A, signed by the maker and
the Inspecting Authority shall be furnished and well known pipe makers shall also be allowed to furnish
digitally signed on-line certificate of manufacture and test in Form III-A.";
(ii) for clause (f), the following clause shall be substituted, namely:-
"(f) Certificates for tubes.-A certificate of manufacture and test in Form 111-B, signed by the maker
and the Inspecting Authority shall be furnished and well known tube makers shall also be allowed to
furnish digitally signed on-line certificate of manufacture and test in Form 111-B.".
3. In the said regulations, in regulation 290,-

(i) for clause (a), the following clause shall be substituted, namely:-
" (a) All chests and fittings shall be smooth, sound and free from flaws, cracks or other injurious defects
and after completion, the chests shall be hydraulically tested at minimum one and half times the
working pressure of the boiler for which they are intended.
Hydraulic test shall be made with water which may contain a corrosion inhibiter, with kerosene or with
other suitable liquid provided its viscosity is not greater than that of water at a test temperature not above
(ii) in clause (d), for the words, letters and figures "where, f= allowable stress in kg/mm2 for the material at
the working metal temperature 't' to be determined on the basis given below:
The allowable stress 'fat or below 454C is the lower of the following two values:

f Et
1.5 2.7
For temperature above 454C the least of the following three values-

(a) f = (b) f (c) f Sc" , the words, letters and figures


1.5 .


"where, f = maximum allowable stress as available in the governing codes of the country of the material
to which it belongs in kg/mm2 In case of non-availability of the value, the following procedure for
evaluating the allowable stress values shall be adopted.
For temperature at or below 454C, the lower of the following two values:
f Et
f .R

1.5 2.7

For temperature above 454C the least of the following three values-

(a) f = (b) f

(c) f = Sc" shall be substituted.".

1.5 1.5
4. In the said regulations, for regulation 385, the following regulations shall be substituted, namely:-

"385. Registration fee.-The required fee to accompany an application under sub-section (1) of section 7 of
the Act shall be as follows:-
'IW! I I- 3(i)] 17


Sl. No. Boiler Ratings Fee in


(I) (2) ' (3)

1 For Small Industrial Boiler as per Chapter XIV 1200

2 For. Boiler_Rating not exceeding 10 sq. meters 1800

3 For Boiler Rating exceeding I 0 sq. meters but not exceeding 30 sq. meters 2400

4 For Boiler Rating exceeding 30 sq. meters but not exceeding 50 sq. meters 2700


For Boiler Rating exceed1ng 50 sq. meters but not exceeding 70 sq. meters 3300

6 For Boiler Rating exceeding 70 sq. meters but not exceeding 90 sq. meters 3900

7 For Boiler Rating exceeding 90 sq. meters but not exceeding I 10 sq. meters 4500

8 For Boiler Rating exceeding 110 sq. meters but not exceeding 200 sq. meters 5100

9 For Boiler Rating exceeding 200 sq. meters but not exceeding 400 sq. meters 5700

10 For Boiler Rating exceeding 400 sq. meters but not exceeding 600 sq. meters 6600

11 For Boiler Rating exceeding 600 sq. meters but not exceeding 800 sq. meters 7200

12 For Boiler Rating exceeding 800 sq. meters but not exceeding 1000 sq. meters 8100

13 For Boiler Rating exceeding 1000 sq. meters but not exceeding 1200 sq. meters 9600

14 For Boiler Rating exceeding 1200 sq. meters but not exceeding 1400 sq. meters 10800

15 For Boiler Rating exceeding 1400 sq. meters but not exceeding 1600 sq. meters ,f2600
-- ..

16 For Boiler Rating exceeding 1600 sq. meters but not exceeding "1800 sq. meter!. 13500

17 For Boiler Rating exceeding 1800 sq. meters but not exceeding 2000 sq. meters 15000

18 For Boiler Rating exceeding 2000 sq. meters but not eceeding 2200 sq. meters 16200

19 For Boiler Rating exceeding 2200 sq. meters but not exceeding 2400 sq. meters 18000

20 For Boiler Rating exceeding 2400 sq. meters but not exceeding 2600 sq. meters 18900

21 For Boiler Rating exceeding 2600 sq. meters but not exceeding 2800 sq. meters .20400

221 For Boiler Rating exceeding 2800 sq. meters but not exceeding 3000 sq. meters 21600

Above 3000 sq. meters, for every 200 sq. meters or part thereof, an additional fee ofRS. 600 shall be
Provided that the Chief Inspector may direct that no fee shall be payable iff respect of a fresh

application made in pursuance of sub-section (2) of section 14 of the Act.

. 1
Inspection fee for separately fired Super-heater, Re-heater and Economiser shall be charged at the
same rate as the registration fee.

, 't1 Cfft!- 3

For Heat Recovery Steam Generators with finned tubes, the fee shall be calculated on heating
surface area of bare tubes and on one fourth of heating surface area of fins.
Note: The State Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, make rules for prescribing fees as
per clause (f) of sub-section (I) of section 29 of the Act, which shall prevail.
385A. Inspection fee for renewal of Certificate.-- The required fee to accompany an application under sub
section (SA) of section 8 of the Act shall be as follows :-

S.No. Boiler Ratings Fee in



(2) (3)

I For Small Industrial Boiler as per Chapter XIV 1000

2 For Boiler Rating not exceeding 10 sq. meters 1600

3 For Boiler Rating exceeding 10 sq. meters but not exceeding 30 sq. meters 2\00

4 For Boiler Rating exceeding 30 sq. meters but not exceeding 50 sq. meters 2400

5 For Boiler Rating exc'e'eding 50 sq. meters but not exceeding 70 sq. meters 2700

6 For Boiler Rating exceeding 70 sq. meters but not exceeding 90 sq. meters 3400

7 For Boiler Rating exceeding 90 sq. meters but not exceeding 110 sq. meters 4000

8 For Boiler Rating exceeding 110 sq. meters but not exceeding 200 sq. meters 4500

9 For Boiler Ratjng exceeding 200 sq. meters but not exceeding 400 sq. meters 5000

10 For Boiler Rating exceeding 400 sq. meters but not exceeding 600 sq. meters 5800

11 For Boiler Rating exceeding 600 sq. meters but not exceeding 800 sq. meters 6300

12 For Boiler Rating exceeding 800 sq. meters but not exceeding 1000 sq. meters 7100

13 For Bolier Rating exceeding 1000 sq. meters but not exceeding 1200 sq. meters 8400

14 For Boiler Rating exceeding 1200 sq. meters but not exceeding 1400 sq. meters 9500

15 For Boiler Rating exceeding 1400 sq. meters but not exceeding 1600 sq. meters 11100

16 For Boiler Rating exceeding 1600 sq. meters but not exceeding 1800 sq. meters 11900


For Boiler Rating exceeding 1800 sq. meters but not exceeding 2000 sq. meters 13200

\8 For Boiler Rating exceeding 2000 sq. meters but not exceeding 2200 sq. meters 14300

19 For Boiler Rating exceeding 2200 sq. meters but not exceeding 2400 sq. meters 15800

20 For Boiler Rating exceeding 2400 sq. meters but not exceeding 2600 sq. meters 16609
['IWT II- 3(i)] 19


For Boiler Rating exceeding 2600 sq. meters but not exceeding 2800 sq. meters 18000

22 For Boiler Rating exceeding 2800 sq. meters but not exceeding 3000 sq. meters 19000

Above 3000 sq. meters, for every 200 sq. meters or part thereof an additional fee of Rs. 500 shall be

Provided that the Chief Inspector may direct that no fee shall be payable in respect of a fresh
application made in pursuance of sub-section (2) of section 14 of the Act.

Inspection fee for separately fired Super-heater, Re-heater and Feed water heater shall be charged at
the same rate.

For Heat Recovery Steam Generators with finned tubes, the fee shall be calculated on heating
surface area of bare tubes and on one fourth of heating surface area of fins.

For renewal of certificate for a period of six months or less on the request of owner, half of
applicable fee shall be payable.

Applicable fee shall be payable again for the re-inspection of a defective boiler after completion of

For inspection on Sundays and Public Holidays under the Negotiable Instrument Act, I 88I (26 of
1881 ), on the request of owner, additional fee equivalent to half of applicable fee shall be payable.

Note: If any State Government has notified rules before the commencement of these regulations, for fee
payable for renewal of certificate which is higher than that specified in this regulation, they may exercise
option to charge fee as per those rules or as provided in this regulation.".

5. In the said regulations, regulation 388 shall be numbered as sub-regulation ( 1) thereof and after sub-
regulation as so re-numbered, the following sub-regulation shall be inserted, namely:-

" (2) A fee of Rs. I 000 per boiler shall be charged by the transferor State from the boiler owner.".

6. In the said regulations, for regulation 392, the following regulation shall be substituted, namely:-

"392. Repairs to Boilers and Steam Pipes.-- (I) Major repairs or replacements such as tubes, coils, headers,
drums, fusion welded or riveted patches to shells, fireboxes and end plates of boilers and extensive building
up of wasted parts of boil'ers permitted under these regulations, the renewal of furnaces and end plates, parts
of shell, fireboxes, girders and steam-pipes, etc., shall only be entrusted to a firm who is recognised as a
repairer under these regulations.

(2) Any firm seeking recognition shall apply to the Chief Inspector of Boilers of the State in which the
recognition is sought alongwith the following fee:-


S.No. Class of boiler Fee for recognition Fee for renewal of Fee for endorsement
repairer m rupees recognition in rupees in rupees

' (I)
(2) (3) (4) (5)

I. Special Class I5,000/- 7,500/- 5,000/-

2. Class I 10,000/- 5,000/- 4,000/-

3. Class II 5,0001- 2,500/- 2,000/-

4. Class III 2,500/- I,250/- 1,000/-


(3) A finn seeking recognition as a repairer shall meet the following requirements depending upon the class
of boilers, namely:-

(i) Cla
' ss [ boiler repairer.-The owner of the finn himself shall have a degree in mechanical or
Production or Power Plant or Metallurgical engineering or the finn shall have on its rolls a
permanently employed engineer having a degree in mechanical or Production or Power Plant or
Metallurgical engineering and the said owner or the permanently employed engineer shall also have
an experience of at least five years in an organisation engaged in fabrication, erection, repair or
maintenance and quality control of boilers; and the finn shall also have qualified and permanently
employed welders as per the provisions of these regulations;

(ii) Class II boiler repairer.-The owner of the finn himself shall have a diploma in mechanical .
engineering or the finn shall have on its rolls a permanently employed engineer having a diploma in
mechanical engineering and the said owner or the permanently employed engineer shall also have an
experience of at least three years in an organisation engaged in fabrication, erection, repair or
maintenance and quality control of boilers; and the finn shall also have qualified and permanently
employed welders as per the provisions of these regulations;

"'l (iii) Class HI boiler repairer.- The owner of the firm himself or a person permanently employed with
the firm shall have a minimum three years' experience in repair, maintenance, operation, erection or
' inspection of boiler and the finn shall also have qualified and permanently employed welders as per
the provisios of these regulations;
(iv) Special class boiler repairer.-The owner of the finn himself shall have a degree in mechanical or
welding engineering alongwith specialised experience in welding technology for a minimum period
of three years or the finn shall have on its rolls a permanently employed engineer having a degree in
mechanical or welding engineering alongwith specialised experience in welding technology for a
minimum period of three years, and have permanently employed welders as per the provisions of
these regulations who should also have valid certificate for carrying out Tungsten Inert Gas welding;

(v) (a) Where the power stations, fertilizer plants, chemical and petrochemical plants or refineries
apply for repair of their own boilers, they shall have all the facilities in-house and may apply
to the Chief Inspector of Boilers of the State for permission to repair their own boilers in
accordance with these regulations;

(b) On receipt of the application for permission to repair to a boiler, the Chief Inspector of
Boilers of the State shall reply to the request within a period of fifteen days of the receipt of
the application.

(4) On receipt of the application under sub-regulation (3), the Chief Inspector shall send a questionnaire in
'Form XVIII' to the applicant.

(5) The Chief Inspector shall scrutinise and evaluate the application along with the replies to the
questionnaire and after satisfying himself that the following requirements are fulfilled, shall recognise the
finn as a repairer within a period of thirty days, in the category applied for, namely:-

(i) that the finn possesses rectifier or generator, grinder, general tools and tackles, dye-penetlant kit,
expander and measuring instruments;

(ii) that the electric arc or oxy-acetylene welding sets and all other tools and plant in his possession for
carrying out repairs are suitable for the work undertaken;

(iii) that the quality of material used conforms to the specifications prescribed in these regulations;
! .
(iv) that the supervisory and operational staff employed by the finn possesses the necessary training and
expeience for the work undertaken;

(v) that all welders employed by the finn possess certificates issued as required under Chapter XIII of
these regulations;

(vi) standard of work should be of high order and comply with all the requirements and test that may be
specified by the Chief Inspector. /

(6) The recognition of the firm as a repairer shall be for a period of two years and thereafter it shall apply for
renewal of its recognition at least two months before the expiry of said period.
["flTT II- 3(i)] 21

(7) A repairer recognised in one State shall be eligible to work in any other State by getting his recognition
endorsed from the Chief Inspector or Director of Boilers of the concerned State on making payment of fee
as prescribed in this regulation.
(8) In case the repairer is found indulging in violating the provisions of the Act or regulations, the firm shall
be blacklisted under intimation to Chief Inspector or Director of Boilers of all the States and Union
Territories and Secretary, Central Boilers Boa:rd and renewal shall not be done in any case.".
7. In the said regulations, in regulation 393,-

(i) for clause (a), the following clause shall be substituted, namely:-
"(a) In the case of land boilers and boiler components including spares made in India for use in the States, the
manufacturing drawings and the particulars of materials, design and construction of boilers shall be
submitted by the makers of the boilers or boiler components or spares, as the case may be to the
Inspecting Authority of the State, where the principal parts of the boilers . will be manufactured, for
examination and approval before commencement of the manufacture of boilers.";
(ii) in clause (b), for the words "In the case of boilers", the words "In the case of boilers and boiler
components including spares" shall be substituted.";
(iii) for clause (d), the following clause shall be substituted, namely:-
"(d) The fees for the scrutiny of the manufacturing drawings and the particulars of the materials
design and construction of boilers and boiler components including spares under clauses (a) or (b)
shall be on the scale prescribed in regulation 385A, but when the manufacturing drawings have been
scrutinised and in respect of them alterations have been suggested and the same are resubmitted for
scrutiny, separate fee at the rate of ten per cent of the fee for the first scrutiny of the drawings shall be
payabte if the manufacturing drawings contain alterations other than those previously suggested.".
8. In the said regulations, for regulation 395, the following regulation shall be substituted, namely:-

"395. Submission of Plans of team pipes.-4a) Plans of steam pipes including mountings and fittings
shall be submitted with the prescribed fee to the Inspecting Authority before construction and to the
Chief Inspector at the time of registration of the boiler for his decision whether the pipes and their
arrangement comply with the regulations.
(b) (i)The fees for examination of plans and the particulars of materials, design and construction of
steam pipes before the commencement of manufacture of the steam pipes shall be at the rate of Rs. 200
for 30 metres of piping or part thereof subject to a minimum of Rs. 5,000.
(ii) The fees for examination of plans and the particulars of materials, design and construction of any
fitting, mountings and components (without heat transfer) like valves, dished ends, hand hole cevers,
man hole covers, flanges, etc., shall be Rs. 300 for each category of such identical fittings, but for
fittings like de-superheaters, steam receivers, separators, fee shall be Rs. 1,000 for each category of
such identical fittings.".
9. In the said regulations, for reguiation 395A, the following regulation shall be substituted, namely:

"395A. Inspection fee for boilers and part thereof constructed in India.-- (I) The inspection fee for
boilers shall be calculated at four times the fee for renewal of certificate for a boiler as prescribed in
regulation 385A.
(2) For inspection of tubes and pipes, the fee shall be charged at the rate of Rs. 360 per metric tonne or
a part thereof.
(3) Fees for inspection of boiler at the site of construction shall be charged at the rate of four times the
fee for renewal of certificate for a boiler as prescribed in regulation 385A.
(4) For inspection of forged pipe fittings, the fees shall be charged at the rate specified for forged and
cast flanges under clause (i) of sub-regulation (2)of regulation 35C.
(5) For inspection of pipe fittings other than forged pipe fittings, the fees shall be charged at the rate two
times as specified for forged and cast fittings under clause (i) of sub-regulation (2) of regulation
3 l:. 'r14'"f's- \f

(6) For inspection of pipe and tube bends, the fee shall be charged at t he rate of Rs. I 0 per meter subject
to a mini.1num of Rs 300 .".
10. In the said regulations, for regulation 395B, the following regulation shall be substituted, namely:
"3958. [nspection fee for pipes.--(a) For the pipes of nominal bore not exceeding 100 mm inclusive of
all fittings excepting fittings like de-superheaters, steam-receivers, feed heaters and separately fired

superheaters Rs. 500 for 30 metres of pipe or part thereof.

(b) For pipes of nominal bore exceeding 100 mm inclusive of all fittings excepting fittings like
de-superheaters, steam receivers, feed heaters and separately fired superheaters Rs. 1200 for 30 metres
or part thereof . ". 1
11. In the said regulatiqns, for regulation 395C, the following regulation shall be substituted, namely:-

"395C. Inspection fee for valves and flanges.-- (1) Subject to a minimum inspection fee of Rs. 600 per
inspection, the fees for inspection .of valves shall be charged as under:-
(a) upto 25 mm Rs. 20 per piece;
(b) above 25 mm and upto I 00 mm Rs. 60 per piece;

(c) above I 00 mm and upto 250 mm Rs. 400 per piece;

(d) above 250 mm Rs. I 000 per piece.
(2) Fees for inspection of flanges shall be charged as under:
(i) for forged and cast fl anges,-
(a) upto nd including 25 mm for a batch of 50 or part

thereof Rs. 300;

(b) upto and including 25 mm for a batch of I 00 or part

thereof Rs. 520;

(c) over 25 mrn upto and including 50 mm for a batch of

50 or part thereof Rs. 580;

(d) over 50 mm upto and including 100 mm for a batch of

25 or part thereof Rs. 580;

(e)over 100 mm upto and including 250 mm for a batch

of 10 or part thereof Rs. 620;

(f) over 250 mm for a batch of 5 or part thereof Rs. 720;

(ii) for plate flanges, the fees shall be charged at half the rate as charged for forged and cast flanges.".
12. In the. said regulations, for regulation 395E, the following regulation shall be substituted, namely:

"395E. Inspection fee for feed water heaters and other fittings.-- (1) Fees for inspection of feed water
heaters shall be charged at Rs. 10,000 per heater.
. ;(2) Fees for inspection of other fittings like de-superheaters, steam receivers and separately fired
suprheaters shall be charged at Rs. 2500 per fitting.".
13. hi the said regulations, for regulation 395G, the following regulation shall be substituted, namely:

"3950 . Inspection fee for spares and boiler components.--The inspection fee for all types of coils,
namely, economiser coils, superheater coils, reheater coils, the fee shall be charged at four times the fee
for renewal of certificate on the basis of surface area as provided in regulation 385A.".
14...:In the said regulations, for regulation 533, the following regulations shall
. be substituted, namely:-
. - ...

"533. Registration fee.-- An application for registration of economiser shall be accompanied by

appropriate fee as specified in regulation 385.
['IWT II- 3(i)] 23

533A. Fee for renewal of certificate.--An application for renewal of certificate of registration of
cconomiser shall be accompanied by appropriate fee as specified in regulation 385 A.".

15. In the said regulations, for regulation 5348, the following regulation shall be substituted, namely:-

"5348. Submission of plans of feed pipes.--( l ) The fees for the scrutiny of plans and particulars of the
material, design and construction of feed pipes, before commencement of manufacture of the feed pipes
shall be at the rate of Rs. 200 for 3 0 metrs of piping or part thereof.

(2) The fees for the scrutiny of plans and particulars of the material, design and construction of any
such fittings like reed water heater shall be charged atRs. 2500 per fitting.".

16. ln the said regulations, in regulation 592, in clause (b), for the letters, symbol, words, figure and
bracket "E1 =is the specified minimum elevated temperature yield stress or the 0.2% proof stress at the
design temperature (in kg/cm2)", the letters, symbol, words, figures and bracket "E1 the specified

minimum elevated temperature yield stress or the 0.2% proof stress at the design temperature (in
kg/cm2) as available in the governing codes of the country of the material to which it belongs" shall be

17. In the said regulations, in regulation 605A, in clause (ii), for the letters and figures "Rs. 25.00", the
letters and figure "Rs. 300" shall be substituted.

18. In the said regulations, for regu I ation 616, the following regulation shall be substituted,: namely:--:-

"616. Fees for examination of welders.--{1) Fees for examination of welders under these regulations
shall be Rs. 600 which shalf be borne by the applicant or sponsor, as the case may be and in addition,
the applicant or sponsor shall bear all other expenses like cost of material and workshop and testing
facilities as fixed by the Competent Authority.

(2) The fee for endorsement of welder s certificate shall be Rs. 200 and shall be borne by the applicant

or sponsor, as the case may be.".

19. In the said regulations, for regulation 617, the following regulation shall be substituted, namely:-

"617. Penalty.--(! )Whoever employs a person in welding a boiler or steam-pipe in contravention of

these regulations shall be punishable with fine which may extend toRs. 5000.

(2) Any employer or welder who fails to maintain the records as required under regulation 615 shall
be punishable with fine which may extend toRs. 2500.".

20. In the said regulations, in regulation 622, for clause (a), the following clause shall be substituted,

"(a) (i) The fee required to accompany an application under sub-section (I) of section 7 of the Act

shall be as per regulation 385;

(ii) The annual inspection fee shall be as per regulation 385A.".
21. ln the said regulations, in Form III-A, after Note (3), the following Note shall be inserted, namely:

"Note (4): F.rom well known pipe manufacturers, digitally signed on-line Form shall also be
22. In the said regulations, in Form III-8, after Note (3), the following Note shall be inserted, namely:

"Note (4): From well known tube manufacturers, digitally signed on-line Form shall also be
23,. In the said regulations, for Form IV, the following form shall be substituted, namely:-



[Regulation 4(c)(iv)]

We hereby certify that the material described below has been made by M/s. .. . . . . ... .. . . . . . . . by the
. . . . . . .. . . ... . . . .. .. . process, as per specifications . .. . .. . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . and rolled by . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. and has
been satisfactorily tested in the presence of our Test House Manager or his representative in accordance with
the stipulated tests and tolerances.

For plates and bars, the physical properties are required to be mentioned whereas, for ingots, billets,
blooms, slabs and concast bars which are to be processed further, the physical properties are not required to
be mentioned by the steel manufacturer.


- Size 1:::



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Chemical analysis . ..... ........ .. ...... .. . .. . .. ........... .. .. . . ... .... .. .... . .. .. ... ...... ... ... .......... ......

Other tests .........................................................................................................

Maker's Representative Maker -------

(Name and signature) (Name and signature)

We have satisfied ourselves that the have manufactured the products in accordance with
Indian Boiler Regulations, 1950. The tests conducted on the samples taken from the finished products have
been witnessed by us and the particulars entered herein are correct.

Name and signature of Name and signature of

Competent Person
Inspecting Authority/ Well Known Steel Maker "

Place -------

Date -------

24. In the said regulations, for Appendix-J, the following Appendix shall be substituted, namely:--
['IWT ll-l9JU6 3(i)] 25





The Inspecting Authority/Competent Person shall have access to the works of the manufacturer at all
reasonable times and shall inspect the manufacture of the boiler at least at the following stages and may reject
any part that does not comply with the requirements of the Indian Boiler Regulations, 1950. In case of any
doubt, the Inspecting Authority/Competent Person may examine at any stage other than the stages stipulated
below. The manufacturer shall give at least 4 working days' notice to the Inspecting Authority/Competent
Person before reaching each stage. Before undertaking any of the stage inspections, the Inspecting Authority/
Competent Person shall satisfy himself that the testing equipment/instrument has been properly calibrated.

Each boiler shall be inspected during manufacture by a Competent Person nominated by the Inspecting
Authority. Sufficient inspections shall be made to ensure that the materials, manufacturing and testing
conform to the requirements of these regulations.
Stages of Inspection During Manufacture

A. Shell Type Boilers

(a) (i) When the materials are ready for identification with the relevant material test certificates at
boiler maker's works;
(ii) In laying out and cutting the plates, the plate identification mark shall be located so as to be
clearly visible after the boiler part is completed. If the plate's identification mark is
unavoidably cut out, it shall be transferred by the manufacturer to another part of the
component to the satisfaction of the Inspecting Authority/Competent Person;
(iii) The Inspecting Authority/Competent Person shall identify weld test plate material if
production weld tests are required;
(b) When the Shell plate and end plates have been formed with plate edges prepared for welding and test
plates are attached;
(c) When the welding of main cylindrical shell is completed and checked for circularity;
(d) To examine radiographs and/Qr reports of non-destructive testing;
(e) When openings have been prepared and stand pipes and similar connections including end plates
have been tackwelded in position and subsequently on completion;
(f) When welding of drum or shell is completed and to check the records of heat-treatment when heat
treatment is required under these regulations;
(g) When weld test specimens have been prepared from the test plate, previously selected to witness the
required testing;
(h) During hydraulic test, followed by external and internal examination and stamping.
B. Water Tube Boilers

(I) Welded drums, headers, separators and vessels

(a) (i) When the materials are ready for identification with the relevant material test certificates at
boiler maker's works;
(ii) In laying out and cutting the plates, the plate identification mark shall be located so as to be
clearly visible after the boiler part is completed. If the plate's identification mark is
unavoidably cut out, it shall be transferred by the manufacturer to another part of the
component to the satisfaction of the Inspecting Authority/Competent Person;
. i (iii) The Inspecting Authority/Competent Person shall identify weld test plate material if
'i production. weld tests are required;


(b) When the plates are formed to cylindrical shape with the edges prepared for welding and set up in
readiness for commencement of welding and attachment of test plates;

(c) When the welding of the main cylindrical shell is colnpleted, the shell checked for circularity and the
radiographic or ultrasonic test reports, records are available for scrutiny;

(d) When the end plates are ready for identification with the mill certificate, formed to shape with weld
edges prepared and set on to the cylindrical shell in readiness for the circumferential welding

(e) When the welding of the end plates to the drum or the header is complete and the radiographs or
ultrasonic examination records are available for scrutiny;

(f) When each drum or header is prepared to receive any compensation plates and attachments, and
when at least 10% of each type of branch of tube stub is set up ready for welding;

(g) When all welding on each drum or header is complete, the Inspecting Authority/Competent Person
will check the records of heat treatment, and mark off of specimens for preparation and testing from
test plates;

(h) During non-destructive examination, after stress relieving, on alloy steel drums and carbon steel
drums with carbon content exceeding 0.25 % or thickness more than 100 mm;
(i) During hydraulic test followed by final examination and stamping.

(II) Seamless drums, headers, separators and vessels

(a) When materials are ready for identification with the relevant material test certificates, also when each
cylinder is prepared for forming, or welding of separate end closures and to identify test plate

(b) When the end plates are ready for identification with the mill certificate, formed to shape with weld
edges prepared and set on to the cylindrical shell in readiness for the circumferential welding

(c) When the welding of the end plates to the drum or the header is complete and the radiographs or
ultrasonic examination records are available for scrutiny;

(d) When each drum or header is prepared to receive any compensation plates and attachments, and
when at least 10% of each type of branch of tube stub is set up ready for welding;
(e) When all welding on each drum or header is complete, the Inspecting Authority will check the
records of heat treatment, and mark off of specimens for preparation and testing from test plates;

(f) During non-destructive examination, after stress relieving, on alloy steel drums and carbon steel
drums with carbon content exceeding 0.25 % or thickness more than I 00 mm;

(g) During hydraulic test followed by final examination and stamping.

C. Tubular and piping components

(a) When the tubes or pipes are ready for identification with the relevant material test certificates at the
boiler makers' works;

(b) When all welding of tubes or pipes and their attachments are complete and the non-destructive
examination and stress relieving report/records are available for scrutiny;

(c) During hydraulic test followed by final examination and stamping.

D. Inspections and tests to be carried out at Steel Makers' Works Foundry/Forging Units and the pipe
and tube makers' works by the Inspecting Authority/Competent Person:
(I) Steel Makers Works
(a) For manufacture of the billets, ingots, slabs, blooms, plates, bars, concast bars or any other material
to be used in the construction of the boilers:

(i) checking of the chemistry of steel as per regulations;

(ii) when ready for non-destructive examination and selection of mechanical test specimen
after heat treatment;

(iii) testing, final examination and stamping.

['IWT II- 3(i)J 27

Note :Notwithstanding anything specified above where the steel is made by the Well-known
Steel Maker as recognised under the Indian Boiler Regulations, 1950 by the Central Boilers
Board these tests will be carried out and certified by the Steel Makers themselves and the
records maintained.

(II) Pipe and Tube Makers

(i) .Identification of materials with relevant material test certificates;

(ii) when ready for non-destructive examination and selection of mechanical test specimens after
heat treatment;

(iii) when specimen is tested and pipes/tubes are ready for hydraulic tests.

(iv) final inspection and stamping

Note : Notwithstanding anything specified above, when the pipes/tubes are manufactured by well
known pipes/tubes makers recognised under the Indian Boiler Regulations, 1950 by the
Central Boilers Board, all the above stages of inspections shall be carried out and certified by
the manufacturers of pipes and t.ubes themselves and records maintained.

(III) Forging Units:

(i) checking of the chemistry of steel as per regulations;

(ii) when ready for non-destructive examination and selection of mechanical test specimen after
heat treatment;

(iii) testi!lg, final examination and stamping.

Note: Notwithstanding anything specified above, when the forgings are made by well-known
forging units as recognised under the Indian Boiler Regulations, 1950 by the Central Boilers
Board then tests will be carried out and certified by the Forges themselves and all records are
maintained properly.

(IV) Foundry Units:

(i) checking of the chemistry of molten metal;
(ii) verification of heat number and stamping of test bars;

(iii) verification of non-destructive examination report and heat treatment reports/records,

mechanical testing, final examination & stamping.

Note: Notwithstanding anything specified above, when the castings are made by well-known
foundry units as recognised under the Indian Boiler Regulations, 1950 by the Central Boilers
Board then tests will be carried out and certified by the Foundries themselves and all records
are maintained properly.

E. Valves and Mountings

(a) identification of materials with the relevant material test certificates;

(b) hydraulic test and stamping.".

[F. No. 6(3)/2015-Boilers]

T. S. G. NARAYANNEN, Secy., Central Boilers Board

Note : The principal regulations were published in the Gazette of India, vide, number S.O. 600, dated the
15th day of September, 1950 and last amended vide number G.S.R.286(E), dated the 15th April, 2015

Printed by the Manager, Government of India Press, Ring Road, Mayapuri, New Delhi-I I 0064
and Published by the Controller of Publications, Delhi-! I 0054.

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