Ms For Space Frame Assembling

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# AYC-MS-CVL-040
Revision 00

Date 14 MAY, 2017

Page No 1 of 4


Jizan Economic City, Jizan, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


Level: General
Area: General
Grid Reference: General

Prepared : Reviewed: Reviewed: Approved:





Doc.Ref.# AYC-MS-CVL-040
Revision 00
Date 14 MAY, 2017

Page No 2 of 4


This Method Statement defines the procedure and practices that will be used on assembling Space
Frames as shown on the approved references (Drawings and Details) for Industrial Support Facilities
Building EPC-06 at Jizan Economic City.

This procedure is applicable within AYC projects at Industrial Support Facilities Building (ISFB) EPC-
06 at Jizan Economic City, Jizan, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Works shall conform to the Project
Specifications, applicable Aramco Standards and Approved Fabricators recommendation.

a) Site Engineer shall be responsible for the implementation of this Installation Procedure under
the direct supervision of the Construction Managers.
b) Approved Manufacturer/Fabricator- to supply and install the product
c) QC Inspectors shall perform monitoring and inspections during assembling and installation


1. Project Specification (05500 Miscellaneous Metal Fabrication)
2. Saudi Aramco Engineering Standard (SAES) and Saudi Aramco Material System
Specification (SAMSS)
a) SAES-H-101 Approved Protective Coating System
b) 09SAMSS-021 Alkyd Enamel Coating System (APCS6)
c) 09SAMSS-071 Inorganic Zinc Primer (APCS-17A and APCS-17B)
d) 12SAMSS-007 Fabrication of Structural and Miscellaneous Steel
e) AL RAFID STEEL INDUSTRIES Standard Method Statement
3. American Society Testing and Materials (ASTM)
a) ASTM A36 Specification for Carbon Structural Steel
b) ASTM 47 Specification for Ferritic Malleable Iron Casting
c) ASTM A53 Specification for Pipe, Steel, Black and Hot Dip, Zinc-coated Welded
and Seamless
d) ASTM A108 Specification for Steel Bars, Carbon, Cold-Finished Standard
e) ASTM A123 Specification for Zinc (Hot-Dipped Galvanized) on Iron and Steel
f) ASTM A153 Specification for Zinc Coating (Hot-Dipped) on Iron and Steel Hardwar
g) ASTM A167 Specification for Stainless and Heat-Resisting Chromium-Nickel
h) Steel Plate and Strip
i) ASTM A194M Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts for Bolts for High-
j) Pressure and High-Temperatures Service
k) ASTM A269 Specification for Seamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel
Tubing for General Service
l) ASTM A283 Specification for Carbon Steel Plates, Shapes, and Bars
m) ASTM A307 Specification for Carbon Steel Bolts and Studs, 60000 psi tensile
n) ASTM A312 Specification for Seamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel
o) ASTM A325 Specification for High Strength Bolts for Structural Steel Joints
p) ASTM A325M Specification for High Strength Bolts for Structural Steel Joints (Metric)
q) ASTM A366 Specification for Steel, Carbon, Cold-Rolled Sheet
r) ASTM A500 Specification for Cold Formed Welded and Seamless Carbon
Structural Tubing in Round and Shapes
Doc.Ref.# AYC-MS-CVL-040
Revision 00
Date 14 MAY, 2017

Page No 3 of 4


s) ASTM A501 Specification for Hot Formed Welded and Seamless Carbon Steel
Structural Tubing
t) ASTM A501 Specification for Steel Structural Rivets
u) ASTM A525 Specification for Steel Sheet, Zinc Coated (Galvanized) by the Hot-
Dipped process
v) ASTM A526 Specification for Steel Sheet, Zinc Coated (Galvanized) by the Hot Dip
Process (Com. Quality)
w) ASTM A563 Specification for Carbon and alloy steel nuts
x) ASTM A563M Specification for Carbon and alloy steel nuts (Metric)
y) ASTM A1008 Specification for Steel, Cold Rolled Sheet Carbon Structural
z) ASTM A1011 Specification for Hot Rolled Carbon Steel Sheets and Strip-Structural
4. American Welding Society (AWS)
a) AWS A.0 Standard Welding Symbols
b) ANSI/AWS D1.1/D1.1M. Structural Welding Code - Steel
5. National Association of Architectural Metal Manufacturers (NAAMM)
6. Steel Structure Painting Council
7. Approved Manufacturers Recommendation
Approved Manufacturer: Rafid Steel Industries
P.O Box 09200
Riyadh 11492
Space Frame - In architecture and structural engineering, a space frame or space structure is a truss-
like, lightweight rigid structure constructed from interlocking struts in a geometric pattern.
Space frames can be used to span large areas with few interior supports.


A Assembly-On-Ground:
A-1 Preparation:
1) Area for erection (assembling) shall be ready and clear from disturbances.
2) Material receiving shall be conducted by QC personnel with reference to the
vendor inspection and disposition report.
3) Copies of erection drawings shall be available prior to start the work

A-2 Space Frame assembling:

1) Space frame shall be assembled close as possible to the support columns to
facilitate the lifting operation.
2) The start point of the space frame installation shall be selected by the
erection crew.
3) Using the approved space frame erection drawing as reference, members
and nodes are segregated sequentially following their arrangement in the
erection drawing.
4) Using Spanners, Wrenches and other applicable tools: Space frame
members, nodes and supports are assembled Manually (Snug Tight) on
5) Space frame shall be carried out in-situ, grid-by-grid until fully completed.
Doc.Ref.# AYC-MS-CVL-040
Revision 00
Date 14 MAY, 2017

Page No 4 of 4


6) Sufficient pit shall be dug down or excavated at the location of drop-down

module support to enable the installation of members that connects the
space frame with the columns.
7) After the completion of the space frame assembly, installation of stools and
purlins shall follow.

A-3 Touch-up and Repairs:

1) Bent members shall be rectified or replaced. Rectified or replacement
members shall be installed in their original or correct position.
2) Touch painted surface that sustained scratches or slight finish damage.
Touch-up shall be carried out as per Aramco Approved Procedure.
B Lifting the Assembled Space:
B1 Assembled space frame shall be lifted into position on top of columns. When
correct position is ascertain, all space frame support shall be fully welded to the
anchor plates.
B2 Welding Procedures and individual welders shall be qualified in accordance
with the requirement of ANSI/AWS D1.1/D1.1M. Ultrasonic testing maybe
substituted for radiography if approved by Saudi Aramco Inspection
B3 Lifting the space frame shall be carried out with reference to the Aramco Approved
Lifting Plan.

VII STORAGE AND HANDLING (as per 12 samss-07)

Fabricator shall ensure that all steel and its coating are protected from any damage caused
by handling, storage or shipping prior to receipt by the buyer.
Fabricator shall ensure adequate protection shall be provided.
The fabricator is responsible for delivering all materials and documentation to the job site in
good condition. All material and documentation will be inspected immediately upon receipt
by Buyer to determine that all items included in the Bill of Materials has been supplied, to
assure that all documentation has been received and to check for any damage.
All materials designated for the care, custody and control of the erector, shall be received,
unloaded, stored and otherwise handled in a manner that will prevent distortion, deterioration
or damage.


a) Health, Safety and Environment issues shall be guided by AYC safety procedures and ARAMCO
Safety Standard.
b) Work area to be kept clean, safe and easily accessible.
c) Appropriate PPE shall be worn at all times.
d) Safety talk shall be conducted to remind the workers about the risk involved before commencing
the activity.


AL RAFID STEEL INDUSTRIES Standard Method Statement

Project Title:


Prepared by: Doc. No. Rev. Page
Steel Space Frame Assembly-on-Ground
MS-M-01 01 1 of 9


a. To develop guidelines for the assembling of Space Frame at Industrial Suport

Facilities Buildings (ISFB) at Jizan Economic City, Jizan, Kingdom of Saudi
Arabia .
b. The installation and assembly of space frame structure shall be carried out in
accordance with the following Rafid Space Frame Standard Erection Procedure previously
proven successful in several space frame projects. Due to the convenient and
manageable size of the space frame, it is highly recommended that erection method to
be adopted is the Assembly-on-Ground, Lift-by-Crane method. Two (2) stages shall
be involved:

Stage 1 Complete assembly of the space frame on-ground.

Stage 2 Lifting of space frame into position on columns (will be
done with reference to the approved Lifting Plan).

c. This Erection Method Statement is not strict in nature and can be modified or adjusted
as determined by actual site conditions and upon approval of Rafid engineer in
accordance with Safety Standard.


2.1 General

2.1.1 Obtain the approval of the work permit from the concerned Department before
starting any work.

2.1.2 Tools and equipment should be made operational and available for use.

2.1.3 Continuous monitoring and inspection shall be implemented to detect and correct
unsafe practices while performing any activities.

2.1.4 Safety officer shall implement surveillance to help and protect all assigned workers
against exposure to safety hazards.

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2.1.5 Barricades around work area and sufficient signboards shall be provided whenever

2.1.6 Wear suitable and applicable PPE such as protective rubber boots, gloves and other

2.1.7 Scaffolding works should comply with Standards in reference to Construction Safety


3.1 Sunshade Steel Space Frame


4.1 Preparatory Works and Various Concerns

4.1.1 Space Frame materials will be conveniently delivered in steel palettes, boxes and
drums each weighing not more than 500 kgs. (see picture below). Upon delivery,
materials can be easily unloaded with crane or fork lift. Whenever space frame
materials are unloaded or placed over concrete slab, the materials shall be scattered
over the slab area to distribute the weight and whenever possible, materials shall be
placed along beam locations.

Space Frame steel palettes/ boxes.

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4.1.2 Contractor to ensure unloading and storage of space frame materials. Advanced
confirmation notice should be issued prior to delivery. Material receiving shall be
conducted by QC personnel with regards to vendor inspection and disposition

4.1.3 Space frame materials must be kept in clear and unobstructed location, readily
accessible during installation work. Unnecessary transfer of materials from one place
to another due to hindrance with other works should always be avoided to prevent
scratches and damages to the components.

4.1.4 Area for erection work shall be ready and clear from disturbances. Materials to be
erected shall be ready to be place prior to commencement of erection activities.

4.1.5 Scaffoldings access must be monitored for any possible hindrance. Erection foreman
must ensure a continuous erection work.

4.1.6 Access passage way, materials, tools and equipments required shall be prepared in
advance to ensure continuity of erection work.

4.1.7 Work permit required for the erection work must be ready in the first hour of the

4.2 Space Frame Erection by Assembly-on-Ground, Lift-by-Crane Method

4.2.1 STAGE 1 Assembly of Space Frame on-ground.

a) A convenient area where the space frame will be assembled is identified, which
should be as close as possible to the support columns to facilitate the lifting
operation. The start point of the space frame installation is selected by the
erection crew. Using the space frame erection drawings as reference, members
and nodes are segregated sequentially following their arrangement in the
erection drawings. If required, Rafid will provide the Contractor advance copies
of erection drawings prior to start of actual erection work.

b) Using open spanners, wrenches and other applicable tools; space frame
supports, nodes and members are assembled manually on-ground. Space frame
installation is carried-out in-situ, grid-by-grid until fully completed. Whilst work
is on ground, ensure that workers always wear safety accessories such as gloves,
safety harness or belts, safety shoes and safety helmets during installation work.
Be vigilant and wary against unsafe work practices.

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c) Sufficient pit is dug or excavated at the location of drop-down module support
to enable the installation of members that connects the space frame with the
steel columns. Hence, drop-down module supports are installed while the space
frame remains on ground and totally avoiding the need to work under the
suspended space frame (see below photos).

d) After the space frame assembly is completed, installation of stools and purlins
shall follow.

Space frame assembly on ground to be lifted into position by crane.

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4.2.2 STAGE 2 Crane lifting of the assembled Space Frame.

At the onset, it is recognized that any actual lifting procedure and operation shall be
specifically planned, conceived, worked-out, prepared and finalized by a certified
Rigger in close coordination with certified Crane Operator and after their first-hand
investigation of the site and the space frame to be lifted. This is to be done prior to
any actual lifting operation. Hence, required Lifting Plan has to be prepared by the
Rigger and Crane Operator responsible for the actual lifting operation.

The methods outline below therefore, is general and limited in nature. It does not
cover the specific activities of the actual lifting operation itself.

a) Rafid to provide the lifting load or weight of the space frame including
identification of lifting points on the space frame.

Attachment 1 - Space Frame Weight and Lifting Points

b) Ensure the availability of suitable crane appropriate for the given lifting load,
certified rigger and crane operator in the area.

c) The space frame is fully assembled on-ground, as close as possible to the

support columns and following applicable methods and procedure as described

d) Upon completion of space frame assembly, certified Rigger and Crane Operator
will investigate the area and the space frame. Lifting load and points are
provided and Rigger with Crane Operator prepares and approves the Lifting Plan.

e) Prior to actual lifting, ensure proper and correct arrangement or tying of sling
belt/cable at lifting points. CABLE OR SLING BELT MUST BE TIED AROUND NODE
AND NOT ON MEMBERS AT LIFTING POINTS. This is to prevent shearing of bolt on
space frame members which could cause failure of lifting operation.


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f) Assembled space frame is lifted into position on top of columns. When correct
position is ascertained, all space frame supports are fully welded with anchor

g) Bent members if any, are removed and either rectified or replaced. Rectified or
replacement members are installed in their original and correct locations.

h) Touch-up paint is applied to members that sustained scratches or slight finish


i) Before leaving the site, the erection crew shall clean and restore the working area
to its original condition.

A typical space frame lifting arrangement. Rigger is shown manning

and in full control of the lift operation.

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1. Space Frame at the start of lift operation. Note that fascia panels are installed.

2. Space Frame lifting operation

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3. Drop-down modules (member supports) being positioned on top of columns.

4. Space Frame lifted on top of columns.

The space frame of (Project Name) shall be installed and erected in accordance with the above
Erection Method Statement and Procedures.

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