If You Died Tonight - Side 1

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I don’t know about you, but the thought of facing Can you imagine trying to make your case

e your case very real, eternal place. I can only imagine the
God’s judgement and the possibility of going to Hell before Holy God? When you try to compare your frustrations of those in Hell who had countless
scared me to death. The nagging thoughts of Hell works to what Jesus Christ did on the cross, your chances to accept Jesus, yet never did. How many
demanded that I find out for myself if it was real, and works will seem insignificant. Your works will be chances will any of us get? How many Sunday
if there was any chance at all that I could go there meaningless; they won’t amount to much, but don’t morning’s have people wasted sitting in church
when I died. I had to know for sure! take my word for it. God said, “…you are saved thinking about bills, their job, TV shows or other
through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift meaningless things, instead of learning about Jesus.
Of course, I know many people who believe that of God not of works…” These people will have an eternity in Hell filled with
they are good in God’s eyes, and have done many regrets and thoughts of all their missed opportunities.
good works, and that they’ll be able to justify to God Like I said before, many people are willing to
why they should be allowed to enter heaven based take their chances, even in light of what God’s The Bible also tells us that Hell is a place of
on their good works. This is a bad course of action for Word says. But if they would just read God’s Word darkness, Matthew 8:12.
two reasons… and find out what it says about Hell, I think many of Imagine the person who has just entered Hell – a
them would reconsider their approach. neighbor, family member, co-worker or friend. After a
First of all, in Ephesians 2:8 it is written, “For by
roar of physical pain blasts him or her, they spend
grace are you saved through faith; and that not of
yourselves: it is the gift of God not of works, lest any What Will HELL Be Like? their first moments wailing and gnashing their teeth.
But after a season, they grow accustomed to the
man should boast.” The Bible describes Hell as a place of pain, not that it’s become tolerable, but their capacity
God’s Word is very clear on this issue. We cannot everlasting fire that God originally created for the for it has enlarged to comprehend it, yet not be
get into heaven based on our good works, or our own Devil and his angels. He never intended it for man. consumed by it. Though they hurt, they are now able
righteousness. How do I know this for sure? In In fact, God went to extreme measures to help us to think, and they instinctively look around. But as
Romans 3:10 God says, “…there is none righteous, avoid this horrible place, but He gives us the they look, they see only blackness. As much as they
no, not one…” and in Romans 3:23 it is written, “For choice. It’s not God’s will that any man should strain their eyes, they will see nothing but unyielding
all have sinned and fall short of God’s glory.” perish in Hell, but for those who reject His way of blackness. It will cling to them, smothering and
salvation, Hell will be their eternal destination after oppressing them.
These were sobering truths that helped me realize they die.
that I wasn’t going to escape Hell by being what I Rev. 20:1 describes Hell as a “bottomless pit”.
thought was a good person, because according to Jesus Christ’s words on the subject of Hell are There will be no solid objects or loved ones to reach
God, I wasn’t a good person; I was, and still am, a unnerving. In Luke 16, He tells us of a rich man who out and touch. I imagine that everyone will have
sinner. died and went to Hades, (the abode of the unsaved loved ones in Hell, but you won’t be able to reach out
dead between death and final judgement). to them for comfort. Hell will be an eternal, lonely
Of course, the only difference now is that I’m a
sinner saved by God’s grace. Nevertheless, if all you From this incident and several others in the existence. As time passes, the person in Hell will
ever read was Romans 3:10 and 3:23, you’d probably Bible, we can conclude several characteristics of have plenty of time to think. Their first thoughts are of
be left wondering if anyone could get into Heaven, Hell. First, it’s a place of great physical pain. The hope. They begin to hope in God and call out, “Help
but in Romans 6:23 it is written, “For the wages of sin rich man’s initial remark concludes with his most me, Jesus”.
is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through pressing concern: “I am in agony in this flame”, They cry out, “Jesus! Jesus! You were right! Help
Jesus Christ our Lord.” Luke 16:24. Our generation does not make enough me! Get me out of this!” They wait, breathing hard
of this account. with desperation. There is no response. The sound of
The Good News for Believers in Christ who have
We have all experienced pain to some degree. their voice slips into the darkness and is lost. They try
accepted God’s way of salvation, is that they will
We know it can make a mockery of all life’s goals again and again. “I believe, Jesus! I believe now!
never stand before the Great White Throne
and beauties. Yet we do not seem to look at pain as Save me from this!” Again the darkness smothers
a hint of Hell, a searing foretaste of what will befall their words.
However, if you reject Jesus, you are lost. The those who do not repent of their sins and These sinners in Hell are not unique! Everyone
Great White Throne Judgement will be your experience the forgiveness of God. in Hell believes, even the scientists who repeatedly
inevitable and unavoidable fate before you are sent said that God didn’t create man, believing that we all
to your final destination. “And whosoever was not God does not leave us with simply the mute fact
of Hell’s physical pain. He tells us how real people evolved from some cosmic explosion billions of years
found written in the Book of Life was cast into the ago; as if they were there to witness God’s creation.
lake of fire.” – Rev. 20:14-15. will respond to that pain. The Lord is not being grim
or morbid; He is simply telling us the truth so that
we will turn to Him and escape this

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