Ocwen and Scott Anderson
Ocwen and Scott Anderson
Ocwen and Scott Anderson
Plaintiff, ) CIVIL ACTION
) FrLE NO,
vs. ) I:09-CV-01462-TCB
DOE(s), )
Defendants. )
Pursuant to Rules 26 and 36 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure,
Defendant Ocwen Loan $ervicing, LLC ("Defendant") serves these objections and
t. Defendant objects to the extent the requests exceed the scope of
1) Scott Anderson did not personally place his sigpature or mark on the
evidence. Without waiving its objections, Defendant admits that Mr. Anderson did
Mr. Anderson did not sign Exlribit A. However, Exhibit A was signed by an
employee ofocwen duly authorized by Mt. Anderson to sign his name,
evidenee. Without waiving its objections, Defendant admits that Exhibit A was
assignment of deed to secure debt attached as Exhibit A was trxecuted with his
signaftre or mark.
Exhibit A was notarized in Pahn Beach County by Florida notary Leticia N. Arias.
d a writterr document, speaks for itself, Insofar as firrther re$ponse to the Request
is required, Defendant state that the notary public "stamp" appearing on the face of
recorded in the Haralson County, GA public offtcial records book 869, page 554.
deed to secure debt auached as Exhibit A was recorded in the Haralson Coutrty,
Assignment was sent for recording to the Clerk of the Superior Court of Haralson
evidence. AccordingJy, and responding to the best of its ability, Defendant denies
this Request,
Response: Denied.
Response: Denied.
create Exhibit A.
Responre: Denied.
13) In Exhibit A, under *Attssted By" are witnesses Oscar Traveras and
Doris Chapman.
A, a written document speaks for itself. Insofar as further response to this Request
is required Defendant state that the signafirres on Exhibit A are identified in type
l4) Oscar Traveras and Doris Chapman are employees of your company.
its officers.
Response: Denied.
its officers.
17) Leticia Arias notarizes documents on behalf of your company and its
Responser Admified-
Responser Denied,
Response: Denied.
admissible evidence. Fwther, Ocwen does not originate loans, so it does not
Iocations, Accordingly, and responding to the best of its ability, Defendant denies
this Request.
other real estate property records as officers of corporations they are not employed
its officers.
been asked and answered in Defendant's Response to Request No. 16. Defendant
28) Leticia Arias notarizes documenk on behalf of your company and its
been asked and artswered in Defendant's Response to Request No. 17. Defendant
A, a written document, speaks for itself. Insofar as further re$ponse to this Request
Responser Denied.
Responser Denied.
Reeponse; Denied,
33) Deutsche Bank National Trust Company may be senred with lawsuits
and seryice ofprocess et 1661 \Vorthingfon Road, $uite 100, West Palm Beach, FL
Responsel Denied.
34) You have not informed officers and management of Deutsche Bank
Response: Denied.
35) Deutsche Bank National Trwt Company did not approve the
Responser Denied.
37) Your company has been sanctioned by state and Federal Courts for
38) Your company has filed pleadings and affidavits in Courts in the state
of Florida that claimed original promissory notes were lost, stolen, or destroyed.
that as while it is possible that Ocwen as servicer has supplied a lost note affidavit
in a given case, it does not generally own the mortgages it services, so it does not
state of Florida that claimed original promissory notes were lost, stolen, or
destuoyed whert in fact you knew the location of the original note.
40) Your company has filed foreclosure actions in its name as Plaintiff
claiming it owned promissory notes when in fact it was only a servicer and other
(as was the foreclosure that is the subject of the case at Bar). Therefore there is no
I'plaintiff' as defined in this Request. Insofar as Plaintiff seeks infonuration
regarding the foreclosure process of any other state, such Request is overly broad,
who allegedly received such inforuation and Defendant does not have knowledge
of such a report. Without waiving its objection, Defendant denies the allegation in
42) Federal Judge Arthur Schack criticized your company and Scott
evidence. Further, it calls for an admission of opinion on these nrlings and not for
an admission of fact. Defendant states that Judge Schack is a state court judge in
New York, and has issued some opinions in foreclosure actions, both of which
were appealed. One has already been rwersed and remarrded and the other is
its ability, Defendant states that these opinions are of public record, and whether
43) Federal Judge Arthur Schack denied your right to foreclose in cases in
evidence. Judge $chack is a New York state court judge who refused under the
rules of procedure in New York to issue an order of reference. Both of cases were
appealed and one has already been reversed. Accordingly, and responding to the
44) Your company has been notified by regulators, U.S. trustee's office,
U.S., Attomeys, U,S. Justice Department and/or state Attorney Gerrerals that your
company is under investigation for its assigrrment of mortgage and deeds practices.
vag$e, overbroad, inelevant and not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery
A, a written document speaks for itself. Insofar as further response to this Request
is required, Defendant state that the date of the assignmeut and the date indicated
in the paragraph concernirtg the notary are both identified as February 25,ZA0g.
A, a written document speaks for ieelf. Insofar as further response to this Request
is required, Defendant state ttrat the date referenced in the Request appears on
Exhibit A.
whose address is Ocwen Loan Sewicing 1661 Worthington Road, Suite 100, West
Company, As Indentrue Trustee for the Registered Holders of Ocwen Real Estate
Asset Liquidating Trust 2001-1, Asset-Backed Notes Series 2007*1, whose address
is c/o Ocwen Loan Servicing 166l Worthington Road, Suite 100, West Palm
evidence. Without waiving its objection, Defendant states that the "Assignment of
Deed to Secure Debt" attached as Exhibit A speaks for itself. Aoeordingly, and
48) Your company's ernployees executed Exhibit A for both the Assignor
and Assignee.
of Deed to Secure Debf' attached as Exhibit A speaks for itself. Accordingly, and
evidence. Without waiving its objections, Defendant states that tlre "Assignment
of Deed to Secure Debt" attached as Exhibit A speaks for itself. In addition, the
"effect" of the assignment would be governed by the applicable law and title
this Request.
5l) There was no lawfirl way for HomeAmerican Credit DIB/A Upland
Mortgage to assign Plaintiffs Originat Promissory Note and her Deed to Secrxe
to draw a legal conclusion, Accordinglyr and responding to the best of its abiliry,
52) There was no lawful way for HomeAmerican Credit DiBlA Upland
Mortgage to assign Plaintiffs Original Promissory Note and her Deed to Secure
to draw a legal conclusion. Accordingly, and responding to the best of its ability,
LIQUIDATINC TRUST 2007-l have definitive closing dates wherein the lawtul
assets in promissory notes must transfer to the trust within specific time frames.
54) You czumot legally nansfer a promissory note into a securitized tnrst
that has elected REMIC status two years after the trtrst's creation and its closing
55) You cannot transfer a promissory note into a securitized tnrst that has
elected REMIC status two years before a tnrst's creation and its closing date.
to draw a legal conclusion. Accordingly, alld responding to the best of its ability,
to assign a promissory note that was not assigned into a trust two years earlier.
to draw a legal conclusion. Accordingly, and responding to the best of its ability,
57) You never paid cash or any monetary consideration for the Ptaintiffs
promissory note.
Request No. 57 in that the Depositor for this trust, prior to depositing this rnortgage
58) Another securitized tnrst assigned you the right to service Plaintiffs
this Request.
60) Your company and Scott Anderson claim in Exhibit A that they have
6l) Your company knows tlrat it is unlawful in the state of Florida and
to draw a legal conclusion. Accordinglyr and responding to the best of its ability,
62) Your company knows that it is unlawful in the state of Florida and
Georgia to have notaries place another person's signature or mark on real properfy
records such as assignments of deeds to secure debt and mortgages and then
63) Your company knows that it is unlawful in the state of Florida and
Georgia to backdate assignments of deeds to secure debt and mortgages and then
to draw a legal conclusion. Accordingly, and responding to the best of its ability,
64) Your company knows that it is unlawful in the state of Florida and
Georgia to file assignments of deeds to secure debt and mortgages for loans whose
to draw a legal conclusion. Accordingly, and responding to the best of its ability,
promissory note from its deed to secure debt or mortgage that the mortgage and
to speculate and draw a legal conclusion, Accordingly, and responding to the best
to draw a legal conclusion. Accordingly, and responding to the best of its ability,
obvjects to this Request on the grounds that it is overly broad, irrelevant and not
objections, Defendant admits that lvlr. Anderson did not sign Exhibit A. However,
72) Your company's ofFrcers and employees have purchased REO assets
determine. Accordingly, and responding to the best of its ability, Defendant denies
this Request.
in the United States in the last 13 years bought an REO property, but as unitten it is
somewhere in the United States in the last 13 ysa.rs bought an REO property, but as
company at a discount.
with the U.S. Disrict Court for the Northern District of Georgia to the following;
for Defendant
C ouns el Qcw en
Loan Seruicing, LLC