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Brazilian Journal of Operations & Production Management 12 (2015), pp 214-232

A Review of Conflict Management Techniques in Projects

Goparaju Purna Sudhakara

The ICFAI Univesity Group, Hyderabad, India

This paper aims to find the mostly occurring reasons for conflicts in projects and mostly used techniques to resolve
the conflicts. It is/was proposed a model of conflict management for projects. Total a hundred five reasons for conflicts
in projects are identified from secondary research. From that top-10 reasons for conflicts in projects are founds based on
number of references in the literature. They include Shared/Common Resources, Differences in Project Goal/Objective,
Cultural Differences, Values Differences, Personality Issues, Differences in Technical Opinions/Approaches, Schedules, Costs,
Administrative procedures, and Different Perceptions in the order of preference. Total forty conflict resolution techniques in
projects are identified based on through literature review. The most frequently used top -5 conflict resolution techniques in
projects in the order of preference are Avoiding/Withdrawal, Compromising, Confronting/Problem Solving, Accommodating
and Smoothing.
Keywords: Conflict Management, Conflict Resolution, Projects, Conflict Management Model, Conflict Cycle

1. Introduction management literature. Hence, this paper is a contribution

in that direction describing a conceptual model of conflict
management, conflict lifecycle, conflict management process,
Conflict is an unavoidable component of human activity. different reasons for conflicts in projects, frequently used
------ Brahnam et al., (2005:p204) conflict resolution techniques in projects and implementing
the solution in projects. The different reasons for conflicts in
projects are identified using the collected literature based
Current day project managers spend minimum of 20% on each reason and its frequency of occurrence in gathered
of their time in dealing with conflicts (Davis, 1977; Verma, literature. Similar technique is used to find the frequently
1998; Appelbaum et al., 1999; Ohlendorf, 2001; Brahnam used conflict resolution techniques in projects. These details
et al., 2005; Sutterfield et al., 2007; Thomas, 2009; Aula et are tabulated in [Table 1- Table 4]. They are arranged in the
Siira, 2010). Ma et al., (2008) have done a meta study of five decreasing order of occurrence in the literature.
hundred fity-six journal articles on conflict management
One school of thought is conflicts are not good for
which were published between 1997 and 2006 and expressed
projects and another school of thought is conflicts are
that conflict management research is concentrating mainly
needed for better relationships and better performance in
few areas such as role of cultural differences in conflicts,
the projects (Al-Sedairy, 1994; Banner, 1995; Englund et
conflict management styles, conflicts at workplace, conflicts Bucero, 2012). According to Lam et al. ,(2007) conflict is
and team performance and conflict management practices. a disagreement between different parties over opinions,
According to them, the intellectual structure of conflict views and ideas (Davis, 1977; Darling et Walker, 2001).
management is taking back stage in conflict management Moderate levels of conflict leads to better performance and
research and it was not highlighted much in previous conflict high levels of conflict reduce the team performance (Leung
ABEPRO et al., 2005; Lam et al., 2007). Conflict may be the result of
DOI: 10.14488/BJOPM.2015.v12.n2.a3 loyalty to something or attachment to something (Banner,
Brazilian Journal of Operations & Production Management
Volume 12, Nmero 2, 2015, pp. 214-232
DOI: 10.14488/BJOPM.2015.v12.n2.a3

1995). Conflict may be a situation of parties in discrepancies, Other researchers have used different terminology for
irreconcilable desires and incompatible wishes, activities, conflict resolution techniques. Conflicts can be constructive
needs or goals (Johnson et Johnson, 1982; Aswathappa, or destructive (Holahan and Mooney, 2004; Mosaic, 2012).
1996; Gupta, 1997; Jehn et Mannix, 2001; Ohlendorf, 2001; It will be decided by the type of conflict (Pierce et al.,
Heldman, 2003; Robbins, 2003; Swanstrm et Weissmann, 2007). Usually conflicts in projects can be categorized as
2005; Song et al., 2006; Ng et al., 2007; Nair, 2008; Thomas, cognitive conflicts and affective conflicts (Appelbaum et al.,
2009; Voki et Sontor, 2009; Aula et Siira, 2010). According 1999; Pierce et al., 2007). Cognitive conflicts deal with the
to Barki et Hartwick (2001), conflict is a phenomenon of differences in decisions and they are task-oriented (Pierce et
experiencing negative emotional reactions in conflicting al., 2007). They are also known as substantive conflicts (Nair,
parties in interfering in pursuing their goals and perceived 2008). Where as, affective conflicts deal with differences in
disagreements (Sutterfield et al., 2007). The symptoms individuals and personalities and not on the issue (Pierce et
of conflict include jealousy, hostility, enforcing norms, al., 2007; Nair, 2008; Aula et Siira, 2010). Robbins (1978) has
regulations and rules, frustration (Aswathappa, 1996; Gupta, categorized conflicts as functional conflicts and dysfunctional
1997; Robbins, 2003; Swanstrm et Weissmann, 2005) and conflicts (Aswathappa, 1996). Functional conflicts are the
poor communication (Barki et Hartwick, 2001). According constructive form of conflicts and dysfunctional conflicts are
to Sutterfield et al.,(2007), the three dimensions of an the destructive to the team, organization or project.
interpersonal conflict include interference, interdependence
Armstrong (1984) et Prasad (1994) have categorized
and disagreement. Current day effective managers do not
conflicts as vertical conflicts, which occur between superior
avoid conflicts but they take it as an opportunity for growth
and sub-ordinate, and horizontal conflicts, which occur
for both individuals and organization (Darling et Walker,
between team members at the same level of hierarchy. If
2001; Englund et Bucero, 2012).
you observe keenly the classic works of Edgar H. Schein
Sometimes relationship conflicts lead to mistrust, (1973, 1980) on Organizational Psychology, the terms
dissatisfaction, cynicism, apathy, non-cordial relationships, conflict management and conflict resolution are not
provoked hostility, anxiety (Nair, 2008) and reduced project at all used in them. He discussed intergroup conflicts more
performance (Appelbaum et al., 1999). The high level than the intragroup conflicts. However, in the 1978 work
of conflicts also increases the costs and schedules of the of Stephen P. Robbins published in California Management
project. Properly managed conflicts result into better quality Review, he used the terms conflict management and
product, better decision making, more innovation and conflict resolution and said that both are not same. He
enhanced performance (Brahnam et al.,2005). Constructive distinguished between them.
conflict management comes along with mutual respect,
There has been a phenomenal increase in the interest
cooperation and intention to learn from each other. Cross
on conflict resolution in current days (Aula et Siira, 2010)
Cultural teams are prone to more conflicts (Brahnam et al.,
because of the increase in tensions among interpersonal,
2005). The seed of conflict is planted when one of the parties
intergroup, inter-organization, and inter cultural (Banner,
feels disharmony in projects (Billikopf, 2003). Traditionally,
1995). Conflict management is a new entrant in the discipline
the word conflict has negative connotations (Verma, 1998;
of project management (Al-Sedairy, 1994). Conflict is most
Warner, 2000).
avoided part of project management (Englund et Bucero,
Current view of conflict is, conflict is inevitable in projects 2012). Conflict is an integral part of any project (Al-Sedairy,
and organizations (Armstrong, 1984; Aswathappa, 1996; 1994). It is difficult to identify the conflicts in projects (Matta
Verma, 1998; Ohlendorf, 2001; Hudson et al., 2005; Ng et et Corby, 2000). In projects conflicts can occur between
al., 2007; Nair, 2008; Ross, 2009; Thomas, 2009; Voki et design and requirements, design and implementation and
Sontor, 2009; Aula et Siira, 2010). According to Appelbaum also among designers themselves. Construction projects
et al., (1999), Conflict involves struggle over claims such became very complex and different stakeholders have
as resources, opinions, beliefs, status, desires, priorities, different conflicting interests and objectives (Yousefi et al.,
preferences and power. Existence of conflict depends on the 2010). Usually in the storming stage of team development,
individual perception. When one party tries to impact the there are more chances for frequent conflicts.
interests, objectives or goals of another party, the conflict
exists. In another research study it was found that there is
a direct relationship between education, perception and 2. Previous Literature on Conflict Management
conflict (Appelbaum et al., 1999).
The scholarly literature was collected using keywords such
Initial five techniques for conflict resolution were as conflicts, conflict management, reasons for conflicts,
given by Lippitt, G.L in 1982 published in Training and conflict resolution techniques and project success and
Development Journal. Verma (1998) mentioned the sixth conflicts in projects in search engines and online journal
technique for conflict resolution known as collaborating. sources such as Google, Google Scholar,, and Open-
Brazilian Journal of Operations & Production Management
Volume 12, Nmero 2, 2015, pp. 214-232
DOI: 10.14488/BJOPM.2015.v12.n2.a3

JGate. The articles from top rated journals such as Academy serious conflicts are between contractor and consultant,
of Management Journal, Computational Conflicts, Project and contractor and client. They occurred during the actual
Management Journal, Journal of Behavioral and Applied construction stage of the project.
Management, International Journal of Managing Projects
Jehn et al., (1997) surveyed eighty-eight teams of five
in Business, International Journal of Conflict Management,
members each from three US business schools doing
Journal of Academy of Marketing Science, Engineering,
MBA program to find out the relationship and impact of
Construction and Architectural Management, Journal of
value congruence, demographic diversity, and conflicts on
Management in Engineering, Training and Development
workgroup outcomes. They found that individual visible
Journal, Leadership & Organization Development Journal,
demographic differences such as gender and age increases
Current Issues in Technology Management, Chinese
relationship conflict and informational demographic
Management Studies, International Journal of Project
differences such as education increases task conflict. Group
Management, Team Performance Management, Nordicom
value congruence decreases both task and relationship
Review, MIS Quarterly, Journal of Management Development
conflicts. Individual stability and decisiveness resulted into
and Conflict Resolution Quarterly are collected. The
higher performance. The group outcomes considered in
literature is collected between May 2012 and January 2013.
this study are member satisfaction, objective performance
The conceptual model development is done between Jan
and perceptions of performance. Task conflict is negatively
2013 and March 2013, analysis of reasons for conflicts and
related to perceived performance and member satisfaction
conflict resolution techniques is done between March 2013
and relationship conflict is negatively related to objective
and April 2013 and report writing is done during April 2013
performance, perceived performance and member
and June 2013.
satisfaction. Task conflict is positively related to objective
According to Barki et Hartwick, (2001), in the past one performance in work groups.
group of researchers were working on conflict management
Appelbaum et al., (1999) have studied self-directed teams
styles and another group of researchers were working on level
to find out the impact of conflict management techniques
of interpersonal conflict in conflicting situations. Product
on group decision making. They also presented a set of
development involves multidiscipline team or teams. The
conflict management alternatives comprising competition,
complexity of product development leads to difficulties in
collaboration, compromise, avoidance and accommodation.
coordination, cooperation and communication resulting into
They explained conflict process and described a four stage
conflicts in teams (Lam et al., 2007). Some of the previous
conflict incident in self-directed teams. Conflict is inbuilt
research is concentrating on team conflicts and their
nature of teams and self-directed teams are in use at
relationship to team performance or project performance
organizations such as Procter & Gamble, Xerox Corporation,
and outcomes (Jehn et al., 1997; Jehn et Mannix, 2001). The
Motorola, GE, Coca-Cola, and Federal Express (Appelbaum
relationship of diversity, conflicts and group performance
et al., 1999).
has been widely researched. Diversity leads to task conflicts,
which are good for team performance (Ma et al., 2008; Nair, Jehn et Mannix (2001) have done a longitudinal study
2008; Jehn et al., 1997). Task related diversity has more of 51 three-person groups comprising one hundred fity-
impact on task conflict than on relationship conflict resulting three working executives doing part-time MBA at three USA
into better team performance (Jehn et al., 1997; Ma et al., business schools. They found that moderate task conflicts,
2008). low levels of relationship conflicts with rise at deadline and
low, but increasing levels of process conflicts result into
Al-Sedairy (1994) has done a survey of a hundred thirty-
high performance in teams. This is the pattern of conflicts
eight construction professionals in Saudi Arabia in public
which results into high performance in project teams. They
sector construction projects comprising clients, contractors
have categorized the conflicts as task conflicts, relationship
and consultants to find the reasons for conflicts in public
conflicts and process conflicts. The stable members in the
sector construction projects and to find the different
team result into more task related conflicts in the project.
ways of resolving conflicts. He found that in public sector
Another finding from their research is group value consensus
construction projects in Saudi Arabia, conflicts occur
is strongly correlated to group performance.
between contractors and clients, and contractors and
consultants. The main reasons for conflicts are differences Barki et Hartwick (2001) surveyed two hundred sixty-
in perceptions, project priorities and goals but not the five information systems staff and two hundred seventy-
differences in technical understanding or management two users from one hundred sixty-two information systems
style. The findings include compromise as preferred way development projects in Canada to find out the relationship
of conflict resolution and cultural differences are not main between interpersonal conflict and information systems
reasons for conflicts in construction projects in Saudi Arabia. project success. They found that the conflict management
In this study he found that the most frequent and most is positively related to IS project success. The interpersonal
Brazilian Journal of Operations & Production Management
Volume 12, Nmero 2, 2015, pp. 214-232
DOI: 10.14488/BJOPM.2015.v12.n2.a3

conflict construct is reflected by interference, disagreement Lam et al., (2007) have done a study of two hundred forty-
and negative emotion. In this study, majority of the five manufacturing experts in Hong Kong and found sixteen
participants felt that adherence to schedules and budget sources of conflicts and five conflict resolution techniques
is the overall success. Also the schedules and budget are for client-supplier relationships in new product development
strongly correlated to overall success to compare with teams. They found that conflict has negative impact on new
other factors. In this study it was also observed that the product development performance. Particularly integrating
interpersonal conflict, conflict resolution techniques, and and obliging styles of conflict resolution are good for better
satisfactory conflict resolution are strongly correlated performance and dominating and avoiding styles of conflict
to information systems quality. It is also observed that resolution hamper the team performance. They found costs,
information systems professionals preferred avoiding differences in technical opinions and schedules as top three
as a technique of conflict resolution over all other reasons for conflicts between client and supplier in new
techniques. However, problem solving is more associated product development teams in manufacturing industry.
with satisfactory conflict resolution. Satisfactory conflict The intensity of conflict also impacts the product quality,
resolution is positively related to overall project success and costs, schedules and new product development team
process satisfaction. Avoiding has negative correlation with performance.
overall success; whereas accommodating, problem solving
and asserting are positively correlated to many components Mohammed et al., (2008) surveyed one hundred sixteen
of overall information systems success. Indian, French and UK project managers to study the
relationship between culture and conflict management style
Montoya-Weiss. et al., (2001) have experimented on
in international projects. They found that Hofstedes cultural
thirty-five member student teams from university in Japan
dimensions are correlated to project managers conflict
and three universities in US to find the relationship between
conflict management and virtual team performance management styles. Proper cultural management leads to
mediated by process structure and temporal coordination. innovation and knowledge creation and gets competitive
It was found that internal conflict management in virtual advantage for the organization. It was also found that Indian
teams is critical for team performance mediated by temporal project managers prefer avoiding and French and to a less
coordination. extent UK project managers prefer competing styles of
conflict management.
Leung et al., (2005) have done a study of seventy-
five construction professionals including clients, project Ochieng et Price (2009) have interviewed project
managers and project team members in Hong Kong to find the managers, project directors and project engineers working in
relationship between construction conflicts and participants 8 organizations from construction, pharmaceutical, energy
satisfaction. They found that moderate level of conflict gives and petrochemical industries in UK and Kenya to find out the
optimum participant satisfaction and the increased levels impact of culture on multicultural project team performance.
of conflict diminish satisfaction. They also found that the They found that cultural differences can result into conflicts,
participants have to balance between task and relationship poor project performance and misunderstandings. They also
for project performance. According to their research there is found currency rate fluctuations, and language can be big
a strong correlation between task conflicts and relationship issues in multicultural teams.
conflict. They used the term team conflicts to express the
Doucet et al.,(2009) studied sixty-six American and fifty-
relationship conflicts between the stakeholders of the
two Chinese managers working in mainland China to find out
project. In their study both task and relationship conflicts
were negatively correlated to participants satisfaction. the impact of culture on conflict management approaches of
Integration style of conflict resolution is positively correlated these managers. They found that for Chinese managers, it is
to participants satisfaction. important to embrace the colleague and teach a moral lesson
in case of conflict and for American managers, hostility and
Brahnam et al., (2005) have studied the relationship vengefulness are important elements. According to them
between gender and conflict resolution techniques used hostility and vengefulness are not included in traditional
by a study of one hundred sixty-three Information Systems conflict management frameworks and models.
undergraduate students at a Midwest university in USA. They
found that women use mostly collaborative style of conflict Voki et Sontor (2009) surveyed one hundred sixteen
resolution and men avoid the conflict in information systems Croatian employees to find out the affect of individual
projects. They also found that women may possess more characteristics such as age, gender, education, field of work,
attributes of conflict resolution than their men counterparts. hierarchy level, marital status and parenthood on choice of
Song et al.,(2006) have done a survey of two hundred ninety conflict resolution styles. They found that compromising
R&D and marketing managers in US to find the relationship is most frequently used conflict resolution styles among
between five conflict resolution strategies, constructive and Croatian employees. It is also observed that parenthood
destructive conflicts and innovation performance. is associated with accommodating, compromising
Brazilian Journal of Operations & Production Management
Volume 12, Nmero 2, 2015, pp. 214-232
DOI: 10.14488/BJOPM.2015.v12.n2.a3

and avoiding styles; married status is associated with

accommodating and compromising; gender is associated
with accommodating, specifically women employees were
using more collaborative styles of conflict resolution such as
accommodating and compromising rather than competitive
styles of conflict resolution. Age, education, field of work
and hierarchy level are not related to choice of conflict
handling styles among Croatian employees.
Curseu et al., (2012) have done a research on forty-
three short term groups and forty-four long term groups
of students at a Dutch University to find the relationship
and impact of task conflict, group temporariness and
emotional regulation on emergence of relationship conflict.
They found that in groups having less effective emotional
regulations, task conflicts can become relationship conflicts.
The presence of trust reduces the chances of task conflict
becoming relationship conflict. These findings are similar
to the findings of the research done by Holahan et Mooney
(2004). Effective emotional regulation can reduces the
Figure 1: Conflict Life Cycle
changes of task conflict becoming relationship conflict.
This effect is more for long term groups rather than short
term groups. In another research done in mining industry 4. A Model of Conflict Management
projects in Peru by Rees et al., (2012), it was found that the Initial models of conflict management were developed in
external factors outside the project have impact on conflict 1970s by organizational and social psychologists (Brahnam
management in Peruvian mining projects. Next section et al., 2005). Thomas et Kilmann (1974) have developed
explains the conflict life cycle in projects. a two dimensional model consists of conflict resolution
techniques such as compromising, accommodating,
avoiding, collaborating and competing. Robbins (2003)
3. Conflict Life Cycle has given a conflict-survival model with constructs such as
conflict, change, adaptation and survival. Organizational
Conflict life cycle describes the dynamic nature of conflict
effectiveness is high at optimum level of functional conflicts
comprising different events or phases of conflict in projects
(Robbins, 2003).
as shown in Figure 1.This is the process model of conflict
explaining the different internal events of conflict and their With respect to communication, there are three types
interaction. Conflict can be seen as a dynamic process rather of conflict management models. They are integrative
than a static component or structure (Jehn et Mannix, 2001; and distributive negotiation models concentrating on
Swanstrm et Weissmann, 2005). labour negotiations, mediation competency model
concentrating on third party interventions and dual concern
According to Appelbaum et al., (1999), the four stages of model concentrating on individual and informal conflict
a conflicting incident are antecedent conditions, cognition management in organizations (Aula et Siira, 2010).
and personalization, behaviour and outcome (increased
Traditionally conflict management models are of two
team performance or decreases team performance).
types. They are structural models and process models
At the time of negotiation in the conflicting stage, the (Appelbaum et al.,1999). Structural models deal with factors
negotiation process has four steps such as establish the impacting conflicts in projects and conflicting process.
issues and set the agenda, opening moves, intensify the whereas process models deal with the sequence of events
negotiation, and work out an agreement (Appelbaum et involved in the conflict. Process models are more of dynamic
al., 1999). One can reduce stress, increase productivity and in nature and structural models are more of static in nature.
resolve challenges with the help of effective dialogs (Billikopf, Darling and Walker (2001) have presented a behavioral style
2003). Emotions play critical role in conflicts and they were model for conflict management comprising behavioral styles
understudied (Jehn et al., 1997; Nair, 2008). Conflicts elicit such as director, socializer, relater and analyser.
emotions and emotions exist throughout the life cycle of In this paper, a structural model (Figure 2) comprising a
conflict (Nair, 2008). conceptual model of conflict management and a conflict
Brazilian Journal of Operations & Production Management
Volume 12, Nmero 2, 2015, pp. 214-232
DOI: 10.14488/BJOPM.2015.v12.n2.a3

management process (Section 5) are presented. The process do what and how much each one will do (Jehn et Mannix,
model comprising different events inside a conflict are 2001).
presented in the Section 3- Conflict Life cycle.
Task conflict increases the quality of decisions and
Ochieng et Price (2009) have given a framework for performance in projects and process conflict reduces the
managing multi-cultural project teams. They considered team productivity, team performance and team morale
8 dimensions for the model such as cross cultural (Hudson et al.,2005). The level of relationship conflicts is
communication, leadership style, cross-cultural trust, cross- low in high performance teams. The conflicts and conflict
cultural uncertainty, cross-cultural management, cross- management can have significant impact on project success
cultural management of team development process and (Verma, 1998).
team selection, cross-cultural collectivism and composition
Barki et Hartwick (2001) have given a framework for 5. Conflict Management Process
interpersonal conflict management in information systems Conflict management involves first detecting the conflict
projects. They have considered the individual demographic and then solving it (Matta et Corby, 2000). One best practice
factors, team characteristics and team processes such is to look at the conflict as a process (Barki et Hartwick,
as communication, influence and participation; project 2001; Robbins, 2003) not to concentrate on conflicting
characteristics, resources and organizational characteristics parties (Appelbaum et al., 1999). Warner (2000) presented
such as organizational structure, organizational climate a conflict management process with building blocks such
as antecedents or influencing components interpersonal as conflict management plan, conflict analysis, capacity
conflicts which further related to information systems building and implementation.
outcomes such as project success, system success, individual
performance and organizational performance and efficiency. Pierce et al., (2007) have given a conflict process
The proposed model extends Barki et Hartwick (2001) model originated by the individuals experienced frustration,
of interpersonal conflict. individuals conceptualization of conflict, conflicting style
(all three influenced by other persons behaviour), followed
According to Schein (1973), environment factors by conflict resolution and conflict aftermath. Aswathappa
comprising social, cultural and technological climate are (1996) has adopted a conflict process from Stephen P
the factors the conflicts between individual, group and Robbins Organizational Behaviour, which has four stages
organizational goals. such as potential opposition, cognition and personalization,
Team processes in the early stage of the project impacts behaviour and outcomes.
the overall project performance and project success along Sutterfield et al.,. (2007) has described a conflict process
the entire project life cycle (Jehn et Mannix, 2001). Thus with stages such as incompatibility or potential opposition,
there should be balance between task conflicts, relationship personalization and cognition, intentions, behaviour and
conflicts and process conflicts at the early stage of the outcomes. They also gave a project conflict management
project. This has to be dealt carefully by the project manager. framework with steps such as identification of conflicts,
According to Pierce et al., (2007), team communication, classification of conflicts such as interpersonal, task, or
decision making and organizational politics are the team process based, setting conflict strategy selection criteria,
processes impacting the team conflicts. According to Stoner identification of alternative conflict handling intention
et al., (1998) the team processes impacting the team strategies, selection and implementation of conflict handling
conflicts are the communication, power and persuasion. intention strategies.
Team Conflicts can be categorized as task conflicts (Hudson Ng et al., (2007) have given dispute resolution steps
et al.,2005; Leung et al.,2005), relationship conflicts (Jehn et including prevention, negotiation, standing neutral, non-
al.,1997; Leung et al.,2005; Curseu et al., 2012) and process binding resolution, binding resolution, and litigation. Trust
conflicts (Jehn et Mannix, 2001; Song et al.,2006; Sutterfield can impact the conflict and negotiation process (Du et
et al.,2007; Nair, 2008). According to Leung et al., (2005),
al., 2011). Mosaic (2012) in their white paper has given a
task conflicts are related to cost, schedules and quality.
conflict management process with steps such as assessment,
Task conflicts are the result of differences in opinions and
acknowledgement, attitude, action and analysis. According
viewpoints over the project tasks (Jehn et Mannix, 2001).
to them, the keys to conflict management process are
Relationship conflicts are related to client, project manager
acknowledging the facts and keep calm and listen to the
and team members and other stakeholders. Relationship
other party.
conflicts are related to interpersonal incompatibility issues
(Jehn et Mannix, 2001). Process conflicts are related to The conflict management process has steps such as
duties and resource delegation highlighting the who will identify conflicts, analyse conflict, identify alternative
Brazilian Journal of Operations & Production Management
Volume 12, Nmero 2, 2015, pp. 214-232
DOI: 10.14488/BJOPM.2015.v12.n2.a3

solution, apply conflict resolution technique, choose the context and subjective individual and group preferences
best alternative, implement the solution and review the (Stoner et al., 1998). According to Stoner. et al., (1998),
impact (Figure 3). Conflict management process also involves communication,
The factors impacting the conflict management process power and persuasion. In the next section, the reasons for
are the personality differences, values, social and economic conflicts in projects are identified.

Figure 2: A Model of Conflict Management

Figure 3: Conflict Management Process

Brazilian Journal of Operations & Production Management
Volume 12, Nmero 2, 2015, pp. 214-232
DOI: 10.14488/BJOPM.2015.v12.n2.a3

6. Identification of Conflicts in Projects (2007), etc. The early entrants who has given the reasons
or sources of conflicts in 1990s are Al-Sedairy (1994); and
There are many reasons for conflicts in projects. Many
Jehn et al., (1997). The reasons for conflicts in projects are
researchers have given the reasons or sources of conflicts
identified from the literature and tabulated in Table 1.
such as Davis (1977), Appelbaum et al.,. (1999), Warner
(2000), Robbins (2003), Mulcahy (2005), and Lam et al.,
Table 1: Reasons for Conflicts in Projects

Sl. Number of
Reason for Conflict Researcher/Author
No. Occurrences
Davis (1977); Gupta (1997); Koontz and
Weihrich (1998); Appelbaum et al. (1999);
Matta and Corby (2000); Warner (2000); Barki
Shared/Common Resources and Hartwick (2001); Montoya-Weiss et al. 14
(2001); Ohlendorf (2001); Robbins (2003);
Mulcahy (2005); Lam et al. (2007); Mohammed
et al. (2008); Englund and Bucero (2012)
Al-Sedairy (1994); Gupta (1997); Koontz and
Weihrich (1998); Verma (1998); Barki and
Differences in Project Goal/ Hartwick (2001); Darling and Walker (2001);
Objective Ohlendorf (2001); Lam et al. (2007); Ng et al.
(2007); Mohammed et al. (2008); Voki and
Sontor (2009); Englund and Bucero (2012)
Al-Sedairy (1994); Prasad (1994); Aswathappa
(1996); Warner (2000); Brahnam et al. (2005);
Cultural Differences Lam et al. (2007); Ng et al. (2007); Mohammed 10
et al. (2008); Englund and Bucero (2012); Rees
et al. (2012)
Prasad (1994); Aswathappa (1996); Jehn et al.
(1997); Koontz and Weihrich (1998); Darling
Values Differences and Walker (2001); Ohlendorf (2001); Robbins 10
(2003); Mohammed et al. (2008); Voki and
Sontor (2009); Englund and Bucero (2012)
Davis (1977); Prasad (1994); Aswathappa
(1996); Verma (1998); Barki and Hartwick
Personality Issues (2001); Ohlendorf (2001); Mulcahy (2005); 10
Meredith and Mantel (2007); Mohammed et al.
(2008); Thomas (2009)
Al-Sedairy (1994); Verma (1998); Mulcahy
(2005); Lam et al. (2007); Meredith and Mantel
Differences in Technical Opinions/
(2007); Ng et al. (2007); Mohammed et al. 9
(2008); Voki and Sontor (2009); Yousefi et al.
Al-Sedairy (1994); Verma (1998); Barki and
Hartwick (2001); Montoya-Weiss et al. (2001);
Schedules Leung et al. (2005); Mulcahy (2005); Lam 9
et al. (2007); Meredith and Mantel (2007);
Mohammed et al. (2008)
Al-Sedairy (1994); Verma (1998); Leung et al.
(2005); Mulcahy (2005); Lam et al. (2007);
Costs 8
Meredith and Mantel (2007); Mohammed et al.
(2008); Rees et al. (2012)
Brazilian Journal of Operations & Production Management
Volume 12, Nmero 2, 2015, pp. 214-232
DOI: 10.14488/BJOPM.2015.v12.n2.a3

Verma (1998); Appelbaum et al. (1999); Darling

and Walker (2001); Mulcahy (2005); Lam et al.
Administrative procedures 8
(2007); Meredith and Mantel (2007); Ng et al.
(2007); Mohammed et al. (2008)
Davis (1977); Al-Sedairy (1994); Aswathappa
(1996); Gupta (1997); Koontz and Weihrich
Different Perceptions 7
(1998); Ohlendorf (2001); Englund and Bucero
Matta and Corby (2000); Barki and Hartwick
(2001); Darling and Walker (2001); Ohlendorf
Individual needs 6
(2001); Voki and Sontor (2009); Englund and
Bucero (2012)
Lam et al. (2007); Ng et al. (2007); CIPD (2008);
Language Differences 5
Ochieng and Price (2009); Rees et al. (2012)
Davis (1977); Prasad (1994); Aswathappa
Role Ambiguity 5
(1996); Lam et al. (2007); CIPD (2008)
Al-Sedairy (1994); Verma (1998); Matta and
Project Priorities Corby (2000); Mulcahy (2005); Meredith and 5
Mantel (2007)
Al-Sedairy (1994); Verma (1998); Matta and
Ambiguous Requirements/
Corby (2000); Lam et al. (2007); Mohammed et 5
al. (2008)
Noise in Communication Davis (1977); Appelbaum et al. (1999); Robbins
Channels (2003); CIPD (2008); Voki and Sontor (2009)
Gupta (1997); Jehn et al. (1997); Warner
Demographic Differences (2000); Barki and Hartwick (2001); Robbins 5
Koontz and Weihrich (1998); Verma (1998);
Leadership style CIPD (2008); Mohammed et al. (2008); Rees et 5
al. (2012)
Appelbaum et al. (1999); Matta and Corby
Communication Process (2000); Ng et al. (2007); Mohammed et al. 4
Education and Experience Jehn et al. (1997); Koontz and Weihrich (1998);
differences Barki and Hartwick (2001); Robbins (2003)
Gupta (1997); Barki and Hartwick (2001); Ng et
Organizational Structure 4
al. (2007); Rees et al. (2012)
Warner (2000); Darling and Walker (2001); Ng
Political Unrest 4
et al. (2007); Mohammed et al. (2008)
Warner (2000); Darling and Walker (2001); Ng
Economic/ Financial Situation 4
et al. (2007); Yousefi et al. (2010)
Gupta (1997); Koontz and Weihrich (1998);
Task Interdependence 4
Montoya-Weiss et al. (2001); Robbins (2003)
Prasad (1994); Aswathappa (1996); Ng et al.
Social Issues 4
(2007); Warner (2000)
Warner (2000); Lam et al. (2007); Du et al.
Lack of trust 3
Brazilian Journal of Operations & Production Management
Volume 12, Nmero 2, 2015, pp. 214-232
DOI: 10.14488/BJOPM.2015.v12.n2.a3

Prasad (1994); Barki and Hartwick (2001); Voki

Individual Interests 3
and Sontor (2009)
Ohlendorf (2001); Ng et al. (2007); Englund and
Individual Expectations 3
Bucero (2012)
Differences in Evaluation Criteria Gupta (1997); Robbins (2003); Mohammed et
and Reward Systems al. (2008)
Prasad (1994); Aswathappa (1996); Verma
Ego States 3
Gupta (1997); Ng et al. (2007); Voki and Sontor
External Environment 3
Wrong/Insufficient Information Appelbaum et al. (1999); Lam et al. (2007); 2
Quality Leung et al. (2005); Ng et al. (2007) 2
Lack of Project Management Skills Al-Sedairy (1994); Ohlendorf (2001) 2
Contractual agreements Al-Sedairy (1994); Ng et al. (2007) 2
Manpower Issues Al-Sedairy (1994); Verma (1998) 2
Organizational Status Barki and Hartwick (2001); Rees et al. (2012) 2
Age Differences Jehn et al. (1997); Robbins (2003) 2
One-way task dependence Gupta (1997); Robbins (2003) 2
High Horizontal differentiation Gupta (1997); Robbins (2003) 2
Low Formulization Gupta (1997); Robbins (2003) 2
Participative Decision making Gupta (1997); Robbins (2003) 2
Status incongruence Gupta (1997); Robbins (2003) 2
Role Dissatisfaction Gupta (1997); Robbins (2003) 2
Different Political Views Prasad (1994); Warner (2000) 2
Different Religious Views Prasad (1994); Warner (2000) 2
Magnitude of work Voki and Sontor (2009); Yousefi et al. (2010) 2
Project Planning Issues Warner (2000); Yousefi et al. (2010); 2
Conflict Management System
Warner (2000); Rees et al. (2012) 2
Individual Attitudes Ohlendorf (2001); Rees et al. (2012) 2
Ethical Issues Verma (1998); CIPD (2008) 2
Lack of Mutual Understanding Lam et al. (2007); 1
Project Vocabulary Lam et al. (2007); 1
Unclear Tasks Lam et al. (2007); 1
Popularity of Teamwork Brahnam et al. (2005); 1
Semantic Difficulties Appelbaum et al. (1999) 1
Individual Role Behavior Appelbaum et al. (1999) 1
Differences in Project
Al-Sedairy (1994) 1
Team size Barki and Hartwick (2001) 1
Team leadership Barki and Hartwick (2001) 1
Team Processes Barki and Hartwick (2001) 1
Brazilian Journal of Operations & Production Management
Volume 12, Nmero 2, 2015, pp. 214-232
DOI: 10.14488/BJOPM.2015.v12.n2.a3

Lack of Top Management Support Barki and Hartwick (2001) 1

Project Success Criteria Barki and Hartwick (2001) 1
Organizational Climate Barki and Hartwick (2001) 1
Team Climate Sudhakar et al. (2011) 1
Gender Differences Jehn et al. (1997) 1
Currency rate fluctuations Ochieng and Price (2009) 1
Technological Changes Darling and Walker (2001) 1
Global Shifting of Power Darling and Walker (2001) 1
Lack of Communication Koontz and Weihrich (1998) 1
Different Viewpoints Davis (1977) 1
Group loyalty Davis (1977) 1
Situational Issues Prasad (1994) 1
Temperaments Aswathappa (1996) 1
Change Armstrong (1984) 1
Frustration Armstrong (1984) 1
Project Constraints Matta and Corby (2000) 1
Quality Matta and Corby (2000) 1
Project complexity Yousefi et al. (2010) 1
Lack of Coordination Yousefi et al. (2010) 1
Contract Documents Yousefi et al. (2010) 1
Project Site related Issues Yousefi et al. (2010) 1
Unfair distribution of profits Warner (2000) 1
Unfair distribution of work Warner (2000) 1
Ownership issues Warner (2000) 1
Structural Injustices Warner (2000) 1
Unclear Laws Warner (2000) 1
Fear Warner (2000) 1
Individual Preferences Voki and Sontor (2009) 1
Cross Functional Collaboration Rees et al. (2012) 1
Community Relationships Rees et al. (2012) 1
Organizational Policies Rees et al. (2012) 1
Project Incentives Rees et al. (2012) 1
Personal Use of Internet/Email CIPD (2008) 1
Attendance and time keeping CIPD (2008) 1
Any form of harassment CIPD (2008) 1
Discriminatory Behaviour CIPD (2008) 1
Theft CIPD (2008) 1
Drink or Drug Problems CIPD (2008) 1
Favouritism CIPD (2008) 1
Project Performance Ng et al. (2007) 1
Brazilian Journal of Operations & Production Management
Volume 12, Nmero 2, 2015, pp. 214-232
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Payment Ng et al. (2007) 1

Information Sharing Ng et al. (2007) 1
Negligence Ng et al. (2007) 1
Weather Ng et al. (2007) 1

From the one hundred five reasons for conflicts in literature top-10 reasons for conflicts in projects are found
projects identified, based on the number of occurrences in and tabulated in Table 2.

Table 2: Top-10 Reasons for Conflicts in Projects

Sl. Reason for Conflict Number of Occurrences in

No. Literature
1. Shared/Common Resources 14
2. Differences in Project Goal/Objective 12
3. Cultural Differences 10
4. Values Differences 10
5 Personality Issues 10
6. Differences in Technical Opinions/Approaches 9
7. Schedules 9
8. Costs 8
9. Administrative procedures 8
10. Different Perceptions 7

Shared or common resources, differences in project goal Asserting ensures the win to one party at the expense
or objective are the top reasons for conflicts in projects. of other party. It is a one way solution (Barki et Hartwick,
Interestingly the leadership style of the project manager is 2001). Domination and forcing create win-lose situation for
not in the top-10 reasons for conflicts in the project. Cultural the parties in conflict (Lam et al., 2007). Integrating style is
and value differences are also the reasons for conflicts as effective approach for project performance and it creates
in projects. In the next section, the frequently used conflict win-win situation for the parties (Leung et al., 2005; Lam
resolution techniques in projects are identified. et al., 2007). Avoiding is most disruptive style of conflict
management in projects (Brahnam et al., 2005). In this style
of conflict resolution, one party is indifferent to feelings of
8. Conflict Resolution Techniques other party and one party keeps away from participating in
According to Verma (1998), structural conflicts can be conflict at all (Barki et Hartwick, 2001). It leaves the conflict
resolved using procedural changes, personnel changes, unresolved and creates anger or frustration in other party
resource changes, authority changes and layout changes. and it propagates the conflict further. In Accommodating,
Interpersonal conflicts can be resolved using the conflict one party sacrifices their own needs, wants and expectation
resolution techniques such as avoidance, give and take, to satisfy the other party. In compromising style of conflict
problem-solving, collaboration and negotiation. resolution, both the parties give and take and they win
Different researchers have used different terminology something and lose something (Barki et Hartwick, 2001;
for mentioning conflict resolution techniques. Researchers Ohlendorf, 2001). Confrontation or problem solving tries
such as Thomas and Kilmann (1974), Robbins (1978), to satisfy all the parties in conflict by keeping all the facts
Lippit(1982), Stoner et al.,(1998), Verma (1998), Heldman and figures in picture and use scientific techniques in solving
(2003), Mulcahy (2005), and Lam et al., (2007) have given the problem. It creates win-win situation for all the parties
different conflict resolution techniques to be used in in conflict (Verma, 1998; Ohlendorf, 2001; Heldman, 2003;
projects. The conflict resolution techniques identified along Mosaic, 2012). Understanding each parties standing through
with their number of occurrences in literature are given in a pre-caucus is a foundation of conflict management
Table 3. (Billikopf, 2003).
Brazilian Journal of Operations & Production Management
Volume 12, Nmero 2, 2015, pp. 214-232
DOI: 10.14488/BJOPM.2015.v12.n2.a3

Table 3: Conflict Resolution Techniques in Projects

Sl. Number of
Conflict Resolution Technique Researcher/Author
No. Occurrences
Thomas and Kilmann (1974); Robbins (1978);
Johnson and Johnson (1982); Lippit(1982); Al-
Sedairy (1994); Prasad (1994); Aswathappa
(1996); Koontz and Weihrich (1998); Verma
(1998); Appelbaum et al. (1999); Warner (2000);
Barki and Hartwick (2001); Ohlendorf (2001);
Avoiding/ Withdrawal 27
Billikopf (2003); Heldman (2003); Brahnam et al.
(2005); Mulcahy (2005); Song et al. (2006); Lam
et al. (2007); Pierce et al. (2007); Sutterfield et
al. (2007); Mohammed et al. (2008); Nair (2008);
Ross (2009); Thomas (2009); Voki and Sontor
(2009); Mosaic (2012)
Thomas and Kilmann (1974); Robbins (1978);
Johnson and Johnson (1982); Lippit(1982);
Armstrong (1984); Al-Sedairy (1994); Prasad
(1994); Aswathappa (1996); Koontz and Weihrich
(1998); Stoner et al. (1998); Verma (1998);
Appelbaum et al. (1999); Warner (2000); Barki
Compromising 26
and Hartwick (2001); Ohlendorf (2001); Heldman
(2003); Brahnam et al. (2005); Mulcahy (2005);
Song et al. (2006); Lam et al. (2007); Sutterfield et
al. (2007); Mohammed et al. (2008); Nair (2008);
Thomas (2009); Voki and Sontor (2009); Mosaic
Robbins (1978); Johnson and Johnson (1982);
Lippit(1982); Armstrong (1984); Al-Sedairy
(1994); Prasad (1994); Koontz and Weihrich
Confronting/ (1998); Verma (1998); Barki and Hartwick (2001);
Problem Solving Ohlendorf (2001); Billikopf (2003); Heldman
(2003); Robbins (2003); Mulcahy (2005);
Mohammed et al. (2008); Du et al. (2011);
Mosaic (2012)
Thomas and Kilmann (1974); Aswathappa (1996);
Appelbaum et al. (1999); Warner (2000); Barki
and Hartwick (2001); Brahnam et al. (2005); Song
Accommodating 13
et al. (2006); Pierce et al. (2007); Sutterfield et
al. (2007); Mohammed et al. (2008); Ross (2009);
Thomas (2009); Voki and Sontor (2009)
Robbins (1978) ; Johnson and Johnson (1982);
Lippit(1982); Al-Sedairy (1994); Prasad (1994);
Koontz and Weihrich (1998); Verma (1998);
Smoothing 13
Ohlendorf (2001); Heldman (2003); Mulcahy
(2005); Mohammed et al. (2008); Du et al.
(2011); Mosaic (2012)
Thomas and Kilmann (1974); Aswathappa (1996);
Verma (1998); Appelbaum et al. (1999); Brahnam
et al. (2005); Pierce et al. (2007); Sutterfield et
Collaborating 12
al. (2007); Mohammed et al. (2008); Ross (2009);
Thomas (2009); Voki and Sontor (2009); Du et al.
Brazilian Journal of Operations & Production Management
Volume 12, Nmero 2, 2015, pp. 214-232
DOI: 10.14488/BJOPM.2015.v12.n2.a3

Johnson and Johnson (1982); Lippit(1982); Al-

Sedairy (1994); Koontz and Weihrich (1998);
Forcing Verma (1998); Warner (2000); Ohlendorf (2001); 12
Heldman (2003); Mulcahy (2005); Song et al.
(2006); Mohammed et al. (2008); Mosaic (2012)
Thomas and Kilmann (1974); Aswathappa (1996);
Appelbaum et al. (1999); Brahnam et al. (2005);
Competing Pierce et al. (2007); Sutterfield et al. (2007); 10
Mohammed et al. (2008); Ross (2009); Thomas
(2009); Voki and Sontor (2009)
Gupta (1997); Leung et al. (2005); Song et al.
Integrating (2006); Lam et al. (2007); Nair (2008); Voki and 7
Sontor (2009); Du et al. (2011)
Stoner et al. (1998); Verma (1998); Ross (2009);
Negotiation 4
Yousefi et al. (2010)
Billikopf (2003); CIPD (2008); Ross (2009); Yousefi
Mediation 4
et al. (2010)
Lam et al. (2007); Nair (2008); Voki and Sontor
Obliging 3
Lam et al. (2007); Nair (2008); Voki and Sontor
Dominating 3
Robbins (1978) ; Gupta (1997); Koontz and
Make Structural change 3
Weihrich (1998)
Superordinate goals Robbins (1978); Robbins (2003) 2
Authoritative Command Robbins (1978); Robbins (2003) 2
Asserting Barki and Hartwick (2001) 1
Offer Stoner et al. (1998) 1
Counter-Offer Stoner et al. (1998) 1
Concession Stoner et al. (1998) 1
Agreement Stoner et al. (1998) 1
Coordinating Koontz and Weihrich (1998) 1
Expansion of Resources Robbins (1978) 1
Alter Human Variable Robbins (1978) 1
Reduce Interdependencies Robbins (2003) 1
Appeals Systems Robbins (2003) 1
Increased Interaction Robbins (2003) 1
Organization wide reward and Robbins (2003)
recognition system
Diffusion Gupta (1997) 1
Complementarity Gupta (1997) 1
Peaceful Co-existence Armstrong (1984) 1
Fighting it out Billikopf (2003) 1
Yielding Billikopf (2003) 1
Lumping-it Nair (2008) 1
Consensus-building Warner (2000) 1
Doing nothing Warner (2000) 1
Sharing Mohammed et al. (2008) 1
Firm Flexibility Thomas (2009) 1
Postponement Thomas (2009) 1
Cooperating Du et al. (2011) 1
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Volume 12, Nmero 2, 2015, pp. 214-232
DOI: 10.14488/BJOPM.2015.v12.n2.a3

One defensive approach is to change the topic (Billikopf, people from the conflict and have to concentrate on the
2003). According to Heldman (2003), smoothing technique issue not on the positions (Billikopf, 2003; Meredith et
results into lose-lose situation for both the parties. It does Mantel, 2007; Anderson Jr et Polkinghorn, 2008). The project
not provide a permanent solution to the conflict but it manager who deals with fairness is respected much by the
provides a temporary fix. Forcing creates a win-lose situation. team members in long run (Billikopf, 2003). The specific
The forcing party wins and the other party loses (Heldman, conflict resolution technique has to be choosen based on the
2003). But it did not give positive impact over long run. importance and type of conflict, time pressures, emphasis
Negotiation is a process of interaction between both the on task vs. relationships, and the position of the members
parties using different communication channels in resolving involved in the conflict (Verma, 1998). The important point
conflict in a mutually beneficial way (Stoner et al., 1998). in resolving conflict is one has to balance between adjusting
Collaborating and accommodating are the cooperative self and adjusting others (Du et al., 2011).
styles of conflict resolution and avoiding and competing
From the identified conflict resolution techniques in
are uncooperative styles of conflict resolution (Pierce et al.,
Table 3, top-5 frequently used conflict resolution techniques
2007). Collaboration in an attempt to satisfy all the parties
in projects are given in Table 4.
creates a win-win situation for all the parties. It is the most
valued strategy in the industry (Sutterfield et al., 2007;
Voki et Sontor, 2009). Also competing and collaborating Table 4: Most Frequently used Conflict Resolution Techniques in Projects
are assertive styles and avoiding and accommodating are (Top-5)
unassertive styles of conflict resolution (Pierce et al., 2007).
Using collaboration, one can create a win-win situation for Number of
Sl. Conflict Resolution
the parties in conflict (Ross, 2009). Authoritative command Occurrences in
No. Technique
is different from forcing because authoritative commands Literature
can only be given by the project manager; whereas , forcing 1. Avoiding/ Withdrawal 27
(in different means) can be done by any team member or 2. Compromising 26
any other stakeholder. 3. Confronting/
Problem Solving
Cooperative styles of conflict resolution create positive
4. Accommodating 13
emotions in the team leading to constructive conflict
management (Nair, 2008) in turn resulting into better 5. Smoothing 13
relationships, performance, organizational environment,
and innovation (Song et al., 2006). Top management in
People use avoiding and compromising more frequently
organizations need integration style of conflict resolution.
than any other conflict resolution technique; followed
This style is positively associated with team performance
by confronting, accommodating and smoothing. How to
(Song et al., 2006). Cooperative conflict resolution styles such
analyse the conflict is given in next section.
as integrating, accommodation and compromise (Montoya-
Weiss et al., 2001) are positively associated with higher levels
of constructive conflicts, lower levels of destructive conflicts
7. Analysing the Conflicts
and increased innovation and performance (Song et al.,
2006). Non-cooperative and competitive conflict resolution Conflict analysis should be done with self-introspection
strategies such as avoiding (Montoya-Weiss et al., 2001) and estimating the costs of conflict (Prasad, 1994).
and forcing are negatively related to constructive conflicts Interpersonal conflicts can also be analysed using
and increase the destructive conflicts leading to reduced transaction analysis, Johari window, life positions and
innovation and performance (Song et al., 2006). According stroking (Aswathappa, 1996). It is best practice to prioritise
to Song et al., (2006), compromise is not effective at project the conflicts when multiple conflicts are present in the
level but it may be good at organization level. Collaborating is project (Warner, 2000). According to Warner (2000), conflict
positively related to team performance and compromising is analysis includes brainstorming to find the present and
negatively related to team performance (Montoya-Weisset future conflicts, cluster related conflicts, prioritize conflicts
al., 2001). While dealing with conflicts one has to avoid Tit with urgency and significance, identify the important
for Tat reactions in organizations (HBSP, 2004). conflicts and also identify the stakeholders related to the
Different ways of avoiding conflict as given by
Appelbaum et al., (1999) are denial, flight, suspension, and The project managers have to listen carefully to the team
relinquishment. Devils Advocacy (DA) is one technique used members and attitude (Verma, 1998), communication and
to resolve conflicts in group decision making in projects. negotiation are keys to conflict management (Hudson et
While dealing with conflicts the managers have to separate al., 2005). Ohlendorf (2001) has given a cognitive conflict
Brazilian Journal of Operations & Production Management
Volume 12, Nmero 2, 2015, pp. 214-232
DOI: 10.14488/BJOPM.2015.v12.n2.a3

analysis approach with six steps such as identification of project, departmental and organizational outcomes (Barki
conflict, generation of conflict cases, judgement execution, et Hartwick, 2001). Sometimes they even impact the
results analysis, cognitive feedback and negotiation between countrys economy at large if the project is a huge project.
conflicting parties. Next section explains choosing the best The project manager needs to stimulate the conflicts to the
alternative. opposing party to reach constructive functional conflict
using techniques such as communication, heterogeneity
and competition (Robbins, 2003).
9. Choosing the Best Alternative
It is best practice to have a conflict management plan with
Conflict has got both positive and negative outcomes strategies to handle conflicts whether to prevent, resolve,
(Song et al., 2006). Positive outcomes include innovation, prioritize and act. It should also consists of capacity building
creativity, greater self-awareness and learning (Song et al., and training steps and measures to deal with conflicts. Large
2006). Negative outcomes include competition, disputes, team size, functional diversity and team tenure diversity
strained relationships, low morale, inefficiency (Englund promotes constructive conflicts in projects (Holahan et
et Bucero, 2012), low productivity and performance (Song Mooney, 2004). The implementation of solution to conflict
et al., 2006), grievances, attrition, higher absenteeism, leads to change management in the organization.
mistrust, low motivation and less job satisfaction and
reduced coordination and cohesiveness (Barki et Hartwick,
2001). Usually project managers prefer negotiation to 11. Review the Impact
find the best alternative solution for the conflict in picture
(Yousefi et al., 2010). The attitude of project manager is a The impact of conflict and its solution implementation
predictor of conflict outcome. When the project manager can impact at individual, team, project, business unit and
exhibits positive attitude more positive and beneficial organizational level. The impact on individual will be in
outcomes result from the negotiation process (Yousefi et terms of job satisfaction and individual performance. The
al., 2010). In conflicting situation, one has to convert the outcomes or impact on project include project success
destructive conflict into a constructive cooperation and with impacting dimensions such as schedules, costs,
collaboration for the better project performance (Reich, quality, specifications and process satisfaction (Barki et
2006; Du et al., 2011). Hartwick, 2001). The impact on team would be increased
or decreased innovation, productivity (Thomas, 2009),
It is the style of conflict resolution and which technique and performance. The impact on organization would be
is used in conflict resolution determines the positive or in terms of organizational efficiency, effectiveness and
negative outcomes (Hudson et al., 2005). Hence, based performance. The organizational and business unit earnings
on the outcomes of conflict resolution, one has to decide and profitability can also be impacted by the conflict
the best alternative solution for conflict in picture. In management in projects. Thus the project manager and
information systems development, satisfactory conflict top management should review the above mentioned
resolution has got positive impact on information systems dimensions after implementing the solution to the conflict
outcomes (Barki et Hartwick, 2001). Partnering is one in picture. Task conflicts play major role in innovation,
of the conflict prevention method used in large scale decision quality (Holahan et Mooney, 2004), creativity and
urban projects in Canada (Ross, 2009). According to Ross in generating new ideas and thoughts (Song et al., 2006;
(2009), most of the research on conflict management has Voki et Sontor, 2009).
concentrated on conflict resolution rather than on conflict
prevention. The advantages of partnering include increased According to Darling and et Walker (2001), conflict results
team work, new opportunities, foster team spirit, clarified into change (Swanstrm et Weissmann, 2005), change
communication and decision making processes. Choosing further results into adaption and adaptation further results
the best conflict resolution style is the most fundamental into growth and survival. It is the ability to get along with
skill for project managers (Thomas, 2009). Next section people which decides the success or failure for an individual
deals with implementing the solution to conflict in projects. in conflicting situations (Darling et Walker, 2001). This is
nothing but the social intelligence. Emotional intelligence
and social intelligence are very much important for a project
10. Implementing the Solution to Conflict manager to succeed in conflicting situations.
Usually conflict results into creative ideas, creation of new According to Johnson and Johnson (1982), constructive
policies, procedures, services and products (Appelbaum conflicts make one understand the problem better,
et al., 1999). Implementation of solution for conflict may encourages change (Aula et Siira, 2010), motivates, makes
result into additional costs as well. The conflicts and styles life more interesting, reduces irritations on someone,
of conflict resolution in projects effect individual, team, strengthens and deepens the relationships, stimulates
Brazilian Journal of Operations & Production Management
Volume 12, Nmero 2, 2015, pp. 214-232
DOI: 10.14488/BJOPM.2015.v12.n2.a3

creativity, and increases the team cohesiveness. According

to Robbins (1978), change is inspired by conflict (Davis,
13. References
1977) and conflict is the catalyst for change. If change is not
managed properly, it impacts the team member morale, Al-Sedairy, S.T. (1994). Management of Conflict: public-
commitment, participation, motivation and further leads to sector construction in Saudi Arabia. International Journal of
conflicts in the project again (Armstrong, 1984). If conflict Project Management, 12(3): 143-151.
is not managed properly, it turns out to be litigations, law
Anderson Jr., L.L. and Polkinghorn, B. (2008). Managing
suits, bad feelings, employee attrition (Voki et Sontor,
conflict in construction megaprojects: Leadership and Third-
2009), reduced trust and reduced motivation (Mohammed
Party Principles. Conflict Resolution Quarterly, 26(2): 167-
et al., 2008). Project stakeholders must trust each other and 198.
respect each other (Ross, 2009; Du et al., 2011).
Appelbaum, S.H., Abdallah, C. and Shapiro, B.T. (1999).
The negative impacts of conflicts include schedule, cost The self-directed team: A Conflict resolution analysis. Team
overruns, increased staff turnover, project sponsorship Performance Management, 5(2): 60-77.
problems, reduced team reputation, low team morale and
reduced cooperation among project stakeholders (Warner, Armstrong, M (1984). A Handbook of Personnel
2000). Hence, the impact of implementation of solution to Management Practice. Second Edition. Kogan Page, London,
the conflict is to be assessed in the project and also in the UK.
organization. Aswathappa, K. (1996). Organizational Behaviour. Third
Revised and Enlarged Edition. Himalaya Publishing House,
New Delhi, India.
12. Conclusion
Aula, P. and Siira, K. (2010). Organizational communication
Conflict management can be formal or informal and Conflict management systems: A Social Complexity
(Swanstrm et Weissmann, 2005). Best results come when you Approach. Nordicom Review, 31(1): 125-141.
combine both. One important thing is conflict management
in projects or organizations should be ethical (Aula et Siira, Banner, D.K. (1995). Conflict resolution: a
2010). It is best practice to have conflict management recontextualization. Leadership & Organization Development
systems (CMS) in projects with characteristics such as input, Journal, 16(1): 31-34.
transformation, output, purpose, boundaries and feedback Barki, H. and Hartwick, J. (2001). Interpersonal conflict
(Aula et Siira, 2010). Conflict management systems should and its management in information system development.
have right based, interest based and negotiation based MIS Quarterly, 25(2):195-228, June 2001.
processes. Constructive conflict management leads to more
innovation and better performance. Organizations have to Billikopf, G. (2003). Conflict management skills. Labor
make the conflict management as core competency. They Management in Agriculture: Cultivating Personnel
should do capacity building in this direction. General Electric Productivity, The Regents of the University of California, pp.
(GE) emphases collaborative style of conflict resolution 157-174.
throughout the organization. Different personalities deal Brahnam, S.D., Margavio, T.M., Hignite, M.A., Barrier,
with conflict in different ways. T.B. and Chin, J.M. (2005). A gender-based categorization of
conflict resolution. Journal of Management Development,
24(3): 197-208.
Scope for Further Research
CIPD (2008). Managing conflict at work: A guide for line
In this paper, a conceptual model of conflict management managers. White paper. Chartered Institute of Personnel
is given. One hundred five reasons for conflicts and forty and Development, London, Available online at http://www.
conflict resolution techniques in projects are identified.
Based on the secondary research top-10 reasons for conflicts line-managers.aspx, pp. 1-20. Accessed on 15-Jan-2013.
and top-5 frequently used conflict resolution techniques are
Curseu, P.L., Boros, S. and Oerlemans, L.A.G. (2012).
given. Further empirical studies can be conducted based on
Task and relationship conflict in short-term and long-term
the items found from literature review to find the reasons for
groups: The critical role of emotion regulation. International
conflicts and conflict resolution techniques based on primary
Journal of Conflict Management, 23(1): 97-107.
data; and also the impacts and intensity of relationships
between different components of the conceptual model can Darling, J.R. and Walker, W.E. (2001). Effective conflict
also be further investigated. This can give new directions management: use of the behavioural style model. Leadership
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