Ocwen and Scott Anderson

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t-rr ll-*t,t tnATi-

Plaintiff, ) CIVIL ACTION
) FrLE NO,
vs. ) I:09-CV-01462-TCB
DOE(s), )
Defendants. )
Pursuant to Rules 26 and 36 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure,

Defendant Ocwen Loan $ervicing, LLC ("Defendant") serves these objections and

responses to Plaintiff s First Requests for Admissions, stating as follows:

t. Defendant objects to the extent the requests exceed the scope of

pennissible discovery under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.

TB 39Vd NOS0IAV0 rsl68l6Bu EF:68 8187"/68/S8

2. Defendant further objects to each request to the extent it seeks

information that is protected from discovery by the attorney-client privilege,

investigative privilege, work product docffine, or any other applicable privilege.

3. Except for facts explicitly stated herein as being admitted by

Defendant, no incidental and/or implied admissions axe intended by Defendant.

No inferences may be drawn from any response by Defendant.

Subject to the foregoing, Defendant responds as follows:


1) Scott Anderson did not personally place his sigpature or mark on the

assignment of deed to secure debt attached as Exhibit A.

Response: Defendarrt objects to this Request on the grounds that it is

irrelevant and not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible

evidence. Without waiving its objections, Defendant admits that Mr. Anderson did

not sign Exhibit A. However, Exhibit A was sigred by an employee of Ocwen

duly authorized by h&. Anderson to sign his rrarne.

2) The mark placed on the assignment of deed to secure debt attached as

Exhibit A as Scott Andersons is not Scott Andersqn's signature.

Responsel Defendant objects to this Request on the grourtds that it is

irrelevant, not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible

za fgvd N05(IilVO F9L6BL6BLL gF:EA 8T87./6A/98

evidence and is redundant. Without waiving its objections, Defendant adrnits that

Mr. Anderson did not sign Exlribit A. However, Exhibit A was signed by an
employee ofocwen duly authorized by Mt. Anderson to sign his name,

3) The mark placed on the assignment of deed to secure debt attached as

Exhibit A as Scott Andersons wEls placed by another ernployee of your company,

not $cott Anderson"

Response: Defendant objects to this Request on the grounds that it is

irrelevant and not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible

evidenee. Without waiving its objections, Defendant admits that Exhibit A was

signed by * employee of Ocwen duly authorized by Mr. Anderson to sign his


4) The mark placed on the assignment of deed to secure debt attached as

Exhibit A as Scott Andersons was placed by another employee of your company

who is also a notarf.

Response: Defendant objects to this Request on the grounds that it is

inelevant, not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible

evidence and is redundant. Without waiving its objections, Defendant lacks

sufficient information to admit or deny the allegations in Request No- 4.

E8 lSVd NOSOIAVO tst5816Bt_t gt:58 EIBZ/68/9A

5) $con Anderson was not in the presence of Leticia Arias when the

assignment of deed to secure debt attached as Exhibit A was trxecuted with his

signaftre or mark.

Response: Defendant objects to this Request on the grounds that it is

irrelevant and not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible

evidence. Without waiving its objections, Defendant lacks sufficient information

to admit or deny the allegations in Request No. 5.

6) An 2l?512009, the assignment of deed to secure debt attached as

Exhibit A was notarized in Pahn Beach County by Florida notary Leticia N. Arias.

Reeponse; Defendant objects to this Request on the grounds that Exhibit

d a writterr document, speaks for itself, Insofar as firrther re$ponse to the Request
is required, Defendant state that the notary public "stamp" appearing on the face of

Exhibit A identifies Leticia N. Arias as the notary.

7) The assignment of deed to secure debt attaohed as Exhibit A was then

recorded in the Haralson County, GA public offtcial records book 869, page 554.

Response; Denied. By way of further explanation, the assignrnent of the

deed to secure debt auached as Exhibit A was recorded in the Haralson Coutrty,

Georgia real estate records in Deed Book 978,Page 322,

9E 35Vd NOSorAVq FELEEL5BLL g':6A AT8Z/6A/96

E) The assignment of deed to $ecure debt attached as fxhibit A was sent

to Haralson County, GA via the U.$. mail or other delivery service.

Responsel Admitted insofar ae the Request seek$ an admission that the

Assignment was sent for recording to the Clerk of the Superior Court of Haralson


9) The assignment of deed to secure debt attached as Exhibit A was used

to support an advertisement for foreclosure sale of the Plaintiffs Properly.

Response: Defendant objects to Request No. 9 on the grounds that it is

irrelevant and not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible

evidence. AccordingJy, and responding to the best of its ability, Defendant denies

this Request,

l0) The signing agent of Residential Loan Seroicing, Ocwen Loan

Seroicing as attorney-in-fact-for was Scott Andersono a Senior Vice President of


Response: Denied.

1l) Denise A. Marvel, Manager of Document Control and Contract

Management prepared Exhibit A.

Response: Denied.

FB 35Vd N050IAVO FSL68/6At/ gF:58 A|AZ/68/9A

12) Ms. Marvel took information from an Ocwen Computer system to

create Exhibit A.

Responre: Denied.

13) In Exhibit A, under *Attssted By" are witnesses Oscar Traveras and

Doris Chapman.

Responsel Defendant objects to this Request on the grounds that Exhibit

A, a written document speaks for itself. Insofar as further response to this Request

is required Defendant state that the signafirres on Exhibit A are identified in type

as those of Oscar Taveras and Doris Chapman-

l4) Oscar Traveras and Doris Chapman are employees of your company.

Response: Admitted insofar as Doris Chapman and Oscar Taveras wers

ernployees of Ocwen at the time of the execution of Exhibit A.

15) Oscar Traveras notarizes documents on behalf of your company and

its officers.

Response: Denied.

16) Doris Chapman notarizes documents on behalf of your company arrd

its officers.

Response; Defendant objects to this Request on the grounds that it is

overbroad, irrelevant, ffid not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of


adrnissible evidence. Without waiving its objections, Defendant admits the
allegations in Request No. 16.

17) Leticia Arias notarizes documents on behalf of your company and its


Responser Admified-

18) Oscar Traveras has placed Scott Anderson's signature or mark on

docuurents he notarized docurnents on behalf of your company and Scott

Responser Denied,

19) Doris Chapman has placed Scott Anderson's signature or mark on

documents he notarized documents on behalf of yor.u company and Scott


Response: Defendant objects to this Request on the grounds that it is

overbroad, irrelevant, ild not reasonably calcutated to lead to the discovery of

admissible evidence. Accordingly, and responding to the best of its ability,

Defendant denies this Request.

2q Leticia Arias has placed Scott Anderson's signahue or mark on

documents he notarized documents on behalf of your oompany and Scott


LA 39Vd NDSOIAVd rgt5s46a/l gt:68 arTz/68/98

Response: Defendant objects to thie Request on the grounds that it is

overbroad, irrelevan! and not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of

admissible evidence. Accordingly, and responding to the best of ito ability,

Defendant denies this Request.

2L) Oscar Traveras has placed Scott Anderson's signature or mark on

documents notarized by others on behalf of your company and $cott Anderson.

Response: Denied.

22) Leticia Arias has placed Scott Anderron's signanue or mark on

documents notarized by otherc on behalf of your conrpany and Scott Anderson.

Response: Defendant objects to this Request on the grounds that it is

overbroad, irrelevant, and not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of

admissible evidence. Accordingly, and responding to the best of its ability,

Defendant denies this Request.

23) Doris Chapman has placed Scott Anderson's signafure or mark on

documents notarized by others on behalf of your company and Scott Anderson.

Response: Defendant objects to this Request on the grounds that it is

overbroad, irrelevant, and not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of

admissible evidence. Accordingly, and responding to the best of its ability,

Defendant denies this Request.


24) Your company employs the notaries that notarize the assignments of
rnortgages and deeds your company prepares.

Response: Defendant objecm to this Request on the grounds that it is

irrelevant and not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible

evidence. Without uraiving its objection, Defendant admits the allegations in


ZS) Yoru company preparcs assignments of mortgage, deed to secure

trust, and deeds of trust in India.

Response: Defendant objects to this Request on the grounds that it is

overbroad, irrelevanf and not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of

admissible evidence. Fwther, Ocwen does not originate loans, so it does not

pr€pare deeds of tmst. Assignments af,e prepared in orre of Ocwen's Florida

Iocations, Accordingly, and responding to the best of its ability, Defendant denies

this Request.

26) Your company's employees exeoute assigrunents of rnortgages and

other real estate property records as officers of corporations they are not employed

and paid by.

Response: Defendant objects to this Request on the grounds that it is

overbroad, irrelevant, f,nd not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of

58 lSVd N050rAVO FgrSBt6Bll st:6a al6z/6a/98

admissible evidence. Without waiving its objections, Defendanr denies the

allegations in Rsquest No. 26.

27) Doris Chapman notarizes documents on behalf of yoru company and

its officers.

Response: Defendant objects to this Request on the grounds that it has

been asked and answered in Defendant's Response to Request No. 16. Defendant

further re-states its objections to Request No. 16.

28) Leticia Arias notarizes documenk on behalf of your company and its


Response: Defendant objects to this Request on the grounds that it has

been asked and artswered in Defendant's Response to Request No. 17. Defendant

further re-states its objections to Request No. 17.

29) The assigrunent of deed to secure debt attached as Exhibit A was

"prepared" by Maria Alverez of Ocwen Loan Servicing.

Response; Defendant objects to this Request on the grounds that Exhibit

A, a written document, speaks for itself. Insofar as further re$ponse to this Request

is required, Defendant states that the document nfooteril on Exhibit A identifies

Maria Alvarez as the preparer of the document.


8T f9vd NOSOII\VO rqt68tEBtl 9F:EB AT.A7,/6A/9A

30) Deutsche Bank National Trust Company conducts business at lffl
Worthington Road, Suite 100, West Palm Beach, FL 33409.

Responser Denied.

31) Deutsche Bank National Trust Company employs officers ar 166l

Wortfiington Road, Suite 100, IVestPalm Beach, FL 33409.

Responser Denied.

32) Deutsche Bank National Trust Company employs paid employees at

1661 Worthington Road Suite 100, West PaIm Beach, FL 33409.

Reeponse; Denied,

33) Deutsche Bank National Trust Company may be senred with lawsuits

and seryice ofprocess et 1661 \Vorthingfon Road, $uite 100, West Palm Beach, FL


Responsel Denied.

34) You have not informed officers and management of Deutsche Bank

National Trust Company ofthis lawsuit.

Response: Denied.

35) Deutsche Bank National Trwt Company did not approve the

foreclosure of Plaintiffs loan and property.

Responser Denied.



36) Your company has been sanctioned by state and Federal Courts for

your mortgage servicing practices.

Response: Defendant objects to this Request on the grounds that it is

vague, overbroad, irrelevant and not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery

of admissible evidence. Accordingly, Defendant denies this request.

37) Your company has been sanctioned by state and Federal Courts for

your foreclosure practices.

Response: Defendant objects to this Request on the grounds that it is

vague, overbroad, irrelevant and not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery

of adprissible evidence. AccordingJy, Defendant denies this request.

38) Your company has filed pleadings and affidavits in Courts in the state

of Florida that claimed original promissory notes were lost, stolen, or destroyed.

Response: Defendant objects to this Request on the grorurds that it is

overbroad unduly burdensome irrelevant and not reasonably calculated to lead to

the discovery of admissible evidence. Subject to these objections, Ocwen states

that as while it is possible that Ocwen as servicer has supplied a lost note affidavit

in a given case, it does not generally own the mortgages it services, so it does not

generally file lawsuits or pleadings.


zI 35Vd NOSCIInvq FSt6Sl6Et/ gf:58 aIBZ/6A/98

39) Your company has filed false pleadings and affidavits in Courts in the

state of Florida that claimed original promissory notes were lost, stolen, or
destuoyed whert in fact you knew the location of the original note.

Responre: Defendant objects to this Request on the grounds that it is

overbroad, unduly burdensome, irrelevant and not reasonably calculated to lead to

the discovery of admissible evidence. Accordingly, and responding to the best of

its abilify, Defendant denies this Request.

40) Your company has filed foreclosure actions in its name as Plaintiff

claiming it owned promissory notes when in fact it was only a servicer and other

entities or persone owned the note.

Responsel Defendant denies this Request insofar as the Request seeks

information regarding foreclosures conducted in the state of Georgia, Georgia

statute provides that foreclosures may be conducted through a non-judicial process

(as was the foreclosure that is the subject of the case at Bar). Therefore there is no
I'plaintiff' as defined in this Request. Insofar as Plaintiff seeks infonuration

regarding the foreclosure process of any other state, such Request is overly broad,

unduly burdensome and not calculated to lead to the discovery of evidence

admissible in this mafier.


eT fSvd N0sqrnvo FSr.FBtEBtl gt :6a alaz/6a/9a

41) Your company received a report claiming that Scott Anderson's ruilme

was being forged on assignments of mortgages and deeds.

Response: Defendant objects to this Request on the grounds that it is

vague, irrelevant and not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of

admissible evidence. This "report" is not identifred in the request nor is the person

who allegedly received such inforuation and Defendant does not have knowledge

of such a report. Without waiving its objection, Defendant denies the allegation in


42) Federal Judge Arthur Schack criticized your company and Scott

Anderson's practices in opinions and court orders he issued.

Responre: Defendant objects to this Request on the grorrnds that it is

irrelevant and not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible

evidence. Further, it calls for an admission of opinion on these nrlings and not for

an admission of fact. Defendant states that Judge Schack is a state court judge in

New York, and has issued some opinions in foreclosure actions, both of which

were appealed. One has already been rwersed and remarrded and the other is

currerrtly pending appellate argument. Accordingly, and responding to the best of

its ability, Defendant states that these opinions are of public record, and whether


FI fSVd N0SflI1tV0 VELEBL5BLL gF:58 AT87,/6A/9A

the opinions amount to criticisrn is a matter of opinion; therefore, Deferrdant can

neither admit or deny this request.

43) Federal Judge Arthur Schack denied your right to foreclose in cases in

the state of New York.

Response; Defendant objects to this Request on the grounds that it is

irrelevant and not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible

evidence. Judge $chack is a New York state court judge who refused under the

rules of procedure in New York to issue an order of reference. Both of cases were

appealed and one has already been reversed. Accordingly, and responding to the

best of its ability, Defendent denies this Request as written.

44) Your company has been notified by regulators, U.S. trustee's office,

U.S., Attomeys, U,S. Justice Department and/or state Attorney Gerrerals that your

company is under investigation for its assigrrment of mortgage and deeds practices.

Responsel Defendant objects to this Request on the grounds that it is

vag$e, overbroad, inelevant and not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery

of admissible evidence. Accordingly, and responding to the best of its ability,

Defendant denies this Request.

45) The assignment to secure debt attached as Exhibit A is dated and

notarized with a date of 2/25/ZAQ9.



Response: Defendant objects to this Request on the grounds that Exhibit

A, a written document speaks for itself. Insofar as further response to this Request

is required, Defendant state that the date of the assignmeut and the date indicated

in the paragraph concernirtg the notary are both identified as February 25,ZA0g.

46) The assignment to secure debt attached as Hxtribit A is ,*made and

entered": as of 51112005,

Responce: Defendant objects to this Request on the grounds that Exhibit

A, a written document speaks for ieelf. Insofar as further response to this Request

is required, Defendant state ttrat the date referenced in the Request appears on

Exhibit A.

47) The assignment to secure debt attached as Exhibit A states a

Properly/Asset transfer from HomeAmerican Credit D/F,IA Upland Mortgage

whose address is Ocwen Loan Sewicing 1661 Worthington Road, Suite 100, West

Palm Beach, FL 33409 (the "Assignor") to Deutsche Bank National Trust

Company, As Indentrue Trustee for the Registered Holders of Ocwen Real Estate

Asset Liquidating Trust 2001-1, Asset-Backed Notes Series 2007*1, whose address

is c/o Ocwen Loan Servicing 166l Worthington Road, Suite 100, West Palm

Beach, FL 33409 (the "Assigree").


9T ISVJ N05(rAVO tgl68tSBtt gt:6a aral,lEa/ga

Response: Defendant objects to this Request on the grounds that it is

irrelevant and not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible

evidence. Without waiving its objection, Defendant states that the "Assignment of
Deed to Secure Debt" attached as Exhibit A speaks for itself. Aoeordingly, and

responding to the best of its ability, Defendant denies this Request.

48) Your company's ernployees executed Exhibit A for both the Assignor

and Assignee.

Response; Defendant objects to this Request on the grounds that it is

irrelevant and not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible

evidence. Without waiving i* objections, Defendant states that the "Assignrnent

of Deed to Secure Debf' attached as Exhibit A speaks for itself. Accordingly, and

responding to the best of its ability, Defendant denies this Request.

49) Exhibit A was assigned in 2009, but backdated to be effective in 2005.

Response: Defendant objects to this Request on the grounds that it is

irrelevant and not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible

evidence. Without waiving its objections, Defendant states that tlre "Assignment

of Deed to Secure Debt" attached as Exhibit A speaks for itself. In addition, the

"effect" of the assignment would be governed by the applicable law and title


LI fgvd NOS0IAVq V9LEEL6A/-L EF:58 BIA7,/6A/98

standards. Accordingly, and responding to the best of its ability, Defendant denies

this Request.


not in existence in 2005.

Response; Defendant objects to this Request on the grounds tlrat it is

irrelevant and not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible

evidence. Without waiving its objections, Defendant admits the allegations in


5l) There was no lawfirl way for HomeAmerican Credit DIB/A Upland

Mortgage to assign Plaintiffs Originat Promissory Note and her Deed to Secrxe


Response: Defendant objects to this Request on the grounds that it is

irrelevant and not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible

evidence. Defendant further objects to this Request because it requires Defendant

to draw a legal conclusion, Accordinglyr and responding to the best of its abiliry,

Defendant denies this Request,

52) There was no lawful way for HomeAmerican Credit DiBlA Upland

Mortgage to assign Plaintiffs Original Promissory Note and her Deed to Secure

Debt to an entity that didn't exist until 2047.



Response: Defendant objects to this Request on the grounds that it is

irrelevant and not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible

evidence. Defendant further objects to this Request because it requires Defendant

to draw a legal conclusion. Accordingly, and responding to the best of its ability,

Defendant denies this Request.

53) Securitized trusts such as Ocwen REAL ESTATE ASSET

LIQUIDATINC TRUST 2007-l have definitive closing dates wherein the lawtul

assets in promissory notes must transfer to the trust within specific time frames.

Responsol Defendant objects to this Request on the grounds that it is

irrelevant and not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible

evidence. Defendant firrther objects to this Request because it requires Defendant

to speculate. Accordingly, and responding to the best of its ability, Defendant

denies this Request.

54) You czumot legally nansfer a promissory note into a securitized tnrst

that has elected REMIC status two years after the trtrst's creation and its closing


Responsel Defendant objects to this Request on the grounds that it is

irrelevant and not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible

evidence. Defendant further objects to this Request because it requires Defendant


6T tgvd NOSoIAVO V9L68L6ALL E'!68 818Z/6A/98

to draw a legal conclusion. Accordingly, and responding to the best of its ability,

Defendant denies this Request.

55) You cannot transfer a promissory note into a securitized tnrst that has

elected REMIC status two years before a tnrst's creation and its closing date.

Response; Defendant objects to this Request on the grounds that it is

inelevant and not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible

evidence. Defendant fuither objects to this Request because it requires Defendant

to draw a legal conclusion. Accordingly, alld responding to the best of its ability,

Defendant denies this Request.

56) It is unlawful to backdate assignments of deeds of trust and mortgage

to assign a promissory note that was not assigned into a trust two years earlier.

Responsel Defendant objects to this Request on the grounds th,at it is

irrelevant and not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible

evidence. Defendant further objects to this Request because it requires Defendant

to draw a legal conclusion. Accordingly, and responding to the best of its ability,

Defendant denies this Request.

57) You never paid cash or any monetary consideration for the Ptaintiffs
promissory note.


ad 39vd NOSOIAVq FSrbEiSBtr Et:6A BIAZ/68/9A

Responser Defendant objects to this Request on the grounds that it is

irrelevant and not reasonably calculated to lead ts the discovery of admissible

evidence. Without waiving its objection, Defendant denies the allegation in

Request No. 57 in that the Depositor for this trust, prior to depositing this rnortgage

into the pool purchased the loans for value.

58) Another securitized tnrst assigned you the right to service Plaintiffs


Response; Defendant states that it held servicing rights to a Deed to Secure

Debt conveyed by Cheryl Davis, but as written, the question is unanswerable;

thereforeo Defendant denies this Request.

59) Another securitized trust owned the Plaintifi's Original Promissory

Note prior to any alleged transfer to Ocwen REAL ESTATE ASSET


Response: Defendant objects to this Request on the grounds that it is

irrelevant and not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible

evideuce. Acoordingly, and responding to the best of its ability, Defendant denies

this Request.

60) Your company and Scott Anderson claim in Exhibit A that they have

a right under a Power of Attomey to execute docurnents on behalf of the Assignor.


Tl NOSOlAVfl E9L6BL6ALL EF:6A 8TAZ/68/98

Response; Defendant objects to this Request on the grounds that it is

irrelevant and not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible

evidence. Without waiving its objection, Defendant admits the allegations in

Request No. 60.

6l) Your company knows tlrat it is unlawful in the state of Florida and

Georgia to forge a signature or rnark on real property recordg such as assignments

of deeds to secure debt and mortgages,

Response; Defendant objects to this Request on the gror.urds that it is

irrelevant and not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible

evidence. Defendant fi"rrther objects to this Request because it requires Defendant

to draw a legal conclusion. Accordinglyr and responding to the best of its ability,

Defendant denies this Request.

62) Your company knows that it is unlawful in the state of Florida and
Georgia to have notaries place another person's signature or mark on real properfy

records such as assignments of deeds to secure debt and mortgages and then

notarize such documents.

Responser Defendant objects to this Request on the grounds that it is

irrelevant and not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible

evidence. Defendant further objects to this Request because it requires Defendant



to draw a legal conclusion. Accordingly, and responding to the best of its abiliry,

Defendant denies this Request.

63) Your company knows that it is unlawful in the state of Florida and

Georgia to backdate assignments of deeds to secure debt and mortgages and then

notarize such documents to reflect a date different.

Response; Defendant objects to this Request on the grounds that it is

irrelevant and not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible

evidence. Defendant finttrer objects to this Request because it requires Defendant

to draw a legal conclusion. Accordingly, and responding to the best of its ability,

Defendant denies this Request.

64) Your company knows that it is unlawful in the state of Florida and

Georgia to file assignments of deeds to secure debt and mortgages for loans whose

promissory note were n6ver lawfully sold, transfened or assigned.

Retponse: Defendant objects to this Reguest on the grounds that it is

furelevant and not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible

evidence. Defendant further objects to this Request because it requires Defendant

to draw a legal conclusion. Accordingly, and responding to the best of its ability,

Defendant denies this Request.


87, :5Vd NOSOIAVq ,9L6EL6BLL gF:60 8IAZ/68T98

65) Your company knows that if it intentionally separates or bifurcates a

promissory note from its deed to secure debt or mortgage that the mortgage and

deed become a nullity.

Response; Defendant objects to this Request on the grounds that it is

irrelevant and not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible

evidence. Defendant further objecu to this Request because it requires Defendant

to speculate and draw a legal conclusion, Accordingly, and responding to the best

of its ability, Defendant denies this Request.

66) Your company knows that no real transfer of ownership interests in a

promissory note occurs if only an assignrnent of mortgage or deed to secure debt


Response: Defendant objects to this Request on the grounds that it is

irrelevant and not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of adurissible

evidence, Defendant further objects to thie Request because it requires Defsndant

to draw a legal conclusion. Accordingly, and responding to the best of its ability,

Defendant denies this Request.

67) Notaries employed by you have signed Scott Anderson's signature on

assignments of rnortgages, deeds of trust, and/or deeds to secure debt.



Responser Defendant objects to this Request on the grounds that it is
redundant and a repeat of other Requests found herein. Further, Defendant

obvjects to this Request on the grounds that it is overly broad, irrelevant and not

reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of evidence. Without waiving its

objections, Defendant admits that lvlr. Anderson did not sign Exhibit A. However,

Exhibit A was sigred by an employee of Oswen duly authorized by Mr.Anderson

to sign his narr,e.

68) There are at least a dozen contracts and designated agre€ments in

existence relating to Ocwerr REAL ESTATE ASSET LIQUIDATING TRUST


Responser Defendant objects to this Request on the grounds that it is

overbroad, irrelevan! and not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of

admissible evidence. Defendant further objects to this Request because it requires

Defendant to speculate. Accordingly, and responding to the best of its ability,

Defendant denies this Request.

69) Officers of your company have owrtership interests in the certificates


Responue: Defendant objects to this Request on the grounds that it is

overbroad, irrelevant, dlrd not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of


sz fSvd N05qI/1U0 FS468t6814 gF:68 ArgT,lEB/ga

admissible evidence. Accordingly, and responding to the best of its ability,
Defendant denies this Request.

70) Ronald Faris has ownership certifioates in Ocwen REAL ESTATE


Response: Defendant objects to this Request on the grounds that it is

overbroad, irrelevant and not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of

admissible evidence. Accordingly, and responding to the best of its ability,

Defendant denies this Request.

7l) William Erby has ownership certificates in Ocwen REAL ESTATE


Response: Defendarrt objects to this Request on the grounds that it is

overbroad, irrelevant, md not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of

admissible evidence. Accordingly, and responding to the best of its ability,

Defendant denies this Request.

72) Your company's ofFrcers and employees have purchased REO assets

and properties foreclosed on by your company.

Response: Defendant objects to this Request on the grounds that it is

overbroad, inElevant and not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of

admissible evidence. Ocwen has been in business sincE January I, 1997. It is



possible that an employee or former employee has somewhere in the United States

in the last 13 years bought an REO property, but as written it is impossible to

determine. Accordingly, and responding to the best of its ability, Defendant denies

this Request.

73l. Faurily members of your company's offrcers and employees have

purchased REO assets and properties forpclosed on by your company.

Responsel Defendant objects to this Request on the grounds that it is

overbroad, irrelevant, and rrot reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of

admissible eviderrce. Oowen has been in business since January l, 1997. It is

possible that a family member of an employee or former employee has somewhere

in the United States in the last 13 years bought an REO property, but as unitten it is

impossible to determine. Accordingly, and responding to the best of its ability,

Defendant denies this Request-

74) Friends and business colleagues of your company's officers and

employees have purchased REO assets and properties foreclosed on by your


Response: Defendant objects to ttris Request on the grounds that it is

overbroad, irrelevant, and not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of

admissible evidence, Ocwen has been in business since January l, 1997. It is


Ll 39Vd N0s0IAVq FEtSEtSAtt Et:68 ALAZt6A/gE

possible that a friend or business colleague of an employee or former employee has

somewhere in the United States in the last 13 ysa.rs bought an REO property, but as

written it is impossible to determine. Accordingly, and responding to the best of

its ability, Defendant denies this Request.

75) Friends and business colleagues of your company's officerr and

employees have purchased REO assets and properties foreclosed on by yotu

company at a discount.

Rerponser Defendant objects to this Request on the grounds that it is

overbroad irrelevant, flrld not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of

admissible evidence. Accordingly, and responding to the best of its ability,

Defendant denies this Request as REO properties are priced based on market value.

Georgia Bar l.lo. 26LSl5

Charles T. Huddleston
Georgia Bar No. 373975
CAI,DWELL & BERKOWITZ, PC Georgia Bar No. 3Q7A53
3414 Peachtree Road, N.E., Ste 1600 Counsel for Defendant Ocwen Loan
Atlanta, Georgia 30326 Serticing, LLC
Fh: (aOa) 577-6000;Fax; (404)22t'
lfinley@bakerdonel son. aom
chuddleston@bakerdonelson. com
j e gr een@b akerdonel son. com



I have this day served upon all necessary parties of record with a copy of


F'IRST REQUEST FOR AITMISSIONS by the CIvIIECF orrline frling system

with the U.S. Disrict Court for the Northern District of Georgia to the following;

Preston Halliburton, Esq,

Law Office of Prestorr Flaliburton
1378 Scenic Hwy. N.
Snellville, GA 30078
EFstonhal ibur.t, on@v, fl hoo, gom

This 4ft day of June 2010.

Georgia Bar No- 373975


3414 Peachtree Road, N.E.
Monarch Plaza, Suite 1600
Atlanta, Georgia 30326
Phone: (404) 577-6000
Facsimile; (aAQ 221-6501

for Defendant
C ouns el Qcw en
Loan Seruicing, LLC


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