Filtros de Aceite de Motor
Filtros de Aceite de Motor
Filtros de Aceite de Motor
Two new oil filters increase contamination control performance Cat Dealers define world-class product
providing for a much cleaner running engine lubrication system. support. We offer you the right parts
Cat Advanced Efficiency Engine Oil Filters provide enhanced filtration and service solutions, when and where
without the shorter change intervals often required by other brands you need them.
higher efficiency filters.
The Cat Dealer network of highly
The Cat 1R-1807 and 1R-1808 filters contain an improved high efficiency
trained experts keeps your entire fleet
filter media to accumulate dirt more quickly while maintaining excellent
up and running to maximize your
dirt holding capacity. They offer better filtration efficiency than Standard
equipment investment.
Oil Filters, improved engine cleanliness, and component life.
To increase
contamination control 80 Caterpillar engineers its liquid filters
capability, the Cat 60 1R-1807 to avoid metal contaminants, leaks,
Advanced Efficiency 1R-0739
and pleat bunching and movement.
Engine Oil Filter All Cat liquid filters have:
combines improved 20
filtration efficiency,
excellent dirt holding 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 1) Properly cured filter media for long
capacity and low pressure Particle Size (Microns) performance and life
drop characteristics.
1R-1808 Efficiency Performance 2) Spiral roving and beading for pleat
The graphs to the right 120
demonstrate in blue the stability to better trap and hold
100 particles
improved filtration
Multipass Efficiency (%)